Tuesday, April 30, 2019

ADORE538 (fwd)

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In the absence of direct rememberance of our past, there is much
speculation about what the greater context of our lives is.

Some say our present existence is a school for us to learn
lessons and evolve upwards in.

Other's say present time is a last ditch effort to remain
conscious before we sink forever more into the rigid apathy of MEST.

Hubbard was of the second opinion, as am I.

"If Time Stone be Tomb Stone, then let Wisdom be Epitaph. The
way out of your grave is to read the words on your tombstone." -Adore

There are however certain facts which are inexorable, one of
those being the dwindling spiral caused by the reversal of time in the
DED/DEDEX sequence.

The being commits an unprovoked overt act, usually accidentally, or
impishly with unintended consequences, regrets it, tries to restrain it,
and then later the person he hurt does something to him, and then he
feels justified for having committed the overt act earlier.

See Electra Overwhelm, Justification and Restraint EXM40.memo


Thus an unprovoked and regretted overt act becomes a provoked and
justified overt act after the fact.

The ded/dedex sequence is DEADLY to the being, and NO being will
survive it barring auditing or Prime Postulate.

If we further assume that the ded/dedex sequence is the true
reason for lack of memory due to the scrambling of time order of
events, then the present time situation looms ominous indeed.


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Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com

Thu Aug 9 02:52:30 EDT 2007

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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

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HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Saturday, April 27, 2019



ACW (wisdom@cyberstation.net) wrote:
>In the presence of major ARCX's the meter does not even read, so then
>what do you do?

ARCX's are caused by wrong indications.

To indicate means to indicate the answer to a question.

To bypass an item means to have it, to nail it on the head, and
then pass right on by it, still looking for the right item.

To miss an item means to come close to getting it, but not get
it, and then go on looking for the item elsewhere further afield.

When the pc has created a question that is its own answer, he
already has the answer to the question.

ANY other answer then would be a wrong indication, both missing
and bypassing the correct answer, which is the question itself.

Even LOOKING for an answer prepostulates he doesn't have it yet,
and so the effort to find starts with a crashing ARCX out of the gate.

Not all questions are self answering.

Take "How many apples are in the basket?"

The person can have the question and start looking for the answer
(since he doesn't know the answer yet) without developing an ARCX.

Then if he looks in the basket and sees 4, he can be happy with the
answer. But if someone forces on him that there are 5 when there are 4,
he will ARCX.

So the wrong answer creates an ARCX.

But the SEEKING of the answer did not produce an ARCX *UNTIL* he
found an answer and it was wrong.

But what happens when the being has a question that is its own

Let's take the simplest one, and one that is not particularly

"What question am I asking?"

You see, the answer is "What question am I asking?"!

So that is an example of a self answering question, a question
whose answer IS the question.

Now lets say the pc has created a real whopper of a self answering
question, and throws his whole beingness into answering it.

Believe it or not that's because questions ABOUT problems and
their 'solutions, are using more of a problem themselves than they are

Spiritual Problems apparently don't need solutions, they need to be

That's because problems usually PRE POSTULATE the very conditions
that are demanding 'solutions', so the preclear needs to spot the pre
postulate more than he needs to create or find a solution he doesn't
alread have, namely the exact prepostulated creations is worrying
himself with.

This doesn't work so well at MEST levels of reality because
MEST level problems are buried under so many prior spiritual level
problems they won't blow on inspection without taking the problem
chain all the way back to the top.

But for higher level, and thus prior and earlier' problems,
spotting the prepostulations works like wild fire.

The preclear who has bypassed or missed his own immediate causality
in the existence of the problem, already has the answer but doesn't know
it, so the very effort to start looking for the answer bypasses and
misses the correct answer, and thus *PROMISES TO FIND ONLY AN INCORRECT
ANSWER* and so creates an immediate ARCX of magnitude.

A being can utterly crash himself with this.

He doesn't have to wait until he gets a WRONG answer, because ANY
ANSWER is a wrong answer even before he finds any answer, as he already
HAS the answer, the question itself, and its causal prepostulates.

And the more and more he tries to find an answer that itsn't
the question and its prepostulates itself, the more doomed he feels,
so he becomes just SURE that once he does find the 'correct'
answer down the road aways he will die of the truth.

That makes his terrified of finding the truth, so his search
becomes half hearted and self opposed.

He 'wants to know' AND 'he doens't want to know.'

So in the first case you have a question that has an answer other
than itself, and the being is very happy seeking that answer, it
produces a fun game, and there is no ARCX until and if he finds a WRONG

But in the second case, the being already has the answer, so the
very effort to seek the answer invalidates the correct answer, "I am
creating this with prepostulates that work." which creates a wrong
indication EVEN THOUGH NO ANSWER HAS YET BEEN FOUND, and immediately
ARCX's the being as long as he continues to seek the answer to the
question, all of which causes the problem to persist until after

This ruins his "get up and go", because "get up and go" IS seeking
the answer to the question!

Now here is another new thought.

Whenever you find a being who is afraid to find out the answer to a
question, this is because the question is self answering and he already
has the answer!

He is afraid to find out the answer, because he knows down deep
that ANY answer he might find would create a terrible ARC break that
will cause him to melt down, explode or go splat all over native state!

Why? Because ANY answer would be a WRONG answer!

When a being starts to seek answers to self answering questions,
they crash and burn into an OT slump, a super glum area, where they
just can't get themselves to get up and go any more. This is because
they feel they are doomed by any possible answer they could come up
with to that question.

The ONLY solution to this ARCX and fear of finding out is for the
pc to realize that the question that is bothering him is a self
answering question, that he already has the answer to it, and thus of
course any OTHER answer he might find would be a wrong indication
enough to ruin him.

This will cease the seeking of wrong indications, and rehabilitate
his 'get up and go'.

At that point he will find enormous relief, he will stop asking
the question, cease looking for answers to it, and be quite content to
get up and go again.

The basic ruin on any case is the failure to answer a self
answering question.

The game then as an auditor is to get the preclear to spot
the problem (he has no idea), and then spot the package of self
creating postulation that is keeping it in place.

These prepostulations are called God Postulates because
only a God could or would involve himself with them, and further
the preclear thinks the postulates TRUE because he has OBSERVED
them to be true, which in fact they are true only because he
has postulated they are, and observered them second.

Being with the posulate AS A CAUSAL POSTULATE and not an observed
event will cause the posulate to come apart and the condition it is
creating to slowly vanish.

He just has to change his mind upon spotting the postulate that the
postulate is cause of the condition, and not and observed result of him
running into the condition.

He causes the condition, that's being cause, then he runs into
it and asks (question) "Where did THAT come from?" That's being
and effect.

Thus this ability and its operation is called the Consideration/Observation flipflop.

The flip is from cause to effect, and he needs to flip it back.

The effect comes AFTER the cause in time, so by paying attention
to the effect he is too late in time to as-is the condition which
is immediately prior.

The causal prepostulates to any unwanted persisting condition
are the original moment of creation, where an as-isness can occur.

Fighting with the effect creating is a moment after the
original moment of creation, 'I must create a solution to this problem',
and nothing will ever as-is from that viewpoint.



Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Thursday, April 25, 2019



In science, objective proof demands verification and repeatability
by other people, usually called peers.

The the existence of peers beyond being mere hallucinations, can
not itself be objectively proven without a peer to verify it. But if no
peers have been yet verified, who will then act as a verified peer to
peer review the verification of the first peer?

Therefore there can be no objective proof that other people exist,
otherwise one would be assuming the existance of what one was trying to
prove. Even scientists are smart enough to avoid circular logic.

