Thursday, September 30, 2010


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CB Willis ( wrote:
>The issue for me here is not assent or agreement with the idea, just
>intelligibility for starters. In some 40 years of studying and teaching
>philosophy, I've rarely run into an idea in philosophy, theology, or
>therapy that I didn't understand. I might not always agree with it, but at
>least I felt I could understand it, and what was behind it. I could
>entertain the idea fairly. Not this one, it's just unintelligible to me.

Well either you got MU's on the intended meaning of the words, or
you got fixed ideas in place that prevent you from comprehending what
is being said.

>>they think Scientology is just
>>like every other religion on the planet, or about being good or some
>>such nonsense.

>I don't think that, I don't think most others think that, people get that
>it's "different" somehow. Sometimes something close to what you state
>above is sold to the public to make scn seem more acceptable, or people
>are allowed to dub in whatever they will about scn, with any clarification
>on common points of divergence omitted.

This is correct.

Now I ask you, do you know the difference between a good Author,
and a good Character?

Do good Author's only write about good characters, or does good
authorship include the creation of evil characters?

Is it therefore good that God the Author creates good AND evil
characters, in order to then jump into its own game and play which
ever side appeals to it at the time?

Do you understand what Scn is saying about total responsibility,
and the creation of gpm identities for the purpose of having a game?


Mon Aug 21 16:53:20 EDT 2006

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Thu Sep 30 03:06:03 EDT 2010
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010


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People ask me why I bother with wrong conscious units who can't be
certain of their own existence, their self luminous light is out.

It is because Divine Idiocy is a major dicom.

It has everyone in an incredibility that a God would have, should
have, could have, gotten himself into this state.

Basic computation is "I am so stinking fucked up, there is no way I
am God incarnation."

Adore says:

Divine means all powerful self responsible good.

Holy means care operating Divinity.

Evil is what is dead and moves anyhow.

Fri Feb 26 01:55:31 EST 2010

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Wed Sep 29 03:06:03 EDT 2010
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010



The tone scale is a scale of wave frequencies that range from high
at the top to low at the bottom.

Waves are mathematical entities that change in time, usually from
positive to negative, up to down, or left to right, or something

Frequency is how often the wave does a complete cycle in a second.

Sound waves range from about 100 cycles/sec to 20,000 cycles/sec.

1 Hertz or Hz is 1 cycle/second, a KiloHz is 1000 cycles/sec, a
MegaHz is a million per second, GigaHz is a billion etc.

Radio waves go from about 500 KHz upto the GigaHz range, and Light
and X-rays are above that.

LRH kind of felt that emotions belonged in there somewhere, but
effort, emotion, thought and aesthetics may not be the same kind of wave
as electromagnetic radiation, but none the less, being a wave, it would
have the qualities of waves.

Waves have 3 basic qualities, frequency, amplitude and

Frequency is how often the wave cycles in Hertz.

Amplitude is how loud the wave is, or how big, or how far it swings
as it swings back and forth.

Interference is the result of two or more waves interacting with
each other producing harmonies and disharmonies.

First thing to notice is that a pure wave, usually a sin wave, is
always a harmony, as the only way you can have a disharmony is to have
two or more waves of different frequencies interacting.

Even then some mixtures produce richer harmonies, such as when you
mix a wave with one of its harmonics at 3/2 or 4/3 the frequency.

For example G and C on the piano are 3/2 and they form a perfect
fifth, so called because G is the 5th note in the C major scale.

But play C and some note that is 17/18's of C and you are going to
get a couple of cat's squalling.

Another thing about disharmonies is that some disharmonies can be
'resolved' into harmonies. The harmony that results is better off for
having been preceded by a disharmony. This gives disharmonies a 'raison
d'etre', a reason to be.

Finding a resolve for any particular disharmony is not easy, this
is what good art is about.

Find an exquisite disharmony, and then find an exquisite harmony to
resolve it.

Desire is for harmony, or for disharmonies that resolve into

Harmony is beauty, and disharmony is ugly.

Now generally people have 'high tone' confused with harmonious,
beautiful or pleasurable, and 'low tone' confused with disharmonious,
ugly or painful.

High tone means high frequency and low tone means low frequency.

Harmony, beauty and pleasure come either from single waves of *ANY*
frequency, or from discords and resolves of *ANY* frequency.

Thus one can take two very high tone beautiful waves and mix them
and get a very high tone ugly (undesirable) cacophony.

You see then that desire is for harmony and not for highness of

Now admittedly a high frequency single wave is more beautiful than
a low frequency single wave.

Get some regular sugar and some 10x sugar used for baking, and put
some of each on your tongue.

Both are sugar and both are sweet, but the 10x is a real trip, the
regular stuff is, well kind of normal.

So there is a natural tendency to want to go up the tone scale to
get to higher beauties, but if one is stuck in a high tone cacophony of
mixed waves of high frequency, then one can find solace in a harmony
lower down.

This is the essence of the tone scale trap.

Now Hubbard assigned various things to the various levels of the
tone scale, aesthetics and thought were way up, and then came action,
and pain, effort, and apathy and death and sub death etc.

Most of us consider that pain is undesirable, and would have a hard
time conceiving of beautiful or harmonious pain. But if pain is a
frequency of the tone scale, then as a PURE single frequency it would
have to be a harmony!

Mockup a harmonious pain.

Mockup a disharmonious pleasure.

So how come then pain is almost always a disharmony?

Because most body injuries consist of a complex mixture of many
slightly different incidents in restimulation resulting in a severe
disharmony of experience.

The worst disharmonies are mixtures of waves that are just slightly
off from each other in frequency.

Or try to listen to Chopin's and Tchaikovski's first piano
concertos together at the same time.

A body injury is sort of like hitting the keyboard with your fists,
of course you are going to get a loud disharmony.

One way to audit this is to take the injury and assess for HOW MANY

Try it, the meter will read deeply when you get it right.

It may come out to a few or very many.

Say it comes out to 5.

Then one by one, or in groups, locate the single waves, or
harmonious collections of waves and run them out as beautiful pain.

Say two of the 5 were harmonics of each other, they would run out
together as a harmony of two different frequencies, leaving 3 left still
causing a disharmony.

Then two of them may run out again as a harmony of two waves,
leaving 1 left. Well that 1 HAS to be a harmony by definition, so run
it out the same way, and voila you have run out what looked like one god
awful disharmonious incident but which was in truth 3 separate harmonies
made of 5 different waves, making a disharmony.

In this way one runs out ugly undesirable pains, by separating them
into beautiful desirable components and running them instead.

If the pain isn't beautiful, it isn't ONE PAIN.

Trying to run it as one ugly pain won't work, as there is no such

OK so at the top of the tone scale the being creates in the mere
conception of things.

So one day he gets the idea of this great big beautiful space
forever for free with all these trees and flowers and green grass, and
scattered through out are these absolutely gorgeous little spiders,
trading jokes back and forth, each one preening itself, and gleaming in
the sun.

And he's just BEING there, and the space/time is just being there,
and the little spiders are all just being there having a good time.

You see that scene is a complex set of waves that all form a
gorgeous harmony for the being.

*THEN* he gets the idea that the spiders are dangerous and
poisonous and are out to get him. All of sudden, as one, the spiders
start to align in his direction and begin their approach.

He becomes absolutely certain that they are going crawl all over
him, go inside every body hole, bite him from the inside out, eat
him, and that he can't get away fast enough.

At that moment his space and time crystalize into hard persisting
rock and he can't make the scene disappear any more.

He can't wake up as he has fallen BELOW the original frequencies
that made up the original scene by adding in lower tone wave lengths.

Now he has a problem, and that problem consists of an even more
complex set of waves than the original scene, and that problem turns the
original gorgeous harmony into a deadly nightmare, a disharmony of

All he did was add some more waves into the original scene with his
postulates, waves that weren't quite in sync with his original scene,
and wham, he has a cacophony of terror and pain and undesirability like
has never been written in the books of man.

Remember the Wall of Fire.

This is the Wall of Bugs.

So he is still BEING there, counting the seconds to his assured
doom, and someone comes up behind him and taps him on the shoulder and
says 'Hey you see that small building over there, there is an arsenal of
anti spider bazookas in it, they are all locked up, but if we run and
break down the doors we will have enough weapons to kill all these
spiders no problem!"

All of a sudden his heart soars with *HOPE* again, for now he has a
possible solution to those spiders.

He has a game.

Lord save him.

So he has added in a whole mess more wavelengths into his scene
that have turned it from a nightmare disharmony of waiting to die, into
an exciting rip roaring fun time of killing and being killed.

