Monday, October 29, 2018

ADORE631 (fwd)

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A being can confront (turn to pleasure and vanish) something larger
and earlier, but not something smaller and later.

How can this be?

A being has to be bigger than what he is trying to confront in
order to confront it. Big enough to create it, even if he didn't.

Originally a being is bigger than anything he can create or
experience, he HAS TO BE in order to create or experience it.

But a being can decide to become smaller than something he is
creating or experiencing, and thus no longer be able to confront it.

This is fair chosen, desired and intended, with full awareness of
the consequences.

The being, by postulate, may not be aware of the specific
consequences, but he is fully aware of the broad possible outcomes.

There is an innate governor to consequences, born of fundamental
desire and the mechanics of operation; that governor is acceptable to
the being, so he doesn't care about specific consequences.

All he cares is, that this time, things be different than last

Of course if this is an original creation, there is no last time,
as as-isness permits no persistence across the void of unmanifestation,
and that alone guarantees that this time things will be 'different'.

The being however can engage in this artful dodge many times
underneath an original prime creation, each an effort to start a new
game inside one already going on.

Here is how it works.

The being at size 100 creates an experience of size 99, so he is
bigger than it.

But he decides with full intent and a twinkle of the eye that he
can't handle this thing because he is too small, and he shrinks down to
size 50.

He may do this in one act, to hide the true order of causation.

"Whoa! Where did THAT come from?!"

followed by

"Who or what is cause around here, and why is it such an asshole!"

LATER someone or something creates something at size 75, and the
being at size 50 finds this unconfrontable, can't turn the pain to
pleasure, can't own it, can't control it, so it owns and controls him.

This is the basic on crucifixion, and is why many have called the
physical universe the 'plane of crucifixion.'

At this point the being has two possible choices to make.

He can confront the earlier bigger experience, or he can try to DO
something else about the second later experience.

Notice that doing is a commitment in time of effort to the
postulate that either there is no earlier bigger experience or that he
can't as-is it if there is. And he certainly can't as-s the second
later experience at 75, because he is being only 50.

Thus the roller coaster ride begins.

The first choice is to confront as much of the 75 experience as he
can until the earlier bigger 99 experience shows itself again.

Then he can erase his postulate that he is smaller than the 99
experience, thus regaining his 100 size. This allows him to erase the
99 experience AND the 75 experience fully later.

When he first tries to erase the 75 experience it will start to
release, but then it will go more solid.


The smaller later experience isn't going more solid under its own
power, but under the power of the earlier 99 experience shining through.

It is going more solid because the power is coming from the earlier
experience, but the being is alter-ising it to seem like it is coming
from the later experience.

Alter-isness causes persistence and solidity.

The later experience is going 'more solid', but that solidity is
actually the earlier experience as yet unrecognized as such. Since the
original is right there, all he has to do is recognize it as earlier
bigger and it will start to blossom and release.

The alter-isness can be vanished merely by recognizing that there
must be an earlier bigger experience. This moves the being's attention
off the later experience going more solid, to the earlier one which his
attention is on already anyhow, and which is many times more solid even

However flinch and cringe free contact with this original solidity
will cause it *INSTANTLY* to flow and release as beautiful pleasure
waves and fairy dust.

One doesn't have to wait for the release to take place or suffer it
for any amount of time before it starts to go. What CAUSES the pain and
solidity is flinch and cringe, so in the absence or lessening of these,
the original experience in exact same measure starts to ephemerize into
pleasure, humor and vanishment.

In fact, no matter how horrendous or who did what to whom, everyone
in the whole experience chain will feel the release even if only one
person run's it out in himself. The karma group is held together by
unanimous non confront. One breaks it, and the rest can not hold on for
long to their deceit of suffering, and their misassignment of "who or
what is cause around here and why is it such an asshole?"

The point of holding on has been removed by one player releasing
the game.

And they say there is no telepathy.

So it doesn't matter if you did it to them, or they did it to you
or others, if one handles it, it is GONE.

The High US is a multi group mind whether we know it or not, and
thus auditing one being in a group, audits everyone in that same group.

No Goober, you can't save the world by saving yourself, but you can
save your own karma group.

If one being from every karma group on the planet were to audit
himself clear on these matters, the whole world would wake up and the
nightmare slumber party would be over.

One being can belong to many different karma groups, so woe to the
being that belongs to all of them! But generally this is not the case.
There are lots of different independent games being played out on this

So we have our work cut out for us.

The fact that earlier bigger experiences 'shine through' into later
smaller experiences, is why it is not possible to run a later experience
to full release if there is an earlier bigger experience that is
unacknowledged and un run.

It is possible for a being to 'do a bunk' on the earlier experience
while running out the later one.

Doing a bunk usually happens when the later experiences have not
been run enough, and the being is so overwhelmed by the existing charge
on the chain that he 'snap's out of the chain, particularly the basic on
the chain, giving the appearance that the chain is erased, without
having touched the basic experience.

This 'keys out' the earlier basic as if it never happened, and
allows him to 'finish' erasing the later experience. But this is only a
key out, neither the second nor the first experience are fully gone, and
they will come back at some point to bite him in the future.

The being will only be able to run the later smaller experience to
full release AFTER fully releasing the earlier bigger experience.

That is why after the being reaches basic on a chain, and blows the
postulate, you have to bring him experience by experience back up to
present time blowing all the remaining shards of the things that started
to erase but got more solid before he reached basic.

So as-ising the earlier original creation or experience is his
first possible choice when confronted by something that is bigger than
him but later on the chain.

His second choice is to find a solution to the second smaller but
still overhwelming experience.

This creates a (hopeless) game, namely to DO something about the
later experience to avoid its overwhelm, but leaving it in place.

This usually takes place by going out of valence into the winning
valence of the experience, thus appearing to not be overwhelmed because
he has become the overwhelmer.

The victim takes refuge in becoming the victimizer.

This will be accompanied by postulates to the effect of the wisdom
of such action, which become 'lessons learned' never to be forgotten,
which lead ultimately to a dwindling spiral.

Lessons weigh, they are an imprint, a brand that has mass, that
contains wisdom about how to make sure something never happens again.
One must put continuous attention on them with eternal vigilence lest
that thing does happen again.

A dwindling spiral is caused by the being shifting more and more
into valences that are more powerful than himself, but not as big as his
original self. Each valence shift adds mass, postulates (lessons of
'wisdom') and walls of pain to keep him away from his true self, and
thus he sinks like a stone in the ocean of time, sunk by the yoke around
his neck upon which his lessons are written.

The above is the anatomy of damnation if you care.

Hells may be bad places but they are safe bad places that are never
as bad as what is on the other side of the wall where his true self
really lies.

And even then the other side is only as bad as the being refuses to
go earlier similar to the original experience wherein he can recover the
fair chosen twinkle of an eye and his seat of sovereignty over his
creations and future, should he choose to have one.

That said, the most dangerous place you can be is a free being.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Sun Jan 11 22:41:06 EST 2009

================ ====================
Mon Oct 29 12:00:04 EDT 2018
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

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HomerWSmith-L mailing list

furies1.memo (fwd)

I don't usually post other's writings to this list, but this
one is worth it.



