Tuesday, August 31, 2010


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In the absence of direct rememberance of our past, there is much
speculation about what the greater context of our lives is.

Some say our present existence is a school for us to learn
lessons and evolve upwards in.

Other's say present time is a last ditch effort to remain
conscious before we sink forever more into the rigid apathy of MEST.

Hubbard was of the second opinion, as am I.

"If Time Stone be Tomb Stone, then let Wisdom be Epitaph. The
way out of your grave is to read the words on your tombstone." -Adore

There are however certain facts which are inexorable, one of
those being the dwindling spiral caused by the reversal of time in the
DED/DEDEX sequence.

The being commits an unprovoked overt act, usually accidentally,
regrets it, tries to restrain it, and then later the person he hurt
does something to him, and then he feels justified for having
committed the overt act earlier.

See Electra Overwhelm, Justification and Restraint EXM40.memo


Thus an unprovoked and regretted overt act becomes a provoked and
justified overt act after the fact.

The ded/dedex sequence is DEADLY to the being, and NO being will
survive it barring auditing or Prime Postulate.

If we further assume that the ded/dedex sequence is the true
reason for lack of memory due to the scrambling of time order of
events, then the present time situation looms ominous indeed.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com

Thu Aug 9 02:52:30 EDT 2007

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Tue Aug 31 03:06:29 EDT 2010
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Monday, August 30, 2010


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08/30/10 Monday 3:41pm EST


Many universes consist of games.

These universes are space-time game streams.

Games consist of 5 layers of involvement.

1.) Game creators
2.) Game players
3.) Game pieces
4.) Game Umpires
5.) Game Spectators.

Each of the above can be broken, not functioning right.

Thus we have

1.) Game creators and Broken game creators
2.) Game players and Broken game players
3.) Game pieces and Broken game pieces
4.) Game umpires and Broken game umpires
5.) Game spectators and Broken game spectators.

Games generally are formed of teams and thus are built around an
innate pecking order of command and control.

Broadly speaking game beings can become broken in two different

One, they can be broken in the play itself, a solider in the field
gets hit by a bomb and ends up permanently in the hospital. He is out
of that game for a while.

Spectators get hurt all the time in car races etc.

Two, they can break themselves, the same soldier in the field gets
sick of his high command whose moral compass seems to be backwards, and
one way or another the soldier renders himself useless so he can't be in
the game any more.

Generally a being has one role in any particular game, but he may
be trying to play more than one role in the same game which may or may
not lead to confusion, consternation or disaster.

A being can be confused as to which role they are playing.

He may think he is a piece when in fact he is a broken player, he
may think he is a player when in fact he is a broken piece.

That said, every person is involved in many different games in
life, in all different roles, he is thus a complicated constellation of
game creator, player, piece, umpire and spectator according to the game
he has his attention on at the moment, which is probably more than one.

For example a commander in chief may be a main game player in a
war, and under him he has his generals to whom are delegated authority
to make their own moves.

As such each delegate becomes a sub player under the main player.

Just so the generals delegate to captains, sergeants, lieutenants,
and privates.

Although the private apparently has no one under him in that
particular game, and thus is the ultimate piece, he will be found to be
creating, playing, umpiring, being a piece and spectating in many bigger
or smaller games of life, along side the one he is playing in the war.

And even as a private, he still has his own free will to determine
what should be done at a local level to forward the purpose of his main
player, and thus he operates as a micro sub player even while being a

The piece fair chooses the player he wishes to serve, and the
player fair chooses the game creator whose game he wishes to play.

Each role has free will to operate as they kind.

Thus although the piece is 'taking orders' from the player and
serves the player's broader purposes, such apparent subservience is fair
chosen, and the piece is also free to generate orders for himself in the
direction of those same purposes.

We say apparent subservience because the player is actually
subservient to the piece's desire to play for him. Without pieces, the
player can not play.

Thus the piece idolizes the player, and the player worships the

If a piece bones up on his skills, devotion, vigilance and
attention to be ever ready to act on behalf of his player, the piece's
life can be greatly rewarded by the player.

We call this being on purpose.

The reward is feeling good and having strong reason to
get up in the morning.

If the piece goofs up in his game play, his life can be made to
deteriorate by his game player, and eventually the piece will take to
messing up his own ability to operate in order to get his game player to
leave him alone.

If you can't find reason to get up in the morning or are
chronically sick, near dead or dying, you might want to consider
reopening negotiations with your game player or find a new one.

Game players can be pretty rough on game pieces even when they are
going well.

Devotion keeps the piece aligned with his game player, even if the
game player is more broken than not.

The game creator doesn't give a damn what the piece does, the game
player does.

Thus the ultimate God is not a God of behavior, but the game player
immediately senior to the piece is, where behavior is translated a
performance in the game. Thus he will tend to judge you according to the
fruit of your tree however, and forgive pecadillos accordingly.

The umpires judge game players, not game pieces.

Umpires report to the game creator or owner at the time.

No one judges game creators except themselves and their cohort
peers with whom they may be in some kind of competition for admiration.

Game creators are author's, game players and pieces are characters.

Virtue for the creator is not virtue for the creature.

Virtue for the author is not virtue for the character.

A good story contains both good and bad characters.

The rehabilitation then of any being in any universe is the
rehabilitation of all game roles from broken to fully operational across
all games in all universes the being is involved in as creator, player,
piece, umpire or spectator.

Sometimes in order to rehab the broken piece, the piece has to roll
up his sleeves and rehab his broken player.

And likewise the player may have to rehab his broken game creator.

In the meanwhile the umpire is off having a beer at the pub.

Everyone will get around to him eventually too.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com

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Posted: Mon Aug 30 15:45:32 EDT 2010
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When I am making good case gain my dreams cycle pretty dependably
through bugs and babes.


1.) Lost and Lonelies, suppressive schools etc.

2.) Rising waters

3.) Tsumani's

4.) Dark waters, terrible things hidden in them that bite like a
bitch. Often flying dreams end up ditching in the dark waters...

5.) Polluted waters and air, usually of a petroluem/tar nature

6.) Volcano's, can't run fast enough

7.) BT incidents

8.) Pianos and music, whole track songs etc.

9.) Atomic explosions or aftermath's.

10.) Ascendant OT power dreams, unspeakable beauty and power etc.
Serious candyland.

11.) Grippers, biters, demons all over my body Often I can grab
them off my back and toss them, but sometimes they stick to my hands
and I have to find something else they can stick to to get rid of

12.) Bug swarms, bees, ticks, fleas, beatles, spiders, BIG
spiders,black cooties from hell, things too ugly to look upon, still
don't know what they are...

13.) Gorgeous Babes plus all the sex I can stomach.

Then it starts all over again.

Cycle is about two weeks long.

Swarms also come in people, swarms of people, so many of them I
can't breath.

Any of the above dreams can include dream beings barassing me
which I handle with "Who are you, what are you, how many are you etc."
Or "Who am I, what am I, how many am I?" etc. Usually puddles them,
if not I absord them into me, if not, I lose ;)

Bug swarms are either spiders, or catepillar shaped parasites
punching holes through my skin and crawling up my viens, or snakes
doing the same, or fleas and beetles crawling under my skin. These
usually resolve if I can just relax and not flinch, then they fall off
me. Otherwise its hell.