Oh, he will recruit all his friends in to the war, they will
protect their women and children at all costs, they will devise better
weapons, and execute plans of daring do and kamikazee. The glory will
go down in history never to be matched again.

So what happened? Did he go up tone from the nightmare back into
being happy again at a higher tone?

No, he went downtone, he fell from a higher disharmony of being,
into a lower harmony of doing.

If he had gone up tone from the nightmare band he would have been
back where he could just change his mind about the scene and it would

Instead he fell down tone from the nightmare into a lower harmony
where DOING pretends to be sufficient for the solution.

Now DOING will NEVER be sufficient to any problem, any solution
created by doing will merely become another problem later on.

This is by sub intent by the way, the high tone original being
knows full well what he is doing even if he isn't consciously thinking
about it.

Thus by diving down tone from disharmonious being into harmonious
doing, he is guaranteeing to set himself up for a further disharmony at
the lower tone level when his solution finally becomes another problem.

He will then solve this new problem by falling down to an even
lower tone harmony with some new solution which then becomes another
problem later on and so forth.

So where is the guy headed at this point? Certainly not glory.

He is headed down into further problem disharmonies, solved by
LOWER TONE harmonies that then becomes LOWER TONE disharmonies, to be
solved by even LOWER TONE harmonies, until he goes out the bottom.

Assess for how many problem/solution cycles the guy is buried in
and you can spring him out of his present life which is a solution to
the problem of body death.

Notice we are not trying to exteriorize him from his *BODY*, we are
trying to exteriorize him from his *LIFE*. Oh hell, he can go back into
it any time he wants.

So a being creates a scene from a state of BEING.

This is a harmony.

Then he creates a problem in the scene from a state of BEINGNESS.

This is a lower disharmony.

Then he creates a solution in the scene from a state of DOINGNESS.

This is an even lower harmony.

And thus he has a game guaranteed never to end powered by the
dwindling spiral of problems and solutions which become problems etc.

Solutions based on BECOMINGNESS and DOING are headed down the spiral.

Solutions based on BEING and finally not BEING (Native State) are
headed up the spiral.

BEINGNESS is in time, BEING is out of time.

So what is SUB DEATH?

Hubbard marked death of the body at 0.0 on the tone scale.

Now clearly the thetan survives the body death, there is the thetan
outside the body moping over a perfectly good lost body.


And you wonder why he is a Black V.

0.0 maybe zero heartbeats a second for the body, but it certainly
is not zero cycles per second for the frequency of the thetan, far from

Since the thetan is still there and clearly functioning the thetan
must be SOMEWHERE on the tone scale above absolute zero at -400.0 on the
tone scale or spiritual death.

The thetan has a LONG ways to go between 0.0 body death and -400.0
spiritual death.

Now the death of the body is a PROBLEM to the thetan. Eventually
it became a SERIOUS problem to the thetan. More serious that even mere
mortals can conceive.

Early bodies were perfect and unique but fragile. They COULD live
forever, but once injured they would remain crippled FOREVER or even die

We call this part of the track FRAGILE IMMORTALITIES.

Consequences became serious during this time of the track.

So when a thetan was at 0.0 on the tone scale with a dead body at
his feet, his one and only unique, never going to be another one like it
again, he was in sad shape.

I mean just think about your favorite dog or cat dying.

So he had a PROBLEM AND A DISHARMONY on the tone scale.

He eventually figured out all kinds of solutions to this problem,
most of which involved becoming the body itself and guiding it from
within, and losing sight of the distinction between the body and himself
to make himself more careful etc.



These sub death solutions make him feel REALLY GOOD, and he was
just sure that they would end the problem forever for him.

But they were DOINGNESS solutions at a lower harmony on the tone
scale than death of the body. Thus the thetan entered into tone levels
BELOW 0.0 that were more harmonious at the time than what he was
experiencing at 0.0.

At 0.0 he's sad about the loss of an irreplacable love.

At -1.0 he's all happy and enthused about 'THAT will never happen

He has found a solution to pity and those sad dying eyes looking at

But man is he being CAREFUL.

Run happy carefulness, and happy carefreeness.

So SUB DEATH means that the thetan is living a solution to the
regretted death of prior bodies on the whole track.

disharmony of body death.

By slowing down his frequency the thetan has made himself feel
better by adding postulates of doingness on top of the insufferable
problem of BECOMINGNESS that he had with bodies dying on him.

Notice that BECOMINGNESS IS NOT BEING. BEING is free from

BECOMINGNESS is BEING constrained by added considerations, like

"I am a goofball bumblefuck who couldn't keep a body alive if my
own life depended on it!"

But he's overjoyed at the chance to try, you see.

His BEING might have solved the problem for him, but his
BECOMINGNESS that he assings to himself, sure as hell isn't, so he falls
to the lower harmony of 'going to DO something about it, by gum!'

So now he comes back AS a body, he has fallen from HAVING bodies to
BEING bodies, and he gets born and he is all Rah!, he is going to take
care of this body, and punish those that don't take care of their
bodies, hang them out on crosses as examples to show people what happens
if you don't take care of your body, make a fortune selling nails while
he is at it and keep his body well to do, and he's going to start and
finance a whole war against non body care-ers, and Oh the glory of

And he falls lower, and lower, and lower and lower.

Lower means slower, eventually he becomes a rock.

"Eventually all become marbles on the thetan plane..." - Adore.

So notice anyone who is IN a body is sub death. They are blaming,
shaming, protecting, controlling, owning, punishing, worshipping,
sacrificing themselves to, hiding in, being, or taking care of bodies.

Imagine being responsible for the death of an ant.

Now imagine being responsible for the death of a body.

See the difference?

'Tis why you are in a body and not an ant.

Eventually they can't even control a body any more, they can't BE a
body, so they become PARTS of bodies, they become OBJECTS, and
eventually they can't even do that and they fall down to can't hide, and
eventually spiritual death.

"Do with me what you will, I deserve it, good bye dear body, I am a
total failure, sorry I let you down."

So that is what sub death means.

It is actually sub problem, falling down from a disharmony of

He's feeling better for a while, but he's going slower.

Find anything the person is doing, especially the things he has
great enthusiasm and steely eyed determination for, and find out the
higher disharmony becomingness that the lower harmony doing is a
solution for.

The person will exteriorize from his SOLUTION DOINGNESS and from
his PROBLEM BECOMINGNESS and regain his restorative BEING where all
problems dissolve naturally.

E/P is astounding peace.


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Fri Feb 10 23:24:19 EST 2006
Homerwsmith-l mailing list

Re: The Tone scale and natural philosophy

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09/28/10 Tuesday 11:53am EST


Basic equation of the tone scale is

Doing = knowing plus wanting times probability of success.

Or something like that.

Instensity of emotion is intensity of desire.

Frequency or tone of emotion is one's consideration of proability of

Actual doing comes from the protocols for different layers of
failure, from strong approach, to covert approach, to strong retreat, to
crying for help, to pretended death, to being dead.

Negative tone scale is an effort to make up for pity on past body
deaths, one becomes the body to give it a better life, and the body
responds with enthusiasm or not a the case may be, which is the 0 to 4.0
part of the BODY tone scale.

Above death and failure, the thetan also has his 0 to 4, but while
in a body, his usual tone is way down below zero.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

On Mon, 27 Sep 2010, Thaddeus Slamp wrote:

