Sunday, January 18, 2015


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The following can be run on anyone who is accessible and can
understand the concept of space in front of them, behind them, to the
left and right, and above and below them.

Kids will take to this like candy.

There are 8 commands which form a full circle, at which point the
preclear becomes the auditor and the auditor becomes the preclear.

The auditor and preclear swap roles every complete circle of

It is run in OK mode, meaning the auditor gives the command and then
remains silent until the preclear says OK. If the preclear never says OK,
the auditor may query the preclear with 'Something going on?' until he
does say OK, then the auditor may give the next command.

Except for the above, the auditor is forbidden to say anything except
give the command, and say Thank you after the preclear's OK.

In particular the auditor may not give solutions to problems
the preclear may bring up, nor add in any form of social chatter,
nor answer any case questions the preclear has.

Remember when the preclear asks a question and the auditor
answers, the preclear is out of session and trying to put the
auditor into session.

The auditor may handle any originations the preclear makes, including
allowing the preclear to handle immediate present time problems like
having to go to the bathroom. These handles must be in the direction of
getting the preclear back into session, interested in his own case and
willing to talk to the auditor, and not in the direction of anything else.

The auditor may however query the preclear if the auditor is not
clear on what the preclear said or meant in a communication. The
auditor strives at all times for 100 percent duplication, and the
auditor will know by his own stuck attention on a previous communication
that he has failed to get it clarified for himself.

Clarify existing communications before the preclear says OK,
clarify past communications after the preclear says OK on the present

Its like never go by a misunderstood word, in this case its never go
by something the preclear says that is not fully understood.

The preclear may talk about anything he wants or nothing at all
before the OK, there is no requirement for the preclear to tell the
auditor anything, except the OK at the end of the command.

The auditor must not give the next command until he receives the OK
from the preclear. This removes the auditor from responsibility for
determining when the preclear is finished with his comm cycle.

The commands are run as "Get the idea of...". As such they do not
require remembering anything or describing anything, or saying anything
at all. However will bring up memories and data of interest which the
preclear will want to talk about, including cognitions.

The 8 commands are:

Auditor: Get the idea of the space in front of you.
Preclear: yak yak or not, OK
Auditor: Thank you.

Auditor: get the idea of the space behind you.
Preclear: OK
Auditor: Thank you.

Auditor: Get the idea of the space to the left of you.
Preclear: OK
Auditor: Thank you.

Auditor: Get the idea of the space to the right of you.
Preclear: OK
Auditor: Thank you.

Auditor: Get the idea of the space above you.
Preclear: OK
Auditor: Thank you.

Auditor: Get the idea of the space below you.
Preclear: OK
Auditor: Thank you.

Auditor: Your turn!
Preclear: OK

The preclear now becomes the auditor and the auditor becomes the
preclear and they start at the top.

15 to 30 minutes of this will do wonders for both of them, benefits
will accrue during the days after the session, not during the session
itself which may have immediate wins of is own.

The original wording was:

Get the idea of your front space.
Get the idea of your back space.
Get the idea of your left space.
Get the idea of your right space.
Get the idea of your top space.
Get the idea of your bottom space.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

======================= ========================
Posted: Sun Jan 18 11:38:24 EST 2015
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================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

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