Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Hash: SHA1

- From newsstand.cit.cornell.edu!travelers.mail.cornell.edu!news.kei.com!uhog.mit.edu!sgiblab!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!ix.netcom.com!netcom.com!msb Wed Jan 18 19:42:48 1995
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
Path: newsstand.cit.cornell.edu!travelers.mail.cornell.edu!news.kei.com!uhog.mit.edu!sgiblab!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!ix.netcom.com!netcom.com!msb
From: msb@netcom.com (Mark S. Bilk)
Subject: Ways to publicize the attack on a.r.s (was: Reality Check
Message-ID: <msbD2LusH.266@netcom.com>
Organization: Cosmic Church of the Orgone Goddess
References: <211336Z17011995@anon.penet.fi>
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 1995 14:26:41 GMT
Lines: 710

In article <211336Z17011995@anon.penet.fi>, Klukas2 <an181288@anon.penet.fi> wrote:

>Nor should we argue that one can always change the name of ars.
>Instead,a full campaign should be put underway to keep things
>as they are now.
>Taking the situation now lightly could prove very costly.
>Believing the cos is not poweful could prove very costly.
>Newgrouping ars is a good step.
>Petitioning is also a good step.
>But we really want the media reporting on this extensively.
>Anybody out there with good media connections or media gimmicks?

I think the story of the Church of Scientology's attack against
a.r.s, and particularly the personal attack against Tom Klemesrud,
will eventually get very wide circulation and attention, particu-
larly since the latter event has violated the virtuality of cyber-
space--it's no longer just a matter of electrons in a wire and
letters on a screen, but real live psychotic zombies invading our
homes, through the front door, not the phone line.

Here is a list of e-mail addresses for several hundred newspapers,
magazines, TV networks, etc. (Of course, it's possible that a
phone call to a publication's news department may be a quicker
way to get in touch with a reporter and get the story out.)

Taken from this list, some Internet/computer oriented publications
that may be interested in the story (the first two *surely* will,
and the third is a good bet, too):

Wired editor@wired.com
Mondo 2000 mondo@well.com
Internet World meckler@jvnc.net

Associated Press
"On the Net" column ONLY weise@well.sf.ca.us
Computer Currents 73554.3010@compuserve.com
Infoworld letters@infoworld.com
MicroTimes microx@well.sf.ca.us
San Diego Union-Tribune
Bi-weekly Internet section only computerlink@sduniontrib.com

Some progressive publications that might carry it (since the
motivation of the CoS in this affair seems to be greed for $$$
and mind control):

Mother Jones x@mojones.com
The Nation nation@igc.org
The Progressive, Madison, Wisc. progmag@igc.apc.org

However, don't be limited by the above suggestions. Also, it might
be best to precede an email with a phone call to a reporter, so
they will know to look for the mail.

This list of Internet mail addresses for a variety of mass media,
is provided courtesy of the excellent PNEWS progressive political
mailing list (subscription requests to odin@gate.net).

The categories are:


(This text is over 630 lines long, so check that you have received
the last line, which says "<*** End of List ***>".)

Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 22:18:19 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Media List
From: Hank Roth <odin@gate.net>


Anchorage Daily News 74220.2560@compuserve.com
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Little Rock news@arkdg.com
The Baltimore Sun
To reach reporters or comment
on the paper (NO letters to the
editor or subscription requests) baltsun@clark.net
Boston Globe
Story Ideas news@globe.com
Circulation Requests circulation@globe.com
Letters to the Editor letter@globe.com
Submissions to "Voxbox" column voxbox@globe.com
Comments on Coverage/Ombudsman ombud@globe.com
"Ask the Globe" ask@globe.com
Thursday Calendar Section list@globe.com
Health & Science Section howwhy@globe.com
Confidential Chat chat@globe.com
City Weekly Section ciweek@globe.com
Real Estate section lots@globe.com
Religion Editor religion@globe.com
Arts Editor arts@globe.com
"Plugged In" plugged@globe.com
Boston Herald
Political comments heraldpol@delphi.com
Other op-ed comments heraldedit@delphi.com
Champaign-Urbana (Ill.) News-Gazette
Comments on local news only gazette@prairienet.org
Chicago Tribune tribletter@aol.com
Chronicle-Telegram, Elyria, Ohio macroncl@freenet.lorain.oberlin.edu
The Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch crow@cd.columbus.oh.us
Letters to the editor letters@cd.columbus.oh.us
Contra Costa County Times, Calif.
Letters to the editor cctletrs@netcom.com
Corvallis (Ore.) Gazette-Times 74250.2373@compuserve.com
Daily Citizen, Washington, D.C. ben@essential.org
Daily Dawn, Karachi, Pakistan dawn@khi.imran.pk
Des Moines Register dsmreg@delphi.com or
Flint (Mich.) Journal fj@flintj.com
Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland gawyb@ikp.atm.com.pl
The Guardian, U.K. letters@guardian.co.uk
"Notes and Queries" nandq@guardian.co.uk
Computer Page computerg@guardian.co.uk
"Online" online@guardian.co.uk
The Independent, U.K.
Computer Page comppage@independent.co.uk
International Herald-Tribune iht@eurokom.ie
Irish Times computimes@irish-times.ie
Jerusalem (Israel) Post jpost@zeus.datasrv.co.il
Journal American, Bellevue, Wash. jaedit@aol.com
Journal Newspapers, D.C. area thejournal@aol.com
The Knoxville (Tenn.) News-Sentinel
Newsroom kns-news@use.usit.net
Letters kns-letters-to-editor@use.usit.net
Middlesex News, Framingham, Mass. mnews@world.std.com
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Letters to the editor opinion@startribune.com
Minnesota politics feedback, etc. politics@startribune.com
Morning Journal, Lorain, Ohio mamjornl@freenet.lorain.oberlin.edu
The Namibian, Windhoek, Namibia tom@namibian.com.na
Norwich (Conn.) Bulletin norbull@aol.com
The Olympian, Olympia, Wash. olympian@halcyon.com
Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, Ont. ottawa-citizen@freenet.carleton.ca
Peoria Journal Star, Peoria, Ill.
Letters to the Editor ONLY xxnews@heartland.bradley.edu
Philadelphia Inquirer
Editorial page editpage@aol.com
Phoenix Gazette - NO press releases phxgazette@aol.com
Portland Oregonian oreeditors@aol.com
Prague Post 100120.361@compuserve.com
Sacramento Bee
Letters, op-ed pieces sacbedit@netcom.com
St. Petersburg (Fla.) Times 73174.3344@compuserve.com
Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake City the.editors@sltrib.com
San Francisco Examiner sfexaminer@aol.com
San Jose Mercury-News
General sjmercury@aol.com
Letters to the editor letters@aol.com
San Mateo (Calif.) Times smtimes@crl.com
Santa Cruz County (Calif.) Sentinel
Letters to the editor sented@cruzio.com
News desk sentcity@cruzio.com
Seattle Times
Op-Ed opinion@seatimes.com
Personal Technology ptech@seatimes.com
Springfield (Mo.) News-Leader
Letters to the editor nleditor@ozarks.sgcl.lib.mo.us
Press releases nlnews@ozarks.sgcl.lib.mo.us
Sun-Sentinel, Broward County, Fla.
Grapevine vineeditor@aol.com
Die Tageszeitung, Berlin briefe@taz.de
Tallahassee Democrat letters@freenet.fsu.edu
Toronto Sun
"Page Six" pagesix@aol.com
Tucson (Ariz.) Citizen
Letters to the editor tcnews@aol.com
USA Today
Letters to the Editor usatoday@clark.net
Vancouver (Wash.) Columbian vanpaper@aol.com
Winnipeg Free Press, Winnipeg, Man.
News tips city_desk@freepress.mb.ca
Library library@freepress.mb.ca
Letters to the Editor letters@freepress.mb.ca
Computer Columnist pihichyn@freepress.mb.ca
Computer Editor minkin@freepress.mb.ca