> I don't know if the tone scale would be the best place to start any
> attempt at scientology apologetics, but I think it's where I'd start
> Status-wize, I am less than nobody, but 1 of my hobbies is to try to
> think of scientology apologetics, which is difficult, right off the
> bat, because scientology is largely a system of TRAINED OBSERVATION
> based methods. Scientology makes "nearly infinitely' (for lack of a
> better estimate, or term for such) more sence to a person who's been
> trained in such observation. So I think I will start. I know I am
> only a sample of 1-only 1 data point, but I will be pretty honest, and
> a data-point of 1 can have some value.
> What I want to say is that I honestly believe that Hubbared is the 1st
> man ever do understand and delineate the nature of human emotion. I
> am not giving official party line here; I really think so. I do not
> mean the tone scale in full; I don't know about that. Might or might
> not be true, far as I'm concerned, but the tone scale, aproximately as
> layed out in Science of Survival, and the Chjart of Human Evaluation
> found in the back of that book. I consider much of that data to be
> hard won fact, that you ignore at your own risk, and the tone-scale as
> a basic concept the first true exposition of the true nature of human
> emotion. A few may agree that it's true, but also think it's "duh
> ralph". Most people already know that. I will defend thus: by
> crediting Freud more than Hubbard did when he gave his thoughts on
> that seminal thinker. Without arguing that the stages are
> psycho-sexual, as Freud argued (I am not going to get into the whole
> yakity yak mistranslation, yak), Freud was the 1st to discribe the
> stages of human development, and Hubbard sometimes overstated his case
> that children do not. His exact quote was something like "Anyone who
> thinks children go thru exact stages, uniformly, deserves to be
> psychoanalysed" (In 1 of the 2nd dynamic lecturs). Freud may hnot be
> the 1st person to notice the stages of child development, but he's the
> 1st scientist to have deineated them, and he did so somewhat
> elegantly. If he'd been a better scientist he would have emediately
> let a better scientist knowck down his theory and give 1 even more
> elegent, and even better at explaining the facts. Well maybe not
> uniformly, but certainly commonly, to the point where if a kid does
> not have any "terrible two's", such is a bit freakish. Not as extreme
> as those of another child sure, not non-present....I'd have that
> checked out, if I were you. There might be a major problem (I am not
> qualified to say there is likely a problem, but that would be my
> guess). In fact Either Erickson's (Eric Ericson's), or Timothy
> Leary's (Tmothy Leary's 8 circuit model of the human nervouse system
> is presented in a number of places, but probably best explained for
> the more cerbral set, in Quantum Psychology, by Robert Anton Wilson [
> and yes, Virginia, I do think it likely, that Leary "stole" the idea
> from Hubbards 8 dynamics...knowing what I know it is impossible to
> think otherwise] )take on Freuds stages of developement are probably
> the 1 other piece of the understanding of human emotion that Hubbard
> neglected (in my opinion of course). I've not found any other takes
> worth mentioning, that are not mentioned in these sources.
> There are 3 no longer present items in 2 Hubbard books, that I think
> may help in my making my case as well as I can:
> 1) an essay on philosophy science, inductive method and deductive
> method, found in early printings of DSMH, and
> 2)The psychological study, andq
> 3)Quote from a famouse psychotherapist...
> ...that used to appear, up untill a new printing in the mid to late
> 80's, or maybe very early 90's got rid of them.
> I have lost hope of making this argument, as well as I had initially.
> All I know is that subjectively, to me, there is no other way of
> thinking about human emotion than the tone scale, opr @ least that
> does not include such, and it is from accepting the rot of other
> takes, that our society reaches most of it's greater lunacy.
> At any rate, Hubbard succeeded by applying philosophy, that is
> developing a theoory that was somewhat elegant from the git-go. I 1ce
> read a book on abnormal psychology where some psychiatrist had
> developed a very elegant spectrum model of the catagories in the DSM.
> It really was elegant. Quite disssapointed in reading the text (tho
> by no means surprised) to learn that it was rejected, becaus, tho
> those who appreciated elegance and symetry, thought it was true, most
> of those who had to try to use it in clinical settings, could not
> conceptualise it. What Hubbard was saying about psychologists ability
> to understand basic concepts might not really be true of psychologists
> or psychiatrists, but everything I know about psychiatric nurses tells
> me, that such is certainly true of them).
> So I think that science has erred by letting materialists creep in by
> ignoring philosophy, and I think that the modern intellectual world is
> suffering from data that it could really really use, by failure to
> understand Hubbards achievement in this concept.
> There may not be real theta, but there might need to be theta as an
> archetype, and such an archetype reflective of some real
> sociobiological fact. I also think Hubbard was right that people
> below a certain tone level are so turbulant, that dealing with them is
> hazardouse to the health of any untrained person, and pure drag on
> society. If Hubbard was arguably not as humane in Science of
> Survival, as one might hope, we may find we can do better at being
> humane than he, or we may not, but let's not throw the baby out with
> the bathwater.
> Over the years I've not been in the church, my certainty on the
> tone-scale, has increased, not decreased. The world messed up in not
> paying more attention to it, in my opinion. Theres some nut on utube
> who claims he can knock it down, but he's so obviously either lying or
> on too pink of a cloud for me to even listen to him for more than 3
> minutes.
> I thought I'd do so much better, but all I can say is knowing what I
> know, there is no theory of human emotion that is not inferior to
> Hubbards, and improved understanding of human emotion will begin when
> all realise that Hubbard was 1 of the 1st thinkers to say something
> lucid on the subject.l
> This has been my opinion. I wish I'd done better, but I ran outa
> steam or something.
> --
> call me: (503) 395-8475
> Find out @ the following constantly evolving site:
> better searches:
> _______________________________________________
> Clear-L mailing list

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Posted: Tue Sep 28 11:55:45 EDT 2010
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Michael ( wrote:
>I can see that, so it is a process of extraction then? from all the things
>that got us into our present situations, as a person extracts themselves
>from all this stuff they become more aware of their Spiritual nature and do
>not rely on mind pictures anymore, or should I say are not controlled or at
>the effect of the mind.

On learns through life that being unable is good for one.

This needs to be unlearned at every point we learned it.

Every lock, secondary, engram is a moment of learning, postulates
made to commit to that learning, all of which needs to be unlearned.

The bank is held in place by dramatizing the learning we did
during the incidents that are in chronic restim. We call this being
in the winning valence (even if it is our own to gain sympathy), and
that 'learning' of how to win needs to be as-ised.

This has nothing to do with physical universe learning, which is an
intentional game of learning, this has to do with spiritual ability,
which comes as a total knowingness which doesn't have to be taught how
to operate properly.

The total knowingness knows very well how to operate and how to
screw itself to the nearest tree. Everything learned by the total
knowingness about how to operate is a nail in its cross.

So don't confuse the thetan and body, the thetan gets better by
unlearning, the body gets better by learning. Two different worlds, two
different games.


Sat Mar 24 01:28:45 EDT 2007

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Tue Sep 28 03:06:03 EDT 2010
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Monday, September 27, 2010


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> That's also why women tolerate clitoral circumcision, no orgasm, no
> degradation. Let the man be the pleasure pig. Just as I described it
> in SNAKES."
> People like being degraded?

It's a better of two evils in the (not quite sane) spirit's mind,
and thus is fair chosen at some point, either before the life or during.

It is a safe solution to being free.

"What would happen if you were better, no suffering, no fear, and
your future was secure and endlessly beautiful?"

There is nothing more dangerous than a safe solution.

It would seem that being spiritually free would be a better thing,
but there is something about true freedom and the responsibility that
comes with it that makes it more dangerous to be free and able, than to be
chronically sick or unable. Being a slave is just one form of unable.
They can always kamikaze if they don't like the conditions they are in.

> Women tolerate (TOLERATE?) clitoral circumcision?
> So, little African girls say "yes, go ahead and cut up my body because then I
> won't have to be degraded later in life."?
> Do people like to be raped, tortured, massacred, etc. because they thereby
> avoid degradation?

It's better than the endless nothing (avichi) of between lives.

> Clearly, I got lost somewhere.


The little African girl CHOSE her body knowing the kinds of conditions
she was getting into. She probably had just died out of them. It was
better to have a new body that was probably going to starve to death than
remain a free being outside the game of bodies.

Spirits outside the game of bodies are not doing well, ANYTHING
is better than nothing.

And even if one wanted to argue the CHILD had no choice, one can not
argue that this same child once she grows up does not have a choice about
continuing the tradition with HER daughters. She is guilty as sin, not
only in this life but from past one's as well on this subject. Overt acts
of omission, failure to do something about harmful conditions, are just as
bad as doing the harm itself.

People are ultimately responsible for their own condition. Karma
is basically having to come back and live in the conditions you created.

If you as a man get the idea it would be cool to circumcise little
girls with rusty blades, then guess what, next life or some lives
thereafter that same guy comes back as a little girl and gets clipped.

But you know its the WOMEN who think its cool, so we can't even blame
the men on that one. The *WOMEN* are still trying to stay sexually pure.

The thing is they don't LEARN, its done to them, and then they do it
to their children, they just keep doing it, because the horror inside the
body game is better than the horror outside the body game, and thus the
dwindling spiral continues until spirits can't even take over human bodies
and become something less.

If they spoke up, they would be put down. But they could all
kamikaze if they weren't so enamoured of running away from death and
the between lives area.

"People will remember you more for how you died, than for how you
lived. Chose your death wisely then. The purpose of life is kamikaze.
The Lord will not love you for suicide, the Lord will not hate you for
kamikaze". - Adore

That's a hard one, particularly remembering that Adore considers
that 'the Lord' is us in carnation.

