Hash: SHA1
(This is about the below posting, read it first or this one won't
make any sense.)
I would say you missed the beauty to the incident and still are,
thus it remains only partially run out and lingers as a lesson, as a
rue, don't want that to happen again.
How much enjoyment did higher beings get out of seeing your slap
stick comedy you put on for them at your expense?
How much love did it take to do that for them?
What had they done for you in the way of (painful) slap stick that
you appreciated with high appreciation for ludicrous demise?
What is the ultimate intent of the author creating such things?
Random engagement, or is their art?
Is there masterpiece?
It will only erase, as if it never happened, once the masterpiece
plane is contacted and let go on this incident.
What was the lie package that comprised the persistence and
unfolding of the event from the suffering point of view?
How was the lie package AS beautiful as the being who was
suffering, and as the suffering was ugly?
Once the match is made, the balance understood, the conservation of
beauty reaffirmed, the efficiacy of humor reinstated on the throne of
justice, then you will be free to create such again.
Until then there will be suffering and worry (rue) forever.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
On Tue, 7 Sep 2010, Pip wrote:
>> Virtue for the Author is not the same as virtue for the characters.
> True. I actually remember a frightening example of the author-character
> relationship. First I remembered a terrifying and tragic incident while
> working on a somatic. It was this lifetime but I had completely
> suppressed it - I had not a clue. In resolving this incident I began
> to have flashbacks of earlier moments that led up to this event. In one
> of those moments I was in a higher state of consciousness and was
> devising the way things would unfold; actually setting it all up,
> creating it. I wouldn't say I was the ultimate author, but I had author
> priveledges and was shaping events. So as the author, the story was
> important, but the trials and tribulations (and pain) of my character
> were of NO CONCERN. That's the FRIGHTENING part. As an author it's
> fine to write that the hero of the story "arched in bone splitting pain
> and the bullet passed through his shoulder blade" but the character is
> probably not smiling about it. However, the ultimate author knows it's
> all just a story, an illusion cast in the world of duality. In this
> instance all turned out well (miraculously! - just as the author 'wrote'
> it to) and the I survived. Still, I don't much like being a pawn
> anymore, even if it's of myself. Even if I had read the script and
> known the outcome I absolutely would have declined the part. Probably
> ..... maybe.
> Pip
> homer@lightlink.com wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Author's write stories in which there are characters.
>> Good stories have good and evil characters.
>> Virtue for the Author is not the same as virtue for the characters.
>> A good story is not a story in which all characters are good.
>> "But Homer are you saying we should go out an commit evil?!"
>> Certainly not as a character. Your body for example is part
>> of you as a character, not you as an Author, so you should not
>> commit harm with the body. This is part of the doctrine of
>> harmlessness.
>> However as Author, as 'you as an OT', you certainly should create
>> majestic tapestries of good and evil, hide the humor in the conflict and
>> hold it up for all to partake in.
>> As Author one is not harming the universe by doing so,
>> one is in fact enhancing the universe, by enhancing the story.
>> Dicoms are like sandwiches, they enfold and hide humor.
>> Homer
>> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
>> (607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
>> homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
>> ================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
>> Tue Sep 7 03:06:27 EDT 2010
>> ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore99.memo
>> Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
>> Version: GnuPG v1.2.7 (GNU/Linux)
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>> YSdihDIf2UKkrt99JORI1Mc=
>> =WAeW
>> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
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Tue Sep 7 16:17:20 EDT 2010
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Sat Jan 31 03:06:02 EST 2015
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Friday, January 30, 2015
VIRAL (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
I do hope your sarcasm meter works.... :)
Copyright (C) 1992 Homer Wilson Smith
There are no Rights, only Duties.
(Have I posted this yet? God I hope not. I'll never live it down.
> There is of course much room for an arms race here, with viruses
>being written to escape detection by existing anti-stealth methods,
>anti-virus programs getting cleverer anti-stealth, and so on. I'd
>advise Ken not to let the discussion of possible methods get too
>detailed here in public! *8)
Dear Gentlemen,
The bitnet and usenet mailing lists are distributed on a world wide
basis to anyone who has a connection. This includes irresponsible
students, repressive foreign governments, international terrorist
groups, religious fanatics, psychotic killers and other people of
unstable mental tendencies or any one else who might want to harm
America or mankind.
Computer viruses are probably the single most dangerous phenomenon
to come along since nuclear power and weaponry. They are covert, hard
or impossible to detect by the normal human, and they can invade
secretly and do their damage months after they have been allowed to
spread and infect entire communities.
Worse, their vectors are human beings who have little to no
understanding of the computers they use or what viruses are or how to
deal with them.
They are created both on a lark by people who have no idea of the
damage that they might wreck, and by people who are deadly serious about
destroying or taking over our country or the planet.
One computer virus in the right place could disable or control our
entire national defense system.
There are two primary differences between computer viruses and a
real biological virus.
The first difference is that a computer virus must be actively
created by an intelligent human being, and in fact are trivially easy to
create by anyone with a 10th grade education. School children could
conceivably create them as a prank against their own kind, a prank that
might have devastating effects on the outcome of global history.
Computer viruses once created must then be intentionally
infiltrated to the systems of other unsuspecting human beings, and then
actually and physically executed by those other human beings. A
computer virus on a shelf or on an unused disk is harmless.
Biological viruses on the other hand are very difficult to create,
and get created on their own anyhow by the natural processes of
evolution. They do not need to be intentionally spread by humans, and
in fact will grow and replicate even if no one has anything to with
them. The wind can carry them to infect another host. Humans do not
need to be in the loop except as the final infectee.
Computer viruses once found are very easy to eradicate and systems
can then be protected from being infected again by the same virus.
Biological viruses on the other hand are very difficult to eradicate and
reinfection is always possible.
Lastly however, the damage done by the computer virus is limited to
the data on the machine, and usually does not destroy the machine
itself. With proper backups the damage caused by a computer virus can
be minimized. Biological viruses on the other hand can and often do
cause the terminal death of the infected host.
This might give one cause to think that computer viruses are just
not that bad when compared to biological viruses. However, think again.
The SECOND big difference between a computer virus and a biological
virus is as follows.
When a biological virus infects its host, its effects are usually
limited to rendering inoperable certain functions of the host or
destroying it completely.
A computer virus on the other hand can TOTALLY TAKE OVER THE HOST,
and with out damaging any part of it, that is it can put all of its
total functionality to use for its own purposes!
Imagine a human virus that when it took over the host, did not harm
it or lessen its abilities, but instead took over the human's INTENTION,
and turned him into a evil raiding marauding robot.
As the world becomes more and more computer literate, more and more
software is being written for computers to do work much too complex for
humans to do, and work that is too dangerous to allow the frailties and
mistakes of a human to creep in. Consider the computers that run the
nuclear power plants and can shut them down in a millionth of a second
if something is not right.
The more software you put into computers, the bigger the computers
are, the more powerful and functional they become. The functionality of
present day computers is so immense that the fate of the world literally
lies in the balance and well meaning of their bits and bytes.
For years people have reveled in horror stories such as 'Fail Safe'
which detailed in great agony the fact that computers were not indeed
fail safe. The slightest programming error, or misconception of
protocol could lock humans out of the decision loop and start or fail to
stop a nuclear war.
Now let's consider another scenario, which is that the computers
ARE fail safe but totally devoted to the evil ends of a demented
programmer who made no mistakes. How would you stop such a computer?
It could wait quiescently for years for the day that some nut signed on
through some backdoor and gave the command to kill.
Do you have even the faintest notion how much RAW THERMO NUCLEAR
POWER is controlled by the KILL command of present day computers?
It is a very small step to imagine that one day an intelligently
designed computer virus could infiltrate such a computer system, and
take over all of its years and years and years of programmed ability and
totally devote that computer towards the ends of the demented soul who
wrote that virus.
Like it or not national security and winning war today is based on
knowledge, technical knowledge of the physical universe, how it runs,
how to use it, and how to destroy it in the enemy's hands.
Every piece of technical knowledge there is one way or another goes
into the huge make up of physical wisdom that allows us to remain secure
from our enemies and dominate the land with our weaponry, communication
lines and brute force.
Those with the force of the stars and the computers to guide them
will be winners in this race to the top.
To the degree that we have such knowledge and others don't, we are
that much more secure from the onslaught of foreign hoards and foreign
philosophies; that many more days that we can live in freedom and avoid
the dark night of slavery.
Therefore such knowledge of the physical universe is and should be
considered critical for National Security purposes. To have such
knowledge known by everyone, to be widely spread all over the world by
every computer mailing list, would be tantamount to treason and self
You wouldn't want our enemies knowing what we know about nuclear
weaponry, lasers, encryption, biological warfare or other super secret
methods of communication and self defense.
So why then do you wantonly spread data about computer viruses
which are endlessly more dangerous in the long run than all the rest of
the above mentioned items?
virus is the missing link that the enemy needs to downright take control
over all our weaponry without even knowing how it all works!
Yes viruses today are relatively benign and primitive, but they are
being nurtured and grown in the bubbling cauldron of our schools and
play yards of the country. How many times in recent history have you
heard of a couple of kids getting arrested for making and setting a
virus free? How long does it take for a virus to be made at Cornell to
get to Japan? What was the vector? Was it top secret research into
fields that no one can pronounce let alone spell? No, it was GAMES!
At present time, kids are a major creator of viruses and a major
vector of viruses. How would you feel about letting your kids go to a
school where all the children were harboring, growing and designing cold
viruses and passing them onto their playmates as practical jokes? You
would take this very seriously, no?
You certainly would not be teaching your children how to make
biological viruses or giving them the biological warfare tools to make
Giving a child a chemistry set for Christmas is possibly one thing,
but giving them a biological warfare set is quite another.
Yet the worst a biological virus can do is kill you. A computer
virus can ENSLAVE you, or the machines that it infects, and then THEY
will kill you.
And here we have school children immersed in computers and the
tools of virus production from a very early age.
Would you allow your children to play with a nuclear reactor, or
rocket fuel, or seething cauldrons of biological goo coming alive?
No of course not.
But without removing all computers from the class room and the
general public at large, how are you going to control the spreading
infection of really serious computer viruses, especially the many that
There's a lot of arrogant people in this field, 'Oh we have it all
under control, we can detect anything that might infect your computer!'
Very comforting. Are they in the pay of the people writing the
viruses? Or are the people writing the viruses in the pay of the people
who make their living defending us against viruses?
Given the above information I would recommend that all data about
viruses become classified top secret information strictly controlled by
the government. All broad public issue of information concerning
viruses should immediately be banned and punishable under criminal
statutes, and all computer mailing lists including this one (virus-l) be
shut down and all books on computer viruses that are available to the
public immediately be withdrawn from the shelves and put out of print.
Further all anti viral software should be taken out of the
commercial private sector and placed into the hands of the government.
There should be one government agency to oversee and control the
production of anti viral software and they should be the sole source of
such software to the public.
Further laws should be passed regulating the sale and ownership of
personal computers. Every personal computer should be registered with
the government with an appropriate licensing fee. Purchase of the
authorized anti viral software and training in its use should be
mandatory, the expense to be paid by the owner of the computer.
If you want to be the owner of a possible vector for world
destruction then you must take some responsibility for your decision.
Other people's lives and safety are at stake.
Proceeds from such licensing fees and sales would go towards
administration of the anti viral regulations and the law enforcement
agencies responsible for hunting down and bringing computer criminals to
In this day and age, the price of freedom is eternal vigilance and
a little more government.
Your right to free speech ends when the knowledge that you speak
can be used by our enemies to harm us.
Homer Wilson Smith
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Fri Jan 30 13:34:54 EST 2015
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
I do hope your sarcasm meter works.... :)
Copyright (C) 1992 Homer Wilson Smith
There are no Rights, only Duties.