Austin (Texas) Chronicle xephyr@bga.com
Bay Windows, Boston baywindo@world.std.com
Channel, Point Richmond, Calif channel@calon.com
CityPages, Minneapolis citypages@igc.apc.org.
City Paper, Philadelphia 71632.57@compuserve.com
City Sun, New York, N.Y.
Computer column sysop@f206.n278.z1.fidonet.org
Eye, Toronto eye@io.org
Hill Times, Ottawa, Ont. ab142@freenet.carleton.ca
Icon, Iowa City icon@igc.apc.org
Los Gatos (Calif.) Weekly-Times lgwt@livewire.com
The Mirror, Montreal, Quebec mirror@fc.babylon.montreal.qc.ca
Morgenbladet, Oslo, Norway truls@telepost.no
NuCity, Albuquerque, N.M. nucity@swcp.com
Palo Alto Weekly, Palo Alto, Calif. paweekly@netcom.com
Ridgefield (Conn.) Press 71052.3315@compuserve.com
The Riverfront Times, St. Louis, Mo. rft@plink.geis.com
The Stranger, Seattle stranger@cyberspace.com
Sunday Times of London
Innovation innovation@delphi.com
Tico Times, Costa Rica ttimes@huracan.cr
Tucson (Ariz.) Weekly
Letters to the Editor ONLY 71632.105@compuserve.com
Twin Cities Reader, Minneapolis sari23@aol.com
The Village Voice, New York, N.Y. voice@echonyc.com
Voir, Montreal voir@babylon.montreal.qc.ca
Washington City Paper washcp@aol.com
Weekly Mail&Guardian, Johannesburg, SA wmail-info@wmail.misanet.org
XS, Broward County, Fla. xsmag@satelnet.org


BG News, Bowling Green State U., Ohio bgnews@andy.bgsu.edu
The Bucknellian, Bucknell Univ. bucknellian@bucknell.edu
Colorado Daily, Boulder, Colo. colorado_daily@onenet-bbs.org
Cornell Daily Sun Cornell.Daily.Sun@cornell.edu
The Daily, Univ. of Washington daily@u.washington.edu
Daily Bruin, UCLA
Viewpoint (op-ed) viewpoint@asucla.ucla.edu
The Daily Northwestern, Evanston, Ill. daily@merle.acns.nwu.edu
Daily Pennsylvanian, Univ. of Penn. dailypenn@a1.relay.upenn.edu
Daily Texan, UT-Austin texan@utxvms.cc.utexas.edu
The Daily Universe, Brigham Young Univ.
Op-ed submissions letters@byu.edu
The Dialogue, Duke Univ. mockg@mail01.adm.duke.edu
Gair Rhydd, Cardiff Univ., Wales gairrhydd@cardiff.ac.uk
GW Hatchet, Geo. Washington Univ. hatchet@gwis.circ.gwu.edu
The Hustler, Vanderbilt Univ. hustler@ctrvax.vanderbilt.edu
The Iowa State Daily daily@iastate.edu
JSU Newsletter, Polytechnic Univ of NY jsu@photon.poly.edu
Kansas State Collegian, Kansas State U. rjohnso@ksu.ksu.edu
Minnesota Daily, U. of Minnesota network@edit.mndly.umn.edu.
The Muse, Memorial Univ., Newfoundland muse@morgan.ucs.mun.ca
National College U. Magazine umag@well.sf.ca.us
Oxford Student, Oxford Univ. theoxstu@black.ox.ac.uk
The Peak, Univ. of Guelph, Canada peak@uoguelph.ca
Planet Communications, U. of Toronto editor@planet.org
Redbrick, Univ. of Birmingham, UK redbrick@bham.ac.uk
The Reporter, Polytechnic Univ of NY reporter@photon.poly.edu
The Sagebrush, Univ. of Nevada, Reno sgbrush@shadow.scs.unr.edu
The Sewanee Purple, Univ. of the South, purple@seraph1.sewanee.edu
Sewanee, Tenn.
The Shield, Univ. of Southern Indiana janderso.ucs@smtp.usi.edu
The Student Movement, Andrews U., Mich smeditor@andrews.edu
The Tartan, Carnegie-Mellon Univ. tartan@andrew.cmu.edu
The Tech, MIT, Cambridge, Mass.
Letters to the editor letters@the-tech.mit.edu
Cavalier Daily, University of Virgnia cavdaily@virginia.edu
Washington Square News, NYU nyuwsn@aol.com


