Sunday, July 31, 2011


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In the normal course of living postulates are used to create
packages of beingness.

A postulate defines a package.

It defines what you are, what your abilities and limitations are,
and what you want.

That is the power of the timeless moment.

Time is then created by operating the package.

By doing.

By committing effort to the package by chasing after what you want
via those abilities and limitations.

You don't as-is things by ransacking your facsimiles.

The timeless moment of creation is not in your 'memory'.

You as-is things by duplicating the timeless moments wherein you
created your state of beingness.

I can hear somneone saying this is completely unreal to me that I
created my present beingness from a timeless moment!

Good. Great. Thankyou. I got that!

Mockup a timeless moment, and create a beingness that can't
conceive it was created from a timeless moment.

This is an important ability.

Persistence in a space time game stream depends on it.


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Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Thu Nov 20 15:47:10 EST 2008

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Sat Jul 30 03:06:03 EDT 2011
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Friday, July 29, 2011


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ACW said:
> "Truth is what it is - - not what you want it to be."

I disagree.

What you have is what you wanted and still want.

What you wanted was a sack of lies, and so it is, exactly as you
wanted it. It persists because you are out of contact with your
original creating desire to have it.

That too is by desire.

Once one finds out the truth, the real and final eternal truth, one
will want that too, as there cannot ever be anything but perfect
alignment between desire and truth.

Thus auditing someone in the direction of an unwanted truth is a
high crime.


Sun Dec 9 22:07:11 EST 2007

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From: Roland <>
Subject: Account of Exteriorisation with Full Perception
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 08:09:32 +0100

This is a repost of my account of exteriorisation with full

By Roland Rashleigh-Berry.

This is the story about my experience in Scientology known as
"Exteriorisation with Full Perception". What this means is leaving your
body and having normal perception such as sight and sound available to

This happens when you are fully awake being "audited" usually and
happens in the same room as your body in nearly all cases. Essentially
you ~see~ your body from the outside. This experience is fairly common
for people receiving Scientology processing.

From talking to people about 40% of people experience it at some
time and usually early on in their auditing. It happens most frequently
with "objective" processing which is to do with orientating a person in
the "objective" universe. (You go around touching walls and holding
them still and finding parts of your body etc.).

In my case is happened during auditing with an E-meter during the
process called "ARC Straightwire".

If anyone comes across this they are free to copy and web the page
as well as connect my name with the page. This conflicts with my
business interests (I have pages on the Internet devoted to a shareware
product of mine) however what I will write here is the truth and that
truth ought to be broadly known to people. I will present my story next
and at the end will include some analysis of the experience.

I was being audited in one of the auditing rooms at St. Hill
Castle in southern England about June 1994. The process was "ARC
Straightwire". It was the evening about 8 p.m. I was becoming rather
bored with the auditing which did not seem to be getting me anywhere.
It seemed to be an almost endless series of questions, an experience to
endure rather than to benefit from. I looked through the window. The
sky was darkening with clouds. It looked as though there would be a
thunder storm shortly. I returned my attention to the auditor who
seemed to be more disinterested in my auditing than I was. The auditing
command was "Recall Prevented Sex". I had exhausted all the examples
some time ago and so was just repeating them.

The auditor continued with the command though even though I could
think of nothing. This means that he was getting a persistent read on
the E-meter. This can mean that there was something I was refusing to
reveal that bothered me about this. Alternatively it could mean that
there was something underlying this topic that was inaccessible to my
conscious mind.

Anyway, the same question was repeated with my repeating the same
examples. I was bored. It was then that my previous thoughts regarding
a thunder-storm seemed to be fulfilled in a most spectacular way. The
single ceiling light in the auditing room flared up to an incredible
brilliance. I would say it seemed to be about ten times brighter than

I was very surprised the bulb did not blow. I thought a lightning
bolt must have struck the local power station. I turned to the auditor
and said "Did you see that?". I got no reaction but then auditors are
trained not to react to things like that. I was surprised though that
he did not at least acknowledge my comment.

It seemed as though he had not seen it which to me seemed
impossible. The light had reduced in intensity but was to me at least
four times as bright as normal. I was still very concerned about it. I
asked him "What=92s wrong with the electricity in here?". Again I got
absolutely no response. An instant later I experienced what I thought
was a landslide.

The whole room slipped forward by about two feet leaving me behind.
It was a bit like the feeling you have when you are in a fast lift
(elevator) going downwards though extremely more so. The room had
slipped forwards leaving me behind. I was absolutely shocked.

I could see the room from outside my body. I was about the height
of the top of my head but about two to three feet behind and slightly to
the left of my left shoulder. I wanted to be where my body was. I did
not understand what was going on.

I was about to ask the auditor to help me but realised I had no
mouth with which to speak. No sound came out. I then thought that I
could probably still use the mouth of my body. I found I could. I said
to him "I can still use my body=92s mouth. I=92ve slipped two feet
forwards. Could you push me back two feet back in my direction?" (I
know this is self-contradictory). The auditor had at last worked out
what was happening. He said "In the last auditing command, did you

Then, and only then, could I make any sense of what had happened to
me. I was exterior! I started taking a more leisurely look round. The
light now seemed duller han usual rather than brighter. I could see
fairly clearly and the 3-D seemed more pronounced than normal (I have a
defective left eye which effectively destroys my 3-D vision with normal

I looked at the back of my head. It did not seem like it was me
any more. I was going to ask the auditor "who=92s that other person in
the room?" but then I remembered it was my own body. I remember
thinking to myself "How am I seeing? If I have no physical eyes then I
have no lenses to focus the light. Am I actually projecting the world
from my own mind?". I then started feeling sorry for myself and for
other people. I was thinking "Is this what we are? Invisible spirits
too weak to act on their own and now we are trapped in bodies to suffer
the experiences of pain and death".

I looked at the back of my head again. I wondered if my body were
a living thing that was once a spirit. I felt sympathy for my body. At
that instant I shot towards the head of the body, not of my own
volition, and into it like a bullet.

I was back in my body. I was feeling exhausted. The auditor, who
I had been ignoring for the last half minute, ended the session without
further ado as is standard procedure when an exteriorisation occurs.

Though I was tired I began feeling elated. I thought "That was it,
exteriorisation with full perception. It=92s happened to me". When I got
up to leave the auditing room I discovered that my balance had been
severely effected. I could hardly manage to walk. Going down the
corridor I was repeatedly bumping into the walls. I had to put my hands
out to steady myself.

The auditor takes you to another room where another person checks
you out on n E-meter. It is called "exams". In the outside room I sort
of overshot and went crashing in to a table. I sort of fell into the
exam room and caused a small surprise. I was happy.

When I went back to the place I was staying at my balance was still
affected. I walked there which was in retrospect rather stupid since
the road outside was an unlit narrow country road and I could not walk
in a straight line. However I wanted time to absorb what had happened
to me.

Walking back I felt I was surrounded by invisible humming machines.
I was tired but I had the feeling I would not sleep well. When I got
back it was as I expected. I could not sleep well and must have got
only two hours sleep all night. My thinking was confused. Next morning
my balance had thankfully returned to normal.

That is the end of my story. I will keep a copy and update it if I
remember any more. I think I have it all down though. My memory is
very good. Now follows some thoughts on this experience.

Exteriorisation happens to about 40% of people who receive
Scientology auditing and it tends to happen early on in auditing. It is
little wonder that thereafter the person becomes a supporter of

"If this is what happens early on then think of what there is to
come" is a common thought.

The problem is that the experience is non-repeatable (well
certainly I cannot do it and I know of nobody who can do this at will).
As for better things to come this is unfortunately just wishful

It is perfectly obvious to me that L. Ron Hubbard went off the
rails in the early =9160s. He created a group of followers around him who
believed every word he uttered must be true.

He also created an absurd system called "ethics" (which was nothing
of the sort) that accused those of not getting good results from
auditing as having crimes against him and Scientology. In so doing he
robbed himself of all negative feedback from his research and he became
the victim of his own fantasies.

His later "research" led him to believe in such nonsense as Lord
Xenu who 75 million years ago turned the populations of planets into
"body thetans" which now infest our bodies and need to be telepathically
audited out. The "upper levels" of Scientology are largely concerned
with this.

To my thinking we should return to this phenomenon of
"exteriorisation" and forget the rest of Hubbard=92s material. It is a
field that requires a great deal of further research. Even if this
experience is not repeatable then at least it should be further

I am no longer a member of the Church of Scientology. I am now
opposed to its very existence. Their "Bridge to Total Freedom" which
they sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars is the Bridge to nowhere
but financial ruin.