(Have I posted this yet? God I hope not. I'll never live it down.
> There is of course much room for an arms race here, with viruses
>being written to escape detection by existing anti-stealth methods,
>anti-virus programs getting cleverer anti-stealth, and so on. I'd
>advise Ken not to let the discussion of possible methods get too
>detailed here in public! *8)
Dear Gentlemen,
The bitnet and usenet mailing lists are distributed on a world wide
basis to anyone who has a connection. This includes irresponsible
students, repressive foreign governments, international terrorist
groups, religious fanatics, psychotic killers and other people of
unstable mental tendencies or any one else who might want to harm
America or mankind.
Computer viruses are probably the single most dangerous phenomenon
to come along since nuclear power and weaponry. They are covert, hard
or impossible to detect by the normal human, and they can invade
secretly and do their damage months after they have been allowed to
spread and infect entire communities.
Worse, their vectors are human beings who have little to no
understanding of the computers they use or what viruses are or how to
deal with them.
They are created both on a lark by people who have no idea of the
damage that they might wreck, and by people who are deadly serious about
destroying or taking over our country or the planet.
One computer virus in the right place could disable or control our
entire national defense system.
There are two primary differences between computer viruses and a
real biological virus.
The first difference is that a computer virus must be actively
created by an intelligent human being, and in fact are trivially easy to
create by anyone with a 10th grade education. School children could
conceivably create them as a prank against their own kind, a prank that
might have devastating effects on the outcome of global history.
Computer viruses once created must then be intentionally
infiltrated to the systems of other unsuspecting human beings, and then
actually and physically executed by those other human beings. A
computer virus on a shelf or on an unused disk is harmless.
Biological viruses on the other hand are very difficult to create,
and get created on their own anyhow by the natural processes of
evolution. They do not need to be intentionally spread by humans, and
in fact will grow and replicate even if no one has anything to with
them. The wind can carry them to infect another host. Humans do not
need to be in the loop except as the final infectee.
Computer viruses once found are very easy to eradicate and systems
can then be protected from being infected again by the same virus.
Biological viruses on the other hand are very difficult to eradicate and
reinfection is always possible.
Lastly however, the damage done by the computer virus is limited to
the data on the machine, and usually does not destroy the machine
itself. With proper backups the damage caused by a computer virus can
be minimized. Biological viruses on the other hand can and often do
cause the terminal death of the infected host.
This might give one cause to think that computer viruses are just
not that bad when compared to biological viruses. However, think again.
The SECOND big difference between a computer virus and a biological
virus is as follows.
When a biological virus infects its host, its effects are usually
limited to rendering inoperable certain functions of the host or
destroying it completely.
A computer virus on the other hand can TOTALLY TAKE OVER THE HOST,
and with out damaging any part of it, that is it can put all of its
total functionality to use for its own purposes!
Imagine a human virus that when it took over the host, did not harm
it or lessen its abilities, but instead took over the human's INTENTION,
and turned him into a evil raiding marauding robot.
As the world becomes more and more computer literate, more and more
software is being written for computers to do work much too complex for
humans to do, and work that is too dangerous to allow the frailties and
mistakes of a human to creep in. Consider the computers that run the
nuclear power plants and can shut them down in a millionth of a second
if something is not right.
The more software you put into computers, the bigger the computers
are, the more powerful and functional they become. The functionality of
present day computers is so immense that the fate of the world literally
lies in the balance and well meaning of their bits and bytes.
For years people have reveled in horror stories such as 'Fail Safe'
which detailed in great agony the fact that computers were not indeed
fail safe. The slightest programming error, or misconception of
protocol could lock humans out of the decision loop and start or fail to
stop a nuclear war.
Now let's consider another scenario, which is that the computers
ARE fail safe but totally devoted to the evil ends of a demented
programmer who made no mistakes. How would you stop such a computer?
It could wait quiescently for years for the day that some nut signed on
through some backdoor and gave the command to kill.
Do you have even the faintest notion how much RAW THERMO NUCLEAR
POWER is controlled by the KILL command of present day computers?
It is a very small step to imagine that one day an intelligently
designed computer virus could infiltrate such a computer system, and
take over all of its years and years and years of programmed ability and
totally devote that computer towards the ends of the demented soul who
wrote that virus.
Like it or not national security and winning war today is based on
knowledge, technical knowledge of the physical universe, how it runs,
how to use it, and how to destroy it in the enemy's hands.
Every piece of technical knowledge there is one way or another goes
into the huge make up of physical wisdom that allows us to remain secure
from our enemies and dominate the land with our weaponry, communication
lines and brute force.
Those with the force of the stars and the computers to guide them
will be winners in this race to the top.
To the degree that we have such knowledge and others don't, we are
that much more secure from the onslaught of foreign hoards and foreign
philosophies; that many more days that we can live in freedom and avoid
the dark night of slavery.
Therefore such knowledge of the physical universe is and should be
considered critical for National Security purposes. To have such
knowledge known by everyone, to be widely spread all over the world by
every computer mailing list, would be tantamount to treason and self
You wouldn't want our enemies knowing what we know about nuclear
weaponry, lasers, encryption, biological warfare or other super secret
methods of communication and self defense.
So why then do you wantonly spread data about computer viruses
which are endlessly more dangerous in the long run than all the rest of
the above mentioned items?
virus is the missing link that the enemy needs to downright take control
over all our weaponry without even knowing how it all works!
Yes viruses today are relatively benign and primitive, but they are
being nurtured and grown in the bubbling cauldron of our schools and
play yards of the country. How many times in recent history have you
heard of a couple of kids getting arrested for making and setting a
virus free? How long does it take for a virus to be made at Cornell to
get to Japan? What was the vector? Was it top secret research into
fields that no one can pronounce let alone spell? No, it was GAMES!
At present time, kids are a major creator of viruses and a major
vector of viruses. How would you feel about letting your kids go to a
school where all the children were harboring, growing and designing cold
viruses and passing them onto their playmates as practical jokes? You
would take this very seriously, no?
You certainly would not be teaching your children how to make
biological viruses or giving them the biological warfare tools to make
Giving a child a chemistry set for Christmas is possibly one thing,
but giving them a biological warfare set is quite another.
Yet the worst a biological virus can do is kill you. A computer
virus can ENSLAVE you, or the machines that it infects, and then THEY
will kill you.
And here we have school children immersed in computers and the
tools of virus production from a very early age.
Would you allow your children to play with a nuclear reactor, or
rocket fuel, or seething cauldrons of biological goo coming alive?
No of course not.
But without removing all computers from the class room and the
general public at large, how are you going to control the spreading
infection of really serious computer viruses, especially the many that
There's a lot of arrogant people in this field, 'Oh we have it all
under control, we can detect anything that might infect your computer!'
Very comforting. Are they in the pay of the people writing the
viruses? Or are the people writing the viruses in the pay of the people
who make their living defending us against viruses?
Given the above information I would recommend that all data about
viruses become classified top secret information strictly controlled by
the government. All broad public issue of information concerning
viruses should immediately be banned and punishable under criminal
statutes, and all computer mailing lists including this one (virus-l) be
shut down and all books on computer viruses that are available to the
public immediately be withdrawn from the shelves and put out of print.
Further all anti viral software should be taken out of the
commercial private sector and placed into the hands of the government.
There should be one government agency to oversee and control the
production of anti viral software and they should be the sole source of
such software to the public.
Further laws should be passed regulating the sale and ownership of
personal computers. Every personal computer should be registered with
the government with an appropriate licensing fee. Purchase of the
authorized anti viral software and training in its use should be
mandatory, the expense to be paid by the owner of the computer.
If you want to be the owner of a possible vector for world
destruction then you must take some responsibility for your decision.
Other people's lives and safety are at stake.
Proceeds from such licensing fees and sales would go towards
administration of the anti viral regulations and the law enforcement
agencies responsible for hunting down and bringing computer criminals to
In this day and age, the price of freedom is eternal vigilance and
a little more government.
Your right to free speech ends when the knowledge that you speak
can be used by our enemies to harm us.
Homer Wilson Smith
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Fri Jan 30 13:34:54 EST 2015
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Thursday, January 29, 2015
ADORE208 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
If you represent all the beliefs of Christianity as a large circle
on a piece of paper, and all the beliefs of Islam, Judaism, and other
religions as other circles on the same paper, certainly those circles
will over lap where the beliefs are common to all of them.
It is clearly hypocritical and bigoted to claim that America is a
Christian nation because it holds dear the beliefs that are common to
all the religions. You might as well say it is an Islam nation or
Jewish nation too, since they also hold those same things dear.
So in order to claim that America is a CHRISTIAN nation, one would
have to find those beliefs and values UNIQUE to Christianity that help
define what America is.
For example faith in Jesus as Savior will NEVER be a defining
nature of what it means to be an American.
Nor will faith in any God, as America is defined by freedom to
believe any religion or no religion that you wish.
Now THAT defines America.
So does freedom of the press, freedom to vote, freedom to
congregate, and freedom to speak.
Now the article that I posted earlier indicated there were 4 types
of power, political, military, commercial and religious.
As is evidenced by their long dissertations and endless debate on
the matter, it is clear the founding fathers were well aware of the
problems that arise when political power is owned by military,
commercial or religious power.
They thus *INTENTIONALLY*, and at great effort and risk to
themselves, designed the constitution around protecting political power
from usurpation by military, commercial or religious interests. Whether
they succeed or not is open to question. :)
The point is that America is first and foremost defined by her
Consitution, and only secondly by her people.
Therefore by definition American can not be a Christian Nation, nor
any other kind of military, commercial or religious nation. (The fact
that we happen to be a capitalism rather than a communism is not part of
the Constitution which would not forbid nor enforce either.)
Now the Christians like to tell us that America was first populated
by Christians. But this of course is not true, it was populated by
native Indian people's for thousands of years before the Christians
Then when the first Christians did come in 1942 with Christopher
Columbus, they proceeded to enslave, torture and finally murder off the
entire Indian culture on the islands they landed on, all in the name of
The first real influx of people after that to America as we know it
where not Christians looking to escape persecution, but opportunity
seekers, and fortune hunters looking for adventure.
*THEN* the Pilgrims came and proceeded to murder off more Indians
with small pox in baby blankets, all in the name of Jesus.
So perhaps the Christians think America is now a Christian nation
after they have raped and plundered it out of the hands of its original
owners, but fortunately the founding fathers, Adams, Washington,
Madison, Franklin etc, were able to design a higher ideal, namely
politcal power free from ownership by military, commercial or religious
Thus the idea that America is based on any particular military,
commercial or religious ideology is absurd.
That America has a lot of Christians and right wing capitalists
looking out for the good of the employer is of interest only in passing
note, because it also has a lot of Jews, and Muslims, and people of
every faith, including left wing socialists looking out for the good of
the employee too.
Notice the last 50/50 election?
If America had ONLY Christians in it, it would not be the great
country it is today, it would be a cesspool of religious bigotry and
tyranny you wouldn't want to live in.
The Christians would run a Christian only country the same as the
Muslims would run an all Mulsim country if given half the chance.
So when you look around you and see how America has outstripped the
other petty infighting countries of the rest of the world, notice that
the reason is because America has every *DEIFFERENT* kind of person
here, working together, not to make America their kind of country but to
make America OUR country.
THAT is what defines America.
America is great because it ISN'T a Christian nation.
Thank God and the founding fathers for that.
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Thu Jan 29 14:37:24 EST 2015
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
If you represent all the beliefs of Christianity as a large circle
on a piece of paper, and all the beliefs of Islam, Judaism, and other
religions as other circles on the same paper, certainly those circles
will over lap where the beliefs are common to all of them.
It is clearly hypocritical and bigoted to claim that America is a
Christian nation because it holds dear the beliefs that are common to
all the religions. You might as well say it is an Islam nation or
Jewish nation too, since they also hold those same things dear.