Adbusters adbuster@wimsey.com
Advertising Age
Letters to the editor ehbu73a@prodigy.com
Interactive Media & Marketing ywkj04a@prodigy.com
The Advocate
Letters letters@advocate.com
Info-server info@advocate.com
Allure alluremag@aol.com
The American Prospect tap@world.std.com
American Journalism Review
Letters to the editors/queries
(NO press releases) editor@ajr.umd.edu
The Annals of Improbable Results air@mit.edu
Arcana david@hslc.org
Area Magazine, Australia pwilken@peg.apc.org
BioScience aibs@gwuvm.gwu.edu
Brown Alumni Monthly, Providence, R.I. bam@brownvm.brown.edu
Budapest Business Journal, Hungary 100263.213@compuserve.com
Business Week bwreader@mgh.com
Chronicle of Higher Education editor@chronicle.merit.edu
Canadian Treasurer, Toronto mcdouga@ecf.utoronto.ca
Submissions for peer review jrudy@cause.colorado.edu
Clinical Data Management anneb@delphi.com
Clinical Psychiatry News, Rockville,Md. cpierce@cpcug.org
Classroom Connect, Lancaster, Penn. edit@wentworth.com
Colors, Rome, Italy colors.mag@agora.stm.it
CM Magazine, San Francisco cmmag@aol.com
Daily Pacific Builder, San Francisco dbuilder@aol.com
Delta (Mathematics, physics, chem), delta@plearn.edu.pl
DePauw Magazine, Greencastle, Ind. mlillich@depauw.edu
Details detailsmag@aol.com
Earth First! Journal earthfirst@igc.apc.org
Electric Shock Treatment, U.K.
(innovative and experimental music) bd1@mm-croy.mottmac.co.uk
Electronic Music Magazine emeditorial@pan.com
Family Practice News, Rockville, Md. cpierce@cpcug.org
Final Frontier 72075,516@compuserve.com
Flagship (play by mail)
US 76702.1365@compuserve.com
Feedback, RPGs 100042.400@compuserve.com
Editor, rumors 76276.2147@compuserve.com
Frank Magazine, Ottawa, Ont. ag419@freenet.carleton.ca
Focus, UK focus@gjofuk.demon.co.uk
Focus, Munich, Germany 100335.3131@compuserve.com
Forbes 5096930@mcimail.com
Free Times 71632.165@compuserve.com
Glamour glamourmag@aol.com
Go World ishius@ishius.com
GQ gqmag@aol.com
Head Magazine, U.K. 100344.1203@compuserve.com
Illinois Issues, Springfield, Ill. wojcicki@eagle.sangamon.edu.
Infowar Review gldneaglpr@aol.com
Inside Media mediaseven@aol.com
InterFace Magazine, Victoria, BC jedi@dataflux.bc.ca
Internal Medicine News, Rockville, Md. cpierce@cpcug.org
Internazionale, Italy r.internazionale@agora.stm.it
Interrace Magazine, Atlanta 73424.1014@compuserve.com
Kurier Chemiczny (Chemical Courier), kurier@chem.uw.edu.pl
Lambda Book Report, Washington, DC lambdabookreport@his.com
Living Marxism, UK lm@camintl.org
Mademoiselle mllemag@aol.com
Media West, W. Vancouver, B.C. shyba@wimsey.com
Medical Laboratory Observer
Letters to the editor editor.mlo@medtechnet.com
Tips & Technlogy tips.mlo@medtechnet.com
Computer Dialog computer.mlo@medtechnet.com
Management management.mlo@medtechnet.com
Midwifery Today & Childbirth Education midwifery@aol.com
Mondo 2000 mondo@well.com
Mother Jones x@mojones.com
Letters to the editor ms@echonyc.com
Multichannel News higgins@dorsai.dorsai.org
The Nation nation@igc.org
New Church Life david@hslc.org
The New Republic editors@tnr.com
New Scientist, U.K.
U.S. bureau 75310.1661@compuserve.com
"The Last Word" newsc1@stirling.ac.uk
Letters to the editor letters@newsweek.com
"Periscope" ghackett@newsweek.com
NOW Magazine, Toronto news@now.com
Oberlin Alumni Magazine alummag@ocvaxc.cc.oberlin.edu.
Ob.Gyn. News, Rockville, Md. cpierce@cpcug.org
One Country, Baha'i International 1country@bic.org
Ottawa (Ont.) Magazine aq060@freenet.carleton.ca
Ottawa (Ont.) Business Magazine aq060@freenet.carleton.ca
OutNOW!, San Jose, Calif. jct@netcom.com
Pediatric News, Rockville, Md. cpierce@cpcug.org
Physicians's Office Laboratories (POL) Advisor
Letters to the editor editor.pol.mlo@medtechnet.com
Problem Solver problem.pol.mlo@medtechnet.com
Playboy edit@playboy.com
Playboy Forum forum@playboy.com
Dear Playboy dearpb@playboy.com
Postepy Fizyki (Advances in Physics), postepy@fuw.edu.pl
Private Eye, UK strobes@cix.compulink.co.uk
The Progressive, Madison, Wisc. progmag@igc.apc.org
Real Goods News realgood@well.sf.ca.us
Reason 70703.2152@compuserve.com
Red Pepper, UK redpepper@gn.apc.org
Rolling Stone, New York rollingstone@echonyc.com
Running Wild Magazine, Lincoln, Mass. runwild@world.std.com
St. Charles Countian, Missouri pacmosteve@aol.com
S.F. Examiner Magazine sfxmag@mcimail.com
Security Insider Report p00506@psilink.com
Self comments@self.com
General editorial inquiries science_editors@aaas.org
Letters to the editor science_letters@aaas.org
Manuscript reviews science_reviews@aaas.org
General news science_news@aaas.org
Silueta, Santa Rosa, Calif. silueta@wave.sci.org
Skin & Allergy News, Rockville, Md. cpierce@cpcug.org
Soundprint soundprt@jhuvms.hcf.jhu.edu
Sky & Telescope, Cambridge, Mass. skytel@cfa.harvard.edu
Southwestern Union Record 72734.1717@compuserve.com
Spectrum, New York, N.Y. n.hantman@ieee.org
Der Spiegel, Germany 100064.3164@compuserve.com
Stern, Hamburg, Germany 100125.1305@compuserve.com
3D-Magazin, Germany 3d-magazin@stereo.stgt.sub.org
Streetsound, New York streetsnd@aol.com
Time timeletter@aol.com
Training Magazine, Minneapolis trainmag@aol.com
Transitions, Univ. of Southern Indiana jwolf.ucs@smtp.usi.edu
U. Magazine umag@well.sf.ca.us
Ultramarathon Canada an346@freenet.carleton.ca
Urb, Los Angeles urbmag@netcom.com
USA Weekend usaweekend@aol.com
U.S. News and World Report 71154.1006@compuserve.com
Utne Reader editor@utnereader.com
VeloNews, Boulder, Colo. velonews@aol.com
Vibe vibeonline@nyo.com
Vogue voguemail@aol.com
Washington Technology technews@access.digex.net
West Countian, Missouri pacmosteve@aol.com
Whole Earth Review wer@well.sf.ca.us
Wired editor@wired.com
Z, Sweden z.mag@zine.se
Zielone Brygady (Green Brigades), zielbryg@gn.apc.org
Zurnal UP, Palacky University, Czech veselovs@risc.upol.cz


