Thursday, June 30, 2011

adore340.memo (fwd)

> I'd like to offer a non 'scieno' and non 'newage' (pronounced to rymne with
> 'sewage') interpretation.
> 'Karma' is best translated as 'involvement with the wheel of life'
> There is no 'good karma' or 'bad karma'; it's all just karma.
> The more you're involved with maya, the more you're involved with maya :)
> It's pretty simple.
> Of necessity, if you kill or even *murder* someone, you will very likely be
> 'involved' in maya.
> If you steal money, you are probably involved in that.
> The more involved you are in the universe, the more 'karma' you have.

The above is correct but lacking in technical understanding of
the exact mechanism.

Karma first results from being in the wrong place at the wrong

If you agree to enter and become a part of a game called Killer
Pit, someone will probably try to kill you.

So one and all are responsible for their condition, their are
no innocent victims. Doesn't mean they are GUILTY, just means
they chose to enter knowing full well what they were getting into.

But secondly and formost, a being is very hard to hurt,
especially permanently.

However should a being try to hurt another PERMANENTLY, and then
regret it, and then justify it and restrain doing it again, they have
withdrawn from an area of life, using tremendous forces of push and

We talk about people 'pulling it in', this is quite literal, once
they have a withhold on a subject, its a huge vacuum they hvae set up
around their space to make sure nothing about the subject escapes to
the outside world, particularly to those trying to look in to see what
is going on. "Nothing here!" the withholder is saying.

You can't hurt another without exteriorizing from that other,
this backs you into a smaller space that doesn't include them.

THEN when something bad happens to the person, it doesn't heal,
one because the being no longer has the horsepower to let it roll off
his shoulders, his power is all invested in withholding.

And two because his regret makes him wonder if he
deserves it, the withhold becomes missed in his own space, so he isn't
quite absolutely sure he SHOULD heal from it, he gets the QUALMS
about being better, someone might notice and point out his mistake.

And three because the incoming injury acts as further
justification and restraint after the fact for the original overt act
he committed against others.

All of stuck life is a DEDEX. You commit an accidental overt
act, or someone convinces you that you have, you regret it,
justify/restrain it, and then someone does something to you, and boy
oh boy has an injustice been done!

You also been trying to convince others they committed an overt
when they hadn't. That may be the first overt.

Forget the motivators and the later motivated overts, its the
DED/DEDEX sequences you need to get off the case to keep it from

Just about anyone can solo a motivator/overt sequence, its just
too obvious. But try to solo a ded/dedex sequence, and the guy just
isn't sure he has permission to get well!

He gets to the qualms, and he just sits in them looking around
him to see if anyone is noticing that he is daring to get better,
daring to forgive and be forgiven. Talk about sin, you know.

So in auditing karma and involvment in maya, one is looking for
injuries that won't heal, on the physical, emotional, mental and
spiritual planes.

Remember trauma is not the result of what is done to you, but the
direct result of what you did to yourself and the perp as a RESPONSE
to what they did to you.

When someone does something to you, you got two choices, you
either as-is it, or you hold it near and dear and cover it up. That's
trauma. Man is it precious, valuable, fragile and irreplacable. Do
you have any idea how hard it is to get someone to do something to you
bad enough to justify/restrain what you did before?

You can't even find a good justifier/restrainer on e-bay for
cheap any more.

So when you find the injury that won't heal, you need to find the
earlier why that made its festering precious.

From adore:


Immortals who dislike mortals have some karma to face.

Namely mortals who dislike immortals are despicable.

Karma is present time involvement with hidden shames of the past.

Shame is a waste of time.

So is Karma.

Since you can not die, you do not deserve to die or suffer
forever, no matter what you do, have done, or will do, and your body
does not deserve to be hurt or damaged for anything that you have

When Earth learns these two lessons, there will be peace on Earth
and good will toward men.

Until then there will be suffering forever."

From Adore.


Sun Jun 18 02:09:00 EDT 2006

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Thu Jun 30 12:06:02 EDT 2011
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Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Clear-L mailing list


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Adore holds all beings fully responsible for their own condition.

The child is held responsible for creating the mother that it needs to
prosper and flourish.

The woman is held responsible for creating the male that she needs to
prosper and flourish.

The male is held responsible for creating the gods that he needs to
prosper and flourish.

And the god is held responsible for creating the child at the
next level up that the god needs to prosper and flourish.

The child blames the mother, the woman blames the male, the male
blames the god, and the god blames the next higher child.

"We lost our High Masters, and blamed our High Apprehentices,
and now *NO ONE* is pure before Source." - Adore

The reason only a woman can teach a man how to be a *MAN* is
because only a woman knows how she NEEDS a man to be a man. If the
woman doesn't do it, no one will, because the men won't know.

It's not an obvious thing in humans.

The reason the male isn't 'home' most of the time, is because the only
really safe space is a BIG safe space, that means the male must prowl the
borders of his territories and expand them ever outward seeking more and
more danger that might come in and impinge in surprise.

The male that doesn't wander *FAR* from home is just not doing his

It doesn't have to be a physical wandering, but it does have
to be a wandering into territories of unknown danger where the woman
with child would *NEVER* go.

That is what the woman hires, creates and trains the man for.

And that includes her sons.

"When does a son take (command) rank over his mother?"

"The day he can take his mother's enemies out." - Adore


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

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Thu Jun 30 03:06:02 EDT 2011
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Wednesday, June 29, 2011



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((My comments in double parentheses - Homer))


CD - 8
6 February 1994

Copyright (C) 1994 D. and Homer Wilson smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.

((The following is an interchange between myself and D. over the
past few weeks. Posted with permission.))


I have never written to you before. I tried my hand posting in
a.r.s. but was quickly smashed.

I just read your recent post about being on staff, and staff
members giving you motivators, etc. And I have to thank you for that.

I am in a similar situation. I was on staff for a while. I liked
being on staff. I was, like the rest of my org, PTS and broke. But it
was a good time. And I could read LRH and everything seemed like it
would work out.

Then we got this telex stating that Int management REQUIRED us to
send four (of our 20) staff members for the OEC/FEBC course.
((Organization Executive Course/Flag Executive Briefing Course)) And
there weren't that many of us who could physically leave the area.

So after one of our staff members left, and was declared
unqualified to attend ITO, ((International Training Org)) my twin on the
TR's & Objectives course quit her job and went. Only two weeks later, I
was talked into going to ITO to become a wonderful executive who would
come back and handle everything and make life wonderful for all those
who remained behind. So I quit my moonlight, and moved to Hollywood.

It was there that I learned what real Scientology was. I saw the
bad situation. I was at ITO where the staff there would only get beans
and rice to eat for weeks on end. I was at an org where you were on
course from 7 am to 10 pm. And if you should, gods forbid, need a
review you could count on getting audited every few days, but only if
you got the direct intervention of CMO ((Commodore's Messenger Org)) or
a student from a higher org.

But I dealt with all that, because I could sneak off and read tech
vols or other books. (Admitted overts on my part.) At length, I did
complete my Objectives, Student Hat, Key to Life, Life Orientation
Course, and I started my M1 ((Method 1 Word Clearing)) But all this took
9 months to do. Plus the whole time, my family back home got more and
more concerned (non-sci) and started to become a problem. So after I
finished my PC on M1, (and was routed to 'ethics' (ha ha)) I blew.

I got my little brother to drive the 15 hours from home to get me.
and I drove home.

After coming back ((home)), I talked to the ED and the D/ED
((Executive Director and Deputy ED)) for several hours. And I felt bad
because I had let them down, and they helped me feel that I could
confront the situation, again.

So I was flown back out to Holywood. And I spent 3 weeks in
'ethics' again. (quotations used to indicate here a somewhat non-
standard application of same.) I looked at the situation, and even
after my sec-check (several hours of auditing all in one day!) I knew
the game there was not for me. For this I was sent back to review,
because I obviously must have done my LOC wrong (a person's HAT IN LIFE
is not supposed to be anything other than executive, when you get your
LOC at ITO!) this all happened in September.