So in order to claim that America is a CHRISTIAN nation, one would
have to find those beliefs and values UNIQUE to Christianity that help
define what America is.
For example faith in Jesus as Savior will NEVER be a defining
nature of what it means to be an American.
Nor will faith in any God, as America is defined by freedom to
believe any religion or no religion that you wish.
Now THAT defines America.
So does freedom of the press, freedom to vote, freedom to
congregate, and freedom to speak.
Now the article that I posted earlier indicated there were 4 types
of power, political, military, commercial and religious.
As is evidenced by their long dissertations and endless debate on
the matter, it is clear the founding fathers were well aware of the
problems that arise when political power is owned by military,
commercial or religious power.
They thus *INTENTIONALLY*, and at great effort and risk to
themselves, designed the constitution around protecting political power
from usurpation by military, commercial or religious interests. Whether
they succeed or not is open to question. :)
The point is that America is first and foremost defined by her
Consitution, and only secondly by her people.
Therefore by definition American can not be a Christian Nation, nor
any other kind of military, commercial or religious nation. (The fact
that we happen to be a capitalism rather than a communism is not part of
the Constitution which would not forbid nor enforce either.)
Now the Christians like to tell us that America was first populated
by Christians. But this of course is not true, it was populated by
native Indian people's for thousands of years before the Christians
Then when the first Christians did come in 1942 with Christopher
Columbus, they proceeded to enslave, torture and finally murder off the
entire Indian culture on the islands they landed on, all in the name of
The first real influx of people after that to America as we know it
where not Christians looking to escape persecution, but opportunity
seekers, and fortune hunters looking for adventure.
*THEN* the Pilgrims came and proceeded to murder off more Indians
with small pox in baby blankets, all in the name of Jesus.
So perhaps the Christians think America is now a Christian nation
after they have raped and plundered it out of the hands of its original
owners, but fortunately the founding fathers, Adams, Washington,
Madison, Franklin etc, were able to design a higher ideal, namely
politcal power free from ownership by military, commercial or religious
Thus the idea that America is based on any particular military,
commercial or religious ideology is absurd.
That America has a lot of Christians and right wing capitalists
looking out for the good of the employer is of interest only in passing
note, because it also has a lot of Jews, and Muslims, and people of
every faith, including left wing socialists looking out for the good of
the employee too.
Notice the last 50/50 election?
If America had ONLY Christians in it, it would not be the great
country it is today, it would be a cesspool of religious bigotry and
tyranny you wouldn't want to live in.
The Christians would run a Christian only country the same as the
Muslims would run an all Mulsim country if given half the chance.
So when you look around you and see how America has outstripped the
other petty infighting countries of the rest of the world, notice that
the reason is because America has every *DEIFFERENT* kind of person
here, working together, not to make America their kind of country but to
make America OUR country.
THAT is what defines America.
America is great because it ISN'T a Christian nation.
Thank God and the founding fathers for that.
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Thu Jan 29 14:37:24 EST 2015
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================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
COLOR (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
Hash: SHA1
Here is the basic color wheel, also the basic rainbow, going
Magenta Yellow
Blue Green
Complementary colors are diagonally opposite each other.
Complementary colors make white as light and black as paint.
Red + Cyan = white for light, black for paint
Yellow + Blue = white for light, black for paint
Magenta + Green = white for light, black for paint.
Red, Green and Blue are the light primaries.
Cyan, Magenta and Yellow are the paint primaries.
With Light (additive colors):
Red + Green = Yellow
Red + Blue = Magenta
Blue + Green = Cyan
With Paints (subtractive colors):
Cyan + Magenta = Blue
Cyan + Yellow = Green
Magenta + Yellow = Red
Notice the relationship of these colors to each other on the
color wheel, Blue for example is between Cyan and Magenta, and so it
is for all of them.
Notice that Cyan + Red makes black because Red is already
Magenta + Yellow, so you have Cyan + Yellow + Magenta. The Cyan
absorbs the red, the Yellow absorbs the blue, and Magenta absorbs
the green, that leaves nothing or black.
Kind of like Catherine.
Using Red, Blue and Yellow as primaries in either system, is
mixing both systems together and leaving out parts of each, they
aren't primaries in either system because you can't get *ALL* the
other three colors from them in either system, only some of them.
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Wed Jan 28 03:06:02 EST 2015
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Thu Jan 29 14:26:46 EST 2015
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Hash: SHA1
Here is the basic color wheel, also the basic rainbow, going
Magenta Yellow
Blue Green
Complementary colors are diagonally opposite each other.
Complementary colors make white as light and black as paint.
Red + Cyan = white for light, black for paint
Yellow + Blue = white for light, black for paint
Magenta + Green = white for light, black for paint.
Red, Green and Blue are the light primaries.
Cyan, Magenta and Yellow are the paint primaries.
With Light (additive colors):
Red + Green = Yellow
Red + Blue = Magenta
Blue + Green = Cyan
With Paints (subtractive colors):
Cyan + Magenta = Blue
Cyan + Yellow = Green
Magenta + Yellow = Red
Notice the relationship of these colors to each other on the
color wheel, Blue for example is between Cyan and Magenta, and so it
is for all of them.
Notice that Cyan + Red makes black because Red is already
Magenta + Yellow, so you have Cyan + Yellow + Magenta. The Cyan
absorbs the red, the Yellow absorbs the blue, and Magenta absorbs
the green, that leaves nothing or black.
Kind of like Catherine.
Using Red, Blue and Yellow as primaries in either system, is
mixing both systems together and leaving out parts of each, they
aren't primaries in either system because you can't get *ALL* the
other three colors from them in either system, only some of them.
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Wed Jan 28 03:06:02 EST 2015
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Thu Jan 29 14:26:46 EST 2015
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Run to a win.
Get the idea of space in front of you.
Get the idea of space behind you.
Get the idea of space to the right of you.
Get the idea of space to the left of you.
Get the idea of space above you.
Get the idea of space below you.
Run to a win.
Get the idea of a future.
Get the idea of a past.
Get the idea of a present.
Much better to dual, and swap roles with auditor often.
It is two way communication that makes auditing stirr up stuff
to as-is, the process is important also, a live comm line to a trusted
terminal magnifies it by 1000.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
On Tue, 27 Jan 2015, AAndrade wrote:
> I am back to reading Adore posts, to collect some Processes I can do Solo.
> thank you.
> Adal
> On Sat, Oct 25, 2014 at 1:57 PM, Homer Wilson Smith
> <HomerWSmith@lightlink.com> wrote:
> Â Â All of adore materials is at
> ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer
> Â Â There is lots more than 600 :)
> Â Â There is no organization to it, its just one long research
> record
> except for the material on the proof at
> http://www.lightlink.com/theproof
> Â Â Postualte Processing is best found by googleing
> Â Â scientology postulate processing.
> Â Â Bob Ross's work is mostly lost after his death.
> Â Â Homer
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Homer Wilson Smith  Clean Air, Clear Water,  Art Matrix -
> Lightlink
> (607) 277-0959    A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca
> NY
> homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask?Â
> Â http://www.lightlink.com
> On Sat, 25 Oct 2014, AAndrade wrote:
> Hi Homer, I've been lately reading much of your
> ADORE teachings on your
> site. I wonder If you have put together all ADORE
> teachings in a single
> book. I am copy/pasting  a Word doc but the number
> of articles with the
> subject ADORE is over 600, and many of them is just
> some comments from
> readers about some previous article.Â
> Also I found an article on "Postulate Processing"
> offer by Bob Ross which I
> know he past away some years ago. Do you know where
> can I buy or get this
> process from ?Â
> thank you .Â
> adal
- --8323328-847624175-1422559306=:6364--
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Thu Jan 29 14:24:32 EST 2015
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
Hash: SHA1
Run to a win.
Get the idea of space in front of you.
Get the idea of space behind you.
Get the idea of space to the right of you.
Get the idea of space to the left of you.
Get the idea of space above you.
Get the idea of space below you.
Run to a win.
Get the idea of a future.
Get the idea of a past.
Get the idea of a present.
Much better to dual, and swap roles with auditor often.
It is two way communication that makes auditing stirr up stuff
to as-is, the process is important also, a live comm line to a trusted
terminal magnifies it by 1000.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
On Tue, 27 Jan 2015, AAndrade wrote:
> I am back to reading Adore posts, to collect some Processes I can do Solo.
> thank you.
> Adal
> On Sat, Oct 25, 2014 at 1:57 PM, Homer Wilson Smith
> <HomerWSmith@lightlink.com> wrote:
> Â Â All of adore materials is at
> ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer
> Â Â There is lots more than 600 :)
> Â Â There is no organization to it, its just one long research
> record
> except for the material on the proof at
> http://www.lightlink.com/theproof
> Â Â Postualte Processing is best found by googleing
> Â Â scientology postulate processing.
> Â Â Bob Ross's work is mostly lost after his death.
> Â Â Homer
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Homer Wilson Smith  Clean Air, Clear Water,  Art Matrix -
> Lightlink
> (607) 277-0959    A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca
> NY
> homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask?Â
> Â http://www.lightlink.com
> On Sat, 25 Oct 2014, AAndrade wrote:
> Hi Homer, I've been lately reading much of your
> ADORE teachings on your
> site. I wonder If you have put together all ADORE
> teachings in a single
> book. I am copy/pasting  a Word doc but the number
> of articles with the
> subject ADORE is over 600, and many of them is just
> some comments from
> readers about some previous article.Â
> Also I found an article on "Postulate Processing"
> offer by Bob Ross which I
> know he past away some years ago. Do you know where
> can I buy or get this
> process from ?Â
> thank you .Â
> adal
- --8323328-847624175-1422559306=:6364--
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Thu Jan 29 14:24:32 EST 2015
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
ADORE327 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
rockyslammer (rockyslammer@postmaster.co.uk) wrote:
>Yes I'm sorry - the Earth is flat and the Sun revolves around it!
>The space cadets have a shock in store for them.
>If anyone out there can demostrate the existance of any spiritual
>being, thetan or whatever you want to call it I will gladly change my
>mind. If someone can demonstrate the existance of any God I would love
>to to find out about it. Mind you I suppose I should cover my arse by
>sitting on the fence. When I die and I find there IS a God I'm going
>to be a little embarassed. Mind you Heaven will be a bit lonely for me
>as all my friends will have gone to the other place!! I will have to
>ask for a transfer.
Looking to others for proof that you exist is silly.
Waiting until you die for proof that you will live beyond body death
is also silly, it also indicates a terribly closed down awareness with no
perception of the divine.
I would say you been saying no to really good drugs for way to long.
Be that as it may, it is belief in false certainties that close the
mind to true certainties, two of which are eternality and divinity.
Cleanse your mind of the things you believe are true but which you
can not possibly know are true, and let only what you are perfectly
certain of remain, and the visions that the true truth has to offer you
will start to turn on.
However let one false certainty remain, one pretense to knowing that
which you can not possibly know, and your mind will remain closed down.
Truth is a jealous god and will not be seen with lie colored glasses.
If you pretend to truth you do not have, then the true truth will not give
one bit of itself to you.
You have no certainty that others exist, only that you yourself
exist. Thus looking to others for certainty of anything about yourself is
very ass backwards.
Oh yeah, and doesn't work.
Wed Apr 12 18:29:46 EDT 2006
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Tue Jan 27 03:06:07 EST 2015
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Thu Jan 29 14:17:41 EST 2015
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
rockyslammer (rockyslammer@postmaster.co.uk) wrote:
>Yes I'm sorry - the Earth is flat and the Sun revolves around it!
>The space cadets have a shock in store for them.