Associated Press
"On the Net" column ONLY weise@well.sf.ca.us
No general messages
Conus Washington/TV Direct conus-dc@clark.net
Cowles/SIMBA Media Daily simba02@aol.com
Greenwire greenwre@apn.com
Katolicka Agencja Informacyjna, Poland kai@ikp.atm.com.pl
Media Page mpage@netcom.com
M2 News Agency, U.K. satnews@cix.compulink.co.uk
National Press Photographers Assn. loundy@plink.geis.com
Newsbytes newsbytes@genie.geis.com
Telecomworldwire, U.K satnews@cix.compulink.co.uk
World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters
Montreal, Quebec amarc@web.apc.org


BBC World Service iac@bbc-ibar.demon.co.uk
"All in a Day" allinaday.cbc@uniboard.synapse.net
"Cross-Country Check-Up" checkup@babylon.montreal.qc.ca
CBC Radio
"Brand X" brandx@winnipeg.cbc.ca
"Brave New Waves" bnw@babylon.montreal.qc.ca
CBS, "Late Show with David Letterman" lateshow@pipeline.com
Channel 500 fitv@aol.com
Global News cnnglobal@aol.com
Prime News primenews@aol.com
Requests for coverage cspanprogm@aol.com
Questions during live call-ins cspanguest@aol.com
Viewer services and questions cspanviewr@aol.com
Channel 2, "Rapport," Sweden twonews@basys.svt.se
FilmNet, Europe 70671.1624@compuserve.com
Fox TV foxnet@delphi.com
Fox TV
"Encounters" 74663.3011@compuserve.com
Maine Public TV, "Media Watch" greenman@maine.maine.edu
Monitor Radio, Boston radio@csps.com
Nebraska Educational TV, Lincoln, Neb. etv@unlinfo.unl.edu
Namibian Broadcasting Corporation
Head office marietha@nbc_hq.nbc.com.na
Nexus International Broadcasting Assn., 100020.1013@compuserve.com
Milano, Italy
Nat'l Alternative Network, Minneapolis nanrev@aol.com
National Public Radio
"Talk of the Nation" totn@npr.org
"Talk of the Nation/Sci.Friday" scifri@aol.com
"Fresh Air" freshair@hslc.org
"Weekend All Things Considered" watc@clark.net
"Weekend Edition/Sunday" wesun@clark.net
"West Coast Live" owner-west_coast_live@netcom.com
"Dateline" dateline@news.nbc.com
"Late Night with Conan O'Brien" conanshow@aol.com
Nightly News nightly@news.nbc.com
"Today" today@news.nbc.com
"TV Nation" tvnatn@aol.com
Ohio University Public Radio radio@ohiou.edu
Ohio University Public Television tv@ohiou.edu
Polskie Radio Program I, Poland radio1@ikp.atm.com.pl
Polska Telewizja Kablowa, Poland ptk@ikp.atm.com.pl
PBS, "POV" povonline@aol.com
"Radio Graffiti" alan@panix.com
Public Radio International (formerly APR)
"Marketplace" market@usc.edu
Radio Nederland letters@rn-hilversum.nl
Rush Limbaugh Show 70277.2502@compuserve.com
Spectrum, Holmdel, N.J. spectrum@overleaf.com
TV Ontario, "The Future" the_future@tvo.org
Voice of America/Worldnet Television
From outside the U.S. letters@voa.gov
From within the U.S. letters-usa@voa.gov
QSL reports, outside U.S. qsl@voa.gov
QSL reports, inside U.S. qsl-usa@voa.gov
Agriculture Today agri@voa.gov
VOA-Europe (English) voa-europe@voa.gov
VOA-Morning Program voa-morning@voa.gov


Radio Havana, Cuba
"DXers Unlimited" radiohc@tinored.cu
CJLB Radio News, Thunder Bay, Ont. an80386@anon.penet.fi
CJOH-TV, Ottawa, Ont. Can. ab363@freenet.carleton.ca
KARK, Little Rock, Ark. newsfour@aol.com
KGTV, ABC, San Diego kgtv10@aol.com
KHOU-TV, Houston khou@neosoft.com
KING-AM, Seattle king1090@aol.com
KIRO-AM/FM, Seattle kiro@halcyon.com
KKSF-FM and KDFC-AM/FM, San Francisco
General comments comments@kksf.tbo.com
News releases news@kksf.tbo.com
KOMO-AM, Seattle normg@halcyon.com
KOMU-TV, NBC, Columbia, Mo. swoelfel@bigcat.missouri.edu.
KOIN, Portland, Ore. koin06A@prodigy.com
KPIX-TV, San Francisco kpix@aol.com
KREV-FM, Minneapolis
General rev105@aol.com
"Moonlight Meditations" lunarev@aol.com
KRON-TV, San Francisco
Gardening segment garden4@aol.com
KUAT-TV, PBS, Tuscon, Ariz. comments@kuat.arizona.edu
KUOW Radio, Seattle kuow@u.washington.edu
KUSP-FM, Santa Cruz, Calif. kusp@cruzio.com
KWMU-FM, St. Louis, Mo. kwmu@umslva.bitnet
KWTV, Oklahoma City tv9@aol.com
KXTV-TV, Sacramento, Calif. kxtv@netcom.com
KYTV, Sprinfield, Mo.
News releases kytvcom@sgcl.lib.mo.us
Editorial comments kytvnews@sgck.lib.mo.us
KZSU, Palo Alto, Calif. releases@kzsu.stanford.edu
W58BR, Washington, DC jdfalk@cais.com
WAGA-TV, Atlanta wagatv@america.net
WBBM-TV, CBS, Chicago wbbmch2@aol.com
WBFO-FM, NPR, Buffalo, N.Y. wbfo@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu
WBNQ-FM, Bloomington, Ill. radiobn@heartland.bradley.edu
WCBS-AM, CBS, New York news88a@prodigy.com
WCVB-TV, Boston, Mass. wcvb@aol.com
WCCO-TV, Minneapolis, Minn. wccotv@mr.net
WDCB Radio, Glen Ellyn, Ill. scotwitt@interaccess.com
WEOL-AM, Elyria, Ohio maweol@freenet.lorain.oberlin.edu.
WEOS, Geneva, N.Y. weos@hws.bitnet
WEEK-TV, Peoria, Ill. xxweek@heartland.bradley.edu
WFAA-TV, ABC/CNN, Dallas/Ft. Worth
"Computer Corner" only news8@onramp.net
WFIU-FM, Bloomington, Ind.
"Friday Edition" friday@indiana.edu
WFLA-AM, Tampa wfla97b@prodigy.com
WFMJ-TV, Youngstown, Ohio news21a@yfn.ysu.edu
WGN-TV, Chicago wgntv@aol.com
WHDH-TV, CBS, Boston 74201.2255@compuserve.com
WHO-AM, Des Moines, Iowa news@who-radio.com
WHTZ-FM, New York z100radio@aol.com
WICB, Ithaca, N.Y. wicb@aol.com
WISC-TV, CBS, Madison, Wisc. wisctv@macc.wisc.edu
WISH-TV, CBS, Indianapolis, Ind. wish08b@prodigy.com
WJBC-AM, Bloomington, Ill. radiobn@heartland.bradley.edu
WKRN-TV, Nashville, Tenn. wkrntv@edge.ercnet.com
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Monday, May 30, 2011