In December, I decided that I was going home for Christmas. I was
still in review, and was put on other courses until my cycle in review
was handled. (Again, ha ha) So on Dec 24th I went home. And I later
told my org to make out my free loader's debt, because I wasn't going
back to ITO.

ITO called me Dec 28th (1991) and said that I had to come back to
take my place in the New Years Eve event. I said no. Some kid from CMO
Int called me the next day, and said that if I wasn't at the event to
stand on stage with the rest of the OEC/FEBC students, he was going to
declare me himself. And this scared me. So I talked to the ED at my
org and told her the situation. She told me that he couldn't declare
me, and that he was covering his own ass. So I didn't go back.

Later I found out my freeloader debt, $19,000+ for my time at ITO.
And another $8,000 for the tiny bit I did locally.

It took me 5 months to get the Dir Income ITO, to stop calling my
house demanding I send money. Now they just send statements each month.

My own org left me alone. (They even dead-filed me, I told a few
of them what had happened and they must have thought some of it their
fault because they sent such a 'greenie.') That is, until now.

In the last week, it seems that my org has a new FBO. ((Financial
Banking Officer)) And because of her foreign accent, I'd have to guess
that she is SO. She calls me every damn day. Her whole life's purpose
is to call me and tell me how wrong I am not to pay back the $8,000 her
job is to collect. She tells me how its not okay. And that I am
ruining my 3rd dynamic.

This brings me to my PTP. If I tell her to fuck off, I can assume
that she (being the on-purpose **** she is) will invoke the "does not
return in a reasonable amount of time... automatic declare..." clause.
Until now I had thought that the Scientology definition of 'reasonable'
would keep me from SP status. Now, I don't know. I dont really want to
be declared. I haven't had to ever suppress Scientology before. But
how can you tell your friends "Scientology can help," and mean it, if
you then have to turn around and say "but if you get involved with it,
you'll have to never speak to me or be connected with me anymore."????!

If they label you suppressive, how can you be otherwise?

Then I started paying attention to your postings, and I read the
Capt Bill stuff. Now my question, to you is. Can a person who has been
declared by the current church, get auditing in the Free Zone? How do
you get materials? Meters and such?

I read some of this stuff and get case gain, for the first time in
2 yrs. I have hope again. After reading that current Scientology might
be a big, expensive trap (full agreement here on expensive!) I dont
think I should pay them anything.

I just want to know, can I safely tell these people that I have no
plan to pay them any more money. Because I am almost certain they will
declare me.

Is it out-ethics for me to not pay my freeloader's debt? The
contract says you must pay it before you can receive any training or
processing. But if that is an agreeable limitation to one, is it still
out-ethics to not pay? Do I have to change sides before I feel good
about not paying. I suppose I could give them $5 per month.

Having been a staff member, and having, I'm sure, dealt with this
same kind of crap, do you have any advice for me?


Dear D.

I have received your letter, give me some time to digest it. You
need to rehab what you learned on the KTL and LOC courses, and keep your
own space clean in spite of everyone telling you that YOU are out
ethics. It may be a very complicated mixture of out ethics on all
sides. Your duties are to truth first, yourself second, and everyone
else including Ron third.

You can actually blow Scientology by NOT leaving your post or the
Org if the Org is blown as a whole. Any criminal will tell you that
you are out ethics for not letting him suck your blood. If you FALL for
it, you ethics ARE out!

Are you sucking anyone's blood, and making them wrong for not
letting you? If not, then you are safe and will be able to tell right
from wrong after the restimulation clears. Being able to talk about it
with someone who is not dramatizing will help.

Just don't do anything rash, most of the world's Scientologists are
declared people in the field. Probably the first thing you need to do
is declare a PROPER condition for yourself, maybe doubt eh? Then TALK
TO THE FIELD, talk to Enid Vien, talk to Flemming Funch, Talk to
Filbert. Just TALK TO THEM to get their viewpoint, see the tone level
they are in, the humor, the reality, see if there is any agreement or
as-isness taking place. Then go back and talk to your org terminals and
see where they are at.

This will give you a datum of comparable magnitude to judge each
side against the other.

You may decide there is a problem to be spotted in your Org or its
upstream command lines, but not a terminal problem. You can get so
swamped by lies and charge that you fail to localize the source. If the
whole thing seems to be rotten to the core, THEN you have a duty to
leave and re establish operating tech free from their influence. If you
think you can continue to work in the Orgs, then you have a duty to

There are laws against credit collectors, you can also talk to a
credit agency or lawyer about how to shut the credit collectors up,
including your FBO friend.

She is just dramatizing her job trying to win brownie points. She
has no ability to BE YOU and see what you are going through and why.

Mainly you have to find a space that is truly yours, and lock into
the power that comes from maintaining your position in YOUR space. Many
people are finding power by maintaining their position in someone else's
space, which usually comes with a license to survive and ridiculous
conditions of fulfillment and blind obedience.

If you decide to leave the physical location of your Org, and the
command lines of your Bridge and post, just make sure that you take the
tech with you, because someday, as you apply the tech to the rest of the
world, you will have to come back to where you left and clean it up too.
Don't stop using what you know just because you have to use it on your
own house (your Org), and have to vacate it for a while to clear out the

As I said, give me a day or two to think about this, and you should
consider talking to field people to get a REAL reality on what they are
like. Communication with the declared SP is forbidden only to protect
you from enturbulation. If you are in doubt about your protectors, then
you HAVE to communicate and find out for yourself what is true.

Are you reading

If not you need to browse the archives at

((Now at, no longer at rahul.))

Download and read ADO1.MEMO and the CONTENTS.MEMO and what ever
else interests you.

I will get back to you. You can call Flemming at 1 818 774 1462,
he is very friendly, he is an OT XVI. Filbert is at 206 453 8622, Enid
Vien is 619 462 5160. Bob Ross is at 818 353 1209. I got some others,
if you want them. These guys I know well.


Dear Homer,

You ask: "Are you reading a.c.t?"

Yes. In truth, now that I think about it, a.c.t. was key in my
finding my current condition. Until a week or so ago, I was in
confusion completely. Confusion on my situation in Scientology, in
life, in everything. When I did desert my post in January '92. I felt
that I had betrayed everyone. And after finding a F/L debt which in
dollars is almost what I earn for 2 years of work. I felt a tremendous
loss, in my mind, just the monetary amount made me think that I'd have
to wait until next lifetime to do the bridge.

But I do know of, and in the last 24 hours my printer
has turned out a large stack of paper. I will go though it. I will
find what is out there. And I have assigned myself a condition of

As far as my debt goes, in the wog world the Scientologists have no
legal way to make me pay it. They have no legal right to harass me
about it. And I have been able to cut any comm between myself and the
FBO. ((Flag Banking Officer)) My family is all too willing to "protect
me" from the Scientologists.

So for now I am safe, and have been able to regain my rationality
regarding the subject.

I think that I just had to find a terminal who would be able to
understand my situation. I have plenty of friends who I could tell this
to, but they would have no reality. I haven't been able to talk to
anyone at my own org. Mostly this is due to reorganization there. I
had the old management (and myself) convinced that I was just trying to
make more money and pay things off, etc. But now the old ED is gone.

If I were to make up a list of all the fucked up, off policy, out
tech, and out ethics situations I have experienced in my 2 1/2 years of
being on staff or at ITO..... Well, I couldn't confront it then. But
when I talk to people at the org, or from ITO the message is, "Things
are a lot different now."

( I am rambling. I am in doubt. I need to do the condition. I

Anyway, you ask that I give you a couple days. Not a problem. I
will be busy reading issues, printouts from, and I don't have
anything else to do tomorrow but check out the PT local org situation.

I still get off on surprising the hell out people. My just walking
in to the local org will do that quite well.


Dear D.,

Ok, I got this.

Part of doing a doubt formula is separating out all the issues and
doing a doubt formula on each separate one and all the parties involved.

Yourself, your family, your friends, LRH, The Church, Your Org,
Specific terminals in your Orgs, me etc.

You may find that the enturbulation of one is bleeding over into
others and making you doubt the whole when only a part is rotten.