Thus 'objective' science rests at best on whimsy and what people
choose to believe based on subjective experiences of the existence of
others, and emotional needs to not be alone.


Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
HomerWSmith-L mailing list

adore907.memo (fwd)


So you sit your preclear down in session and ask him how he is

He says,

"I want to drown in the blood of my enemies."

The innocent will laugh their heads off, the guilty will press him
to clarify exactly whose blood he has in mind.

At this point, it would do well for the auditor to have some

Truth causes vanishment of all mechanical conditions of existence.

At the beginning of any universe, when vanishment was a problem,
because they hadn't figured out serious persistence yet, suppression of
truth was necessary just to keep the playing field around and the game a

People understood this suppression was for the sake of the game
that they wanted to partake in, so they accepted this suppression of
truth as necessary.

A while later when various games were going to hell, some beings
wanted to end the games, that is vanish them by uncovering the lies that
held them in place,

However there were people that wanted the games to continue and
wanted to force others to be in the game whether they wanted to or not,
so they continued to suppress the truth and the beings trying to expose

Thus the beings who wanted out of the game became PTS to the SP's,
those who were vested in their lies.

SP means Suppressive Person.

PTS means Potential Trouble Source, meaning the preclear
rollercoasters in the presence or under the influence of the SP.

The preclear is mostly PTS to an archetypal TYPE OF WHO, not a
particular person, who may be wearing the archetype at the time
as far as the preclear's perceptions go.

Often the who hasn't a clue what the preclear is upset about, but
that doesn't stop the preclear from seeing the who as an SP.

Since the beings who first wanted out of the game were in a
minority, they didn't stand much of a chance.

The suppression of truth in a being that wants to be free leads
first to murderous rage, wishing death forever or damnation forever off
on the opposer, then to covert hostility, fear, propitiation, sorrow and
finaly solid apathy.

Damnation by the way is merely the effort to stick your enemies in
a game THEY can never get out of even if its fabric is made of pretty

The preclear sitting in front of you is almost certainly in apathy
or below on any original purpose or goal he might have had as a
spiritual being.

If he weren't he would be out goaling, rather than paying you to
help him 'figure out' what is wrong, why he is in pain all the time, and
why he wants to die etc.

As you audit him on his original basic purposes, he starts to come
up from apathy through tremendous sorrow for untold lifetimes that have
been wasted toeing the party line.

Then he comes up to rage, and all he can think about is killing

It is this desire to kill to the end of time that let's you know
you are getting close to his primary GPM.

At first he wants to kill everyone because 'they are all guilty for
going along with the suppressives and not helping me'.

Or "It doesn't matter how many innocents I kill, as long as I get
the suppressives, all will be well in the world again, and the innocents
lost will be considered matyrs for the cause of freedom."

Eventually higher tone the preclear will settle into a more laser
targeted rage at the various players and archetypes that were actually
designing his demise when he wanted out.

After that he will realize that these "who or whats" he is in fury
about are just that, identities and archetypes, and that the people he
is fighting were themselves merely living in their own identities and
archetypes as the subjugators, just as he was as the subjugated.

Again often the subjugators don't think of themselves as such, but
their effect on the preclear is one of subjugation so the preclear fits
them in his opposing terminal, present time oppterm, whether they belong
there or not.

It was all just a game after all, a game for Gods, no matter how
seriously everyone took it or still do, and no matter how many of his
friends got skinned alive, and their still breathing bodies left out to
become ant farms.

At this point he will exteriorize from the game sphere and be done
with it entirely. Or maybe go back in and play it a little less

His body will no longer be sick from suppression of murderous rage,
or the various intents to cause death or suffering forever, or to cause
others to be or not be forever.

Remember you can't punish someone forever unless they BE forever.

Thus the intent to cause another to be or not be forever is a
serious overt act that recoils on the being who engages it.

Once confessed and repented, relief returns, along with his sense
of humor, stillness and peace.

More importantly he will have recovered what he should be doing in
life, and wanted to be doing all along before the game took him over in
a senseless life and death struggle with suppression.

He has regained intimacy with himself.

The intent of the suppresive is to destroy facility in intimacy.

There is a cognition that comes out of all this.

This whole trek of case gain is one of PTSness.

Every cognition that your preclear has on the way to getting better
will have someone or something opposing it.

Every cogition in the direction of spiritual freedom will irritate
or terrify the life out of those who have a vested interest in spiritual
enslavement, imprisonment, immobility, punishment, demise or death.

If they can't chase him away, they are going to nail him where
he is.

Often when cognitions are had, they are still encysted in the
emotions of anger, fear and sorrow, towards everyone who would argue
with that cognition.

PTSness is the effort to prove the SP wrong.

You CAN'T prove an SP wrong, because he already knows he is wrong,
but he sure as hell isn't going to admit it, because he has to pretend
to YOU that HE believes the crap he is trying to get YOU to believe in.

He will claim the falsehood is for your own good, but he knows damn
well it isn't, and the truth is he believes it is in his own best
interest to get you to believe it anyhow, and to believe that he
believes it too.

And you are going to get the SP to admit this?

Once the preclear understands the game that the SP is playing
KNOWINGLY or maybe forgettingly if its on automatic for the SP, then the
preclear no longer needs to make the SP wrong ON THAT COGNITION, and the
session may end never to return to that subject again.

Thus when a preclear has a cog in session, it is often necessary to
check for 'who or what would oppose that cognition' to get it really
clean and safe for him to have and keep for the rest of time.

This is NOT part of standard tech but should be in some measure.


Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
Sat Jun 23 22:57:01 EDT 2012
HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Monday, April 22, 2019

ADORE672 (fwd)

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Copyright (C) 11/30/2009 Homer W. Smith
Distribution Rights Granted for non commercial purposes.
Additions: 05/22/17 Monday 01:05am EST


It is without question that people desire things.

It is also without question that many people, in the pursuit of
those desires, find themselves failing, and then limit themselves in
order to better attain those desires.

The advantage of disadvantage.

The child feels overwhelming feelings of unwantedness on the part
of his mother who was a roll of barbed wire with human skin pulled over

These feelings of unwantedness eventually color his entire life's
self image. He can't concieve anyone or anything wanting him, except
those that are more unwanted than himself, and he doesn't want them

A being usually considers he can not survive in a forthright manner
in an environment of unwantedness amongst his own most significant team

At first the child expresses his resentment, the parents respond
with suppression and invalidation:

"How dare you talk to your parents that way, we are your PARENTS
after all, WE MADE YOU, and we are the only parents you got. You on the
other hand are expendable, if we don't like you, we can get rid of you
and get another child anytime we want, we can make children forever for

The child sinks down into unexpressed resentment, anger, fear,
sorrow and apathy.

Spot NO expression.
Spot SOME expression.


A debonding crisis is when a being goes into doubt about being in a
particular relation with another being, such as parent and child, or
being in any relation with them at all.

The only times his mother showed any interest in the well being of
the child was when the child was suffering, so the child CHOOSES to
become sick, disabled, or accident prone and suffer.

It brightens up mothers attention, she feels better as the child
gets better for while, but you can only get better for so long, then the
getting better fails and mother starts to go down tone again, and the
child starts to scheme his next ploy. But the first attempt is never
undone, so the child remains sick for the rest of his life.

After many years of this, the being will be found to be carrying
around layer after layer of different sufferings all created in order to
enhance his survival in the presence of suppressive teammates.

Eventually he comes to not want these various teammates at all,
and the debonding is complete. But in doing this he debonds with life
and himself, as he leaves himself nothing worthwhile doing.

It is impossible for a child to debond with his primary teammates
without losing the game of life. He loses having a game to play and
everything afterwards is a substitute.