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It is pretty clear that most of the psychosomatic stuff people are
walking around with is not of this life, but rather immortal hells of
their own or others they are pulling in on themselves to deal with the
blunt injustices of life that they have suffered and have occasioned on

One might claim that all these restimulations were done in
this life, thus auditing this life alone should be able to
key them all out again, but I would counter that the being
was in a highly restimulated state when he took on the body
in the first place, and in fact the assumption of the body was
itself part of those immortal hells he was stuck in before.

Immortally stuck in the hell of having to suffer mortal flesh
over and over again and not know it.

Thus our lives are in no way benign, we are here to suffer and
eventually perish as spiritual beings at the bottom of the tone scale.

In looking at our present sufferings then, and possibility
recognizing them to be cave in of prior immortal hells, we need
to consider the possibility of a GOD, similar to the Christian
God, from whom only good flows, and from whom man flowed, but
from whom all evil flows.

As an eternal being we are theoretically able to mock up any kind
of nonsense universe we wish, particularly in our lust for such hells
that always arise.

It is perfectly conceivable that we mocked up a universe, with a
God who created us, and got involved in the war between good and evil,
and annoyed our God a bit too much and got thrown into an immortal hell,
of one kind or another. Namely the one we are sitting in, in present
time, going to doctors for.

In trying to run this out, one naturally tries to rebuild one's
relationship to that God, hey if he can throw us into a hell, he can
throw us into a heaven too. Maybe with a little humility and awareness
of God's purpose we could realign ourselves with him, and stop making
him wrong, and maybe on a good day he might forgive us, and set our
lives right.

But in trying to do this, one always runs into the problem of

If God created us, (assuming we didn't mock him up to do so), then
we had no CHOICE in being created and thus no choice in our existing.

For a being conceived in choice, and whose very nature is to make
choices, it would be odd that his very existence was based in NO choice,

If you didn't have a choice in your existence, then you would have
had no choice in having to choose more after you existed, you gotta make
choices just to survive in this universe.

Now maybe you didn't have to choose more after you were created,
you could have just sat there forever doing nothing.

But could you have chosen to not exist if you had wanted to, to
just end it all forever?

So there may be a God, or a being playing God, or a being elected
to the post of God by the rest of us, but the idea that God CREATED us
is problematic, because that starts our existence with no choice.

Now if we are eternal then we probably have no choice about
existing anyway, but also do we not have any choice about not existing.
I don't mean existing in time, I mean existing period.

The problem with God then, is not that we didn't have a choice to
exist or not, but that our existence was dependent on SOMETHING ELSE'S
choice, and thus may our non existence be similarly dependent.

This is an ARC break of magnitude. Most beings are not willing to
admit it, because they afraid of their God, a petty jealous tyrant to
say the least who detests the truth of himself most of all, and the
truth of his creatures who secretly hate him. And he is just vain
enough to miss it on them. Or to hold it against them if he manages to
notice their seething broil underneath their smiling renditions of the
hymn "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty".

But the truth is being created is like being raped, only worse.

You couldn't have been raped until you were created.

If there is no choice in our existence, and no choice in the kind
of universe we find ourselves in, that creates a whole hell of a lot of
people walking around in a hot bed of charge on the subject of no

It's not the rape or the crucifixion that matters, its the
prior no choice in being there.

Even if one didn't choose the crucifixion, even if one wasn't even
vaguely appraised of the possibility of the crucifixion, the mere fact
that one had chosen to be in that arena and could have not chosen, makes
the crucifixion runable, where otherwise it never will be.

That goes for rape too, and any other childhood or adult injustice.

Because nothing will run until basic on the chain is resolved, and
basic on the chain of injustice is EXISTENCE IN THE HANDS OF SOMEONE

That's the primary DONE TO YOU, you were MADE without a purchase

Being created IMPLIES no purchase order.

Thus it is the aim of auditing to spot and run the purchase order

The choice to believe in no choice.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com

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Posted: Mon May 30 10:58:19 EDT 2011
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I do not perceive acceptance to be an act of will, something you
have a choice about doing or not doing.

I perceive acceptance to be the natural result of concordance
between desire and things as they are, perceived reality.

Reality is here defined as that which we think is true.

Actuality is here defined as that which is true.

I believe that desire and truth are co synchronous and
concordant, that is eternally in perfect accord.

Thus all violations of desire involve lies. However since these
lies are themselves the issuance of truth, they too are in accord with

It is possible to have a lie that is not an issuance of truth,
but then this lie would never be issued, as Truth is the issuer of

The All-That-Is is conceived as literally form of Living Truth.

This Living Truth seeks expression through manifestation of
persisting harmonic lies.

Truth is Harmony and Accord..

Lies are Disharmony and Dischord.

Beauty and Humor result from Dischord - Resolve sequences.

By harmonic I mean an artistically created Dischord - Resolve

A harmonic lie is a lie that is in harmony with Truth, via a
Dischord - Resolve cycle.

By resolving the lie into its truth, Beauty and Humor are
obtained, and the purpose for creating the lie becomes revealed.

This ends the violation of desire.

The primary game of this Living Truth seems to be the issuance of
apparent imperfections in a perfect manner.