That Hubbard went mad in the =9160s and degenerated further, both in
his research and his relationships with other people, during his
remaining years is obvious to those who care to read into the subject
(see the book "Bare-Faced Messiah" on the Internet).

However, at an early stage, I believe his intentions were good.
The phenomenon of exteriorisation is to me the most significant
spiritual and scientific achievement of the last thousand years. I
believe that this phenomenon, if researched enough, will be the
jumping-off point for the spiritual evolution of mankind in the next

Roland Rashleigh-Berry,
26th December 1996.

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Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
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> In Dennis L Erlich <> wrote:
>> And wrt my own beliefs, I see everything in this universe as a part of
>> God ... God's Being and God's life. We are inside God and God's life
>> is inside us.

You see, I am a philozofer, and when you do philozofy enough you
notice there is a little alarm that goes off inside that is very subtle,
but it tells you when you are on the wrong track however slighly off
course it might be.

Anytime people start talking about something creating something
else, the little alarm goes off.

Even in the physical universe, nothing gets created nor destroyed,
energy only changes form, and macro things get rearranged because they
are made of parts.

ARRANGEMENTS AND STATES of stuff come and go, but the stuff itself
remains eternally there.

Thus the ultimate stuff of things is conserved.

We call this the conservation of something.

So when people starting about God, which is not physical, creating
the physical, the philozofy alarm goes off loudly, and then when they
further talk about making conscious units out of rearrangements of
physical parts the alarm smokes and blows up, cuz the proof says that
ain't possible.

Arrangements of parts just can't be certain of anything, period.

Now Occam sez follow the simplest theory that explains all the
facts. Yeah I know, who has all the facts, but in fact the simplest
theory is NOT that God made the physical, and then rearranged the
phyiscal into consciousness.

If God himself were conscious, it wouldn't be a physical process
based consciousness anyhow now would it, and thus anything that was a
physical based 'consciousness' or mechanical analogue of such, would
have to be very different indeed from the true consciousness of God.

Worse the proof sez that since God-the-non-physical and the
phyiscal are two different objects, and two different KINDS of objects,
God can never know whether his physical creation exists or not with
perfect certainty, nor can God and his phyiscal souls ever know about
each other either.

So since there is no evidence whatsoever for the physical universe,
it makes a lot more sense to just say there is God.

God can't create anything, so God is conserved and being the only
something there is, something is also conserved. That makes the
physicists happy.

But this God can change state, God is a kind of glow in the dark
dream being. He can 'create' conscious dreams, pictures, scenes,
sensations etc, by causing his own substrate to change polarization from
off to on. Nothing created in actuality, but a change in state in what
was already eternally there.

Then he can stick his consciousness into one of these dreams so he
thinks he IS the dreamer. And he can do this many countless of
independent times, creating many dreamers. Again nothing actual
created, but changes in state in the One God to make it look like TO
HIMSELF there are many dreamers.

Thus God does not create the Soul, but turns himself into the Soul,
to view the many panoramas he is displaying in his multi colored glow in
the dark body.

And when the soul wakes from the dream, he becomes one with God
again, because he always was God in carnation anyhow.

And thus God and Soul can be certain of each other, because they
ARE each other.

If God and Soul are two different materials, Ex Temporal and In
Temporal, then God and soul are two different objects, and thus the Soul
can never become one with God.

We consider the physical universe to be a Cathedral of sorts, and
Souls are the beings inside the edifice of existence. These souls like
to pretend that God is also inside the edifice as 'God permeats
everything,' but then God is also outside of the edifice because he made
it, whereas the Souls are not and can not be because they ARE MADE of
the edifice material.

Thus we say that God is Ex Cathedra, and the Souls are In Cathedra.

Occam would say it is simpler to believe that God itself is the
Cathedral, not the physical universe which instead is pretty stained
glass through out the living Cathedral walls, but God likes to play at
being Soul inside the Cathedral looking out through the stained glass.
at what else he has wrought.

In other words God is looking out at what he made over there, by
BEING what he made over here.

But both over there and over here are but tattos on the body of God
glowing in the dark of the void.

Nothing created, nothing destroyed, just a chameleon changing the
colors of his being.

It is as simple as that.

Believe it or not the above passes muster with the philozofical
alarms, they just stay quiet as you please, because nothing isn't coming
from something, and two different objects aren't being certain of each

Of course being in an incarnated state, God is pretty stupid at the
moment, by exquisite design, and will reject everything said above,
which is as it should be, lest the soul wake up too fast to 'who or what
is cause around here and why is it such an asshole?'

Tue Mar 23 20:46:48 EDT 2010

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ACW ( wrote:
>In the presence of major ARCX's the meter does not even read, so then
>what do you do?

ARCX's are caused by wrong indications.

To indicate means to indicate the answer to a question.

To bypass an item means to have it, to nail it on the head, and
then pass right on by it, still looking for the right item.

To miss an item means to come close to getting it, but not get
it, and then go on looking for the item elsewhere further afield.

When the pc has created a question that is its own answer, he
already has the answer to the question.

ANY other answer then would be a wrong indication, both missing
and bypassing the correct answer, which is the question itself.

Not all questions are self answering.

Take "How many apples are in the basket?"

The person can have the question and start looking for the answer
(since he doesn't know the answer yet) without developing an ARCX.

Then if he looks in the basket and sees 4, he can be happy with
the answer. But if someone forces on him that there are 5 when there
are 4, he will ARCX.

So the wrong answer creates an ARCX.

But the SEEKING of the answer did not produce an ARCX *UNTIL* he
found an answer and it was wrong.

But what happens when the being has a question that is its own

Let's take the simplest one, and one that is not particularly

"What question am I asking?"

You see, the answer is "What question am I asking?"!

So that is an example of a self answering question, a question
whose answer IS the question.

Now lets say the pc has created a real whopper of a self
answering question, and throws his whole beingness into answering it.

Well he already has the answer but doesn't know it, so the very
effort to start looking for the answer bypasses and misses the correct
creates an immediate ARCX of magnitude.

A being can utterly crash himself with this.

He doesn't have to wait until he gets a WRONG answer, because ANY
ANSWER is a wrong answer even before he finds any answer, as he
already HAS the answer, the question itself.

So in the first case you have a question that has an answer other
than itself, and the being is very happy seeking that answer, it
produces a fun game, and there is no ARCX until and if he finds a
WRONG answer.

But in the second case, the being already has the answer, so the
very effort to to seek the answer invalidates the correct answer,
creates a wrong indication EVEN THOUGH NO ANSWER HAS YET BEEN FOUND,
and immediately ARCX's the being as long as he continues to seek the
answer to the question.

This ruins his "get up and go", because "get up and go" IS seeking
the answer to the question!

Now here is another new thought.

Whenever you find a being who is afraid to find out the answer to
a question, this is because the question is self answering and he
already has the answer!

He is afraid to find out the answer, because he knows down deep
that ANY answer he might find would create a terrible ARC break that
will cause him to melt down, explode or go splat all over native

Why? Because ANY answer would be a WRONG answer!

When a being starts to seek answers to self answering questions,
they crash and burn into an OT slump, a super glum area, where they
just can't get themselves to get up and go any more. This is because
they feel they are doomed by any possible answer they could come up
with to that question.

The ONLY solution to this ARCX and fear of finding out is for the
pc to realize that the question that is bothering him is a self
answering question, that he already has the answer to it, and thus of
course any OTHER answer he might find would be a wrong indication
enough to ruin him.

This will cease the seeking of wrong indications, and rehabilitate
his 'get up and go'.

At that point he will find enormous relief, he will stop asking
the question, cease looking for answers to it, and be quite content to
get up and go again.

The basic ruin on any case is the failure to answer a self
answering question.



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Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

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Tue Jul 26 03:06:03 EDT 2011
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Sunday, July 24, 2011


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Andrea ( wrote:
>I have read a reasonable amount of Scientology stuff, but never been an
>active Scientologist. Visited Saint Hil though, lovely place. Any ways, I
>often get a fairly instinctive feel with Scientology processes as to just
>what effect they are likely to have and how/why they work... but I'm still a
>little unsure about UCP. Is there some straight-forward and to-the-point way
>of clarifying what it does/how/why?

The real question you should be asking (I know you know this), is
what do you want out of auditing?

Then you need to look into a process or try it out to see if it
does what you want it to do.

I can only give you the Adorian view on this.

The end goal of any processing is the recovery and flip flop of a
'God Postulate'.