You also have to separate out carefully those who care for you but
who, for what ever reason, don't really know what is good for you. They
need special consideration because their intentions are good, but if you
do what they say you may not be happy. If you do the right thing
though, they may not be happy, until at least you can get them to
understand, which may be a big present time problem for you that gets in
the way of dealing with the real enturbulation.

The next thing, in the case of situations where the 'good guys and
the bad guys' are highly polarized and not talking to each other, such
as the Church and the Field you may find that your own group will
condemn you for even trying to talk to the bad guys. They will consider
that being in doubt makes you in enemy, which of course is nonsense.

This will usually be because someone has something to hide of their
own, and they don't want you talking to the bad guys because you might
find out something about the good guys and actually become an enemy. So
they tend to declare you ahead of schedule.

However you can not do a doubt formula from an ivory tower. You
can not judge the Church from outside the Church, you can't judge LRH
never having read him DIRECTLY, and you can't judge the field never
having actually talked to them at length. It takes real live
communication to determine the purposes, abilities and stats of a person
or group. You can't allow what SOMEONE ELSE TELLS YOU ABOUT someone to
substitute for direct communication.

So when you talk to the Church, don't let them TELL you about LRH
or the Field. When you talk to the Field, don't let them TELL you about
LRH or the Church. When you talk to LRH, don't let him TELL you about
the Field or the Church. Let each tell you only of themselves and show
you what they know and can do. It's ok to use what others say about
others as reference, but if you don't verify it YOURSELF you are sunk.

Lastly, hurry is a waste of time with a doubt formula.

From Adore,

'The Hurry of Impending Mortal Doom,


The Hurry if Impending Eternal Doom.'

This idea that all will be lost in this life if you don't hurry and
make the right decision is other's way of making you make the wrong
decision. Making the wrong decision can kill you, but putting the TIME
constraint on how fast you need to make it is usually an arbitrary put
there by people who don't want you to have any time to think.

If you took 5 years to do your doubt formula, and 5 years to finish
your Bridge, you would still be way ahead of the game.

Just remember there are MORE Scientologists in the field than in
the Church. The Bridge providers are very dispersed in the field, but
they are Ubiquitous. You might starve to death finding them, but its
not like they aren't there, or like there is no Bridge in the Field, or
like they will reject you because you are still loyal to the Church.

Royalty is loyalty, so stack your priorities in a row, and start at
the top and reaffirm your loyalties to each item in turn down the line
until you find one that conflicts with higher ones. The lower one goes.

You might consider the dynamics a sequence of loyalties, starting
off with the first dynamic at the top, the second just under, then
third. You can't have any dynamics if you don't have a first so it is
most important. Your second is what gave birth to your first, your
family and ancestors, so they are next most important. Your second is
also what will create future first dynamics for you in future lives,
your mate, your kids, their mates and kids etc. Your full second
dynamic is this whole conglomeration of second dynamics where in life
begets life, past, present and future.

((In Adore the second dynamic is not considered just sex and
children, it is considered the whole chain of ancestry into the past and
into the future. Your parents and grandparents therefore are just as
much a part of your second dynamic as is your mate, children and grand
children, and all of their parents, mates and children.))

Scientology, LRH, the Church, the Field, these are all third
dynamics and comes next in the list.

Remember that loyalty and honor is not OBEDIENCE. You can be loyal
to someone even though you don't agree with their view of the cosmic all
and don't do what they want you to do. Your duty is to your own
reality, to do your best for all these people and friends and dynamics,
even if they are screaming for you to do something else. People rarely
know what's good for them, YOU rarely know what's good for you right?
But you are all you got, so listening to them is an abandonment of YOU.

Only listen to others when you absolutely can't make up your mind
for yourself, and only then if life and limb depend on making a hurried
decision. Then you pick your most trusted and knowledgeable and highest
tone terminal and do what HE says, if you can even get him to do
anything else but audit you.

Most good friends will give you questions, enemies will give you
answers. That is just the auditing comm cycle at work.

Friends question, enemies answer.

If you want I will pass your two letters to me to various field
members, some of whom have e-mail, but a communication to the 'enemy'
may get you in dire trouble with your present friends, so such a
decision to communicate must come from your own determinism, which is
why I gave you those phone numbers, you can call them when you are ready
and have the plan and the equanimity to do it.

There are others though in Europe and the US who you might
eventually want to contact, by fax or e-mail. I have a number of high
powered Field OT's on line here, kind of staying Fabian, but the numbers
I gave you are good starts because those guys are strong enough to stick
their necks out publicly.



It is with pleasure that I tell you I have made a lot of case gain
this past little while. In the last week I have been able to make sense
of a lot of my confusion and I have a much better reality of my own
purposes and goals.

In the cd4.memo I read about a situation that I myself observed in
the church. Management is run by children. Kids who never went to
school in society. Kids who have no reality on what life is. It is
true that they have no regard for the rest of the world. They believe
their own existence and the existence of Scientology is paramount to
everything and everybody.

I cannot agree with this.

I have a new reality. I have answered so many of my own questions.
All those things which occurred while I was in Scientology that never
had satisfactory answers--these do have explanations now. And those
explanations are not very pretty.

At the local org, they have 40,000 or so names in central files.
When I was there last they had more than 38,000. But of those people,
only 80 or so will ever come to an event. And of those 80 only a few
are actually taking services. Look at the percentages. The field is at
least ARC broken with the org. No doubt there are some who think
Scientology is all bunk but what of the rest?

How many people get blown away by the prices? I did at first.

It seems that the effect of a Class V org is to ARC break the
field. I know that the "Class V" org in A., had all of 3 staff members
in '91 when they sent their ED to ITO. ((ED = Executive Director, ITO =
International Training ORG))

And they still were supposedly able to deliver services up to (but
not including) clear. Is this all the people they could find in A.?

There was a fantastic report about all the people on KTL at the B.
org, just after it came out. ((KTL = Key To LIfe Course))The reported
figure was something like 200 people paid for service. Now there aren't
that many people in all of the US on KTL. Sure it's a good course, but
I don't believe it is worth the outrageous fee they ask for it. And if
you have to pay Flag rates on it its $10,000. That is what they charged
me for it.

Plus, now the cadet org uses the KTL course as the way to teach
grammar. (I assume they do, having been on course with the kids they
were training for that purpose.) KTL is not now, nor will it ever be a
substitute for "English" classes.

My problem is with the people who got me on staff in the first
place. These are people who seemed so on purpose. They work full time
at the org for peanuts. Why? How can they look at what is going on,
and not understand. How can they receive all these programs from int
management and not say, "what the fuck is going on here?"

Do they really believe that the people above know best? Or are
they afraid of loosing their upper levels, or what? I don't get it.

When I blew ITO, I felt bad about it. But not because I thought I
should be where I was. More that my friends would be upset with me.
They were supposedly counting on me to get through and come back to
handle things. That is the only regret I ever had about leaving.

When I left ITO I knew it was for the best. In fact, I later
heard that my blowing brought changes to the org, it got the attention
of management. Some kind soul even sent me the whole report on the
situation. And I was told that things were changed.

However, I have to question even that point. Because my twin C.
who went there a week before I did, IS STILL THERE!!!! I cannot even
get a comm through to her. All my inquiries get answered with, "she's
done with the training part, and just getting auditing."

The only auditing that is part of one's TIP there is FPRD. ((TIP =
Training Program, FPRD = False Purpose Rundown)) Does it really take
eight months to receive an FPRD? I doubt it. Especially since I've
seen people go through the whole thing in two weeks, even in the "make
it go right" Sea Org, where you can serve Ron all your life and never
make it to clear. Things are just not right.

I once had the audacity to tell the Dir Income ITO, who used to
call my house, that I wasn't going to pay my F/L debt. ((F/L = Free
Loader's debt)) I told her, "when I can be on staff and still afford to
live; I'll finish my contract." Her only reply was something to the
effect that I was out-exchange and that if I would just set up payments,
my life would be better. (But she didn't call me anymore.)

