Brilliant post by G York.
Adore calls the 'surprise' the moment of violation of Sovereign
Desire. Sovereign is defined as "you want it, you got it."
Sovereignty wants to engage in non sovereignty for a while, Adore
calls this majesty, Master of Jest, the impulse towards amusement
through ludicrous demise. Ludicrous comes from 'game'.
"Majesty is the Sovereign Desire that Desire not be Sovereign *FOR
Presumably the thetan can not be surprised except by choice, and at
higher levels, even though things happen that are unexpected, the thetan
retains the feeling that things are as they were setup to be, he is
engaged in getting slaughtered by *HIS OWN* arcade game, and those he
*INVITED*, so sovereignty remains in, even though he has no idea what is
going to happen next, and he is losing as fast as he can play.
As long as the sovereignty and the invite remain in on the playing
field, the game and the various teams, he can continue to play and enjoy
it no matter what happens.
However the thetan can also engage in more serious levels of
surprise, where sovereignty is violated absolutely and utterly.
The consideration that this is so is probably an unprovoked overt
act against himself, the very idea that sovereignty might have been
violated for real will make the thetan feel so dark he will scare the
hell out of himself and become even more sure that it has.
"Doubt is self casting."
This is Adore's Doubt Effect and is engaged upon with full knowing
responsibility and full awareness of the consequences.
So its an engagement.
Adore says that one of the items in the violation is incredibility.
Incredibility is defined as
Certainty something exists.
Certainty something is impossible.
This results in shock and timelessness, because the thetan running
into an impossibility, *CAN NOT* just go on. He tries to end game for a
moment to regain his bearings, Like Captain Picard in Star Trek, he says
'Computer, end program' on the holodeck of life as it were.
The moment of stopped forward motion, puts the thetan into a
timelessness where he is again in contact with his fountainhead of
source, the power emanating from there is infinite, but rather than a
flow coming through the thetan being casted out to the world as an
exercise of his sovereignty, "Source sources when Will Casts", the
thetan is more turned around looking back down the channel of power
wondering who or what created *THAT*, whatever it was that surprised him
Adore defines religious insanity as "Who or what is cause around
here and why is it such an asshole!"
This stopped moment of time with the thetan looking the 'wrong way
to', back down at source, is the moment of shock,
It is a moment of considered separation from source and the outward
flow of power, the thetan is looking inward toward the power, and the
power, is flowing out through him in spite of himself,
The thetan ends up resisting the outward casting of what is going
on, and a strong commitment to "*I* didn't create that, *NO ONE* created
that, what the *HELL* is going on here?"
It gets the thetan into Duality, like there is him and there is
something else, not other thetans that are like him, they wouldn't
create the thing that happened either, this is something *ELSE*.
He may mockup a terminal identity to give this *ELSE* a name, Adore
calls it Nemesis One.
Nemesis One is not just an enemy out on the playing field, the
thetan can end program on that any time he wants. This is more alien,
something that *CAN'T* exist but does. You see that never gets
resolved. The thetan takes a loss on it, shrugs his shoulders and goes
on with the game accepting that something which can not exist none the
less does. The impossibility is never resolved, and the thetan suspends
his reason and logic at that point because they are no longer of use to
Thus LRH says "Don't forget the incredible chains."
The thetan has affinity for anyone that is a thetan because
inherently he considers that he can duplicate anything that is *LIKE
HIM* no matter how out in left field it becomes.
He considers this violation though did not come from something
*LIKE HIM*, and he can't figure out what else it could be or why it did
it, so he postulates a total duplication failure.
He probably in truth can not understand anything that is not like
himself and source, because in truth there isn't anything else but
himself and source and those like him, and the moment he postulates
there is, he is doomed to not being able to understand or duplicate it.
You know I am not saying that all thetans are the same, but they
all do have a common ground of operation, no matter how different their
personal manifestations are. If one looks closely at one self and
other's, one will always find the common ground that is identical to
all. This is the basis of affinity.
Since he considers he didn't postulate it, and that all his buddies
out on the playing field couldn't have either, he considers that he
can't duplicate what would have created it, because nothing in its right
mind would have, so he knows he can't get rid of it, because he can't
as-is it and is not sure he wants to, lest he become like it.
An as-isness is a becoming what is being as-ised, mocking one's
self up as, and in the inability or unwillingness to be something,
he can never get rid of it.
Eventually he becomes it anyhow by virtue of "you become what you
fear if you lose to it."
This first moment of the fall from Sovereignty is an important
moment to contact and run out. It will turn the thetan around again to
where Source is not something other than him, trying to do him in with
impossibilities, and he can regain his ability to maintain his position
in space as caster of outward manifestation along with his other casting
thetan buddies.
The *otherness* to life will have vanished.
