Friday, March 30, 2012


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In our efforts to improve on Mother Nature and natural selection
we seem to fall into two camps both of which lead to disaster.

The first camp decides it wants to help mother nature in the natural
selection process. They of course elect themselves as the fittest and
proceed proactively to select out everyone else. This leads to the
holocaust and other atrocities of the past. The victims here are obvious.

The second camp decides it wants to oppose mother nature in the
natural selection process. They elect EVERYONE as the fittest and proceed
to proactively make sure that no one gets selected out. The victims here
are those burdened with the survival of others.

The pendulum swings as the victims of each pogrom react by trying to
elect themselves into protected species status.

Many groups at this time are lobbying for protected species status.


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Thursday, March 29, 2012



There is a lot of confusion of what constitutes 'proof' in the

You place a wine glass on a table, and come back the next day and
it has Goober's prints all over it and the wine is gone.

That is proof that Goober drank it, no?

Good enough for a court of law?

You also had a hidden video camera running that captured Goober
walking in, drinking the wine, and leaving.

Well now we have absolute proof, right?

Good enough for a court of law?

Truth is science can only provide theory, not certainty, not proof.

Courts of law ask for 'beyond reasonable doubt', this does not mean
perfect certainty, one that can not be wrong.

Perfect certainty is 'beyond a shadow of a doubt'.

Having been found guilty by a jury is an adjudication that you
probably did it, and not proof that you were in fact the perpetrator of
the crime.

People like to think that when a jury lays down a verdict, that is
somehow the truth, it serves some purpose for them to believe this.

You *ARE* guilty because the jury said so.

Anyhow one might ask what levels of certainty do math and logic
provide? Both math and logic are usually considered 'sciences', yet
science can not produce a certainty and math and logic certainly can.

Science is an approach to putting together a workable theory of the
world. Math and logic are tools that science uses, mostly in disproving
theories, mostly of the universal kind, 'all daisies are black'. one
white daisy and that theory is dead FOR SURE.

Thus we can use math and logic to prove that a theory is unworkable
with certainty, but never that a theory is workable.

Math is derived from logic, so gets its certainty from logic.

Logic is a description of IS and IS NOT,

IS and IS NOT are direct observations of the nature of
consciousness, eg. I AM, red and green ARE NOT identical etc.

Thus since observations in consciousness can only provide perfect
certainties, the descriptions of consciousness embodied by IS and IS NOT
are also perfect certainties.

Since logic is merely an extension of that description of IS and IS
NOT, logic also provides perfect certainties, and thus so does math.

As long as science sticks to making direct observations of
consciousness, it's qualities and their relations, science too can
provide perfect certainties.

But the second science gets involved in indirect observations and
theory, it has started the walk down the garden path from certain
actuality to uncertain virtual reality.

Science deals with observations, theories, and predictions leading
to more observations.

In the absolute last analysis, the observation is always certain,
even though the theories of cause are not. But those observations
remain certain only to the degree that they are observations about the
scientist's conscious experience of the experiment.

He can safely talk about seeing the color red, but once he starts
talking about seeing photons of 5000 Angstroms, his observations become
theories in themselves, and thus lose all semblance of certainty.

We call this process by which observations become theories the
'Theory Sandwich'. It results from the collapsing of symbol and
referent into one.

There is always a theory connecting a perfectly certain symbol like
the color red in consciousness, with a perfectly uncertain referent like
a photon of 5000 Angstroms.

Conscious Symbol -> Theory -> Alleged Physical Referent

Thus as long as a scientist talks about seeing the color red, he is
on certain grounds because the symbol is MADE of perfectly certain self
luminous consciousness.

But the minute he starts claiming he has seen red photons, he has
collapsed the conscious symbol onto the alleged physical referent
squeezing the theory out of the middle like a jelly sandwich compressed
too tight.

Instead of two pieces of bread with theory jelly between, he thinks
there is only one piece of bread and no jelly at all.

He is pretending there is no symbol and no theory, that the red
photon is a 'fact'. At that point he is gone, but certainly passes the
grade for a PhD in the Halls of Academentia.


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Sat Aug 18 23:52:58 EDT 2007

Wednesday, March 28, 2012



In husk <> wrote:
> Interesting. So a true OT, who has the powers, would have zero
> loyalty to the Church of Scientology.