I have been training, coaching and processing clients on the
subjects of success, prosperity and happiness, for more than forty
years. In that time I have been able to observe and handle most case
conditions. But there has been two very deeply hidden case conditions
that booby-trapped or have been extremely difficult to handle, and not
handled at all, in other practices.

What are the two deeply hidden case conditions?

1. A terrifying FEAR of being trapped, compressed spiritually
and contained in a degrading, inhibition of powers and self in a
restraining psychic box.

This sets up a compulsive exterior
elsewhereness, and a can't get in and stay in
to successfully play the games of life,


2. A terrifying FEAR of being free to be their full operating
Spiritual Selves.

This creates a chronic stuck in, can't get out
of, situation, that traps the being
into constant failure, poverty and unhappiness
in life phenomena.

Both of these terrifying FEARS stem from the same destructive
case source "The Furies," this has been deliberately and completely
missed on ALL Spiritual Beings.

"The Furies" are a crucial manifestation of destructive phenomena
for all Spiritual Beings and their cases that have been studiously and
continuously mutually avoided by all human potential practices, their
practitioners and clients.

This continuously avoided crucial destructive phenomena is more
fully known as "The Furies, their chronic problems and solutions."
"The Furies, their chronic problems and solutions" have been
constantly missed or wrongly handled on ALL cases!

This has activated and by-passed an immense amount of energy and
charge on yours and their cases and life.

So unconfrontable and terrifying are the spiritual rages, hates,
forces, charge and potentials for violence contained in "The Furies,"
almost all clients, practitioners and practices have entered into
unknowing involuntary replications of telepathic tacit sabotaging
agreements to avoid approaching, accessing, disturbing, activating or
handling the subject highly charged, negative emotion areas connected
to "The Furies."

"The Furies, their chronic problems and solutions" are a violent
enraged manifestation of the SPIRIT, not of the mind or body,
consequently it takes a completely different methodology to handle the
area of "The Furies, their chronic problems and solutions."

Nothing, in your long and checkered history, creates as much
upset, conflict, chaos and destruction in your life and environment,
as you suddenly and spontaneously manifesting roaring into a "state of
extreme violent enraged spiritual, psychic and telepathic Fury"

"The Furies, their chronic problems and solutions" are the most
damaging self-destructive actions a being can instigate into its own
universe and others universes..


As a Spiritual Being begins its exciting, adventurous, upward
transformational journey to the restoration and recovery of its
massive potential, the expansion of its psychic and telepathic powers.
The Spiritual Being will, as it makes gains, continue to ascend
through the Zones and dramatically expand its awareness.

Those unwanted, disturbing areas of life or behavior, from which
the Spiritual Being has run away from, kept hidden from view, or
denied and kept in denial, will begin to return, thus forcing those
unwanted, disturbing areas and what you did to solve the problems and
upsets in those areas back to partial view. Not enough to make sense
but enough to cause a disturbance or chaos.

Consequently past, present and future effected areas of "The
Furies, their chronic problems and solutions" will naturally begin to
manifest themselves. Generally being ignored or lightly pushed aside
by most practitioners.

This failure to properly handle "The Furies, their chronic
problems and solutions" can totally mess up the Spiritual Beings
forward progress in life and their cases, transferring the past area
of "The Furies, their chronic problems and solutions" into the present
and the future. Producing and causing disastrous effects on the
Spiritual Beings success, prosperity and happiness in life.


As a being's awareness and power returns the being's memory and
consciousness also expands, more of the past, present and future comes
to view.

The sequence unfolds itself in this manner:

1. A surge in awareness, or an Ascension Experience.

2. A sudden rise up the Zones.

3. A new unfamiliar upper level of life operating basis.

4. Awareness continuing to expand.

5. More of the past coming to view.

6. Activation of past unwanted, disturbing areas.

7. Old past problems and solutions being newly dramatized.

8. Areas of out integrity and unethicalness beginning to
manifest in present time. =09 9. Being becomes upset and bad

10. Being becomes treacherous and abusive. Heavy, gross
violations of their Codes, Virtues, Honesty, Principles and Integrity.

11. Being begins to blame those around them for the existing

12. Being doesn't correctly identify the truth, begins to
explain, justify and talk about handling non-optimum situations. Does
not do anything effective. Unknowingly experiencing heavy past
accessing of old unwanted, disturbing areas.

13. Begins to hate self and others. Abandons any workable
helpful technology, pushes and sells non-working technology.

14. Goes into raging destructive Fury.

15. Destroys Own and Others Universes, and begins to abandon
everything and everyone connected to itself.

16. Abandons Own Wants and Games. Stops others from getting
what they WANT.

17. Begins to spiritually seek to compress and contain self in a
restrictive, inhibiting life reality box or container.

18. Has a chronic problem of controlling its destructive FURY.
Solves this chronic problem by making a major life self determined
intention to find ways to compress, bury, restrain and contain self.

19. Has to make life and games of life CHANGES in order to solve
the problems stemming from the FURY. Another solution is to find
others who will tacitly and overtly go into agreement with the being
to create the disguise of the illusion of REALITY that the being MUST
BE buried and contained in an illusive life REALITY, to disguise and
inhibit the being's skills and abilities by compressing them in a box
or container.

20. End of Game phenomena.

21. Divorce, bankruptcy, depression, bewilderment, end of old
relationships, end of career, continuos failure and poverty.

22. Becomes a victim of "them and they." "They did this to me.
Look what you did to me."

23. Is constantly being abused.

24. Denies everything.

25. Trapped, compressed and stuck in the disguise of the
degraded, inhibiting, non-spiritual containment box.


When you or another manifest "The Furies, their chronic problems
and solutions," one of two phenomena takes place, they are as follows:




When you or another spiritual being dramatizes or goes into "The
Furies" phenomena one manifestations, you or another spiritual being
shatters, destroys and disperses your and their own universes, plus
all past, present and future holographic creations, wants, dreams,
telepathic visions, psychic connections, commands and communication

You or they are thrown out of now time and now space,
compulsively forcing you or them as Spiritual Beings into being pushed
out, by the by-passed charge contained in the destroyed creations.

Your now time and now space is full of seething charge and chaos,
making those areas unoccupiable. This automatically forces you or
them outside of the physical universe, into "an enforced elsewhereness
state of huge beingness."


"An enforced elsewhereness state of huge beingness" is very
deceptive, as it generates a euphoric false sense of certainty of your
knowledge and total invincibility, awareness, ability, perception,
capability, rightness and confidence of your psychic and mental

These euphoric false senses cause you to totally believe you can
be anything, do anything and have anything. You can create big
picture scenarios, are full of great ideas and plans to create huge
empires and vast wealth.

Perhaps the most destructive aspect of this state of being is you
are so convinced of your knowledge, your total and absolute
invincibility you can easily convince others into investing their time
and money in your "big grandiose ideas and big pictures."

The truth is all this is possible, but, "not if you are in the
furies and in an enforced elsewhereness state of huge beingness." You
are booby-trapped, as you cannot stay around, in the physical
universe, long enough to produce a meaningful long term
accomplishment, result or completion of your big picture, because "The
Furies, their chronic problems and solutions" are painfully,
continuously and compulsively forcing you to go away and be elsewhere!