Last one I had millions of these nasty black spiders crawling out
of my dick and left side of my scrotum. Crawling down all over my
legs etc. Hard to confront...

Often bug swarms come in hurricane force waves, until I am buried
upto and over my head in them. Just have to close my eyes and let it

No clue where the power comes from.

My dream life is pretty spectacular.

Each one seems to be a lesson in flinch, and then at the end of
the cycle I get the babes.

Dreams usually result best after auditing wins the night before.
I solo almost every day.


abc@123.net wrote:
>In article <200509250137.VAA06062@adore.lightlink.com>,
> Homer Wilson Smith <homer@lightlink.com> wrote:

>> Ok. My reality is that life is everywhere, not 'thought forms',
>> life, living breathing disincarnate conscious units.
>> My reality is the body itself is a grave yard for beings, and at
>> its center is a tar pit of dead and dying beings.
>> Demon and deity class beings also abound, ghouls, bug swarms,
>> black clouds of incomputable can't figure out what the hell it is,
>> etc.
>> I talk with many of these beings, and they talk back to me, in
>> dreams.
>> Why would I doubt their existence.
>> Homer


>Funny you mention "Bug Swarms"

>a few weeks ago I awoke with a start, and tried to brush away a bug

>and "saw" a what seemed to be a swarm of bugs but it disappeared....

>It was very real to me, and the identity of a Bug Swarm really fit....

>was a slightly spooky experience and seemed to be of a spiritual nature..

>Never had anything like that happen to me before...

>ALAN ! are these your guys!?

>Whats up...??

>(Yes Mr. Muldoon, probably hallucination)

- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com

Sun Sep 25 22:52:00 EDT 2005

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Mon Aug 30 03:06:20 EDT 2010
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Homerwsmith-l mailing list

Sunday, August 29, 2010


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All life forms are God in carnation.

When we say that God created life, we don't mean that God created
LIFE, because God is living consciousness itself, we mean that God
created all the life forms in which he has instantiated himself.

Thus a body is a life form, it is like a Bozo suit that God made
for himself to wear at a Bozo party so he could play with all the
other God units in Bozo suits at the same Bozo party.

Thus 'we are all Bozos on this bus' - Firesign Theater

Thus to know God is to know Self, for God is the naked Self
without the Bozo suit.

The AllThatIs is one great big conscious entity. It is not made
of matter, energy, space or time, these are but dream clouds in its
dark night of the soul.

God however is not the great I AM. God is the great WE ARE.

God is like the hydra, it is multi headed, multi I AM.

Each head of the hydra is a conscious I AM with a semi
independent will.

God never was a single being.

The AllThatIs may be a single THING, but that thing is a multi

God-ness then is all these heads working in unison via their
interconnection at Source.

Periodically groups of these I AM units get together and through
co resonance of desire, and unanimous decision, decide to form a space
time game stream in a format called a 'WHILE'.

A while is a finite strech of spacetime, a canvas if you will,
for the artist to paint his creation.

Thus anything which can be created in a while can only exist for
a while.

Ex temporal eternity (out side of time) is a state of
unfathomably deep and unimpingeable sleep.

Nothing exists forever (outside of spacetime) except people and

Thus all heavens and hells, which are created things and thus
must exist in a while, can only exist for a while.

"There is peace in the thought that one day all men will attain
the awakened state." - Sufi

Whiles are bubble like dream manifestations of spacetime in the
void of Eternity and are made of conscious light glowing in the body
of God itself.

Thus nothing is made or destroyed in the creation of a while, the
self luminous lights of conscious dreamtime are merely turned on or
off, like the glow in the dark skin of a luminescent chamelion.

Spacetime is dreamtime is spacetime is dreamtime.

Consciousness is not chemistry bubbling away at 98.6, chemistry
is consciousness in carnation, chemistry is the Bozo suit.

Because whiles can only last for a while, all creations that try
to get things to exist or not exist FOREVER violate that while and the
sovereign desire of the beings who created the while.

These violations are themselves sovereign fair chosen creations
of those same beings who created the while, and who thus engage in
such violations with full awareness of the intended consequences.
including forgetfulness of fair chosen sovereignty.

The primary consequence of violating a while is ending up in hell
for as long as the violation remains in the being's conception.

Hell's are mostly created by beings wishing separation off on
themselves and others forever. This is like one head of a hydra
wishing eternal separation from one of the other heads.

Good luck.

Thus hell's are mostly made of everyone we wouldn't want to be in
heaven with *FOREVER*.

Imagine being in heaven and glowering at someone.

That's a hell for *YOU*.

Each glower line creates another hell for you.

Now these glower lines are serious, they are a desire for
permanent separation between two God units. They are caused when one
being wishes permanent death forever or hell forever off on another
being, or permanent harm, or even permanent good.

Permanent ANYTHING (in time) creates violations of the sovereign
while and end a being up in the condition he is most concerned with,
usually the very condition he is wishing off on others. He has to
conceive and create it to cause it to another, and thus there he is
with it.

Thus one fast way to create a hell forever for youself is to wish
a permanent death, hell or heaven off on someone you hate or love.

Believe it or not, even a heaven forever in time will eventually
become detested.

It is the FOREVER that damns you, but only as long as you hold
onto the forever. Anything is ok a long as it is only for a while.

"This dream ends forever when the circle of friends are all
holding hands again."

Since each being is an instantiation of God in carnation, these
mis relationships between various instantiations of God provide for
fruitful auditing (investigation during session).

The search for God then becomes simply and only the search for
oneself, as one IS that God one is searching for, along with everyone

God can not remain at odds with itself forever, only for a while,
because once the while ends, all that obtains is people and peace

A God unit can not sleep as long as he is still grumbling at
another God unit, thus the way is paved clear as to what to handle to
return a being back to his Eternal Home.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com

Thu May 3 01:47:56 EDT 2007

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Sun Aug 29 03:06:19 EDT 2010
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Friday, August 27, 2010


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Mike Berg has been offering 'Becoming Like God' free on TV ads on
Discover channels.

Basic overt is claimed to be 'Desire to receive for Self Alone'.

Basic universal solvent is sharing.

He seems to value physical immortality which set me off, and he
doesn't spend enough time about spiritual immortality free from a
body, but beyond that the book is pretty deep and gives much to audit.

Adore by the way says the basic overt is 'Temporal Forevers' which violate
the sovereignty of the 'Temporal While'.

One becomes selfish once one thinks there is a limited supply of
things, and that if one gives it to another, one won't have it
oneself, or the other will destroy it and waste it,
letting no one have it.

If one were to give everything one had to the poor, then everyone
would be poor because the poor don't know how to invest and reap a
profit fromt the sun god Ra and Sun/Earth System.

So sharing can leave the world worse off, as now there is nothing
left to produce anything to GIVE to charity.

Berg says the proper question to ask is not how spiritual am I,
but 'Am I like God yet'. The implication is that God is all giving,
all creating, all sharing etc. This kind of ignores the Imp in God,
and runs one into the fact that as a body in the physical universe
sacrificing the 1st dynamic for any other dynamic completely results
in no dynamics.