An OT is a fully operational GodSoul.

As such the OT's motivation to create games is opposed to the
human's desire to win them.

The guy who created football didn't take sides, you understand?

If a God were to take sides, it would usually be for the underdog,
because their aim is to keep the game going.

But their main effort would be to improve the game if one side
would win so easily and the other never win.

Also a God can only interfere in human affairs under very tight
rules, other wise humans stop trying for themselves.

In any case no OT is all powerful, let alone a fledgling OT, if he
were he would simply create the universe as it is.

He would be doing what he be doing, because he is at peace and
there would be no reason to change anything.

Thus there is a change over point when a human goes OT, he stops
helping and caring about those around him in the sense of helping them
win the game. He will help them have a better longer game, but not win
it. You see?

That is in part why humans fear and thus *HATE* Gods and OT's.

Thus all OT's are at risk in any game they play, they have lost and
can lose to a planet full of humans who are dedicated to destroying or
enslaving them and destroying their loved ones who may not be OT yet.

They need to stay fabian, and play in the background and optimize
the game where no player can ever tell it is going on.

Humans are out in your face, put up or shut up! OT's vanish and
must stay fabian, they can not be provoked to 'appear'.

> Following that, one who
> claims to be OT VII or VIII, but does not have the powers as it didn't
> work for them, can have extreme loyalty to the church.


They have loyalty to a hope, a dream, which they correctly know is
possible, but incorrectly think they will find in the Church and
Hubbard's work.

Look most of the OT abilities are inner abilities, OT III is
freedom from overwhelm. That's a major state, but I doubt any have it
really, not stablely.

OT VII is the ability to project intention, that means if I want
you to do something, I can 'make' it be your intention to do it, as long
as you aren't opposed. I can 'give' you the idea, to turn left instead
of right etc.

OT VIII *USED* to be cause over MEST, but that's absurd, they are
lucky if they can get their dicks to rise or move their bodies around
without falling down the stairs let alone move an ashtray over to where
the cigarette is.

OT VIII back in the old days was a theoretical postulate, when it
finally came time to deliver it was down graded into a pre OT level,
meaning its just another overt withhold cycle, trying to force endless
loyalty to the Church.

And sad truth is that just about anybody can make case gain of a
sorts in a highly protected atmosphere, but throw them to the lions in
the real world and they simply come apart, can't even make a living.

The church is full of scientology wogs, those that need someone
else to do everything for them.

You need to stop looking at LRH and the Church and its meatball
adherents, and start looking at YOUR spiritual existence and abilities.

LRH said these abilities are there, he was right.

LRH said he could help you develop them, well that's probably a
less than perfect bet at this time on this planet.

If you can see past LRH to the truth in your own soul, then you
will see better where the Church may have gone astray and given the
whole subject a bad name.

Look at it this way, the *CHURCH* has not yet gotten above Grade
IV, or dramatizing psychotic on a make wrong rampage, so how can anyone
inside the Church possibly become or really be an OT?

Now I will tell you something else, and you will either interact
with this comment with intelligence or not depending on whether your
mother bred with a valid lisence.

What I WANT from Scientology or clearing is not magic abilities to
defend my body from all oppressors, or demonstrate eternality to those
better flushed down the toilet a few times.

I just want to feel physically and emotionally good about my
endless future and not be in anger, fear, sorrow and apathy all day

And I would like some control over my next lives, so I can get on
with various trans life time goals that I have my heart set on. I
certainly do not want to end up with cretins for parents as I did in
this life, and I do not want to end up a mortal meatball all over again
next life.

Recovering from the emotional and mental wreckage of mortality is
almost impossible.

And if my inner feelings are any clue, I have known the proof
before this life, and I didn't appreciate it taking me 21 years of life
to recover it.

So those are big desires and very very very hard to achieve.

If I could just feel good all day long, look forward to my future
no matter what it is, make friends, grow and prosper, not have the
demons and their claws in my rib cage and throat, and not be a fucking
Black V who can't see anything because every time I do, my body starts
to faint, then I might consider the issues of moving the marble.