God Postulates are those postulates the being thinks are true
because he has observed them to be true, when in fact they are true
solely and only because he has considered them to be true.

Consideration and Observation are dicoms, much as being
cause and being effect are dicoms.

Consideration is looking by knowing, and creates in the moment
what is known.

Observation is knowing by looking, and creats in the moment
the illusion of learning.

Notice that Knowing by Looking is ass backwards on the Know to
Mystery Scale, yet all beings will be found to be doing this almost
exclusively until they start waking up.

God Postulates are what are sinking the pc, as they present to
the pc a world already created, that he had nothing to do with,
and can at best fight, usually a losing battle.

When you find the area of ruination on a pc, you will find the
burial ground for his many God Postulates. It is called a burial
ground because each God Postulate was treated with a 'I can't do
anything about that, that's just the way things are' and so they are
forgotten as useless to think about further.

A good process will get the being to look in present time at what
he is DOING. This is because when he ran into a God Postulate, and
buried it as a given, he took the failure and changed course and
started doing something different.

One could say that almost all of a pc's present time life is the
result of 'doing something different' than what he originally set out
to do. And each turn away from his correct course was marked by a God
Postulate that wasn't spotted as such.

As the process gets the being to LOOK at what he is DOING and WHY
in present time, the God Postulates will surface again. When they do
the pc gets a glum sinking feeling, "Oh yeah right, now I remember why
I don't want to remember/be alive/do/have etc., it's *IMPOSSIBLE*.

His tendency while running the process will be to blow the
process at that point because he needs to blow from his awareness of
the God Postulate. A God Postulate can't be gotten around, it can't
be solved, it can't be substituted, its a total ruin and the pc knows

The God Postulate is a 100 percent absolute total stop to the pc
without chance of mercy.

The God Postulate is so bad the pc actually considers it a waste
of time keeping it around in his awareness or contemplating it at all.

Why hurt himself with other determined losses when he can pretend
it isn't there?

However a God Postulate CAN be reversed! And easily. But the
pc has to have the balls to say "This ship will stop sinking because
I say so!" and have it work. God Postulates are in fact the ruinous
postulates of a God being, the pc, who in the making of the postulate
created the condition he now believes in.

Just so by recovering
the pure moment of looking at what the postulate created, and reversing
his idea that it isn't being created by the postulate, the pc will

When he is creating the postulate again he is admitting
that the postulate is causal consideration rather than learned

Then he can let go of it, change his mind, and whatever was
sinking him will suddenly vanish into thin air.

And yes the pc will feel the God power again flowing through him.
because only a God could have created the condition in the first
place, and only a God could have vanished it into thin air.

So any process that gets the pc to look and see how what he is
doing, knowing, wanting is the result of changes in course he made due
to ruinous but fully active and responsible postulates, will raise the
pc WAY up tone, blow that particular condition completely, and open
the grave yard to finding the next earlier God Postulate.

On the other hand Adore is so much slosh....



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Homer Wilson Smith ( wrote:
> IT's ok to not offer proof.
> It is not ok to use force to make people put up or shut up.
> This is quite clear.

CB Willis ( wrote:
>Yes. Some claims don't lend themselves well to proof to others.

Yes and some claims lend all too well to proof to others with
disasterous consequences.

You can always tell a 'Prove it!' case.

They refuse to deal with the issues of a prime directive.

They see no danger to proof, and they see no usefullness to
things that can't be proven TO them BY others.

If God exists, they need to see that themselves, no way can I
prove to them I have seen God myself etc.

They are a know before you go case, "prove to me God exists, then
I will look to see for myself."

However if I have seen God, certainly I should say so.

So what is the correct answer to 'Put up or shut up!'

Basically nothing, they have already ceased communication.

One shuts up TO THEM, but of course not to others.

Truth is the 'Prove it!' case wants you to shut up to others and
is in fact trying very hard with his "non existent" OT powers to shut
you up. So although they may not be overtly doing anything with their
bodies to shut you up, they most assuredly ARE trying to do something
with their minds and OT intent to shut you up.

Failed OT efforts are a major area of charge on 'mere' mortal
humans who continue to try to commit OT overt acts long after they
don't believe in them any more.

Attempted murder is just as bad as murder.

Wished murder is attempted murder at the OT level.

Wished silence is similar.

All are guilty until confessed.

The real problem is that an OT is not human any longer.

An OT is something that CREATES human's and puts them in
contexts. OT's create tapestries of good AND evil and sets them in
motion. Humans of course, trying to be good, find this an anathema to
their own existence.

This is in part why humans don't want anyone BECOMING a god.

I mean if someone became a god and started making other beings
and sticking them on planets where they could and would be eradicated
by plague, pestilence, famine, catastrophe and fear, not to mention,
volcanoes, earthquakes, and asteroids, most humans would look pretty
dimly upon such a creator.

They try to excuse God by saying its all the creatures fault etc,
but in fact looking into the eye of God, one finds the Infinite Artist
using paints of infinite good and evil, and not warm fuzzy humanness.

Warm fuzzy humanness is only one color on the God's palette, and
the other colors are hard to behold.

So an OT is really quite UNhuman, for only an UNhuman would
create a human, but to a human they look very INhuman, and this can
lead to great danger for the OT, who is after all not all powerful,
and for those he cares about who may not be OT at all.

OT's can be corraled and controlled by torturing their friends,
if they have any shred of humanness left in them.

The utter refusal of the 'Prove it!' case to deal with these
issues proves they are unworthy of further comment or consideration,
except to watch out for their suppressive intent, and are swine before
whom pearls should not be thrown lest dire consequences arise to all
involved including the 'Prove It!' case.


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After games have become serious, people can get very serious about
their playing and not playing of games.

One way to win a game by not playing it is to get rid of the

This is the football player, who when opposed by an overly able
player on the other team, at the moment of tackle, takes out a gun and
shoots him.

Shooting the other player is not part of the invite, and is
certainly not part of the rules, but there he is doing it anyhow.

The shooter may get to the goal post for a touch down because now
no one will come near him, and those that did are lying on the field
dead, but the nature of the game has changed, it sure ain't football any

When someone tries to win against you by getting you to not play
its called a make wrong, they are making you wrong for being there and
for playing the game as it should be.

People have to be pretty far gone to do this, so if it gives you
the heebie jeebies when you run into it, take a good long look at it.

When you resist back and try to make the make wronger wrong, its
called a make right, you are making yourself right for being in the

You already are right for being in the game, but that won't be
enough to KEEP you in the game when you are up against a psychotic make

Psychosis is defined as the effort to stop what you consider you
didn't create. That's a hard one for mortals who consider they didn't
create anything, but the spiritual world works on make it once and it
persists, make it again exactly as you originally made it the first
time, and it vanishes.

Thus when someone becomes unwilling to make something, they get
stuck with it! Only a God could appreciate the irony and justice all
rolled into one.

You might see how too much awareness of this fundamental operating
law might make it hard to keep anything around, particularly when it
comes to the invite to a game.

Thus people need to issue an invite to make the game, then pretend
they never invited the other side in and must fight them to the death,
in order to make sure they stay in.


Thus good people get up in the morning all ready to fight evil
people, but the good people never invite the evil people in for the
day's play, for that, be a reinvite, would end their presence on the
same playing field.

Since the good people aren't PUTTING the evil people on the playing
field, they have no sense of responsibility for evil people's presence
at all, the good people consider they don't really desire to play the
game in the first place, and thus they elect themselves as smaller than
the game they feel they have to play, and thus can never win it

You make yourself smaller than any game you consider you didn't
create, or invite yourself into, all the while knowing in general what
you were getting yourself into.

When you are smaller than a game you 'find yourself in', the game
will tend to eat you.

So someone considers they are in a game they didn't create and
didn't choose to be in. They already are feeling vulnerable and smaller
than necessary to win.

So of course such people find you, as an able opponent, to be a
danger to their winning the game, so they will try to out you from the
game by making you wrong for being in it, in an effort to get you to
remove yourself, or handicap yourself so they can win.

Failing that they will use force and deceit to remove you or
incapacitate you from playing.

Make wrongs such as these are the fundamentals of criminality.

If you do win the game, they will claim they won it instead, that
too, is criminality at play.

Or they will claim you cheated when in fact it was they who were

Such people make you feel very bad about things, but if you get
into the game of trying to prove the suppressive wrong, of making your
self right against them making you wrong, you will eventually do
yourself in.

Trying to prove the suppressive wrong is making yourself smaller
than the suppressive, who is already smaller than the game.