Everyone is trying to live a quiet peaceful life to the end of
a ripe old age. While many things fester and others hang on their
crosses moaning.

Of course if you try to kamikaze someone or something, and you
fail, they or their minions will come after your loved ones and torture
them, so they gotta be prepared to kamikaze too.

I mean if all womanhood just stood up and said NO!, what would

What are they waiting for, men to do it for them?

The populace is controlled by MOTHER'S son's in the religious police,
everyone would be hung out to dry in short order, but not if EVERYONE
stood up and revolted.

On some matters, all this crap about peaceful or non violent revolt
is crap.

It's really matter of how much people love life in a body rather than
freedom as a spirit. Bodies are not a GOOD thing after all, although some
of us have decorated our hells with the pretenses of beauty and comfort.

But we have made a virtue out of a horrible necessity.

Earth is a Sargasso Sea, a spiraling drain for sick, dead and dying
spirits, who want to die forever as spirits, but who can't, and thus they
take on bodies that can give the pretense of dying one day giving
momentary relief to the problem of how to die for good. However once they
die, the pretense is up, and they have to do it again. Thus demand for
bodies is high and once they have one, spirits will defend staying alive
to the death.

What was it like between lives last time?

What will it be like next time?

How did you get here?

What are you doing in a body?

People along the way are fully responsible for their own
condition. Not after the fact, but before it.

At some general level they KNOW what they are getting into in each
universe or arena they enter and finally become victim to.

There may be such a thing as an innocent victim, but there is no
such thing as a CHRONIC long term innocent victim.

The innocent heal, learn their lesson, own up for their responsibility
in the matter, clean up the area or source of harm, and bear no malice.

The guilty succumb and complain.

That's why even though 2 percent of the population are SP's,
Suppressive Parents, or People, the remaining enormous number are
DB's, Degraded Beings.

A Degraded Being not only is the effect of the SP, gets sick and
rollercoasters in life, the DB WORKS for the SP, and supports them, and
pushes power to them to keep them in power, and refuses to take any
measure that might take them out of power. Thus the DB becomes a slave
mopping blood off the floors, and eventually becomes the mop itself.

That's why in therapy, if the preclear is screaming about all the
horrible things that has been done to him or her, you need to find what
THEY did, that is making all that other stuff stick to them like glue.

Heal = innocent.

No heal = guilty.

That's because once a being feels guilty of something, he can't have
enough bad things happen to him to assuage or fill or cover the black hole
in his heart caused by the guilt. And if he doesn't get his daily quota
of bad things done to him, he will fabricate them out of the blue, provoke
them directly, or dive into nasty areas of life on the pretense of helping
the poor innocent victims there, so HE can get crucified on a cross.

People are good after all and the guilt destroys them.

There is nothing wrong with helping others, and taking risks doing so,
but the guilty seek the risks to help themselves, and the guilty can't
help anyone anyhow, they are too busy guaranteeing their own

Thus the way to happiness is a true confession.

We start with:

"Get the idea of being responsible for your own condition."

"Tell me about that."


Sun Jul 11 13:32:19 EDT 2010

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Mon Sep 27 03:06:01 EDT 2010
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Sunday, September 26, 2010


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09/26/10 Sunday 2:32pm EST


The following material is for adult fantasy only, it has no
bearing on truth, reality or actuality.

All this stuff we have been writing about questions and answers
leads up to a simple 4 way GPM.

A GPM is a goals problem mass and results from the chronic
operation of both sides of a goals dicom at the same time.

A goals dicom consists of two opposing goals operated at the same
time, love AND hate, good AND evil, beauty AND ugly, danger AND safety.

For example, the goal to open the door and the goal to not open the

This forms a ridge of mental mass that then operates the being,
after a while he can't stop doing it, especially when he has been at it
with the seriousness of forevers, and eventually petrifies him with its

The conscious operation of the dicom gets harder and harder, and
finally sinks into oblivion as the guy thinks about other things, but he
never stops doing it.

Time itself is kept going by the automatic operation of one of
these GPMS going on for eons and eons under the semi unconsciousness of
the being. The GPM is on automatic, therefore so is time.

Once in a while he takes a breather from dramatizing two opposing
goals, and he wonders where his head aches, spine aches or the
preemptive disintegration of his brain or breasts comes from.

A GPM is NOT formed from an INDECISION to open the door or to not
open the door.

A GPM is formed from a DECISION to open the door *AND* not open the

Dig it and don't leave it.

For example imagine a person who wants to go outside but is
terrified of what he might find outside or let in through the open door.

So he opens the door a crack, but then slams it shut, then he opens
it again, but slams it shut again.

That's an indecision oscillating back and forth between the effort
to open the door and the effort to close it.

Now imagine the same person pulling on the door to open it with his
right hand, while pushing against the door to keep it closed with his
left hand AT THE SAME TIME.

That's not an indecision causing an oscillation, that's a decision
to open the door AND close it at the same time, which forms a ridge
called a GPM.

GPMS are isometrics of the soul.

And they don't make the preclear stronger, they make him heavier.

So heavy he can't fly any more.

So our preclear starts off with the goal to catch catfish, usually
out of season. Of course he is hounded by the Forest Ranger whose goal
is to NOT catch catfish out of season.

Then later our preclear himself becomes a Forest Ranger and gets on
the case of others trying to catch catfish out of season.

HIMSELF, at the same time as be a Forest Ranger making sure no one else
catches catfish out of season including himself.

The ridge is formed by operating both sides of the GPM at the same

All Forest Rangers are still trying to fish out of season, even as
they write you a ticket.


You read the following material at your own risk.

If you do read it, you MUST run it, or you will end up being a pall
bearer at your own funeral, thetan following behind the casket.

Pains will get worse before getting better, so you had better know
the difference between a blow off and a grind. If you rabbit into a
hole in the ground the hole will close in after you.

If you ask why, the lock will be sealed on the hole.

At times running this will go more solid and you may tend to think,
oh no Homer gave me another dud to run!

Uh, uh, the only dud around here is the preclear who is asking so many
questions that he can't confront the answers to, it would sink the titanic.
Chill out, go deeper, it will start running again with serious fireworks.

Remember if the QUESTION is the answer, then seeking answers to
that question is seeking a wrong indication. This creates time, worry
and despair and eventually a meatball 9 to 5 life headed to the grave.

A 'what hell forever?' case.

You are mucking with the material of conscious space time here,
so be competent.

The Question Answer GPM goes as follows, each side opposing the

The Goal

To Answer Questions - To Not Answer Questions.
To Question Answers - To Not Question Answers.

Within this GPM you will find the source of all aberration.

A being is basically a total knowingness, he doesn't know anything
specific, but can CREATE things to know. Thus as an orientation point
answers come before questions but then he flip flops into the symbol and
now he thinks questions come before answers.

Reversing the order of answer and question then causes persistence
and chase in time.

He is chasing in time the answers to questions.

Each answer and question pair form a time while which takes as long
as it takes (but always finite) to resolve the question.

The pair is created at the beginning of the time while.

Therefore the answer exists at the beginning of time, thus the more
he chases the answer in time, the further away he gets from the answer.

Thus all such games are lost out of the gate.

Salvation arises when the being realizes the QUESTION is the
problem, not finding the answer, at which point the while on that
question answer pair ends.

Pay your Messiahs well.

Case then is resolved by getting the preclear to spot the QUESTIONS
he is asking, until he stops moving away from the beginning of time.

Many of the questions he is chasing were created without answers,
since the question itself was the answer to the question and the problem
of persisting case, answers were not needed.

Running out this GPM will for example chill out any tendency to
self audit or figure figure, because most self auditing is the effort to
to answer a question by running a process. Or to not answer a question
by running a process, if your preclear is devious and inverted.

The effort to not know A by trying to know B is a classic example
of inversion. There are many others, all involving reaching by
withdrawing or withdrawing by reaching.

Imagine you don't want to eat your peas, but you put on a show of
reaching real hard for your fork with your elbow, and you will get an
idea of the absurdity of this. "Oh poor dear me, I can't eat my peas
because I can't reach my fork!"

Self auditing is anything that runs IN questions with an effort to
answer them.

Solo auditing is anything that runs out questions and the effort to
answer them.

To run in means to make things worse, more solid, more massy, more
of a problem, and more persisting.

To run out means to make things better, less solid, less massy,
less of a problem and more vanishing.

A run in with something is a collision or involvement with

All 'incidents' are a run in with a question.

An incident is too much or too little of something that is
perceived to be non survival.

Too little food and you die. Too much water and you die. Those
would be a physical impact.

