Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology



After games have become serious, people can get very serious about
their playing and not playing of games.

One way to win a game by not playing it is to get rid of the

This is the football player, who when opposed by an overly able
player on the other team, at the moment of tackle, takes out a gun and
shoots him.

Shooting the other player is not part of the invite, and is
certainly not part of the rules, but there he is doing it anyhow.

The shooter may get to the goal post for a touch down because now
no one will come near him, and those that did are lying on the field
dead, but the nature of the game has changed, it sure ain't football any

When someone tries to win against you by getting you to not play
its called a make wrong, they are making you wrong for being there and
for playing the game as it should be.

People have to be pretty far gone to do this, so if it gives you
the heebie jeebies when you run into it, take a good long look at it.

When you resist back and try to make the make wronger wrong, its
called a make right, you are making yourself right for being in the

You already are right for being in the game, but that won't be
enough to KEEP you in the game when you are up against a psychotic make

Psychosis is defined as the effort to stop what you consider you
didn't create. That's a hard one for mortals who consider they didn't
create anything, but the spiritual world works on make it once and it
persists, make it again exactly as you originally made it the first
time, and it vanishes.

Thus when someone becomes unwilling to make something, they get
stuck with it! Only a God could appreciate that irony and justice all
rolled into one.

You might see how too much awareness of this fundamental operating
law might make it hard to keep anything around, particularly when it
comes to the invite to a game.

Thus people need to issue an invite to make the game, then pretend
they never invited the other side in and must fight them to the death,
in order to make sure they stay in.


Thus good people get up in the morning all ready to fight evil
people, but the good people never invite the evil people in for the
day's play, for that, being a reinvite, would end their OWN presence on
the same playing field.

Since the good people aren't PUTTING the evil people on the playing
field, they have no sense of responsibility for evil people's presence
at all, the good people consider they don't really desire to play the
game in the first place, and thus they elect themselves as smaller than
the game they feel they have to play, and thus can never win it

You make yourself smaller than any game you consider you didn't
create, or invite yourself into.

When you are smaller than a game you 'find yourself in', the game
will tend to eat you.

So someone considers they are in a game they didn't create and
didn't choose to be in. They already are feeling vulnerable and smaller
than necessary to win.

So of course such people find you, as an able opponent, to be a
danger to their winning the game, so they will try to out you from the
game by making you wrong for being in it, in an effort to get you to
remove yourself, or handicap yourself so they can win.

Failing that they will use force and deceit to remove you or
incapacitate you from playing.

Make wrongs such as these are the fundamentals of criminality.

If you do win the game, they will claim they won it instead, that
too, is criminality at play.

Or they will claim you cheated when in fact it was they who were

A low tone parent will start the cycle by regretting having the
child in the first place, and thus considering the child a burden.

This is a make wrong of the child.


The child
fails to take full repsonsibility for the irresponsibility of the
parent and so
considers the parent's attitude a grave injustice.

The child goes into serious woe about it, first tries to be
reasonable, then tries to be forceful, and then tries to be deceitful in
making himself right for being in the game as as child.

Thus he ruins himself to win his mother's attention, praise,
approval, sympathy and teamship, cooperation in survival.

Thus people who make you wrong about being in the game, either
because they don't want you on the team, or consider that you are on the
other side, can make you feel very bad about things, but if you get into
the game of trying to prove the suppressive wrong, of making your self
right against them making you wrong, you will eventually do yourself in.

Trying to prove the suppressive wrong is making yourself smaller
than the suppressive, who is already feeling smaller than the game THAT

So that's a double whammy on you, not him.

People who are spending all their time fighting the suppressive,
trying to make the suppressive wrong, will be losing massively all
around them in the games of life.

Eventually the only way to win is to join the suppressive and go to
work for him. At first it is a covert attempt to do the suppressive in
from the inside, but eventually you just give up and become his right
hand man.

You just won your DB card, Degraded Being.

Every time you fight a make wrong with a make right, you create a
schmoo box for yourself. A schmoo is someone who lives between a rock
and a hard place, but at least he lives.

The suppressive is the hard place.


Make wrongs are usually of the form "You are so unable you
shouldn't be here." (They KNOW you are able, but want you to think you
are not.)

Make rights are usually of the form "You are right, but I have this
reason I am unable."

The intent is to make the make wronger feel sorry for you and leave
you alone or even start to help you, but what it really does is cement
your condition into the schmoo box with the two postulates:

"You are right, I am unable and unworthy" but
"Here is why, I have no choice about it!"

It's the WHY that drived the nails home on the schmoo box so you
can't get out.

The WHY is an assignment of cause away from yourself who created
not only yourself, the schmoo box, but also the suppressive!

Spot the why, realize it is a deceit of magnitude, even unto
yourself, and the prior postulate of disability will lift if you want it

Remember it is one thing to create a disability for yourself, and
quite another to create a justification for it, because then you are
stuck with the disability, your justification says so!

"Here is why and I have no choice about it..."

The minute you postulate you have no choice, you don't.

The postulate that postulates don't work, works.

If you believe it.



Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Sat Feb 28 00:11:41 EST 2009
HomerWSmith-L mailing list


Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology



The difference between an unaberrated game and an aberrated game is
desire to play born of choice to play.

In the absence of choice to play there can be no desire to play.

In the absence of desire to play, one will be unlikely to win.

In the presence of serious consequences to losing, the desire to
win can take precedence over the desire to play.

Thus the game becomes inverted because one is now trying to not
play by winning, and then one tries to win by not playing (getting
others to play for you), and finally one tries to not play by losing.

Since one must play, one will try to win by getting others to play
for him, to take the risks, and give him the rewards.

That's not playing you see.

Thus anyone trying to win by not playing is prone to ethics
violations (criminality).

That makes other people not want to play with them.

This leads to the spreading virus of preemption, if you can't win
against cheaters, you start to cheat yourself to get them before they
get you.

Rather than ethics being the norm, the norm becomes ethics.

Thus we have a dwindling spiral of personal relations and social

These laws are inexorable, thus the only way to restore sanity to a
civilization is to restore choice.

That includes awareness that you have chosen, are choosing and will
continue to choose, in general if not in specific, whatever it is you
are doing.



Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Thu Feb 26 23:31:43 EST 2009
HomerWSmith-L mailing list



The preclear wants to be an effect.

The preclear wants to be the effect of an auditor who will help him
be better able to be an effect in life with more enjoyment.

The auditor wants the preclear to be cause, to create his own
effects, and to keep himself adjusted properly in each game he plays.

Games are an operating balance between being cause and being an
effect of team mates and opponents.


If the preclear wins a game he LOSES THE *GAME*. He then has to
find another game to play, or start the present one over again.

Winning too often can be a real drag on a being looking for a
challenge, who can't find enough challenging games to play.

He may arbitrarily handicap himself to even the odds against
himself, but then when a more worthy game comes along he fails to
remember how to unhandicap himself, and the opportunity passes him by,
or he gets crushed out of the gate or first toss.

If the preclear loses a game, he also LOSES THE *GAME*, he is out
the game! He then has to find another game to play or start the present
one over again.