So that's a double whammy on you, not him.

People who are spending all their time fighting the suppressive,
trying to make the suppressive wrong, will be losing massively all
around them in the games of life.

Eventually the only way to win is to join the suppressive and go to
work for him. At first it is a covert attempt to do the suppressive in
from the inside, but eventually you just give up and become his right
hand man.

Every time you fight a make wrong with a make right, you create a
schmoo box for yourself. A schmoo is someone who lives between a rock
and a hard place, but at least he lives.

Make wrongs are usually of the form "You are so unable you
shouldn't be here." (They KNOW you are able, but want you to think you
are not.)

Make rights are usually of the form "You are right, but I have this
reason I am unable."

The intent is to make the make wronger feel sorry for you and leave
you alone or even start to help you, but what it really does is cement
your condition into the schmoo box with the two postulates:

"You are right, I am unable and unworthy" but
"Here is why, I have no choice about it!"

It's the why that drives the nails home on the schmoo box so you
can't get out.

Spot the why, realize it is a deceit of magnitude, even unto
yourself, and the prior postulate of disability will lift if you want it

Remember it is one thing to create a disability for yourself, and
quite another to create a justification for it, because then you are
stuck with the disability, your justification says so!

"Here is why and I have no choice about it..."

The minute you postulate you have no choice, you don't.

The postulate that postulates don't work, works.


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Sat Feb 28 00:11:41 EST 2009

Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Saturday, July 23, 2011

THE STRUCTURE OF CASE minus the typos :)


Your preclear has a case.

Case consists of desire and view in opposition.

Desire is the creative thrust of his basic purposes.

Natively a being creates in the mere conception of things.

View is the constellation of postulates the being has made about
the AllThatIs, that limit and direct his desire.

Unlimitedness is native.

All postulates are postulates of limitation.

All creation is creation of limitation.

Desire then becomes his pursuit of basic purposes through time
towards a final havingness, in other words a game.

A game is 1.) a matrix of freedoms which are native, 2.) intrinsic
purposes which are also native, 3.) barriers which are postulated, and
4.) instrumental purposes which are also postulated.

Intrinsic purposes are those things which are fundamentally
valuable for their own sake without further say so. For example peace
and pleasure.

Instrumental purposes are those things which are valuable only
because they lead to intrinsic valuables through the matrix of
conditions set up by the game.

We chase the intrinsic via the instrumental.

Intrinsic purposes are things like attaining pleasure and avoiding

Instrumental purposes are getting a good education or job which
provides survival, because non survival leads to pain.

The primary barrier is time which places time between desire and
havingness, but provides chase between the two, which has a desirability
of its own.

When view is balanced, it provides an optimum playing field, and
game to play. The being is happy playing, winning and losing, and lives
at Spirit of Play.

When view is not balanced, either towards to many wins, or to many
losses, the being is no longer happy, as playing becomes overwhelmed by
winning or losing.

Both winning and losing mean END OF PLAY, end of game, end of time.

People cry when they win because they have lost the game.

Happiness is PLAY.

Sorrow is loss of game through winning or losing.

Who is harder to audit, the guy who won the Olympics or the guy who
lost the Olympics?

They may be two different kinds of sorrow, but sorrow they be.

Play is entries in one's appointment book far into the future.

Sorrow is an empty appointment book.

Happiness is looking into one's appointment book with promise of
future pleasure.

Sorrow is looking into an empty appointment book with downcast

Happiness is a plethora of operating connections with others.

Sorrow is no more connections forever for free.

A connection is an operating flow of affinity, agreement,
communication and understandings between beings or things.

A connection exists where ever there is

Harmony, Accord, and co-communication. (Adore)

Affinity, Reality, Communication and Understanding (Scientology)

Affection, Comprehension, Communication, and Communion (Meta


A shock is a moment in time when one runs into an unexpected
counter postulate that stops one from forward motion towards one's
goals, leaving one bewildered, incredulous, indecisive and unable to
decide which way to go or what to do next.


The stop produces a return to native state, a moment of

When one's chase is serious, shock is painful.

View becomes polluted, unbalanced, through shock.

View is setup through native desire to be susceptible to loss,
resulting in unrecoverable surprise and thus shock.

When a being experiences a moment of shock, a moment of stop, from
which he cannot recover his sense of responsibility, he will change
directions and go somewhere else than where he was originally going.

Both his desire and his view become clouded with further
limitations and impossibilities that lower the optimum level of play.

His Spirit of Play becomes less.

Eventually he becomes serious, and then criminal, he gets others to
play for him, and then counter productive, he plays to lose, to get rid
of the game before he loses it anyhow, and then apathetic as he goes
through the motions of play because he has to.

People are in shock about being alive.

"What?!!! I am alive?!!! Who the F*** ordered that?!!!"

People are in shock about being a body.

"What?!!! I am a body?!!! How the hell did that happen?!!!"

If a shock won't run, it is probably under the duress of a bigger
shock. Find the bigger earlier/later shock and it will run.

Remember the preclear has shocks at the Eternal, Immortal and
Mortal levels.

Thus he has shocks in the future too.

Immortal means forever within a single time stream.

Eternal means forever outside of time.

If a mortal shock won't run, scout the immortal area. If the
immortal area won't run, scout the eternal area.

The first shock will run like wildfire. Watch it.


Thus auditable case consists of moments of

Balanced desire and view -> shock -> polluted desire and view.

The result of pollution of desire and view is Q&A, meaning changing
course to something else.

Q&A means Question and Answer and refers usually to an improper
mode of auditing wherein the auditor changes the question every time he
gets a new answer, rather than continuing with the same question until
he gets all answers to it.

In this case, Q&A means changing the question because one failed to
get the answer one needed. Thus one gives up, and changes course.

The question would be "How do I get what I desire?", followed by an
"I can't", followed by "well I don't actually desire that, I desire
this, so we will chase this instead."

Some people's whole lives are a circus of astounding acrobatics of
Q&A, because every time they get stopped no matter how weakly, they
change direction rather than handle the stop and get on with it the
original purpose.

These people make you feel like you are in kind of a whirlpool.
That's them going around in circles never getting anywhere but smaller
and smaller.

The pollution of desire is the alloying of original desire with
other lesser desires in order to keep going at any cost, even if in the
opposite direction one started in.

Pollution of view consists of further postulates of limitation,
barriers, debasements and the futile vanity (failed attempt) of taking
responsibility for the stop, that then make it impossible to recover
from the shock.

These are called God Postulates, because the being creates them
during the moment of shock from a native, if painful, point of view,
thus they have absolute power over his future.

He thinks they are true because he observes they are true, when in
fact they are true only because he considers they are true.

Running into a God Postulate is like running into a spiritual wall
of failure. You bounce off it, so there you have your proof that its
true, clear observation of failure.

The being has a choice at that moment, to believe his observation,
or be with the wall until it turns back into a consideration, at which
point he can drop the conception, and the barrier of limitation will
vanish in the mere deconception of it.

As the being sits with the wall, feeling his bruises, the charge of
the shock flows out like a huge flow of energy, IF the being lets it.

As the energy flows away, the wall changes from a forgone
conclusion of limitation, back into a consideration, and returns under
the control of the being's sovereign desire.

Once the being considers that the wall is an observation and not a
consideration, the charge that he builds up on the loss prevents him
from being with the wall enough to unconsider it.

As the charge runs out, the being recreates HIS connection to the
wall. It becomes HIS wall again, he starts to own the wall again,
rather than the wall owning him, and when his reconnection is complete,
he can drop it or leave it in place, but now its his wall operating
under his sovereign command.

At this time he has restored his God Postulate to its proper place
AS a God Postulate, and the joke is he won't be able to keep it around
unless he goes into shock about it and falls away from it again.

All pollution of desire and view is through this mechanism of the
God Postulate. Polluted view is merely original view alloyed with
negative God Postulates.

Thus all pollution of desire and view is auditable.

Even if one has to run 'unauditability' once in a while :)

Auditing is the process of locating these moments of shock, and
recovering the before and after desire and view, and any possible pre
setups that existed from native state, and through the erasure of the
polluted views, restore a strong unalloyed desire and ability set
producing forward motion again in Spirit of Play that is as strong or
stronger than the original before shock moment.

If the original desire can not be recovered fully for practical
reasons, a bigger better one can always be put in place.

He may never be able to have what he once wanted, but it will fall
away as insignificant compared to what he WANTS NOW!

You see?

Thus people who failed miserably and recover, go higher than those
that always had a good time playing.