One runs this by running out all moments of unrequited wantingness.

Spot NO wantedness.
Spot SOME wantedness.

Remember NO means pretended no.

Spot NO unwantedness.
Spot SOME unwantedness.


It is also without question, that upon failure to attain various
desires, the being will forgot both his efforts to limit himself to
attain them and eventually the desire itself.

He will then substitute a lesser desire for the first desire and
then repeat the whole cycle over again.

The lesser desire will be that of a valence in his bank that he had
some sympathy for, he is doing a life continuum on them, thus he pulls
in an engram into chronic restimulation, and he feels the pain of it
every time he fails at the lesser desire.

He is no longer living for himself, but living for another who also
failed or was harmed either by himself or others, but for whom he has
affinity, sympathy and regret for.

His father, who was an academic scientist, got caught up in the
cross fire between the child and the mother, and now the child regrets
his debonding with father as collateral damage.

The child started off wanting to be an artist, but failing that, he
does a life continuum on his father and so tries to become an academic

But he can't stand academentia and the marbles that populate it, so
he looks for another life continuum to shift into, but not before
considering it another major loss in his life that he couldn't continue
his father.

This creates a dwindling spiral of tone, activity and
worthwhileness of life.

After he finds himself doing a life continuum on 10 to 20 different
valences, all of which are now in total failure, he will find it hard to
get up in the morning.

Each of the above steps downward in life is a choice that 'seems
like a good idea' at the time, although they will be bonded together
with extraordinary but pretty pieces of illogic.

Eventually each layer of desire followed by limitation followed by
debonding is forgotten completely in his long ago.

Since both the desire and the deployed limitations are forgotten,
the CHOICE to forget them is also forgotten.


Now this is important, because forgetting a choice also involves
another choice to forget the first choice. This leads to an infinite
regression of choices to forget prior choices to forget choices, with a
LOT of charge on it.

Say the being makes choice A but wants to not know he has made
choice A.

So he has to make choice B to forget choice A.

But now he needs choice C to forget choice B.

Then he needs choice D to forget choice C, and so it goes forever
and ever.

If stretched out in time, this would of course take forever to
complete but the being can do this in a moment of eternity, all at once.

He can make Choice A and the choice to not know choice A all at the
same time. It still is an infinite regression and it still has an
infinite amount of charge on it.


The problem with eternality is getting lost and staying lost.

"Rats, found again."

Thrill is not knowing quite how bad its going to get.

Romance is is thankfulness that one is not lost alone.


The being has made an incredible choice.

To be totaly lost and quite at home with it, as long as he has true
friends to be lost with.

That he can have, that's fun.

If he loses all his friends, and any hope of finding more, then he
is lost alone, and that is pure spiritual suffocation as there is NO
reason to move in any direction what so ever, he KNOWS he won't ever
find himself alone.

Incredibility is a Guardian Dicom.

Guardian dicoms guard things so that the preclear won't ever look
at them.

Incredibility, impossibility, preposterousness and dangerousness
are among the many guardian dicoms. The preclear will run into an item
that will spark a guardian dicom, then immediately Q&A with the item and
the guardian by looking for something ELSE that will make the item
credible, possible etc, THEN he will look at the item.

He can't look at something that is 'impossible' or 'too dangerous
to look at' you see? So he won't.

Since nothing ELSE will ever make a guardian dicom acceptable to
the preclear he will never come back to the item that sparked it to look
at it, so the original item remains uninspectable and persisting.

The only way to run a guardian dicom is to run it as itself, not to
go on a wild goose chase for something that will ameliorate it.

"Impossible? Ok, great put it there!"

"Now don't put it there. Good!"

"Now put it there. Good!"

"Now don't put it there. Atta boy!"

"You will be an OT in no time."

An OT can create items and cover them with guardian dicoms forever
for free so NO one will ever go near them.

An OT can ***HANDLE*** (put it there, not put it there)
anything that is there.

When he gets around to putting YOU there as the auditor,
you know he is getting close.

"Too dangerous to know or look at? OK, wonderful, put it there and
look it in the eye until it kills you!"

A thetan can't die. He can worry about it though, or something

That's because he goes from putting it there, to worrying about
it putting him there!

And that cans him for good.

He knows anything that can put it there, can not put it there.

And its OK to put something there that was already there, the last
one to put it there owns it and can then not put it there for good, or
until he wants to put it there again.

So whenever he shifts over from being an orientation point and
putting things there, to being a symbol and being put there himself, he
starts to feel the qualms.

You know, the willies, seriously unzipped.

I mean what will his friends, lovers or the universe do without

Don't even mention his cats.

He HAS to persist just to take care of them so he can't go anywhere
near the items cementing his involvement in the universe, or poof, he
would go free.

And let me tell you, free means FREE!

Infinite free from and infinite free to.

So watch it.

So here is the dragon's eye.

For the most part Guardian Dicoms guard a single item which is
responsibility or choice.

"I chose? Ridiculous!"

"Now THAT'S too dangerous to think about!"

And away he goes down the tubes, sliding on the Guardian Dicom to
the end of time never to look back.

His sense of repsonsibility has been nailed to the cross, as he
can't remember why he is hanging on a cross, whose cross it is or who
drove in the nails.

These moments of forgotten choice are the nails holding him to his

He becomes 'crucified on the cross of being cross while he is
crucified,' otherwise known as High Anti Cool - Adore

The Halcyon Winds of Humor to heal him are no where to be found.

Thus recovering for the being these moments of forgotten choices to
forget choices to forget choices, also recovers for him his many
contacts with eternity when he used the Creator power of himself as the
AllThatIs to not know his own responsibility in the matter of not

Spot NO choice.
Spot SOME choice.

(Get the idea of will run better.)

Thus he recovers awareness of responsibility for irresponsibility.

Irresponsibility = 'I didn't choose this.'

Once a choice made is recovered, he can then take back the choice,
and make another choice or no choice at all.

And he recovers all that life energy he used to knock that choice
into oblivion and KEEP IT THERE *FOREVER* (in time).


The way to become the Creator, is to BE the Creator BECOMING the

He can change his mind mid cycle and simply not complete becoming
the Creature, which leaves him as the Creator.

The Creator is ExTemporal or timeless, the Creature is Temporal or
timefull, the creature lives in time.

Creator's are about being, Creatures are about becoming.

Creatures can still create, but they create with Creature intent
and not Creator intent.

The intent of the Creator is to become the Creature, the intent of
the Creature is to become the Creator.

The Creator suffers nothing but does not want to be a Creator, he
wants to be a Creature and suffer game and chase, thrill and romance.

The Creature doesn't want to be a Creature, he wants to be a
Creator and suffer nothing.

The Creator is exercising Creator goals to become more Creature,
and the Creature is exercising Creature goals to become more Creator.

That is the GodSoul in operation, GOD -> SOUL -> GOD -> SOUL...

Forever and ever, Amen.


Trying to come in, puts you out.

Practicing this for a while, makes you more able to be out and come

But while you are out, you can change your mind on the verge of
coming in, if you can stop laughing long enough, or veto it immediately
after you come in before you forget your choice to come in for good.

Thus you get out and stay out to live another day.

These choices made from eternity are not substitute desires made
from sour grapes because the being can't have what he really desires.

These choices are what the being AS CREATOR really wants to do and
engage in, they are part of the chase in a game rougher than the
creature AS CREATURE would ever make for himself.

No creature enjoys playing a game he WANTS to play, where is the
glory to that?

What human would ever choose to be human?

But the being as a Creator knows full well what he is doing and is
coming from a place of unfathomable and uncomprehendable power and

Thus you have the joy of suffering.

