Thursday, March 31, 2011


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Look, it is very simple.

The protection of artists' income through copyright is not worth
the creation of a totalitarian police state.

We are talking about a world where every posting is moderated,
traceable, and chargeable.

Those that cry, "But without copyright there will be no more
art!" are lying for their own control purposes.

They aren't the art creators.

Those that cry "But the artists deserves some recompense for his
work!" are speaking the truth in a false cause.

They aren't the art creators either.

We are talking about the power hungry control freaks, who are
jumping on yet another bandwagon, along with child pornography, drugs,
crime and terrorism, in order to put in place the police state they so

It has NOTHING to do with protecting the artists.

It has everything to do with controlling one and all for their
own personal benefit.

Don't let the power hungry con you into providing a police state
to help them 'protect the helpless'.

It just ain't so.

It is ok to have child pornography.

It is ok to have drugs.

It is ok to have crime.

It is ok to have terrorism.

It is ok to have free copy ability.

It is NOT OK to have a police state.

If you had a world with a police state big enough so that there
was NO child pornography, NO drugs, NO crime, NO terrorism, and NO
copyright violations, would you want to live in that world?

Think about it.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clear Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

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Thu Mar 31 03:06:02 EDT 2011
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Wednesday, March 30, 2011


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LRH taught us about perfect duplication. Adore calls this
replication, reoperation or making it again, or making more of it.

It is not just 'getting the as-isness' of the thing, it is a
recreation of the object in its own place and time, which causes a
perfect duplicate and thus vanishment.

In order to make a perfect duplicate, one must be willing to make
the duplicate, one must be willing to have had the thing be in the
past, one must be willing to make more of it, one must be glad it
existed, and exists now, and one must be happy to be able to make it
again. Only then do we have a knowing willing cause with full
awareness of the consequences operating, at which point the being has
totally taken over the creation of the object from his own
source/orientation point. So of course when he let's go, it vanishes.
There is no one or no thing else making it for him.

This is a far cry from trying to get rid of something because one
wished it had never been, or trying to learn from bad experiences in
order to bring some good to them to 'make up' for them. The only
thing that makes up for something bad is the joke to the something

All trauma contains its own resolution and salvation in the
missed truth.

Trauma *IS* missed truth. When one recognizes NOW what one
should have recognized when it happened, then and only then will the
trauma vanish, for trauma is merely a moment of persisting
unrecognized truth.

The missing of truth is intentional, the humor of our suffering
is our gift of love to each other.

This is why total responsibility is more than a social pretense
for polite company. The person who is not practicing mocking up
cruelty, will never be able to as-is cruelty because they aren't
willing to create a perfect duplicate. Things are bad enough as it is
for them, they certainly don't need TWO of them!

Some people will bring themselves to make a duplicate if they are
sold on the idea that doing so will get rid of it. Kind of like they
will suffer some extra in order to end the suffering forever.

But that is not how it works.

It was made with humor. *ALL* things were made with humor.


They were not made with mistakes, accidents, naivety, stupidity,
ignorance or flaw.

Majesty is the practical joke of Grand and Excalibur Design.

Therefore only with humor will things as-is.


The humor will be contained in the ILLOGIC OF THE POSTULATE.

Logic is King. Those who do not bow and pray to logic will
remain lost until they do.

A theetie wheetie is one who can not or will not see the humor to

They try to get around it by not having it happen again, and they
never do appreciate it having happened in the first place, except
through social pretenses about learning lessons and the like.

The only lesson to learn is that there are no lessons to learn.

There are only games to play and fools to be.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith News, Web, Telnet Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 SunOS 4.1.4 Sparc 20 Internet Access, Ithaca NY

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Wed Mar 30 03:06:19 EDT 2011
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Tuesday, March 29, 2011


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> Just to clarify, what is the purpose of:
> Going to sleep at night?
> Waking up n the morning?
> Making breakfast (and eating it)?
> Washing dishes before going to work?
> Going to work?
> Smiling when saying, "Good morning"?
> Cleaning a room?
> Tidying up a desk?
> These simple purposes have elements in common which give insight into
> more consistent and general purposes.
> Simple inspection or a moment's consideration of one's purpose in
> issuing a communication to another, or in receiving a communication
> from another, is an interesting little bit of observation.

The intrinsic purpose is pleasure and avoidance of pain, the
instrumental purpose is survival of manifestation forms on all 8 dynamics,
to which success pleasure and pain have been (perhaps arbitrarily)

The purpose of the choice to PLAY such a game, the higher purpose
of why the game exists in the first place, is a different matter.

Why would a being want a game of pleasure and pain?

Most humans would deny they would have created such world for
themselves or anyone else if they had been God.

In fact the underlying tone of most beings in bodies pretending
to have a good time at it, is the goal to make nothing of everything,
even their loved ones to put them out of their misery.

There is a hurry to this, to end the universe for all before he can no
longer do so, because the universe has ended him.

There is also a stickiness to the goal, because the being can not
leave the universe until he is sure it no longer exists, so he gets stuck
here to be the last thing standing, then he is free to do away with

Only after FAILING that goal to make nothing out of everything, does
the thetan/body composite try to take sides and take care of the few
things it loves that it can. To lessen their misery as much as possible
before the inevitable end that befalls all being born on death row.

But he hates the game with all the power of his being.

Thus to audit the being out of the deceit of his human condition, one
needs to audit that goal to make nothing of everything. This will begin to
resolve all of his somatics, horror at life, and case conditions.

Beauty and Ugly smashed together make boredom.

Spot NO Horror.
Spot SOME Horror.

Spot NO Gorgeousness.
Spot SOME Gorgeourness.

From the point of view of the thetan/body composite below death on the
tone scale, his Nemesis One is the guy who wants to make something out of
everything FOREVER (in time). Anything forever is a hell forever.

From the point of view of a higher toned thetan free from a body, his
Nemesis One is the guy who wants to make nothing out of everything, which
your thetan has then become.

Seperating your thetan from the valence of the guy who wants to make
nothing out of everything, then presents your thetan with the problem of
confronting the being who wants to make nothing out of everything.

Oh no anything but that.

Your thetan would rather work for him, than look at him.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

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Posted: Tue Mar 29 14:16:59 EDT 2011
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"Virtue for the Creator is not virtue for the Creature."

Olaf Stapleton - Starmaker

The 'goodness' of Sovereignty is quite beyond the 'goodness'
of the mortal mind.

Calling Divine Sovereignty 'good' arises from the lack of a better
word to describe omni potent castingness of good and evil.

There is in fact nothing more dangerous than Omni Sovereignty.

Continuing questions about death forever and hell forever indicate
that just how dangerous it is, is still open to question.

There is in fact nothing more safe than the totality of existence,
because there is no where to go, no place to get lost, and nothing to

Safety means can not die forever (death), and can not live
forever (hell).

One can only sleep for a while and dream for a while.

Each cycle starts anew, each cycle is as if the first.

The safety of the totality of existence is matched only by the danger
of Omni Sovereignty and its apparent willingness to experience the

Freedom is eternal ability and willingness to choose between sleep and
dream. This can not be lost in spite of the apparency that it can.