This painful compulsive continuous elsewhereness shows up in many
varied areas of your life. Work, relationships, sex, career,
business, sport, timing, production, the pursuits of your wants,
dreams and aspirations ALL suffer disastrously. The reason for this
is a terrifying FEAR of the Spiritual Being becoming trapped,
compressed and contained in some form of "A Compression of Spirit

The most common solution to handle this is, the constant dumping
of your hats and responsibilities onto others, who are incapable of
doing what is expected of them.

You then attack and blame them for what you are completely guilty
of doing, that is: You are not wearing your hats or being responsible.
The end product of all this euphoric false sense of invincibility, is
disaster and chaos for all those who invested in your ideas, plus you
have betrayed your friends and are now very heavily in debt.

What is worse, you are even more enraged and stuck deeper in "The
Furies, your chronic problems and desperate self destructive


The phenomena one manifestation causes immense harm and
destruction to all those connected. Lives are completely shattered by
this event.

This is what lies behind bad investing, divorce, poverty, the
homeless, bankruptcy, destroyed careers, destroyed relationships,
broken homes and active criminality.

At the time the spiritual being goes into "The Furies, their
chronic problems and desperate destructive solutions," they attempt to
misdirect everyone from finding out their harmful and destructive
acts, by becoming very enraged at those around them and the subject
they are engaged in producing or applying.

The being goes into a heavy attack mode and blames everyone
connected to them, for having trapped and compressed them, making them
do harmful acts, forcing them to lie , to not deliver what they
promised, for causing them to experience and create their enraged and
furious physical, mental and spiritual destructive case and life
conditions, attitudes and moods.

The being becomes even more evil by using "a righteous attitude
or identity" in a desperate attempt to escape entrapment, being
compressed and stuck in a containment box. They handle this by
defending their positions and making themselves right, rather than
being honest and fully discovering the whole truth.


For a while, the being maintains the feelings of euphoria, as
they have become "free from" the game and the people they were playing
with. They are also not committing harmful acts, nor do they have to
be responsible for, or clean up their past misdeeds and harmful

By blaming everyone else for their condition, the being believes
it has won the game by sticking everyone else with the responsibility
and clean up.


The truth is they have lost, big time! They lost their game
completely, they lost their players and teammates, they lost a place
to apply their skills, they lost their wants, they lost their dreams
and aspirations.

Slowly their life, games and relationships begin to disintegrate.


Even more soul destroying, the furious beings are NOW FULLY and


They and their teammates have unknowingly joined and become part
of the "Enemy Gang of Evil Beings" who are The Evil Negative "Don't
want to know" Black Forces of the Universe."

This evil being partnership is in gross violation of the
Spiritual Beings Basic Codes, Virtues, Principles, Honesty, Goodness
and Integrity. As the partnership of "The Evil Beings" are dedicated
to the restraint, compression and containment of ALL Spiritual Beings
in the universe.

To handle this huge overwhelming problem, the only long term
workable desperate destructive solution is to create "A Compressed
Spirit Container."


These "Compressed Spirit Containers" are mutual involuntary and
unknowingly telepathically created mental and psychic boxes,
misdirection self-control containment magnetic fields, devices,
machines or objects, in which to capture, trap, compress and lock the
spiritual self into, with the purpose to inhibit or totally suppress
the skills, abilities, cleverness, telepathy and psychic powers of the
Spiritual Being.

This spirit containment, is then covertly and continuously
telepathically sold to others in order to get their unconscious mutual
agreements to make this compression and containment a solid

These mutual agreements are implemented in order to create a
series of webs of mutual compression's, restraints, inhibitions,
suppressions, oppressions, with the total intention to limit ALL
psychic and telepathic abilities, skills, strengths, powers and
cleverness for ALL who are in agreement with degrading, inhibiting and
compressing the Spiritual Being into a containment box.

By telepathically choosing other like beings, who have the same
treachery, fury and the need to punish themselves, to help the
Spiritual Being to implement this incredible mutual spiritual
inhibition, compression, containment and boxing up of itself. The
Spiritual Being has created a masterful way to make itself small, in
order to continue suppressing, handicapping and punishing itself.

This is done by the Spiritual Being in order to mechanically
enforce ethics and integrity in on itself and its life, in an attempt
to maintain and to continue to do the greatest implementation of the
Spiritual Beings to not cause harm to others, but to perform acts of
goodness and honesty. To honor their codes, virtues and principles
for the greatest goodness for the greatest number of people, places,
subjects and things.




If you have ever experienced the excruciating pain and agony of a
broken heart, you have been the effect of "The Furies" phenomena two
manifestation. An overwhelming implosion.

"The Furies" phenomena two manifestation causes the beings
universe and creations to collapse and compress the being into the
center of the rubble. The Spiritual Being becomes completely
submerged in the pain and agony of their own spiritual, mental and
physical collapsed creations. This shows up in life, by the being not
being able to operate in a high mood level. The being is constantly
in a chronic low mood level.

Other chronic life manifestations are:

Cannot face up to life, or be present in present time and space.

Real life is too painful to handle effectively.

Low self esteem.

Poor persistence level unless engaged in destructive activities.

Self destructive.


Slow or poor ability to study.

Bad memory.

Cannot maintain truths.

Chronic misduplication of what is in front of them.

Compulsive alteration of rules and disciplines.

Cannot repeat successful actions.

Cannot hold a position.

Poor life statistics.


Chronic victim.


Not present.

Subject Illiterate.

No space.

No time.

No interest.

No money.

No ability to originate new ideas.

Cannot create their posts.

Beings stuck in the phenomena two manifestation form of "The
Furies" are very common, most people who refuse to take an executive
or leadership position are products of collapse and compression of the
being and its creations. The being is deliberately keeping itself in
this form of spiritual compression and containment, in order to
restrain and compress self and their abilities.

The greatest FEAR this being has, is to be free to fully be
itself, for the being FEARS it will lose control of its own power and
abilities and commit harmful acts and betray its Codes, Virtues,
Honesty, Principles and Integrity. The being is deliberately keeping
its Furies, its chronic problems, its desperate destructive solutions
and its spiritual self compressed and contained, in order to be
ethical and do good.



These "Compressed Spirit, Containers" are psychic or mental boxes
that contain mechanical creations based upon the use of the
subconscious unknown tacit intention and mutual agreement "to
involuntarily and unknowingly create misdirection self-control
magnetic fields, devices, machines or objects" that compulsively and
forcefully control and re-direct you and your life force particles, to
stay as far away as possible from the actual area's of "The Furies."

Making sure, that under no circumstances are you or anyone else
to approach, access, disturb, activate or handle that rage, hate,
force, charge or potential for violence contained in these areas of
"The Furies, the chronic problems and the desperate destructive
solutions." (Even as I write this I am being bounced all over the
universe, it has actually taken me fifteen days to compose my
thoughts, exert extreme self-discipline in order to originate this
discovery in such a manner that you can understand the above

The telepathic tacit sabotage operating basis is, "I won't look
at, approach, access, disturb, or activate your area of "The Furies,"
if you won't look at, approach, access, disturb or activate my area of
"The Furies." This tacit sabotage agreement sets up a mutual avoidance
mechanism that guarantees "The Furies" and "The Compression and
Containment of your Spirit" eternal persistence.