We call this an impact, because it has an impact on the preclear's

Impacts consist of the presence of anti survival antagonists, and
the absence of pro survival agonists.

An agonist is the opposite of an antagonist.

Agonists help, antagonists harm.

Impacts can happen on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
planes of existence. Impacts on lower planes will cause impacts on
higher planes.

The impact will not stick on the time track if it is not
immediately followed with failed question asking.

By sticking we mean remain charged and armed to be used by the
preclear later in life when he may choose to dramatize it out of valence
during a moment of threat of impact.

One dramatizes prior impacts as a preemptive measure against
present time threats of impacts. Since the preclear lost during the
prior impact, he chooses the winner in the prior impact and becomes them
and does what they did then so he can win now.

This is called being out of valence.

Being out of valence, dramatizing the winner in the prior impact,
is an effort to answer a question by being, doing and having what the
winner did during the impact.

Surface questions are, what is it, who caused it, why and what
should I do about it?

Deeper questions will become apparent as the preclear settles
himself in the center of the question answer machine.

Asking questions about the question answer machine is self auditing
and will get you buttered all over the universe.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

======================= ========================
Posted: Sun Sep 26 14:33:41 EDT 2010
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Nick ( wrote:

>That's good food for thought..
>The way I understand karma at this moment is that it's an irrefutable law of
>this universe that even the most powerful beings within it must take
>responsibility for at some point and time. I know this isn't a popular idea
>here, but I don't agree that taking on the experience of a victim in a
>auditor/PC setting is going to stop the wheel of action/reaction.

It is generally conceeded that by running out the withhold/overt
charge in session, the pc frees himself from the reactions dependent
on the existence of that charge and efforts.

Of course the person he hurt might still have it in for him, but
presumably the person can deal with that also, either by dealing with
it in his own space, or going up to the guy and saying he is sorry.
Of course the guy himself will need auditing because he is after all a
victim suffering from karma at the hands of our pc etc.

So I would say that real multiple viewpoint auditing taken to
completion would result in null karma, but only because it results in
everyone's agreement that things are resolved without further

>It all comes down to whether the universe was designed by our own postulates
>and we are keeping it here, or whether the universe was designed for us and
>it's laws are enforced by the designer so that they can't be broken from

I would guess it is designed by the High US for the High US, much
as laid out by the Pilot. It probably is set up so that certain rules
can't be broken while still within it, but nothing prevents the being
from leaving it except his own postulate matrix.

Again the most important postulate that pulls in karma is the
postulate of separation from the person you are victimizing, in
particular dramatizing the intent to destroy them *FOREVER*, classless
friendless effort to help oneself by NOT helping them etc.

Once one gives up on "This dream ends forever when the circle of
friends are all holding hands again." one opens oneself to separation
from that which is destined for permanent destruction and one has
given away ones power of postulate to save and salavage rather than
ruin etc.

Once one gives up on the power of one's own postulates then one
is dead meat becuase one is now running on the postulate that one can
be an effect and can do nothing about it. Since that is an indecent
postulate on self, the being will then dramatize indecency on others
to continue to protect himself in a losing situation.

Indecency is basically a violation of 'Class is an attitude, that
all should live forever and be my friend' and the resulting efforts to
destroy forever those that would not be one's friend forever etc.


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Sun Sep 26 03:06:03 EDT 2010
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Saturday, September 25, 2010


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Philosophy deals with the very top level questions of existence.

The highest most top level question there is, is:


One imagines that nothing could very well have existed, rather than
something. Clearly something exists, so how come?

Is there some logical or physical necessity that something HAD to
exist? If you could figure that one out, you would probably win the
Nobel Prize for the next 50 years in a row.

If there isn't some forceful necessity that something exist, then
why the hell does something exist?

The next top level question si:


It is pretty clear that there might have been a whole mess of
somethings that couldn't exist, either they were logically impossible,
or maybe they were unviable, in that they died off soon after their
start or whatever.

Scientists have known for a long time that if certain universal
constants were different by some microscopic amount, this physical
universe we are in would have fizzled out long ago, carbon chains would
never have formed, suns would never have ignited, and thus physical life
would never have happened.

Those with a religious bent even take this as evidence of an
intelligent design to the universe, because they figure that someone had
to think it through and pick just the right values for things in order
to get a universe to stay around as long as this one did.

At least long enough to produce a sinner that God could send to
hell forever.

In fact there are SO many more universes that would have fizzled
out early than would have persisted, we seem to be walking on the edge
of a miracle that the one that happened to exist was the one that also
happened to persist long enough for us to be here and talk about it.

And if this were the one and only universe that ever existed they
would probably have a point. The coincidence is just too much to bear.

Recent theories however postulate that many different physical
universes arise and fall all the time, most destined to enfizzlement due
to their mis match of universal constants.

Given all of eternity to rise and fall, it makes sense that by
random chance alone eventually some universe would arise whose constants
were just close enough to workable to hang around for a while, even long
enough to produce conscious life to wonder about it.

(Yeah yeah I know, consciousness is not physical, but once in a
while you gotta look at it from the point of view of the darling little
meatballs, and besides they are so cute, and get so riled up if you even
hint they might be wrong about being FDA Approved Grade A meat.)

In fact even though many more universes might fall than arise,
given an eternity to try it out, it makes sense that there might be a
lot of universes persisting quite well thank you, of which the one we
are in is just one of them.

But there still aren't a lot of different ways those constants
could go together and still have persistence, so even if there are a lot
of other space time game streams going on, chances are that some of them
are very much like ours, and the rest are probably very different.

So we can't answer how come something exists instead of nothing,
but we can answer to some exent the question what somethings could
exist, and which one's couldn't.

The next top level question is:


By desirable we mean in accord with our desires, how WE would have
made things if we could have.

Well for many that is a no brainer, clearly not.

Prof: "So Goober, on a scale of 0 to 10, how would you rate this

Goober: "Below bottom".

You get born, no one asked your permission, you live, you desire,
you can't have what you want, everyone and everything you love dies one
day, usually pretty miserably, and so do you, usually a horrible death
by universal execution, never to be heard from again.

This is called the 'BORN ON DEATH ROW' class of universe, guilty of
what crime we have no clue, but surely if ocean's were made of sorrow
there would be a lot of water in this universe.

"This universe treats love like the ocean treats sand castles in
the sand." - Adore.

Now to many this makes sense, to be created is already a violation
of personal sovereignty, personal space, no matter WHAT happens to you
after that.

Might as well have been raped in your first moment of life.

Then in the end the universe puts you to death against your will,
another rape.

And in between it makes you work to dig your own grave and provide
the means of your own final execution.

Thus it makes sense that we are unhappy, because this jewel of
creation, this oh so rare and precious universe that went to all that
trouble to persist, then went ahead and created us just to torment us
before terminating us. Probably more fun to be drawn and quartered.

So one can ask the next top level question:


Now most will probably tell you no, they can conceive of worse, but
they will agree that it's pretty damn close.

I mean admit it, at least this death row universe is co-ed, with
really good pot and ice cream easily available.

Everyone once in a while you will run into someone who will tell
you "Oh no, this universe is wonderful, marvelous, full of suprises, and
besides who wants to live for ever, gotta make room for others!"

We call them 'had time enough for love' cases.

Don't bother to argue with them, being mortal on death's row is a
SOLUTION to them. If you ask them what could be worse than "living once
and then dying forever, and that's it Bud!", they might actually give it
up to you.

But this conflict between desire and the universe that desire finds
itself in, brings up an important next question.


Is it even possible for a physical universe to arise, and create
conscious creatures that actually wish things were different than they

Well hell, if the universe is arising from random throws of the
universal constant dice, the only condition for it's continued existence
is structural persistance long enough to give rise to conscious units to
wonder and complain about it. No one said they had to like what they

So persistence is a nasty two edged sword, if it is persistence of
something good, well then all the better. But if it is persistence of
something bad, well then you were born in hell, and will die in hell and
you should be grateful you actually get to DIE rather than suffer
forever as an immortal in hell would.

Surely suffering in hell forever, is worse than suffering in hell
for a while and then kicking the bucket for good. God what a relief,

Therein maybe lies a hint about why incipient carrion dwellers,
like to dwell in incipient carrion.

But this brings us to the next top level question:


Ok, well good and bad are relative to your desire.

It's tempting to say "Well I desire to die forever one day, I mean
Christ who wants to live forever? Love is like sugar, too much is no
good for you. I admit it was better to have loved and lost than to have
paid for it and not liked it, and it was fun while it lasted, but now I
am bored with love, even I had a brand new body, so I think having a
Soylen Green factory to retire to or being on death row is the best
possible universe."