Later another person from LA, I think some CMO ((Commodore's
Messenger Org)) person, called to tell me that I had to pay her the
$20,000. I told her I had no money. And she then told me, "We found
some out-tech in the LOC course.." Stuff on this line saying my LOC was
done incorrectly. (of course no one ever offered to fix my LOC, if that
was true.)

((They ALWAYS SAY THAT. "We found some out tech with your
services", or "Things have CHANGED, now they are different." This NEVER

(My LOC course may not have been standardly done, though. I do
have some problems with the course. If I could afford the $800 pack,
I'd rip out the non-LRH data and redo it myself. You'd be amazed at the
amount of PR bullshit in the LOC course.)

From them all along it has been a no auditing, no help, no game

ITO is delivering OVERT PRODUCTS. Although I don't have access to
stats Internationally anymore I can still show you an FEBC ((Flag
Executive Briefing Course)) grad who now works as a Course Supervisor.
Because his stats as the ED crashed his org. And I have knowledge of
other grads from that time period at ITO. I'm willing to wager that
they all have the similar problems.

Another FEBC, who I was at ITO with, came on mission to my org.
While he was here, he got it into his head to "handle" me. But he was
the most feeble executive I have ever seen. Despite his impressive
white and gold uniform, despite his FEBC cert, despite the way all the
staff and public were afraid of him, he couldn't handle me or anyone

I'll confess one of my more evil deeds here. I did not want to
talk to him at all. I did not want anyone on my case about not being on
staff. Yet he persisted. And he started causing problems by calling
all the time. So I finally gave in to his idea that we should meet and
discuss the situation. So later that night, I went up to the org. I
did this just late enough that the public and most of the staff would be

This would leave the missionaries and a few execs, the only people
there. And the execs would be rushing around trying to keep the
missionaries happy. Plus the missionaries would be trying to get all
their telexes sent regarding their day's progress. In this way I knew I
would not be up against an interrogation, I was almost certain that they
wouldn't expect me to show up anyway.

When I got there this guy who had been calling me turned out to be
the mission leader (or whatever they call themselves) and he talked to
me personally. But he didn't handle me. I assured him that I had
gotten case gain and that I still thought of myself as a Scientologist
You know the usual "are you an SP?" stuff.

I did get in comm with him and for a while I even thought that he
was going to help me. I still had the same purpose, and everything. I
still had faith that the "FEBC evolution" would in fact be what was
needed to clear the planet, expand orgs, and just generally make things
great. If he would've even given me the idea that he and other FEBCs
were handling things, I was prepared to jump back on staff.

He gave me no such indication. He came across as a complete
asshole. I told him that I wanted to pay my debt (I did) but that I
could not see how I could come up with $20,000 any time in the near
future. He said I should join staff. I told him that I would not join
staff if it meant that I had to moonlight nights and weekends like I had
done before. He told me not to worry because HE was there, and
everything would be okay.

I had to call him on that bullshit right there and then. I asked
how many staff members there were now. He was more than proud to tell
me how HE had gotten 5 full-time contracts signed since he arrived.
Then I blew his airy-fairy attitude of "everything will be okay." I
asked what the GI ((Gross Income)) was for that week. (By knowing the
GI and the number of staff, one can figure one's pay.) He suddenly
realized that I wasn't going to be taken in by his bullshit.

He got just the slightest bit defensive. And this is where I
started to doubt that he was not going to help me. He had tried to get
me to go along with good PR.

HEY! I have been duped enough times already by "good PR." I
started to blow him off. I let him know that I intended to leave. He
started talking to me about how I should join the SO. About how
wonderful it was, how survival it is.

(BULLSHIT!!! I have seen the way people live in the SO. It is
survival for Scientology, maybe. But even the idea that I might
possibly have to exist on beans and rice? No buddy, that doesn't fit
anywhere in the survival scale for me. To work hard is one thing. To
live a semi-militant life, having my whole existence subject to
another's orders, never being alone, always being at odds with the
group-think. No no no no no no no no no. I will not submit. And even
the idea that I might have kids, who would have to then attend the cadet
org!!!! OH MY GOD, NO! The S in SO is SLAVERY. I know plenty of long
time SO members. And how far are they on the bridge? Only as far as
they were when they joined the SO!! If you had to subject yourself to
the master to attain freedom, that is one thing. But to enslave
yourself to the whims of group-think, with only a hope of being free?

And then he tried to sign me up! By this time I knew he was no
help. I politely told him no. I said I had other fish to fry. Then he
changed his whole line. He started to tell me how he didn't think I was
suppressive, and that I would do the right thing.

But then he gave me an opportunity to be evil. He went totally out-
tech! He did his own version of a blown student assessment form! And
he explained it real neat, "This is not auditing, but I want to find out
why you REALLY left ITO." And then he went on, "I know you didn't get
very far on your TIP. How far did you get?"

So I told him, "I only got to my M1." ((Method 1 Word Clearing))

And I READ HIS MIND as he thought, "Ah good. He wont know the
policy, he wont realize that this should be done by an auditor. I won't
have any problems with this." This is the only instance where I can
honestly say I have clearly read someone's mind. I can normally get an
idea of what someone is thinking and feeling. But I cannot clearly read

And I let him do his thing. I answered his questions.

And then I intended to, and did miss his withhold. Just so he
would leave me alone. Just so he wouldn't want to talk to me. Just so
he wouldn't want anyone else to talk to me. I did it to be left alone.

How evil is it to intentionally miss someone's withhold? Or is it
evil at all? Since I know about M/W/H phenomena, is that just another
tool? I believe it is okay to use force in a just cause. But is that a
justified use of force?

On the one hand, I could say "hey, I don't know if what he did was
out-tech. He did it. It is his withhold. It is his own damn fault.
Plus I know that he got sec-checked on completion of his mission.
Surely they would have pulled it. And it did get him off my case."

On the other hand, I am afraid of justifying the situation. I
think, "Would I want someone else to do that to me?" No. But I also
think that something like that would not happen to me. I would not
knowingly go out-tech. And knowing about missed withholds, I try to
follow the clean hands clean heart way of life. There have been times
when I caught myself telling a lie and the other person seemed to miss
it. In that case I confess directly, or I make up more and more
outlandish shit on the same line until I am certain the other person
knows it was a lie. And then everybody gets a laugh.

So I personally feel impervious to that kind of attack. And I know
in New Slant on Life, it says you can do anything that you could
yourself experience easily. But I don't know. I cant help but think,
that I should have a higher standard than that. I wish I had the
strength of character to call things as they are. I wish I were able
to, in the same situation, tell someone, "Hey, asshole, I wont go into
agreement with you on this. I wont pretend that I think you can help
me. And I wont let you believe that you are helping me."

But I am too afraid to do it. In the rest of the world I could.
At work I could easily put someone in their place. I don't grant anyone
the power to affect me. And furthermore, I care enough about everyone
else not to fuck with their minds.

Come to think about it. I have serious problems standing up to
anyone in a uniform. Police, Military, Sea Org, even a fucking full
dressed Scout Master have given me troubles.

There may be more to this.

I didn't really intend to spend 2 hours writing this. I didn't
intend to pile all this on your plate. I had a point to all this when I
started. But, oh well.

I will send this anyway. I have tried twice before, to tell you of
my progress. But both attempts turned into "look what those bastards
have done to me." And I didn't want to send them. I feel much better
just having typed them into my computer. One was all about my adventure
with the KTL and LOC courses. The other was complete entheta which I
was going to send but then realized that I had inflated the truth a bit.

And I have raised my own standards.

I am ME. I will not ever let anyone say otherwise.

I can make my OWN decisions. I do not need anyone's approval for
what I do or have done.

I have the right to live in any condition I choose. If I want to
stay in doubt forever, I CAN. No one can MAKE me change my condition.
Not the SO, not Scientology, not my parents, not my friends. (Not that
I want to be in doubt forever, but the idea that some dildo with an
Ethics Hat can "push" me up the conditions, is false. Conditions are
used on one's own determinism.)

These are statements of my own reality. Having gone the effect of
these previously, I resolve not to compromise with my reality again.