Small games may come a cropper, but when recovered, bigger games

So don't ever let your preclear tell you 'Its too late to get

Happiness in the end is not the ability to win every previous game
the preclear once attempted, time has moved on, there are new games and
new playing fields aborning every day all of which are BIGGER AND BETTER
than the old bitter ones.

You don't have to WIN THE PAST to attain operating happiness and
spirit of play in the present, you have to be able to win the present
and the future.

Native state doesn't have to win any game at all to be happy. It
has to be ABLE to win any game, which it can if it sets it up that way.
But if it set it up that losses were to happen, then is becomes a win
that you able to create a loss.

But that was then, this is now, its not time for the games of then
any more, so get on with the games of now, eh? You do not HAVE to set
yourself up for more endless losses, if you operate from native state
with some rationality rather than from shock.


Case persists because of the effort to as-is shock by not-ising it.

It is as simple as that.

The effort to make nothing out of something or the effort to make
something out of nothing by covering it in black.

You can vanish any created thing you wish, but not by covering it
in heavy effort, black, invisibility and pretending it isn't there,
because it always will be there just a bit, to bite you later through
the steel and concrete clouds of obscurity, obfuscation and oblivion.

The least absolute there is, is oblivion, there will always be
something inscrutable shining through. The 'WHAT IT IS' will forever
elude you, even while it bites you in the ass over and over again.

That's the upside of oblivion.

Notice the way to audit NOT-ISNESS is to run not-isness, not to run
as-isness. If you have covered something in black, you do NOT look
inside the black to see what it is. You replicate the covering in black
by covering it more in black until the black vanishes naturally when you
let go of making more of it.

Spot NO not-isness
Spot SOME not-isness

Duplication of the not-ising process will result in a visible
is-ness. Then get the alter-isness off the is-ness through the same
procedure of altering it more, and you will be left with an as-isness.

Spot NO alter-isness.
Spot SOME alter-isness.

The as-isness will vanish on its own the next time a pretty girl
walks by.

Spot NO pretty girl.
Spot SOME pretty girl.

Yes even girls need to spot pretty girls too.

A pretty anything will do.


The 3 levels of shock are:

1.) The Lock level, consisting of reminders of loss.

2.) The Secondary level, consisting of actual moments of loss, loss
of games, unique preciousness and survival assets, through permanent
death, departure or reversal.

Secondaries are moments of anger, fear, despair, sorrow, pity and
apathy. Secondaries can happen long BEFORE the loss happens, during
first awareness that the loss WILL happen.

3.) The Engram level, consisting of moments of physical injury and
unconsciousness to the body or the spirit.

These 3 levels tend to correspond to thought, emotion and heavy

Emotion buries the thought, and effort buries the emotion.

Thus sorrow will bury what he lost, and engrams will bury the

Thus a heavily charged case will seem like 'nothing there'.

But most will have some awareness that the lost something or did
wrong in their 'long ago'.

Below these three case levels is a level of pure shock, independent
of any particular event that has ever gone on.

By running the pure shock level, the entire case is run out at core
and falls away without need for inspection of particulars.

However running the pure shock level is almost impossible without
running a lot of the other 3 levels in round robin order.

There are a couple of things to know about running case.

One needs to run the secondary level, before the engram level will
open up, and then one needs to run the engram level before more
secondary level will open up.

Thus after running much effort (engram ridges), one suddenly finds
oneself crying about everything and anything. Then it dries up until
the next layer of force, effort, pain and unconsciousness is run out.

Running locks can be useful, but running pleasure moments will work
better. By touching the good points in life, one is dropped into the
sorrows and losses much faster.

If there are any good moments in life for your preclear.

Good moments in life consist mostly of moments of strong connection
between beings, moments of clear and unrestrained relating.

To relate means to communicate about what is important to one.

Relationships consist of relating.

Where relating is blocked due to upsets and withholds, just so is
the relationship blocked.

When a relationship is more blocked than not, it tends to end.

When the relationship gets seriously upset, each party will debond
and disown each other as peers in the static.

Then you get wars of death and damnation.

Relating depends on connection, comm lines built of affinity,
reality, communication and understandings over which one can operate,
transmit and receive relatingnesses.

Connection takes place on the physical, emotion, mental and
spiritual levels and results in good operation and being fully
comfortable and trusting around another being.

Trust and respect is critical because intimacy is in part the
relating of vulnerabilities.

Vulnerability leads into the 'take care of' chain.

The vast proportion of life is the desire and goal to take care of
and take responsibility over the survival of others, and to have them do
the same for you.

Watch out, the desire to take care of something FOREVER, is a
violation of the sovereign while in which everything exists.

You can take care of anything for a while, but never forever.

Same thing for yourself.

Upsets are often the result of contempt and betrayal of respect and

ReSpect means to see again, namely willingness and desire to see

Much loss is built around the 'I will never see you again' chain.

So of course he is a black V, and can't see anything, if he did see
something it would be his ocean of everyone and everything he would
never see again.

A body can only cry so fast, a few gallons a minute.


One can relate or express anything, feel anything, and communicate
anything on a clear connection, and it is these connections that make
life worthwhile.

When all connections are broken or severed there is no reason to go
left or right, forward or backward, as the only reason to GO ANYWHERE is
to find and operate a working connection.

When all connections are gone, people cry themselves to sleep,
become catatonic or kill themselves.


Sorrow is not about the past, sorrow is about the future.

Charge builds when sorrow is not cried and expressed.

Dry eyed sorrow, UNEXPRESSED sorrow, never heals.

Thus one wants to find those moments in the past when sorrow was
not expressed, but it won't be at the moment of loss, but at the moment
of first awareness that the loss could or would happen.


First awareness of IMPENDING death, departure or reversal of
affinity is critical.

All of the sorrow that needs to be found is about the future, about
things that haven't happened yet, even if that moment of future
awareness is in the past.

A preclear's first awareness that his mother WOULD die someday,
even if would be 80 years in the future, is a much heavier incident than
his sorrow on the day she actually did die.

The preclear is building up charge all during the time she is still

If a person can not find sorrow in his past, he needs to find it in
his future.

Spot a present time pet, and imagine how it will be on the last day
with that pet.

Get the words, the feelings, the love, the sorrow.

No sorrow means no love, no love means no sorrow.

Suppress sorrow and one suppresses the love with it, because sorrow
is merely love in inversion.

NEVER EVER lose a chance to cry when it comes, and not feel it out
completely until its gone for the moment.

It will come back, as love always comes back if you let it.

How much can you love?

How much can you cry?

How big are the oceans?

Every time you suppress sorrow about the future, you suppress love
and you get worse. You block a connection before it gets broken.

Every time you feel sorrow and release it completely, you get
better. The connection goes co eternal.

Eventually you will find the laughter of Eternal life and love at
the bottom of that ocean of tears.

That laughter at the bottom of the well of sorrow, is God's promise
and gift to those who are honest with themselves, and with others, about
their love, and cry it out fully, holding nothing backk, holding back
sorrow is holding back love.

And laugh it out fully.

Even at the funeral.

Excess of joy weeps, excess of sorrow laughs.

And since we all are God in carnation, that's a lot of love, a lot
of laughter and a lot of tears.

Vulnerability is that cross over point at the bottom of the well of
tears, between sorrow and love, and wondering if it will ever come.

How deep do you dare to go into sorrow, to find the light of
Eternal love?

Sanity is keeping those connection lines open even if nothing flows
on them any more. You don't turn the radio off just because your friend
at the other end doesn't answer you.

And for heaven's sake, when someone or something dies, don't say
good bye.

Say hello, and send them your sorrow, they will receive it as love.

For no one ever goes anywhere else but HERE.


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Wed Jul 13 12:42:54 EDT 2011
Sat Jul 23 15:01:45 EDT 2011



The material on the flash drives is a subset of the material at

There are 3 entire expositions of The Proof.

The first is a highly formal technical writeup for heavy philosophy
and physics geeks.

The second is a write up I did for Arthur C Clarke before he died.

The third is a series of 'lectures' called the Valentines Day

The third is the easiest to peruse and you might want to start

The flash drive only holds the Val lectures, and the Clarke

The proof is about the nature of consciousness, in particular its
zero dimensionality or scalarness.

Although science tells us presently that the dream projected in
consciousness, that we call our physical universe seems, to have 11
space time dimensions, at least in the mathematical model, in truth the
consciousness which projects illusions of these dimensions has no
dimensions at all.

Mathematically that's called a scalar entity, as opposed to a multi
dimensional entity.