To guarantee complete long term persistence and containment of
you the Spiritual Being. You weave a vast psychic and mental web of
lies, by the use of wrong answers, pretense, falseness,
justifications, rationalizations, wrong items, altered importances,
wrong whos, wrong whats, wrong wheres, wrong whens, etc., etc.


In order to construct an effective web the being has to create
psychic strands of mass and charge. To do this requires the being to
twist the truth of the creation into lies, this gives the creation
persistence. to create length and thinness to the creation, the being
assigns some falseness to another being or object that is some
distance away, then the being pulls away stretching the line into a
thin strand.

To create the initial psychic projection, the being needs a
conflicting dichotomous precept or idea that originates from the same
source point. Using the conflicting dichotomous precept or idea as a
base mold or matrix from which to emanate two strands of directed
energy so that they will twist and co-mingle with each other.

The conflicting dichotomous precept or idea is based upon the
earlier WANT the being was trying to attain.

Such conflicting dichotomous precepts or ideas as:

To be good, you must be bad.

To be a winner, you should lose.

In order to survive, you need to quit.

Everyone is right, except me, I'm always wrong.

To be rich, you need to experience poverty.

Being alone, will make you popular.

I never want to win again, as it hurts too much when you lose.

Beauty is ugly.

It is necessary to be dishonest, to be honest.

To have peace of mind, you must destroy everything.

You have to be wrong, in order to be right.

As you can observe these conflicting dichotomous precepts are
always coming from two directions at once, this is what gives them the
twist and target from which to create the strands of the web.

The constant replication of these lies and incorrect actions
builds up enormous amounts of strands and heavy webs, that contain a
great deal of mass and charge to wrap around the being, causing the
being to become more and more trapped, and to move very slowly or to
become inactive and immobile in life.

These psychic and mental webs must be taken apart in the
reversals of the manner, process or procedure by which these trapping
webs were formed. Once the webs are vanished, you can then locate,
handle and vanish "The Compression of Spirit, Containers."


It is virtually impossible for any being to fully restore its
total potential without handling ALL areas of "The Furies, their
chronic problems and desperate destructive solutions" past, present
and future.

"The Furies, their chronic problems and desperate destructive
solutions" have been missed on ALL cases. I repeat "The Furies, their
chronic problems and desperate destructive solutions" have been missed
on ALL cases.

Failure to confront, handle and eradicate, by training and
processing fully to complete vanishment of every particle of "The
Furies, their chronic problems and desperate destructive solutions" is
a totally evil destructive act.

100,000's of pursuers of truth and knowledge have been betrayed
by false technologies that say they have ALL the answers to life.
Strange how the most common behavior of their top leaders and
management people is: Constant RAGE and FURY directing their chronic
problems and desperate destructive solutions viciously at their staff
and public.

One group I am very familiar with, declares an Amnesty every few
years for their staff and public, forgiving the staff and public for
their sins of RAGE and FURY.

The RAGE and FURY of the staff and public is in response to the
leader's and manager's RAGE and FURY, Problems and Solutions, unjustly
aimed at them.

The Abuse addicts are in a seventh heaven in this group.


There is a specific sequence of what must be handled. It is as

1. Locate the area of Fury.

2. Describe the area of Fury.

3. Describe what happened from that time on.

4. Locate the "Compression of Spirit, Container."

5. Handle the "Compression of Spirit, Container."

6. Locate the "who's" that are mutually co-creating the
"Spiritual Containment."

7. Handle the telepathic projections of the "who's."

8. Locate the web creators.

9. Handle the web creators.

10. Locate and handle the problems.

11. Locate and handle the solutions.

12. Vanish "The Furies."

13. Handle the prior violations of the Codes, Virtues, Honesty
and Principles.

14. Recover the true WANTS, and restore the passion of the true

15. Fully restore the full Super Beingness, love, harmony,
friendliness and power.


The two vital abilities are:

1. The ability to freely with excitement and enthusiasm be able
to occupy any position at will. Including being spiritually
compressed or fully expanded.

2. The ability to be free to operate at your full Super Being
Spiritual Self.

These two abilities are what every being would like to optimally
achieve, for they are the abilities needed to continuously win and
master the games of the physical universe.

The Super Being Power Prosperity Procedures when fully completed,
will produce those abilities and a whole lot more besides.


We now have the technology to end the COMPRESSION OF THE SPIRIT,
the ABUSE and the FURIES on planet Earth, all we have to do is train
people on it, get it implemented, get others to train others, get them
to implement the technology, etc., etc.

In time we will all have our Super Beingness, abilities,
potentials, love, harmony, truth, knowledge and powers fully restored
and rehabilitated.

PROCEDURES TECHNOLOGY, Anything less, is extreme cowardice, fake
technology and gross irresponsibility.


1 March 1996
Copyright =A9 1996 Alan C. Walter

21st Century New Public Series 19

================ ====================
Mon Oct 29 06:06:02 EDT 2018
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================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Clear-L mailing list
HomerWSmith-L mailing list

SESSIO24 (fwd)

Hash: SHA1


Had a good session with Enid today, over the internet, with
netmeeting video and Ralph's internet e-meter.

Session dread can often be caused by expecting the opening
question of the auditor. Enid likes to ask "What have you been
working on" becuase I do a lot of solo. But I hate the question as it
involves working my memory and also tries to restir up stuff that is
theoretically done with.

Many auditor's start with 'How are you doing?' but this is a
terrible question because it gets the person to talk about his state
of effect of the things that are ruining him. The answer is always
the same: 'terrible'.

"What would you like to work on?" is another one that just
pisses me off totally because I have no clue, and I been over
and over that forever until I am blue in the face about it. If I
knew what I should be working on, I would be doing it solo.

So I been spending a lot of time trying to handle the session
dread by coming up with the opening question that Enid should ask me
in order to get me into session and interested in my own case and
willing to talk to the auditor.

Finally I came up with a question that indicated strongly and

"Where are you?"

Not necessarily the space/time 'where', but "what state
are you in relative to the state of everything else in the world too."

Rather than getting me to get into endless descriptions
of how I am doing, it got me into descriptions of me, and what
I was 'in' and my relation to it etc.

It got me to orient myself to more clearly see my condition in
relation to the barriers I consider are ruining me.

That ran well for a while, then we switched to

"What do you expect of your future?"

Expectation is one of those major dicoms a thetan engages in.

He either expects something to happen because his expectation is
cause of it happening, or he expects something to happen because he is
the effect of other cause, and has LEARNED the hard way it's going
happen regardless of what he thinks.

His expectation is either causitive, Looking by Knowing or its
effect, Knowing (Learning) by Looking .

So as a thetan decays down scale his 'expectations' go from being
causative to being a learned and studied effect, and the flip flop
point needs to be spotted and rehabbed.