As for Carol, her views on the good, the true and the beautiful, are
similar to her views on putting pieces of paper under one's pillow with
Heppa Sulph written on it, to check its efficacy for healing the body.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith News, Web, Telnet Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 E-mail, FTP, Shell Internet Access, Ithaca NY

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Tue Mar 29 03:06:02 EDT 2011
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Monday, March 28, 2011


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Lessons are not what the dramatizers say, nor what the
PTS fear.

The primary 'lesson to learn' is to unlearn the lessons
we already learned that get us into the troubles we are in.

Every negative God Postulate is a 'lesson learned' through

PC runs into 1500 bitches in a row and concludes that all women
are bitches.

Once learned we are prone to reapplying those postulates in the
future on an automatic basis, thus we get stuck over and over again
in the same messes. 15 lifetimes later, he runs into a woman,
and suddenly "She's a bitch!"

Observation or causal consideration? Can you TURN a woman
into a bitch by the mere consideration that she is?

An OT can. You want to be an OT?

Once the lesson is unlearned, we no longer are prone to making
negative God Postulates and thus we no longer get stuck in things.

So you get a pc who wants to learn how to get out of trouble and stay
out of trouble, well he has to learn how to stop postulating that he is IN
trouble and that his postulates have nothing to do with it!

"I am in trouble and my postulate that I am in trouble has nothing
to do with it" is BEING AN EFFECT on the Awareness Characteristic Chart.

A God postulate is that postulate that the pc thinks is true
because he has observed it to be true, when in fact it is true
because the mere consideration of it makes it true.

A true OT is someone who has unlearned all his 'lessons' and is no
longer prone to making any God Postulates at all except for his own

Tar, yum!


"Get the idea that Life is Gorgeous".

Run to full E/P of life and future are gorgeous again and Affinity,
Reality and Communication are in accord and pc knows "Who or what is cause
around here and why is it such an asshole!?"

Do not run get the idea that Life should be, could be, would be
Gorgeous if only...

Clear the word *IS*, then run the process as stated.

At the very worst the process will throw the pc into the
abyss between OT and human.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith I would rather die poor Lightlink Internet
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF than suffer the patronage Ithaca, NY of bigots and pinheads.

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Mon Mar 28 03:06:03 EDT 2011
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Sunday, March 27, 2011


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Michael ( wrote:

>Ain't life great, it never ceases to amaze me with all its wonderful
>diversity, I would do a WOW!!! but WOWs have been censored :)

Wow's are not censored.

But it would be nice if they were followed by content.

Imagine a white paper in the Scientific American that said 'Wow,
this new discovery is great! Talk to our registrar to find out more.'

I dunno, as I said its my problem, and my stomach is already
churning in general, but I would hate to live in a world filled with the
kind of WOWers I have known in the church and out.

I am sorry they turn on some serious despair and feelings of
suffocation, make me want to kill myself.

The loneliness is infinite around such people.

Imagine a whole world of people who can communicate with anyone on
any subject and who have nothing to communicate about except noodle
soup, and if you do try to communicate about something of import, they
turn you into ethics.

'We offer the well and happy noodle rundown. Here is a recent

"Oh WOW! Its so good being a noodle again, and such yummy
spaghetti sauce too, being eaten is so wonderful."

Frankly my view BB, is you guys haven't produced a single being
who isn't long term a sinking stone, and probably never will.

Yeah yeah, I know, 'no longer sinking' is a hidden standard.


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Sun Mar 27 03:06:02 EDT 2011
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Saturday, March 26, 2011


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07/09/10 Friday 3:45pm EST


Homer wrote after dating a dyke for a while:

"Atomic War in the Garden of Eden.

Women should be fed to the snakes that advise them, and men, if
they are charged by a woman, with a crime they did not commit, get to
commit it for free. It shows women the difference.


The Jews have left painted swastikas on my door, and the Nazis have
left flaming crosses on my lawns. I collect both with relish.

The Christians were the only ones who left me alone, they were SURE
I was going to hell. But I had made friends with their Snake. I found
that it too was God in Carnation.



If I have offended anyone by my writings herein, my excuse can only
be High Anti Majesty (no sense of humor).

For the High Crime of High Anti Majesty, I am behumbled and

I repent in dust and ashes, and beg for the gentle mercy of
Imperial Majesty, of Grand and Excaliper Design.

I been told I get it, if I give it." - Adore

Y'all been warned.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Women criticize in men what they are most jealous of.

Women (with child) are trying to become Masters of Defense, so when
they fail they become defensive.

Men (with woman with child) are trying to become Masters of
Offense, so when they fail they become offensive.

A master of defense defends against danger with others of similar
kind by grouping in closer together.

A master of offense goes out and seeks danger before the danger can
find him (and his women with child). Woman with child will in generaal
not do that, and men won't let them do that if they have child.

Mortal women hate men because men CAN be offensive, and such women
wish they were men.

Hate = jealousy

The moment of dramatization against men starts when women first get
their tits. It doesn't affect those that know they have been men before
and can become men again, and chose to become a woman in this life, but
those that think they had no choice and live once and die and that's it
bud, are crushed by it.

This is why 'tits often go the way of all flesh ahead of schedule.'

Men who are mortal, look upon women with pity, for most men would
hate to be women too, but can't confront the horror, so they tend to
live separate lives from women, needing them, but wishing they didn't

Big missed withhold. Men won't admit it because they want to get

Men won't admit a lot of things they think about women, because
they want to get laid.

In fact almost the whole of their vocabulary is tied up in not
talking about what they really think about women.

Women, knowing that they can have children without ever having an
orgasm consoles them in their self conceived inferiority, because they
know that men have to have orgasms to have children and thus be socially
acceptable. A woman can be frigid as a black hole, and still have
children to be socially useful and accepted.

Men are aware of their degradation and 'shame' compared to women
(Beauty and the Beast), as both sides consider sex rank and disgusting,
and orgasms particularly degrading. Thus men tend to make a virtue out
of a horrible necessity (orgasms), and become kind of rank and
disgusting themselves. Women then revel in this self degradation of the
man to further console her own wounds at being a woman.

The women becomes the enabler of everything she detests in the man.
because it assuages (equalizes) her own sense of inferiority.

The Beast's job was to get one woman to love him in spite of being
a beast.

Good luck.

The closest a mortal women will ever come to being a man is to have
a son. She will then make sure to anti operate the male qualities of
the son (master of offense) until he wishes to make nothing out of
everything (atomic war).

"Every mother can turn her son into a monster. Men are monsters,
how do women do it? I mean to have something come out of your cunt, and
not know whether it will rape, kill or suck blood, must really be
something else." - Adore.

Run NO/SOME no-sympathy/sympathy on all body parts, male and

NO no-sympathy
SOME no-sympathy

NO sympathy
SOME sympathy

No-sympathy is 1.2 on tone scale.

Sympathy is 0.9 on tone scale.

Tone Scale:

In the absence of auditing, all no-sympathy one day turns to
sympathy. No life can stand the undertow of hell.

No-sympathy is cold heartedness.

NO no-sympathy is (pretended) NO cold heartedness, NO 1.2 on the
tone scale.

Sympathy is sorry for cold heartedness.