>If anyone out there can demostrate the existance of any spiritual
>being, thetan or whatever you want to call it I will gladly change my
>mind. If someone can demonstrate the existance of any God I would love
>to to find out about it. Mind you I suppose I should cover my arse by
>sitting on the fence. When I die and I find there IS a God I'm going
>to be a little embarassed. Mind you Heaven will be a bit lonely for me
>as all my friends will have gone to the other place!! I will have to
>ask for a transfer.
Looking to others for proof that you exist is silly.
Waiting until you die for proof that you will live beyond body death
is also silly, it also indicates a terribly closed down awareness with no
perception of the divine.
I would say you been saying no to really good drugs for way to long.
Be that as it may, it is belief in false certainties that close the
mind to true certainties, two of which are eternality and divinity.
Cleanse your mind of the things you believe are true but which you
can not possibly know are true, and let only what you are perfectly
certain of remain, and the visions that the true truth has to offer you
will start to turn on.
However let one false certainty remain, one pretense to knowing that
which you can not possibly know, and your mind will remain closed down.
Truth is a jealous god and will not be seen with lie colored glasses.
If you pretend to truth you do not have, then the true truth will not give
one bit of itself to you.
You have no certainty that others exist, only that you yourself
exist. Thus looking to others for certainty of anything about yourself is
very ass backwards.
Oh yeah, and doesn't work.
Wed Apr 12 18:29:46 EDT 2006
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Tue Jan 27 03:06:07 EST 2015
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Thu Jan 29 14:17:41 EST 2015
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Monday, January 26, 2015
ADORE482 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
muldoon (brian9511@dslextreme.com) wrote:
>The above is "Commodore Elron Elray"/"Capt." Bill Robertson-esque
>Anyone want that?
Actually the E/P is very desirable. Running OT I is almost
certainly unquestionable, but if OT II doesn't make you wonder, nothing
will. OT III is just an incident, whether it happened or not is
interesting, but what's really interesting is how the standard bridge
doesn't wait until pc's discover it for themselves. I mean if its
there, and auditing works, and its time to run it, the engram should
just take over and convulse itself out of you, like the alien lizard
baby coughing out of your gut.
Telling people to run OT III is like telling people to run birth,
it will run when its time, I assure you.
Before that, you will get squat and false attests.
>Well, if you do, enjoy the ride.
Hubbard I believe was in a hurry and decided to violate the
auditor's code to push people along. Don't think it worked very well,
but he felt he couldn't wait until everyone else found it themselves.
Or he felt that his running of it, now made it accessible to
everyone else who wanted to run it.
He had been trying to find THE incident that everyone should run
for a long time. Why the auditor's code should break down at OT II and
III, I have no clue.
Or he made it up out of whole cloth because he was a sick mother
But if you got to OT II, it's a bit late to be worrying about
Hubbard's intentions. I would say run it, see what happens.
Hubbard's intentions may have been bad, but also may have none the
less been unable to interfere with the channeling of the gods through
Anyhow there are worse incidents on the track than OT III.
The warp core of evil still hasn't been touched, just flaunted.
When you start getting near the core, its very tempting to become
Catholic real fast.
- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Sun Apr 1 00:40:26 EDT 2007
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Sun Jan 25 03:06:02 EST 2015
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
muldoon (brian9511@dslextreme.com) wrote:
>The above is "Commodore Elron Elray"/"Capt." Bill Robertson-esque
>Anyone want that?
Actually the E/P is very desirable. Running OT I is almost
certainly unquestionable, but if OT II doesn't make you wonder, nothing
will. OT III is just an incident, whether it happened or not is
interesting, but what's really interesting is how the standard bridge
doesn't wait until pc's discover it for themselves. I mean if its
there, and auditing works, and its time to run it, the engram should
just take over and convulse itself out of you, like the alien lizard
baby coughing out of your gut.
Telling people to run OT III is like telling people to run birth,
it will run when its time, I assure you.
Before that, you will get squat and false attests.
>Well, if you do, enjoy the ride.
Hubbard I believe was in a hurry and decided to violate the
auditor's code to push people along. Don't think it worked very well,
but he felt he couldn't wait until everyone else found it themselves.
Or he felt that his running of it, now made it accessible to
everyone else who wanted to run it.
He had been trying to find THE incident that everyone should run
for a long time. Why the auditor's code should break down at OT II and
III, I have no clue.
Or he made it up out of whole cloth because he was a sick mother
But if you got to OT II, it's a bit late to be worrying about
Hubbard's intentions. I would say run it, see what happens.
Hubbard's intentions may have been bad, but also may have none the
less been unable to interfere with the channeling of the gods through
Anyhow there are worse incidents on the track than OT III.
The warp core of evil still hasn't been touched, just flaunted.
When you start getting near the core, its very tempting to become
Catholic real fast.
- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Sun Apr 1 00:40:26 EDT 2007
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Sun Jan 25 03:06:02 EST 2015
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Friday, January 23, 2015
ADORE591 (fwd)
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 03:06:02 -0500 (EST)
From: homer@lightlink.com
To: homer@lightlink.com
Subject: ADORE591
Hash: SHA1
OK, let's start at the beginning.
You are a conscious unit.
Consciousness is defined by the facility of perfect certainty.
A perfect certainty can not be wrong.
If you can be perfectly certain of anything, you are conscious.
If you are conscious, you can be perfectly certain of that.
You can be perfectly certain that something exists, because at
least part of that something is you.
You are not a meat body.
You are not a brain.
You are not a process in a brain, and you are not an emanation from
a process in a brain.
You wonder if you exist, but you are just sure your brain exists.
Who or what is it that is sure their brain exists?
And this is a false certainty any how.
This doesn't mean you are sure your brain doesn't exist, it means
it is certain you can never be certain whether your brain exists or not.
At least not until you exteriorize from space and time, and see
that the dream of temporality arises from the actuality of eternality.
In your present state, you can't even be perfectly certain whether
you are asleep or awake, as both are merely different levels of
But you do know you are dreaming without doubt.
And you know you doubt.
Once you know you are dreaming along with the rest of everyone
else, you can then take or leave your brain alone, as it is a dream
brain, and serves the same function as any other dream machine in the
virtual reality of space and time.
The truth is, being fully awake, is being sound asleep in the arms
of eternity, the eternal peace that passeth all understanding.
And dreamtime is tooling around thinking you are awake in the
virtual reality of space and time.
YOU 1 http://www.clearing.org/cgi/archive.cgi?/homer/you1.memo
YOU 2 http://www.clearing.org/cgi/archive.cgi?/homer/you2.memo
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- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Mon Jun 23 01:45:34 EDT 2008
Tue Nov 23 13:15:37 EST 2010
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Fri Jan 23 03:06:02 EST 2015
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================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 03:06:02 -0500 (EST)
From: homer@lightlink.com
To: homer@lightlink.com
Subject: ADORE591
Hash: SHA1
OK, let's start at the beginning.
You are a conscious unit.
Consciousness is defined by the facility of perfect certainty.
A perfect certainty can not be wrong.
If you can be perfectly certain of anything, you are conscious.
If you are conscious, you can be perfectly certain of that.
You can be perfectly certain that something exists, because at
least part of that something is you.
You are not a meat body.
You are not a brain.
You are not a process in a brain, and you are not an emanation from
a process in a brain.
You wonder if you exist, but you are just sure your brain exists.
Who or what is it that is sure their brain exists?
And this is a false certainty any how.
This doesn't mean you are sure your brain doesn't exist, it means
it is certain you can never be certain whether your brain exists or not.
At least not until you exteriorize from space and time, and see
that the dream of temporality arises from the actuality of eternality.
In your present state, you can't even be perfectly certain whether
you are asleep or awake, as both are merely different levels of
But you do know you are dreaming without doubt.
And you know you doubt.
Once you know you are dreaming along with the rest of everyone
else, you can then take or leave your brain alone, as it is a dream
brain, and serves the same function as any other dream machine in the
virtual reality of space and time.
The truth is, being fully awake, is being sound asleep in the arms
of eternity, the eternal peace that passeth all understanding.
And dreamtime is tooling around thinking you are awake in the
virtual reality of space and time.
YOU 1 http://www.clearing.org/cgi/archive.cgi?/homer/you1.memo
YOU 2 http://www.clearing.org/cgi/archive.cgi?/homer/you2.memo
YOU 3 http://www.clearing.org/cgi/archive.cgi?/homer/you3.memo
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YOU 9 http://www.clearing.org/cgi/archive.cgi?/homer/you9.memo
YOU 10 http://www.clearing.org/cgi/archive.cgi?/homer/you10.memo
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Mon Jun 23 01:45:34 EDT 2008
Tue Nov 23 13:15:37 EST 2010
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Fri Jan 23 03:06:02 EST 2015
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================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
ADORE563 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
ACW said:
> "Truth is what it is - - not what you want it to be."
I disagree.
What you have is what you wanted and still want.
What you wanted was a sack of lies, and so it is, exactly as you
wanted it. It persists because you are out of contact with your
original creating desire to have it.
That too is by desire.
Once one finds out the truth, the real and final eternal truth, one
will want that too, as there cannot ever be anything but perfect
alignment between desire and truth.
Thus auditing someone in the direction of an unwanted truth is a
high crime.
Sun Dec 9 22:07:11 EST 2007
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Tue Jan 20 03:06:02 EST 2015
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================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
ACW said:
> "Truth is what it is - - not what you want it to be."
I disagree.
What you have is what you wanted and still want.
What you wanted was a sack of lies, and so it is, exactly as you
wanted it. It persists because you are out of contact with your
original creating desire to have it.
That too is by desire.
Once one finds out the truth, the real and final eternal truth, one
will want that too, as there cannot ever be anything but perfect
alignment between desire and truth.
Thus auditing someone in the direction of an unwanted truth is a
high crime.
Sun Dec 9 22:07:11 EST 2007
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Tue Jan 20 03:06:02 EST 2015
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================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Monday, January 19, 2015
ADORE795 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
09/13/10 Monday 2:57pm EST
I think part of the problem is meatballs live in a world view where
we are born of nothing and evolved, and thus there is no prior knowledge
of anything important forgotten.
Looking down their memory track they expect to see nothing because
they were nothing a while back.
Thus if someone can move the marble, it becomes a *DISCOVERY*,
rather than a *RECOVERY*. Thus of course one would want to shout eureka
to the world and let everyone know.
This doesn't mean the need for a prime directive wouldn't swiftly
form around the ability, but it does mean there is no PRIOR prime
directive hiding those powers in the first place.
Thus it is counter intuitive to the meatball to audit the power
protocol rundown, because he can't imagine that PRIOR violations of
protocol and maybe even the protocols themselves lead to no power.
He also can't imagine that power itself is being used to limit
As long as people are in discovery mode about spiritual abiilties,
they pretty much don't stand a chance, as their responsibility for not
having powers is nill.
Learning by looking is a trap when it comes to spiritual matters.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
On Sun, 12 Sep 2010, Pip wrote:
> Unless one can grasp the idea of the world being a dream, the Prime
> Directive is just another wacky idea in a preposterous world view. But
> if you understand games, you understand mutually agreed upon rules and
> how they are enforced. No matter how far reaching or complex the game
> may be, it's really that simple. No rules, or no enforcement, = no
> game. The only proof is to see it for yourself. I saw it for myself.
> All proof is inside, not outside. Most people won't look - they suffer
> from the fatal disease of "I already know everything". Actually that's
> for protection; looking can be terrifying. It's easier to stay in the
> comfort zone. A lot of talk happens in the comfort zone. It's filled
> with opinions.
> Pip
> PS: The prime directive rule does have some loopholes apparently.
> homer@lightlink.com wrote:
>> In article <5e3c880a-e6f1-4c48-bde5-82e741b5c62d@e34g2000prn.googlegroups.com> you wrote:
>>> Prime directive stuff is a cop out obviously. Who, when, where and
>>> why, and for how long?