Low tone people consider their sage resignation to be wisdom.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

================ ====================
Sun Oct 28 12:00:02 EDT 2018
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Saturday, October 27, 2018

ADORE897B (fwd)

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Oh, hell, and here's a rundown for the silly minded.

Run to taste around and around,

"What does Good NOT do?"
"What does Good do?"

"What does Evil NOT do?"
"What does Evil do?"

"What does Divinity NOT do?"
"What does Divinity do?"

"Get the idea of NO Seriousness."
"Get the idea of SOME Seriousness."

"Get the idea of NO Humor."
"Get the idea of SOME Humor."

"Get the idea of NO Peace."
"Get the idea of SOME Peace."

Don't get frustrated, this might take you a life time.

E/P: Not there.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

================ ====================
Sat Oct 27 12:00:02 EDT 2018
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Friday, October 26, 2018

prime (fwd)

Homer wrote: 8-12-2008

> "Prime directive: Do not demonstrate super normal powers to those
>who don't have them unless necessary for the greater good.
> Mere demonstration as evidence that such things exist to a
>incredulous crowd will NOT result in the greater good dreamed of.

This only hints at the real reason.

We are here as human beings to play a game. The game contains within it
many levels of games within games. The greater good means to keep the
games going. Games have rules. The rules of the game called Planet
Earth are laid out in the playing field and in the mind. The playing
field is the specific time-space-energy-matter matrix being explored by
physicists, chemists, biologists etc. These rules are not meant to be
broken, just as you can't mark or hide cards in poker without
consequenses, like getting thrown out of the game, or as in many
Westerns, shot dead. The rules laid out in the mind are in the form of
agreements about being in the game and about playing by the rules, among
others. These agreements are unconscious and unknown, and this
condition of not knowing the greater reality that is operating here is
also one of the agreements and preconditions which allows participation
in this shared reality. But in very complex games there can be many
loopholes and special rules covering special situations. Ultimately we
are creating the whole show and have confined our "game playing"
viewpoint to identifying as humans and other life forms during this eons
long multi-lifetime extravaganza. One of the games we can play within
this game is to wake up from this self imposed dream and escape the
game. Maybe we do this late in the game, who knows. Escaping the game
is fine as it does not disrupt the game. You can even help others
escape the game once you get free yourself. Since this has been going
on for millennia and in the open, it is not against the rules.

When something that IS against the rules occurs, it is like a fire that
has to be extinguished quickly. Who does this? We do; that is, we have
overseers who, by our agreement, enforce the rules. Basically we are
programmed to be unaware of our innate supreme ability to do ANYTHING,
and unable to utilize this ability even if we suspect we are more than a
fragile body-mind-organism. While waking up to freedom is OK, waking up
to power over the game and using it is generally NOT. Just as in the
Matrix movies, everyone in this game is a potential agent of the
enforcers. When you have billions of gods and goddesses galavanting in
a huge chaotic costume party things don't always go smoothly. Tables
get tipped over, fights break out, and various shenanigans and nefarious
or virtuous conspiracies can temporarily escape the all-seeing eye of
Big Brother. The rules do get broken - the sick get miraculously
healed, the dead rise, angels lend a hand, objects materialize,
levitate, disappear, cars about to crash go right through each other
like ghosts, and the absolutely impossible happens every single day!
Why don't we hear about it? We often do - we may even see it with our
own eyes BUT we don't allow ourselves to believe it, we filter what we
experience so what we see fits the rules. We use the very same
miraculous power to prevent our own game from breaking down. And when
we CAN'T or DON'T hide the miraculous from ourselves, we join the fringe
group of heretics (lunatics, weirdos, nut cases etc). And I haven't
even gotten started on the world-wide anti-spiritual propaganda
conspiracy! We aren't supposed to know.

Now the rules seem to have some leeway - if you get up to speed where
you can move a penny with pure intent, have at it - but don't show
anyone else! People tend to freak out with such demonstrations, which
could actually be dangerous for them or you! Remember everyone is a
potential enforcement agent. And if you do demonstrate to others, the
disturbance must be contained - it will not be allowed to spread to
where it could get out of hand. People who wake up (the Enlightened,
truly One with God people) often have miracles occurring around them in
some quantity and apparently this is allowed to some extent too. I
don't know exactly what the rules are, but I do have direct experience
with both the consequences of breaking them and the effects on
witnesses of such paranormal events (including telepathy, precognition,
psychokenesis, and anything the 'specials' did on the series Heroes).

Think about it - if you believe we are powerful spiritual beings then
what is going on and why? Are we just degraded beings trying to
recover our sovereignty in some 'expansion/contraction of the theta
universe' scenario or is this all by our own design being created from a
place of absolute and eternal sovereignty?

Between the ages of ten and fourteen I had many interesting abilities
manifest. They were just things I discovered I could do but I didn't
consider them mine so much as ... well it was like being given a magic
lamp where the power comes from somewhere else and I just rub the lamp
and asked for something. I woke up one night and I could feel this
energy all around that connected everything. I could manipulate it by
moving my hands like you would do if you were at the bottom of a
swimming pool and trying to raise a sunken ball without touching it.
So suddenly there was the ability to levitate objects a few feet off the
ground. I showed 2 adults separately and their reactions were to flee
the scene and to fall down and go into convulsions respectively. I
showed two little kids and they had little reaction. I stopped doing it
for awhile. One day I decided that I would join a circus and do this
trick to make some money to help my parents so we did't lose our house.
To see if I could still do it I made a pie rise off the kitchen
counter. No one else was present. The pie went up about a foot and I
held it there with intention but then it shot up to the ceiling and
disappeared and a voice said very firmly NO! I got the whole meaning
which was "you know this is against the rules and you are forbidden to
do this in public". The pie wasn't missed so much as my mom's best pie
pan,which we never found. I lost my abilities soon after that.

I have experienced several other similar interventions by the "powers
that be" which makes it clear to me that the Prime Directive, or the
enforcement of the rules of this game, is quite real. I don't
understand it anymore than that and my speculations above. So we can
probably rise to whatever level of clarity and power we want and still
be in the game, but discretion is required. But few people are on a
real and workable path to either, so for most this caution will be a
moot point.

What I pasted below is also relevant:


PS: pardon my com lag

> The term prime directive is taken from the Star Trek series where
> the federation had a rule to not interfere in the evolution of evolving
> planets no matter what. When they did, all sorts of bad things
> happened, and weird solutions were put in place to fix it, often worse
> than if they had left things alone.
> Electra started this stuff on the Prime Directive by saying
> essentially, do not demonstrate OT powers to those who do not have them,
> especially only to prove to others that they exist or that you have
> them. The consequences she warned were dire. It seemed to bring the
> jackals out in force. Contempt and ridicule are their cat call.
> The basic theory is that OT power is used to limit OT power, so of
> course if we are OT's we are using OT power in present time to not be
> OT's, the magic of no magic.
> One imagines that abuse of OT power could lead to limitation of OT
> power, and thus one wants to find those moments of abuse, what 'prime
> directive' was disobeyed, or even blindly followed, what prime
> directive's produced insufferable conflicts, and at what point did one
> give up on having a prime directive other than to have no prime
> directive or to eventually create the prime directive to have no power
> at all!
> Every change in power status, indicates a change in prime
> directive.
> Thus auditing what one would do if one had powers of various kinds,
> is very constructive. One eventually comes to certainty of power even
> if one still can't quite exercise any of it. At least one chills out
> about being in jail. Then one has the equanimity to look and see and
> possibly clean up the mess of power in its own good time.
> Because it deals with power, the prime directive rundown is a
> powerful rundown, not to be cast as pearls before swine.
> Know them by their cat calls of contempt and ridicule.
> Homer
Thu Aug 5 19:45:56 EDT 2010

================ ====================
Thu Oct 25 18:06:02 EDT 2018
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Clear-L mailing list
HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

ADORE18 (fwd)

Hash: SHA1


God is not good.