But you don't desire that, and anyone who claims they do is lying
to themselves and to you.

It is just sour grapes, or a need to escape an insufferable
immortality in time.

So this brings us to the next question:


Well the first thing we can say about desire, is it desires to have
what it desires. Not for a while you see, but forever.

That forever may not be in time, it may be an extemporal forever,
but its a forever none the less.

That's why all this desiring to be this "live once, die once meat
ball" is all just so much self deceit.

For some its merely a matter of them not wanting to get their hopes
up. If they think they live but once, and after they die they find out
they are still around, well that's better than thinking they are going
to live forever and finding out after they die that they are dead.

But then I can hear someone saying, "But if I could have everything
I wanted all the time forever and ever amen, I would get bored, no fun,
no chase, no games, no chance of losing, no need to try harder, no
challenge, no overwhelming odds, no glory, tragedy, travesty, miracle,
or majesty..."

"I mean Christ, what's a God to do but sit around and be
everlastingly happy all day long? Oy what a hell that would be! What
would I do to impress a girl friend?"

Alright, but that's just more desire you see.

What you have just said is that you desire to have what you want,
but what you want is to NOT have what you want sometimes for a while.

To add spice and sportsmanship, glory, and courage and thrill and
romance to life via the possibility of hardship and loss.

So let's ask the next top level question:


That's called MAJESTY by the way, MASTER OF JESTY.

JEST means Jokes of Eternal Self Treason, and in case that's a bit
too rough on you, it also means


Humor is the only kind justice there is.

Humor is the only thing that heals horror.

Majesty then is the sovereign desire that desire not be sovereign
for a while.

Power for the Imp Soul stems from Operating Majesty.

So what's this while stuff?

A while is a short or long period of time, between which there is
eternal unimpingable sleep.

The Big Snooze.

Unimpingable means there is no door to knock on, so no one and
nothing can disturb you or wake you up before your time.

That means a being can sleep and not be disturbed in a timeless
eternal state for as long as he wants, whenever he wants.

Try to take 15 seconds of absolute nothing, see if you can do it.

But periodically he wakes up and either decides to go back to
sleep, or he puts a sign out on his door saying wake me if you want to

That's called an invite.

Invites are telepathic, they resonate through all of creation,
until they reach a critical mass of beings, who have also put out an
invite, who all want to be together again in a game of life.

Invite is desire, and desire is invite.

When enough people put out invites, the co resonance of their sum
desires wakes them all up and they find themselves together in a common
universe with nothing going on yet.

That's what they wanted, so that's what they got.

Sovereignty still reigns and in fact sovereignty reigns at all

Sovereignty means you want it, you got it.

Justice is Sovereignty is Justice is Sovereignty.

Thus as hard as it may be to swallow looking from the bottom of the
valley of death, Justice also reigns at all times.

Justice means you get what you postulate (conceive), including all
the things you wanted to have that you wouldn't want once you had them,
because you wanted to have things you didn't want.

That's called Total Responsibility for Condition.

Once their unanimous invite brings them together on an as yet
unadorned playing field, through unanimous desire, intent, volition and
effort, they devise and design a game to play. They choose up sides,
and they say 'go!'.

During the game they may end up mortal enemies with orders to shoot
on sight, but that is part of the game play. It is also part of the
game play to forget who authored the game and who chose to jump in and
play it.

Religious insanity is 'who or what is cause around here and why is
it such an asshole!'

Games consist of freedoms, barriers, and purposes.

Freedoms are abilities to have in the mere conception of things.

Barriers are inabilities to have in the mere conception of things.

Purposes are the things that desire, armed with freedoms and
barriers, wants to accomplish, through time, as a chase.

Dances are games that can not be lost, just do the steps and you
win your goal.

Games are dances that can be lost, one mistep, and it's all over
for you.

Once the game is done, the while ends, and everyone in that
particular rollcall goes back to sleep for as long as they want.

When they next wake up, they have no memory of prior games, as
NOTHING created survives the trans eternity boundary, but they know how
to create games, and they know they have had games before, and will have
them again, not because they REMEMBER them, but because they just know
that's the way it is, and away we go.

That's why whiles are called spacetime game streams.

It is important to a being to NOT get stuck in a single time stream
forever, that forms an incipient hell.

Say you create a universe and put an apple in it, then you build
around that apple and keep building and building. Even if the space and
time you were in were infinite, you would still be stuck with a universe
that was 'apple centric'. That's just one possible universe, all other
possible universes would be out of reach to you.

The only way to fully manifest your self and your abilities and
desires then is NOT to have a single universe of infinite space and
time, but to have an infinite number of universes of finite spaces and

That way every universe is different from the word go, and none can
turn into a hell forever. They can turn into hell's for a while, BUT

"There is peace in the idea that one day *ALL* men will attain the
awakened state" - Sufi

"This dream ends forever when the circle of friends are all holding
hands again." - Adore

And that's why we call the being a total knowingness, not because
he knows everything about every possible universe, but because he
totally knows how to create games without being taught to or even think
about it.

The being is a natural game and universe creator.

It is WHAT HE DOES in the mere conception of it.


Unless he desires to not have, but chase instead, in which case he
won't have for a while.

The primary purpose of a game is to place time between desire and
havingness. The being can create anything he wants in the mere
conception of it, but what he wants most is the chase.

So he has to temper back his absolute god hood, and make himself
able to conceive of things he wants without having them appear
immediately, and thus he can have a game going after it.

Time, chase and games are all the same thing to a being.

The being actually seeks the endless volley, he seeks to play the
game more than win it. Winning causes a loss of the game, so then he
has to create another one.

Beings who are afraid of losing, then become afraid of playing, and
so they don't want to play, but they don't want to lose, so they want to
win more than play, and they usually try to do so by getting others to
play for them, take the risk of losing, yet get the winnings themselves.
That's called out-ethics, and is the beginning of Corruption, Temptation
and Seduction.

It's hard to share anything with others outside of time because the
being tends to zone out to the big snooze if he stays out of time too

He needs to forget he is dreaming and is co author in order to keep
the dream around and solid enough to scare the daylights out of himself.

If you can't scare yourself witless, you have lost your basic
operating power.

I mean this roller coaster ride isn't called Killer Pit for

And only a God could have, would have and should have created it
for his own enjoyment.

So time then becomes his canvas, his art gallery, where he plays
his games with others, shares his self love and beauty with others, and
either creates or enhances the spacetime game stream he is in, for
posterity, and others to play after he is gone, should the game decide
to go on without him.

Players don't have to hang around any game they created to the end.
Many players enter games that are already on going, the originators of
that game being long gone back to the elysian fields of eternity or to
other games.

The purpose of life is the creation of art. Each game is a game of
creating or adding to the canvas of life.

"The purpose of creation is to trade in expression of discovery." -

Which then brings us to the last of the top level questions.

These are the most serious questions in all of existence to ask
yourself, and to get others to ask themselves, bar none.

Your eternal future depend on your attitude and approach to them.

You may never answer them, but in your divine ignorance you had
damn well better honor and respect them, by granting them audience and
your full attention when they call upon you:


Not just this universe we are in now, but the ALL THAT IS that
encompasses the local universe we are in now, and ourselves.

In otherwords, superficial views to the contrary, is DESIRE in
perfect accord with the COSMIC ALL?

Does anything exist which does not have some of your desire in its
creation, and the desire of all of your other team mates and game


Have you made a game out of happiness?



If not,


If so,



- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Tue Feb 10 01:40:54 EST 2009

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Sat Sep 25 03:06:02 EDT 2010
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Friday, September 24, 2010


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Bud McDermot <> wrote:
> I really would like to hear you explain the difference between the
> philosophy or belief system, and the fraud, crime wave etc.
> I've always gathered that you believed scientology had a flawed basis,
> but what is a better view of it?
> It would be good if you were more communicative of this rather than just
> appearing to emphasize one thing to achieve your point.

Forget it, Phil is a computing psychotic, dramatizing endlessly
about his hallucinations on the subject of Hubbard's more endless evil

Everyone has a case, but to Phil, Hubbard was not only a dog pc,
but also a dog messiah.

Whether OT III happened or not, or some equivalent, is an
interesting question, it deserves further study and respect, not

Dropping down from Eternality and peace into Immortality and fear
of hell forever, and further down into mortality and fear of death
forever, is way worse than any physical or mental implant that one could
throw at a being anyhow.