(How I misjudged the importance of the Code of Honor. I just never
had a reality on it before. No reality on Honor. I couldn't even
understand the Code of Honor the first time I ran across it. That I can
apply it now shows how far I have come.)


Dear D.,

This is great D.

Please keep me informed of further cognitions and resolutions.

You know I will tell you the scariest thing I have learned from
talking with you. When I was with Scientology in 1976 things were still
sane, decent and somewhat human. It was tough and no nonsense, but it
wasn't really insane. But it was on the verge of not working, the tech
was GONE, the C/S really didn't know what they were doing but they were
still riding the wave of the first 20 years of success. The people
there were real human beings who had lived in the wog world for most of
their lives and could go back to it if they had to.

Now you talk about the kids in the Orgs who have no wog experience.

It is almost like a new class of citizen is being made that is so
out of contact with the real world that they might not be able to make
it in the real world if the Church should ever fail financially. I
wonder if they have any clue as to how close to the brink of disaster
they are.

I am sure you know there are a lot of people who have or are going
through what you are going through. It is heart rendering to have the
dream stepped on so hard, especially when you know the dream is true.

The hardest thing for me, even in 1976, was not knowing there was
an alternative, I didn't know the field existed. I knew that OT's would
'blow', but where the hell did they go?

Even after I was routed off, I STILL didn't know about the field
for years and years, until about 1985. I was all alone. Then I find
out the field is alive and well and fighting like hell with the Church
and always had been. And where the hell had I been during all that
time? Hiding in my squirrel hole, nursing my wounds ALONE, figuring
there WAS no one else, that's where.

I had this stupid computation that I was the only person who had
blown who was still interested in the tech and making it go right.

You think I could have been any more wrong? God, there is a lot of
charge on this.

Sometimes just knowing that there are alternatives is enough to
keep people going IN the Church, even if they think it is a lost cause,
because they know they can make it go right elsewhere should all be
lost. Knowing there is an elsewhere allows them to REMAIN where they
are with less desperation and hopelessness, and they make better
decisions while they remain because they are not so frantic and they
remain on their own determinism, just because they CAN leave.

Having an other place to be that you can be and want to be allows a
person to remain where he is for longer and maintain his sanity and do
the right thing. When people have an alternative to staying they are
more free to choose to stay and act sanely.

When people think they HAVE to stay, they begin to panic when they
realize they don't want to stay because its a sinking ship. The guy who
thinks he can get off the ship safely before it sinks is much more
likely to stay on the ship to the last minute in a cool, calm and
rational fashion, than the guy who thinks he has no alternative but to
sink with the ship, and he will jump ship as soon as possible over other
people's dead and trampled bodies.

Thus the existence of the field and awareness of the field in
people's mind who are still in the Church provides a powerful buffer for
them to REMAIN in the Church for as long as they can and do their best
for the Church. It is a tragic waste for them to live so long under
such duress under the fear that there is no alternative. People do not
make good decisions in panic or desperation. Just knowing about the
field can be enough to cool out the panic and desperation just enough to
maybe pull the Church around.

Thus for me it is critical FOR THE SURVIVAL OF THE CHURCH that
people in the Church know about the field. It might keep a few from
going nuts.

Your write up to me is quite brilliant, and I would like you to
consider the possibility some time in the future of posting it to the
net, either with or without your name attached. There is no dishonor to
anonymity. I can post it for you if you wish, along with this response,
no name attached.

Give it a thought, and keep me informed.



If you believe that others will be helped by reading the
information I have been sending to you, and you are willing to remove
any names mentioned I grant you permission to post my write-up to the

The information in my write-up will no doubt be recognized as me.
I am sure that a.r.s. and a.c.t. are read daily by terminals in the
church. However, I am prepared for any action the church might take
against me.

I do still hope that a way can be found to turn the church into
what the PR says it is. And if I find a way to help that, I will.

Can the church be saved? I have met some very wonderful people in
the church. People who really could make things go right. People who
truly care about helping this planet out. The only question is: Do all
the people who are still in the church have enough responsibility to
handle it. Is the church making OTs who are OT enough to divert the
self-destruct path of Scientology.

Please include this when you post.


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Wed Jun 29 03:06:02 EDT 2011
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Tuesday, June 28, 2011



Clearing is a fix and repair job.

To the degree you are trying to fix and repair your own self and
your games across 8 dynamics, you will need to help fix and repair
others. And they will do the same. But then everyone gets back to
playing the game (libido across all 8 dynamics).

Fix and repair should about 10 percent of your total time.

Maybe an hour a day with yourself, or with another at $20 to

Start sessions with:

What would be an ideal scene with your life, and what is the
furthest departure from that ideal scene in present time.

Write down all items.

Define To Be Responsible for, as

1.) Choosing to cause, this means taking responsibility for

2.) Adding one's cause into an already existing scene that one did
not cause, in order to make it better. This means taking responsibility

Spot times taking responsibility for or over things that came a
cropper, resulted in ruin, disaster, dismay, unintended betrayal and

Spot the moment of shock.

Spot pride levels before and after.

Spot desire and world view before the shock.

Spot desire and world view after the shock.

A beings life consists of desire driving it through time
towards basic goals.

The being has set up postulate packages to surprise him
that cause himself to fail.

This produces shock.

The shock is covered before it happens with desire and forward
motion, and is covered after it happens with degraded views (postulates)
of existence.

This creates the 'shock sandwich'.

Desire - Shock - View

Notice and reevaluate the pollution of postulates made during the
shock, to 'handle' the desire and the shock, in a way that didn't handle

All case is persisted by the effort to make an as-isness via
a not-isness.

As-isness cases true vanishment.

Not-isness causes an apparent vanishment which isn't.

A being can be knocked down to shock, but no lower, because at
shock he is back at timeless eternity again.

He can make two choices, to go lower into catatonia and oblivion,
that is handle the desire and the shock by denying it, making nothing of
it, shifting to something else, in other words Q&Aing with it. He
becomes a 'what shock, what desire? case.

His view becomes smaller, more limited, more solid. His universe
does not get smaller, but he gets smaller in his universe, until
eventually it is running him rather than the other way around.

Or he can climb back out of shock up through hysteria, disaster
and ruin to demand for improvement, help and hope.

Hope is playing the game again, and hoping to win but willing
to lose.

He can go higher to author mode where he can end the game
or rewrite it.

Thus auditing addresses each moment of desire-shock-view, they are
like nails in his time track, and removes them one by one. As each one is
addressed, go earlier similar until basic on the chain. Also go future
similar, as sorrow is for the future, not the past.

Sorrow = loss of futures.

You are looking for moments of deep injury, deep loss, deep emotion,
where pride, self confidence, self trust, self love, self loyalty were
broken and were not healed and recovered in the retelling.

You will need to have the preclear REWRITE each incident to
delineate what he should have done after the shock (not to avoid it), to
have healed it on the spot.

You will need to run all 5 flows, times he was shocked, times he
shocked others, times others shocked him, times others shocked others,
times he shocked himself, times others shocked themseles.

Shocks don't have to be caused by BEINGS, they can be caused
by the mere existence of things as they are.

First awareness of death will show up, and first invalidations of
depth of affinity and feeling with show up.

Basic feelings are exhilaration, courage, joy, love, monotony,
anger, fear, sorrow and apathy.

DEPTH is the key word here. We aren't running dry river beds, we are
running bottomless oceanic flows.

The preclear will run when he first turned against life, but
decided to suffer it anyhow.

Shocks are moments of debonding with people, places and things,
particularly desires and goals.

You want first moments of debonding with anything and everything
including self on all dynamics.

People fall into these chains easily, and will run almost without
help, once they 'get it', they can handle future restims on their own
without an auditor.

Doesn't matter if all chains are flattened, preclears will flatten
unflat chains during next restim once they see where the game of catatonia
and oblivion get them.

Sorrow is love, no sorrow means no love.

Dry eyed sorrow never heals, because supressing expression
of sorrow is supressing expression of love.

HATE IS NOT LOVING SORROW and thus not loving love.

One who can not cry can not love.