God is not evil.

God is a Master Creator of Good and Evil.

God is an Artist.

The creature which God creates can not see the art.

But the God Creator can.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

================ ====================
Wed Oct 24 12:00:02 EDT 2018
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

ADORE777 (fwd)

Hash: SHA1

07/29/10 Thursday 4:21pm EST


Homer wrote:
> No, the only thing we can effect is each other. But in fact that
> too is an illusion, because if we follow 'each other' up the threads
> towards source, we end up being part of the same causal being, the big
> "I-AM", the High Us from Adore.


This kind of messy description of things makes me nervous.

It is not true we are one being, it is not true we are many beings,
it is true we are one thing who has many beings.

The finger and hand analogy works well in this case.

The separation of the fingers is not an illusion, they are separate
individual fingers.

The oneness of the hand is also not an illusion, it is one hand.

But the seperate fingers DO connect to the one hand in such a way
as to make a whole thing that is both one and many.

Thus individuality is never lost, but neither is connectedness
between individuals.

They can act independently, but they can also act in unison or in
covert agreement with each other.

Covert agreement is when I cause you to be able to cause effects in

It looks like you are cause of the effects, which you are, but I am
cause of you being able to have access to me to cause effects in.

Thus if you cause an effect in me, mock something up for me,
we are both 'responsible' for my condition, even though I didn't
have a clue WHAT you were going to mockup for me, or even when.

Once I say 'have at it', the causal door in then open for you to
mock me up as anything you want any time you want.

You are repsonsible in that it is your will and mockup.

I am responsible in that it is me you are mocking up as something,
via my causal permission that you can do so.

BOTH ARE ACTS OF INDEPENDENT CAUSE between two different beings via
the One that connects them.

It can be argued that the fingers can not act without drawing power
from the hand, and this may be true. Thus each finger is an agent of
the One.

But the One is a multi One, each finger can have its own
independent existence free from influence from any other finger.

Further, although the finger draws its ability to act from
the hand, it is the FINGER that acts, not the hand.

Thus "Source Sources only when Will Casts." - Adore

The fingers form the High US, the hand forms Source, and the
fingers and the hand form the AllThatIs.

Thu Jul 29 16:32:06 EDT 2010

================ ====================
Tue Oct 23 12:00:02 EDT 2018
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Friday, October 19, 2018


Hash: SHA1


Help and Harm have to do with Self and Other Determinism.

One wants to help or harm OTHERS, one considers that others can
help or harm one.

There is,

Looking by Knowing and Knowing by Looking.

Looking by knowing is the creative outflow of a spirit who
creates space and time and things to look at by knowing them into
existence first, then he has something to look at. This is an outflow
of created knowledge.

The great painter who gets an idea of what he wants to see, and
then puts it out on canvas so that he can Look at it and others can too.

Knowing by Looking or Learning by Looking is the effective inflow
of a spirit who comes into a precreated space and time with things in
it, and wishes to find out about them by looking at them and receiving
the knowledge so gleaned. This is an inflow of learned knowledge.

These are the people looking at the painting that they did not

In ADO-6 "The true anatomy of the Missed Withhold" it is claimed
that the basic action of a total knowingness is to outflow a space
time reality via Knowing by Looking, then turn it around and forget
that he did so, and then play the game of Learning by Looking to find
out what he or others put out there.

Adore calls this the Observation Consideration Flip flop.

"The difference between a God and a Human, is

The Human considers that he observes there are things he can not

The God observes that he considers there is nothing he can not

The word To determine has an interesting dicom built into it.
relating to the two actions of Looking by Knowing and Knowing by
Looking, to the two actions of cause and effect, and outflow and

To determine can mean to cause. This is the usual meaning of the
words Self Determined, it means to cause as Self, and it means to
determine something into existance, It is an outflow of causal

"Make is so!" - Captain Piccard

To determine can also mean to be an effect in the sense of to
learn or to find out. This is the usual meaning of the words Other
Determined, it means to learn or find out about a precreated
something, made by OTHER, through being an effect of that something.
This is an inflow of causal determination (or 'sensing') which results
in gleaned knowledge.

The Proof calls this Learning by Being an Effect.

All learning is by being an effect of some other cause, even if
it is just reading the light waves off a piece of paper. The paper is
cause, the retina is effect. If the paper were not cause, the light
waves would not bounce, and the retina would not sense what was there.
It is impossible to learn about something that has no cause over you.

Learning by Looking implies being an effect and learning BY
being an effect of the cause you are learning about.

This defines Other Determinism, and the purpose of ALL other
cause is to produce an effect and thus produce a learning of sorts.

The goals "To Find" and "To Find Out" are major dramatizations of
human beings at this time. They pervade almost every effort of the
attention through out the day's work.

Run the goal "To Find <--> To Lose" particularly in regards to
Truth or Knowledge.

So we have these two definitions of To determine, one meaning to
causally outflow knowledege, and the other meaning to effectively
inflow knowledge.

Conscious Determination is the same as conscious responsibility,
knowing willing cause with full awareness of the consequences. This
is an outflow of cause and corresponds to Looking by Knowing.

This is responsibility FOR the existance of something, that means
you created it knowing what you were doing.

'Being determined' might seem like a causal outflow as it is a
trying hard to cause something, but is most often a being determined
to find out, which is trying to learn about something one denies one
created and thus has no sense of responsibility FOR, but one wishes to
take responsibility OVER now that one is in the middle of it.

Taking responsibility OVER means adding one's own responsibility
and causal determination into a pre existing situation in order to
change it for the better.

"To determine the course of history" is a causal use of the word.
It is an effort to create something to look at by knowing what one
wants first.

"To determine the cause of the accident" is an effect use of the
word. It is an effort to know by looking at something one did not

Another example is "To determine the Truth of the matter".

These pat phrases flow through our civilization like the glue
that binds us to our lives.

Rarely do people consider that they can causally determine Truth,
as they consider that Truth exists independent of what we think. This
is of course true for some truth's, but not for all, in particular not
for created space-time game streams which are at best virtual
realities whose truth's are the artist's paint on the canvas of

A total knowingness that created the universe with Looking by
Knowing, thus becomes trapped in the endless hell of trying to figure
his way out by Knowing by Looking.

Help and Harm relate to cooperation and ex cooperation.