>>> Again none of the pertinent information is ever supplied. Pearls
>>> before swine, and the besmirching
>>> of sacremental texts or wisdoms whatever could it possibly be.
>> Actually this is wrong.
>> The prime directive is very simple, if someone wants some
>> ability, you may provide him with time and effort to help HIM
>> get the ability, and you may provide him with the processes to
>> look over before you run them on him if necessary, but you may not
>> demonstrate that YOU have the ability to him before he has it himself.
>> Hardly a cop out.
>> Homer
> _______________________________________________
> Clear-L mailing list
> Clear-L@mailman.lightlink.com
> http://mailman.lightlink.com/mailman/listinfo/clear-l
Mon Sep 13 15:00:15 EDT 2010
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Mon Jan 19 03:06:02 EST 2015
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
09/13/10 Monday 2:57pm EST
I think part of the problem is meatballs live in a world view where
we are born of nothing and evolved, and thus there is no prior knowledge
of anything important forgotten.
Looking down their memory track they expect to see nothing because
they were nothing a while back.
Thus if someone can move the marble, it becomes a *DISCOVERY*,
rather than a *RECOVERY*. Thus of course one would want to shout eureka
to the world and let everyone know.
This doesn't mean the need for a prime directive wouldn't swiftly
form around the ability, but it does mean there is no PRIOR prime
directive hiding those powers in the first place.
Thus it is counter intuitive to the meatball to audit the power
protocol rundown, because he can't imagine that PRIOR violations of
protocol and maybe even the protocols themselves lead to no power.
He also can't imagine that power itself is being used to limit
As long as people are in discovery mode about spiritual abiilties,
they pretty much don't stand a chance, as their responsibility for not
having powers is nill.
Learning by looking is a trap when it comes to spiritual matters.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
On Sun, 12 Sep 2010, Pip wrote:
> Unless one can grasp the idea of the world being a dream, the Prime
> Directive is just another wacky idea in a preposterous world view. But
> if you understand games, you understand mutually agreed upon rules and
> how they are enforced. No matter how far reaching or complex the game
> may be, it's really that simple. No rules, or no enforcement, = no
> game. The only proof is to see it for yourself. I saw it for myself.
> All proof is inside, not outside. Most people won't look - they suffer
> from the fatal disease of "I already know everything". Actually that's
> for protection; looking can be terrifying. It's easier to stay in the
> comfort zone. A lot of talk happens in the comfort zone. It's filled
> with opinions.
> Pip
> PS: The prime directive rule does have some loopholes apparently.
> homer@lightlink.com wrote:
>> In article <5e3c880a-e6f1-4c48-bde5-82e741b5c62d@e34g2000prn.googlegroups.com> you wrote:
>>> Prime directive stuff is a cop out obviously. Who, when, where and
>>> why, and for how long?
>>> Again none of the pertinent information is ever supplied. Pearls
>>> before swine, and the besmirching
>>> of sacremental texts or wisdoms whatever could it possibly be.
>> Actually this is wrong.
>> The prime directive is very simple, if someone wants some
>> ability, you may provide him with time and effort to help HIM
>> get the ability, and you may provide him with the processes to
>> look over before you run them on him if necessary, but you may not
>> demonstrate that YOU have the ability to him before he has it himself.
>> Hardly a cop out.
>> Homer
> _______________________________________________
> Clear-L mailing list
> Clear-L@mailman.lightlink.com
> http://mailman.lightlink.com/mailman/listinfo/clear-l
Mon Sep 13 15:00:15 EDT 2010
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Mon Jan 19 03:06:02 EST 2015
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
ADORE379 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
Curiosus (curiosus@fastmail.fm) wrote:
>Homer wrote:
>> The stronger claim, with a relatively clear view of the top, can
>> then derive workable techology through theory alone, as it has some
>> idea of where the being has been, where it is and where it is going.
>> The theory can fail on those who don't have the stomach yet for
>> the truth, so they end up squirreling anyhow.
>> Most religions that CLAIM to be stronger claim religions are
>> actually lies invented to keep the being down, so stronger claim
>> religions tend to get a bad name.
>How are religions forming their strong claims?
Yes, models which are based on being and effect, lies.
Religions FABRICATE their top level views based on diametric
opposition to God and Soul are One.
They teach that God made Soul, that God made the universe, that
God put the soul in the universe, that God approves or does not
approve of the soul etc. All of which teach separation of God and
They promise in heaven the soul will be with God again, but
that's still separation compared to God and Soul are One.
God did not choose, the soul chose.
God is the underlying mechanism by which the soul can choose.
NOTHING is created that a soul did not choose.
Its is real easy to write a devil spew religion and spread it
around. People suck it up because they know THEY didn't choose, and
they hope someone big who did choose will wreak justice on the evil who
are causing everyone so much trouble.
That's a forever separation of the High-US from parts of itself.
It's sick as sick comes.
>God is the Heavenly father, Mary the Earthly mother, and Jesus the Son
>who participates from both the Heavens and Earth. Jesus died as he was
>bound to Earth, but He resurrected as He was also a divine being. That
>is also the model Earth/Sky, the two main visible items for a man in
>raw nature here on Earth.
But God the father loves his children SO MUCH that he won't
interfere or discipline when one child beats up on another child. Any
human father acting this way would end up in jail for child abuse.
Further the bad children are then punished FOREVER at the end of
their lives for the sins of 4 score and 20, with no hope of
There is no sicker religion on the planet than Christianity.
You will find more love in a Nazi concentration camp.
>Scientology is using the model of World War II. The thetans' home
>planets were invaded by invaders from outer space, like European
>countries were invaded by Hitler. Then men were held captive on Earth
>by extraterrestrial entities, like Jewish inmates were held captive in
>concentration camps by the Third Reich. Xenu had the purpose to commit
>a genocide and burned the bodies, like Hitler. The main suppressive
>persons on the time track are psychiatrists, like in concentration
>camps. In the end Hubbard was wearing a World War II uniform, had ships
>regulated by military policies, had his own army, the Sea Org, and his
>own intelligence service, the Guardian Office or OSA. In the novel
>"Battlefield Earth", the main extraterrestrial SP is Terl, but that is
>explained in one of the chapters that Terl comes from Hitler. Hitler
>was for Hubbard the prototype of the SP until the end.
You have Hubbard's drama track confused with Scientology.
I suggest you stop doing this.
Scn has nothing to do with Xenu or anything that happened space
>When we have to explain something new, the first thing we do is to use
>old models, then we try to improve the models so that they explain
>better what is.
You apparently have zero clue what Scn is.
>I have more to say, but not enough time, so I shall span the reply over
>several days.
I would spend more time studying what Scn really is, rather
than posting your idiotic garbage.
You figure out birth yet?
Wed Aug 30 00:20:17 EDT 2006
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Sun Jan 18 03:06:02 EST 2015
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Curiosus (curiosus@fastmail.fm) wrote:
>Homer wrote:
>> The stronger claim, with a relatively clear view of the top, can
>> then derive workable techology through theory alone, as it has some
>> idea of where the being has been, where it is and where it is going.
>> The theory can fail on those who don't have the stomach yet for
>> the truth, so they end up squirreling anyhow.
>> Most religions that CLAIM to be stronger claim religions are
>> actually lies invented to keep the being down, so stronger claim
>> religions tend to get a bad name.
>How are religions forming their strong claims?
Yes, models which are based on being and effect, lies.
Religions FABRICATE their top level views based on diametric
opposition to God and Soul are One.
They teach that God made Soul, that God made the universe, that
God put the soul in the universe, that God approves or does not
approve of the soul etc. All of which teach separation of God and
They promise in heaven the soul will be with God again, but
that's still separation compared to God and Soul are One.
God did not choose, the soul chose.
God is the underlying mechanism by which the soul can choose.
NOTHING is created that a soul did not choose.
Its is real easy to write a devil spew religion and spread it
around. People suck it up because they know THEY didn't choose, and
they hope someone big who did choose will wreak justice on the evil who
are causing everyone so much trouble.
That's a forever separation of the High-US from parts of itself.
It's sick as sick comes.
>God is the Heavenly father, Mary the Earthly mother, and Jesus the Son
>who participates from both the Heavens and Earth. Jesus died as he was
>bound to Earth, but He resurrected as He was also a divine being. That
>is also the model Earth/Sky, the two main visible items for a man in
>raw nature here on Earth.
But God the father loves his children SO MUCH that he won't
interfere or discipline when one child beats up on another child. Any
human father acting this way would end up in jail for child abuse.
Further the bad children are then punished FOREVER at the end of
their lives for the sins of 4 score and 20, with no hope of
There is no sicker religion on the planet than Christianity.
You will find more love in a Nazi concentration camp.
>Scientology is using the model of World War II. The thetans' home
>planets were invaded by invaders from outer space, like European
>countries were invaded by Hitler. Then men were held captive on Earth
>by extraterrestrial entities, like Jewish inmates were held captive in
>concentration camps by the Third Reich. Xenu had the purpose to commit
>a genocide and burned the bodies, like Hitler. The main suppressive
>persons on the time track are psychiatrists, like in concentration
>camps. In the end Hubbard was wearing a World War II uniform, had ships
>regulated by military policies, had his own army, the Sea Org, and his
>own intelligence service, the Guardian Office or OSA. In the novel
>"Battlefield Earth", the main extraterrestrial SP is Terl, but that is
>explained in one of the chapters that Terl comes from Hitler. Hitler
>was for Hubbard the prototype of the SP until the end.
You have Hubbard's drama track confused with Scientology.
I suggest you stop doing this.
Scn has nothing to do with Xenu or anything that happened space
>When we have to explain something new, the first thing we do is to use
>old models, then we try to improve the models so that they explain
>better what is.
You apparently have zero clue what Scn is.
>I have more to say, but not enough time, so I shall span the reply over
>several days.
I would spend more time studying what Scn really is, rather
than posting your idiotic garbage.
You figure out birth yet?
Wed Aug 30 00:20:17 EDT 2006
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Sun Jan 18 03:06:02 EST 2015
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================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
adore639.memo (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
Science is 10 percent truth and 90 percent institutionalized
Don't get me wrong, I am not waving a flag for religion here, most
religion is 0 percent truth and 100 percent institutionalized idiocy.
I AM trying to build a bridge between religion and science here,
but I bear little love for either.
Religion keeps claiming that the world is going to be destroyed,
and science keeps trying to provide it the means to do so.
Both have a long ways to go before they are ready for prime time in
a civilized society.
By institutionalized I mean these things aren't merely the private
thoughts of lunatics in happy houses, but are written in solid rock into
our very way of life, our halls of business, science, government and
You go to Church and they teach you God is love, fear of God is the
beginning of wisdom and fear of hell is the beginning of love.
"Love me or I will torture you to death, er well, forever!" - God
You go to school and they teach you that you are a body, that
consciousness is a process in the brain, and that force and pain are the
same thing, that pain is just mass in motion, that a computer that says
'OUCH!' when you hit the 'P for pain' key actually hurts or gives a
They teach you that God created space and time, but fail to admit
that before space and time was created they didn't exist, and thus in
the beginning God must have been zero dimensional.
They also fail to point out that if God is fundamentally zero
dimensional AND CONSCIOUS, and he creates a space and time dimensional
world full of beings who are also conscious, how likely is it that the
human's consciousness is a multi dimensional space time gizmo, and God's
consciousness is an eternal zero dimensional static?
Thus they fail to notice that human consciousness is also zero
dimensional and fail to study the possible ramifications.
They teach that God created the Soul, that God and Soul are two
separate objects, but they fail to mention that two separate objects can
never know about each other with perfect certainty, thus each remains
forever a THEORY to the other.
So how the hell is the Soul going to find God, if God can't even
find the Soul!