Black V's are Black Infinity cases.

The Black V has no future, *THAT'S* what he can't or won't see.

Most of the nut cases on this group are "dramatizing NO" cases. NO
space opera, NO implants, NO war, NO other civilizations, NO melding, NO
joining, NO merging, NO compacting of beings together, NO nothing. They
have withdrawn from so many different places, times and universes, that
the only place they can be is in their heads.

Get on a meter and assess for how many 'NO's there have been.

Interiorization is exteriorization from everywhere else by going
deeper in.

Consider the sargasso sea, there you find Phil spouting off on a
log of driftwood amongst the seaweed and dead fish who listen

People thus live their lives as dots in a universe of endless

Eventually they all become marbles on the thetan plane, rolling
around and around the drain to hell.


Spot Alone. Spot NO Alone.
Spot Together. Spot NO Together.

Denial of some cosmic history or another is one great big co
excused withhold, if you won't mention how I did this to others, I won't
mention how you did this to me.

Who did what to whom in the end is irrelevant, that's a desert of
death with no results because the being's own choice is at cause.

And above that there is no cause, as not only is the static
spaceless and timeless, it is also causeless.

Hubbard made a serious mistake in defining the static as spaceless,
timeless, massless, and energyless, but nonetheless had cause, could make
postulates. We are *WAY* down from static by the time the illusion of
cause comes into play. I mean so far into the abyss, that we have
forgotten we jumped, who we are, where we came from, *THEN* we get the
idea of cause.

"Man this place is dark, I think I will be cause around here!"

A zillion years later he's digging tar out of the bottom of the
abyss with a pick thinking "Who or what is cause around here and why is
it such an asshole?" Adore calls that religious insanity.


Cause - NO Cause
Causlessness - NO Causelessness

Timeless Cause - NO Timeless Cause
Causeless Time - NO Causless time.

Phil has been asked politely to stop spewing his garbage on a number of times, he often goes away for a while
to preen his integrity another notch in front of a crazy house mirror, but
then he comes back just as fucked up as before.

You can tell this because he puts down Scn, without constructing
something better, faster and more accurate.

Nothing ever changes with the psycho.

We been up to something these last zillion years, what was it?

Don't like the axioms? Then build some new ones that don't start
with Q1: Hubbard was a nut case, Q2: Hubbard was an evil nut case, Q3:
Hubbard was a con man, and Q4: everyone interested in him has been
conned and brainwashed by him.

Perhaps something like the following.

Q1: Hubbard had a case.
Q2: Case is fear of future.
Q3: Future is an illusion.
Q4: Seek Eternality via Spacelessness, Timelessness, Causelessness
and Effectlessness.

Take 10 minutes of *NOTHING*.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Sun Mar 16 16:29:15 EDT 2008

================ ====================
Fri Sep 24 03:06:03 EDT 2010
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Version: GnuPG v1.2.7 (GNU/Linux)

Homerwsmith-l mailing list

Thursday, September 23, 2010


The big joke here is we do not want to audit BY asking questions,
we want to audit ASKING QUESTIONS, by NOT asking questions.

When it comes to auditing questions, asking questions just gives
the preclear another question!.

'Self auditing' or figure figure as LRH calls it, is mostly the
preclear asking questions of himself which is a deadly negative waste of
time and not related to solo auditing where one is trying to spot and
erase the question asking altogether.

Source has no answers and no questions.

The basic solo auditing program is simply:

1.) Spot something of notice.

2.) Spot a question about that item.

Repeat 2 until no more, then go back to 1.)

E/P: No questions, no answers. Wise. At peace.


In article <> you wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I gotta make a few comments here.
> What items you run is much more important than how you run them,
> but using questions to run items is death.
> Death, death, death.
> For example who and what questions are rampant in Scientology, but
> even Scientology offers different ways of running the same thing.
> So rather than run "What did your mother do to you?" you could run
> 'Tell me something your mother did to you", which is a command, or
> simply 'Spot something your mother did to you."
> We call the 'Spot item' form of command the canonical form, as it
> will always work, but there might be times when other forms might work
> better or be more grammatically correct.
> The issue of questions in auditing is serious matter, as the bank
> runs on questions, they are the cylinders of the bank's car, and you
> can't push one cylinder around without moving all (the trillions) of
> other ones too.
> Every time you ask a preclear 'What's the matter', well he's got a
> trillion years of matter to hand you, all in deep failed question churn.
> Who, how, what, where, when, why, which, is it, and can it.
> Mostly :)
> Thus question asking about one item, restimulates ALL items there
> ever were or ever will be.
> The ITEM does not cause the restim, the EFFORTS TO ANSWER THE
> That's because heavy efforts to answer questions are common to all
> items. It's the WANTING TO KNOW that drives the bank.
> The bank creators knew that truth seekers would be a problem,
> eventually finding their way to clear, so they made sure that seeking,
> searching, finding, looking for, and question asking were charged to the
> hilt.
> Seeking, searching, finding, and looking for ANSWERS is the way to
> death.
> Seeking, searching, finding, and looking for QUESTIONS is the way
> back to life.
> Your preclear thinks that
> Questions are the problem and answers are the solution.
> The clear understands that
> Answers are the problem, questions are the solution.
> Thus even if the item is a proper item to be running, the amount of
> charge stirred up by QUESTION ASKING will often swamp the amount of
> charge coming off that item, and the preclear is worse for the wear.
> Thus for any item, we first canonicalize it, then try to create a
> form to run it in that is as far way from asking a question as possible.
> We want auditing COMMANDS, not questions, always, always, always.
> If the preclear can honestly say 'I don't know' to the auditing
> command, then it is too close to a question.
> As a reminder, complete canonicalization of an item would involve
> both the NO and the SOME forms. Often the SOME won't run until the NO
> runs first, and staying in sync is critical to really running the two
> way flows out.
> Spot NO item. (Pretended NO, not-ised)
> Spot SOME item.
> The preclear is never aberrated by a stuck one way flow, but by TWO
> stuck one way flows, IS *AND* ISN'T.
> LRH had a fantastic process that seems to be given little attention
> in the Church standard line up, and which in fact should be run on the
> Church itself by those having a problem with it.
> Spot a condition or item and then run:
> "What do or could you not know about that item."
> First we canonicalize it to:
> "Spot something you could or do not know about that item."
> This is a rough one, because it offers a contradiction to the
> preclear, how can he tell you something he doesn't know, if he doesn't
> know it?
> For example,
> "Tell me something you could or don't know about your mother?"
> Well if you don't know it, how can you tell it?
> This process is NOT meant to find answers for you about your
> mother, but to find QUESTIONS!
> So the preclear may not know how old she is, but he can say
> "I don't know how old she is."
> "I don't know where she was born."
> "I don't know if she was raped by her father."
> But you see each of these are QUESTIONS in disguise.
> "How old is she?"
> "Where was she born?"
> "Was she raped by her father?"
> So why not approach the item directly simply by running
> "Spot a question you have or could have about your mother."
> This form runs exactly the same thing, gets right to the point, the
> questions, and gets the preclear to not know the answers anyhow, BECAUSE
> Nothing will chill out a somatic faster than getting all the
> questions off of it.
> Spot a condition. Tell me a question you have about that
> condition.
> Remember the questions are a deceit, they are an effort to KEEP THE
> SOMATIC AROUND by pretending to want to find out about it, so he can do
> something about it.
> A service facsimile is an excuse for not expressing a resentment by
> asking a question. The E/P is running out the service fac is 'Operating
> Solo Cool'. - Adore
> It isn't necessary to find any answers to get better, it is only
> necessary to spot the missed or bypassed questions that are causing the
> persistence.
> That's a big statement, dig it and don't leave it.
> Once the preclear settles into this, he will suddenly be able to
> spot and feel when his bank is convulsing with its fountain head of
> question asking, even if he hasn't a clue what the question is. It will
> be ALL his questions.
> When this convulsing is chilled out the bank will stop growing more
> solid every living second the preclear is alive.
> The Power process are merely running the top 3 items on the
> Awareness Characteristic Chart, SOURCE, EXISTENCE and CONDITIONS.
> Source is what is cause or not cause.
> Existence is what is or what isn't.
> And Conditions are how things are or are not causally connected or
> conditional upon each other.
> For example, a condition to getting across the river is to have a
> bridge there. Or a condition to staying alive is being able to eat, and
> a condition to being able to eat is to be able to hunt or grow food.
> These causal necessaries to change existence from how it is to how
> you might want it to be, form a web of 'travel' that the being must
> causally walk to get from where he is to where he wants to be.
> Thus conditions are not just more of existence, they are the
> 'barriers' of getting from one existence to another. The same barriers
> that make up the freedoms, barriers and purposes of games.
> So scientology runs Power Process 4 as
> Spot a Source, Spot a not Source.
> Well that's pretty close to canon isn't it?
> We would run instead
> Spot NO source. Spot SOME source.
> Grammar isn't too important, as these ideas are beyond language and
> words, but get the preclear running it however he feels comfortable with
> the commands.
> Scientology runs Power Process 5 as
> What is? What isn't?
> Flunk. Into the garbage pail you go.
> Run it as:
> Spot NO is. Spot SOME is.
> Spot NO something. Spot SOME something.
> Spot NO nothing. Spot SOME nothing.
> Scientology runs power process 6 as
> Spot an existing condition
> Tell me how you handled it.
> This is pretty close to canon, but misses the NO.
> This also tends to confuse condition with UNWANTED existence, which
> is not what it is meant to run, as condition is meant to be defined as
> it is used on the awareness characteristic chart.
> Spot NO condition, Spot SOME condition
> Spot NO handle, Spot SOME handle
> Spot NO problem, Spot SOME problem.
> Spot NO solution, Spot SOME solution.
> OK, now one last comment.
> The power processes simply run the top 3 items of the
> awareness characteristic chart.
> Why keep it secret? You have already published the chart.
> What else do you expect people to do with it except canonize it
> and run it?
> Why not run ALL the items on the chart the same way, using straight
> auditing form?
> Spot NO oblivion, Spot SOME oblivion
> Spot NO criminality, Spot SOME criminality
> If you really want power to be handled for good, run the whole
> chart from bottom to top multiple times using NO and SOME.
> That will give you a power clear like no one has seen before.
> Here is the full awareness characteristic chart.
> Homer
> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
> (607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
> In the Line of Duty
> ======================= ========================
> Posted: Thu Sep 23 14:46:07 EDT 2010
> Send mail to saying help
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> =Tpxl
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> Homerwsmith-l mailing list

Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Homerwsmith-l mailing list


Hash: SHA1


I gotta make a few comments here.


What items you run is much more important than how you run them,
but using questions to run items is death.

Death, death, death.

For example who and what questions are rampant in Scientology, but
even Scientology offers different ways of running the same thing.

So rather than run "What did your mother do to you?" you could run
'Tell me something your mother did to you", which is a command, or
simply 'Spot something your mother did to you."

We call the 'Spot item' form of command the canonical form, as it
will always work, but there might be times when other forms might work
better or be more grammatically correct.


The issue of questions in auditing is serious matter, as the bank
runs on questions, they are the cylinders of the bank's car, and you
can't push one cylinder around without moving all (the trillions) of
other ones too.

Every time you ask a preclear 'What's the matter', well he's got a
trillion years of matter to hand you, all in deep failed question churn.

Who, how, what, where, when, why, which, is it, and can it.

Mostly :)

Thus question asking about one item, restimulates ALL items there
ever were or ever will be.

The ITEM does not cause the restim, the EFFORTS TO ANSWER THE

That's because heavy efforts to answer questions are common to all
items. It's the WANTING TO KNOW that drives the bank.

The bank creators knew that truth seekers would be a problem,
eventually finding their way to clear, so they made sure that seeking,
searching, finding, looking for, and question asking were charged to the

Seeking, searching, finding, and looking for ANSWERS is the way to

Seeking, searching, finding, and looking for QUESTIONS is the way
back to life.

Your preclear thinks that

Questions are the problem and answers are the solution.

The clear understands that

Answers are the problem, questions are the solution.

Thus even if the item is a proper item to be running, the amount of
charge stirred up by QUESTION ASKING will often swamp the amount of
charge coming off that item, and the preclear is worse for the wear.

Thus for any item, we first canonicalize it, then try to create a
form to run it in that is as far way from asking a question as possible.

We want auditing COMMANDS, not questions, always, always, always.

If the preclear can honestly say 'I don't know' to the auditing
command, then it is too close to a question.

As a reminder, complete canonicalization of an item would involve
both the NO and the SOME forms. Often the SOME won't run until the NO
runs first, and staying in sync is critical to really running the two
way flows out.

Spot NO item. (Pretended NO, not-ised)
Spot SOME item.

The preclear is never aberrated by a stuck one way flow, but by TWO
stuck one way flows, IS *AND* ISN'T.


LRH had a fantastic process that seems to be given little attention
in the Church standard line up, and which in fact should be run on the
Church itself by those having a problem with it.

Spot a condition or item and then run:

"What do or could you not know about that item."

First we canonicalize it to:

"Spot something you could or do not know about that item."

This is a rough one, because it offers a contradiction to the
preclear, how can he tell you something he doesn't know, if he doesn't
know it?

For example,

"Tell me something you could or don't know about your mother?"

Well if you don't know it, how can you tell it?

This process is NOT meant to find answers for you about your
mother, but to find QUESTIONS!

So the preclear may not know how old she is, but he can say

"I don't know how old she is."

"I don't know where she was born."

"I don't know if she was raped by her father."

But you see each of these are QUESTIONS in disguise.

"How old is she?"

"Where was she born?"

"Was she raped by her father?"

So why not approach the item directly simply by running

"Spot a question you have or could have about your mother."

This form runs exactly the same thing, gets right to the point, the
questions, and gets the preclear to not know the answers anyhow, BECAUSE

Nothing will chill out a somatic faster than getting all the
questions off of it.

Spot a condition. Tell me a question you have about that

Remember the questions are a deceit, they are an effort to KEEP THE
SOMATIC AROUND by pretending to want to find out about it, so he can do
something about it.

A service facsimile is an excuse for not expressing a resentment by
asking a question. The E/P is running out the service fac is 'Operating
Solo Cool'. - Adore

It isn't necessary to find any answers to get better, it is only
necessary to spot the missed or bypassed questions that are causing the

That's a big statement, dig it and don't leave it.

Once the preclear settles into this, he will suddenly be able to
spot and feel when his bank is convulsing with its fountain head of
question asking, even if he hasn't a clue what the question is. It will
be ALL his questions.

When this convulsing is chilled out the bank will stop growing more
solid every living second the preclear is alive.


The Power process are merely running the top 3 items on the
Awareness Characteristic Chart, SOURCE, EXISTENCE and CONDITIONS.

Source is what is cause or not cause.

Existence is what is or what isn't.

And Conditions are how things are or are not causally connected or
conditional upon each other.

For example, a condition to getting across the river is to have a
bridge there. Or a condition to staying alive is being able to eat, and
a condition to being able to eat is to be able to hunt or grow food.

These causal necessaries to change existence from how it is to how
you might want it to be, form a web of 'travel' that the being must
causally walk to get from where he is to where he wants to be.

Thus conditions are not just more of existence, they are the
'barriers' of getting from one existence to another. The same barriers
that make up the freedoms, barriers and purposes of games.

So scientology runs Power Process 4 as

Spot a Source, Spot a not Source.

Well that's pretty close to canon isn't it?

We would run instead

Spot NO source. Spot SOME source.

Grammar isn't too important, as these ideas are beyond language and
words, but get the preclear running it however he feels comfortable with
the commands.

Scientology runs Power Process 5 as

What is? What isn't?

Flunk. Into the garbage pail you go.

Run it as:

Spot NO is. Spot SOME is.
Spot NO something. Spot SOME something.
Spot NO nothing. Spot SOME nothing.

Scientology runs power process 6 as

Spot an existing condition
Tell me how you handled it.

This is pretty close to canon, but misses the NO.

This also tends to confuse condition with UNWANTED existence, which
is not what it is meant to run, as condition is meant to be defined as
it is used on the awareness characteristic chart.

Spot NO condition, Spot SOME condition
Spot NO handle, Spot SOME handle

Spot NO problem, Spot SOME problem.
Spot NO solution, Spot SOME solution.

OK, now one last comment.

The power processes simply run the top 3 items of the
awareness characteristic chart.

Why keep it secret? You have already published the chart.

What else do you expect people to do with it except canonize it
and run it?

Why not run ALL the items on the chart the same way, using straight
auditing form?

Spot NO oblivion, Spot SOME oblivion
Spot NO criminality, Spot SOME criminality

If you really want power to be handled for good, run the whole
chart from bottom to top multiple times using NO and SOME.

That will give you a power clear like no one has seen before.

Here is the full awareness characteristic chart.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

======================= ========================
Posted: Thu Sep 23 14:46:07 EDT 2010
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