One also has to ask how can sharing be so good if it merely gives
to those who desire to receive for self alone? :) Sharing with them
in fact enhances their overt act against themselves and others.

But clearly much case is a failure to share tears of love and
sorrow with others, laughter too etc.

The real issue is separation, whatever enhances separation
forever is bad. Whatever enhances togetherness forever is also bad.
Freedom to come and go is good. People miss this on good, the purpose
of being found is to get lost, the purpose of getting lost is to be

Anyhow the book is worth reading, and the fact he is giving it
away is significant, although in the end its an effort to get you to
buy their other things, one of which is a full English translation of
the Kabbalah.

Dunno, seems to be the basic overt has not yet been stated, nor
has the basic process to undo it.

Togetherness and aloneness.


iTal (I-TalSpamSucks@sbcglobal.net) wrote:
>On 13 Dec 2004 21:15:51 -0500, Homer Wilson Smith
><homer@lightlink.com> wrote:

>> www.becominglikegod.com
>> www.kabbalah.com
>> Homer
>>Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
>>(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
>>homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com

>very interesting. thanks for posting the links.

>i heard kabbalah mentioned recently on TV. i swear, i think it was on
>some cheesball show like Entertainment Tonight were they where saying
>that a few big name celebs had embraced kabbalah - Madonna was one I

- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com

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Fri Aug 27 03:06:22 EDT 2010
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Thursday, August 26, 2010


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One can not adjust desire to what one considers to be reality.

It is this effort to adjust desire to what one considers to be reality
that produces a non clear.

It is the effort to not want what one can not have, or to want
what one must have.

A non clear is someone who is no longer able or willing to know
what he wants.

A clear knows what he wants.

An OT can have what he wants.


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Homer Wilson Smith News, Web, Telnet Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 SunOS 4.1.4 Sparc 20 Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com info@lightlink.com http://www.lightlink.com

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Thu Aug 26 03:06:25 EDT 2010
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08/26/10 Thursday 12:17am EST


If you take the lesson from Dianetics, the E/P End Phenomenon, is


That's a lesson unlearned.

Freedom comes from the cessation of making any postulates at all,
not keeping the right ones around to protect against the wrong ones.

*ALL* postulates are postulates of persistence.

Even the lesson to unlearn lessons will sink you if you keep it
around long enough, which is why even auditing has to be run out too

"Locate a moment of having a session run to E/P"

"Thank you..."


homer@lightlink.com wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> 08/25/10 Wednesday 11:52pm EST
> Kalkidas <eat@joes.pub> wrote:
>> As far as I know, the soul descended into matter because of his
>>free will. He became attracted to material nature, desired her
>>association, ignored any warnings he may have received, and that was
>>sufficient to propel him down. That this was an error of judgment is
>>quite obvious when one compares the misery of material life to the bliss
>>of pure spiritual existence.
> I disagree.
> Since he came from a state of bliss, he knew what he was doing, and
> desired to play the game of chase that he could never win.
> There is the bliss to no bliss.
> > Therefore, material existence is the consequence of an error in
> judgment.
> No, it was fair chosen..
> He may have DEVISED errors in judgement and then engaged upon them
> in order to cement his stay in the material world lest he wake up too
> early, the more he can blame, the longer he can stay here.
> The material world and its suffering is HAVINGNESS to the being.
>> Since the soul is now trapped by his wrong judgment, he must somehow learn
>> to exercise correct judgment if he is to get out of his predicament.
> Yes, true, wrong judgements keep him here, but this does not deny
> that he designed the wrong judgements to do so.
>> In that sense, then, material bodies are a chance for the soul to learn
>> something, or more accurately, to remember something he forgot.
> Yes to remember that what he learned that lead him downward was
> wrong, and to unlearn it all.
> Native state beings do not carry around with them lessons learned
> to make sure they stay in native state.
> Learning lessons is chasing mass to weigh one down.
> For how is one going to 'remember' those lessons lest it all happen
> again?
> High appreciation for ludicrous demise.
> The guy had to invent it all the way down to the bottom.
> "Let's see now, how can I go lower and stay there?"
> The best way he ever designed was the creation of the idea that he
> had to struggle to learn lessons which he must never forget to make sure
> descending into materiality never happens again.
> Seek the 'must never happen again', and you will find where the
> being is most nuts on learning lessons.
> Homer
> ======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
> Posted: Wed Aug 25 23:55:10 EDT 2010
> ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore787.memo
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- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com

======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Thu Aug 26 00:18:46 EDT 2010
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Homerwsmith-l mailing list

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


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08/25/10 Wednesday 11:52pm EST


Kalkidas <eat@joes.pub> wrote:

> As far as I know, the soul descended into matter because of his
>free will. He became attracted to material nature, desired her
>association, ignored any warnings he may have received, and that was
>sufficient to propel him down. That this was an error of judgment is
>quite obvious when one compares the misery of material life to the bliss
>of pure spiritual existence.

I disagree.

Since he came from a state of bliss, he knew what he was doing, and
desired to play the game of chase that he could never win.

There is the bliss to no bliss.

> Therefore, material existence is the consequence of an error in

No, it was fair chosen..

He may have DEVISED errors in judgement and then engaged upon them
in order to cement his stay in the material world lest he wake up too
early, the more he can blame, the longer he can stay here.

The material world and its suffering is HAVINGNESS to the being.

> Since the soul is now trapped by his wrong judgment, he must somehow learn
> to exercise correct judgment if he is to get out of his predicament.

Yes, true, wrong judgements keep him here, but this does not deny
that he designed the wrong judgements to do so.

> In that sense, then, material bodies are a chance for the soul to learn
> something, or more accurately, to remember something he forgot.

Yes to remember that what he learned that lead him downward was
wrong, and to unlearn it all.

Native state beings do not carry around with them lessons learned
to make sure they stay in native state.

Learning lessons is chasing mass to weigh one down.

For how is one going to 'remember' those lessons lest it all happen


High appreciation for ludicrous demise.

The guy had to invent it all the way down to the bottom.

"Let's see now, how can I go lower and stay there?"

The best way he ever designed was the creation of the idea that he
had to struggle to learn lessons which he must never forget to make sure
descending into materiality never happens again.

Seek the 'must never happen again', and you will find where the
being is most nuts on learning lessons.


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Posted: Wed Aug 25 23:55:10 EDT 2010
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CB Willis (cbwillis@lightlink.com) wrote:

>2. The stronger claim (i.e., wider in scope), also the popularized
>view, holds that there is an individual substance (usually called a
>soul) that acquires and sheds by turns bodies throughout many
>centuries (even eons). All of this is toward the end of gaining
>some sort of knowledge via experience in a physical body. When the
>requisite knowledge is gained and competency is demonstrated, then
>the soul is "liberated" from the necessity to reincarnate into a
>physical body.

The spin on this is the usual garbage offered by apologists for
being in a body that it is somehow good for one, that one needs to
learn life lessons to be become worthwhile of those already so

The truth is that a being needs to UNLEARN all the lessons he
ever learned as they are what are sinking him, (gotta remember this
forever, never forget etc.) and that his existence in a body is a last
ditch effort to remain conscious on his way to sinking forever beneath
the Sasgasso Sea of other sick, dead and dying thetans.