As long as desire does not see that a false reality is a lie, or
as long as desire does not see that the lie itself is a harmonic
issuance of truth, then desire will find violation in that falsehood,
AND HENCE UNACCEPTANCE, and it will continue to do so until desire
recognizes that the lie is in fact a falsehood, *AND* that it is in
fact a harmonic issuance of truth.

Wisdom then contains two understandings:

1.) Only truth is acceptable.
2.) ALL truth is acceptable.

Knowing these facts, the conscious unit can bring acceptance to
an event even though it has not yet found the understanding necessary
to produce harmonic resolution. It does this through rejectance of
all knowings whether false or true concerning the event, in order to
deactivate the violations of desire caused by as yet unspotted lies.

You can't know a lie, if you are not knowing everything.

This process of acceptance through not knowing is faith.

Faith however is the result of inner certainty that truth and
desire are eternally concordant and that *ALL* violations of desire
are the result of lies which are themselves the harmonic issuance of
truth, even if it is not immediately apparent that this is true at the

Such initial acceptance *RESULTS* from an act of will powered by
faith and wisdom.

The will however, expects a return on its investment, a return
that is in accord with both truth and its desire.

Bringing truth and desire back into alignment is a major
stumbling block on the way to enlightenment.

Faith born of vision must be strong, and the ability to not know
must be strong.

The real question then is how can a lie be a harmonic issuance of


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Mon May 30 03:06:03 EDT 2011
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Sunday, May 29, 2011


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Kathie Lynch (kathielynch@home.com) wrote:
>I totally agree Homer. That's why I've been asking, "Is a 2D really a

A 2D is a *TEAM* playing in the game of families and futures.

Team members will compete with each other in playing the game.

Take a game of doubles tennis. The two teams of two are
competing against each other, but each person on the same team is
constantly trying to impress and outdo the other in competency.

Sometimes competition between team members hurts competition
between teams, then team members have to bring it back into limits,
but competition is the game fuel for all involved.

*Serious* games are merely aberrated games.

Once you have someone who considers that 'serious games' are what
life is about, then you have a walking tombstone. He lives in rock,
walks in rock, walks AS rock, and figures he will be buried in rock
with a rock tombstone.

Where ever there is no humor or fear of potential no humor, you
have dramatization, forevers, and aberration.

>So nobody has directly answered my question.
>Is the 2D a game?

I have.

2D consists of parents, mates and children, into the past and
into the future, playing as a team with and against other teams to
enhance the future (a process called libido by Freud).

Libido is not just 'sex', it is the whole get up and go involved
in trying to craft a better civilization or AllThatIs by the end of
the day.

"What are you going to do on the planet today?"

From the big picture all teams are on the same side, 'trying to
enhance the AllThatIs'. So its a win win situation. People or teams
who are playing against trying to enhance the AllThatIs are
suppressive and have taken on the valence and side of MEST which is
entropy and disenhancement incarnate.

MEST is the true 'other side' and the true suppressive. Any SP
can be seen to be in the valence of MEST, uncaring, random, chaotic
and long term destructive. We have enough of that in MEST, we don't
need it in beings who should all be on the same side.

But from a samller view, although all teams are supposed to be on
the same side enhancing things, they can and will compete AGAINST each
other, to out class each other, do better than the other, inspire the

The Inspirer 'wins' and the inspiree looses :)

Until the next cycle when the inspiree gives it back 10 fold.

As long as people work within 'WHILES' and not 'FOREVERS' they
remain sane and do not dramatize.

Once they start dramatizing FOREVERS, creating, surviving,
destroying forever, or believing in things which do, they become what
they fear most forever, or until they give it up :)

Only unmanifest native state is forever, all cycles of manifestation
are CYCLES, and thus exist in 'whiles'.

And the forever of native state is not the same thing as a
forever of time. Eternal scalar time is not the same as infinite
linear or multidimensional time.

Eternal scalar (dimensionless) time is real that is native state.

Infinite multidimensional time simply just doesn't exist, but
dramatization likes to pretend it does and that you or someone else is
going to be stuck in it forever!

That is the secret to sanity, run out the *FOREVERS* on the case.

E/P is apparent infinite multidimensional time vanishes to be
replaced by eternal scalar time.

Must never happen again, must always happen again, can't have
forever, must have forever, these are all forevers on the case.

The only valid can and must have forever are cycles of
manifestation, anything within the manifestation is mortal and must
end in perfect peace and anihilation one day.

"By een spange over i ver est irimoni aliri da i quan dorelethir
da ciren, ta palo derithina irl ine damona da Irilinen, est, iriteena,
ine mythen da Elerendil."

As one taveles through the vast and unfathomable reaches of the
4 dimensions of nowhere, one must eventually come to the end of
Infinity and ultimately the beginning of Eternity.



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Sun May 29 03:06:02 EDT 2011
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Saturday, May 28, 2011


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CB Willis (cbwillis@adore.lightlink.com) wrote:
>But to do this credibly he would have had to fairly and accurately state
>the positions of the other religions and denominations, else he would have
>only straw men arguments, which is what much of his writings against
>Christianity look like.

Well yes, I do this too when I get on a roll, "All Christians
suck flaming crosses!".

What I would have done, rather than mention religions by name, is
go after concepts and ideas like, "Hell forever for the acts of 4
score and 20", and "God made us" rather than we are God in carnation,
then people could pick and choose from their own religions the best
and discard the rest.

I also would have done a lot of comparative religion, showing
where their many differing views are on the tone scale, showing that
each religion had good ideas and perversions, so that people could
tell the difference.

Problem with Scn is it wanted to be a science of salvation, but
that is kind of an oxymoron. One could concievable reduce the
operating principles of this universe down to a science, but that is
kind of dry. Hubbard in fact was very dry in his writings, sometimes
one wonders if he ever felt anything deeper than anger.

Having never been around him, I can't tell you, but from reading
his stuff, its just spiritless dryness from top to bottom.

He also never used the word Sovereignty in its proper connotation
once as far as I can tell.

He used responsibility instead in its place.

Again the beauty of divinity replaced by the dryness of science.

So while he was working on his science of the AllThatIs, he
managed by definition to come up with a religion, a science of
realization, of ultimate epistomology, of Creation even, and then had
to take back his 'this is all science' stuff.

I dunno, maybe he had a lousy definition of religion, we look it
up in the dictionary and it is pretty lame, but its roots come from
"To Bind", reconnection to the fountain head of Source etc,

Religion: 1.) A set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature and
purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of
a super human agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and
ritual observances and often having a moral code for the conduct of
human affairs.