Losing too often can be a real drag for a being looking to lighten
his load of challenge.

The highest thrill comes when the preclear really doesn't know if
he is going to win or lose any particular game.

That's a perfectly balanced game.

A balanced game is equally worth ending the game by winning or
losing. There is no shame in losing by a hair.

They also last the longest and have the most glory in them.

Serious comebacks are also cool, but the being can't look forward
to them as easily as a well balanced game.

He will in general resent the comeback even as they are carrying
him off the field as a hero on their shoulders. He will feel either he
cheated, or the other side messed up, that some how it may have started
off a fair fight, but didn't end up one, so he won instead of lost.

If the game is a serious game, meaning the play is for keeps, the
being will decay in the game to the degree that he commits serious
overts against other players, cheating, getting others to play for him
and give him the rewards, disabling or killing others so they can't play
at all.

Winning by disabling the opponent so he is a no show, or can't
play, is a common form of criminality engaged in by players who consider
they must win but who fear they may lose.

Seriousness is MUST WIN, MUST NOT LOSE.

Seriousness can also be MUST LOSE, MUST NOT WIN.

Ever throw a game?

Ever get sick to get sympathy?

Once serious overts are committed in a game, the being now must
withhold himself from his own team mates who wouldn't have stooped so
low and wouldn't want to play with him if they knew he had. So the
group mind goes down the tubes, and players become 'alone' on the
playing field talking outwardly to each other, rather than inwardly via
direct communication.


Eventually the player will sink down to playing the game of games.

That means if he loses the game, he will never get to play another
game again.

Games have to be fundamentally or arbitrarily scarce for a being to
engage in such a game.


Below that the being will play his last game knowing he HAS to lose
at some point, because every player eventually falls, so the winner is
the last one standing on the playing field, until he falls too because
the final end of game bell rings.

For immortals that would be the end of that universe of games.

For mortals that would be this life.


Universes of games can be created with games in series, one after
each other, and games in parallel, running at the same time next to each

The universe starts with many many top level games all in parallel,
pretty much of the same size, huge. The new being can choose from any
one of them and start to play it. They are all top level games.

Below this layer of games, will be another set of games, also
parallel to each other of a slightly lesser size. When a being falls
out of his first game he jumps into another game at this lower level and
starts to play it.

This continues down for many layers of games until there are no
more games left to play in that universe.

Say that the layers of games in series from the top down are called
A, B, C, D ... Z.

That means there are 26 different game levels one can be playing in
that universe.

Then say each level has 1000 games that are all different but
similar in their size, scope, span, depth and field.

Thus when a being first enters the universe he can choose which of
1000 games he will first play from A1, A2, A3 ... A1000.

When he finally gives up on that game as hopeless and 'dies' out of
the A level, he can then choose to play any of say 2000 games in the B
level, named, B1, B2, B3 ... B2000.

He continues to play, die, play, die, going through C, D, E playing
one or maybe more games at each level, until he reaches Z and dies out
of that one too. At that time there are no more games in the universe
for him to play lower than the level of decay he has attained.

Errors and mistakes he picks up during one level of play are
carried over as tendencies into the next lower level of play where they
don't help him, but he is sure they will. He learns how to be conniving
and opaque in game A3, and when they eventually fail him at that level,
he is just sure he will be a grand master in his next game B47.

So by the time he has decayed down and through level Z, his case
will be a mass of seriousness, overts, out-ethics, and not even a worm
would play with him any more.

He ends up feeling 'alone' even though he is buried in BT's, and
facsimiles of all the beings he has done in through out the ages.

When 'aloneness' starts to become alarming, it is time for him to
see the auditor.

When he is really alone, because there is no auditor, then his lack
of confession wins.

Being dead with yourself is hard, because there's no LIFE to
experience, just omni present deadness.


This is the way it is with games.

The playing field for any game is always down hill.

It is always easier to make plays downstream than to make plays

The downhillness of a game doesn't mean the playing field per se is
slanted, but the game itself is slanted towards pain, failure and
oblivion, via corruptions, temptations and seductions to win by cheating
or outright destroying the other players or the game itself.

Sometimes the destruction is accidental, and he is warned and he
becomes careful.

You can't play all out careful.

All out and careful are oxymorons.

Sometimes the destruction is intentional, then he has had it, he
has become more interested in winning than in playing.

Sometimes someone else does something destructive to him, which he
then does back to another, with pretty much the same result, destruction
of the game and his and others willingness to play.

At the start and top of any game, the being is in good shape, clean
slate, and in love with the game, which is a joy to play, is properly
balanced for LONG, verging on never ending, volleys, and everyone gets
to show off their passion, talents and honed skill.

However as play continues, and seriousness settles in, play becomes
subtly overt, then wildly and brazenly overt, then covert and finally
the game itself is being destroyed in order to win it.

"You make one step over this line with the ball, and we will blow
up your side of the court!"


So at the top of the game the grass is green indeed, but finally at
the bottom of the game there is nothing but mud, dirt and disgusting

But there is also a fence, and the preclear in his desperation to
keep playing anything, any game is better than no game, hops over the
fence, and he finds him self in a brand new game, with green fresh
grass, the sun shining, and the play wonderful again.

It is however a smaller game at the next level down.

B level games are smaller than A level games.

The new B level game HAS to be smaller than HE is, for him to feel
good and confident about it.

But as he enters B, he is smaller than the A game he just died out
of, as the reason he lost the prior A game, is HE got smaller than his
starting size from all his overts, withholds, and brazen justifications
and restraints.

So now he is smaller than A, and B is smaller than him when he
first starts to play B which is where he gets his bravado from.

"Oh hell, I can win this one easily!"

But the being enters the B level game tainted from the lessons
learned on how to survive that led him downward from the first game.

Some of those lessons he is sold on, some of them he is both
justifying as right *AND* restraining as wrong, and some of them are
just plain compulsive and he has no idea how to operate the straight and
narrow any more.

So again he plays the new game and finally ends up in the mud, dirt
and disgusting things at the bottom of it. But again there is a fence
which if he hops over it, he is again in a wonderland of a new game that
he can enjoy but which is smaller yet.

Each time he PROMISES TO HIMSELF that he won't do the things that
make him any smaller than he is already, but the game is trickier than
he is, and down the tubes he goes, eventually spewing overts like a bomb
going off.

And so it goes for the rest of the game levels until he hits rock
bottom at the end of game Z. Again there is a fence, but this time,
when he hops over it, he ends up in a whole new universe of games, WAY
smaller than the first one, and again he takes his garbage of lessons
wrongly learned with him.

So the beginning of each new game is not as good as the beginning
of the prior game, but it is way better than the end of the prior game,
which is why he keeps seeking the sun by going down hill, and hopping
over the fence, hoping for a new start.

The grass is always greener on the other side.

After a while he fails to recognize he is getting smaller with each
fence he hops, and he will WASTE games he is in, by ruining them
intentionally, to more quickly get to the next fence and get back to
good game play.

It's an effort to hit the restart button on the game he is in, but
that's not what really happens, now is it.

Wasting games to get to a 'better game' is sad, isn't it.