The sweetness and light brigade can't confront their true
position in the drain of existence, so they make a virtue out of a
horrible necessity.

Now the necessity of it is illusory, a thetan doesn't HAVE to
dwindle but he does have to start UNlearning lessons real fast to
remain afloat.

>Note that the weaker claim has all of the practical (that is,
>potentially edifying) advantages of the stronger claim -- perhaps
>more. At the same time, it has none of the philosophical
>drawbacks: 1) the problem of whether there are individual souls as
>opposed to no souls at all or a universal soul instead, 2) the
>problem of whether, if there are individual souls, they reincarnate
>in the same way that the stronger claim asserts, 3) the problem of
>determining veridicality ("objective truth") of the impressions--that
>is, determining with certainty whether an impression refers to an
>historical fact, and is not just a psychological quirk, a mistake
>or a delusion; and if it _is_ an historical fact, is it a fact about
>me rather than about someone else, all of us, or none of us (that
>is, the impression was only about a _possible_ event), 4) the problem
>of that sort of non-progressive reminiscing that "I was ... in a
>previous incarnation," 5) the problem of stating that souls have a
>history (i.e., precision of language, and noetic language*),
>to enumerate a few.

The weaker claim however suffers an extreme and damaging
downside, the being WANTS to be immortal and have the stronger claim
be true.

No being can remain high tone with such a violation of his desire
operating in his world view.

Here's a magic formula. Find out what you want, what you HAVE to
have to be happy, then assume that happiness is possible, and that
will give you some idea of what to look for in truth.

>4. The weaker claim, although smaller in scope, turns out to be
>the stronger claim philosophically. All of this is not to say that
>reincarnation (the stronger view) _couldn`t_ be the case, or _isn`t
>actually_ the case; rather, we cannot know with certainty _whether or
>not_ it is the case, despite a sense of certainty of _another_ kind
>regarding "reincarnation _impressions_."

This is silly. Why not? One exteriorization, one memory, and
one has the stronger claim.

The implied idea in this idiocy is that one has to have the body
die to know that one is not a body, that one is not made of space/time
mechanics, that in fact space/time mechanics are an illusion of
magnitude in consciousness.

One can know all these things without having the body die.

The idea that the weaker claim is the stronger claim
philosophically is just nuts.


Sun Jun 18 00:46:56 EDT 2006

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Wed Aug 25 03:06:28 EDT 2010
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Tuesday, August 24, 2010


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Part 3, Content Form

MCT - 8
25 December 1993

Copyright (C) 1993 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes


L = Learning
C = Certainty
LC = Learning with Certainty
LNC = Learning with Not Certainty
D = Distance (in either space or time)
LBLE = Learning by Looking at Effects

1. L <--> LC or LNC
Learning <--> Learning with Certainty or Learning with Not Certainty
2. (D and L) -> LBLE
Distance and Learning implies Learning by Looking at Effects
3. LBLE -> ~LC
Learning by Looking at Effects implies Not (Learning with Certainty).
4. LC
Learning with Certainty exists.

(2,3)[A] 5. (D and L) -> ~LC
Distance and Learning implies Not (Learning with Certainty).
(5)[B];[C] 6. LC -> ~(D and L) ; -> (~D or ~L)
Learning with Certainty implies either No Distance or No Learning.
(1)[D] 7. LC -> L
Learning with Certainty implies Learning.
(6,7)[E];[F] 8. LC -> (~D or ~L) and L ; -> ~D
Learning with Certainty implies No Distance.
(4,8)[G] 9. ~D
No Distance.


(T.O.I.) A. ((A -> B) and (B -> C)) -> (A -> C)
(M.T.) B. (A -> B) -> (~B -> ~A)
(D.N.O.A.) C. ~(A and B) -> (~A or ~B)
D. (A <--> (B or C)) -> (B -> A)
(ADD) E. ((A -> B) and (A -> C)) -> (A -> (B and C))
F. ((A or B) and ~B) -> A
(M.P.) G. (A and (A -> B)) -> B


Homer Wilson Smith

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Tue Aug 24 03:06:22 EDT 2010
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Monday, August 23, 2010


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Carol, I agree with your Universal/Individual thing, what I am
saying is that each individual has all of the universal in him, thus
there is nothing that another individual can manifest that you can't
grok, because the universal can grok anything it manifests.

Thus being 'rigtheously surprised' for very long about what
another does, either good or bad, is actually missing out on an
opportunity to re integrate that misowned part of one self back into
one's repertoire of ability, willingness and expectations.

If one has an unwillingness about what other's are manifestating,
that is an issue with you, not with them.

If you continue the issue, and make your separation and unwillingness
'right', you will become monster food.

The universal has no such unwillingness, and you will not take
your own unwillingness back into the Universal when you decide to
remerge. It is in fact necessary to eradicate all such
unwillingnesses through humor and understanding in order to remerge
with the Universal and attain enlightenment.

There are no bad guys to the enlightened, only clowns.


- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clear Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com

- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clear Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com

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Mon Aug 23 03:06:05 EDT 2010
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Sunday, August 22, 2010


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As I commented, that posting is way steep, not for human

Thaddeus Slamp <thaddeus.slamp@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If we say birth is near the 1st hello and death the last goodbye, then here
>> again, you contradict Hubbard who states in 1 of the 2d lectures that he
>> concluded that death is much more abberative than birth.

Aberration to a body is not aberration to a thetan getting involved
in a body.

And it isn't BIRTH, it is CONCEPTION.

Conception and death balance. Birth is irrelevant.

These are body things, but you will find much more body charge on
conception than birth. There is also thetan charge, but prenatal
body/thetan charge is far worse, including conception if the thetan was
around for it. Often the thetan is blanketing the parents making them
screw, and so there is a continuous story there to be told.

The important item to run however is the ASSUMPTION and the CONTROL
TRANSFER which is a complex multi event, finally resulting in permanent
sleep in the body.

When a being exteriorizes, one has to run INTERIORIZATION, which is
the earlier charge to exteriorizing.

"Whoa what was I doing in THAT?!"

The earlier charge to a last goodbye is the first hello, as it
violates his personal sovereignty.

"Whoa, where did YOU come from?! Wanna go to dinner, gorgeous?"

You can't run out the charge on death without running out the
charge on conception, you can't run out the charge on losing a body
without running out the charge on assuming a body, and you can't run out
goodbyes without running out the charge on hellos.

One way or another, running out all last goodbyes and first hellos
will exteriorize a being from space and time, if he can stand the crying
and laughing.

Most can't, they are afraid of deep water.

Wed Jan 20 14:10:12 EST 2010

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Sun Aug 22 03:06:19 EDT 2010
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Every time I read Flemming, I want to start killing people.

> The next basic is that whatever you can accept, admire, or love
>cannot give you any kind of problem. Whatever you resist or dislike or
>try to forget, will come back to haunt you. That corresponds to the old
>Taoist saying "What you resist you become" that we all know very well.

What you resist, you become, *IF* you lose to it.

It's a choice in order to keep going.

If something stops you, you become the stopper.

>It also goes along with "admiration being the most valuable particle,
>who's absence alone will make things persist". That part of LRH's
>Factors is one of the least understood. I understand it to say that
>whatever you can admire, or love, you can resolve. If you fully observe
>and love something unconditionally, it will vanish. If you withdraw
>admiration from something, it will persist.