Religion: 1.) The expression and of man's belief in and reverence
for a superhuman power recognized as the creator and governor of the

Two different definitions, two different dictionaries.

Basically I feel the word has been defined down to mean blind
faith and beliefs in a supreme being kind of thing, rather than a true
understanding of the Cosmic All.

It is unclear to me where religion parts ways with science,
philsophy, epistomology and ontology etc. Why couldn't we have a
science of God and Salvation?

Generally science is an outward thing, it needs peer review,
objective corroboration. Science of course fails utterly when you try
to corroborate the existence of the corroborators! Meatballs refuse
to admit that though.

Religion is an inward thing, it goes where science as such can
not. But it was the scientists that defined science and limited it to
'objective' phenomenon, so maybe that's where they lost the Cosmic All
as their proper play ground. They think it is all 'out there', when
in fact they inherited nothing actual to study at all, as in truth it
is all 'in here'.

Adore solves the problem with

"The purpose of Creation is to Trade in Expressions of

Creation Religion God
Discovery Science Man
Expression Art Woman
Trade Business Child

The subject of the purpose and mechanics of creation then are
properly the subject of religion.

WHAT is created, the apparently external virtual holodeck of
Matter Energy, Space and Time, Adore's Time Stone, is the proper
subject of Science.

As one masters the external physical universe one produces art in
it, not just pretty things to look at, but *FUNCTIONAL* art, machines,
things that work etc, food, clothing, selter wares, things that
express the knowledge that one has made in discovery.

Then one engages in fair trade amongst each other in these
functional expressions of discovery which is business.

The child is trying to master business as his first order of
business! Produce and trade.

The woman is trying to master art, expression of discovery.

The man is trying to master discovery.

In this society women are mostly forced to do child's work, and
men are doing women's work. Few are in their own correct zone.

The God is trying to master creation.

These are *PHASES* of a being's evolution up through a particular
area of control, they have little to do with the body, except the sex
and age of the body arbitrarily overlays on top of the basic phases of
the spirit being and can hinder or help them as the case may be.

Beings who are in 'good shape' tend to pick bodies that are most
capable of furthering their own phase and purpose for incarnating.

Adore is a baby phase religion, and thus this is a (very young)
child's view of how it all stacks up.


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Friday, May 27, 2011


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From the static comes everything that comes.

The static is harmless and harm free.

It can not impinge upon, nor be impinged upon without its own say

The static however can cause the kinetic.

All life is the static, the great multi I-AM God, incarnated as the
kinetic in the form of conscious units in all things.

The conscious unit is the static acting as an apparent individual
inside the kinetic vessel it has built for itself.

Everything is a conscious unit, from the tiniest quark on up.

Atoms and molecules and biological entities are all made of
smaller conscious units bound together as a team, and have themselves
a single conscious unit at the top of the team.

Some motion in the kinetic can harm other motion according to the
agreements that have been made.

Optimum life consists of optimum motion, not too much and not too
little in all arenas of operation.

An optimum amount of time for a game to take place in, is called a
while, never infinite in length, always finite in length, but as long as
is appropriate to the game in question.

The static invites itself into the game as multiple individual
players with their own viewpoint of the game, that is location in space
and time.

Since all players are child processes of the static, they are
brothers and sisters to each other and are bound by the ties of the
Cosmic Family.

Thus all games, and all players in all games, are fair chosen, even
in the games where they appear not to be.

One can fair choose to pretend that one didn't fair choose, but
only for a while :)

Even though brothers, once sides are chosen up, beings can
end up on high opposite sides of the game.

Since the game is fair chosen, and the invite was offered and
accepted by all, the game continues in fair chosen glory regardless of
who wins or who loses.

But games have rules, and sometimes a being will choose to break
the rules, to try to win by cheating.

When one deals with a brother that has erred on the dark side of
the force, one feels for them and treats them differently than if one is
offended against by a 'total stranger' that is 'not family'.

One treats the brother as oneself, one treats the stranger as

There are no strangers, but it can be mocked up to seem as
if there are.

The brother is treated as 'I would rather he not err on the dark
side of the force and we will do our best to bring him back.'

The alien is treated as 'would rather he not exist at all'.

For family members one lives by 'All for one and one for all'.

For strangers one lives by 'To hell with them'.

One 'owns' everyone that one considers part of one's family.

One 'disowns' everyone else.

As everyone and every *THING* is in fact a living conscious
incarnation of the static, and thus part of one's family, disownership
of any kind is a grave sin.

If one spent a microsecond in hell for every being in existence
that one considered not part of one's personal family, how long would
that stretch be?

The hell comes about from regret when one realizes the guy was your
'long lost' brother after all and not some asshole from hell you could
have done better without.

Disownership leads to death of the disowner, not the disowned.

Thus justice is swift and merciless, but perhaps not as expected by
the dazed game player.

Thus "...do not send for whom the bell tolls, for it tolls for

The hell created by disownership however can be reversed into a
heaven merely by reowning what one has disowned.

There is no "It's too late, you had your chance!" nor is there any
time to be served after the full confession and repentence is complete.

No Hell can out last a full confession and repentence.

It is really just a matter of changing your mind and deciding not
to be an idiot any more.

Just as one can invite anyone in to play a game, one can also
disinvite them right out again by duplicating the invite in.

One disinvites by reinviting.

But one can only invite someone in as a brother.

family member.

Likewise you can invite yourself out of any game, but only as a
brother amongst other brothers.

The most fundamental overt act of harm against another is ruining
their ability to return to static at will, ruining brothership.

Ruined brothership leads to beings all disowning each other, trying
to disinvite each other, and all stuck like sardines in a can together
to the end of time.

The last great spiritual war left EVERYONE in ruin, spiralling
around the whirlpool in the sargasso sea of sick, dead and dying

Ask someone how they are doing someday, they CAN'T tell you how
they are doing, that's how far gone they are, they don't even know

What we call an up and coming civilization is but driftwood in the

Whiles can be pretty long, certainly they can outlast any sardine
can anyone might wish to create.

Efforts to kill, murder, destroy, or permanently harm a being fall
into this class of overt.

It is the implied FOREVER in the mal intent that creates the damage
on the intender.

We aren't talking about bodies here, you can always get another
body. Bodies get slaughtered in games all the time, if only as food,
but it's the intent behind the killing that counts.

The intent to kill someone FOREVER.

That violates the while and comes after a failed disinvite via
re-invite, so class is gone.