But you know once you go in the direction of stopping atom bombs in
flight, and doing serious Physical Universe magic to protect fragile
things, you come to own it, and Earth wouldn't be free any more, the non
OT's would be RULED by the OT's, not because the OT's wanted it, but
because the little guys would demand it, TAKE CARE OF ME.

That's a big reason to not let little guys know you might be able
to, because they will try to ruin you and your friends and pets if you
don't. An OT, no matter how powerful he is, if he ACTS, will engender
consequences, and consequences can be like tidal waves, nothing can
stand up to them, not even the OT who started it.

Thus the protocol empowers the power.

Find out how the power should be used, and it will come back.


> I'll have to digest that one for a while.

Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Sun Apr 4 22:42:49 EDT 2010

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


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((Editor's comments in double parenthesis - Homer))


ACT - 91
11 September 1995

Copyright (C) 1995 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.

There are two kinds of people in the world. Those that divide
people into two kinds and those that don't.

With that in mind, I present to you the following SEVERE over

There are two kinds of people in the world, the good guys and the
bad guys.

The good guys speak with the Voice of Truth, and the bad guys speak
with the Voice of Lies.

I believe that anonymity is the foundation of freedom in the known
universe. Anonymity is the ability to speak either the voice of truth
or the voice of lies without anyone knowing who you are.

Accountability is the opposite of Anonymity. Accountability means
that everyone knows who said what and can take them to task for it.

Both sides can use force to silence the other side, but usually its
the bad guys who use force to silence the good guys, good guys usually
use more voice of Truth to expose the bad guys.

When they aren't dodging the slings and arrows of the bad guys that

Truth does not necessarily make you powerful, at least in the early
stages. In fact lies, and those that bow and pray to lies, make you
powerful. So when it comes to a match of force, the bad guys often win.

No one would argue that accountability is a bad thing, but I
would point out that ALL the members of the emerging police state are
adamantly FOR accountability at all times for all their citizens.
That should give one pause to wonder.

Anonymity is actually very hard to maintain, and absolute anonymity
for all people at all times is very difficult indeed.

Therefore by observation a society or organization is usually
operating at some gradient scale of anonymity between the extremes of
total anonymity and total non anonymity.

It can come to pass that certain gradient levels of anonymity end
up benefitting the bad guys more than the good guys. In these
situations, the bad guys tend to start winning and the good guys
perceive that the bad guys are winning BECAUSE of anonymity.

Rather than use the weapon of anonymity themselves to protect
against the bad guys, the usual convulsive reaction on the part of the
good guys is to try and close down the channels of anonymity to keep the
bad guys located and corralled. It never occurs to them to open up the
channels more and use it themselves.

The logic for closing down the channels of anonymity is very
simple. Our country is ruled by an Omni Intelligent and Omni Beneficent
God King, therefore if we track down every communication to the person
who said it, our God King will be able to silence the bad guys for us.

The problem is that our country is not run by a God King, but by
human beings who tend to elect each other into power based on the most
outrageous criteria.

As the bad guys see themselves getting corralled with
accountability, they simply run for office and get themselves elected
into the positions of power where THEY are the ones duly elected to take
action against the bad guys. Of course they take action against the
good guys instead.

It is for this reason that the temptation to tighten
accountability when anonymity is abused can be an error that leads to
a terrible trap worse than any tar pit. Namely only the bad guys get
to speak, and the good guys get to remain silent fearing for their

This is why when the police ask if you have something to hide after
you have refused to let them spot search your belongings, you must
always say, "Of course, I have EVERYTHING to hide. FROM YOU!"

There are certain basic freedoms that MUST remain in place no
matter how egregious the crimes committed therefrom, even if those
crimes are against your mother or children, because without those
freedoms in place allowing such crimes, THE STATE TAKES OVER AND PUTS

Which is worse, child pornography or a police state?

There are lots of ways to try and stop child pornography, but
there are few ways to stop both child pornography AND the emerging
police state which feeds on people's fear of child pornography among
other things.

Police states are born from certain kinds of people selling FEAR to
the general populace, and the populace buys it. Such Merchants of Fear
are ALWAYS at the bottom of any police state. They are the foundation
and rock upon which it is built.

Anyhow as an ISP it is my job to provide the channels of
communication between people. That's what I do, I provide the
CHANNEL. This includes standard accountable type channels and not so
standard anonymous type channels.

