Thursday, June 1, 2017

SORROW (fwd)

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If a thetan can exteriorize into space, then he can also
exteriorize into time. That means he can go be at times where 'he is
not now', both in the past and the future.

LRH taught us that when a traumatic incident happened, the being
tried to survive the incident by not experiencing it, and thus built a
mass ridge called a facsimile which he carried with him in present time.

Others consider that at the moment of impact, the being throws up a
mass ridge opposing THAT MOMENT OF TIME. This does not result in a copy
facsimile being carried forward in time of the event, but in a permanent
exteriorization of part of the thetan into the past incident that he is
still resisting. He is not resisting a copy of back there, he is
resisting back there!

Thus an engram is a direct channel to a moment in the past, and the
pc becomes buttered all over the time stream.

When a loss happens there are 3 events to consider.

Say in 1960 you have a piece of Gold, and on New Year's eve at 12
midnight you lose it in Time Square.

The three events then are

1.) Having the Gold in 1960
2.) Loosing the Gold at 12 midnight.
3.) Not having the Gold in 1961

Points one and three are moments of no change, and point 2 is a
moment of change.

When the being suffers the loss during the moment of change, he
resists both the change and the moving of time forward into 1961. He
considers that to have the gold, he needs to have it in 1961, he also
considers that he no longer has the gold because 1960 is behind him and
'is no more'.

To audit this then, one must solve the havingness problem he has
presented himself with as a result of his false realities about the
nature of havingness.

The being is trying to HAVE THE GOLD PIECE by carrying the gold
piece forward in time with him from 1960 to 1961 to 1962 etc. When he
loses the gold piece in 1961, he considers that he no longer has the
gold because he no longer has 1960.

This results in resistence to 1961 and all future years, and to the
moment of change. This resistence then leaves the pc exterior to the
moment of change which is AFTER the moment of havingness!

So he doesn't have.

To audit this, one then needs to get the pc to exteriorize further
from the moment of change to BEFORE the moment of change/loss, so that
he can then HAVE the gold again in 1960. This will loosen up his
consideration that he suffered a loss, because clearly the gold in 1960
didn't go anywhere, IT'S STILL THERE!

By recovering his ability to exteriorize to 1960, he will loosen up
his fixation on the change point, and be able to exteriorize forward in
time to 1961 and later, where he does not have any gold, allowing him to
come to present time again at will, even though there is no gold in
present time. It becomes just another moment of time, gold or not.

If he wants to have gold he can visit 1960. If he wants to not
have gold he can visit 1961.

Trying to have a piece of gold through all moments of time, is like
trying to have a piece of gold through all moments of space. That's
much too much gold. You don't want all space to be taken up with gold,
and you don't want all time to be taken up with gold either.

If a being has a piece of gold in one position in space, and he
becomes unable to go there again, he will consider that he has lost that
piece of gold and his ownership of that position in space, even though
the gold is still there. He will thus try to fill yet another position
in space with more gold so he can have that one instead.

The same thing goes with time. If the being has a piece of gold in
1960, and then for some reason is not allowed to go back to 1960, he
will try to fill up 1961 and 1962 etc with gold too. He will try to
fill up wherever he is with gold as he keeps loosing access to where he

Once he has access again to the position in space where he has a
piece of gold, he will be willing to have other positions in space NOT
have a piece of gold. Once he has access to the moment in time where he
has a piece of gold, he will be willing to have other moments in time
NOT have a piece of gold.

When a being defines his havingness as "what he has now in the
present moment of time", then he has severely limited his havingeness,
which will lead to compulsive efforts to have more havingness NOW,
havingness that he already has at other moments in time! This leads to
a total chaos of havingness.

The being who is free to exteriorize to any place in time at will,
has a much different view of havingness. He is no longer interested in
having the gold in both 1960 and 1961, he is much more interested in
having the gold in 1960, and LOOSING IT in 1961. This is because his
havingness consists of the WHOLE STORY, not merely the one page he
happens to be reading at the moment.

The same thing goes for the future. He is poor now and will be
rich in the future. His havingness consists of being poor now, it
does not consist of being rich in the future.

This bothers him, and he worries etc about getting from here to
there as fast as he can. His charge is on the present and the change in
the future that makes him rich. Getting rich might seem like a positive
change, but it's resisted as well as any loss and needs to be run out
just like the loss. First Hellos are just as aberrative as Last
Goodbyes, and in fact form the basic on Last Goodbyes.

When he can exteriorize into time, his havingness consists of being
poor now and being rich in the future: he HAS the WHOLE STORY. Thus
things are fine to him as they are.

He can adjust the story from a trans time point of view, to make
the story better, but he won't be bent on a compulsive course to fill
all of time with either riches or poverty.

Imagine a person who could not span a whole book, but only the page
he was on? When a good page comes along, he tries to make the whole
book consist of that one page over and over again.

A person who can span the whole book, can span the whole story.

Thus the story gets written properly.

The guy who is trying to GET RICH because he is poor now and can't
exteriorize to times in the past when he was rich, and times in the
future when he will be rich, will never get rich, because no one will
buy a book that consists of the same page over and over again, including

The problem comes in when you get stuck reading one page at a time
and CAN'T go back to earlier pages and CAN'T go ahead to later pages at
will. Some readers might have this problem, but the writer never does.

The way to happiness is to be the writer, not the reader.


======================= ========================
Posted: Thu Jun 1 23:47:02 EDT 2017
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================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

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