So how do you audit this?

Well he is only failing in playing these games because of the
accumulating out-ethics he engages in, which is engendered by the
seriousness with which he is playing, must win, must not lose AT ANY

Games go to hell when PLAY becomes undesirable, or is "desirable"
only if you win.

These games are deadly serious, life and death for EVERYONE, the
whole nine yards.

You lose, and the whole world falls into a black hole forever.

"Put your quarter here!"

Or worse he lives through atomic armageddon for 42 centuries.

Once things are for keeps, once the desire to win is greater than
the desire to play, once he forgets "Who or what is cause around here
and why is it such an asshole?", namely that he entered the game
intentionally and may even and designed it in part, all hope for clean
play is gone.

No man will strive for a level of nobility higher than the nobility
of the universe he conceives created him.

If the very basis of the game is unfair, or if everyone else is
cheating, you can be damn sure he will cheat too.

That is probably the best bet in all of existence.

But the unnoble man is never a happy man.

When you are trying to save your family and loved ones, it is very
tempting to cheat, sell your friends down the river, sell out entirely,
or whatever moral crisis the being finds himself in.

Who will stand up to an army of tyranny, when you know they will
come after your family once you are gone?

You may be willing to sacrifice yourself in an act of kamikaze, but
are you willing to sacrifice them too in the deal?

Sometimes moral conflicts are not resolvable, anything you do will
have collateral damage.

If you let Hitler go, he will continue killing everyone you know.

If you try to kill him, even if you kill yourself, they will seek
down all your family and torture them to death.

You won't be around to enjoy it, but they will.

Even if THEY are willing to be collateral damage, are you willing
to make it so?

These kinds of things freeze a being into inaction.

Kids fill their nightmare heads with these things, if I had to
choose between daddy or mommy, which would it be?

To do or not to do?

They are IMPOSSIBLE CHOICES to do the 'right thing', because ALL
choices lead to insufferable permanent loss.

Now ethics ceases being how to chose between right and wrong, and
becomes how to choose between the lesser of two evils.

Sometimes, he will have to flip a coin.

Even if he makes the best or only decision, he will damn himself as
guilty forever for doing the wrong thing.

He is guilty for BEING IN A GAME in which he can only do bad, don't
you see?

He would have to be, for no one in their right (finite) mind would
choose to create or be in such a game where such choices are presented
to you.

He misses the infinite mind, and its propensity to engage in
Majesty, Master of Jest.

And without question, he misses the responsibility others have for
their own condition.

He can't believe HE has any responsibility for condition, because
he KNOWS other's don't, oh no, NO ONE would put themselves in a state
like everyone else doing.

He KNOWS his little daughter is innocent and doesn't deserve what's
going to happen to her if he chooses the less of two evils.

So he chooses the greater of two evils, and let's his daughter
live, who only gets it in the end anyhow.


"Give me liberty or give me death, but please oh please leave my
poor dear innocent family alone, please?"


Games are games of action, inaction destroys the game.

Eventually the being will solve the indecision on whether to do or
not to do, with the decision to BOTH DO *AND* NOT DO at the same time.

If you take any of it to heart, then down you go, bitter and
unresolved to the end.

Taking things to heart is seriousness.

The opposite of seriousness is lightheartedness.

One enters the seriousness of game play on the carrier wave of
lightheartedness with which the whole thing was conceived and thus put
into action, including the necessary not know that blankets all serious

A being can cut off his connection to awareness of his own choices
and responsibility in the matter in which he finds himself.

He can enter a state where he is no longer aware that he entered
it, and would adamantly deny it even if reminded of the possibility.

"Me choose this? You gotta be kidding!"

That unawareness violates his eternal sovereign desire to be
sovereign, TO HAVE CHOSEN AND KNOW IT, and he is running on a burn from
there on out.


Doubt is self casting, doubting that one chose. clouds over the
certainty one did. The disharmony of the uncertainty then leads to
certainty one did not choose.

Part of the not know and disbelief is that the sovereign desire to
be sovereign INCLUDES the majestic desire to suffer the APPARENCY of not
being sovereign for a while.

Why a being would do this to himself is the impulse towards
seriousness and high anti cool, with is then resolved by reawareness of
lightheartedness and the *DIVINE humor of magnificent respect and halcyon,
eventually resulting in re-unmanifestation and utter unimpingable peace.

Humor is a blow of of seriousness.

The eternally sovereign being apparently has an addiction :)

The search for the brightest diamonds is in the darkest
coal mines.

The search for laughter is through the valley of the shadow of

From Adore:

"Responsibility is a big thing, certainly bigger than our parents
taught us.

Responsibility for RESPONSE ABILITY, ability to respond.

Do not doubt you chose it, and then look to see for evidence.

You chose.

What proof did you leave behind you now?

There is only one proof. http://www.lighlink.com/theproof

Learn it, love it, teach it, master it.

All can.

However for some people, by their own choice, it will be a long
time between now and then.

You can't move your house around town, if you have locked yourself
inside it.

In Excelsis Deo." - Adore

Entering the seriousness of play, the being bars himself from
awareness of his own and everyone else's choice to enter and the divine
(Imp Soul) beauty and aesthetic with which he and his buddies designed
these games.

Once he is in the game of seriousness, his attitude is who ever
created this game was an asshole, but here I am, I am bigger than any
evil that lives, I will conquer it all and assign blame later.

Of course he never gets there.

No sportmanship, no nobility, no code of honor survive for long,
his desperate play to wipe out what he didn't put there, and pretty soon
he is out-preempting the enemy faster than he can conceive how bad they



The enemy has no such problem.

The being thinks the way to survive is 'to be worse than them'.

The being has learned the lesson that this game shouldn't exist,
that he should never have been placed in it, that HE would never have
created such a thing, and he has learned the lesson that there must be
no honor, dignity, mercy or quarter given to the other side.

Because if you do, the other side will slip through and eat your
daughter anyhow, it certainly won't appreciate your decent intentions.

He knows indecency eats decency.

He finally becomes a master of treason and deceit.

A monster striving for mastery of abomination.

His goal is to give even the enemy pause for surprise, make them go
'Whoa, now *THAT'S* evil!"

But the enemy is not affected by this, the enemy can not be out
eviled, because the enemy knows what he is doing, and was paid to

The being eventually comes to feel there is a certain sympatico
between his ruined self image, once filled with the confidence of
rightness, once so noble and sure, and the mud and the dirty and the
disgusting things he finds at the bottom of the game, and so it suits
him just fine to live there.

He tried EVERYTHING, and yet all his loved ones came to death and
demise anyhow.

Or turned on him.

Or left him alone.

He considers it would have been better had he not tried at all.

How would YOU have played the game?

You who would criticize.

So he comes to you for auditing, and he hands you his last coin he
got from a girl he once loved, but whom he turned in to the King to save
his own skin, and whom he had to behead for her crimes. And she, not
knowing he was the headsman, had a gold sovereign in her hand for him to
make sure the cut was swift, and there it is now in your hands.

Lord pray you don't recognize the coin.

So what do you do?



Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
Sat Jun 23 23:25:43 EDT 2012
HomerWSmith-L mailing list




The preclear wants sympathy.

The auditor wants a confession.

The preclear wants advice, he wants to be told what to do.

The auditor wants to know what he IS doing.

The preclear thinks that the way to solve any problem is to DO
something more.

The auditor knows that more DOING won't solve anything, except make
problems persist better.


The preclear is fighting a game of ferocity and bone crushing

Of seriousness, importance, permanence and pain.

Of forevers and nevers.

Of life and death, both as a mortal meatball headed to death
forever, and as an immortal spirit headed to hell forever. He will be
trying to do both at the same time.

Each side of the game has an image of the other's intention, and
how it leads to death for himself and those he loves.

Since death is the perceived outcome of the other's intention, the
only solution to those who purvey death, is death.

To kill those who are killing.

Thus the overts of importance to this conflict, particularly the
continuous present time overts which keep the case alive, are the
efforts to stop, shut up, silence, pin down, imprison, enslave, torture,
damn, terminate, crush, blow up, smash, destroy, murder, kamikaze or
suicide mission the other side into hell or nonexistence forever.

To render inoperable.

You see that's the essence of Anti Adoration, which along with
Adoration of your friends, powers the whole thing.

"Adoration is Operation, if you adore something, operate it" -

The opposite of To Adore is To Abhor.

The opposite of To Operate is To Crush.

Well people just love to anti adore things they hate and so the
game is afoot.

The irony is that only the purveyors of death and damnation
eventually fall into in the morgues or hells they prepare for others.

All it takes is a wish to purvey, thus attempted murder counts as a
done on the thetan plane.


Desire = Cause.

We are trying to get back to that state, now aren't we, so we can't
disavow mere desire for another's demise as nothing.

You have to conjure up and thus create the fate you wish on others,
and if they don't accept it, guess who is left holding the bag?

Remember a creator can only CREATE HIMSELF AS _____.

He then tries to get others to create themselves AS _____. If he
fails to get others to create themselves as, he forgets to UNCREATE
himself AS, because he continues to try forever more to complete pawning
it off on the other.

Once he gives up trying to get others to create themselves as, he
can then cease peacefully from creating himself as.

Thus no hell can outlast a true confession.

That is absolute.

Dig and don't leave it.

You know Gods create serious games, but they don't create them

The thetans sees and knows that to get stuck ramming himself with
all his might into a wall for the rest of time that never gives, he will
have to not know that the wall out persists him because he is worried it
might, and also not know he knew this trap might happen if he just threw
himself into the universe with utter abandon.

There is a moment of beauty in doing this to himself, it is the
beauty of creating something eternally horrible through not know. His
innate faith in himself tells him it won't be forever no matter how hard
he tries to abandon himself. The beauty is so high, he doesn't even
bother to have an exit strategy, he DARES the trap to last for more than
a while.

Thus all things in any time stream MUST end one day, it can't be
any other way.

Thus Immortality in time is always a lie, and Eternality out side
of time is not.

Thus you have a GodSoul creating the most serious possible futures
for himself with a light heartedness that could heal anything.

If you get so messed up so that the hardest heart would cry for
you, and you go to a God level being begging for sympathy and
co-miseration, he will laugh at you with unfathomably deep respect.

Take a moment to understand that statement.

It is the difference between a human and an OT, the human may cry
with you, or they may laugh at you with CONTEMPT, but never ever will
any human laugh at you with respect.

"Oh Gorgeous and most Excaliper Lord,
Master of Magnificence and Respect..." - Adore

And indeed the only way to heal anything is to contact the moment
of gorgeous lightheartedness with which the die was cast, for it is that
beauty which powers the GOING IN.

That beauty is the last moment of being out before going in, and in
that moment one can simply just not go in, leave it for another day.

Thus practice coming in, puts you out long enough to change your
mind and decide to stay out.


All one needs to do to open a case in present time is address THE

Such games of ludicrous demise do not take place between people as
such but between concepts of people.

Thus it is not mother who is the problem so much as it is MOTHERS.

If there hadn't been a problem with MOTHERS in general, mother
wouldn't have ended up in the wild fire like she did with the child.

Thus on the second dynamic of family, one doesn't audit Daddy and
relationship between them, including all relatives, ancestors and heirs
in the past and the future.

Although it might seem that a child's life is mostly tied up in the
aberrations of his second dynamic, family mostly acts as a restimulator
for the much bigger games that are in swing on the higher dynamics.

Why is the child in a body? Probably to enhance mankind or some
such thing, you see. Oh brother, you had better know your opposition
before you enter that game with your finger in the air and swinging your

When the cost of failure is atomic war, the issue of life and death
FOR EVERYONE is branded brightly on the entrance to such a game.

The only thing that can cause death is death. A preclear can not
die psychosomatically of a game of chess. He can however die from
playing the game of wiping out evil at all costs.

He tries to murder the murderers.

Then one day he fails to murder someone he should have, and lots of
his friends and family die who wouldn't have.

Then on another day he murders someone he shouldn't have, and lots
of people turn on him and his loved ones in retribution.

Then he decides he can't tell who should be murdered or not
murdered any more, and finally decides maybe HE should be murdered.

Worse if he is conjuring up times he WAS murdered as a
justification and template for how he should be murdering others, then
when he fails, he falls back into all those recordings of BEING
MURDERED, and starts to suffer them all in valence in present time.

Then just to make sure he is doing heart felt penance that his
buddies will appreciate for being such a major bumble f*ck, he really
sticks those times of being murdered to himself to a point where HE

His body starts to rot, his muscles fail, he can't breathe, run or
walk, and when his buddies call him to arms again against real foe, he
just can't lift his sword.

He dies finally in shame or suicide.

He can't lift the sword to swipe the head of a foe, but he can lift
it enough to stick it in his own gut or fall on it.

Deep at the core of every case is such a game, regardless of the
frivolous inanities that it might be dressed in.

In order to get a preclear out of his body, you HAVE to audit what
he is doing in one IN PRESENT TIME to clarity.

You won't find it by ransacking his past though, its a present time
thing, you will only find it by addressing the present time game he is
playing and how he is playing it.

Why he CAME in may not be why he REMAINS in.

The problem is finding the game and shedding light on the players
and how it should be played and how he IS playing it.

Your preclear will be found to be buried up to his ears in code
violations, indecisions, ANDS, regrets, corruptions, temptations and
seductions to change sides, playing one side against the other, trying
to betray the enemy and ending up betraying his friends, engaging
finally in disgrace and ignobility, all of which is leading to
horrendous, horrific and hideous consequences, including leaving himself
alone in his own mind, because he thinks no one on either side could
stand what he has become, particularly those who trusted him to be the
standard code bearer though it all.

He starts off trying to always DO right, and ends up trying to
always BE right, mostly about having DONE WRONG.

Eventually he WILL change sides, become a bum on the street, or
be patient as hell as a patient in hell, depending on his inner

After he has murdered too many with too much collateral damage, he
will decide life would be easier to BE the other side, to whom murdering
innocents was right in the first place.