People who communicate with each other tend to get into fights
over what they are communicating about. Usually they take their
fights out on each other. But when anonymous channels are used, they
don't know who 'each other' is, so they take it out on the provider of
the channel instead. That's me.

It's enough to make you want to throw anonymity in the waste

Many have suggested that this would be a good idea. However
those who define anonymity as 'premeditated irreponsibility' are
taking the stand that the resistance movement should always fly a big
red flag above their headquarters to let the enemy know from whence
they foray.

One might well ask whose side these people are on.

They usually consider that a government is a safe thing to have
around and wish to give it all the power it needs to protect them from
being a victim to 'crime'.

Anyhow the quest for freedom and its maintenance is an ongoing WAR.

It will never be any other way.

Providing a communication channel is a difficult job, it usually
involves a precarious balance between allowing the good guys to speak
and making sure the bad guys don't get away with the gold.

It is very hard to maintain that balance with both sides pulling
and tugging on you as the provider of the communication channel,
because they can't pull and tug on each other.

Each side wants anonymity for themselves but not for the other
side. Each side takes action against the other side by limiting
anonymity in general, and eventually each side falls into the same tar
pit together where no one can speak, no anonymity.

Ain't Justice Sweet.

Anyhow one of the main purposes of the Subscriber Agreement is to
make sure that people pull and tug on each other, and leave me out of
it even if they got no one to target at the other end of the
communication line.


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Homer Wilson Smith This file may be found at

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Tue Mar 27 03:06:02 EDT 2012
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07/29/10 Thursday 4:21pm EST


Homer wrote:
> No, the only thing we can effect is each other. But in fact that
> too is an illusion, because if we follow 'each other' up the threads
> towards source, we end up being part of the same causal being, the big
> "I-AM", the High Us from Adore.


This kind of messy description of things makes me nervous.

It is not true we are one being, it is not true we are many beings,
it is true we are one thing who has many beings.

The finger and hand analogy works well in this case.

The separation of the fingers is not an illusion, they are separate
individual fingers.

The oneness of the hand is also not an illusion, it is one hand.

But the seperate fingers DO connect to the one hand in such a way
as to make a whole thing that is both one and many.

Thus individuality is never lost, but neither is connectedness
between individuals.

They can act independently, but they can also act in unison or in
covert agreement with each other.

Covert agreement is when I cause you to be able to cause effects in

It looks like you are cause of the effects, which you are, but I am
cause of you being able to have access to me to cause effects in.

Thus if you cause an effect in me, mock something up for me,
we are both 'responsible' for my condition, even though I didn't
have a clue WHAT you were going to mockup for me, or even when.

Once I say 'have at it', the causal door in then open for you to
mock me up as anything you want any time you want.

You are repsonsible in that it is your will and mockup.

I am responsible in that it is me you are mocking up as something,
via my causal permission that you can do so.

BOTH ARE ACTS OF INDEPENDENT CAUSE between two different beings via
the One that connects them.

It can be argued that the fingers can not act without drawing power
from the hand, and this may be true. Thus each finger is an agent of
the One.

But the One is a multi One, each finger can have its own
independent existence free from influence from any other finger.

Further, although the finger draws its ability to act from
the hand, it is the FINGER that acts, not the hand.

Thus "Source Sources only when Will Casts." - Adore

The fingers form the High US, the hand forms Source, and the
fingers and the hand form the AllThatIs.

Thu Jul 29 16:32:06 EDT 2010

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Mon Mar 26 03:06:02 EDT 2012
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Sunday, March 25, 2012



ADO - 1
15 February 1993

Copyright (C) 1993 Homer Wilson Smith
All Rights Reserved

An OVERT is something that you do to another that you later regret
or feel guilty about. You can regret it either right after it happens,
or later, or even after you die and see what you have done. Overts lead
to a desire to apologize for the wrong that you did, but often lead to a
fear of punishment resulting in WITHHOLDING the overt and not talking
about it and refusing to give the apology or to make your heartfelt
amends. This leads to pain within oneself because one feels forbidden
by fear to do what one wants to do and knows is right.