Once enough sorrow starts to come off a case, pains will turn on,
they can be alarming, they run out just like anything else.

Eventually laughter will turn on big time and alternate between
sorrow and laughter.

Excess of joy weeps, excess of sorrow laughs.

Long term E/P is unfathomable composure and peace.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

On Sun, 26 Jun 2011, Bob1357 wrote:

>Good (Consciousness) and evil (ego) (God and Devil) with a "thinking"
>The trinity is now seen.
>Non dualism says stop thinking ..............close the buffer.
>Ummm... No..... .that's to easy will turn you into a
>bumbling fool.
>Most others (religions)......... well .......... bullshit.
>Homer? ..... ya there? .... Talked with a few times on the phone in
>You gave me some great advice.
>Now I have only a few choice friends, zero employees and making more
>money than I ever have before.
>Good for me.
>I'm not here to pull everyone out of ignorance right.
>I'm here for me.
>It's not my job to fix others right?
>Then why does it feel so fucked up?
>Yes........ I used the word feel.


Hash: SHA1

What Adore teaches us is that sanity lies in the desire to
PLAY the game more than one desires to win or lose.

The minute someone gets on a must win or must lose, he's gone.

Hubbard knew this, 'the game is the thing', and so he set about
creating a sane world where people were more interested in playing than
winning or losing. But then he made a game of this and then said "WE MUST
WIN!" This of course violated the very goal he set out to achieve, sanity,
and the result is probably the present mess that the Church and everyone
in it is in.

They must win. They MUST clear the planet, they MUST make
everyone sane, but sanity doesn't have any MUSTs, so there you are,
you have an organization using insanity to bring about sanity
and how well is that going to work?



will go an awful longs ways towards spotting your insane points,
and help you deal with the insane points of others.

E/P is a state of equanimity about what is.

An OT is not someone who WINS the game.

An OT is someone who MAKES the game.

Making a game of going OT is a bit ass backwards.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The paths of lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 cross in Internet Access, Ithaca NY the line of duty.

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Tue Jun 28 03:06:03 EDT 2011
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Monday, June 27, 2011


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If you were to demonstrate moving the marble to a meatball, the
first thing that would happen is they would go into an instant state
of wondering if they were dreaming or not.

They would then spend a lot of time trying to determine if they
were dreaming or not, and be unable to accept that they weren't.

Then they would get *VERY* afraid and covert, wondering what you
know about them that they don't. Demonstrations of power miss every
withhold in their book, especially the ones they don't know they have
any more.

Not only do we have memory of our past existences, that memory is

They would then either try to enlist your aid to help by them
using your 'powers', or they would try to destroy you. Remember no
matter how much power you have, a whole army of meatballs coming after
you *AND* your loved ones, has more power.

Thus violating the Prime Directive is a very foolish thing.

The mere fact that the meatballs and bashers are unwilling or
incapable of discussing the Prime Directive in detail, beyond putting
it down as something we hide behind because we don't have such powers
and know it, proves without a shadow of a doubt that they are unworthy
of further discussion let alone demonstration of power, EVEN IF THEY

That is absolute.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clear Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

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Mon Jun 27 03:06:02 EDT 2011
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Sunday, June 26, 2011


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>> Lion said "case is what separates us...",

Most people want to exteriorize. They want out of their body
into the PU so they can see around them etc.

But many points in space are already occupied, namely by others
who are interior or exterior, but viewing none the less from their
own viewpoint in that position in space.

Wouldn't it be a lot easier to exteriorize into a viewpoint that
already had someone viewing from there? Then all one has to do is
contact the inner connectedness of us all, and wham look at all the
places you could see from.

But joke is no one wants to be in another's view point, we have
or are trying to cause too much pain to that view point over there in
order to be willing to go see the world from there. "Who do you still
want to punish or murder/kill/cause the death of?"

So we try to exteriorize into every place in space BUT where
there are people already viewing from, and end up getting stuck in our
own bodies from being unwilling to exteriorize to where WE, the HIGH US,
already are.

What a joke.

Justice reigns at all times.


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Sun Jun 26 03:06:03 EDT 2011
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Saturday, June 25, 2011


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"Cancerous views of reality lead to cancerous conditions
in body, heart, mind and soul.

What grows like a cancer in your world?"


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

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Sat Jun 25 03:06:03 EDT 2011
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Homerwsmith-l mailing list

Friday, June 24, 2011



From the proof's point of view the only sin is to preach separation
of God and Soul.

The proof says that two different objects can never be certain of
each other.


Thus if God and Soul are two different objects, neither could ever
know for sure the other exists.

The problem with mocking up a God that created the soul, is it
places the soul at effect. This God is bigger and more powerful than
the Soul, so the Soul can no longer consider that it mocked up God, but
has to consider that God mocked up the Soul.

That's EVIL you see?

EVIL is something which exists which the soul did not mockup nor
agree to. This violates the sovereignty of the soul and hands it over
to something else. The soul is owned at that point.

Every time the soul thinks of this thing that created him, he gets
monster feelings.

Further once the Soul imagines a God the creator, he then imagines

Thus the only way the Soul can deal with the Devil is to appeal to
God to help or save him.

This places a double whammy of being an effect on the Soul.

The soul tries to pray to God for help, as if God doesn't already
know the soul's plight, and eventually the Soul goes into propitiation
towards God, "I'll do anything!", begging for salvation from troubles in
this life, and the afterlife.

But underlying this propitiation the soul is madder than hell that
God created him in the first place without his permission, and dumped
him into the Devil's play ground, again without his permission, as some
kind of test or gladiatorial spectacle.

This reduces all of creation and God itself to a matter of
behavior. The good and the strong are worthy, the Devilish and the weak
are not.

And we can understand perhaps the desire to test a being's 'free
will' by seeing how it will behave, but does it make sense to let those
that fail the test, fail it by harming the good who are doing well? If
the good go bad from being beaten by the bad unjustly, do they fail as

And does God enjoy hearing the screams of those who opposed him
forever and ever?

Pretty sick eh? Not as sick as the people who believe this stuff
and teach it to little children as a CONTROL mechanism.

Creation is much more than behavior, and if there is a God, he
wouldn't be a God concerned with behavior.

And if a HUMAN made a universe and a Devil, and created beings and
dumped them in that universe to suffer the consequences without their
permission, and told them all, those of you who obey me will sit by me
in heaven forever, and those that disobey me will burn in hell forever,
and you had better turn the other cheek or else, well such a human would
be considered criminally insane.

So just so, that kind of God is criminally insane.

The truth is YOU ARE both God and the Devil, and every time you
pray to God to save you from the Devil, you are denying your own
responsibility and power for and over your own condition, committing
effort thought and emotion to separation of God and Soul, and that seals


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Mon Dec 14 21:58:05 EST 2009

Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Hash: SHA1

The way a God creates something is he concieves it, it gets
created in the conception of it.

This is an as-isness. If left be it will vanish.

Creation does not imply automatic persistence.

The way a God gets a creation to persist is he adds lies to it,
added significance that alters the purity of its original pristine

Two different creations create time, the lie is that they
are one creation.

This adds time and persistence to the object.

The way a god uncreates an creation is he RECREATES the object in
its original space and time and pristine condition, clean of all added
lies that made it persist. Then he fails to add those lies again, and
it vanishes on its own accord when the God takes his attention off of

This is a *NEW* idea.

This is not written in the books of Christianity, Islam, Judaism,
it is not written in the books of the Hindus nor the Buddhists.

It is in fact not written anywhere in the public books of man,
except the books of the man who first said it aloud.

L. Ron Hubbard.

People still don't get this idea, they think Scientology is just
like every other religion on the planet, or about being good or some
such nonsense.

Scientology in fact has nothing whatsoever to do with anything
ever said by anybody before LRH came along.

LRH said two things of import, both of which are new.

LRH said a being was reponsible for his own condition, which does
NOT mean he has to do something about it now that he is saddled with
it by God or others, but that the being existed prior to any created
condition and thus had free choice in the acceptance of any condition
he might be stuck in now.

That is Total Responsibility.

Further Ron stated very clearly just exactly how the cycle of
creation, survival, and destruction is carried out.