NO sympathy is (pretended) NO sorry for cold heartedness, NO 0.9 on
the tone scale.

NO is 'none of' on the CDEINR scale, Curious, Desire, Enforce,
Inhibit, NONE OF, Refused.

BEING A BODY is what gets one too close to a body to get out easily,
taking care of a body with a dedicated vengence only a God could

"Ain't NOTHING going to EVER get me to get out of this body, the
last time I left a body for a few moments (fill in your favorite item),
think of all the people that DEPEND on me!"

Pity is right below body death.

Nothing like closing terminals (moving in on, to protect or destroy)
those sad beaten eyes.

Fri Jul 9 19:55:22 EDT 2010

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Sat Mar 26 03:06:02 EDT 2011
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Friday, March 25, 2011


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Scorpio ( wrote:
>You're not the only one for whom "Classic" UCP commands and their
>variants proved too constrictive.

I been thinking more about this.

For me there are 7 basic questions about an event:

Who, How, What, Where, When, Why and Which.

When whos don't run, whens might, or wheres or whys etc.

It's amazing what going around a black mass with these 7 can
bring up. Loosen up one, and the others start to run.

If one won't answer, find the one that will, and the others
start to respond.

The UCP command "WHERE have you been", stuck me in the where's
which made an instant ridge of resentment as it acted as
a wrong indication 6 out of 7 times on average.

It doesn't matter if KP wants us to interpret the word 'where'
differently, the bank and BT's and the whole composite has automatic
reactions to words and the efforts to think them.

Remember the very effort to think or say a word permeates the
whole space of the pc and his bank.

Even 'Who have you been in relation to' sticks me in the who's.

So in general I tend to try to use the most general question
possible, maybe something like "Spot something."

But linguistics tend to limit what I am actually doing,
and I don't recommend any particular phrasing.

Then we have the words BEEN and ARE. These are BEINGNESS words,
and stick a person in space and time. KP admits that as a person goes
up tone, there will be a need to change these words to 'viewpoint'

But I would suggest that it is more subtle than that. Basically
I would suggest that each pc needs to find his own wording to best get
him to spot things in the past, present and future.

This could even be run as a pre process itself, just to find his
wording. When he finds a set, then he runs that set, until he needs
to find another set.

If UCP has dried up on someone, maybe all they have to do is
run the wording pre process again. Or start auditing the others
in his vicinty screaming for auditing :)

Then there is the matter of what exactly we are auditing. KP says
we are auditing 'YOURSELF', but that is highly introverting and in
fact wrong as there is no 'YOURSELF'.

But given that people think there is a 'YOURSELF', the truth is
that what we are auditing is charge. Charge results from failed
desire. Desire relates the self to something else.


The point is you have two terminals, self and other, and the
relationship between them which is desire.

Now it might seem simplistic to boil down all relationships to
desire, but any relationship that has charge on it, has desire and
failure inter woven through the fabric of the relationship, both
intensity of desire and considered probability of failure which
results in tone amplitude and tone frequency.

Intensity of desire = tone intensity.
Probability of failure = tone frequency.

Thus any spotting of the past, present or future, needs to evenly
cover all these aspects of self, desire/relation and other.

The basic fundamental of UCP, which is to spot something in the
past, present, and future and compare ALL OF THEM TO EACH OTHER, can
be brought about by many different wordings and approaches, both in
rote session and in backgrounding throughout the day.

If you are only comparing the past to the present and the future
to the present you are missing out on comparing the past to the future
and leaving one leg of the triangle unaudited. That will also cause a

A more thorough analysis of exactly what is worth spotting about
the past, present and future is also in order.

There is vast richness in between self and other.


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Fri Mar 25 03:06:08 EDT 2011
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Thursday, March 24, 2011


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Does the idea that the world is a dream, i.e. a holographic
projection of dimensional realities in a zero dimensional substrate
actuality imply that civilization doesn't exist, or that KP doesn't
exist, or that science doesn't exist, or that anything doesn't exist
except the alleged dimensional objects in the projection?

The conscious experience of the piano is still actual even if the
piano made of wood never was.

Looking at a conscious experience of a piano and saying 'That's a
piano!' is confusing the symbol with the referent, the map with the

Are pianos in dreams made of wood?

Are people in dreams non actual?

Mine are quite actual.


- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Homer Wilson Smith ( wrote:
> There is something *SERIOULY* wrong with KP.

> He can't or won't duplicate simple communications and then he
>fights endlessly his misduplications.

> Homer

>Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
>(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
> In the Line of Duty

- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

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Thu Mar 24 03:06:03 EDT 2011
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Wednesday, March 23, 2011


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Notice the date on this posting below.
Notice I was in a bad mood the day I wrote it.
Notice this posting is not about you and not to you personally.





Copyright (C) 1992 Homer Wilson Smith

The world is full of small little people with nothing important
to say.

Their feeling is that the only people who have something to say,
who therefore are not being quiet, are up to no good.

It is perfectly fine with this constituency then if the
Government, which they elect into power, passes laws outlawing
privacy, in the name of catching the bad guys, because if the
government listened in on the constituency they would hear only
silence or the background chatter of mindless unimportances.

Those who have nothing to communicate have no need of privacy.

Privacy is basically a directed channel of communication.

It's A saying something to B and not to C.

To the silent majority the crime is not the directing of a
communication, it is the presence of any communication (of importance)
at all.

They consider that if you are using your rights to privacy, that
is directing a communication to B and not to C, it's only because you
are trying to hide that there IS a communication in the first place.

Those who have nothing to communicate and in fact resent those who
do, will have no need for direct and private channels to anyone, and will
take efforts to destroy the channels built by others to communicate
amongst themselves.

The reason why governments are elected into power such as ours, is
because of the nature of the people who elect them into power: namely
people who have nothing to say, no one to say it to, and no reason to have
it said.

The first thing that such governments do is outlaw privacy,
because what they are really outlawing is communication.

Such people would be perfectly happy if the world and everyone in
it were perfectly silent all the time.

Once privacy is outlawed only outlaws will have privacy.

And they will be our elected officials, you can bet on it.

Silence may be golden, but privacy is precious.

Unfortunately, those who have nothing to say, rarely have ears to
hear either.


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Wed Mar 23 03:06:02 EDT 2011
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Tuesday, March 22, 2011


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09/22/10 Wednesday 4:45pm EST

> Would you go with the Rapture? (if there was one of course.)


The Rapture is when all the Christians rise and go to heaven.

Adore believes in the Rupture, that's when all the Christian's
heads blow up and they all go to hell for a while.

Anyhow to answer your question, Almost per definition I wouldn't
have a choice. But maybe I would, I remember a movie about this.

Anyhow any game is possible to play for a while.

Any being can hire out and mock up another being as God, who is a
God of behavior and who only wants to be with those that obey him
blindly. And that game creator then creates the game of good and evil,
obedience and disobedience, a game of the bad banging up on the good,
and the collateral damage being judged according to how well they suck
it up and not respond in like kind, etc, and people flock into play it
at a high admission price.

And then in the end the bad get to suffering FOREVER in hell for
the finite acts in a finite while.