A MOTIVATOR is something someone does to you that you wish they
would regret or feel guilty about, apologize for and perhaps make amends
for. Usually however the perpetrator will not-is or justify what they
have done to you which really pisses you off, so you are provoked or
MOTIVATED to commit an overt on them of like kind. Motivators lead to
retaliation. Soemthing done to you, leads to you doing something back.

NOT-ISING means 'it didn't happen', when it did. Not-ising does
not mean suppressing or forgetting, although these result from
not-ising. Not-ising simply means and only means 'IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!'.
It's trying to nail something out of existence. One applies enough
force, hard enough for long enough, to bury out of sight a certain
section of your memory time track. Then the part just before the event
is connected to the part just after the event to make it look like the
intervening event didn't happen. If you have headaches you are
not-ising the hell out of something.

REGRET is a wishing that you had not done something or a wishing
that something had not happened. It is the effort to UNDO something, to
put the brakes on time, to STOP TIME COLD, to turn time back, to make
the event never have happened. It results in NOT-ISING the moment of
time in your memory when it did happen.

JUSTIFICATION is finding something that someone did to you either
before or after what you did to them which you can then use to make
yourself feel better about what you did to them.

Justification covers the regret and removes the need to apologize
or make amends. Justifications also stick you for ever more with the
memory of what they did to you because you continue to need it to feel
better about what you did to them. Justification is a willingness to
trade off feeling eternally guilty for feeling eternally angry. The
only solution to this mess is a complete confession of the original
overt. The way to happiness is a true confession.

If you are unable to find anything the other person did to you that
justifies what you did to them, you will take things they did to you
which DID NOT BOTHER YOU AT THE TIME and suddenly turn them into BIG
DEALS, or you will wait until they DO do something bad enough to you to
justify what you did to them. If they never do, you will take steps to
PROVOKE them into doing something to you so that you can have your
justification. Guilt can be very patient and cunning when it comes to
these things.

A DED is an accidental or intentional overt that you do to someone
else, which is regretted because it has no justification.

A DEDEX is a motivatior that someone does ot you, that comes long
AFTERWARD the DED that allows you to justify and feel better about the
unconfessed DED. Usually the DEDEX is something small and otherwise
would have rolled off your shoulders, but because of the earlier DED
screaming for justification, the DEDEX is magnified way out of
proportion to make it big enough to fit the DED it is justifying. This
is a major deceit.

DED stands for DEserveD overt, because it wasn't but the being
who committed it is now forever trying to find a reason to make
it deserved.

DEDEX stands for DED EXPOSED, the minor motivator LATER becomes
blown into a huge thing because of the major overt (DED) prior.

Because of the time and logic reversal, using something later to
justify something earlier, rock solid persistence ensues, and the being
seals his own tomb with a persisting withhold of magnitude.

If the DEDEX IS as big a the DED, the DED/DEDEX pair can become a
CO EXCUSED WITHHOLD as described below.

A WITHHOLD is not communicating about something, it's a not talking
about something, a not saying about something, a not wanting others to
know. A WITHHOLD is also something you are restraining or withholding
your self from doing either for the first time or again. It usually
results from having done something the first time, regretting it,
wishing you had never done it and swearing to never do it again against
all kinds of forces internal and external pressuring you to do it again.

A MUTUAL WITHHOLD is when two or more people in a present time
group have the same series of overt acts and withholds. When such
people act as confessors to each other, they fail to get the other guy's
withhold because they have it themselves. It's a form of implicit tacit
consent to not talk about some common wrong doing because it isn't even
considered a wrong.

The Church of Scientology is a massive cesspool of mutual
withholds, people all doing the same wrong thing, but since everyone is
doing it, it's ok and not necessary to confess.

You don't confess eating breakfast, you don't confess smoking
cigarettes, and you don't confess pressuring people to spend money they
don't have on services.

A MISSED WITHHOLD is a withhold that you are wondering if others
know you did or not. It's also a withhold that others almost found out
you did but they didn't find out, a close call, they MISSED IT. It's a
withhold that has been restimulated but not pulled, that is to say you
were consciously reminded of it, but AGAIN did not get it off your
chest. MISSED WITHHOLDS result in a constant WONDERING if you have been
found out or will be. This self induced worry keeps them in chronic
restimulation. This results from the continuous scanning and
rescanning, without relief, of your mental image pictures of the moment
the withhold was missed to see if you can see if there is any evidence
that the other guy really found out or not.