Eventually he will become sick of that too, and decide to stay
around as a spectator, observer, a.r.s septic or art critic.

But he will no longer be the player in the grand majestic tapestry
of ludicrous demise that he once was, although he might have a vintage
sword or two hanging on his wall for his parlor parties.

He will have fallen down from war is war, to business is war, or
tennis is war, or some such thing.

He is still playing games, and they will be of life and death, but
they will be smaller games harbored within the whirlwind of the original

Real OT case gain for him will involve a step back up in the world.

First you want the War of the Mortals.

Then you want the War of the Immortals.

Then maybe, he will open up on the War of the Eternals.



Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
Thu Jun 14 20:49:11 EDT 2012
HomerWSmith-L mailing list




Games have an anatomy.

There is play, win and lose.

Play is more important than win or lose, because winning or losing
the item in the game leads to loss OF the game.

The saddest day of a champion's life is the day he wins the gold

There is nothing worse than having no game to play.

It's like an orgasm, when its over it feels like hell.

People become aberrated on the subject of games to the degree that
losing the game results in serious consequences.

The most serious consequence of losing a game, is losing the right
or ability to ever play a game again, either through death forever or
hell forever.

When the EXISTENCE of games depends on winning a game, then the
being is not only playing that particular game, he is also playing the
game of games.

Losing the game of games means no more games period.

And that is death forever or hell forever.

A common form of playing the game of games is playing the game of
MORTAL body survival.

People didn't come here to solely and only make a body survive,
although to look at some, one can wonder.

One can get so involved in body survival, that they lose sight of
the bigger games they wanted to play, but they feel that if they lose
the body survival game they won't be able to play at all ever again.

Now a sane being will understand that once a car gets old, you go
get a new car.

Same with a body, there is no need to cry about never being able to
play games again once the body is in the grave. You can and should cry
about the loss of a one and only precious unique body that you loved,
but your eternal future is still there with a billion more of them, if
you want such a thing.

But things are more complicated than a car, you lose a body, you
lose a lot more than a body. Some of that is aberration, but some of it
is just how things work in this joint.

You work your whole life to be a Dallas Cowboy, and you die in mid
season, it will take you years to get back to playing football again,
and by that time all your friends will be gone, you probably won't make
the Dallas Cowboys again, and if you do it won't be the same. Besides
in your next life you are bound to come back as a doctor or balloonist
who hates football, you see?

So loss of a body is not disasterous to the long term welfare of
the being, but it is ruinous to the local games he is playing at the
time that depend on that particular body.

Particularly if he dies unexpectedly. If you have an old car that
his headed for the junk yard, its almost a relief if someone totals it
for you, but if its a new car in the prime of its life, this can really
piss you off.

But some people are in an even worse state, they believe this is
their one and only body, and so at the end of it's life, its the end of
games forever.

Many will tell you this is a good thing, they have had time enough
for love.

They are lying.

And they aren't loving.

But keeping the body alive for them isn't a fun game any more, its
SERIOUS by which we mean he no longer wants to be playing the game, but
has to, and will start to do anything to win at all costs.

He can no longer afford to lose (even though in the end he will
lose anyhow.)

Thus enters corruption, temptation and seduction to cheat, and
enslave others to play the game for you, take the risks, and give you
the rewards.

Every enslaver who ever was, was far more worried about his own
future than the enslaved was worried about his.

So how do games become aberrated?

Well it starts with the consideration that one didn't choose to
play the game, and therefore one doesn't want to play it.

It is quite impossible to feel comfortable playing a game one
didn't choose to play, so the moment the being is no longer in contact
with the desire to play, the invitation to self, THE ACCEPTANCE OF THAT
INVITE, and with the DECISION to enter the playing field and pick up the
ball, he is no longer in contact with the power of the author who wrote
the game and can change it.

It doesn't matter who wrote the game, all games come with author
rights, just as they come with player rights.

You wouldn't have it any other way.

It's the only guarantee that you will like the game, the ability to
tune it to your play level.

The power of the desire to have the game and power of the decision
to enter and pick up the ball PUT THE GAME THERE and you in it.

As soon as the being loses contact with that power, something
starts to put the game there for him, and him in it, and he has no
choice about it, and he becomes less than the game.

If you do something, and you claim you didn't do it, you become
smaller than what you did.

No being can stand this.

At that moment the being will start to NOT play the game, and
failing that he will try to WIN the game, and failing that, he will try
to LOSE the game, anything to get rid of the game, anything but PLAY the

Now trying to win a game that you created and want to play, and
trying to win a game you wish didn't exist just to get out of it, are
two completely different orders of things.

The being who is playing a fair chosen game would NEVER think of
cheating or getting others to play for him.

That's like an arcade game writer who is so pissed off at the game
he wrote that he tries to cheat on his own game, to covertly VIOLATE the
rules while INSIDE the game.

It never works, can't be done, and no self respecting game
writer/player would ever do such a thing.

If he doesn't like the game, he rewrites the game from the outside
not the inside, then he jumps back into the fray.

There is a difference between the author rewriting the rules of a
game, and a player covertly trying to violate them.

And that is a sense of Authorship.

The first makes you divine, the second makes you a sinner.

The first is the source of self respect, the second is the source
of self contempt.

But the player who thinks he had nothing to do with being in the
game, and didn't source or agree to the invite, and had nothing to do
with the creation of the game or choosing up sides, will start to cheat
at first opportunity.

Godless mortals always like to claim how ethical they are, but they
are constantly up against the corrupting forces of overwhelming fear
which lead to temptation and seduction.

Those that know they chose the game, aren't.

It starts with corruption, a crack, in their sense of

Corruption is a lack of perfect integrity of responsibility.

Integrity is knowing what you are and are not responsible for.

If you chose and then pretend you didn't choose, that's fair chosen
out integrity, disintegrity.

Temptation to cheat shines through the cracks in the being's
integrity, offering him a better time if he cheats, enslaves, steals,
and generally acts like a criminal, etc, and seduction is going for it.

How long is a mortal going to last on his high pillar of purity,
with those odds?

You will find most mortals BEGGING for the devil to hand them his
tail dripping with blood so they can get on with signing the damn
paperwork already.

So you get a mortal meatball in session, and the first thing you
clear up is corruption, temptation and seduction and then have at it,
until he sees it is hopeless remaining pure without a change of view
about himself.

"No man will maintain a level of nobility higher than the nobility
of the universe he conceives made him." - Adore

He WANTS to remain pure, but he knows he can't survive without
being preemptively dirty in a world where everyone else is doing the
same thing.

"Code of Honor? What's a Code of Honor?"

If he doesn't do it to them, they will do it to him first, and his
family depends on him to help them survive too, so he HAS to do what he
has to do, or he will never be able to live with himself, if his family
dies because he was unwilling to be just a little rotten.

Joke is, living rotten, even for the sake of one's family, he won't
be able to live with himself anyhow.

After a while you will find your average mortal in the valence OF
the universe, doing to others what the universe does to him:

"... treating love like the ocean treats sand castles in the
sand." - Adore.

He has become what he feared most because he lost to it. To be a
winner then, he needs to become what defeated him.