The term unconditionally means for no reason.

Thus finding reasons to admire bad conditions is nonsense if
unconditional admiration is needed.

Now the truth is there may have been conditional reasons the being
created the bad condition, thus it was admirable to him for a reason,
and finding that reason will return him to the moment of creation and
thus allow him to see why he made it, and still has it. He is free at
that time to cease making it, all the while continuing to admire it as a
weapon in his arsenal for future deployment should it be necessary.

Apparently most things we suffer from were considered a good idea
at the time, but then were never sunsetted when their efficiacy waned or
was no longer needed.

Rest of ad nauseum deleted.


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Posted: Sun Aug 22 01:37:28 EDT 2010
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Saturday, August 21, 2010


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xine (nospam@altavista.net) wrote:

>I don't believe in channeling; I believe in insanity and gullibility. And if
>I *did* believe in channeling, I certainly wouldn't assume that any being that
>wanted to channel here had it any more together than the inmates.

LaMMie once wrote to me that when a song comes to him, it comes
as single point that suddenly expands into a linear whole. He made it
quite clear he was merely picking up on these things and manifesting
them in the physical universe. He would be the last one to say 'he
wrote it', he didn't, he contacted the music of the spheres and put
one of them to form.

I too have similar experiences with my own composing.

So too it is with writing. When a phrase or a set of words come
to me, I can feel the entire posting there under the surface, I *HAVE*
to write to spill it all out before it gets fucked up forever and
never gets written. This is in part why I kill people who interrupt
me when I am typing, because if they interrupt the flow, they can
destroy the whole posting and the poetry of expression.

I am at best a scribe.

When a good posting is done, I feel I have manifested a diamond
that was covered by the ground, I didn't create it, I dug it up and
polished it off and put it on show.

That's channeling. Whether I am channeling BT's, or the
masterpiece plane of consciousness I have no idea, I don't have little
beings talking to me in my head. Only demons flying me around in my
dreams and they don't speak, they just show me things.

When musical ditty's come to me, they come to me as a whole, when
ideational ditty's come to me, they come to me as a whole.

No difference. One ends up as a song on paper, the other ends up
as a posting on clear-l.


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Sat Aug 21 03:06:24 EDT 2010
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Friday, August 20, 2010


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All of auditing works because of directed application of not

That's because there is no part of the time track that is covered
by anything else other than NOT LOOKING, and one can not as-is not
looking by LOOKING!

Unless of course you are looking at not looking.

The whole "Whatsit/Itsa" thing is therefore a bit screwy because it
is an effort to make the pc better via LOOKING.

The pc ACTUALLY gets better because covertly he duplicates the not
looking in the process, but this is never validated in session.

If you have covered something in blackness, no way is any amount of
looking into the blackness to see what was covered going to show it to

Black is black!

But if you duplicate the making of the blackness, the intent and
method of not looking, then the blackness as-ises and the underlying
incident arises on its own.

No need to struggle to try to look, it will look you for you!
Remember it got buried under a moment of enforced looking anyhow, so
spring the blackness, and blammo the looking comes back on full force
all on it's own.

Who's looking who around here?

All this 'trying to look' is a joke.

So the whole auditing process would go a lot faster if you got the
pc to NOT LOOK instead.

"Spot NO not looking".
Spot SOME not looking."

Oh OK, if you must,

"Spot NO looking".
"Spot SOME looking".

It's the endless looking, the endless search to find, that keeps
everything in restimulation in the first place because looking to know
is an alter-is of the not know which thus persists until Kingdom Come.

So you are going to make him look more?

It is looking at not looking that as-isess the not-isness on the

The guy has been not looking at not looking for so long, you are
going to have to get him to look at that too!

"Spot NO not looking at not looking."
"Spot SOME not looking at not looking."

Once you have the whole track free and clear, who the hell cares
about as-ising it?

Clear tracks have a high resale value on the open market.

They weigh a ton, and are made of pure gold.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com

Thu Jun 7 02:13:54 EDT 2007

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Fri Aug 20 03:06:17 EDT 2010
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Thursday, August 19, 2010


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Spirit means conscious.

Conscious means perfect certainty of.

Perfect certainty of means zero dimensional, not made of space or
time, nor made of parts interacting via cause and effect across a space
time distance.

A spirit or conscious unit can be conscious of illusions of space
and time and parts made of matter and energy.

This is not consciousness of spirit.

MEST has no actuality, it has reality only. The MEST universe is a
created virtual reality.

The *consciousness* of MEST however has actuality, and is the
function of spirit.

Consciousness of spirit would be consciousness of consciousness,
awareness of awareness.

One can not BE conscious without BEING.

Thus something exists.

Delusion about illusion means believing that because one is
conscious of space or time, that there IS space or time.

Lucidity means knowing that consciousness of space or time is a

We all CO DREAM together in a world made of consciousness OF
matter, energy space and time, but not made of matter, energy space or

We dream about what we are not, MEST.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com

Sat Dec 8 00:28:45 EST 2007

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Thu Aug 19 03:06:29 EDT 2010
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Wednesday, August 18, 2010


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Copyright (C) 11/30/2009 Homer W. Smith
Distribution Rights Granted for non commercial purposes.


It is without question that people desire things.

It is also without question that many people, in the pursuit of
those desires, find themselves failing, and then limit themselves in
order to better attain those desires.

The advantage of disadvantage.

The child feels overwhelming feelings of unwantedness on the part
of his mother who was a roll of barbed wire with human skin pulled over

These feelings of unwantedness eventually color his entire life's
self image. He can't concieve anyone or anything wanting him, except
those that are more unwanted than himself, and he doesn't want them

A being usually considers he can not survive in a forthright manner
in an environment of unwantedness amongst his own most significant team

At first the child expresses his resentment, the parents respond
with suppression and invalidation:

"How dare you talk to your parents that way, we are your PARENTS
after all, WE MADE YOU, and we are the only parents you got. You on the
other hand are expendable, if we don't like you, we can get rid of you
and get another child anytime we want, we can make children forever for

The child sinks down into unexpressed resentment, anger, fear,
sorrow and apathy.

Spot NO expression.
Spot SOME expression.


A debonding crisis is when a being goes into doubt about being in a
particular relation with another being, such as parent and child, or
being in any relation with them at all.

The only times his mother showed any interest in the well being of
the child was when the child was suffering, so the child CHOOSES to
become sick, disabled, or accident prone and suffer.

It brightens up mother for while, but then fails, and the child
starts to scheme his next ploy. But the first attempt is never undone,
so the child remains sick for the rest of his life.

After many years of this, the being will be found to be carrying
around layer after layer of different sufferings all created in order to
enhance his survival in the presence of suppressive teammates.

Eventually he comes to not want them, and the debonding is
complete. But in doing this he debonds with life and himself as he
leaves himself nothing worthwhile doing.

It is impossible for a child to debond with his primary teammates
without losing the game of life.

One runs this by running out all moments of unrequited wantingness.

Spot NO wantingness.
Spot SOME wantingness.

Remember NO means pretended no.

Spot NO unwantedness.
Spot SOME unwantedness.