This God who knows mathematics, physics, PI out to a gobzillion
places, a creator of worlds, apparently has nothing better to do
with his eternity than be a purveyor of damnation.

Phooey, to hell with it.

If YOU create a being. and YOU know it can do good or bad, and YOU
know it is not all powerful, all loving, and all wise like you are, and
YOU set it free upon others of like kind, and it misbehaves as YOU knew it
would, then YOU are culpable for YOUR creation and the consequences that
follow from YOUR actions.

Anyhow God is not a God of judgment or behavior, that's a real low
tone game near the bottom of the barrel of last last ditch games a being
might play.

Imagine a game where you can do anything you want to anyone you
want, and they can do the same, because you ALL agreed in unison that
was the way it was going to be BEFORE you entered, and those that came
to join later, agreed at the gate, because it is also what they wanted.

Certain rules apply of course, if you bang up on others, they may
bang up on you in return. Of course some will bang up on you no matter
what you do. Those you banged up on earlier without provocation,
certainly won't come to your aid or rescue when someone does it to you.

So you might want to make as many friends as possible as fast as
possible by not banging up on people unnecessarily.

Everyone agrees that someone that bangs up on someone else without
reason, needs to be banged up on in return to teach them a lesson, but
sometimes the lesson is too strong and now the bangers of justice need
some justice in return.

And justice gets defined as pain for pain rather than getting what
you postulate (and pre postulate).

I have seen too much of how real justice works to believe any more
in such a stupid game as a top level phenomenon,

Praying to God for example is a total trap as it pre postulates you
can't do it yourself.

God pretty much destroys the subject of Help.

The more you look to God to determine your future, guess what
determines your future, some BT playing God.

Anyhow if humans did to their children what God does to his, lets
them have at it with each other and then sends the bad ones to hell
forever, we would lock up those humans as child abusers.

In fact the whole idea of God the Father *IS* child abuse pure and


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Wed Sep 22 16:45:47 EDT 2010

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Tue Mar 22 03:06:02 EDT 2011
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Monday, March 21, 2011


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We define a game as anything consisting of freedoms, barriers and

Freedoms are the abilites we have to change things as they are,
into what we want them to become. This is usually done by effort or
DOING, but can be done by direct postulate in some circumstances. Games
are certainly created by direct postulate, but the primary function of a
postulate is to limit the facility of postulation thus creating the game
where one has to do in order to get.

Barriers are the things that stop us from having what we want
merely by wanting it.

Purposes are the things that we want.

Barriers are not just that tree that fell across the road as you
were driving through the dark forest on a stormy day, barriers are the
conditions at the top of the awareness characteristic scale.

1.) Source
2.) Existence
3.) Conditions

Conditions are conditionals, not only how things are, but what path
one must take to get to something different.

Conditions place time between desire and realization of that
desire, havingness.

Some conditions are absolute, its just the way things are.

Other conditions are postulated. All postulated conditions are
limitations on Native State.

Native State is total unmanifestation at the top of the tone scale,
the Big Snooze.

All postulates are created outside of time as time as not been
created yet for that series of creations.

All postulates are postulates of limitation.

Effort committed to postulates of limitation continue those
postulates of limitation inside of time.

This is why postulating that one is infinite does not work, but
sinks one lower.

One has already postulated with infinite power that one is finite,
and one can not fight that postulate with a finite powered postulate
that one is infinite.

If one wants to become infinite again, one should re postulate that
one is finite.

THAT will reoperate infinity again.

One can postulate that one is finite exactly as one is, not
by merely being as one is because something else created you,
but by actually creating yourself exactly as you are under
the power of your own postulation.

Then one can postulate that one is finite in a slightly different
way, thus changing one's state into a new state of being, either more or
less finite than one was before, either on the same or different track
of endeavor as one was before.

People are allowed into your universe through the postulate
of invitation, just as any social game gets going.

One person invites others to come and play, and they chose up
teams, create the rules and play the game.

It is all fair chosen, and the game is powered by the power of the

One invite let's people in.

The second invite kicks people out.

Make something once and you got it.

Make something twice and you don't.

The second invite is the perfect duplication of the first invite
and thus ends the connection.

So whenever you invite someone into your game, always create two
invitation cards :)

Games become detested when the sense of invite is lost, and a
second can not be offered.

"Who me? I would never, could never, should never have invited
them in, and now you want me to invite them in again?"

So you become stuck with them forever more, not as your brother,
but as your most detested terminal.

Your most detested terminal is NOT your Nemesis One.

Your Nemesis One is your opponent in your most major game of life.

You consider your Nemesis One an honorable and worthy opponent and
the admiration and respect levels are very high.

"Finally, someone worth swinging my sword at!"

The invite is strong and absolute.

Your most detested terminals are the little people who didn't help
along the way and who opposed you into the ground with cat calls,
heckling and overwhelming dev-t (unecessary developed traffic.)

Losing your sense of invite on them can be dangerous.

A ship can sink from too many rats.

The way out is the way in.

One becomes the Creator by being the Creator becoming the Creature.

Sorry, some things are inexorable here.

The purpose of being out is to come in.

The porpose of total unmanifestation is to manifest for a while :)

Ability gained on OT VIII is the ability to become a worm on a

(Operating Thetan VIII is the legendary top level of the
Scientology Grade Chart and has as its ability gained, total cause over
existence. But the purpose of creating a universe is to jump into it
and thus come down to the lower grade levels to play the game. You
gotta be a finely created asshole to play after all!)

For a being who can have in the mere conception of things, all game
postulates are basically a statement that conception or desire alone is
not sufficient to bring about havingness, that one must DO in order to

Doingness is effort and commits the being to the prior postulate of
limitation that he can't have what he wants just by wanting it.

This creates time in which the doing takes place and separates the
original wanting from the final having.

The being desires the chase more than the chased.

If the final outcome of having is assured, the doing is called a

If the final outcome of having is not assured, the doing is called
a game.

Effort commited to a highly negative postulate will solidify that
postulate so it becomes unshakable.

The being makes a postulate that he is poor and doesn't know how to
make an honest buck.

It is timeless, and it works, there he stands in tatters with
holes in his pockets and an empty bottle in his hand.

But nothing is committed to it yet, so the postulate is easy to
reinvite and thus vanish. In fact the newly created postulate is so
evanescent, if the being merely puts his attention on something else,
the postulate will probably vanish on its own from lack of human warmth,
and a little wind to blow it away.

But the minute he decides to rob a bank as a solution to the
negative postulate, he has committed time and effort to the postulate
and so it sticks like glue forever more.

If he kills someone during the bank robbery and regrets what he
did, which is a failed effort to turn time back, oh boy, he becomes
stuck like an ant in amber and that's the end of him as a decent fellow.

The committment of time and effort to the postulate moves him away
from the moment of the original postulate so he can't duplicate it any
more. He needs to give up the bank robbery, confess and repent, and get
back to the original moment of the original postulate, then he can
reinvite it and thus end it.

Notice that regret is an effort to reverse time by moving
back down one's time track. This does not work except to stick
the being in the past of his memory!

"Getting back to the original moment of the original postulate"
means reentering the timeless state and recreating the original
postulate exactly as it originally was.