Consciousness is scalar, but projects virtual multidimensional

Source sources what Source is not.

Most people can not think with the idea that something with no
dimensions, could be a something rather than a nothing, but the proof is
new, and flies in the face of a lot of nonsense coming down the
religious and scientific whole track for the past billion years.

I think you will find the Val Lectures enjoyable, but watch it, the
material is dangerous, it can cause out of body experiences, monster
vibrations, emotional outbursts, as a lot of confusion, turmoil and lies
come off the lines of our implanted educations.

"The outrageousness of the mechanics of learning, is matched only
by the outrageousness of what we have learned." - Adore.

It is one thing to consider the possibility that the world is a
dream, but with the proof, the probabilities that it is not a dream
become vanishingly small.

The proof doesn't prove the world is a dream, it proves something
else, but that something else is the archstone in the way of
understanding that the physical universe is a full blown co
hallucination in the mind of all beings, who are God in carnation.

All life is God in carnation in dream spacetime.

God is a Multi I-AM being. Each I-AM is a soul.

God and Soul are one thing with two different operating aspects,
Author and Character or Creator and Creature.

As you will see when you get deeper into the material, the proof's
bottom line says that perfect certainty between two different
objects is impossible.

*THAT* is a very very big statement, not yet recognized as such in
the scientific or religious worlds.

Since space and time interposed between two objects in the physical
universe makes them two different objects, no certainty is possible in
the physical universe, and in fact everything in the physical universe
including its own existence, remains a theory.

Consciousness is the actuality, spacetime is a virtual reality,
like an arcade game, a holodeck projecting a self created hologram.

Consciousness is the self aware holodeck, the physical universe
is the image in the hologram.

However the self luminousness of consciousness allows us to be
perfectly certain of ourselves, our own existence and agency, and the
existence of the color forms that we perceive, and thus there can be no
space or time between any part of consciousness and anything that it can
be perfectly certain of.

In other words consciousness and anything that consciousness can
perceive with perfect certainty must exist in a self contained zero
dimensional scalar entity called the consciousness unit or soul.

If we see a little green martian on the street, we may not know if
there is an 'objective' green martial out in the alleged physical
universe, it could be a hallucination, BUT WE ARE CERTAIN WE SEE THE

The hallucination is not a hallucination!

Interpretation of perceptions may be only theory, but the
perception itself is a direct perfect certainty.

That little fact is overlooked by the 'you are a brain' crowd.

To wit consciousness is not a space time machine like the brain.
Consciousness is thus not MERELY a process in the brain, and if the
physical universe is a dream time hallucination, the entire meaning,
nature of and existence of the brain comes into question and needs to be
reworked from the bottom up.

What good is a dream brain to a dreamer dreaming he has a brain?

If consciousness had dimensionality and those colors you see around
you were actually out there where they look like they are, you wouldn't
be able to see anything.

That's because the only way to see anything that is OUT THERE,
is to look at something else which is NOT out there.

This is the effort to see the cause out there by looking at the
effect it has in your self which is not out there but is in here.

Without that effect in yourself there is no knowing about the cause
out there at all. But if there is an effect, seeing the effect in
yourself isn't seeing something out there either, its seeing something
in here (in your consciousness) which REPRESENTS something out there.

When things are out there, the represented out there is never seen,
only the representation is seen in here, in your consciousness.

The existence of the represented out there is a theory based on the
evidence of the representation see in here, in your consciousness.

Ultimately the only way to see anything, is to see some thing that
is not OUT THERE relative to you, but which thing is the last in the
chain of "looking at something else", that represents something out

Out there is never seen, only in here representations of out there
are seen, namely our conscious experiences of out there.

We claim that our conscious experiences are of out there, but they
aren't, they are conscious experiences of THEMSELVES, which we then
pretend represent things out there which we can not see at all.

And thus the dream pretends it is not dreaming.

If we see a piano in our consciousness, there must BE an objective
piano out there in the physical universe that exists whether we see it
or not.

Nope, the piano is a hallucination, actual as a dream experience,
and it plays perfectly well, but it has no other or further existence,
even if we pretend there is.

More important is the issue of the relation between God and Soul.

Since two different objects can never know about each other with
perfect certainty, if God and Soul are two different objects, they will
never be able to know about each other except as a theory.

Better to just understand that God and Soul are two sides of the
same coin, the GodSoul, and that the Soul side is the God side in
carnation in dreams of space time and mechanics.

The being, living dreams of mortality, is escaping nightmares of
immortality (stuck in time forever), which resulted from (intentionally)
missing the nature of Eternality or peace forever, above space and time.

Forever has two meanings.

Forever in time which is immortality and always ends up in hell forever.

Forever above time, which is Eternality which can only be
peace forever.

Eternality likes to create immortalities for a while, which then
decay into hells followed by the pretense of mortality.

Eventually the being wakes up to native state again and recognizes
he is the scalar universe projecting dreams of spacetime universes for
his own enjoyment.

This results in the fair chosen dance of the Imp Soul, me and thee.

That dance can get pretty bad in the interim.

Since consciousness is scalar, it HAS no dimensions of space or
time, and thus can not be created nor destroyed.

Once is, always is.

If is, always was, and always will be, because there is no time for
it to come and go in.

Consciousness is like a timeless TV set showing dreams of space and
time and ludicrous demise.

Things can come and go in the shows, but the TV stands forever
outside of time and change.

"The Key to the Golden Temper.

Tragedy and Travesty,
Romance and Sin,
Miracles and Majesty,
That's where I've been.

Miracles in Majesty,
Romance and Song,
Tragedy and Travesty,
That's where I've gone.

The fact I'm still here,
Is PROOF don't you see,
In the Omni Long Run,
It's better to Be.

Halcyon (Hal-cy-on) and Thrill,
High Cool and Romance,
Class and Free Fancy,
Power the dance.

Pride is our willingness,
Our willingness to Be,
I Adore me forever,
Forever for Free."

From Adore, A Divine Operating REligion.


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Fri Jul 22 15:03:58 EDT 2011

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Hash: SHA1


Adore considers that the single most important certainty to
attain, after certainty that something exists, certainty of doubt and
certainty of differences, is


Agency means causal agency, who or what is cause.

Adore defines 3 states.

Followingness. This means B followed A.

Dependable followingness. This means B always follows A.

Necessary dependable followingness. This means B MUST follow A.

Followingness does not imply Dependable Followingness.

Just because B follows A once or a million times, doesn't mean B
will always follow A .

Dependable followingness does not imply necessary dependable

Just because B does always follow A, doesn't mean B MUST follow
A, in fact statistically it could be a conincidence that B followed A
a trillion times in a row.

If A is cause of B, if A is SUFFICIENT to cause B, then B MUST
follow A, and we have conditions for necessary dependable
followingness, namely AGENCY between A and B.

Thus certainty of AGENCY is certainty of necessary dependable

The proof states that machines learn about causes across a
space/time distance by looking at effects in themselves made
by those causes 'out there'.

The Proof proves that a machine can never learn with certainty
about the causes that produced those effects.

Since the conscious unit can learn with certainty about it's own
causal agency in some matters, it follows that the conscious unit is
not a machine.

A machine is defined by The Proof as any system of parts
interacting via cause and effect across a space/time distance.

A machine learns by observing changes in state here, namely in
itself, and theorizing about prior changes in state out there that
might have caused the changes in state here.

This is 'learning across a space/time distance', and 'learining
by looking at effects' and The Proof says that certainty of agency can
not arise from this method of learning.

A machine must always *ASSUME* that all effects are caused,
all changes in state here (effect), are preceeded by another change in
state there (cause), and this assumption can not itself
be proven by merely looking at effects here.

Looking at effects does not provide certainty of cause!

Therefore wherever there is certainty of agency one is not
'learning by looking at effects', nor 'learning across a space/time
distance', as the ONLY way to learn across a space/time distance IS to
learn by looking at effects.

Certainty that there is learning, but not by looking at effects,
and not across a space/time distance, breaks the hold of the Newtonian
Model on the mind, and it becomes free to operate as a conscious unit
again rather than as a meatball.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

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dapperdobbs <> wrote:
> If we may pause for a moment here at the point you make above ... I
> think the question is: Does man have self-determinism? Did God create
> man with a choice or choices?

Here is my position.

There are two kinds of freedom here that are usually confused by
the weak minded.

1.) Freedom from determination.

2.) Freedom to do what he wants.


NOTHING can be free of its own nature.

If it were, then its action would be utterly random, and as there
are more ways to harm than to help, this would be disasterous.