It is also without question, that upon failure to attain various
desires, the being will forgot both his efforts to limit himself to
attain them and eventually the desire itself.

He will then substitute a lesser desire for the first desire and
then repeat the whole cycle over again.

The lesser desire will be that of a valence in his bank that he had
some sympathy for, he is doing a life continuum on them, thus he pulls
in an engram into chronic restimulation, and he feels the pain of it
every time he fails at the lesser desire.

He is no longer living for himself, but living for another who also
failed or was harmed either by himself or others, but for whom he has
affinity, sympathy and regret for.

His father, who was an academic scientist, got caught up in the
cross fire between the child and the mother, and now the child regrets
his debonding with father as collateral damage.

The child started off wanting to be an artist, but failing that, he
does a life continuum on his father and so tries to become an academic

But he can't stand academentia and the marbles that populate it, so
he looks for another life continuum to shift into, but not before
considering it another major loss in his life that he couldn't continue
his father.

This creates a dwindling spiral of tone, activity and
worthwhileness of life.

After he finds himself doing a life continuum on 10 to 20 different
valences, all of which are now in total failure, he will find it hard to
get up in the morning.

Each of the above steps downward in life is a choice that 'seems
like a good idea' at the time, although they will be bonded together
with extraordinary but pretty pieces of illogic.

Eventually each layer of desire followed by limitation followed by
debonding is forgotten completely in his long ago.

Since both the desire and the deployed limitations are forgotten,
the CHOICE to forget them is also forgotten.


Now this is important, because forgetting a choice also involves
another choice to forget the first choice. This leads to an infinite
regression with a LOT of charge on it.

Say the being makes choice A but wants to not know he has made
choice A.

So he has to make choice B to forget choice A.

But now he needs choice C to forget choice B.

Then he needs choice D to forget choice C, and so it goes forever
and ever.

If stretched out in time, this would of course take forever to
complete but the being can do this in a moment of eternity, all at once.

He can make Choice A and the choice to not know choice A all at the
same time. It still is an infinite regression and it still has an
infinite amount of charge on it.


The problem with eternality is getting lost and staying lost.

"Rats, found again."

Thrill is not knowing quite how bad its going to get.

Romance is is thankfulness that one is not lost alone.

The being has made an incredible choice.

Incredibility is a Guardian Dicom.

Guardian Dicoms guard a single item which is choice.

His sense of repsonsibility has been nailed to the cross.

These moments of forgotten choice are the nails holding him to his

Thus recovering for the being these moments of forgotten choices,
also recovers for him his many contacts with eternity when he used the
Creator power of himself as the AllThatIs to not know his own
responsibility in the matter of not knowing.

Spot NO choice.
Spot SOME choice.

Thus he recovers awareness of responsibility for irresponsibility.

Irresponsibility = 'I didn't choose this.'

Once a choice made is recovered, he can then take back the choice,
and make another choice or no choice at all.

And he recovers all that life energy he used to knock that choice
into oblivion and KEEP IT THERE.


The way to become the Creator, is to BE the Creator BECOMING the

The Creator is ExTemporal or timeless, the Creature is Temporal or
timefull, lives in time.

Creatures can still create, but they create with Creature intent
and not Creator intent.

The intent of the Creator is to become the Creature, the intent of
the Creature is to become the Creator.

The Creator suffers nothing but does not want to be a Creator, he
wants to be a Creature and suffer game and chase.

The Creature doesn't want to be a Creature, he wants to be a
Creator and suffer nothing.

The Creator is exercising Creator goals to become more Creature,
and the Creature is exercising Creature goals to become more Creator.

That is the GodSoul in operation, GOD -> SOUL -> GOD -> SOUL...

Forever and ever, Amen.


Trying to come in, puts you out.

Practicing this for a while, makes you more able to be out and come

But while you are out, you can change your mind on the verge of
coming in, if you can stop laughing long enough, or veto it immediately
after you come in before you forget your choice to come in for good.

Thus you get out and stay out to live another day.

These choices made from eternity are not substitute desires made
from sour grapes because the being can't have what he really desires.

These choices are what the being AS CREATOR really wants to do and
engage in, they are part of the chase in a game rougher than the
creature AS CREATURE would ever make for himself.

What human would ever choose to be human?

But the being as a Creator knows full well what he is doing and is
coming from a place of unfathomable power and willingness.

Thus you have the joy of suffering.

This may sound sick as sick comes, and at lower tone mockeries of
higher tone, it is sick, but if the choice is made from eternity, such
decisions are the operating sovereignty of the being, and manifest the
basic purposes of life which include, at least later on, seriousness and

The being doesn't HAVE to engage in rough games, he can spend his
time in mere dances, but eventually the urge to get serious for while
will get him.

We are all presently in such a serious while.

If you fail to recover the aesthetics of the situation for your
precelar, his high appreciation for ludicrous demise, then your preclear
just hasn't gotten better.

Better does not mean 'has learned a lesson never to do that again',

Better means it never happened in the first place and willing to do
it again.

"Wow, look what I can do, this is too cool..."

Eternity erases the past as if it never happened.

All lessons unlearned.

No record kept, no lesson retained, no knowledge gleaned.

The being does not need to know about the past to create a whole
new future. If he did, it wouldn't be a whole new future.


Beings don't like to end whiles, they like to squeeze as much out
of their past as they can, creating the future.

In fact there is a good possibility your preclear will have already
ended the while he is in, won all possible games, was on his way out,
and said 'No way Lord, not yet.' and turned around and dove back in,
pretending he is still seeking the grand spring phrases, and fighting
for his life.

"You seek the grand spring phrases,
And so shall you find,
For the True Lies will free you,
To operate as you kind." - Adore

As you kind, means as you desire or care to.

Within a while, of course, the future always depends on the past,
but from Eternity, the past is gone, it never happened, its the first
time you have ever been awake, and whatever happens is new.

Thus forgiveness is possible.

And necessary.

End the while of guilt, and start a new one.

"This dream ends forever when the circle of friends are all holding
hands again." - Adore

But that ain't going to happen for a while :)

Beings try to do this on a low tone mockery by taking on new
bodies, and pretending it is a clean slate, thus they have no memories
of their past 'lives', nor in between lives.

Do you really want others to remember who you've been?

Well the cost of making sure others can't remember you, is you
can't remember them or yourself either.

It is part of the oblivion tar pit of Co-Excused Withholds.

I won't complain about what you are doing to me in this life, if
you won't complain about what I did to you in a past life.


Coming down the tone scale, there is a point of no return, at least
for a while, until the being's Messiah Postulate is triggered and kicks

That point is called Apparencies are Actuality at 26.0 on the tone


The cross over from above 26.0 to below is fair chosen with full
awareness of the consequences.

Above 26.0 there are no surprises, below 26.0 everything is a
surprise from the word go.

We say no surprises advisedly, because the very existence of
anything at all is an eternal surprise. And everything manifested from
the top down is a surprise in that the being has no clue what he is
going to conceive of next.

Remember for a being who can create in the mere conception of
things, there is no pre planning of what is going to get created. But
the being is always in control, he can always take anything back he
doesn't like, and he always knows where anything came from, even if he
had no clue what is was going to be before it came. Interest, surprise
and delight are the fabric of creation at this level.