The full confession from postulate to regret and the willingness to
be done with being poor and robbing banks will return the being to the
timeless moment just before he made the postulate in the first place.
Then he has an opportunity to reinvite it, and it will vanish as soon as
he takes his attention off of it as long as he doesn't commit any more
time or effort to it being true.

To assure the postulate is gone, he might consider comitting time
and effort to a new postulate that the original postulate is NOT true.

Notice I didn't say 'no longer true', for that holds onto the idea
that it ever was true. Once a postulate is reinvited into a state of
vanishment, it is GONE as if it never had been.

There is a gradient scale of being able to do this, perfect
vanishments are hard to accomplish low down on the human tone scale, but
the more one rises to full responsibility for things, the better one's
vanishments become.

That is the power of timelessness, it can handle time and its
events completely. This is because Native State, which is outside of
time is creating time and everything inside of time directly.

There is no cause inside of time between objects. EVerything is
being pushed along by the timeless state via the conscious units that
are in the game.

The conscious unit is a two windowed being. The outward window
faces the temporal state and its events of the outside world, and the
inward window faces the eternal state and its true causation over the
outward world.

Thus the timeless state can adjust the temporal state any way it
wants given enough daring and agreement amongst others that it can be

There is no one punishing anyone, either now or in the after life,
punishment arises automatically from the nature of the postulates that a
being makes.

He commits an overt act, regrets it, restrains it AND justifies it,
and it is these last two that create a ridge of pain and force more
solid than obsidian steel, that form the prison and torture of hell.

Restraint says it was wrong, justification says it was right, so
which is it already?

I regret it because it was wrong, but he deserved it because he was
a schmuck!

The overt however gets repeated later on, again and again,
laying on new layers of overt, regret, self punishment, restraint,
and justification.

He is no longer able to just commit the overt without regret,
but he is no longer able to stop doing it either.

The see-saw of indecision creates an alternating back and forth
current that creates force and mass and pain.

One can not be imprisioned or punished for anything beyond the
deliverance of a full confession and the cessation of the conflicting
idiocy of restraint and justification.

If one finds oneself in a physical prison or hell, one has to ask
what one is doing in a body, once that is out of the way, the being can
leave the body and the prison, and probably blow up the prison behind
him and release the body should he be so inclined.

Thus seek the true confession to resolve any state of temporal or
immortal hell.

Once the very existence of games itself becomes a game which can be
won or lost, the being can end up in no games forever.

Most of the games you see around you are games of survival.

Survival can be for the physical body, but also for ideas, goals,
dreams and purposes etc.

Once games of survival are for survival of games, the being is in
dire trouble and on the way out.

The being as Creator/Author likes to create and PLAY games of
survival, and the being as Creature/Character likes to WIN games of

If you can conceive of the Creator becoming Creature, or the Author
becoming Character, then you got it down.

Author's like to create good stories, there are no bad stories in
the universe. But good stories contain good and bad characters, and
good stories can be adjusted and made better.

Too few bad characters? Make more bad characters.

Too few good characters? Make more good characters.

Virtue for the Creator is not virtue for the Creature.

Virtue for the Author is not virtue for the Character.

If the being finds the games he is playing too easy to win, he says
'Christ give me a challenge already!'

If the being finds the games too easy to lose, he says "Christ get
me out of here!"

If the being finds the games a never ending warp and woof of win
and loss he says "Christ who?"

Anytime the being wins or loses a game, he loses the PLAY of the
game, so he needs a new game.

Thus any time a being wins or loses a game and returns to the
Author state, he adjusts the 'odds knob' on the next game to make it a
better and longer PLAY. The idea is to create a game that will play

The Author is in search of the endless volley.

Auditing can lift the character into the Author state while a game
is going on so it can be adjusted.

Too much or too little of anything results in non optimum randomity
and can produce death, either of the body, the being or the game as a

This includes too much or too little of winning or losing.

Auditing is the process of adjusting the odds knob for optimum

Sure you might be able to take a being who is losing all the time,
and return his ability to win all the time. But pretty soon he will say
'screw this!" and take on a bigger sphere of activity and start to sag
and buckle under the weight of play again.

"Woe is me!"

Auditing is the process by which a character is returned
momentarily to the Author state so he can adjust the odds knob.

Auditing consists mostly of gleaning a true confession, recovering
the original invite on negative postulates, and regaining facility in
issuing the second invite to unwanted opponents or games conditions.

Without auditing, the being handles the buckling under the weight
of loss by taking on smaller and smaller games.

With auditing, the being seeks the weight by taking on bigger and
bigger games.

And yes a being can get sick of even endless optimum play, and just
jack the odds knob all the way up for the cussed fun of it.

He seeks the sag.

You will know it when you see it in yourself.

It means you are getting better.

In general people don't like to play games which they find they
HAVE to play, particularly when the consequences of losing are painful
or worse.

They feel they are on a fast moving treadmill, with fire all
around them should they try to get off.

Your average mortal meatball for example thinks he is playing a
game of survival that he is going to lose one day no matter what, and
once he loses he will never be able to play any game ever again.

Beings also played this game as immortals.

It was called 'Fragile Immortalities'.

The being still had a body, a space time gizmo, but it could tick
tock forever without wearing out.

It could heal from an unbelievable amount of damage, but if pushed
over the line, its ticking days were done.

This earlier universe laid down an early basic incident on

(A basic incident is the first of its kind on the being's whole

To dramatize means 'to bring drama to'.

Drama means seriousness, importance, permanence and pain.

When one has to die, death is not so important, it can even be

When one can live forever, death defines important.

In the fragile immortality universe, Ethics was no where to be
found, and people would do ANYTHING to get others to accept the risk of
living and allow themselves the reward of survival.

And justice and brotherhood was no where to be found either, as
punishment of an immortal body came into fine form during this time.

Remember the being is an ETERNAL being outside of time, not an
immortal being inside of time. Any existence inside of a single time
stream forever is a hell forever.

Fortunately such immortal existences are in fact impossible, as all
time streams are created finite and therefore must end one day. That's
why they are called WHILES.

However prior to the fragile immortality universe, everyone
believed in the immortality of the soul, and that once dumped in hell
forever, it stayed there forever.

They invented the fragile immortality universe to escape the
permanent immortality universe forthwith.

You will find present time people still stuck firmly in both
universes like an ant in amber. One never fully leaves a universe
behind when he tries to escape one by creating another lower one.

These prior universes create the background pain and angst of our
lives unrelated to anything in our present time and render breathing
insufficient reason to be, even in clean air. :)

The temporal hells that people are walking around in now have as
their rock solid foundation these earlier universes of inconceivable
terror and pain.

They have to be audited out like anything else, before the being
can attain equanimity and freedom to be.

The 'rock' has to be transferred from apparent immortality where it
is made of force, mass and pain, to eternality where it is made of
endless peace and assureity.

Imagine an author creating a game that if lost or won, destroyed
the being's ability to get back to being author and create another game.

Once the very existence of games is connected to the winning and
losing of a game, all ethics, and willingness to play as a character
goes out the tubes, and the being will do ANYTHING to win so he can keep
playing games he detests.

This is why 'character' is often defined as 'sportsmanship'.