Just get the idea of being the hero, sacrificing one's self for the
sake and eternal salvation of others.

This may sound sick as sick comes, and at lower tone mockeries of
higher tone, it is sick, but if the choice is made from eternity, such
decisions are the operating sovereignty of the being, and manifest the
basic purposes of life which include, at least later on, seriousness and

The being doesn't HAVE to engage in rough games, he can spend his
time in mere dances, but eventually the urge to get serious for while
will get him.

We are all presently in such a serious while.

If you fail to recover the aesthetics of the situation for your
precelar, his high appreciation for serious but ludicrous demise, then
your preclear just hasn't gotten better.

Better does not mean 'has learned a lesson never to do that again',

Better means it never happened in the first place and willing,
eager and designing to do it again.

"Wow, look what I can do, this is too cool..."

Eternity erases the past as if it never happened.

And leaves the future open to endless potential to do it again.

All lessons unlearned.

No knowledge permanently gleaned, no record kept, no lesson

The being does not need to know about the past to create a whole
new future. If he did, it wouldn't be a whole new future.


Beings don't like to end whiles, they like to squeeze as much out
of their past as they can, while creating the future based on the past.

In fact there is a good possibility your preclear will have already
ended the while he is in, won all possible games, was on his way out,
and said 'No way Lord, not yet.' and turned around and dove back in,
pretending he is still seeking the grand spring phrases, and fighting
for his life.

"You seek the grand spring phrases,
And so shall you find,
For the True Lies will free you,
To operate as you kind." - Adore

As you kind, means what you are kind to, that is as you desire or
care to.

Within a while, of course, the future always depends on the past,
but from Eternity, the past is gone, it never happened, its the first
time you have ever been awake, and whatever happens is new.

Thus forgiveness is possible.

And necessary.

End the while of guilt, and start a new one.

"This dream ends forever when the circle of friends are all holding
hands again." - Adore

But that ain't going to happen for a while :)

Beings try to do this on a low tone mockery by taking on new
bodies, and pretending it is a clean slate, thus they have no memories
of their past 'lives', nor in between lives.

Do you really want others to remember who you've been?

Well the cost of making sure others can't remember you, is you
can't remember them or yourself either.

It is part of the oblivion tar pit of Co-Excused Withholds.

I won't complain about what you are doing to me in this life, if
you won't complain about what I did to you or someone like you in a past


Coming down the tone scale, there is a point of no return, at least
for a while, until the being's Messiah Postulate is triggered and kicks

That point is called Apparencies are Actuality at 26.0 on the tone


The cross over from above 26.0 to below is fair chosen with full
awareness of the consequences.

Above 26.0 there are no surprises, below 26.0 everything is an
unexpected and unwanted surprise from the word go.

That's because all awareness of responsibility for choosing the
world is obliviated.

We say no surprises advisedly, because the very existence of
anything at all is an eternal surprise. And everything manifested from
the top down is a surprise in that the being has no clue what he is
going to conceive of next.

That he can conceive and what he conceives is an eternal delight
and the being engages in these 'gifts' with relish. They are not God
given gifts, because he IS God at that point.

Thus even God lives in wonder.

Remember for a being who can create in the mere conception of
things, there is no pre planning of what is going to get created. But
the being is always in control, he can always take anything back he
doesn't like, and he always knows where anything came from, even if he
had no clue what is was going to be before it came. Interest, surprise
and delight are the fabric of creation at this level.

But below Apparencies are Actuality, surprise turns serious and
worrisome, because the being no longer knows where things are coming
from (him and others), and he has lost his sense of sovereignty, so he
has no clue what might be created.

And how the hell did those others get into his dream anyhow?

Above Apparencies are Actuality the being knows that everything
comes from his own basic nature, so there would have to be perfect
accord between his sovereign desire and the WHAT IS.

But below Apparencies are Actuality, certainty of accord is lost,
and doubt is self casting, thus he falls into a tar pit of worry.

He wonders who or what is in control, he feels he is not in control
AND NEVER HAS BEEN, and thus his desire might be in total opposition to
the WHAT IS, and for all he knows his final immortal fate is a trash can
at the end of the road.

His doubt, wonder and worry conspire to make it so.

You become what you fear and resist.

Detested self images are the death of a being, and the death mask
that the being wears in the end.

"Here lies I, and deservingly so..."


Reality is what people think is true, reality is the believed in
apparencies of life. Reality is what is real to the being.

Actuality is what is true.

Above 26.0 on the tone scale beings know what is actual and what is
only real, an illusion.

Below 26.0 the being believes his reality to BE actuality, that his
illusions are true. Thus he has dropped into delusion about illusions (
namely that his illusions are not illusions!)

For example people generally believe there is space because they
see space.

Above 26.0 on the tone scale, the being creates illusions of space
and knows they are illusions.

Below 26.0 the being thinks that because he sees space, there must
be space.

Above 26.0 the being knows that the AllThatIS is zero dimensional
and that there is 'no where to go'. Thus the being is eternally
stationary and can not be moved. The being is an Orientation point to
himself. He creates the apparencies (dreams) of spaces with objects in
them, that are symbols for what they stand for, and have mass, meaning
and mobility. A dream car is not an actual car, but stands for one.

Below 26.0 the being believes that the space he sees IS the
AllThatIS, and that the being IS one of the objects in the space.

Thus the space becomes the infinitely stationary everywhere present
AllTHatIS, and the being has become a symbol that can move and has to
run and hide for its life. This gives him the sense of being lost and
separate from others, because he is no longer in contact with his home
as creator of the space in the first place, and his invite he gave to
all the others in the same dream space as he is.

And he is no longer in contact with the fountainhead of Source
which connects all beings as if one.

His lover is grabbed by the Vikings and taken off across the seas,
and he has lost his cell phone.

He has thus descended into delusion about illusion.

The flip flop from Creator Orientation Point to Creature Symbol is
the flip flop from above 26.0 to below 26.0.

The other illusion is that time, the while he is in, is infinite.

It CAN'T be, all time whiles have a beginning and an end, and thus
his sojourn in any particular time must also be finite.

Space time whiles are always finite in extent.

But his dim memory of the infinity of Eternality convinces him that
SOMETHING is infinite, and since space and time are all he has at the
moment, it must be them.

Doomed for good he is at that moment.

Eternal extemporality (without time) which does exist, is not the
same thing as Immortal temporality in time which does not and CAN NOT

At this point he is dreaming his own dream, but no longer knows it
is a dream, or that he created it alone or in concert, or bought it for
a pretty penny, or stole it from another, and things can become very

Seriousness results from the illusion of eternal persistence, which
of course is an oxymoron.

Nothing of manifestation exists at all in eternity, but the
persistence of manifestation in a time while is absolute to the degree
that being can not uncreate a manifestation if he thinks he didn't
create it or couldn't have, or wouldn't have or shouldn't have created
it or agreed to it in the first place.

Thus nothing can be uncreated by anyone below Apparencies are
Actuality on the tone scale, because there is no slightest sense of
responsibility for the creation of anything.

Even trying to uncreate something with the intent that it
should NEVER BE CREATED AGAIN will stick him with it forever.

"God created the light and saw that it was good." THEN he created
himself as a criminal and came to detest the light for it exposed his

Until he can recontact the original "and saw it was good", and the
hand he had in his own criminality (for it was good too!) he won't ever
beable to do a thing about the light except hide from it in dark caves
and a criminal in hiding forever more he will be.

The highest that such a being can conceive of is blame, and blame
is not responsibility. Blame is flaw, responsibility is flawless no
matter what it creates.

Thus below Apparencies are Actuality things can only be destroyed,
busted apart, altered or not-ised by the use of force.