All cooperation is against something that is not cooperating, be
it human or the MEST universe.

Help and Harm have to do with Other Determinism which opposes
Self Determinism.

Self Determinism gets defined by identification with "What is

It's not just what you are as a Self, but also what you defend.

What you care about.

"What would be a loss to Self?"

"Are you being Helped?"
"Are you being Harmed?"

All this is Other Cause, a subtle form of Knowing by Looking,
often by being FORCED to look by other cause.

That's an impact.

Some impacts are good for you, some are bad.

There can be too much impact and too little impact, both can be

Thus help and harm are closely interwoven with self and other

"Are you helping?"
"Are you harming?"

"Do you want to help?"
"Do you want to harm?"

"Can you create some help?"
"Can you create some harm?"

"What help have you intended?"
"What harm have you intended?"

"What help could there be?"
"What harm could there be?"

The defense of self by self leaves self interiorized into what
self is defending.

Self is unwilling to make more of it's own permanent destruction,
this is fundamental and immutable.

This leaves you interiorized into what you are defending because
you are trying to make nothing out of what you are defending against,
and you don't want to make nothing out of yourself!

Worse it is no longer a game to you, its for real.

You have become serious about making nothing out of something

This is dramatization.

Dramatization causes persistence because the way to vanish
anything is to make it again. You can get rid of anything as long
as you are able to put it there and had a reason to do so.

Trying to get rid of things that 'should never have been there'
is a fast way to get them to persist forever.

Interiorization is being only what you are willing to have be,
and not being what you are unwilling to have be and are actively
trying to make not be.

Interiorization is a form of dramatization, for you must separate
from what you are trying to destroy before you strike at it,
lest you take yourself with it.

This limits one to being what one is defending. Since most of
the universe is being defended against, the being becomes smaller and

"What could you defend?"

One is cornered into being what one is willing to have be.

"How many corners can you back yourself into before you become a

Exteriorization is willing to have anything be and being willing
to be it.

But this is the end of defense of one side against another.

And the end of defense is the end of Help and Harm.

Is anyone OT?


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith News, Web, Telnet Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 SunOS 4.1.4 Sparc 20 Internet Access, Ithaca NY

================ ====================
Fri Oct 19 12:00:03 EDT 2018
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

THIRD corrected.


04/28/17 Friday 4:35pm EST

If you can SEE something,

AND it looks like it is OUT THERE,


it can't be OUT THERE.


if it were OUT THERE,


you wouldn't be able to SEE it.

This involves three concepts.

IS - means to BE or to EXIST.

TO SEE - means to see or experience conscious renditions of, color,
sounds, feelings etc.

OUT THERE - means not here now, in either space or time.

These three concepts then form a triangle called The Proof.

/ \
/ \
/ \
/ THE \
/ \
/ \

The proof says take two, only two can be true at the same time.

If it IS and you SEE it, then it is not OUT THERE.

If it IS and it is OUT THERE, then you can not SEE it.

If you SEE it and it is OUT THERE, then it ISN'T. :)

Notice the above implies the following.

Time and space are symetrical with regards to SEEING.

You can not see across a distance in either space or time.

Just as you can only see conscious renditions in the now,
you can only see conscious renditions in the here.

Thus consciousness is scalar.


Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
Fri Apr 28 16:36:14 EDT 2017
HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

LOGIC12 (fwd)

Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2018 12:00:03 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: LOGIC12

Hash: SHA1

If we admit that all that comes from God/Man is Good, we have to
ask how then is the Bad that comes from God/Man also Good.

Here is the question:

How is the Bad that comes from God also Good?

We asumme that God created the potential for Bad and the vehicle
for Bad, namely man, knowingly and willingly and could just as easily
decided not to have done so, He could have left Bad out of the
equation entirely.

Thus if only Good comes from God, we need to see the Good to this
Bad that could have been left uncreated but wasn't.

>I've written on this countless times on ACT over the years. An outline:
>What comes from God:
>God's consciousness
>God's spiritual substance
>The eternal creative Ideas/eidos
>Man as spirit made in the image of God,
> including original awareness of the Ideas of the Good, Truth, Beauty.

The above merely states what comes from God. It does not even
suggest that Bad comes from God, let alone how that Bad might also be
Good or serve a good purpose, or be better off for having been created
than not.

>Evil comes from poor spiritual memory, inadequate education,
> lack of sufficient fullness of understanding of the Good.

This states where Bad comes from, but weasels around the question
of where poor spiritual memory, inadequate education and lack of
sufficient understanding comes from.

It also fails to answer the question of how this Bad is also Good
in the scheme of things.

>We can choose to USE errors to learn what NOT to do,
> to learn where the pitfalls are, and to reorient to the Good.

This indicates that Bad can be put to some use after the fact of
its existence, but does not answer the question of what GOOD the Bad
SERVES. The mere fact that Bad can be used to some Good effect does
not obviate the possibility that the Bad should never have been
created in the first place, and does not show us why it was better
that Bad was created instead of not.

What we want to know is, what good purpose the bad serves so that
it is GOOD that the bad or potential for bad was created in the first
place rather than be left uncreated.

> This is learning the hard way, but
> it's the best use of error when it happens.

The best use of error does not indicate that the original
creation of error or potential for error was a good thing.

> Better is direct knowing, spiritual recollection, and education that
> sparks these, plus good role models and exemplars.

This is irrelevant to what goodness there might be to bad.

>Nothing new here, this is classical Greek, mystical Christian view.

Yes nothing new here, and AGAIN no answer to the question, as
there will NEVER be an answer to the question as you do not have one.

Which is why you weasel with unending irrelevancies for page
after page and then blame ME for your failure.


================ ====================
Tue Oct 16 12:00:03 EDT 2018
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Thursday, October 11, 2018

ADORE696 (fwd)

Hash: SHA1


Perfection is not measured in performance but in relatingness.

The primary mistake is to blame a child for something that is not
his fault, or to accept a blame from a child for something that is not
your fault.

But there is a whole littany of things that parents do to their
children who don't act like dolls in the parent's doll house.

Lying to your child, not answering its questions about life
honestly, or telling it is too young, or too old when it isn't, over
protecting it, not training it in dangerous games, not giving it
responsibilities, not raising it to be a leader, not raising it to take
care of the parent in their old age, telling the child it can't
understand something, when the parent doesn't WANT the child to
understand, telling a child what it wants and doesn't want, pretending
the child has never lived before, teaching the child it won't live
again, teaching the child about heaven and hell forever rather than for
a while, inhibiting or enforcing sexual experiences, food or sleep, what
it can say, how it can say it, enslaving or imprisoning the child's
desire for self sufficiency to its own survival, and to contribute and
produce more than it can consume to take care of its own family later,
refusing to discuss how to rear a child ever night at dinner, and a
gobzillion more things that add up to crimes against children.

It is possible to civilize a child without breaking it's spirit, or
putting it into its first murderous rage.

First murderous rage needs to be run out clean as a whistle.

That will produce a deity class GodSoul right there.

The accumulation of breaks in Affinity, Agreement and
Communication, and problems, overts, withholds, computations and
justifications results in a destroyed relationship, because they are all
forms of non relating.