They teach you that Goober was the one and only Son of God
incarnated in the flesh for our sins, but fail to mention that all of
life is God in carnation that flesh and stone alike are avatars for God
to represent and convey himself through other conscious units who are
also God in carnation.
The idea is NEVER mentioned that God is a Multi Being, a multi I-AM
being, and each conscious unit is one of those I-AM's and is a full and
complete instantiation of the Infinite.
In otherwords existence is comprised of an infinite number of
infinite minds playing finite creature in the self created dream of
space and time.
The artificial unintelligence people tell you that if they can just
make the self aware circuit in the machine fast enough, they can create
a mechanical analogue of self awareness.
They fail to admit that an analogue is not the same thing as the
real thing and that no machine can ever know word one about the NOW only
the THEN, let alone glow in the dark of the void with spaceless timeless
self luminousness self awareness.
No where do they teach you about self luminous redness, and if you
ask them 'Why do I see red?' they talk about photons and frequency
absorption, and lenses and retinas and visual cortexes, then it gets
vague you see, for except for blood, there is no red in the brain.
If you ask about direct perception, they will say there is no such
thing as direct perception, that direct perception is logically
impossible, everything HAS to learn via indirect perception, learning
about A by looking at B, namely the effects in one's self of the causal
influences of A on self.
If you ask "How do I see red?" they will answer that consciousness
is nothing, just your brain's interpretation of the physical universe,
when in fact the physical universe is an interpretation of what you see
in your consciousness.
You see they tell you that the physical universe is something, and
your consciousness of it is nothing of its own, just a mere process in
the physical universe brain suffering delusions of self existence,
awareness and person agency.
They will tell you that the physical universe and everything in it
is just dominos falling, knocking each other down in perfect
mathematical clockwork. Dominos fall because of force not because of
pain. Pain is merely an inward sign, a vanity, in the domino that it
has been forced to fall. The FALLING would all take place just as it is
even if the pain did not exist.
To the meatball apologists, pain is an unnecessary adjunct to our
existence, because nothing physical can feel pain, and force and mass
alone are sufficient to cause survival as any mechanical robot can
Force and mass explains everything. That some forces hurt and
other's don't, is just not part of their equation.
THEN they fail to mention that just because you see space, doesn't
mean here IS space. The universe could be a dream, imagination,
hallucination, or another form of arcade game controlled by a source
that creates conscious renditions of objects in space and time directly.
They fail to mention that if time were actual, no machine could
ever tell if time was taking place, because a machine can't tell if it
has changed state.
Just as certainty of space implies space is an illusion, certainty
of time implies that time is an illusion.
If you ask "Where is the red? If I cut the brain open will I find
any red there?" they will answer of course you will, if you cut the
brain open there will be blood all over the place!
And in the end they will claim that "Love and shame can of force
and mass be made," and we have a circuit here that will act just like
love and shame. They fail to admit that outward actions do not prove
inward feeling. Two different objects can never prove each other's
If you ever asserted anything otherwise, those in the halls of
academentia will cry 'Prove it, the extraordinary claim suffers the
burden of proof.'
Oh man are they whistling past the graveyard and hope you don't
notice it.
Their theses are at risk, best used for cat litter.
It is tempting to just let them all rot in their hell where they
belong, but the desire to prove the SP wrong is just so delicious.
SP means Suppressive Person or Parent.
So one day you are out rounding up cow doggies on your horse, doing
what cowboys do, having a good old time.
And this wizened old psychiatric zombie lord in a white coat comes
up to you with pen and tablet in hand, and a pocket full of pills, and
says "You know buddy, you think you are a cowboy on a horse, but the
truth is you are just a horse!"
So you say, "Oh? So how come I can get off my horse, let it out to
pasture, and go play with your wife in the meantime."
The psych says "What do you mean get off your horse, that is
delusional, you need Horszack to calm you down, (and some crazy glue on
the seat of your pants to make sure you don't leave your saddle again!)"
You say 'Oh bananas to you, just because you think you are a horse
doesn't mean I am a horse, I am a cowboy, been one for years, and me and
my horse are good friends and, oh by the way, TWO DIFFERENT OBJECTS!"
You see the cowboy had been going to cowboy school where they teach
these things.
The psych says "Oh yeah, well prove it, the extraordinary claim
bears the burden of proof!"
You say "Extraordinary claim? The extraordinary claim is that I am
a horse and not a cowboy on a horse, who are you fooling? Why don't YOU
prove to me that I am a horse."
The psych says "OK, you asked for it", and calls over his gang of
hooligans to administer the proof, electric shock.
Apparently they believe that if you shock the horse enough the
cowboy on the horse will start to think he IS the horse too.
Talk about doing a life continuum.
The psych thinks he can prove anything with force.
FORCE PROVES NOTHING, not even its own existence to the forced, let
alone source of the force.
And then the psych proceeds to fois-gras you with a funnel and his
pocket full of pills.
Finally you admit you are a horse, never were a cowboy, just to get
the psych to go away, but that crazy glue, that remains a problem,
because now you can't get off the horse any more.
Is that a problem in inability to get off the horse or
unwillingness to get off the horse?
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Thu Jan 29 15:21:24 EST 2009
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Mon Jan 19 15:48:22 EST 2015
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Science is 10 percent truth and 90 percent institutionalized
Don't get me wrong, I am not waving a flag for religion here, most
religion is 0 percent truth and 100 percent institutionalized idiocy.
I AM trying to build a bridge between religion and science here,
but I bear little love for either.
Religion keeps claiming that the world is going to be destroyed,
and science keeps trying to provide it the means to do so.
Both have a long ways to go before they are ready for prime time in
a civilized society.
By institutionalized I mean these things aren't merely the private
thoughts of lunatics in happy houses, but are written in solid rock into
our very way of life, our halls of business, science, government and
You go to Church and they teach you God is love, fear of God is the
beginning of wisdom and fear of hell is the beginning of love.
"Love me or I will torture you to death, er well, forever!" - God
You go to school and they teach you that you are a body, that
consciousness is a process in the brain, and that force and pain are the
same thing, that pain is just mass in motion, that a computer that says
'OUCH!' when you hit the 'P for pain' key actually hurts or gives a
They teach you that God created space and time, but fail to admit
that before space and time was created they didn't exist, and thus in
the beginning God must have been zero dimensional.
They also fail to point out that if God is fundamentally zero
dimensional AND CONSCIOUS, and he creates a space and time dimensional
world full of beings who are also conscious, how likely is it that the
human's consciousness is a multi dimensional space time gizmo, and God's
consciousness is an eternal zero dimensional static?
Thus they fail to notice that human consciousness is also zero
dimensional and fail to study the possible ramifications.
They teach that God created the Soul, that God and Soul are two
separate objects, but they fail to mention that two separate objects can
never know about each other with perfect certainty, thus each remains
forever a THEORY to the other.
So how the hell is the Soul going to find God, if God can't even
find the Soul!
They teach you that Goober was the one and only Son of God
incarnated in the flesh for our sins, but fail to mention that all of
life is God in carnation that flesh and stone alike are avatars for God
to represent and convey himself through other conscious units who are
also God in carnation.
The idea is NEVER mentioned that God is a Multi Being, a multi I-AM
being, and each conscious unit is one of those I-AM's and is a full and
complete instantiation of the Infinite.
In otherwords existence is comprised of an infinite number of
infinite minds playing finite creature in the self created dream of
space and time.
The artificial unintelligence people tell you that if they can just
make the self aware circuit in the machine fast enough, they can create
a mechanical analogue of self awareness.
They fail to admit that an analogue is not the same thing as the
real thing and that no machine can ever know word one about the NOW only
the THEN, let alone glow in the dark of the void with spaceless timeless
self luminousness self awareness.
No where do they teach you about self luminous redness, and if you
ask them 'Why do I see red?' they talk about photons and frequency
absorption, and lenses and retinas and visual cortexes, then it gets
vague you see, for except for blood, there is no red in the brain.
If you ask about direct perception, they will say there is no such
thing as direct perception, that direct perception is logically
impossible, everything HAS to learn via indirect perception, learning
about A by looking at B, namely the effects in one's self of the causal
influences of A on self.
If you ask "How do I see red?" they will answer that consciousness
is nothing, just your brain's interpretation of the physical universe,
when in fact the physical universe is an interpretation of what you see
in your consciousness.
You see they tell you that the physical universe is something, and
your consciousness of it is nothing of its own, just a mere process in
the physical universe brain suffering delusions of self existence,
awareness and person agency.
They will tell you that the physical universe and everything in it
is just dominos falling, knocking each other down in perfect
mathematical clockwork. Dominos fall because of force not because of
pain. Pain is merely an inward sign, a vanity, in the domino that it
has been forced to fall. The FALLING would all take place just as it is
even if the pain did not exist.
To the meatball apologists, pain is an unnecessary adjunct to our
existence, because nothing physical can feel pain, and force and mass
alone are sufficient to cause survival as any mechanical robot can
Force and mass explains everything. That some forces hurt and
other's don't, is just not part of their equation.
THEN they fail to mention that just because you see space, doesn't
mean here IS space. The universe could be a dream, imagination,
hallucination, or another form of arcade game controlled by a source
that creates conscious renditions of objects in space and time directly.
They fail to mention that if time were actual, no machine could
ever tell if time was taking place, because a machine can't tell if it
has changed state.
Just as certainty of space implies space is an illusion, certainty
of time implies that time is an illusion.
If you ask "Where is the red? If I cut the brain open will I find
any red there?" they will answer of course you will, if you cut the
brain open there will be blood all over the place!
And in the end they will claim that "Love and shame can of force
and mass be made," and we have a circuit here that will act just like
love and shame. They fail to admit that outward actions do not prove
inward feeling. Two different objects can never prove each other's
If you ever asserted anything otherwise, those in the halls of
academentia will cry 'Prove it, the extraordinary claim suffers the
burden of proof.'
Oh man are they whistling past the graveyard and hope you don't
notice it.
Their theses are at risk, best used for cat litter.
It is tempting to just let them all rot in their hell where they
belong, but the desire to prove the SP wrong is just so delicious.
SP means Suppressive Person or Parent.
So one day you are out rounding up cow doggies on your horse, doing
what cowboys do, having a good old time.
And this wizened old psychiatric zombie lord in a white coat comes
up to you with pen and tablet in hand, and a pocket full of pills, and
says "You know buddy, you think you are a cowboy on a horse, but the
truth is you are just a horse!"
So you say, "Oh? So how come I can get off my horse, let it out to
pasture, and go play with your wife in the meantime."
The psych says "What do you mean get off your horse, that is
delusional, you need Horszack to calm you down, (and some crazy glue on
the seat of your pants to make sure you don't leave your saddle again!)"
You say 'Oh bananas to you, just because you think you are a horse
doesn't mean I am a horse, I am a cowboy, been one for years, and me and
my horse are good friends and, oh by the way, TWO DIFFERENT OBJECTS!"
You see the cowboy had been going to cowboy school where they teach
these things.
The psych says "Oh yeah, well prove it, the extraordinary claim
bears the burden of proof!"
You say "Extraordinary claim? The extraordinary claim is that I am
a horse and not a cowboy on a horse, who are you fooling? Why don't YOU
prove to me that I am a horse."
The psych says "OK, you asked for it", and calls over his gang of
hooligans to administer the proof, electric shock.
Apparently they believe that if you shock the horse enough the
cowboy on the horse will start to think he IS the horse too.
Talk about doing a life continuum.
The psych thinks he can prove anything with force.
FORCE PROVES NOTHING, not even its own existence to the forced, let
alone source of the force.
And then the psych proceeds to fois-gras you with a funnel and his
pocket full of pills.
Finally you admit you are a horse, never were a cowboy, just to get
the psych to go away, but that crazy glue, that remains a problem,
because now you can't get off the horse any more.