Below Apparencies are Actuality, all manifested somethingnesses are
conserved. Everything must have come from somewhere, and everything can
only go somewhere else.

Nothing can be created or destroyed, because NO AS-ISNESS can
be created! Thus no creation and no vanishment.

Above Apparencies are Actuality, manifested somethingnesses come
and go at the whim of the Conceiver.

Above 26.0 is the realm of creation and as-isness.

Below 26.0 is the realm of persistence, chase, games, alter-isness
and not-isness.

At 26.0 is the cross over between Creator and Creature, and
contains the moment of forgotten choice of the Creator to become the


The being is a GodSoul, one coin, two operating mode sides.

The Operating Thetan side is the God side.

The preclear side is the Soul or human side.

The difference between a human and an OT is only this:

The OT says "I chose this."

The Human says "I didn't choose this."

Above 26.0 on the tone scale the being is an OT operating in
Creator mode.

Below 26.0, the being is human operating in creature mode, whether
he has a body or not.


The being's Creator function is the Author function, the one who
writes a story or a play, only in this case with myriad possible choices
and outcomes, because the being as Creature or Character has free choice
inside the story, bounded by his ignorance, temperament and natural
character limitations.

By free we do not mean free from any and all determinism, such a
free will would be random and thus destructive, as there are more ways
to harm than to help.

The beings choices are always a direct function of his basic nature
which are motivated by fine art.

But by free we DO mean that the being can make a choice
undetermined by his past in the story, for better or for worse. These
are called Prime Postulates.

By free we do NOT mean that a creature is always free to chose what
he wants the way the Creator is. We do mean that given his range of
choices, the Creature will always do what he wants and can, and he is
owned and controlled by his fundamental drives and desires.

For example, he can only change his desires if he desires to.

So a free will always has two qualities:

1.) Can be undetermined by the past of his story or experience.
The being is not a state determined machine, although most of the time
he is acting that way.

2.) Always bound to his fundamental desires, limited only by
present time possibilities.

The creature's sense of freedom is determined by whether he feels
'free' to pursue the desires and course of action he desires to.

The creature always seeks to unlimit his present time
possibilities, the creator always seeks to limit his present time
possibilities within the constraints of a good game.

A good game means an excellent chase.


Games that can't be won (are lost too easily) or can't be lost (are
won too easily) are not good games.

Games that play forever are good games.

That's the Endless Volley.

Games that play forever are also impossible, and thus whiles must
end to create new whiles to make room for new games.

When beings fail to win often enough at games they want to play,
they will try to cheat by making themselves limited so others must help
them or leave them alone.

When that fails, they go out of valence into engramic life
continuums for others they admire but who also lost too heavily, and now
having caved the bank in on themselves permanently they are eventually
forced into insane evil whether real or imagined.

"All the bad people that good people fight, are good people who
have given up the fight." - Adore

Thus expect interesting times with your preclear.

Mon May 22 00:42:48 EDT 2017

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Mon Apr 22 12:00:04 EDT 2019
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Sunday, April 21, 2019

ADORE76 (fwd)

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The professional victim is one who makes his living by being a victim,
he makes his way through life BY being a victim, he feels that if he
weren't a victim he wouldn't survive.

Professional victims are the single most dangerous people in the
world, because if you don't demonstrate that you are a professional victim
also, they will devote their entire lives to victimizing you and your
friends until you all become professional victims too.

This can whittle any OT down to size who isn't able to create, make,
mockup, cast, and take responsibility over and for professional victims
forever for free.

There is an important item in the ARC triangle called Accord.

Is there accord between what you want and what you consider is?

For most people who are honest, they would say no.

Most people would prefer to be dreamballs than meatballs, if they have
any honesty they will admit that. Most however run into the wall of
preposterousness when they consider the possibility of being dreamballs,
and so they have a hard time giving it any credence and thus any study.
They feel they are wasting their time, talking about it, looking into it,
studying it, hypothesizing about it etc.

Some however take so much affrontage that you might be wasting your
time considering the patently preposterous, that they will devote their
whole lives to making sure you don't.

It's an overt on them that you are wasting your time, don't you see?

They have declared a covert war against their own desires and the
possibility that they might have what they really want.

Watch out for them, for they will kill to be right.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com

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Sun Apr 21 12:00:03 EDT 2019
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
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=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

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HomerWSmith-L mailing list

ADORE43 (fwd)

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One can apply need and fear to Trom.

Fear to Be Known Fear to Not Be Known
Fear to Know Fear to Not Know

Need to Be Known Need to not Be Known
Need to Know Need to not Know

When you get both sides going at once, you gotta problem.

When you find an item, it will produce strong somatics and
physical releases.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com

================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Sat Apr 20 12:00:02 EDT 2019
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore43.memo
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=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

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HomerWSmith-L mailing list

ADORE974 (fwd)

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Correct, these are templated implants, so each person has their own
concept of good and evil/bad, and who is good or evil.

Mere opposition between parties might suffice to cause each to think
the other is bad.

Like one wants to put up a park and the other wants to put up a
parking lot.

But two foot ball teams INVITE each other in to the game so
they CAN fight. They hardly consider each other evil.

But beyond that you have to figure out what core good and core evil
mean, and if they even exist.

For example there are those that are sensitive to other's pain
and act accordingly. Then there are those who are more separated and
thus act more selfishly at other's expense.

Then there are those who have declared you an enemy, perhaps because
they think you have declared them an enemy first, and thus they fair
game you, and you fair game them.

Evil is who we wish didn't exist.

We didn't invite it in, and we would invite it out FOREVER if we could.

Where the invite is missing or denied you have a serious problem in the

What wouldn't, couldn't, shouldn't you EVER invite into your dream?

An entire rundown could be built around:

"Get the idea of inviting something or someone into your dream."

"Get the idea of not inviting something or someone into your dream."

E/P returned sense of responsibility for and control over preclear's
condition and increased ability and willingness to put things there and
not put things there.

Adore says,

"Worse than evil is good that fears evil.

Even assholes take a break once in a while, the petty good never


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com

> Homer,
> I have been thinking about this post from yesterday:
> "It is good to do good to good.
> " It is good to do evil to evil."
> What do you mean by the above?
> What do you mean by evil?
> I see two? sides to looking at this?
> Is it evil to take out (shoot)? a lunatic with a machine gun shooting up a school?
> Or is that good?
> The other side is:
> Doing evil to evil will create a non life games condition.
> Which only creates a downward dwindling spiral into a no win- everyone lose-?
> condition.
>> DICOM = DIchotomy of Comparable and Opposite Magnitude.
>> People have themselves wrapped up in dicoms like meatballs inside a
>> tortilla.
>> "It is good to do good to good.
>> It is good to do evil to evil.
>> It is evil to do evil to good.
>> It is evil to do good to evil."
>> "Love loves love.
>> Love hates hate.
>> Hate hates love.
>> Hate loves Hate."
>> Run the tortilla by spotting:
>> "Spot some love loving love.
>> Spot some love hating hate.
>> etc.
>> Also don't forget odd tortilla items that may not make immediate
>> sense:
>> "Spot some love hating love.
>> Spot some hate hating hate."
>> Run until deep fried in butter and golden brown.
>> Homer
>> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
>> (607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
>> homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
>> ================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
>> Sat Aug 22 12:06:01 EDT 2015
>> WEB: http://www.clearing.org
>> BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
>> FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore101.memo
>> Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
>> =========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
>> Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
>> Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
>> Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
>> Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
>> but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
>> Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
>> iD8DBQFV2J3pURT1lqxE3HERAsNHAJ4nA2TjMT27y9fkDKdPPkUD8m6QQgCgo0lW
>> oG5Ph/2KgFPrNTzh8t8Wjm8=
>> =RJ6y
>> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
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>> HomerWSmith-L mailing list
>> HomerWSmith-L@mailman.lightlink.com
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- --960497328-2071121994-1440704271=:8806--
Thu Aug 27 15:37:51 EDT 2015

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Fri Apr 19 12:00:04 EDT 2019
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FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore974.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)


Thursday, April 18, 2019

HOM36 (fwd)

Hash: SHA1


Its the same thing between woman and child.