But below Apparancies are Actuality, surprise turns serious and
worrisome, because the being no longer knows where things are coming
from, and he has lost his sense of sovereignty, so he has no clue what
might be created.

Above Apparancies are Actuality the being knows that everything
comes from his own basic nature, so there would have to be perfect
accord between his sovereign desire and the WHAT IS.

But below Apparancies are Actuality, certainty of accord is lost,
and doubt is self casting.

He wonders who or what is in control, he feels he is not in control
AND NEVER HAS BEEN, and thus his desire might be in total opposition to
the WHAT IS, and for all he knows his final immortal fate is a trash can
at the end of the road.

His doubt, wonder and worry make it so.

You become what you fear and resist.

Detested self images are the death of a being.


Reality is what people think is true, reality is the believed in
apparencies of life. Reality is what is real to the being.

Actuality is what is true.

Above 26.0 on the tone scale beings know what is actual and what is
only real, an illusion.

Below 26.0 the being believes his reality to BE actuality, that his
illusions are true.

For example people generally believe there is space because they
see space.

Above 26.0 on the tone scale, the being creates illusions of space
and knows they are illusions.

Below 26.0 the being thinks that because he sees space, there must
be space.

Above 26.0 the being knows that the AllThatIS is zero dimensional
and that there is 'no where to go'. Thus the being is eternally
stationary and can not be moved. The being is an Orientation point to
himself and he creates the apparencies (dreams) of spaces with objects
in them that are symbols for what they stand for, and have mass, meaning
and mobility. A dream car is not an actual, but stands for one.

Below 26.0 the being believes that the space he sees IS the
AllThatIS, and that the being IS one of the objects in the space.

Thus the space has become the infinitely stationary everywhere
present AllTHatIS, and the being has become a symbol that can move and
has to run and hide for its life. This gives him the sense of being
lost and separate from others, because he is no longer in contact with
his home as creator of the space in the first place.

He has thus descended into delusion about illusion.

The flip flop from Creator Orientation Point to Creature Symbol is
the flip flop from above 26.0 to below 26.0.

The other illusion is that time, the while he is in, is infinite.

It CAN'T be, all time whiles have a beginning and an end, and thus
his sojourn in any particular time must also be finite.

But his dim memory of the infinity of Eternality convinces him that
SOMETHING is infinite, and since time is all he has it must be time.

Doomed for good he is at that moment.

For Eternal Extemporality above time which does exist, is not the
same as Immortal Temporality in time which does not and CAN NOT exist.

At this point he is dreaming his own dream, but no longer knows it
is a dream, or that he created it alone or in concert, or bought it for
a pretty penny, or stole it from another, and things can become very

Seriousness results from the illusion of eternal persistence, which
of course is an oxymoron.

Nothing of manifestation exists at all in eternity, but the the
persistence of manifestation in a time while is absolute to the degree
that being can not uncreate a manifestation if he thinks he didn't
create it or couldn't have, or wouldn't have or shouldn't have created
it or agreed to it in the first place.

Thus nothing can be uncreated by anyone below Apparencies are
Actuality on the tone scale, because there is no slightest sense of
responsibility for the creation of anything. The highest that such a
being can conceive of is blame, and blame is not responsibility. Blame
is flaw, responsibility is flawless.

Thus below Apparencies are Actuality things can only be destroyed,
busted apart, altered or not-ised by the use of force.

Below Apparencies are Actuality, all manifested somethingnesses are

Above Apparencies are Actuality, manifested somethingnesses come
and go at the whim of the Conceiver.

Above 26.0 is the realm of creation and as-isness.

Below 26.0 is the realm of persistence, chase, games, alter-isness
and not-isness.

At 26.0 is the cross over between Creator and Creature, and
contains the moment of forgotten choice of the Creator to become the


The being is a GodSoul, one coin, two operating sides.

The Operating Thetan side is the God side.

The preclear side is the Soul or human side.

The difference between a human and an OT is only this:

The OT says "I chose this."

The Human says "I didn't choose this."

Above 26.0 on the tone scale the being is an OT operating in
Creator mode.

Below 26.0, the being is human operating in creature mode, whether
he has a body or not.


The being's Creator function is the Author function, the one who
writes a story or a play, only in this case with myriad possible choices
and outcomes, because the being as Creature or Character has free choice
inside the story.

By free we do not mean free from any and all determinism, such a
free will would be random and thus destructive, as there are more ways
to harm than to help.

The beings choices are always a direct function of his basic nature
which are motivated by fine art.

But by free we DO mean that the being can make a choice
undetermined by his past in the story, for better or for worse. These
are called Prime Postulates.

By free we do NOT mean that a creature is always free to chose what
he wants the way the Creator is. We do mean that given his range of
choices, the Creature will always do what he wants and can, and he is
owned and controlled by his fundamental drives and desires.

So a free will always has two qualities:

1.) Can be undetermined by the past of his story or experience.
The being is not a state determined machine, although most of the time
he is acting that way.

2.) Always bound to his fundamental desires, limited only by
present time possibilities.

The creature's sense of freedom is determined by whether he feels
'free' to pursue the course of action he desires to.

The creature always seeks to unlimit his present time
possibilities, the creator always seeks to limit his present time
possibilities within the constraints of a good game.


Games that can't be won (are lost too easily) or can't be lost (are
won too easily) are not good games.

Games that play forever are good games.

That's the Endless Volley.

Games that play forever are also impossible, and thus whiles must
end to create new whiles to make room for new games.

When beings fail to win often enough at games they want to play,
they will try to cheat by making themselves limited so others must help
them or leave them alone.

When that fails, they go out of valence into engramic life
continuums for others they admire but who also lost too heavily, and now
having caved the bank in on themselves permanently they are eventually
forced into insane evil whether real or imagined.

"All the bad people that good people fight, are good people who
have given up the fight." - Adore

Thus expect interesting times with your preclear.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Mon Nov 30 22:34:23 EST 2009

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Wed Aug 18 03:06:33 EDT 2010
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Tuesday, August 17, 2010


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Homer Wilson Smith (homer@lightlink.com) wrote:
>CB Willis (cbwillis@adore.lightlink.com) wrote:
>>A major difference. The only destruction that I see happening thru
>>as-isness, seeing things as they are, is destruction of false beliefs,
>>once we "get" that they are false, we tend not to want them, and they go
>>poof as they're useless and we know that, especially if we have found
>>something that seems more true to us. Just like when we find out
>>something is contaminated with plague or plutonium we tend to drop it like
>>a hot potato. Nothing else is destroyed in any sense for me by seeing
>>something as it is - that part of scn does not work for me at all.

Here is the crux of the difference.

Most people want to 'see things as they are'.

They fully expect that things will be still standing after they
do. They want things to stand in their true light etc.

They don't understand that seeing something in its true light
will result in total vanishment a moment afterwards. This whole idea
is totally alien to them. They don't expect truth to 'destroy'

Well they don't want to destroy or vanish things, only bad
things, so they expect and want things to remain standing after they
have "found out the truth" about it.

But since truth causes vanishment, if the thing is still standing
they haven't found out the total truth about it now have they?

So this is a new thought to people, it really is new, and most
just don't get it.

