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P.Scott (pscott@inreach.com) wrote:
> It may be best to admit we are all idiots, and seek our salvation
>directly on a via of christ consciousness to the mother load of Life
>and skip all the error in between.
> (homers sessions on the subject are world class.... and to be sure,
> a few notches up from where I was sitting at the time)
Any dicom item-pair can be made into a Code of sorts:
Respect - Not respect
then becomes a code of behavior as
Must Respect - Mustn't Not Respect
This then leads one into violations of the code, overts against the
code, regrets, withholds, justifications, sympathies, problems etc.
GodSouls create the world by creating item pairs as dicoms, then
live their creation by drmatizing item-pairs as Codes and this becomes a
multiplicity of one way flows.
Must respect A is a one way flow towards A of respect, never must
they have contempt on A. A GodSoul as creator has no such problem, A
GodSoul as creature has ONLY these kinds of problems and is filled with
They respect A and have contempt on B, they never have contempt on
A and respect B. Or at least they try to do this very hard until they
engender a code violation, then they try even harder! Eventually they
flip sides and make the violation right, then they only respect B and
have contempt on A.
Thus they dramatize themselves into a tight weave of one way flows
on all the various items of their lives, and they sink under the weight
of lies, reversals, alter-is, failed intentions and charge.
Thus the good become bad, and the bad become good.
The being who is dramatizing item-pairs is not running them out, he
is running them in, he is spreading himself thinner and thinner on the
wings of the dicom, trying to live one or the other of the extreme tips,
good or bad, and never living life from the *NOTHING* that is in the
The nothing in the center CREATES good and bad, it has no
compulsion to be either until it chooses to do so as a creator becoming
This is probably in part why people take such exception to Carol,
she seems to want to push that God and Ultimate Truth are good etc.
Now maybe there is a God that is Good, that would be a great relief
to those who are apparently stuck in a world where everyone is bad, but
both are one way flows of Magnitude.
The Christian God may be good but the ultimate God is *NOTHING*
created yet.
The joke is even Nothing doesn't describe it, because
nothing/something is just another dicom. If it can be described, it
ain't God.
But the apparent nothing of utter unmanifestation is a much better
idea for Fountainhead of Source than good.
From that Nothing pours forth the manifestation of the wings of the
dicom, nothing/something, good/bad, beauty/ugly, love/hate, light/dark,
respect/no respect, magnificence/anti-magnificence, etc, and then God
distributes itself out on those dicoms in the form of individual Selves,
in order to have a theatrical play called life.
This is all immensely intentional, one therefore has to ask if a
God that creates good and evil is really good? That certainly is not
the human concept of good which is parked way on the extreme end of the
good/bad dicom which can't admit to creating ANY bad.
Thus living on one wing of the dicom inherently implies
irresponsibility for the other wing.
The person who is being good will never PUT THERE the beings
that are being evil. Thus the good always lose due to a total
lack of sense of repsonsibility for being in the game and putting
the enemy there.
Responsibility = Choice.
The good are always choosing to fight out of protest, not an actual
interest in the game.
The human in fact will tend to think of such a God that creates
good and bad, as bad, because to the human it sure ain't good to create
good *AND* bad, and bad is all he has left to think with as he lives on
the good wing of the dicom and can't see anything else but bad.
Adore says that God is Divine, meaning prone to creating dicoms,
but Divine is itself just another dicom, Divine/Holy.
(Divine is the care free pre dicom state, Holy is the careful post
dicom state.)
By positing ultimate truth as good, light, beauty, love, respect,
one traps the being into striving very hard to move from one side of the
wing where he is stuck but doesn't want to be (bad say) to the other
side where he WANTS to be stuck so he can never slip off to the bad side
again. This sticks him in manifestation because it sticks him to one
wing of the dicom, the good side fighting the bad side.
All manifestation is fighting of one sort or another.
Without the lies of fighting and the irresponsibility for the other
side that is involved, nothing would persist in space time long enough
to enjoy.
You don't NEED bad to enjoy good, you need bad to keep good around
long enough to comment on, but this works only if good repudiates its
responsibility for bad, its invite to bad to come to the game and play.
Only those who can take full responsibility for both sides of the
game, own up to putting it there, can win.
It would seem a bit inhuman to suggest that beings practice being
both good and bad, but truth is in order to reach the nothing in the
middle that is native state, that is exactly what you have to do, and
all becomes Flow 0.
You don't have to BE bad necessarily, but as good you do have to
mock up someone or something to be bad, elect or choose up sides and let
the other fellow be the bad fellow for a while, so that hunting his
sorry ass gets you up in the morning, lest he gets you and your loved
ones first.
*ALL* becomes Flow 0.
Flow 0 is what self has done to self.
If you elect someone to be bad and come after you, who is
responsibile for what happens to you now?
By creating and electing both sides of the dicom, and inviting
other's to do the same, choosing off in pairs of good and evil, you
continue to operate fully from the nothing in the middle of the dicom,
and thus can enter or leave the game at will.
The only thing stopping you from leaving a game, is repudiation of
invite of the most detested side.
Repudiation of invite is implied by the sense that we
"would not, could nott, should not" have ever created the other side
and called it in to play with us.
Since all players on all sides of the game are members of the
High Us, repudiation of invite results in one half of the High US
disowning the other half of the High US.
The ones who disown are the ones who die, the rest wait around
to gnaw on their bones.
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Fri Jan 16 15:13:12 EST 2015
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