You don't try to help the child by blaming the parents for all the
horrible things they did to the child, you get the child to own up to
its own self covert complicity in its ludicrous demise. NO MATTER WHAT

Same thing with women, you don't help them by blaming men for all
the horrible things men do to women, you get the woman to spot her
complicity in her own ludicrous demise.

Same thing with men, you don't help them by blaming God for all the
horrible things Gods do to men, you get the man to spot his own
complicity in his own ludicrous demise.

And ludicrous it is.

As the late great philosopher X, who is unfortunately no longer
with us once said, "its not the past that determines the victim, its the
present time benefit that they get from being a victim that keeps them


Wed Mar 18 23:14:29 EDT 2015

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Thu Apr 18 12:00:04 EDT 2019
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
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=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

ADORE209 (fwd)

Hash: SHA1


There are only two case factors, they are

Desire and View of the Cosmic All.

Reality crystalizes (hardens) around the preclear (pc) to the
degree that his desire is opposed to his view of the cosmic all.

Especially when he gets serious about it, filled with forevers and

Accessibility is a matter of accessibility of desire and
accessibility of view of the cosmic all.

In other words, is the preclear able and willing to find out what
he really wants, and able and willing to find out what he really
believes in, in order to reevaluate either, in order to spot false
desires, and false views, thus bringing desire and view into accord,
which is freedom.

It is assumed here that the truth will get you what you want :)

Desire and truth are always in accord.

Justice is you get what you postulate.

Justice reigns at all times.

Accord, Co Communication and Clear Harmony - Electra

Reality, Communication, and Affinity - LRH

But you gotta know the truth, and you gotta know what you want!

If the preclear is having trouble making case gain or finding items
to run, assess for 'unauditable'.

If unauditable reads, indoctrinate as above, and then assess for

If inaccessible reads, assess for desire or view.

Take up reading item and find out what is going on.

Suppressed desire will stop case progress cold, as will suppressed
views of the cosmic all.

Suppressed, not-ised, made nothing of, full metal jacket prepcheck
plus some.


In the science of computer graphics the smallest renderable object
is a triangle, because it is the smallest geometric figure that has some
surface to paint.

Even a square or rectangle is made of two triangles if you draw a
line from corner to corner across the middle.

Thus when rendering a 3D object, it is first broken down
mathematically into millions of little triangles and these are stored in
what is known as a display list.

When the object is rotated or colored according to external
lighting, each triangle is worked on in turn and then displayed, thus
evenually rendering the whole object.

The world is a graphic rendering in the conscious unit of one's
view of the cosmic all.

The smallest mathematical unit of the pc's view of the cosmic all
is a postulate. The set of all postulates that the preclear has
comprises the display list from which his existence is then rendered.

Postulates are made first on a causal basis, then on an effect

Cause is: "There is a red ball because I see a red ball".

Effect is: "I see a red ball because there is a red ball."

The first is called Looking by Knowing, the being first knows there
is a red ball there, and then falls down to looking at it. His being
able to see it verifies that it got created exactly as he first knew it.

((This is the dual agency of consciousness, the agency of self
putting the ball there, and the agency of the mockup letting the self
know what was put there.))

The second is called Knowing by Looking, the being first looks at
the red ball and then falls down to knowing about it. This is also
called Learning by Looking, he first has no clue about the ball, so he
interacts with it, getting it to exert its cause over him, and from the
effects he registers in himself coming from the ball, he thus makes
conclusions about the nature of the ball.

In the first case the existence of the red ball is being
determined by the pc's postulate that it is there.

In the second case the pc's postulate that the ball is there is
determined by the fact that it is there, namely that he sees it.

LRH would have said in the first case the existence of the ball
is 'monitored' by the pc's postulate, and in the second case, the pc's
postulate is monitored by the existence of the ball.

The first is causal consideration, you consider there is a ball,
and so there is.

The second is observation, you look and observe a ball is there,
so you come to consider there is a ball there.

Notice consideration is being cause, observation is being an

This is called the consideration - observation flip flop.

First the preclear considers something is there and verifies his
creation by observing it.

Then the preclear observers the thing and considers it is there because
he sees it. He learned it was there by running into it and looking to
see what it was he ran into. You see this?

Consideration and observation are dicoms, dichotomies of opposite
and comparable magnitude.

At the top observation is used to verify consideration: I wanted
to cause a ball, did I get one?

At the bottom, consideration tries to track observation, lest one
think there is no ball when there is one! And he is always polishing
his eye glasses to make sure!

In the first case the preclear determines that the ball will be there
and so it is.

In the second case the preclear determines that the ball is there
because he saw it.

In the first case To Determine means to cause to be.

In the second case To Determine means to learn that it is.

Learning by Looking is always by being an effect of the learned

In the first case the the ball is there BECAUSE the preclear postulates
it is.

In the second case the preclear postulates the ball is there BECAUSE it

Now every persisting postulate in the pc's display list was made
in this way.

First the preclear makes the postulate thus creating the condition the
postulate is about, then the preclear falls down to looking at the condition

Thus he convinces himself that all his postulates are learned and
observed, rather than caused by his consideration.

He thinks things are considered because they are observed, when
in fact they are observed because they are considered.

Although there are trillions of postulates in the pc's display
list, there are only a very few arch stones. An arch stone is the
stone in the middle of an arch that holds all the other stones up.
You remove the arch stone and the whole arch comes down.

A God Postulate is an arch stone postulate.

There are a number of them.

A God Postulate is that exact postulate that the being thinks is
true because he observed it to be true, when in fact it is true merely
because he considered it to be true.

It is these arch stone postulates that you need to find in your pc,
as each one holds vast amounts of his view of the cosmic all in place
and thus the life and future which is rendered from it.

When a preclear first finds an arch stone postulate, he will be looking
at solid rock.

"Change this? You gotta be kidding."

This is because he is trying to change the postulate by adding
MORE postulate around it, thus building more arches, more solid rock
to sink himself with. It's convulsive, he can't conceive of any other
way it could be done.

But he has already been there, done that, bought the tomb stone.

He thinks you want him to try again or a bit harder.

The postulate has been a problem to him, a ruinous problem, and
he has been trying to build solutions around that problem forever.

The solutions are the arch built around the arch stone.

The LAST thing he is going to do, the most USELESS thing he could
possibly do, is just sit there and LOOK at the postulate and do
nothing. Time's a passing don't you know, doom's a comin' down the
tracks at 100 mhp, and you want him to just sit there and LOOK at the

Yes, because in doing so, in stopping the MUST DO dramatization
about the postulate, you get him to MAKE it again. Suddenly out of
the infinite eternal stillness he contacts the original power he used
to MAKE the postulate in the first place. He isn't looking at it and
learning about it any more, he's PUTTING IT THERE.

The only thing that he can do with a God Postulate is change his
mind about it. Its called a God Postulate because he CAN change his
mind about it and its the very next thing he NEEDS to change his mind

He is no longer saying its there because it is there, its there
because he is saying it is.

He's not the little guy looking at the arch stone so far above
him in wonder, he's the guy putting the whole Chruch there and 100
cubic miles of space around it to do it justice.