God does not just create things forever and never erases them.

Ron said any creation is self erasing unless persisted with lies.

That's a major statement. Carol doesn't get it.

Creation + Lies -> Persistence.

Persistence + Truth -> Destruction, total vanishment.

It's amazing how some people think they read that in
the Bible or a comic book or something like that.

They can barely understand the words let alone what they convey.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Sun Aug 20 01:07:20 EDT 2006

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011


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MCT - 4
18 December 1993

Copyright (C) 1993 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.

One more note on Ron's Logic 6 and what I can remember of the
article where he amended it.

I remember this article well because it handled my ARC break of
long standing with him on the subject of 'There are no absolutes', as it
was clear to me that there were lots of absolutes, especially absolute

Absolute certainty and the MCT are the CORE of Adore. So it's
important to me as a subject.

So this is what Ron said, either in that article or elsewhere.

The REASON that absolutes are unobtainable in the 'MEST' universe
is because the MEST universe persists because of Alter-isness.

The being creates an AS-ISness, which is an absolute, and then
alters it to produce a persisting ISNESS. He further indulges in NOT-
ISness to scramble the alter-ised as-isness of the original creation
even more.

As the being recovers the as-isness of any created condition, it
will vanish on him.

The as-isness is absolute and the vanishment is absolute, just as
its creation was. It either absolutely IS or it absolutely ISN'T. It
either is persisting or it isn't. You can always know if something is
still persisting, just look around you. That is absolute IS.

So this is the joke about 'Absolutes are unobtainable in the
physical universe.'

If the being ever did get the total truth about something in the
MEST universe, its exact time, place, form and event, he would have its
absolute as-isness, and it WOULD VANISH!

So of course he can't HAVE an absolute in the physical universe,
because the moment he gets one, it vanishes.

Absolutes are unobtainable only because they don't persist once you
obtain one.

So that is what I think Ron said.

Now here is an addition to what I say.

Even if there WERE a gradient scale of absoluteness, or certainty,
which of course there is in practical matters, it is still an absolute
truth that the datum in question is NOT an absolute truth, or is not at
the 0 or 100 points on the certainty scale.

It is fine to say that so and so a datum is not at 100 percent
certainty, as long as you ALSO say that it IS a 100 percent certainty
that the datum is NOT a 100 percent certainty!

This is why I always badger people when they show off how uncertain
they are, about whether they are CERTAIN they are uncertain.

It is fine to be uncertain, it is not fine to be uncertain that you
are uncertain.

'Consciousness of', is always consciousness of certain existence,
and cause. You can't be conscious of anything that does not have
certain existence and cause at the moment you are conscious of it.

That is HOW you are conscious of it, through your direct contact
with its certain existence and cause.

CAUSE. Consciousness IS consciousness of certainty and cause.

There is no consciousness of, that is not a consciousness of
certainty and cause.

As a conscious unit you are not even ABLE to learn by being an
effect. EVERYTHING you learn about is though direct perception of the
certainty and causativeness of your own color forms. You can CONSIDER
that your color forms are the effect of, are caused by, some earlier
event, and you can compute back from your present color forms to what
may have 'caused' them, but the perception of the evidence right now in
present time, the color forms, is itself a process of certainty of
existence, cause and color. The color form is CAUSE of your certainty
that the color form is there. That IS perception of color form.

Thus anyone can hook their color forms to earlier color forms, or
other hypothesized external events, and thus begin to learn like a
machine. They hear the door bell sound (an auditory color form), and
they COMPUTE BACK that someone must have rung the door bell and
therefore be at the door. They learn, like a machine, that since they
heard the door bell (the effect) there must be a prior cause (the person

But in all this they are using direct perception of the color form
of the door bell sound. THIS SOUND THEY ARE CERTAIN OF, just as they
are certain of all direct perceptions. The computation that someone
must be at the door, is an uncertainty as are all datums gleaned through
learning by using effects to compute back to cause.

This datum falls into disrepute because people never look at their
conscious color forms as THEMSELVES. They are always using their color

All anyone can ever see for sure are their own conscious color

Everything else is a theory. A good theory as the meatballs would
say, but none the less wrong.

The question 'Is it really out there?' is foremost in their mind,
because they want to eat, and they think they need to operate this way
to not get hungry. You could just wake up instead.

When you get hungry in a dream at night, do you get a job? No you
just wake up. Dream gone, hunger gone. The problem is that people are
no longer able to wake up from this dream, because they have forgotten
where they have come from.

So as long as conscious color form is useless in and of itself, and
only has value to the degree that it represents some unseen external
objective 'every where and for every body the same' universe, then the
certainty and the absoluteness of the conscious color form itself will
either go unnoticed, or be declared criminally unimportant, which means
you get put in jail for wasting your time thinking about it.

Life is too dangerous, too important, to waste time looking at the
very mechanism that we use to see life in the first place.

Its like someone so glued to an arcade game because his very life
depends on winning the game, that he just can't take the time to talk
about the TV screen he is looking at, or that none of the drama
REPRESENTED in the screen is real, or the micro computer virtualizing
causation in the images for him.

loses he might die, or so he thinks.

He doesn't realize that he will get another game or that he even
payed a quarter to play the one he is losing!

'Who me? I didn't CHOOSE to be here, no way!'

The point is he will insist, in his panic, on talking about the
bugs, and the space ships and the aliens attacking him, and how many men
he has left, and how many levels he has survived, but he WON'T talk
about TV screens, and 6502 micro processors, and how to program a
virtual arcade game, because he is SO out of love with this game that he
can't imagine ANYONE would create or program such a game, so why talk
about it, it must be real.

Just so in real life, it becomes a criminal or insane waste of time
to talk about consciousness itself, rather than what it is being used to
display or represent in the presumed ASSUMED external physical universe.

Conscious color forms have come to be considered totally useless,
except in how they tell us about the external universe, WHICH WE CAN

People are just SURE the physical universe exists, it is more than
just a theory to them. They are transferring the true certainty of
their own conscious color forms to the presumed external referent.
Therefore they are never looking at their color forms AS THEMSELVES, but
always as a symbol which refers to something else, namely the external
physical universe.

But the external universe does not exist. It is the inability to
wake up from this co dream that has got everyone nuts on the subject of
'surviving' by eating, going to work, studying electrons and everything
else. It's a dream, and the dream weavers are laughing.

It's fun to be here, it's ok to be here, you might even WANT to be
here if you think you can one day wake up and NOT be here. But HERE is
a dream, and all that is real is the projected color form, and the 3rd
party Source projecting a virtual physical universe.

Life is an arcade game, or in the jargon of the times, a HOLODECK.

As such the mechanisms underlying the process of SEEING COLOR FORM,
are one hell of a lot more important than any of the supposed processes
that we theorize about that are involved in the seeing of photons.

There are no photons in dreams when you sleep at night.

There are no photons now either.

But this is just too wild, no one will accept it.

If they did they might find God, and few are ready to meet their


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Wed Jun 22 03:06:03 EDT 2011
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Tuesday, June 21, 2011


This was written a long time ago...


I had what is probably my strongest 'Bugs and Babes' dream of my
life last night.

For many years my dreams have alternated out of control between
fivolous self aware dreams, and very heavy depressing 'lost and lonely
dreams'. Usually I am at Cornell, no friends, no family (parents dead
in truth), nothing to do, and no reason to turn one way or another to go
do something. It's a bad state usually accompanied by an inability to

In these dreams girls in particular were unapproachable, I would
make advances and they would just turn away in fear, anger, disgust or
disinterest. This pattern in my dreams was in fact the same pattern as
my real life for most of my growing up and school years.

Then somewhere a while back I discovered one night in a dream how
to get dream girls to like me, I turned my back towards them and asked
them to scratch it! Then when they were done I rubbed their back a
bit in return, and we were friends.

Now that might sound stupid, but that one little discovery marked
the turn around not only in my dream life but in my real life. It
created a sense of hope in my that my dream life could be a desirable
place and thus so could my real life.