Is that a problem in inability to get off the horse or
unwillingness to get off the horse?
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Thu Jan 29 15:21:24 EST 2009
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Mon Jan 19 15:48:22 EST 2015
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Hash: SHA1
There is the law of the sky which tells us what is right and wrong.
There is the law of the land, which tells us what is legal and
Just because something is legal doesn't mean it is right.
Just because something is illegal doesn't mean it is wrong, and it
may in fact be mandatory according to the law of the sky.
Thus civil disobedience can be a morally mandated duty.
People who claim that something is right just because it is legal,
or that something is wrong just because it is illegal are hiding behind
the law.
We have a moral duty to do what is right first and what is legal
God and Angel do hide behind the law.
When you get to the pearly gates, God won't be asking you if you
have done what was legal, he will be asking you if you have done what
was right.
There are three kinds of hackers.
White hat hackers obey the law of the land.
Grey hat hackers are willing to break the law of the land to
protect the law of the sky.
Black hat hackers break the law of the sky.
There are two kinds of software.
Proprietary and Open Source.
Proprietary code is secret and it is illegal to hack into it and
reverse engineer how it works.
Open Source code is public and it is legal to hack into it and
reverse engineer how it works.
All code has errors many of which provide security holes which are
dangerous to those using the software.
Black hat hackers will reverse engineer proprietary code, and if
they find a security flaw, they will keep it to themselves and exploit
it to their own benefit at the expense of others.
Gray hat hackers will also reverse engineer proprietary code, but
if they find a security flaw, they will inform the manufacturers of the
code and give them time to fix it. Then a certain reasonable time
later, they will also broadly publish the security flaw and how to
exploit it.
This pressures unethical or sleazy manufacturers to fix their code
rather than leave it broken for black hatters to find. When the Gray
hatters publish the security flaw the Black hatters get it also, but by
that time it should be fixed so they and no one else can do anything bad
with it.
Manufacturers of proprietary code dislike black hatters, but
dislike gray hatters more. The black hatters keep the security
flaws to themselves where only they can exploit them, or blackmail
the authors to not do so. Many code authors would jump at the
opportunity to keep a serious flaw quiet, even if they did fix it.
Gray hatters make the security code public after a fair amount of
time to force the manufacturers to fix it.
Some people think that gray hatters are those who alternate between
black hatters and white hatters. That's like shooting someone today and
not shooting someone tomorrow. That's not gray, that's psychotic.
White hat hackers will not touch proprietary code because it is
illegal to do so. If they consider they have a moral mandate to break
the law of the land to protect the law of the sky, they become, in that
moment of choice, gray hat hackers.
All three kinds of hackers will review and vet open source code for
security flaws, and use them for their own purposes.
Black hatters will use the security flaws they find to benefit at
other's expense which is a violation of the law of the land and the sky.
Grey hatters will disclose the security flaw first to the author of
the software to give them time to fix it, and then disclose it to the
general public to make sure it is "fixed and stay fixed or else."
White hat hackers will do the same as the gray hat hackers.
It might be tempting to say that the gray hatter should not
disclose the security bug publically but only privately to the software
author, particullarly if it is 'fixed', so that the annoyance of endless
script kiddies exploiting the code without any understanding themselves
can be avoided.
It's one thing to have a few highly intelligent black hatters
exploiting your code, it is quite another to have 10 million grade
school kids who know a little linux, posting the exploit along with
naked selfies to all their friends, exploiting it for fun from all over
the world.
You understand?
Script kiddies are the gray hatter's guarantee that the software
author will fix the flaw lest everyone and their blond girlfriend start
causing trouble with it.
And in any case, if a flaw is 'fixed' by the author and then kept
under wraps, the other gray and white hatters won't have an opportunity
to check out the corrected work, thus it may still be wrong, or related
to something near by that is also or more wrong.
No gray hatter wants to take the responsibility of personally
offering to guarantee that a serious bug is fixed, even if the original
author he informed says it is. So the flaw gets published publically.
Everyone else's vetting of the same code is the gray hatter's personal
guarantee that the code was almost assuredly fixed right.
Any hacker can think code is right when it is still wrong but
thousands of hackers are probably not wrong. Anyhow this kind of
guarantee, one, that code is fixed, and two, that code is fixed right,
is as good as it can get, so accept the process we must, even if we have
to suffer the relatively harmless slings and arrows of outrageous script
kiddies taking our system down from time to time, before the author
fixes it for good.
If the flaw is not fixed, and a black hatter finds it, then all
hell may loose. That will be the day that you will pray to God that the
script kiddies had done their job.
To publically publish or not to publish a security flaw is a moral
choice, and each hatter is responsible and accountable for the quality
of his conscience and the consequences of their actions.
Proprietary code provides security through obscurity, since the
code can not EASILY be reviewed by anyone interested, security flaws can
remain undiscovered for a very long time. When they are discovered, if
they are discovered by Black hatters, they can be exploited forever
until someone else discovers the same security flaw and is willing to
reveal it to the author.
Thus proprietary code often provides the illusion of security, all
the while the code may be infiltrated and infected at many installations
of importance, include national importance. If all of the security
flaws are hidden through obscurity, then all will be well until a black
hatter finds one anyhow.
Open Source codes does not have any security through obscurity,
because the day it is set in operation anyone and everyone who is
interested in security flaws, good or bad, will be combing through the
code trying to find flaws before anyone else.
The black hatters want the flaw so they can exploit it for a while,
to inure to their own benefit at the expense of everyone else.
The gray and white hatters want it so they can get it fixed quickly
and get a public gold star for their record. They love this, its an ego
thing. "I saved the world!"
Be grateful.
Thus when open source is first published, it tends to have a lot of
security updates resulting from global full time scrutiny by the hacker
community, but then it becomes rock solid and much safer to depend upon
than proprietary code ever will.
There are two main goals of the black hatters.
The primary goal of black hatters is not necessarily to destroy the
system but to suck off of it, money or useful resellable data, for a
very long time, so they tend to use extreme stealth in their exploits.
They don't want anyone to know they are there, ever. They won't crash
your computer because their daily take stops flowing.
These are the criminal black hatters.
The other goal of some black hatters is to destroy the system
completely, these are the terrorist black hatters.
Terrorist black hatters want a public show of their presence,
usually for political or religious ends, rarely for money per se. They
have considered that their law of the sky has been so egregiously
violated by their target, that they are willing to violate the law of
the land to hack and destroy, even if little or no personal gain comes
to them, often at great personal risk.
It is tempting to call these kinds of terrorists cowards, we do so
because their moral mandate scares the hell out of us.
The black hatters who invade banking systems to siphon off free
money to themselves so they can live better are criminals, they have no
interest whatsoever in destroying the system or society. They are
parasites who know the importance of their host remaining alive and
feeling well. Their relationship with their targets is often symbiotic,
its just not agreed to by both sides.
The black hatters who invade banking systems to shut them all down
one day, are often on a suicide mission from on high, because should the
banking system or all power/food/transportation etc shut down the
results would be apocalyptic and harm the hacker himself along with
everyone else.
At that point the common man's only option would be to become real
religious real quick, apologize to the Lord, and wait for some kind of
rapture or something to take you up, because it will be fire and smoke
for everyone else down here on Earth for the rest of time.
You wouldn't recognize the next stable society that might arise.
Relative to any particular given country, most of the terrorist
black hatters are foreign to that country, and who have declared a
covert war against that particular country. Some black hatters will be
working within the targeted country as operatives behind enemy lines.
The governments of all countries are putting covert cyber weapons
of mass destruction (CWMD) into the computer's system of all other
countries, particularly their enemies but friends too, just in case they
are needed.
So now we have chemical, biological, atomic, genetic and cyber
weapons of mass destruction.
The purpose of infecting other nation's cyber infrastructure is to
create mass destruction or interruption to those computer systems if
needed. But since all of society depends on these computers at every
level of its existence, the mass destruction of computers means the mass
destruction of that society.
And of course each country is in turn be infected by the cyber WMD
of many other countries.
Except for America of course.
America doesn't have the weakness in its systems to be infected by
its enemies.
And America doesn't have the ethical paucity to stoop to such
shenanigans in return.
Not under the eternal vigilance of the American Flag.
For the rest, it is Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) all over
again, much worse than any nuclear war we could do.
But it all plays out the same way, "If you push your little red
cyber button, we will push ours in retaliation."
Until then let's hope a fan doesn't burn out and push the red
button for us.
And pray the Good Lord blows a UPS dead on those intending a
preemptive strike. UPS = uninterruptable power supply.
Most of the merely criminal black hatters should be rounded up and
put to work as gray hatters working for the world against the terrorist
black hatters working against the world.
Give them a jail cell if you wish, but give them access.
The jail cell merely becomes a bunker where they can work safely,
and perhaps redeem their sorry asses.
They will be needed.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Sun Jan 18 21:10:26 EST 2015
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
There is the law of the sky which tells us what is right and wrong.
There is the law of the land, which tells us what is legal and
Just because something is legal doesn't mean it is right.
Just because something is illegal doesn't mean it is wrong, and it
may in fact be mandatory according to the law of the sky.
Thus civil disobedience can be a morally mandated duty.
People who claim that something is right just because it is legal,
or that something is wrong just because it is illegal are hiding behind
the law.
We have a moral duty to do what is right first and what is legal
God and Angel do hide behind the law.
When you get to the pearly gates, God won't be asking you if you
have done what was legal, he will be asking you if you have done what
was right.
There are three kinds of hackers.
White hat hackers obey the law of the land.
Grey hat hackers are willing to break the law of the land to
protect the law of the sky.
Black hat hackers break the law of the sky.
There are two kinds of software.
Proprietary and Open Source.
Proprietary code is secret and it is illegal to hack into it and
reverse engineer how it works.
Open Source code is public and it is legal to hack into it and
reverse engineer how it works.
All code has errors many of which provide security holes which are
dangerous to those using the software.
Black hat hackers will reverse engineer proprietary code, and if
they find a security flaw, they will keep it to themselves and exploit
it to their own benefit at the expense of others.
Gray hat hackers will also reverse engineer proprietary code, but
if they find a security flaw, they will inform the manufacturers of the
code and give them time to fix it. Then a certain reasonable time
later, they will also broadly publish the security flaw and how to
exploit it.
This pressures unethical or sleazy manufacturers to fix their code
rather than leave it broken for black hatters to find. When the Gray
hatters publish the security flaw the Black hatters get it also, but by
that time it should be fixed so they and no one else can do anything bad
with it.
Manufacturers of proprietary code dislike black hatters, but
dislike gray hatters more. The black hatters keep the security
flaws to themselves where only they can exploit them, or blackmail
the authors to not do so. Many code authors would jump at the
opportunity to keep a serious flaw quiet, even if they did fix it.
Gray hatters make the security code public after a fair amount of
time to force the manufacturers to fix it.
Some people think that gray hatters are those who alternate between
black hatters and white hatters. That's like shooting someone today and
not shooting someone tomorrow. That's not gray, that's psychotic.
White hat hackers will not touch proprietary code because it is
illegal to do so. If they consider they have a moral mandate to break
the law of the land to protect the law of the sky, they become, in that
moment of choice, gray hat hackers.
All three kinds of hackers will review and vet open source code for
security flaws, and use them for their own purposes.
Black hatters will use the security flaws they find to benefit at
other's expense which is a violation of the law of the land and the sky.
Grey hatters will disclose the security flaw first to the author of
the software to give them time to fix it, and then disclose it to the
general public to make sure it is "fixed and stay fixed or else."
White hat hackers will do the same as the gray hat hackers.
It might be tempting to say that the gray hatter should not
disclose the security bug publically but only privately to the software
author, particullarly if it is 'fixed', so that the annoyance of endless
script kiddies exploiting the code without any understanding themselves
can be avoided.