But these can all be quickly rectified by apologies to full
resolution and restoration of love, respect and trust.

A clean slate is not one that was never marred, but one that is
kept well erased.

Everyone breaks the chalice with their one and only loved ones once
in a while.

A relationship consists of moments of relating, and where two
people won't relate on a subject any more, the relationship is just that
dead in that area.

Too much non relating, and the relationship dies.

There can be 'agreeing to disagree' as long as it isn't under
duress, but too much of that can destroy a relationship too.

Thus there is perfection to be maintained on both sides,

A parent who feels that a perfect child is one who never talks
back, never asks why and expects a valid answer, never argues, never
questions the parent's wisdom, motives, integrity or honesty, will find
themselves in quick and permanent disagreement with a child who feels
that a perfect parent would never hold the views that they claim to.

Monster feelings don't come from the monsterous things his parents
teach him, the child doesn't buy into any of it, monster feelings come
from the child's belief that his parents believe the garbage they are
telling him.

He's got monsters pretending to be parents, teaching the child
monsterous things 'for his own good, to properly take care of him.'

Not. Monsters only take care of themselves and hope nobody notices.

The child pretends to not notice as he can't afford to know he
is living with monsters as parents, rather than kamikazeeing them as
he should.

Cowardice wins the day, spot it an run it as cowaridce and courage.

The most monsterous thing that parents teach kids is that there are
no monsters, let alone monsters impostering themselves as parents.

Thus it is a simultaneous equation between both parent and child to
conceive the ideal sit between them, come to an agreement, and then live
by it, and resolve it when it goes wrong.

Own up, apologize and repent of breaking the ideal relationship.

If no agreement can be reached, then the child should never have
been born, and the parent bred out of season and for the wrong reason.

Yes sometimes both parent and child will prefer to not
discuss some things that are just too heavy for the moment.

When something like that comes up in conversation between adults or
TV, and the parents give the child who is listening in a worried look,
its such a joy and relief when the child says coyly "Yeah I am not old enough to
deal with that yet, I am going out to play."

"Let me know when it safe to join the relating again."

Remember the child is not the possession of the parent, the child
is the WARD of a parent who are his GUARDIAN.

Getting agreement between ward and guardian that they are
ward and guardian and why goes a long way to make he child more
than happy to be guarded for a while, as long as he is shown
a route to become guardian himself sooner than later.

Children will back off naturally once they see themselves getting
in over their own heads, 'Oh that is what daddy was talking about,
right, I am out of here, he can talk to me about it later (like 6 months
from now.)'

The child thus come to manage his own maturity level and is willing
and eager to look to his guardians to make sure he does it right.

There is no greater debonding event than a break in the ward
and guardianship function of the parent and child relationship.

Just as you have the Auditor's Code and the Preclear's Code, so too
do you have the Parent's Code and the Child's Code.

There needs to be continuing ROCK SOLID agreement on both between
both at all times.

Keeping the slate clean on both sides will guarantee the
continuance of the perfect parent or perfect child feeling.

"You are the best mommy/daddy in the world!"

"You are the best son/daughter in the world!"

I am sure you know the feeling of saying it and hearing it.

Gratefulness, love, respect and pride in the other.

If you don't, I know a church that will charge you all you own and
fail to restore it to you.

And then charge you a surtax for routing you off lines.

You know there is a whole rundown that can be made out of this.

It is probably the main reason people come into the Church in the
first place, but when they don't get it, they are told it is a hidden

The preclear is reminded that his duty is to take what he gets and
not get what he wants.

"Sign here..."

Anyhow word clear 'best' and 'worst' with the preclear and then get
him to list out the items of his life on ALL dynamics plus some, they
don't have to be people, they can be objects.

When the preclear debonds with mama dearest, he will rebond with
tape recorders or some such thing.

He will want the object in his grave with him or buried next to

The saddest thing in the world to him would be to lose his
tape recorder, his life would be ruined.

Each one of these objects is a token first love. so watch it.

Find the item or items that make the meter SMOKE and shake the
table, and then run:

Conceive saying to the item "You are the worst (item) in the whole

Conceive saying to the item "You are the best (item) in the whole

E/P Crying and Laughing too hard to continue.

If no result, YOU are dead, and would probably do well to solo
'auditor' and preclear' as the items.

One doesn't have to trust that the other will never err again, but
only that if they do, you can resolve it.

Faith and trust is built up between people by living and
experiencing each other over a long period of time though tough

Faith alone will carry a friendship along regardless of
the momentary apparencies of betrayal, until true resolution is found

Spot the times your preclear was riding on faith alone.

These come before the times he gave up on faith and debonded.

relationship going during the worst moment of irresolution.

When the good faith bit goes under suspicion though, the
relationship goes out the tubes quickly.

This happens for example when the parent doesn't want the child to
know something, because the parent doesn't want to know or think about
something himself.

When resolution of breaks happens enough times, the child gets the
'best parent in the world' cognition and retains it for the rest of
their lives and will tend to pass it along to their own children.

Its a kind of "I can have FAITH IN YOU, regardless of external

Any child that enjoyed BEING a child and HAVING parents, will enjoy
BEING a parent and HAVING children.

You have to try oh so hard not to.

Permanently debonding with a primary care taker is WORK.

Superiorly obnoxious work.

Most of those people who don't want to have children, didn't want
to have parents after a short stint with them.

Debonding from one's parents is a serious moment, and must be run
out of any ARC broken child's life.

When one debond's from one's parents, one tends to debond from
everything else too.

Remember Mother is the name of God on the lips of little children.

And so it is all the way up the dynamics.

What the child thinks of mother will become what the child thinks
of everything and everone including God.

Parents give a child purpose to live, reason to be, to contribute,
take care of, and return the favor of the guardianship the parent did
for the child.

With out love, respect and PRIDE for parents, the child is out of a
job for life, namely winning the love, respect and pride of his parents
for himself and then passing that on to his kids.

No one expects perfection in performance, but they do expect
perfection in resolution.


Don't just drop it into the festering void of oblivion.

My family accumulated one horrific irresolution after the other and
then died on me without any effort to resolve any of them.

So in clearing I have to resolve it all for them, and voila the
perfect parent appears again in my heart.

I make it sound easy, 40 years later, and THOUSANDS of hours of
soloing mother dearest, and I still like to crack mother jokes, but now
sometimes they make me feel bad and dishonest.

But the bad times are erasing, and all that is left is the beauty
of the substrate underlying all the nonsense.

Ideal mothers are way cool, even if my real mother had
a sit going with idealness.


"Conceive an non ideal mother."
"Conceive an ideal mother."

We are talking serious beauty and ugly here, way beyond candyland
and stardrive.

The love between mother and child is worth it.

YOU CAN'T GO CLEAR WITHOUT IT, as it turns you into the perfect
child, and the perfect mother youself in past and future time, and you
can start bonding again with more than your cats.

Oh are they gonna be jealous.

And my tape recorder, its going to be crying tears when it finds
itself on the top of a junk yard pile after I die.


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Posted: Thu Oct 11 16:54:42 EDT 2018
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Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
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