His will go eyes wide, you will about startle him out of his
skin, and he will understand again, with a big smile of love, sorrow
and *LAUGHTER*, what has been going on for a very long time.

Not only with himself but with everyone else also.

Once he finds one or two of these with your help, he won't fall
for the consideration - observation flip flop any more, and he will
tend to find them on his own as life brings them to the forefront.

He certainly won't be building any more arches that block his way
to a bright and glorious future.

Remember to find the FOREVER in each arch stone postulate and in
the solutions he created around it to seal his fate.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com

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Wed Apr 17 12:00:04 EDT 2019
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=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

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HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

ADORE895 (fwd)

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I want to go over 'tech' from top to bottom, we have done this
before, its time to do it again.

I am winning rather than losing, doing pretty well for someone who
crawled off a morgue slab.

I have not attained happiness, but I have attained awareness of how
my fear and upset is/was killing my body due to my non handle when it
occurs/ed. A pissed off God is no good for a human brain.

Things are pretty loose, can't see a thing, but when I can they're
way too young. :)

People in bodies just simply have no idea what beauty (and ugly) is
available once the gates of mortal doom are opened to the exquisite and
unspeakable candy land beyond.

NOTS is turning on, huge malestroms of totally insane beings right
out of every horror picture ever made, billions and billions of them.

Running who are you, what are you, HOW MANY ARE YOU, it usually
doesn't require much beyond that. Amphitheaters of beings at a time.

Been running ANDS, last one was

The effort to die AND the effort to not die at the same time.

Joke is they are almost the same effort, not quite but enough to
confuse, doing one does the other.

Get one side of an AND and it runs a bit but then goes out of
control for the rest of time. Need to run both sides.

Had the effort to not die years ago, only nailed the effort TO die

When I got the AND, the relief was palpable.

Lot's of reasons for a God to not want to die.
Lot's of reasons for a God to want to die,

He keeps himself busy by doing both at the same time.

Take a being who wants to be eternal and tell him he is made of
meat produces the most amazing crash into solidity, harder than the
hardest metal. It only resolves by making it again, with good humor.

Efforts to reattain eternality by 'running out' the crash do not
work, because one has to BE eternal to create the crash in the first
place and thus run it out from the beginning.

Thus incidents do not erase until contact is made with the
beginning of it.

You can't become cause by being an effect, but you can cease being
an effect by causing oneself to be an effect until gone.

No one is there yet, but it beckons...

And the light on the other side is so spectacularly beautiful.

But there is a darkside still not understood...


- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com

Fri Mar 16 19:48:24 EDT 2012

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Sat Dec 20 03:06:01 EST 2014
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================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

Sat Dec 20 16:02:12 EST 2014

================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Tue Apr 16 12:00:03 EDT 2019
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore895.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

adore894.memo (fwd)


> Homer, you idiot. Psychosomatics aren't caused by thoughts or
> emotions. They are caused by inducing physical harm to the body.

Help and harm can happen on all 4 planes of existence, physical,
emotional, mental and spiritual.

Many psychosomatics are a CALLING BACK INTO OPERATION of recordings of
past physical harm to the body, via the being's covert INTENTION to handle
help and harm as laid out in the posting.

All psychosomatics are a covert effort to survive by succumbing
because the being considered it too dangerous to survive by forthright
survival at the time.

Any Grade IV knows he is doing it. The engrams are merely the pattern
and system of forces used to covertly produce the somatic result so not
even he knows he is doing it, and to make it convincing to others.

"Look ma, no hands!"

Mon Feb 27 12:08:56 EST 2012

================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Tue Apr 16 06:06:03 EDT 2019
BLOG://adoretheproof.blogspot.comSend mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Clear-L mailing list
HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Thursday, April 11, 2019

ADORE730 (fwd)

Hash: SHA1


(The following walks on the edge of confusion between
luminousness, self luminousness and non radiative self luminousness.

Reader beware.)

In order to better see what SELF LUMINOUSNESS is, it is useful to
concentrate on what self luminousness is not.

First we need to clear up the difference between radiative
luminousness and non radiative luminousness.

To do so we go back to the posting called PONG and we remember that
in the physical universe (PU) there are 3 kinds of objects.


In the following, the terms light, photons, causal messenger waves
(or particles), of any kind are all pretty much synonymous.


1.) Sources, which radiate light.

2.) Reflectors, which reflect light.

3.) Transmitters, which transmit light unaffected. The opposite of
a transmitter would be an absorber producing translucency or opaqueness.

This is highly idealized.

The classic examples are, the sun is a source, the moon is a
reflector, and water, air and even spacetime itself are transmitters.

Notice in radio terminology a transmitter is a source, which is a
different use of the term transmitter than we use it here.

Notice also that although the sun is mostly a source, it is also a
reflector to some minor degree, and as light moves THROUGH the sun it is
also a transmitter.

In the same way, although the moon is mostly a reflector, it
certainly sources energy in various frequencies such as heat.

In fact it can be argued that ALL reflectors are merely absorbers
that then re-source some or all of their energy back out.

In particular objects which reflect only one frequency of light
back out, are usually absorbing all the others in. Thus a 'red' object
is reflecting red light and absorbing green and blue.

(Notice that there is no such thing as red light, any more than
there are transcendental dogs.

Transcendental is a quality of numbers, not of dogs.

Redness is a quality of self luminous consciousness, not photons.

Assigning the quality of redness to a photon is a domain error, and
results from collapsing the conscious symbol, which is red, and the
physical referent, which has frequency, into one and the same object.

We assume the astute reader can keep symbol and referent separate
in their mind or they will get no where with these posts.)

And lastly spacetime can have varying degrees of transmissiveness
or opacity, and in fact quantum zero point spacetime can create and
radiate energy out of apparent 'nothing'.

All these advanced nuances detract from the basic idea that there
are sources, reflectors and transmitters. That any one object may be a
complex combination of the three, does not detract from the simplified
discussion to follow.


All physical universe sources are radiative sources by definition,
they radiate ANOTHER object away from themselves, usually light, that
then leaves the source behind and travels out into space as a causal
messenger wave containing data about the nature of the original source.

For example the light waves emanated by the sun are imprinted with
various states determined by the constituency of the material that makes
up the sun. Not only does some of that material actually cause the
radiation, such as when hydrogen melds into helium which emits photons
in vary particular frequencies, those photons then need to travel
THROUGH the other materials of the sun, not directly involved in the
nuclear reaction, which then filter various frequencies out of the light
waves as the light passes through them.

Thus the light that leaves the sun has at least two major imprints
on it. The first imprint is the nature of what created the beam in the
first place, and second imprint is the nature of what the beam had to
travel through before it escaped the sun. Photons created deep inside
the sun travel as slow as molasses and take YEARS to get to the surface
and finally escape to go out into space.

The important point of all of the above is that the sun is one
object, mostly made of hydrogen and helium, and in the process of
converting hydrogen to helium it radiates A SECOND DIFFERENT OBJECT out
into space as the causal messenger wave.

Thus radiative sources involve two different objects, the radiator
and the radiated. There is also the radiated through, namely spacetime.


In the same way, reflectors reradiate out into space the light that
is impinging upon them a moment before from another source.

For true sources, the source of the radiation is inside the source,
for reflectors, the source of the radiation is outside the reflector,
but impinging on the reflector.

These distinctions are of limited value, as even the energy that a
true source radiates had to come from outside the source some time in
the past.

But with most reflectors it is pretty clear that the source of the
incoming energy is RIGHT NOW, and when the energy hits the reflector, it
bounces off RIGHT NOW.