It is in part why true enlightenment is so scarce, people are
seeking a persisting truth rather than a vanishing truth.


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Tue Aug 17 03:06:05 EDT 2010
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Monday, August 16, 2010


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At a practical level, most people would say good people are those
that cooperate with us in our goals, and bad people are those that
oppose us in our goals.

At the level of a game, good people then are those that are on
our side, and bad people are those that are on the other side.

Most people have the forebearance to recognize that others may be
opposed to a specific goal and yet be people of good will and good
intentions. In a football game for example, one hardly supposes that
one side really considers the other side 'bad people' outside of the
arena of the game.

The same is true in society at large, people can oppose each
other in political issues and respect each others intentions and good

This presupposes the existence of a higher game, such as
"greatest good for the greatest number", and most recognize that
people can have differences of opinions about how to best approach
that goal, and thus become opposed to each other at the practical level of
play, without considering that the opposing party is a 'bad' person.

Games also tend to have well agreed upon rules of play, sworn to
be unheld by all players, and thus both sides of the game will
consider bad any person that tries to CHEAT, win by breaking the

At a higher level one might suppose that even cheating in a game
would not be possible unless all had agreed to its possibility as part
of the rules of the game, so from that perspective even cheaters are
merely playing according to the rules of breaking the rules.

The same can be argued for those who try to come into a game and
disrupt it or destroy the playing field. They too are generally
considered really bad by those who wish to play the game, but again it
can be surmised that even party poopers had to be given access and
permission to crash the game, before they could do so, so even they
are merely playing by a higher set of rules.

At a very high level you will find conflicts between the upper
most goals of the game. For example there will be those who are
trying to do the greatest good for the greatest number, and those who
are trying to do the greatest good for themselves at the expense of
every one else.

Those who make agreements intending to not keep them, those who
try to consume more than they produce, those that try to take other's
production against their will, so they don't have to produce
themselves, are generally considered criminal and bad people.

One can imagine a game wherein such behavior is actually
sportsman game playing, even in nature, animals eat each other,
kill young to make space for more breeding, steal each other's
nests etc, and its all very up and up.

But in human circles and the game of building civilizations it is
highly frowned upon. Of course that depends on what time in history
you are looking at.

Thus it might seem that the definition of good and bad is
arbitray, being defined relative to the name of the game and its
rules. Set a goal, define rules, then good people seek the goal and
obey the rules and bad people don't.

This runs into the trouble that basically all goals are
arbitrary, or if not arbitrary, then possible of such wide diversity,
that it is quite possible that players in one game might be seen as
cruel cowards in another. Thus judging people in one gmme by the
goals and rules of another is foolish.

It is tempting to postulate that ALL games and goals and rules
are formulated out of the basic fundamental nature of the beings which
play them, which nature is identical across all beings.

The specific manifestations of this common nature may be
sweepingly different, but when viewed from the viewpoint of that
common nature, all beings would be able to see the commonality and
aesthetic sense in any particular game.

Thus if a being were to arise that actually did not hold this
nature in common to itself, it would be considered odd at best,
utterly alien at worst, and probably evil too boot, as it would grate
with, if not outright oppose many games and goals of those sharing the
common nature.

Part of the problem of good and evil, is the assignment of evil
by good to another, tends to be a sign of good's no responsibility for
the other's nature and presence in the game. "I didn't invite you
into this game, I have no idea where you came from, and if I could I
would destroy you utterly, and turn back time, and have you never have

When good gets down to this state of irresponsibility for evil,
it tends to forget that most evil is merely playing its own game, and
is only evil relative to the game the good are playing.

Good will then tend to mis mockup the evil as someone who is
truely fundamentally different and opposed to themselves, someone who
does not share the common nature of all, and thus stoop to using its
own conception of evil against the evil in order to destroy it. This
of course will alarm the other person, who does not understand the
misperception of the good attacking it, and will thus consider the
good person evil too, and respond in like kind. Thus you get a kind
of war out of nothing, based on hallucinations.

One might guess that it is unreasonable to presuppose the
existence of two different kinds of beings in existence. Thus one
needs to come back to the common nature of all beings to resolve such
conflicts. It is the duality that one perceives that leads to this
conflict, and it is the unity that is perceived that starts to heal it

In present time, there are an awful lot of people who are
misperceiving evil where it does not exist, and thus soliciting a
response of like kind in return.

There are also a lot of good people in the world who have given
up to their hallucination of evil and become what they feared most.
This is a valence shift born of utter overwhelm, apathy and total
(designed) irresponsibility.

A person will mockup a Nemesis One for himself, decide to fight
it, lose to it, become it, and then you have a real asshole on your
hands, dramatizing it on everyone else for the rest of time.

So although one might reasonably say that all people are
basically 'good', one also has to take note of this propensity to
knowingly design irresponsibility and overwhelm into one's own life.

Most people, at the level of goodness that they understand, would
find it very hard to consider such design 'good'. They are still very
bent on destroying evil, and will have no responsibility for its
existance, whether real or imagined. They certainly don't want to
take responsibility for it if it is real, for what 'good' would create
real evil? And they don't want to take responsibility for it if it
is imagined, for that makes a fool out of them.

It's the humor in the fool that is the way out and which
motivates and justifies the original creation of apparent evil. They
might end up being the fool, but its a very bright and intelligent
fool, the Imp Soul engaging in astounding imperial stupidity of grand
and excalibur design.

As to whether God values the civilization or the volcano more, it
is pretty well answered in the above analysis. Electra once wrote in
"Locked Dichotomies" that Gods value playing more than winning or
losing. Both winning and losing are a loss of the *GAME* to the God.

The human values winning, mainly because he doesn't want to play.

If good had no evil to fight, would good create evil to fight?
Does good *WANT* evil to fight?

For the human, no, of course not.

For the God, yes.

The goodness of the human is a subset of the goodness of the God.

Adore defines Divinity as all powerful self responsible good. It
is that *SELF RESPONSIBLE* impulse towards ludicrous demise and
majestic practical jokes, humor in other words, that separates the God
from the human. The human *IS* the God after he has jumped into the
grand design.

Within the grand design, the space time game stream, there are
created identities of good and evil. Good fights evil, and would
never create evil itself. If good had no evil to fight, good
certainly would *NEVER* create evil to fight, but would instead while
away its time planting and picking daiseys. If good were to ever
create evil for its own amusement, it would quickly regret it and come
to consider itself evil for having done so.

To the degree that a being enters into the grand design and
becomes the good identity, he becomes interiorized and stuck into the
beingness that it defines, which includes everything it must do and
suffer as a consequence.

To the degree that the being can become the author again of both
good and evil, it can exteriorize from the story, and begin to
*REWRITE* the story rather than just live it out.

The force beind the exteriorization is humor, it is the humor
that blows him out of his head, his story, his universe.

Notice however that as Author, the impulse is not to write evil
out of existence, but to make the conflict more serious, more humorous
and to last longer, thus prolonging the ludicrous demise.

The ultimate dischord and resolve are the primary motivation to
the Author.

The good doesn't want either, they just want daiseys.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The paths of lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 cross in Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com the line of duty. http://www.lightlink.com

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Mon Aug 16 03:06:03 EDT 2010
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