A WITHHELD MOTIVATOR is something that someone did to you that you
are not talking about, are not complaining about and don't want anyone
to know about including yourself. It is silently or even obliviously
suffering an injustice of magnitude. WITHHELD MOTIVATORS result from

A CO-EXCUSED WITHHOLD is when someone does to you in this life what
you did to someone like you in a past life. It's a withheld overt
motivator pair, where BOTH are withheld and have sunk out of sight.

For example, let's say in this life you are an adorable 3 year old
little boy and one night your mother breaks your father's favorite vase
stumbling around in a drunken stupor. Later your father comes home and
demands to know who is guilty for this misdemeanor. Your mother angrily
points the finger at you, and you get a beating. You scream at your
father that your mother lied to him and really she did it and then he
beats you even more for lying and saying such horrible things about your
wonderful mother.

It's enough to piss you off, right? Well that's a motivator and if
that were all there were to it you would keep screaming and yelling
bloody murder until the truth were known, your mother confessed and
amends were made even if it took you 50 years.

However 2 lifetimes ago, or 20,000 life times ago YOU were such a
drunken mother and you broke your husband's favorite vase, and when he
came home you pointed your finger at your cute little adorable 3 year
old son, and he got the beating of his life, only this time the little
boy died from an accidental head injury at the hands of his father.

The father is taken away to jail and you are left ALL ALONE with a
ruined future. You are grief stricken and eventually commit suicide as
you can't stand the sight of yourself. But in all this you NEVER told
the husband the truth about who broke the vase! And you hope to hell he
never finds out and you just wish the whole thing would go away.
Needless to say in your future lives, that particular life won't be all
that visible.

But then in this life you ARE that adorable little 3 year old boy
and this whole scene comes down with your mother blatantly pointing the
finger at you for a crime that she knows god damn well you didn't
commit, and suddenly you feel GUILTY AS HELL. You are supposed to be
feeling angry at the blunt and crass injustice that your mother is
perpetrating on you but NO! you feel guilty! Why? Because your prior
withhold AS A MOTHER has just been restimulated, you have just been
reminded in no uncertain terms that you are guilty of exactly the same


Suddenly INSIDE WHERE NO ONE CAN SEE, you are surrounded by the sad
wonderful beauty of the child that you did such wrong to so long ago,
you remember instinctively that there was DEATH involved when YOU did
it, and right at this moment you are not so sure how the present scene
is all going to work out.

In the moment of your anger at the present time injustice coming
your way, you are also in the middle of your guilt for the past track
injustice you sent your child's way. At this moment you say QUIETLY to
yourself and your parents, 'Well if you guys EXCUSE me for what I did
long ago, I will EXCUSE you for what you are doing to me now.' You see
there is a NO COMMUNICATION on this, it's a 'if you won't talk about
what I did, I won't talk about what you are doing.'

Thus you take your beating QUIETLY, not a whimper out of you, and
you go to your room afterwards like a well chastened little boy who took
his punishment like a man, but who got away with murder anyhow.

Your anger at your mother as a little boy in this life is balanced
by your guilt AS a mother ABOUT a little boy in a past life, and both
feelings sink together into numbness, apathy and oblivion. You just
wish the whole thing would go away.

Thus in later years you look back on your parents with great
fondness wondering at what wonderful people they were and HOW LUCKY YOU
WERE TO HAVE THEM. However you can no longer feel love or hate, anger
or regret, you can't cry and you can't remember a thing. And your past
lives are gone to you, and eventually you come to think you live but
once and die, longing for the peace of annihilation.

Your attitude is exactly, 'Who would want to live forever?'

You have had quite time enough for love.

For you love = anger + regret + failed apology.

You see every time you feel anger for your mother for the rude
things she did to you, you also feel love for the little boy you did in
on the past track. Every time you feel anger at your mother in this
life time you feel regret AS a mother for that same past lifetime. I
mean YOU are still walking around, that is more than you can say for
YOUR little boy so many life times ago, right? So your feeling is that
you should let bygones be bygones lest you be reminded, by fighting your
own present time injustices, that you are guiltier in your own mind from
a past life than anyone could ever possibly be towards you in this life.