But watch it, his tendency towards Operating Majesty will be
rehabilitated again.
gfyork ( wrote:
>Homer Wilson Smith wrote:
>> >But at basic, overts are always comitted to solve something,
>> >so the prior confusion tech undercuts and works even if
>> >you are in the middle of a GPM.
>> Please everyone, define confusion as you understand it.
>> Homer
>I'll take a stab at that.
>A confusion is a failure to predict, a protest, a mass, and a postulate
>that resolves the failure.
>The "leading edge" of confusion is a shock: the moment you realize
>prediction has failed. Something happened that was not allowed for in
>your estimation of the possible futures. This can be as minor as when a
>person suddenly asks you a totally off the wall question -- one that you
>can answer, perhaps -- but the asking of it at that time was so
>completely unanticipated that you are momentarily shocked and must take
>a moment to realign your reality to include it. Or it can be as major
>as sudden death.
>Following the shock is a period containing a bundle (or mass) of
>misemotion. This mass may include fear (of bodily injury, inability to
>cope, whatever), self-doubt, anger (at self or others), protest,
>helplessness, etc. It also strongly contains NEED OF CHANGE. I'd guess
>that the main thing charging up the mass is huge protest.
>It may be that need of change proceeds from avoidance of the unpleasant
>emotions; it may be that we just have a very strong need to feel we can
>correctly anticipate the future. We need to get our predictor working
>From Idenics, comes the idea that this is the area where new identities
>are often created -- to resolve a major confusion. Basically we have to
>QUICKLY figure out what to do to get things back on track.
>We've got a failed prediction situation -- we KNOW we've either got bad
>data or have misevaluated our data. Hence, we're real vulnerable.
>ANYTHING could happen. We know it's imperative to get our data
>reevaluated, realigned and to do so rapidly.
>Ron said that it's possible to handle a confusion by picking one "stable
>datum" and aligning everything around it.
>When we're sitting in a confusion, we often do something similar to this
>which is not quite correct: we kind of ask ourselves, "what hypothesis
>could explain the observed data?" We answer that question (in a hurry)
>then, because we're in a hurry, and all the data fits the hypothesis of
>course, we assume the hypothesis to be true.
>"I was SURE I would make my sales quota this week! What went wrong?"
>Hypothesis: "I'm just not good with people."
>That would explain it. That's it! ( I feel better already.)
>Solution to better prediction? Easy:
> Find a job where I don't have to work with people so much. (Whew!)
>Now I know life will be better. I've resolved the confusion, figured
>out my failure to predict, and have a plan to set things right. Life
>should be more predictable from now on. And, of course, it might --
>particularly if I hadn't just latched on to the first explanation that
>aligned all the data.
>[ When these "hypotheses" are acceptable to others, and are general
>enough to "explain" other failures, they can become habitual and move
>into the Service Fac. category.]
>Because we're often making these decisions hastily and while sitting in
>the middle of a bunch of charge, with stable data blown, the decisions
>are often way screwed up.
>This accounts for the postulate found in engrams because nearly all
>engrams come about because of a failure to predict, contain the shock of
>that failure and the urgency to figure it out and get things back on
>So, the leading edge of a confusion is shock, in the middle is protest,
>a bunch of misemotion and hasty realignment of data, at the trailing
>edge is the postulate: the decision to do, be or have that we figure
>will get things back on track.
>What is prediction? What if it is not so much the attempt to foresee
>the future as the attempt to create the future? Should this be so, then
>the shock becomes the moment we realize that somebody just stomped all
>over a bunch of our postulates. Or it could be the ARC break with
>others when we discover that the agreement we THOUGHT we had has been
>Hmm. If we are continuously cocreating a consensus reality with our
>fellow gods, how could we really fail to predict reality? Seems we
>would already have to have gone out of communication to some degree with
>our fellows. Maybe trying to not know the consensus and enforce our own
>We like Games, Opponents, and Surprise. To have surprise and opponents,
>we have to not know what our opponents will do. But, to have a
>consensus reality, we have to know every bit of what our opponents will
>do in order to see that it all gets mocked up properly.
>If the PU is about having games, opponents, and surprise, and if there
>is no, "Big Thetan," keeping it all mocked up for us, then a requirement
>for participation must be the ability to divide our knowingness so that
>we can, simultaneously, both know and not know.
>It would seem that we cannot get past compulsive not know unless we are
>willing to give up surprise and opponents. Maybe LRH was on to
>something with that pandeterminism stuff. :)
>Gary F. York
>5422 So. Franklin Ave.
>Springfield, Mo. 65810
>(417) 823-7251
Homer Wilson Smith The paths of lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 cross in Internet Access, Ithaca NY the line of duty.
Homer Wilson Smith The paths of lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 cross in Internet Access, Ithaca NY the line of duty.
Homer Wilson Smith The paths of lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 cross in Internet Access, Ithaca NY the line of duty.
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