Most of your marching armies are in the valence of the physical

But really the issue is desire to play, and above that, having
chosen to play.

It is almost enough to simply want to play, but without that sense
of responsibility for being in the game, either as writer or buyer of
the game, if there is no CHOICE powering being in the game, it will
dwindle no matter how much he desires to play it.

No matter how much he enjoys playing the game, his ASKING where
this game came from and what is he doing in it, will forever taint and
throw off course his motion through it.

It is one thing to simply be in life and scramble as you can, it is
quite another to HAVE CHOSEN.

You see the power differential there?

Now NO ONE wants to play a game where the penalty of loss is to
never play again.

They like to scare themselves with such a game for a while, but
it's never forever.

So as your are auditing this guy, he has to change his mind about
the consequences of losing.

Then he has to recover his desire to play, because if the
consequences of losing are not that bad, he can AFFORD to play honestly
which is where the joy and glory come from.

There is no glory in cheating and being an underhanded weasel.

There may be joy in winning but there is no glory in cheating, even
if others "don't know."

The taint to the win will always be there.

And trust me, if one mortal is cheating so are all the other
mortals walking around, so thinking that others don't know is silly,
even if each one thinks they are the only cad in town.

That's why auditors have the advantage, when the preclear goes
'What withhold?' the auditor *KNOWS* the preclear is lying, even if
unknowingly. Withholds can only stay withheld if they think they can
get away with it. Once they know the jig is up, confess or die, they
just fold up and the overt comes spilling out on the table.

It is the AUDITOR'S CERTAINTY that makes it happen.

Then the last hop is recovering full responsibility for choosing
the games that call you to be played.

One came here for a reason after all, and if the power of that call
can drag you all the way across the universe, to this God forsaken
place, that power can help you play once its thrust is integrated into
your forward motion in the game.

The desire to be here powers the PUTTING IT HERE.

You can't win a game if you don't want to play.

And you can't want to play, if you didn't chose to play it.

And them's inexorable words.



Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Thu Feb 26 01:59:22 EST 2009
HomerWSmith-L mailing list


Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology


If you assume that the games of life have basic purposes, it would
be useful to make sure your preclear knows what those purposes are and
is actually following them.

That is called 'BEING ON PURPOSE': knows what his purposes are and
is persuing them.

Further if one assumes that a game is pretty much defined by its
basic purposes, then it would follow that a being that was NOT on
purpose would not be doing well in life.

Not on purpose means not knowing what his basic purposes are or not
following them.

Since a being is always doing something, if he is not on purpose,
he has to be following some substitute course of action or even

Inaction can happen from indecisions. Indecisions tend to be a
stop in the action while the decision process takes place, and thus they
tend to be timeless, and as such those postulates made during an
indecision tend to have great force.

For example your preclear may have come to a fork in the road and,
being unable to determine which way to go, ended up going nowhere. He
still intends to figure it out one day, but in the meanwhile he builds
his house AT the fork in the road and 'lives' there for the rest of

Its a beautiful house, but the preclear is very unhappy because he
turned Q&A into a fine art. He has forgotten about the original
indecision he PROMISED himself to continue working on, and will resist
remembering it lest he never live it down.

(Q&A means Question and Answer in Scientology, it means changing
the auditing question every time the preclear changes his answer. This
is death to a process and to the preclear.

Q&A also came to mean trying to get from A to B, failing to get to
B, and going to C, D, E, F instead.

One has Q&Aed from the original goal.

"How do I get to B? Well getting to B is hard. OK, so how do I
get to C? Well getting to C is hard. OK, how do I get to D. etc.)

While living in his new found home at the fork in the road, his
'action' level will be relgated to tending his garden.

Or helping others who come to his fork build their houses there too
lest he be reminded he used to be going somewhere.

He can't have anyone else making a decision he couldn't make
himself. He's down in NO INDECISION, and thus can't tolerate anyone
showing SOME INDECISION and making headway on it.

When purposes go out, so do ethics.

One can imagine then a preclear who, failing to make way with his
basic purposes, falls down to a substitute, and failing with that, falls
down to another, and then another and another etc.

Assess on the meter how many.

Eventually he can't even build a house at the fork in the road, so
he lives in an abandoned shack over in the local grave yard.

Later you find him homeless, living on the streets in trash cans or
boxes of cardboard, reading "Bums Today" or "Better Crates and Cartons."

(George Carlin.)

One might well ask how many levels of substitute a being can endure
before sinking into the moss.

If you are an orthodoggy, you can assess on a meter for how many
levels of substitute the being is in. It should blowdown on the right
number with good VGI's.

This is a non trivial proceedure, kind of like a Drug Rundown, you
gotta do it right and you gotta know what you are doing and what you are

You can not expect any significant case gain as long as your
preclear is off purpose, walking the wrong direction in life, and
banging his head against false goals, false freedoms and false barriers.

In session if he is talking about his present time problems with
weeds taking over his flowers, roll your eyes, then your sleeves and
start counting levels of substitution on the meter until he regathers
his vision of his original vector in full 3D surround sound.

THEN he will start making real case gain, and you will be worth the
money he is paying you for auditing.

The above process is not available in the Church of Scientology.



Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Tue Dec 9 01:55:01 EST 2008
HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Monday, February 25, 2013


Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology


We define a game as anything consisting of freedoms, barriers and

Freedoms are the abilites we have to change things as they are,
into what we want them to become. This is usually done by effort or
DOING, but can be done by direct postulate or consideration in some

Games are certainly created by direct postulate, but the primary
function of a postulate is to limit the facility of postulation thus
creating the game where one has to do in order to get.

Doing is exerting effort, using force, rather than postulating
or considering.

Barriers are the things that stop us from having what we want
merely by wanting it.

Purposes are the things that we want.

Barriers are not only that tree that fell across the road as you
were driving through the dark forest on a stormy day, barriers are the
conditions at the top of the awareness characteristic scale.

1.) Source
2.) Existence
3.) Conditions

For example it is a barrier that you have to drive on a road to get
to where you want to go in the first place.

Conditions are conditionals, not only on how things are, but what
path one must take to get to something different.

Conditions place time between desire and realization of that
desire, havingness.

Some conditions are absolute, its just the way things are.

Other conditions are postulated. All postulated conditions are
limitations on Native State.

Native State is total unmanifestation of all created things, at the
top of the tone scale, the Big Snooze.

All postulates are created outside of time as time as not been
created yet for that series of creations.

All postulates are postulates of limitation.

Effort (mental or physical force) committed to postulates of
limitation continue those postulates of limitation inside of time.

You make a postulate that you need to eat to survive.

Your postulate is still retractable at that point.,

But then you commit to effort go go hunt a deer and kill it,
and you have just made your postulate solid, and your existence
further down the time track than the original postulate that you need
to eat to survive.

Effort to accomplish an end takes you away down time from any
postulate you have made that you can't just have what you want
in the mere conception of it.

Thus postulates of limitations (or conditionals) are made solid
by the effort that places time distance between you and the postulate.

This is why postulating that one is infinite does not work, but
sinks one lower.