Co-excused withholds are the sole source of the deteriorization of
the mental health, happiness and stability of an individual, Co-excused
withholds make your future seem DARK and your memory GONE.

Co-excused withholds ARE DED/DEDEX sequences with the exception
that the being smiles through the DEDEX rather than complains bitterly.
and hopes both DED and DEDEX sink quietly and unnoticed into oblivion.
They become skeletons in the whole track closet.

One way to run them in session is as follows.

'Get the idea of withholding anger in this life.'
'Get the idea of withholding regret in a past life.'

'Who do you still want to murder?'
'Are you refusing an apology?'

'What has a mother done to you as a son in this life?'
'What have you done as a mother to a son in a past life?'

'What has a father done to you as a daughter in this life?'
'What have you done as a father to a daughter in a past life?'

'What question did your parents make you forget in this life?'
'What question did you make your child forget in a past life?'

Of course at first you are going to get all sorts of things the
person is just screaming mad at his parents for, oh they did this to him
and they did that to him etc etc. But THESE are not what is wrong with
him because he is yelling about them so loud.

A co-excused withhold is QUIET.

A co-excused withhold is a WITHHELD MOTIVATOR. He's not talking
about it, he doesn't want you talking about it, and he doesn't even know
he's not talking about it any more. He doesn't know how hard he has
been hit because he doesn't want anyone to know how hard he has hit

That's why you can't remember being a baby, or walking around in
diapers, or learning to talk, or suckling on your mother's breast or
even your bottle. THAT area is RIFE with deadly quiet co-excused
withholds, and that area is where you will find the sources of your
headaches, eyeglasses, lack of memory, despair, black future, and one
life outlook.

What blacker future can their be than in a grave as worm food?
That's not your fate, that's the fate of the shell of your body. Even
your body's millions of genetic entities get another life, you all do.

Eternal consciousness can not die. So cheer up.

But you can't cheer up unless you cough up.

And besides the material part of your body WANTS to be worm food.
It's a form a usefulness to the cycle of nature.

So look to those areas that you can't remember in this life. Each
one will be balanced by an area you can't remember in a past life. You
can't remember HAVING a mother and BEING a baby? Well then you also
can't remember BEING a mother and HAVING a baby.

They say we all have a cross to bear. That's it.

Of course fathers do bad things to their sons too and mothers do
bad things to their daughters. But the cross sex charge is very
important. One reason you can't get out of your body is because 'I am a
boy and I have NEVER been a girl', or 'I am a girl and I have NEVER been
a boy.' This also accounts for much of the loss of your whole track
memory. Half of it is of the opposite sex to that which you are now
hiding in. And a good deal of it is memory of in between lives where
you were neither boy nor girl studying the mess you had made as a boy
and a girl.

You are not a body, you are IN a body pretending to BE a body.

It is one thing to have, own and control bodies, or to permeate one
or more bodies completely, it is quite another to think you ARE a body.
That's like the TV thinking it is a horse in the TV show.

Once you run off the co-excused anger and regret between being a
son with a mother in this life and being a mother with a son in a past
life, or being a daughter with a father in this life and being a father
with a daughter in a past life, you suddenly KNOW that you have been
both sexes.

Thus you realize very quickly that you are not only a trans life
time being, but also a trans sex being, and this leads to easier
exteriorization from your present body and its present lifetime. It
also allows you easier interiorization into other bodies or other BEINGS
of your choice of any sex. It allows you to BE others because you are
willing to BE yourself, who you were and who you will be.

You can be the baby or you can be the mother throwing it out the
window. As long as YOUR OWN HANDS are clean in the matter and your
confessions kept up to date, you can come and go into any one else's
scene that you might find as you please.

It becomes just so much universe going on to you. As long as you
are not guilty yourself in the matter you can even pass through it
without any convulsive need to DO anything about it. You couldn't
possibly DO anything about everything bad going on in the universe
anyhow, and in fact it is this necessity to DO something about
everything bad in the universe that prevents you from wandering freely
through it. It's just too much of an overload and you know it. Better
to park yourself in a head and stay there, at least you have an excuse
for not being able to clean up everything there is.

Theoretically this would ultimately lead to being able to travel in
space AND TIME anywhere in the universe at will merely by moving there,
as there is no where, no when, and no one, you would be unwilling to be
or have been.