Ethics, beyond being logical, is mostly sportsmanship in the games
of life. Maintaining one's sense of invite and fair chosenness.

There is nothing worse that no more games to play.

If he thinks he is immortal, no more games is hell forever.

If he thinks he is mortal, well he solved the hell forever bit :)


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Wed Nov 19 14:17:35 EST 2008

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Mon Mar 21 03:06:02 EDT 2011
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Sorry Pip,

You gotta get your head out of your ass and carefully read what is
said in order to understand its many points that are right, rather than
reactively try to find fault with it.

You chronically do with me what the rest of the shit that can talk
does with Hubbard.

They are LOOKING to make him wrong, and jump on every
possibility even if they have zero understanding of how it is right.

Take anything written by Hubbard or me or anyone and


How could that be wrong?
How could that be right?

Spot an interpretation that would make it wrong.
Spot an interpretation that would make it right.

The sex of the body is not as important as the PHASE of the body in
mastering the 4 part grade of a sphere of activity.

The 4 parts from come a long list of 4 parts listed in Adore.

God Soul Creation Religion Causal New Beat Scope
Man Mind Discovery Science Mental Counter Point Span
Woman Heart Expression Art Emotional Harmony Depth
Child Body Trade Business Physical Mimicry Field

Many beings are in the wrong body for the primary job in life they
wanted to do or ended up doing.

All women in any grade are masters of offense in all grades below

Very few are masters of offense in the grade they belong in, and if
they are they most likely rue the body they have for it.

But again body sex is not phase sex, Adore just chose those words
of god, man, woman and child to communicate it in, just as the whole
rest of the world uses male and female to describe yin and yang.

In fact it was the WRONGNESS of the 2 fold complementation of yin
and yang that drove Adore to seek a better solution with a 4 fold
ENCOMPASSMENT of God, Man, Woman and Child, as any idiot can see its

Its nice to say men and women are equal, but its wrong, there are
male qualities and there are female qualities, and just so there are
child qualities, and god qualities.

Within a grade the child seeking female qualities, and women
seeking male qualities, and men seeking god qualities, and gods seeking
child qualities AT THE NEXT LEVEL UP are normal and intended.

That means they are making the grade and operating the master and
apprehentice relationship properly.

However within a grade, a god seeking male qualities, and a male
seeking female qualities, and a female seeking child qualities and a
child seeking god qualities of the next grade down IS the dwindling

Mortal meatball women can't see beyond the master and slave
relationship so they have reactions to this, and they hate their sons
born of jealousy that they themselves are not a male, and work
ceaselessly to demasculate them.

Down deep in their tiny dark little heart of hearts, most mortal
meatballs women would prefer that men didn't exist, they don't see the
need for them, and can't imagine operating in men what men have that the
women in general have not yet mastered, the ability to lead.

Very high grade women have full understanding of the God man woman
child cycle, and are quite able to lead the masses of low grade men.
But even they crave man worthy of leading them and their children, and
for the most part live very lonely lives for such men are not around.

Men for the most part would shudder at the thought of a world
without women, but low grade men are embarassed and ashamed of what
women have become and of their own need for women. Down deep they feel
sorry for women and understand their jealousy, but believe the surface
lie that mortal women are happy with being women andh have no
subterranean jealousy of men at all.

Such men do not understand the covert desire of women to be rid of
them, born of the woman's seething jealousy that they are not men
themselves. Woe be unto a male son born of such a mother.

Only those that can't have a penis would WANT a vagina. :)

You also need to go word clear completely and forever HAVINGNESS.
I keep forgetting you are not a trained scientologist and are not able
to deal with the language of clarity that Hubbard laid out.

The ability to have means the ability to own and control.

That is what HAVINGNESS IS.

People are actually stuck in bodies, or however the fuck you want
to put it, because they can't have bodies, they are below havingness on
the Pre Have scale, which I suggest you study carefully until you stop
nit fucking picking words with me.

Once a being comes up to being able to HAVE a body, they can leave

But they need to be able to HAVE not just a male body, but a female
body, and a child body, and a transex god body.

And if there are other kinds of bodies they will have to be able to
have them too.

One is stuck in a body, or however the fuck you want to put it,
because of

Affinity -> NoSympathy -> Sympathy -> Propitiation -> BEING a body,
in order to better 'take care of it' after a long line of MISASSISTS,
which see in back of History of Man.

> Are you suggesting that one HAS a body or is BEING a body or both (or
> neither)? I suggest it is neither and that these are merely
> considerations about one's experience.

Now how stupid is this statement, of COURSE they are
considerations, so the god damn fuck what?

You have to nit pick words to the point of missing the whole point
of the sentence?

If YOU can't BE a body at will, then you will certainly get stuck
in one, can't move your viewpoint away from one.

So what's your problem?

You take your basher pills this morning?

> So what is the ultimate root of the interiorization/exteriorization
> phenomenon?

As stated exactly above.

> Does a being always have to be located somewhere and have
> relationships with things?

No, native state is free of such relationships, but its
primary purpose is to CREATE such relationships.

> What is one actually doing in the case of
> inhabiting, or being confined to, ANY "body"? That might be a good
> target. ........

Taking care of, and then below that hiding.

The whole negative tone scape from 0 on down is what a being is
doing with, in and/or connected to bodies.

Pity for dying bodies starts it, sad eyes, the regret,
accountability, blame, shame, punishing, controlling, protecting, Owning
and getting approval from bodies.

The needing, worhipping, sacrificing self to bodies, and hiding
bodies and hiding in bodies, and hiding AS bodies.

Below that well they probably aren't talking here on this group.

Also, I know some women who are masters of
> offense. >: )

What exactly does that prove?

I know pieces of shit that are more aware than most women.

But anyhow, perhaps some day you will come back as one, and perhaps
too you will have a mind that functions properly, rather than nit pick
words to death for things you haven't given a moment's thought too.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

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Posted: Mon Mar 21 01:00:21 EDT 2011
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Version: GnuPG v1.2.7 (GNU/Linux)

Homerwsmith-l mailing list

Sunday, March 20, 2011


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You can't clear a being from his body by auditing out
only male and female.

You have to audit out child, woman, man and god.

The child is neither male nor female, the god is both male and

Therein lies the route to exteriorization, mastering the two *ENDS*
and what lies between.

For any given level or game sphere,

Child is master of total irresponsibliity.

Woman is master of defense.

Man is master of offense.

God is master of total responsibility.

Together they form a whole.

Only as a whole can a being leave their body and become independent
of it. At the same time they become willing and able to be other's
bodies of any kind.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

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Sun Mar 20 03:06:06 EDT 2011
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Version: GnuPG v1.2.7 (GNU/Linux)

Homerwsmith-l mailing list

Saturday, March 19, 2011


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If you state,

"Syllogisms don't apply to anything"

you are intending that this statement be used as:

"Syllogisms don't apply to anything.
Exhibit A is a syllogism
Therefore Exhibit A doesn't apply to anything"

The point is that merely MAKING THE STATEMENT syllogisms don't
apply to anything assumes and intends that they do.