I knew I had gained control over the beings in my dreams, I could
get them to like me and make the dreams good times instead of bad
times. That craeted a HUGE soar in tone, even if I still couldn't do
it in the waking world.

From that time on, my dreams have started to climb up hill into
higher highs and deeper and more terrifying lows. No longer suffering
from the lost and lonely and no where to turn dreams, I was now either
lying in bed with babes or lying in bed with bugs.

The bug/spider/parasite/worms/snakes under the skin dreams always
have the lesson of "you get what you resist." If you tense up and worry,
the little bugs stick to you like glue and dig in deeper. If you relax
and let them in, they slide off and fall to the ground or just vanish.

The babe dreams went from searching hopelessly for someone, anyone
who would look in my direction and not run, to having them all around
me, rubbing their tits agasinst me, and not being able to get rid of

What I learned here was that if I went LOOKING for babes, I usually
found dead empty rooms with dark dirty walls and no life. But if I just
sat down and 'expected' them to show up, they did!

Usually :)

In the past few weeks the bugs parts of my dreams have gotten
really serious, but for the most part I have been learning and operating
the lessons each dream affords, getting an A or a B at worst. Sometimes
I can't get rid of the bugs under my skin, but I just let them be and go
on with the dream anyhow, I mean doesn't everyone have bugs under their

Pretty bugs.

Now these dreams cycle from babes to bugs to babes to bugs over and
over again as the days go by. They can get to be pretty predictable as
the charge blows off and the pleasure/pain thing runs out.

But the past week was an unusually long run of babes without a bug
in site. Gorgeous babes, beautiful beaches, wonderful music,
exquisitely intelligent and humorous entertainment at some theater in
the stars, I have no clue where it is, kind of thing.

Just night after night of this stuff, and you'd think I would be
happy, and of course I am. But times a passing and I sometimes get the
feeling that I want to get on with the lessons you know, waking life
still sucks rocks, and I need to get to that point where dreams and the
waking state merge, and babes just don't do it for me, as there aren't
any lessons in it!

So two nights ago I am lying in bed doing a dream flight plan,
thinking about what I should be doing in dreams, what I WANT to learn
most, I kind of ask the AllThatIs to help me with my session goals, so I
try to set some for each night's dream time. It rarely works, but I try

Then I started thinking about how I kind of really wanted to get on
with the bugs again and I wanted to know how I could possibly force the
bugs to show up when the place was dripping with babes.

So then I had this thought that scared the living daylights out of
me. I thought, you know Homer when you went looking for babes, there
never were any, but the moment you sat down in a dream chair and waited
for them, they came!

So maybe if you sit down in another dream chair and wait for the
spiders they will come too!

Now you know, I KNEW I was right, and this is the kind of thing
that sends the chills up and down my spine, because I CAN'T STAND THE

I mean I can relax to where they aren't chewing into my skin too
far, but I can't quite let them go the way I can the worms and the

So I am lying in bed, electric fear running up and down my spine,
because I KNOW I have just discovered the secret to infinite spiders,
and I start thinking and picturing myself in the dream to be. Ok, there
I am in the chair, and suddenly I begin to see their legs bending around
the door jams, and coming across the ceiling and the floor and walking
up the chair legs.


I know I would try "You are a BT!", but I also know it doesn't work
very well on spiders. So I have only a few minutes left of waking time
to figure out another flight plan for these babies.

Suddenly I think to myself, say to the spiders, all of them all at
once "Start Laughing! Keep Laughing!"

In my mind I can feel all the spiders stop dead in their tracks and
start to twitter away, banging their little legs on the walls in

Then they laugh harder and harder and lose their grip and fall onto
the floor rolled up into little balls on their backs holding their
bellies with their legs because they are laughing so hard. Others are
pounding the floor as hard as they can begging for the laughter to stop.

Then one by one each spider goes poof! and becomes a small
disembodied thetan smile that drifts off into the ozone never to be seen

THAT made me smile.

It also kept me awake for another 3 hours just thinking about it.

OK, so I had this all planned out, it was safe to go to sleep
again, I was all prepared.

That night did I dream of spiders?

Nope, nothing but babes as far as the eye could see.


What a down. Actually it was a very sweet set of dreams, filled
with joy and sorrow about people I loved and lost and have no clue who
the hell they are. But I loved them dearly if that counts to anyone.

But during one of those dreams, near the end, way off in the
distance was a store window, and down across that window crawled one
single lone black spider. He was totally harmless, but I saw him and I
KNEW that the time was upon me again. For the next night.

So last night I go to bed remembering that lone scout of the night
before, fully prepared to meet the spiders and run something of use on
them to learn my next lesson.

Did I run into spiders? No.

I ran into Bees from Hell.

When I was a kid my father was knocking down a hornets nest in
Maine one summer, and he told me to stay clear, which I didn't. The
whole nest came after me and I got stung about 10 times. The incident
wasn't as bad as it might seem, or maybe I have submerged it, but it has
always been unrunnable.

Anyhow last night I am minding my own business in a dream and out
of the blue comes this little cloud of 10 sparks of white light
connected together by a thin web of irridescent filaments connecting
them all together.

I know immediately from the sound that they are bees, more like
wasps or hornets, but I will call them bees here in this posting.

And they were *MEAN*.

They come right for my face and surrounded me, with the force and
speed you would expect of a squadron of jet aircraft, and suddenly there
are hundreds of them all over my body, inside my shirt, and pants and

Then to my utter horror, two or three of them take up residence IN
EACH EAR, deep inside. The buzzing and vibration of their wings was so
strong I thought I would go crazy from the sound and feeling of it.

I looked in a dream mirror and I could see them in my ears, and I
could see them and feeling them crawling all over my body.

It was God Awful.

Now these weren't Earthly bees, these were bees from hell, they not
only had stingers but could also bite, and pulled off chuncks of skin
when they did. They were big and ugly and wicked looking.

I managed to not get stung by a single one of them, but I did get
bit by a few.

So lesson time. First I am trying "You are a BT!" Then "You are
a Cluster!"

It didn't do a THING.

I don't know, maybe they didn't understand Englsh.

((Actual data is,

"Point accusatively at the entity letting them KNOW you know:

You are a BT/Cluster/Demon.
What are you (being)?
Who are you (really)?"

Run to release.

The missing command was

"How many are you?"

If they can't count it, count it up for them, into the
100's of trillions if necessary. When you get it, they go eyes wide
and chill out. Also important to hold their eyes while running
above, or else they don't get the comm.

Last command if all else fails is

"You are real people!"

that usually stops them cold. ))

So then I feel them crawling under my shirt and pants, and I really
didn't want to annoy them, because I knew that if one stung me, my
reaction would set off all the others and I would be dead.

So I slowly start taking off my shirt, and hundreds and hundreds of
more bees start showing up from the area of my belly. And I take off my
pants and I am standing there quite naked with these things crawling all

At that point I gave up, I knew I didn't know what to do about them
using clearing technology. So I slowly walked towards the ocean waves
and entered the water which pushed off the bees, until I was above my
head and all the bees had gone.

Then I woke up.

With my eyes still closed, I could still feel and see the
*CONFUSION* of forces and masses and vibrations of the incident. They
were all beginning to pack in tight behind the wall of blackness that I
live in during my waking live. I could see how my efforts to get up and
go, ran into the counter forces of the incident and other incidents
still to be run. Eventually after running this thing out for about an
hour while still in bed, the blackness becomes a thick concrete covering
with no ability to discern what is on the other side at all.

But I know that the next dream will open up the next lesson that I
need to learn. I failed this one, I had to use a 'solution' to get rid
of the bees. I get a C for not freaking out and getting stung, not
going crazy from the sound of 3 bees in each ear I couldn't see. God
imagine getting stung in the ear drums?

But I still failed the lesson, and those bees will be back.

Maybe if I can get the Bees and the Spiders to come at the same
time, they could have it out with each other instead of me.

Christ, I watch too much PBS.

((A reference to the wasp and the tarantual.))


Homer Wilson Smith I would rather die poor Lightlink Internet
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF than suffer the patronage Ithaca, NY of bigots and pinheads.