Thus a free will, in the sense of free from being determined by
anything, is not desirable.


Man has a will which is determined by his desires, the equation
that drives that will is


In other words, given what a man wants, he uses what he knows to
compute what he should do.

A man can change his wants, but only if he wants to, thus at all
times his actions are computed from his desire and his knowledge. His
computations can be wrong, held down sevens, etc, but the machine
continues as best it can.

In this sense a man considers he has 'free' will, when his will is
free to follow what he has computed he should do.

You put him in jail, and he wants to get out. So he computes that
the way to get out is to open the door and leave. But the door is
locked closed, so he can not pursue his desire, thus his will is not

This 'freedom' to do what he wishes, has nothing to do with freedom
from determination.

One in fact hopes that a man *IS* determined by good will, no
matter how insane his knowledge or computations might be.

Thus the first kind of freedom from determination is undesirable,
and the second kind is intimately desirable.

A man can get into a state where he is forced to do something he
doesn't want to do. When the forces determining his actions are not in
accord with his desires, knowledge and computations, then he has a
problem with himself.

But even then the only 'freedom' he has lost is the freedom
to do what he wants and computes.

One can force a man under threat and duress of pain for himself or
his loved ones to do something 'he doesn't want to do.' Notice when he
chooses to act, he is still choosing to act according to his own
computation and desires given the added data of threat and duress.
As bad as it sounds he is still doing what he wants.

In otherwords being 'forced' to do something by the use of direct
force, or by the use of motivation through the threat of pain are two
completely different things. The first is a violation of free will,
then second is simply freewill in action given the circumstances of
threat and duress.

A man can also get into a state where inner reactivity takes over
for him and makes him do things that he has not computed to do. He may
later try to make them right by finding computations AFTER the fact of
the action to make the action right.

A spirit has another level of freedom, in that a spirit, unlike a
MEST machine, is not state determined by the physical universe.

State determined means what the machine does next is a pure
function of its present state and circumstances plus or minus some dice
throwing in is internal mechanics.

A machine is determined by its own nature and by the environment it
is in at the time. State plus environment equals new state.

Men as MEST BODIES, don't like to think they are robots, but like
any machine, they are robots to their nature and to their environmental
impingements. That quantum mechanics allows for some randomness in
outcome, doesn't make the machine 'free', it makes it random.

A spirit however can originate something NEW that is not a function
of anything that has gone before in the MEST universe, nor its present
state in the physical universe.

Such prime postulates, as they are called, are still a function of
the nature of the spirit, but are not a function of the past or the
present environment.

Thus a spirit has a level of being undetermined that a mest machine
or body/brain does not but it's still determined or constrained by its
eternal nature.

Choice is the ability to compute many possible paths to a desired
outcome, and picking the one mostly likely to get there the fastest with
the least expenditure of energy or pain.

Choices can be pushed to the limit when two people are starving to
death, and each has to decide whether to kill himself, or kill and eat
the other.

Friendships, and prior relationship can affect the outcome of such

The concept of 'free' will is used mostly to punish people, if he
chooses to harm someone and he gets caught, people chose to harm him
back, saying he deserved it.

If the guy is FORCED to do something bad, either by others, or by
something physical or mental inside him, people can be forgiving, but he
may be done away with anyhow as an expediency.

Basically it comes down to being a team, in which case people treat
each other with respect, or being in opposition, in which case all hell
can break lose.

As for obedience, most morals hold man obliged to obey a higher
authority, be it the law of the land or the law of the sky.

If he knows the law, and he knows others will try to punish him for
breaking it, and he breaks it, then by definition he gets what he
deserves and knows it, even if the law is unjust and the purveyors of
justice are all criminals.

The legal adjudication of insanity is knows right and wrong, but by
right and wrong they mean LEGAL AND ILLEGAL, not morally right or
morally wrong.

computing under subtle but high duress from internal or external

Thus man has a moral mandate to do what is right first, and what is
legal second, unless he has sworn to uphold the law right or wrong and
is allowed in office by others on the basis of that promise. If he
finds that the law is immoral, he can put down his badge, dismiss
himself from his sworn post and its duties, and then break the law

That was more than you wanted, but there it is.

Mon Nov 29 01:15:07 EST 2010

Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Saturday, July 16, 2011



CB Willis ( wrote:
>So whether you agree or disagree, you're co-creating it and are therefore
>responsible for it.

>True or false? if not, why not.


Responsibility has many definitions.

At the top it means knowing willing cause with full awareness of
the consequences. "Who done it? I done it."

In this sense 'taking responsibility for' means owning up to having
knwoingly and willingly caused something.

In Scn theory full repsonsibility for something allows one to cease
creating something, at which point it will vanish for one.

A little lower down responsibility means taking responsibility OVER
an existing scene. You see a lot of garbage on the street and you
decide to take responsibility over the mess and you start to pick it all
up. That's being very 'responsible' you see? All the little old ladies
will approve of you.

It's ADDING your top level 'responsibility for' into an existing
mess that 'you did not make, someone else did', so that the outcome is
altered from what it might have been otherwise.

At the very bottom responsibility means following orders.

One can have a partial unknowing responsibility. Say a terrorist
has wired a bomb to the light switch in the school. You walk in, turn
on the lights and unwittinly set off the bomb. Those who are
interested in who 'did the act that set off the bomb' will be looking
to you, as you were last responsible entity in the chain. But the
knowing willing part was not there, so they will look further for
those with the intent.

You can also have parts of 'yourself' that sometimes do things,
say things, or act in ways that you did not consciously choose. Again
when people want to know 'who did it', the answer is you did it, as
opposed to Goober over there, but this does not imply that *YOU* did
it knowingly and willingly.

It may however mean you might need some correction leveled at you
so that you stop doing these things unwittingly.

But the real issue in a shared universe is CHOICE and AMNESIA OF

Have you ever knowingly and willingly chosen to not know a choice
including this one?

If so, then we need to audit out that chain, so that a being can
once again recongnize what responsibility he actually had in his or
other's conditions. Those who forget choices they made dwindle, and
eventually become natter boxes like Muldoon.

They also become 'prove it!' cases. All a prove it case wants to
know is if he made a choice he has forgotten AND if he chose to forget
it. The guy who claims "prove it!" just wants proof he is responsible
for his condition. OT powers and the marble on the table are a red

You move the marble and he STILL won't have proof that he is
responsible, and pretty soon he won't believe you moved the marble no
matter how many times you move it.

He will just sit at Hallucination on the awareness characterisic
scale, wondering.

That's because the only thing he can know for sure is that HE
CHOSE. Once he recovers his sense of choice on things, he won't care
if he is hallucinating you moving the marble or not, he will be able
to move it himself and make YOU wonder if you are hallucinating.

Now the priamry choice that is forgetten in a rip roaring game of
good and evil is the INVITE.

Two teams pair off on the playing field, but how did they get

Was there any plan to it?

Hell no! says the good. Hell no! says the evil.

So they go to a war they never created, never invented, didn't
set out the rules and exactly how to break them, didn't create the
playing field and most certainly didn't invite the other side to play.

"I didn't create or invite you in!" says the Good. "That would
have been evil of me!"

"I didn't create or invite you in!" says the Evil. "That would
have been good of me!"

Is it ever good to create evil?

Is it ever evil to create good?

But when you have a game between Gods, both sides create and
invent the game, and choose up sides, and that is neither good nor
evil, that's DIVINE. That's Authorship.

God is game author.

And it is this Divine Invite that is missing from both side's
awarenesses once the game gets serious.

So any two beings in each others dream have chosen to co share a
resonnant connection to each other through the void. I make an apple
and you see my apple. You make an orange and I see your orange. I
move YOUR orange and it moves for you. Uh Oh, the game is afoot, you

The question is, was there an invite.

Now a couple of OS-2's, can do this by definition. Operating
Sovereign level 2 is the ability to create and share a private link to
each other through the void. Each one experiences what the other does
and they both have control over the other's experience.

But if they get SERIOUS about it, they can forget the invite and
get into a war until the end of time.

The OS 3 world of the shared MEST universe is much like this.

So responsibility doesn't necessarily mean you created it, it
does mean your choice and approval lies behind another being's ability
to create it for you in your dream.

You take full responsibility for any space/time game stream
you walk into, regardless of who authored it.

You bought it, you activated your involvement in it, who is to
blame now?

Further by consciously creating (as-ising) the other guy creating
something in your dream, you can get him to stop (at least in your game,
but also in his) by ceasing your own creation of his creating it.