One has already postulated with infinite power that one is finite,
and one can not fight that postulate with a finite powered postulate
that one is infinite.

If one wants to become infinite again, one should re postulate that
one is finite.

THAT will reoperate infinity again.

One can postulate that one is finite exactly as one is, not merely
by merely being as one is because something else created you, but by
actually creating yourself exactly as you are under the power of your
own postulation.

Then one can postulate that one is finite in a slightly different
way, thus changing one's state into a new state of being, either more or
less finite than one was before, either on the same or different track
of endeavor as one was before.

People are allowed into your universe through the postulate of
invitation, just as any social game gets going.

One person invites others to come and play, and they chose up
teams, create the rules and play the game.

It is all fair chosen, and the game is powered by the power of the

One invite let's people in.

The second invite kicks people out.

Make something once and you got it.

Make something twice and you don't.

The second invite is the perfect duplication of the first invite
and thus ends the connection if one let's go of it.

So whenever you invite someone into your game, always create two
invitation cards :) in case you want to kick someone out.

The second invite is like a pink slip, 'You're fired, go find your
own game!"

Games become detested when the sense of invite is lost, and a
second can not be offered.

"Who me? I would never, could never, should never have invited
them in, and now you want me to invite them in again?"

So you become stuck with them forever more, not as your brother,
but as your most detested terminal.

Your most detested terminal is NOT your Nemesis One.

Your Nemesis One is your opponent in your most major game of life.

You consider your Nemesis One an honorable and worthy opponent and
the admiration and respect levels are very high.

"Finally, someone worth swinging my sword at!"

The invite is strong and absolute.

Your most detested terminals are the little people who didn't help
along the way and who opposed you into the ground with cat calls,
heckling and overwhelming dev-t (unecessary developed traffic.)

Losing your sense of invite on them can be dangerous.

A ship can sink from too many rats.

Too sink from an overwhelming storm, well that's glorious.

To sink from an overweight of rats, well that's not glorious.

The way in is the way out.

One becomes the Creator by being the Creator becoming the Creature.

Sorry, some things are inexorable here.

The purpose of being out is to come in.

The purpose of total unmanifestation is to manifest for a while :)

Ability gained on OT VIII is the ability to become a worm on a

(Operating Thetan VIII is the legendary top level of the
Scientology Grade Chart and has as its ability gained, total cause over
existence. But the purpose of creating a universe is to jump into it
and thus come down to the lower grade levels to play the game. You
gotta be a finely created asshole to play after all!)

For a being who can have in the mere conception of things, all game
postulates are basically a statement that conception or desire alone is
not sufficient to bring about havingness, that one must DO in order to

In other words one wants to create Z, but one must first create
A then B then C then D etc. until one gets to Z LATER in time.

Doingness is effort and commits the being to the prior postulate of
limitation that he can't have what he wants just by wanting it.

This creates time in which the doing takes place and separates the
original wanting from the final having.

The being desires the chase more than the chased.

If the final outcome of having is assured, the doing is called a

If the final outcome of having is not assured, the doing is called
a game.

Effort committed to a highly negative postulate will solidify that
postulate so it becomes unshakable.

The being makes a postulate that he is poor and doesn't know how to
make an honest buck.

It is timeless, and it works, there he stands in tatters with holes
in his pockets and an empty bottle in his hand.

But nothing is committed to it yet, so the postulate is easy to
reinvite and thus vanish. In fact the newly created postulate is so
evanescent, if the being merely puts his attention on something else,
the postulate will probably vanish on its own from lack of human warmth
to nurture it, and a little wind to blow it away.

But the minute he decides to rob a bank as a solution to the
negative postulate, he has committed time and effort to the postulate
and so it sticks like glue forever more.

If he kills someone during the bank robbery and regrets what he
did, which is a failed effort to turn time back, oh boy, he becomes
stuck like an ant in amber and that's the end of him as a decent fellow,
in the absence of a clear confession.

He tries to turn back time in order to undo having murdered
someone, maybe even to undo having robbed the bank, but he fails
to turn back time in order to undo the postulate that he was poor.
He doesn't consider that the postulate was CAUSAL. So taking it
back wouldn't make any difference, he would still be poor.

He considers the postulate that he is poor to be an observation
of prior existing fact, not a cause thought that MADE him poor.

I mean how rich can you be to be able to make yourself poor in the
mere conception of it.

The committment of time and effort to the postulate of woe, moves
him away from the moment of the original postulate so he can't duplicate
it any more. He needs to give up the bank robbery, confess and repent,
and get back to the original moment of the original postulate of
unwanted poverty THAT HE CLAIMS HE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH, then he can
reinvite it and thus end it.

The primary confession is 'I invited it in.'

Just conceiving that again in its original moment IS a duplication
of it, and thus it's continuing hangs on the edge of whether he let's go
of it not.

If he does, the postulate is gone, if not, well he would have to
commit to it all over again, so much work and effort you know, to keep
it around.

Notice that regret is an effort to reverse time by moving back down
one's time track. This does not work except to stick the being in the
past of his memory!

"Getting back to the original moment of the original postulate"
means reentering the timeless state and recreating the original
postulate exactly as it originally IS.

It's not a memory thing.

The full confession from postulate to regret and the willingness to
be done with being poor and robbing banks will return the being to the
timeless moment just before he made the postulate of unwanted poverty in
the first place.

Then he has an opportunity to reinvite it, and it will vanish as
soon as he takes his attention off of it as long as he doesn't commit
any more time or effort to it being true.

He has to give up the "I know you are true because I observed
you to be true."

That needs to be replaced with "You are true, because I consider
(conceive) you are true."

To assure the postulate is gone, he might consider committing time
and effort to a new postulate that the original postulate is NOT true,
by being rich say.

Notice I didn't say 'no longer true', for that holds onto the idea
that it ever was true. Once a postulate is reinvited into a state of
vanishment, it is GONE as if it never had been.

There is a gradient scale of being able to do this, perfect
vanishments are hard to accomplish low down on the human tone scale, but
the more one rises to full responsibility for things, the better one's
vanishments become, and so follow more new desirable creations.

Some are so low on the tone scale, below death of bodies, that they
just can't conceive that anything could ever go well for them, no matter
what they do.

So as conceived, so it goes.

It takes an epiphany of some magnitude to turn this around.

But the only thing that really works is getting him back to
where he doens't want to be, that prior CERTAINTY that he is poor
and can do nothing about it. He's running away down the time
track from that postulate like a little girl runs from a bag full
of spiders spilled on the ground.

If he just STAYS WITH THE POSTULATE for a while, it will melt on
its own accord.

Every postulate ever made is melting on its own accord, all the
time, but the being keeps shoring them up by committing efforts to them,

Particularly bad efforts that harm others and himself more, and
placing more and more distance in time between himself and the original
moment that he is just sure will out persist or out confront him.

That is the power of timelessness, timelessness can handle time and
its events completely. This is because Native State, which is outside
of time is creating time and everything inside of time directly.