People who build their philsophies around self denying statements
are all wind between the ears.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

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Sat Mar 19 03:06:02 EDT 2011
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Version: GnuPG v1.2.7 (GNU/Linux)

Homerwsmith-l mailing list

Friday, March 18, 2011


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Well to be accurate 'lucid' merely means to be aware that you are

From there, one tries to exercise control but may not have it

Or one can just go sight seeing, feel tits etc, talk to the

In my sleep dreams, control ranges from total to none.

In the waking state, control ranges from almost none to none,
with some events that I don't know if my postulates caused them or

The difference between a meatball and a dreamball, is the
meatball thinks that consciousness arose from and exists inside the
material universe of ball bearings, force and mass in motion.

His postulates have little to do with anything but control over
his body. He can move his arm at will, that's about it.

The dreamball thinks that the material universe arose from and is
made from the conscious universe, its a virtual projection in fact, it
has no other existence. Thus the material world and all other worlds
are created and continued by someone's postulates.

The dreamball assumes that by changing postulates he can change
anything, but also assumes that because things are as theyare, that
they were at one time wanted to be this way, otherwise no one would
have postulated them. He doesn't believe in mistakes if one traces
the postulate trail back far enough.

The primary thing about the OT state then, is this desire to be
human. No human in their right mind would have created things as they
are. An OT would have.

Humans want to 'become OT' so that they can better defend their
human state, body, possessions etc. An OT can't even move in a scene
if he is defending part of the scene. He has to become a part of the
scene and move THAT.

Thus your average human has no chance of becoming OT as the OT
that he wants to become doesn't exist. His concept is basically a
super human that knows better than to ever come here again, and can
stay out.


Phil Scott ( wrote:
>On 18 May 2002 16:27:52 -0400, (CB Willis) wrote:

>>Homer Wilson Smith ( wrote:
>>>I am living a lucid dream 100 percent of the time now.
>>Was there a time when you did otherwise?

>actually Carol... you may wish to review what is actually meant by Homies
>remark... in some circles living a lucid dream life is a bit off the chart.

>Before my hand operation in 1991, when I had come up to having lucid dreams, I
>learned by first hand experience what that meant... I would be having a dream,
>and deciding to change it second by second consciously to explore areas or have
>experiences I wanted to have...very very consciously..

>something like you walking into a store and deciding that you wanted the store
>owner to walk up to you, give you a big hug and $500 cash...then as that was
>happening deciding that you wanted to do a back flip and be in another
>location...doing something else, then having that happen,

>What the new agey people refer to in these areas is vastly thinner than that...
>what you are likely referring to is the fact that as we live life we pull in or
>cause to happen that which we want to happen to learn. and for other reasons.and
>that is correct imho... its just that it is not as immediately conscious as what
>one experiences in a lucid dream... and not the same as when one does it with
>'real life'

>Phil Scott
>>- CBW

- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith I would rather die poor Lightlink Internet
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF than suffer the patronage Ithaca, NY of bigots and pinheads.

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Fri Mar 18 03:06:09 EDT 2011
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Homerwsmith-l mailing list

Thursday, March 17, 2011


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The universe runs on dicoms, not only at the lower level where
people play games of opposition, but also at the higher level where
the created manifestation is then pressed into service as persistence.

Native State - Unmanifestation
As-is - Vanishing Truth
Alter-is - Lie
Isness - Persisting Truth
Not-isness - Persisting Lie

For example the being starts off Looking By Knowing, he knows
something and then sees it, and then falls down into Knowing by
Looking, he sees something and there by comes to know about it.

Looking by Knowing is creation. Knowing by Looking is Learning
by being an effect.

Same thing with Determination.

The being starts off determining that such and so will happen,
and then falls down to trying to determine what the hell happened?!

The first is cause, the second is effect.

The being starts off as 'BE CAUSE!' creating things, and then
falls down to blame 'Well that happened BECAUSE...'.

You see what a Joke this is?

The primary operating dicom of a being creating a manifestation
and pressing it into service as a persistence, is the Consideration
Observation flip flop.

Consideration and Observation form a dicom.

Consideration is Looking by Knowing, being cause.
Observation is Knowing by Looking, being effect.

A 'God Postulate' is that postulate which the being thinks is
true because he has OBSERVED it to be true, when in fact it is true
because he considers it is true.

It is called a God Postulate because in truth all he has to do is
change his mind about it, and it will vanish. Since God Postulates
are HUGE overwhelms to the being, its like being a God when you
finally change one of these back to native state.

First he creates a space, and puts a LOT of mean nasty looking
spiders in that space. That's consideration, looking by knowing etc.

Then he observes the spiders are coming after him and are
dangerous so he runs away, thus solidifying his space/time bubble and
assuring his own doom as monster food.

I mean if you create a spider and you run away from it in fear,
SURELY it will come after you, don't you see? It can't help but do so
because your own postulates presuppose that it will.

The minute you flinch or cringe or try to get away from any
space/time manifestation, the whole thing goes solid on you. The
minute you walk towards it in utter fearlessness, the whole thing
becomes like light dust, and blows away at the slightest wind.

So the guy creates a dream by consideration and then turns
it into a nightmare through observation, learning by looking etc.

He observes his spiders eating someone else, so he LEARNS that
they must be dangerous. He is no longer MAKING them dangerous, hey
man no one makes a spider THAT dangerous, don't you see, so he has
handed his sovereignty over to the spider who now has more cause than
he, and so of course his worst fears come true.

they were true BEFORE he said they were true.

Thus he is denying the power of his postulates, and that power
then shifts over to what is postulated!

Thus he lives and dies in a lie that causes persistance of the
spiders coming after him, or whatever his favority Nemesis One is.

If as an Eternally motionless Orientation point you put a hundred
megatons of power into the Symbol spider, and then consider that the
spider is the orientation point and you are the symbol and try to run
from the spider, well it will come after you with 100 megatons of
power. It HAS to, the power CAN'T GO ANYWHERE ELSE.

That's justice.

And jestice.

You can't make a space/time bubble and then consider you are IN
IT and mobile without having the space/time bubble come after you.

In trying to rehab an OT then, one wants to return to the being
the facility of making postulates as consideration and cause and then
believing they are true as observation and effect.

Operating this one dicom will operate the entire machinery that
puts him into dream time running from every illusion that he ever

When you can make your spiders roll on the floor in laughter and blow
them away like pixie dust with a single breath, you will have gotten the


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

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Thu Mar 17 03:06:02 EDT 2011
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Wednesday, March 16, 2011


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UCP and BT's

So the pc is sitting in this huge auditorium filled with other
beings, except the pc is unaware of these other beings in the seats
around him, but they are very aware of him, although many of them are
kind of sonambulent.

The pc, feeling he is alone, starts to audit 'himself' with UCP
and starts to spot things in the past present and future, and
comparing them.

The problem is the pc is unaware of his true present state, that
he is in an auditorium filled with other beings. So his spotting of
present time is limited to what he is aware of.

Then one day he finally comes to realizing there are all these
other beings around him, and worse, although he had no idea they were
there, they were all quite aware of him for the whole time and have
actually been running the UCP process with every command the pc was
running along with him. These other beings however had no one to give
their communications to as the pc was unaware of them, and they aren't
very good at communicating with each other yet. They all think they
are alone too except for the pc!