He may see you doing this, and fight you by continuing to create,
but if you have withdrawn YOUR permission that he can create in your
dream, his creations will become his alone.

So to answer your question, YES.



Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Mon Sep 4 22:36:23 EDT 2006

Friday, July 15, 2011


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As for copyright the problem here is that the internet finally
has allowed anyone to say anything to anyone, which is a good thing,
it even allows the music owners to distribute music almost for free to
anyone, because the cost of reproduction is now zero, so they stand to
make much more money because the cost of production is so low.

But at the same time that very ability to communicate freely to
their cusomters can be used BY the customers to communicate with each
other and violate the copyrights. So it is a two edged sword.

There is probably a technological solution that allows freedom of
anonymous speech AND protection of distribution for those that want
it, but many don't want freedom of anonymous speech so they are
pushing the solutions that serve only one side and not the other.

*THEY* are the real problem.


- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

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Fri Jul 15 03:06:03 EDT 2011
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Thursday, July 14, 2011


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There is a common idea that every somatic is an engram in
restimulation. This implies that the first injury did not hurt as
there were no engrams to restimulate.

For example if I pinch myself to a pain point, is that pain
caused by engrams in restimulation or is it brand new present time
pain from present time forces?

Ok, so the guy has a headache. Should we look for a time when
someone injured his head or should we look for how he is crushing the
hell out of his head in present time?

Now admitedly he may be DRAMATIZING some incident in his decision
to crush his head in present time, but that incident may have nothing
to do with bodies or heads or headaches per se.

It is also a common idea that every somatic or condition is fair
chosen exactly as the pc is suffering it. This fails to discriminate
between efforts, conditions and somatics that are fair chosen exactly
as they are, and those that are incidental consequences of the first.

For example pc as a child needs to hide something from himself
and others so he slams a piece of his brain into oblivion with effort
and engages in endless question asking in order to not remember what
he doesn't want to remember.

That's not knowing by 'trying to know', you see?

End result of the chronic QUESTION ASKING is an infection in his
nose that causes it to stuff up from present time injury. He didn't
choose the nose, he chose the prior actions that resulted in the nose.

Running 'Locate a time when you had an injury to the nose' won't

Running 'Locate a time you engaged in question asking to obscure
something you already knew' will.

There also seems to be a lot of confusion on the state of clear.

At one time there was a MEST clear, theta clear, cleared theta
clear, googleplex clear etc.

Clear used to be a simple concept. The thetan had a postulate
that replicated everything he experienced as a 'facsimile' and these
facsimiles built up into a time track made of mental MEST.

It had weight, color, temperature (lots of them!), you could kick
it around, give it to someone else, steal theirs, trade them for ice
cream to time track collectors and confuse the hell out of all of them
until you didn't know whose was whose.

It was pretty obvious that if one being had a time track, then
probably most beings had time tracks except for Natural Clears, who
were mostly wide open cases posing as no time track cases.

How do you tell the difference? The wide open has an eidetic
memory, the clear doesn't have a memory. You ask a clear what
happened, he will go back in time and report directly.

So it followed that since most beings are also composite beings
all mushed together with other beings in the soup, that all these
other beings had time tracks too, and the resulting confusion lead to
things as they are on Earth at this time.

Whatever the postulates that originally created the time track
they eventually were a solution that became a problem. The main thing
was the being USED facsimiles in the time track to determine what to
do (dramatazing psychotic) or what to think (computing psychotic).

Since the time track eventually became full of 'heavy facsimiles'
containing loss, pain and unconsciousnes, secondaries and engrams in
others words, the being tended to pick the winning valences of what to
do or what to think from the incidents with the most force in them,
rather than the most wisdom.

In other words if the being gets clobbered over the head, the
winning valence was not the guy with the most wisdom in the incident,
but the guy with the biggest hammer.

Since illogically derived, violent solutions to problems that
don't exist are the hallmark of insanity, insanity started to
propagate itself down the time track amongst all those that had time

I mean here was this guy being a no problem to anyone, and wham
he gets hit over the head. You can see where that might lead to next
time he gets around to USING that facsimile to determine what to do or
what to think.

Everything might have been fine except it went one step further.

Sometimes the 'winning valence' was actually the person himself
near death because in the incident someone comes to his rescue, the
Golden Ally. So now he has a Villan, Victim, Hero triangle in full

Next time he feels endangered, rather than picking the winning
valence of the Villan, with hammer in hand and proceed to beat the day
lights out of what is threatening him, he picks the loosing valence of
himself in order to attract another version of the Golden Ally to help
him survive by doing whatever Golden Ally's do best that got him out
of hot water in the original incident.

So look at this, in original incident Villan is beating him over
head with hammer giving him a serious headache, Golden Ally walks in
and scolds the Villan who runs away, and Victim feels this endless
warm golden glow of safety at the end of the incident.

Even though he is almost dead and probably unconscious.

So now the person gets threatened by something and adorns himself
with this incident in his own valence hoping to attract a Golden Ally
to come save him. Over time that may or may not work, but the result
is the poor guy now lives in his own valence and guess what, right he
has a splitting headache 24 hours a day!

And so this facsimile is called the Service Facsimile because he
is using it to service himself.

Sometimes the Villan (SP) and the Hero (Golden Ally) are one and
the same person. He is then using the service Facimile to service the
villan to assuage it into becoming the golden ally.

The problem with service facsimiles is they are pretty much a
full time proposition, once the guy puts it on, it usually stays on
from there on out, because part of the deal is the being mustn't know
he put it on, particularly if the guy remains under threats of any
kind. And in this world of computing and dramatizing psychotics, well
you can see what might happen.

Alright so we have the being and the being has a time track and
the time track has heavy facsimiles in them, and the being is USING
some of these full time essentially keeping his time track in
restimulation 24 hours a day. Certainly close enough to him so he can
grab a facsimile as necessary on a moment's notice.

You won't find this guy loaning his time track out to friends for
a saturday night's ride or leaving it behind him when he goes into
work in the morning.

So he is holding onto this time track as hard as he can, AND he
is in the market for OTHER time tracks that perhaps have more blood
and gore and clever solutions in them to further aid his survival. In
fact forget ethics, he will STEAL OR COPY them any chance he gets
regardless of copyright notices.

But you see by wearing a NON SURVIVAL incident in order to
survive, well that's just what he is doing, surviving by not

People can actually survive quite well this way, "I am broken
leave me alone!".

But eventually they get too broken, then they are between a rock
and a hard place and they can't survive any more because they are TOO

At that point they have a choice to make. Die because they are
too disable, or give up the service facsimile and die because they are
too able.

There is a third option in there somewhere, I am just sure.

Anyhow so now you have this guy all entombed in his own time
track buried like sardines in a can amongst a whole mess of other
beings in the same condition, BT's and Clusters, and that's your
average PhD spouting truth and science in a university.

A true Scientist of the Rock.

Who has weekly sessions with his local Psychiatric Zombie Lord,
because he doesn't feel quite right most of the time.

So what do we do about all this?

We CLEAR it.

But what is there to clear?

Well first and foremost we need to clear the beings USE of this
time track to survive by not surviving. That brings him to Grade IV
Service Fac Release, able to move out of fixed conditions and do new
things. Novel things, like surviving by surviving.

Then we want to clear the postulates that make the being consider
valuable and hold on to his own and other's time tracks so he doesn't
have all these stupid 'cookie cutter' solutions easily available to
him the next time he gets into trouble. He's gotta solve it for real

That's called a clear, Grade VII, no longer has his own time
track and has sold off all his other ones.

Now notice, if he isn't holding on to his own or OTHER'S time
tracks as useful packratting, then he won't be so solidly entombed in
all those other beings and THEIR time tracks now will he? All those
other being's time tracks aren't valuable to him any more either, in
fact they are just so much stink to him.

Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum, I smell the time track of an English man!

So this actually puts some space between the being who now is
clear and all these others that are still lying all over him, like
dead bodies on top of a living soldier.

This distance allows the clear to do to these other beings what
was done to him, namely one by one, get them to give up USING their
time tracks (and those of others) to survive by not surviving (Grade
IV), and then give up their own time tracks altogether and go clear
themselves. At which point, they aren't dead soliders any more and
they get up and become useful citizens of the spiritual spacetime

Once the being has cleared ALL of the dead soldiers lying on top
of him, he's an OT, Operating Thetan, he can operate again you see
because the dead weight is gone.

Further most of that dead weight will probably choose to stay
around and form a formidable army of friends and spiritual team mates
waiting for orders on what to do next.

Probably to clear the next dude.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

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