It's one thing to have a few highly intelligent black hatters
exploiting your code, it is quite another to have 10 million grade
school kids who know a little linux, posting the exploit along with
naked selfies to all their friends, exploiting it for fun from all over
the world.
You understand?
Script kiddies are the gray hatter's guarantee that the software
author will fix the flaw lest everyone and their blond girlfriend start
causing trouble with it.
And in any case, if a flaw is 'fixed' by the author and then kept
under wraps, the other gray and white hatters won't have an opportunity
to check out the corrected work, thus it may still be wrong, or related
to something near by that is also or more wrong.
No gray hatter wants to take the responsibility of personally
offering to guarantee that a serious bug is fixed, even if the original
author he informed says it is. So the flaw gets published publically.
Everyone else's vetting of the same code is the gray hatter's personal
guarantee that the code was almost assuredly fixed right.
Any hacker can think code is right when it is still wrong but
thousands of hackers are probably not wrong. Anyhow this kind of
guarantee, one, that code is fixed, and two, that code is fixed right,
is as good as it can get, so accept the process we must, even if we have
to suffer the relatively harmless slings and arrows of outrageous script
kiddies taking our system down from time to time, before the author
fixes it for good.
If the flaw is not fixed, and a black hatter finds it, then all
hell may loose. That will be the day that you will pray to God that the
script kiddies had done their job.
To publically publish or not to publish a security flaw is a moral
choice, and each hatter is responsible and accountable for the quality
of his conscience and the consequences of their actions.
Proprietary code provides security through obscurity, since the
code can not EASILY be reviewed by anyone interested, security flaws can
remain undiscovered for a very long time. When they are discovered, if
they are discovered by Black hatters, they can be exploited forever
until someone else discovers the same security flaw and is willing to
reveal it to the author.
Thus proprietary code often provides the illusion of security, all
the while the code may be infiltrated and infected at many installations
of importance, include national importance. If all of the security
flaws are hidden through obscurity, then all will be well until a black
hatter finds one anyhow.
Open Source codes does not have any security through obscurity,
because the day it is set in operation anyone and everyone who is
interested in security flaws, good or bad, will be combing through the
code trying to find flaws before anyone else.
The black hatters want the flaw so they can exploit it for a while,
to inure to their own benefit at the expense of everyone else.
The gray and white hatters want it so they can get it fixed quickly
and get a public gold star for their record. They love this, its an ego
thing. "I saved the world!"
Be grateful.
Thus when open source is first published, it tends to have a lot of
security updates resulting from global full time scrutiny by the hacker
community, but then it becomes rock solid and much safer to depend upon
than proprietary code ever will.
There are two main goals of the black hatters.
The primary goal of black hatters is not necessarily to destroy the
system but to suck off of it, money or useful resellable data, for a
very long time, so they tend to use extreme stealth in their exploits.
They don't want anyone to know they are there, ever. They won't crash
your computer because their daily take stops flowing.
These are the criminal black hatters.
The other goal of some black hatters is to destroy the system
completely, these are the terrorist black hatters.
Terrorist black hatters want a public show of their presence,
usually for political or religious ends, rarely for money per se. They
have considered that their law of the sky has been so egregiously
violated by their target, that they are willing to violate the law of
the land to hack and destroy, even if little or no personal gain comes
to them, often at great personal risk.
It is tempting to call these kinds of terrorists cowards, we do so
because their moral mandate scares the hell out of us.
The black hatters who invade banking systems to siphon off free
money to themselves so they can live better are criminals, they have no
interest whatsoever in destroying the system or society. They are
parasites who know the importance of their host remaining alive and
feeling well. Their relationship with their targets is often symbiotic,
its just not agreed to by both sides.
The black hatters who invade banking systems to shut them all down
one day, are often on a suicide mission from on high, because should the
banking system or all power/food/transportation etc shut down the
results would be apocalyptic and harm the hacker himself along with
everyone else.
At that point the common man's only option would be to become real
religious real quick, apologize to the Lord, and wait for some kind of
rapture or something to take you up, because it will be fire and smoke
for everyone else down here on Earth for the rest of time.
You wouldn't recognize the next stable society that might arise.
Relative to any particular given country, most of the terrorist
black hatters are foreign to that country, and who have declared a
covert war against that particular country. Some black hatters will be
working within the targeted country as operatives behind enemy lines.
The governments of all countries are putting covert cyber weapons
of mass destruction (CWMD) into the computer's system of all other
countries, particularly their enemies but friends too, just in case they
are needed.
So now we have chemical, biological, atomic, genetic and cyber
weapons of mass destruction.
The purpose of infecting other nation's cyber infrastructure is to
create mass destruction or interruption to those computer systems if
needed. But since all of society depends on these computers at every
level of its existence, the mass destruction of computers means the mass
destruction of that society.
And of course each country is in turn be infected by the cyber WMD
of many other countries.
Except for America of course.
America doesn't have the weakness in its systems to be infected by
its enemies.
And America doesn't have the ethical paucity to stoop to such
shenanigans in return.
Not under the eternal vigilance of the American Flag.
For the rest, it is Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) all over
again, much worse than any nuclear war we could do.
But it all plays out the same way, "If you push your little red
cyber button, we will push ours in retaliation."
Until then let's hope a fan doesn't burn out and push the red
button for us.
And pray the Good Lord blows a UPS dead on those intending a
preemptive strike. UPS = uninterruptable power supply.
Most of the merely criminal black hatters should be rounded up and
put to work as gray hatters working for the world against the terrorist
black hatters working against the world.
Give them a jail cell if you wish, but give them access.
The jail cell merely becomes a bunker where they can work safely,
and perhaps redeem their sorry asses.
They will be needed.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Sun Jan 18 21:10:26 EST 2015
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================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
The following can be run on anyone who is accessible and can
understand the concept of space in front of them, behind them, to the
left and right, and above and below them.
Kids will take to this like candy.
There are 8 commands which form a full circle, at which point the
preclear becomes the auditor and the auditor becomes the preclear.
The auditor and preclear swap roles every complete circle of
It is run in OK mode, meaning the auditor gives the command and then
remains silent until the preclear says OK. If the preclear never says OK,
the auditor may query the preclear with 'Something going on?' until he
does say OK, then the auditor may give the next command.
Except for the above, the auditor is forbidden to say anything except
give the command, and say Thank you after the preclear's OK.
In particular the auditor may not give solutions to problems
the preclear may bring up, nor add in any form of social chatter,
nor answer any case questions the preclear has.
Remember when the preclear asks a question and the auditor
answers, the preclear is out of session and trying to put the
auditor into session.
The auditor may handle any originations the preclear makes, including
allowing the preclear to handle immediate present time problems like
having to go to the bathroom. These handles must be in the direction of
getting the preclear back into session, interested in his own case and
willing to talk to the auditor, and not in the direction of anything else.
The auditor may however query the preclear if the auditor is not
clear on what the preclear said or meant in a communication. The
auditor strives at all times for 100 percent duplication, and the
auditor will know by his own stuck attention on a previous communication
that he has failed to get it clarified for himself.
Clarify existing communications before the preclear says OK,
clarify past communications after the preclear says OK on the present
Its like never go by a misunderstood word, in this case its never go
by something the preclear says that is not fully understood.
The preclear may talk about anything he wants or nothing at all
before the OK, there is no requirement for the preclear to tell the
auditor anything, except the OK at the end of the command.
The auditor must not give the next command until he receives the OK
from the preclear. This removes the auditor from responsibility for
determining when the preclear is finished with his comm cycle.
The commands are run as "Get the idea of...". As such they do not
require remembering anything or describing anything, or saying anything
at all. However will bring up memories and data of interest which the
preclear will want to talk about, including cognitions.
The 8 commands are:
Auditor: Get the idea of the space in front of you.
Preclear: yak yak or not, OK
Auditor: Thank you.
Auditor: get the idea of the space behind you.
Preclear: OK
Auditor: Thank you.
Auditor: Get the idea of the space to the left of you.
Preclear: OK
Auditor: Thank you.
Auditor: Get the idea of the space to the right of you.
Preclear: OK
Auditor: Thank you.
Auditor: Get the idea of the space above you.
Preclear: OK
Auditor: Thank you.
Auditor: Get the idea of the space below you.
Preclear: OK
Auditor: Thank you.
Auditor: Your turn!
Preclear: OK
The preclear now becomes the auditor and the auditor becomes the
preclear and they start at the top.
15 to 30 minutes of this will do wonders for both of them, benefits
will accrue during the days after the session, not during the session
itself which may have immediate wins of is own.
The original wording was:
Get the idea of your front space.
Get the idea of your back space.
Get the idea of your left space.
Get the idea of your right space.
Get the idea of your top space.
Get the idea of your bottom space.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Sun Jan 18 11:38:24 EST 2015
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
The following can be run on anyone who is accessible and can
understand the concept of space in front of them, behind them, to the
left and right, and above and below them.
Kids will take to this like candy.
There are 8 commands which form a full circle, at which point the
preclear becomes the auditor and the auditor becomes the preclear.
The auditor and preclear swap roles every complete circle of
It is run in OK mode, meaning the auditor gives the command and then
remains silent until the preclear says OK. If the preclear never says OK,
the auditor may query the preclear with 'Something going on?' until he
does say OK, then the auditor may give the next command.
Except for the above, the auditor is forbidden to say anything except
give the command, and say Thank you after the preclear's OK.
In particular the auditor may not give solutions to problems
the preclear may bring up, nor add in any form of social chatter,
nor answer any case questions the preclear has.
Remember when the preclear asks a question and the auditor
answers, the preclear is out of session and trying to put the
auditor into session.
The auditor may handle any originations the preclear makes, including
allowing the preclear to handle immediate present time problems like
having to go to the bathroom. These handles must be in the direction of
getting the preclear back into session, interested in his own case and
willing to talk to the auditor, and not in the direction of anything else.
The auditor may however query the preclear if the auditor is not
clear on what the preclear said or meant in a communication. The
auditor strives at all times for 100 percent duplication, and the
auditor will know by his own stuck attention on a previous communication
that he has failed to get it clarified for himself.
Clarify existing communications before the preclear says OK,
clarify past communications after the preclear says OK on the present
Its like never go by a misunderstood word, in this case its never go
by something the preclear says that is not fully understood.
The preclear may talk about anything he wants or nothing at all
before the OK, there is no requirement for the preclear to tell the
auditor anything, except the OK at the end of the command.
The auditor must not give the next command until he receives the OK
from the preclear. This removes the auditor from responsibility for
determining when the preclear is finished with his comm cycle.
The commands are run as "Get the idea of...". As such they do not
require remembering anything or describing anything, or saying anything
at all. However will bring up memories and data of interest which the
preclear will want to talk about, including cognitions.
The 8 commands are:
Auditor: Get the idea of the space in front of you.
Preclear: yak yak or not, OK
Auditor: Thank you.
Auditor: get the idea of the space behind you.
Preclear: OK
Auditor: Thank you.
Auditor: Get the idea of the space to the left of you.
Preclear: OK
Auditor: Thank you.
Auditor: Get the idea of the space to the right of you.
Preclear: OK
Auditor: Thank you.
Auditor: Get the idea of the space above you.
Preclear: OK
Auditor: Thank you.
Auditor: Get the idea of the space below you.
Preclear: OK
Auditor: Thank you.
Auditor: Your turn!
Preclear: OK
The preclear now becomes the auditor and the auditor becomes the
preclear and they start at the top.
15 to 30 minutes of this will do wonders for both of them, benefits
will accrue during the days after the session, not during the session
itself which may have immediate wins of is own.
The original wording was:
Get the idea of your front space.
Get the idea of your back space.
Get the idea of your left space.
Get the idea of your right space.
Get the idea of your top space.
Get the idea of your bottom space.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Sun Jan 18 11:38:24 EST 2015
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
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