So the pc becomes aware of all these other beings and suddenly he
is flooded with incoming UCP answers from all of them.

He has to go into Witness mode real fast and handle it all!

So now he begins to understand some things.

He understands why sometimes the answers that came up to his own
questions were not his own, and if he invalidated them as not his
material or of questionable worth and refused to run it, he would get
in trouble.

He also understands why sometimes his own sessioning would just
bog and he couldn't figure out why. Someone else needed session and
their masses were overwhelming the pc!

He understands why his dreams can sometimes be so wild and
unrelated to him.

So the pc wants to remain master of ceremonies, and everyone else
wants him to also. So now when he goes into session, he becomes aware
of the whole crowed as best he can and says,

"OK, anyone want a session?"

Then he runs UCP on whatever and who ever comes up, making very
sure not to invalidate who or what comes up and keeping track of what
is his and what may not be.

Like if someone answers up in your nose, you might find out what
it is, Bt, Cluster, Demon, Deity, God, Elemental, 9 to 5er, just
another guy in a body in another city connected to you, etc. Then you
find out what it wants to say, maybe the item is "Suppressive to

Then you find out WHOSE memory it is suppressive to, maybe its
yours, may be not, maybe its suppressive to its OWN Memory, maybe it
has a death that clustered it, used to be a happy demon, now its
entombed in a cluster of demons, mad as hell. It's problems with its
memory may be affecting yours etc.

It's certainly enough to give you a headache and a stuffed nose.

But you can't audit this demon on what it is doing to YOU, you
see? You have to audit it on what it is doing period, in this case it
is to itself and you just happen to be in the line of fire. This
takes a lot cool and compassion on the part of the witness.

It is a common problem in Scn that when you start talking about
auditing BT's, people start thinking about GETTING RID OF THEM.

This comes from Hubbard and OT III. You have to remember that OT
III is a very specific incident. Whether or not it actually happened
is not being taken up here, but Hubbard thought it did. In OT III,
beings from all over the local cluster of stars were brought to earth,
bombed, and then packaged together in clusters AGAINST THEIR WILL.

These beings do not want to be together, so when one is auditing
such a package, the E/P is that BT goes clear and blows. That is as
it should be. Maybe some will hang around and become spiritual team
mates, but most will probably want to go off and take a rest for a
while, find their old lives and places and pick up where they left

But the total number of OT III BT's compared to the total number
of other beings we are connected to in the auditorium is miniscule.

MOST of the beings that will answer up in session are actually
part of the your composite, we don't WANT them to leave any more than
you want your heart or lungs to leave. But we do want to audit them,
clear them, so that they can come up tone and cooperate as part of the
composite rather than resist their slow decline into spiritual

Believe it or not even the demons and deities can be part of the
composite, some of them are very big, one demon or deity per 1 million
or more bodies, so if you clear one of these guys, you affect a lot of

Demons from one body group can get clustered with demons from
another body group, and the two composites become confused and start
to fail to operate properly. It takes quite a whopper of an incident
to do this, like the bombing of a city or Hiroshima, or an earthquake
etc. You get near this stuff and you are just SURE you are going to
be blown out of your head and your body turned into dust in the wind.

Well, love, that's what happened.

When Beezelbub answers up breathing fire, are you going
to be able to say "Cool!" and not miss a command or an ack?

Of course.

It is tempting to ask "But who am I to audit a God?"

Well he's YOUR God, you created him AS a God, "he who made him
can approach unto him." The auditor is superior, the God is
subservient. Unless you flinch in which case you just gave up your
seat of sovereignty.

Thus I would suggest that if you want your UCP sessions to go
better, you need to develop a facility in switching quickly between pc
and Witness and being able and willing to audit everyone around you,
no matter how weird or dangerous it might seem.

If you do this right, you will have to END your sessions because
you ran out of time, and not because the session ended and you can't
get anything more to go for a while.

Even if you can't *SEE* other beings, you can usually feel them
with either effort or emotion or ideas. As they answer up you can
feel their incoming communications, just take what comes and run with

The Auditorium is *BIG*, light years across if not multiple


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

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Wed Mar 16 03:06:02 EDT 2011
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Tuesday, March 15, 2011


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Questions are havingness.

Questions are like pretty baubles you wear on your wrist for all
to see.

When you answer a question it goes poof! It's gone.

That's a loss of havingness, you see?

Primary upset was with not knowing the answer to a question, all
the rest came afterwards, problems, overts, withholds, upsets, make

People think they need to answer a question to solve their case.

This is wrong, none of their questions will be answered until
long after they solve their case.

Once all the somatics are gone, all the worry, anger, fear,
sorrow and regret are gone, once you have melded your male and female
halves and are living and breathing a continuous orgasm, once you can
live in not know forever for free and not care, then you will come up
with answers to your questions.

So do your case a favor, throw your mind out the window, drop
kick it over the goal post and give yourself 10 points.

Not talking about questions of a scientific nature, but of a
spiritual nature, where am I, what am I doing here, What's the story,
Jerry? etc.

"The exact attitude with which one approaches answering a
question determines whether or not one gets an answer.

That exact attitude is Omni Sovereignty." - Adore

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

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Tue Mar 15 03:06:02 EDT 2011
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Monday, March 14, 2011


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There is direct observation and there is indirect observation.

Indirect observation is when you observe A by looking at B.

Direct observation is when you observe A by looking at A.

So you get the guy to understand this and then you ask him to
give you an example of indirect observation.

He says "Well I got this video camera, and its hooked to a TV,
and I am watching the crowd outside by looking at the image on the TV
coming in through the video camera."

You ask him how come that's not direct observation and he says
because I am looking at the TV image which is B in order to learn
about the actual events out there which is A.

So then you ask him to give you an example of direct observation.

He says, well I skip the TV and the video camera and I go out
there and look at the crowd directly.

With your body's eyes?

Well, yes.

Ok, so how is that different than watching the TV set?

The photons come into your body's eyes, they get converted to who
knows what in your optic nerve and brain and then get converted to
your conscious picture.

You are using your conscious picture of the crowd (B) to learn
about the actual crowd (A).

How are your eyes any more direct than watching the TV image
produced by the video camera?

Uh, well they aren't.

Ok, then give me an example of direct observation.

So he woofs and woogers around for a while and finally says, well
I close my eyes, and I imagine a great big red ball.

I am not seeing it with a video camera, I am not seeing it with
my body's eyes, I am not seeing it WITH anything. Thus it has to be I
am looking at it directly, not at something else that represents it.

Good, he's got it.

A machine can not directly observe ANYTHING, period.

BECAUSE a machine is separate from what it is looking at.

Space and time = separation = two different objects = no direct

When looker and looked at are two different objects, that means
no direct observation and thus no certainty of existence or causal

That happens to be a very big deal.

But most of the world still thinks that direct observation means
using a via like the body's eyes.

They have been using their body's eyes to LOOK with for a very
long time and calling it direct observation.

Thus they have defined true direct observation out of existence,
and gotten lost of the fact that consciousness is not a machine.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Wed Feb 7 01:31:46 EST 2007

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