And let me tell you, when native state conceives of something, that
creates it, and when native state loses interest in something, that's
the end of it, it's GONE as if it never had been, BECAUSE THERE IS NO

You don't get rid of something by trying to get rid of it, because
you are still conceiving of it in order to get rid of it, so of course
it stays around.

You get rid of something merely by deconceiving it.

There is no cause inside of time between objects. Everything is
being pushed along by the timeless state via the conscious units that
are in the game.

The conscious unit is a two windowed being. The outward window
faces the temporal state and its events of the outside world, and the
inward window faces the eternal state and its true causation over the
outward world.

Thus the timeless state can adjust the temporal state any way it
wants given enough daring and agreement amongst others that it can be

There is no one punishing anyone, either now or in the after life,
punishment arises automatically from the nature of the postulates that a
being makes.

He commits an overt act, regrets it, restrains it AND justifies it,
and it is these last two that create a ridge of pain and force more
solid than obsidian steel, that form the prison and torture of hell.

Restraint says it was wrong, justification says it was right, so
which is it already?

I regret it because it was wrong, but he deserved it because he was
a schmuck!

The justified overt, no matter how restrained, gets repeated later
on, again and again, laying on new layers of overt, regret, self
punishment, restraint, and justification.

He is no longer able to just commit the overt without regret, but
he is no longer able to stop doing it either.

The see-saw of indecision creates an alternating back and forth
current that creates force and mass and pain.

One can not be imprisioned or punished for anything beyond the
deliverance of a full confession and the cessation of the conflicting
idiocy of restraint *AND* justification at the same time.

If one finds oneself in a physical prison or hell, one has to ask
what one is doing in a body, once that is out of the way, the being can
leave the body and the prison, and probably blow up the prison behind
him and release the body should he be so inclined.

Thus seek the true confession to resolve any state of temporal or
immortal hell.


Once the very existence of games itself becomes a game which can be
won or lost, the being can end up in no games forever.

Most of the games you see around you are games of survival.

Survival can be for the physical body, but also for ideas, goals,
dreams and purposes etc.

Once games of survival are for the survival of games, the being is
in dire trouble and on the way out.

The being as Creator/Author likes to create and PLAY games of
survival, and the being as Creature/Character likes to WIN games of

If you can conceive of the Creator becoming Creature, or the Author
becoming Character, then you got it down.

Author's like to create good stories.

But good stories contain good and bad characters, and good stories
can be adjusted and made better.

Too few bad characters? Make more bad characters.

Too few good characters? Make more good characters.

Virtue for the Creator is not virtue for the Creature.

Virtue for the Author is not virtue for the Character.

If the being finds the games he is playing too easy to win, he says
'Christ give me a challenge already!'

If the being finds the games too easy to lose, he says "Christ get
me out of here!"

If the being finds the games a never ending warp and woof of win
and loss he says "Christ who?"

Anytime the being wins or loses a game, he loses the PLAY of the
game, so he needs a new game.

Thus any time a being wins or loses a game and returns to the
Author state, he adjusts the 'odds knob' on the next game to make it a
better and longer PLAY. The idea is to create a game that will play

The Author is in search of the endless volley.

This itself becomes a game, because it is impossible, ALL games
must end when the while in which they were created ends. But he can
extend the while for a long time in over time.

Auditing can lift the Character into the Author state while a game
is going on so the game can be adjusted to better play.


Too much or too little of anything results in non optimum randomity
and can produce death, either of the body, the being or the game as a

This includes too much or too little of winning or losing.

Auditing is the process of adjusting the odds knob for optimum

Sure you might be able to take a being who is losing all the time,
and return his ability to win all the time. But pretty soon he will say
'screw this!" and take on a bigger sphere of activity and start to sag
and buckle under the weight of play again.

"Woe is me!"

Auditing is the process by which a character is returned
momentarily to the Author state so he can adjust the odds knob.

Auditing consists mostly of gleaning a true confession, recovering
the original invite on negative postulates, and regaining facility in
issuing the second invite to unwanted opponents or games conditions, and
issuing new invites to new players to make the game rougher and more of
a challenge.

Without auditing, the being handles the buckling under the weight
of loss by taking on smaller and smaller games.

With auditing, the being seeks the weight by taking on bigger and
bigger games.

And yes a being can get sick of even endless optimum play, and just
jack the odds knob all the way up for the cussed fun of it.

He seeks the sag.

You will know it when you see it in yourself.

It means you are getting better.

In general people don't like to play games which they find they
HAVE to play, particularly when the consequences of losing are painful
or worse.

They feel they are on a fast moving treadmill, with fire all around
them should they try to get off.

Your average mortal meatball for example thinks he is playing a
game of survival that he is going to lose one day no matter what, and
once he loses he will never be able to play any game ever again.

Beings also played this game as immortals.

It was called 'Fragile Immortalities'.

The being still had a body, a space time gizmo, and it could tick
tock forever without wearing out.

It could heal from an unbelievable amount of damage, but if pushed
over the line, its ticking days were done.

This earlier universe laid down an early basic incident on

(A basic incident is the first of its kind on the being's whole

To dramatize means 'to bring drama to'.

Drama means seriousness, importance, permanence and pain.

When one has to die, death is not so important, it can even be

When one can live forever, death defines important.

In the fragile immortality universe, Ethics was no where to be
found, and people would do ANYTHING to get others to accept the risk of
living and allow themselves the reward of survival.

And justice and brotherhood was no where to be found either, as
punishment of an immortal body came into fine form during this time.

Remember the being is an ETERNAL being outside of time, not an
immortal being inside of time. Any existence inside of a single time
stream forever is a hell forever.

Fortunately such immortal existences are in fact impossible, as all
time streams are created finite and therefore must end one day. That's
why they are called WHILES.

However prior to the fragile immortality universe, everyone
believed in the immortality of the soul, and that once dumped in hell
forever, it stayed there forever.

They invented the fragile immortality universe to escape the
permanent immortality universe forthwith.

You will find present time people still stuck firmly in both
universes like an ant in amber. One never fully leaves a universe
behind when he tries to escape one by creating another lower one.

These prior universes create the background pain and angst of our
lives unrelated to anything in our present time and render breathing
insufficient reason to be, even in clean air. :)

The temporal hells that people are walking around in now have as
their rock solid foundation these earlier universes of inconceivable
terror and pain.

They have to be audited out like anything else, before the being
can attain equanimity and freedom to be.

The 'rock' has to be transferred from apparent immortality where it
is made of force, mass and pain, to eternality where it is made of
endless peace and assureity.

Imagine an author creating a game that if lost or won, destroyed
the being's ability to get back to being author and create another game.

Once the very existence of games is connected to the winning and
losing of a game, all ethics, and willingness to play as a character
goes out the tubes, and the being will do ANYTHING to win so he can keep
playing games he detests.

This is why 'character' is often defined as 'sportsmanship'.

Ethics, beyond being logical, is mostly sportsmanship in the games
of life. Maintaining one's sense of invite and fair chosenness.

There is nothing worse that no more games to play.

If he thinks he is immortal, no more games is hell forever.

If he thinks he is mortal, well at least he solved the hell forever
bit :)



Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Wed Nov 19 14:17:35 EST 2008
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