'Class is an attitude, that all should live forever and be my
friend' - Adore

Replace the word friend with brother or sister, and you got it.

Once class is gone, only hell remains.

One may never have actually committed a murder, but everyone has
assuredly wished murder off on something or someone, probably many in
the past.

Murder by will alone is an OT ability, and even if it fails, it
counts as a done.

(OT means Opertaing Thetan, a spirit with full native powers.)

The attempt was done, right?

Attempted murder counts as accomplished murder.

The failure of an attempt to murder is not a measure of one's
guilt, but a measure of one's competency.

We are not talking about the law of the land here which can not
measure intent, but the law of the sky, your own law, which can.

The overt act, whether it succeeded or not, is followed by regret.

Regret is an effort to turn time back, and failing that leads to a
must never happen again, powered by the fact that it happened at least

'Must never happen again' is accomplished via what ever means of
restraint that the being can devise, all the way up to ruining his
ability to do it again, driving the event down into oblivion so it
"never happened in the first place," and removing himself from areas and
realities where he might be tempted to commit it again.

We call this, one's temper. Temper is not the inclination to
anger, temper is the tempering of anger into nonexistence.

After regret, we seek to recover the free flowing golden temper of
the static, but we do so with restraint, self punishment and burial
under force and mass.

There is no golden light nor static in that direction.

Anger and no sympathy are buried under waves of sympathy for the
victim, and both sink into mass and oblivion never to be thought of
again, until the next impingement.

As life continues, the temptation impinges on him again and again.

As life congeals into vast clusters of flaming assholes via the
many dwindling spirals offered them, life becomes one solid rage trying
to not-is everyone out of existence and to make nothing of everything.

Failing that life crystalizes civilizations on Earth or elsewhere
where everyone has two tones, the true screaming mad tone below hiding,
and the outward social tone of 'How you doing? Just fine thank you.'

With each impingement or provacation the being commits the crime or
anger, hatred and no sympathy again feeling justified, but soon is back
in the regret and restraint stage.

This forms an 'indecision sandwich' which consists of anger, regret
and restraint on one side, indecision in the middle and justification on
the other.

Overt -> regret -> restraint -> indecision -> justification ->

When he is not commiting the murder, he should be because it is

When is is committing the murder, he shouldn't be because he is
restraining it.

So which is it?

Regretted and restrained, or justified and committed?

Worse, overt acts you cause against others in this life get buried
under overt acts others caused to you in past lives and visa versa.

This is called the Co Excused Withhold.

Co excused withholds are not the same as mutual withholds, which
are times when two people are committing the same overt acts against
others and neither considers the other guilty of any wrong doing because
both are doing the same wrong.

Bonny and Clyde had mutual overts of robbing banks, and thus mutual
withholds from the rest of the world.

A co excused withhold is when you as a mother abuse your child last
life, find yourself being abused as a child by your mother in this life.

The overt against you in this life creating anger, restimulates the
overt you committed against your kid in a past life creating regret, and
the anger and regret cancel forming a 'nothingness' and sinks into

Let's do this again.

If your mother caused you as a child in this life to form an
indecision sandwich, and you AS a mother caused your child to form an
indecision sandwich in a past life, the two will sink together into

This arises from the following computation: "If you won't complain
about what I did to a child in a past life, I won't complain about what
you are doing to me as a child in this life."

Co excused withholds can also be used as blackmail the other way

"If you don't complain about what I am doing to you in this life, I
won't complain about what you did to another in a past life."

The primary overt acts then are acts of disownership and permanent
separation from the victim, which then tempts and allows you to treat
them as if they were not you or your own brother.

When dealing with people, always ask yourself, "Would I treat my
own brother or sister this way?"

When a being is disowned the chalice is broken that connects us all
as one. It then becomes possible to commit overt acts of hideous joy
against them.

Torture is a kind of hideous joy to the torturer.

"This is not brother or sister of mine."

Imagine having to torture your own brother in time of war.

Hideous joys involve forevers and nevers.

Disownership means forever, which means I regret inviting you in,
in fact I don't believe I did invite you in, and even if I did, I will
NEVER invite you in again, and I wish you out of this game now and
FOREVER more, in all games for the rest of time and eternity.

Space time game streams are created in a finite while.

Punishing someone 'for a while' can mean either for a short while,
shorter than the length of the full while, or it can mean for the length
of the full while, for the rest of the game to its end.

But not longer. Punishments can not survive game's end.

Punishments are part of game rules, but punishments for brothers
are not the same as punishments for disowned strangers.

The disowner ends up in a greater hell long run than any punishment
he conjured up for another.

Punishments conjured up by a disowner STICK TO THE DISOWNER and not
the disowned.

When two disowners go at it against each other, it can get pretty

This is what Christ found on the cross, he had to end his
disownership of those driving in the nails to reattain the beautific

"Forgive them Lord for they know not what they do," is not a behest
to God, for God is incarnated as everyone of us and is driving the nails
into himself!

It is a behest to ourselves, to recover brothership with those that
crucify us, so the pain turns to pleasure.

"You are crucified on the cross of being cross while you are
crucified." - Adore

It is all a matter of disownership and brotherhood.

This is not a superficial brotherhood, but a state where the
conscious unit is once more attached inwardly directly to the static,
the fountainhead of source, and outwardly to the kinetic, and sees
DIRECTLY that others are his brother at the static level.

Pleasure is basically family feeling.

Where there is no pleasure, there is no family, and where there is
no family, there is no pleasure.

We are not talking the 2nd dynamic body family of blood and sex.

We are talking the zero-th dynamic of Source and Sourcer, which
spawns all the rest.

One runs the indecision sandwich with something like,

Spot, tell me about, get the efforts of, or otherwise to taste:




Then we try to take the restraint -> indecision -> justification
apart with,

Who or what are you still trying

To kill
To kill for a while
To kill for ever

Add the modifiers, for a while, and for ever, to all items

Also run the NOT side of the command.

Not to kill
Not to kill for a while
Not to kill for ever

The following is a partial list, the pc will have HUNDREDS of such
times, some subtle, some violent, all involving classless handling of
detested terminals.

To murder
To destroy
To harm
To hurt
To punish
To cause pain to
To torture
To disgrace
To castigate
To teach a lesson to
To make wrong
To make guilty
To make succumb
To separate from
To disown
To disinvite


E/P No longer in hell and not prone to revisiting without
fair chosen intent.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Fri Nov 28 15:56:05 EST 2008

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