Again we have two different objects, the moon say, and the light
coming from the sun which hits the moon, and then gets reradiated away
back into spacetime. And again we have spacetime as the radiated
through, which is common to both the moon and the photons coming in and
going out.


The whole main purpose of transmitters is to transmit (or not) the
radiation emanating from sources and reflectors.

There are two kinds of 'transmitters', the first would be a
material transmitter such as water and glass, and even semi translucent
transmitters like milk and smoked glass.

The second would be spacetime itself.

We need to keep these two separate because the transmission of
energy through spacetime is not the same as the transmission of energy
through a material object.

Or shall we say that the actual TRANSMISSION of the energy is via
spacetime in both cases, but the transmission through a transparent or
opaque object is more a function of interactions along the way, or their

The reason a photon doesn't make it through a piece of stone, is
because it is either absorbed or reflected, rather than transmitted.
This is a result of interactions between the photon and the atomic
structure of the stone.

In the absence of interactions, the photon will transmit through
the transmitter material unimpeded.

The actual transmission of the photon through spacetime itself is a
whole other story than whether a photon makes it through a rock or not.

It is tempting to say that the process of radiation has nothing to
do with the nature of space time as a transmitter, but the truth is
radiation is a complex interaction between what is transmitted, light
waves, and the nature and structure of spacetime that allows the
transmission to take place. It is not true that spacetime is a passive
conduit in the traversal of light through its medium.

No we are not claiming that spacetime is like water in a tub
passing water waves, that would be something like the AEther theory that
was long ago debunked.

We are saying something a lot odder, that light is a KIND of
spacetime, just as mass is another KIND of spacetime.

In other words spacetime itself is the stuff of which PU things are
made, and spacetime can have 3 different forms or 'polarizations' if you

The concept of 'polarized' spacetime is shamelessly stolen from the
simple black and white LCD screen of the 1990's.

Such screens passively let light through them and appear clear or
white until a voltage is placed across some part of them, at which point
the crystals realign themselves, polarize, in such a way to block light
from going through. Polarized areas of the LCD screen thus appear

To carry the analogy further, when a black ball moves across an LCD
screen, nothing is in fact moving, only the positions of polarization
are changing in order to make the illusion that a single black ball is
moving across the screen. Thus in each moment of time, we get the idea
that there is one single object, the ball, and it is moving, rather than
many brand new renditions of the ball being created and destroyed giving
the illusion of one object moving.

In just such a way, spacetime can exist in (at least) 3 different

Spacetime can be polarized to 0, in which case it is 'empty'
spacetime. Physicists will argue endlessly about whether truly empty
spacetime can even exist, we won't pursue the matter further here.

There is only one kind of 'non empty' space time called energy,
which manifests in two completely different forms, resulting from the
other two polarizations, 1 and -1.

The two kinds of energy are called matter and light.

Matter has a velocity ranging from 0 on up to the speed of light
(c), but never attains c.

Light has a velocity ranging from c on down to 0, but never attains

Spacetime can be polarized to 1, in which case it is spacetime that
appears as mass of some kind.

Spacetime can be polarized to -1, in which case it is spacetime
that appears as light of some kind.

The above is highly poetic, and will not be defended further.


The point of the matter is that, of the three kinds of polarization
1, namely material spacetime objects, sources, reflectors and
transmitters, they are every one of them, RADIATIVE sources, reflectors
and transmitters.

In other words the function of polarization 1 spacetime (mass), is
to source, reflect or transmit polarization -1 spacetime (light).

It might seem like a major statement, but all material PU objects
radiate something, if only gravity. Even blackholes radiate and
eventually vanish.

We call all such radiators LUMINOSITIES, as it is by their
radiation that they can be 'seen' and thus known about across a

LUMINOSITIES, if an object does not radiate or reflect something, there
is no way to know it is there from a distance.

Notice that a radiator and its radiation are two different objects,
thus any effort to learn about the nature of the radiator (referent) by
interacting with its radiation (symbol) will produce unverifiable theory
at best, and total nonsense at worst.


Any sequence of radiators and radiation is called a causal pathway,
and since causal pathways can not verify the integrity of themselves,
they can never verify the integrity of any other causal pathway either.

More causal pathways do not a more certain causal pathway make.

Thus radiation does not prove radiator.


Fluorescence is a kind of radiative source. It is usually an
energy absorbed by a non transmissive material, which then reradiates at
a different frequency than it was absorbed at. So it is a kind of very
complex reflection.

Take a fluorescent rock and put it under ultra violet light, and
the rock glows red, green, yellow or white.

Some materials will not only fluoresce, they will phosphoresce
which means they will continue to glow even after the energizing source
is removed.

The dials on watch hands are like this.

So such glowing in the dark is a kind of sourcing, just like the
sun does. The sun gets it glow from fusing hydrogen into helium, the
watch dial gets its glow from absorbing a random photon from the
environment and then later reemitting it as another photon usually in a
different color.

Used to be watch dials were painted with a fluorescent paint mixed
with radium. As the radium nuclei decayed, they emitted particles that
hit the fluorescent paint atoms which made them absorb the energy from
the particle, and then resource visible light.

The mechanisms for all these things are theoretically well
understood and not relevant to the discussion here.

The point is that the glowing rock or watch dial is a kind of
radiative luminousness, meaning it sources its own energy. Whether it
gets its energy from a nuclear reaction as the sun does, or by absorbing
it first from the environment, or getting it from the spontaneous decay
of a radium atom, the result is always the same, the emanation of a
SECOND OBJECT, a causal messenger wave, usually a photon, that then
spreads out into space and time.


Luminous merely means the object is sourcing causal messenger waves
by whatever means. It can be luminosity in the visible light spectrum,
or in the invisible spectrums above or below.

Luminousness or luminescence can be the result of absorbtion and
resourcing, or the spontaneous decay or fusion of atomic nucleii, or the
combustion or chemical reaction such as fire or body warmth.

In this sense both the sun and the moon are luminous.

By SELF luminous we mean sourcing its own emanation, and not merely
reflecting the emanations of others.

In the sense that ALL emanations have to come from somewhere, the
concept of SELF luminousness is probably not rigorously defined. But
from the common language point of view, it is easy to see that the sun
emanates 'its own' light, and the moon mostly reflects the light of

Thus the sun we shall call self luminous and the moon we shall call
merely luminous. 'Luminous orb that rules the night...'

The rock that glows under the influence of UV light is NOT self
luminous, but the rock that continues to glow after the UV light or
stimulation is removed. is.

As we said above, the problem with any kind of RADIATIVE self
luminousness, is the energy had to come from somewhere before it was
radiated, thus making some of these distinctions is walking the bogus
side of scientific thought.

However I think we can all agree that in the physical universe all
luminosity is radiative luminosity, and some of that is radiative self

So why all this interest in radiative self luminosity?

Because we want to understand NON RADIATIVE SELF LUMINOSITY.

A non radiative self luminous object, does not emanate, across
space and time, ANOTHER OBJECT DIFFERENT FROM ITSELF (radiation), from
which one can then see the referent (the radiator) via the symbol (the

Yet a non radiative self luminous object can still be seen.

Thus it is LUMINOUS.

But it is neither a source of radiation, nor a reflector of
radiation nor a transmitter of radiation, and thus it is not a radiator
of any kind.

Not being dependent on prior radiation to light it up, it becomes
self luminous by definition.

Not sourcing radiation of its own, yet still being lit up, it
becomes non radiative self luminousness by definition.

A non radiative self luminous object is one and only one object
which can yet still be seen.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Thu Mar 4 21:34:16 EST 2010

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Thu Apr 11 12:00:05 EDT 2019
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FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore730.memo
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=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list