You can also be more than one person or being at once if you can
span it.

Do you want to live forever?

How about if you could rest for as long as you liked when ever you
wanted to in Eternal sleep?


Homer Wilson Smith This file may be found at
Posted to usenet newsgroup:

Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012



Ball of Fluff <> wrote:
> It's interesting to me how some people get stuck on the OT powers thing. I
> wonder if some ex members had that as a hidden standard.

The primary reason lower tone people get into a desire for super
powers is to even the odds in life, particularly when one feels
surrounded by criminals, or evil people.

The desire to protect the body leads one to want to remote view,
read people's minds so you can see them coming, direct them away from
you by telepathy alone, and failing all that blow their brains up.

An OT can CREATE bodies, why is he then PROTECTING bodies? That's
sub death, and long gone from OT.

Thus when looking at OT powers, one must look at the MOTIVATION
behind wanting to use them.

Human motivations, born of fear, hatred and wiping out assholes
forever tends to dry UP OT powers, because one is already committing to
be dependent upon or worse BEING a body, which of course doesn't have
such powers.

You can't become cause by being an effect, and you can't become
cause to protect yourself after choosing to be an effect.

OT motivations, which are game creator motivations, however tend to
free up powers.

People tend to think that if they have the ethics, ie are a good
character then they will get OT powers, but OT powers don't belong to
good characters, they belong to good AUTHORS.

It is the author that creates the world, puts it there, not the
character. He who can create stars, can move the marble on the table.

Generally even the good character is in rigid opposition to the
nature of the world, to the existence of evil. The good character would
NEVER create evil just to have a good game or story, yet that is exactly
what the OT did as Author.

The good character doesn't appreciate the existence of the evil
character, and his temper is tried at every encounter.

Thus the good character has no OT powers against evil characters
because the good are unwilling and unable to PUT the evil there.

They want to destroy the guy with a thought, but can't bring
themselves to CREATE the guy with a thought.

The effort to stop something one didn't start is insanity.

This pretty much defines the good character.

But by the time the good character can PUT the evil guy there as an
act of creation and tapestry, he is being the Author, and thus will have
whatever powers he wants to NOT PUT the evil there should he change his

OT powers are there for anyone who dares to use them.

It isn't a matter of ability, its a matter of superior
unwillingness and messed up counter postulation.

"I hate being a body, but now that I am a body I want to be a
superman so I can continue to be a body against all odds."

If you hate or fear being a body, then don't be a body,
then you can be a superman.

Basically being a good character hounded by hoards of evil to the
end of time is safer than being a game creator prone to jumping into his
own games, for he can always make it worse.

Game creators LOVE playing games of chicken with themselves
as creature.

Sun Apr 20 01:30:24 EDT 2008

Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

Monday, March 19, 2012




This posting is early and wrong.

The problem is not


the problem is


Humans get stuck in indecisions.

Gods get stuck in ANDS.

((My comments in double parentheses - Homer))

Session Notes 11/22/94

ACT - 83
23 November 1994

Copyright (C) 1994 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.

Been running,

"Is there an indecision on whether to live or die?"
"What is the problem with living?"
"What is the problem with dying?"

Spectacular. Life saving.

The basic problem is a conflict caused by a first postulate later
countered by a second postulate. The first postulate is made from a
timeless position of power when a game or goal is first created. The
basic underlying theme of any first postulate is,

"I want to be here."

The second postulate is made during a moment of severe loss, either
physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. These are the engrams,
secondaries and heavy facsimiles of Scientology. They can be moments of
physical impact strong enough to cause death or near death experience,
exteriorizations, etc., or they can be simply moments of losing wherein
the game is no longer worth playing.

(The second postulates that are made during an actual death
incident are the most important. This can be a death of a body, the
death of an fragile-immortal theta body, or the 'death' of a thetan.)

The STOP that is experienced during the inner core of the second
postulate 'incident' as Allen calls it, forces the being back to the
timeless state, the same timeless state in fact that he was in when he
made his first postulate to be here and have the goal or game. During
the enforced timeless state that occurs during the loss, the being makes
the second postulate, and because it is made from the same timeless
state of power, it has the same force and power as the first postulate,
no more, no less. Thus you have a perfect ridge. No one wins, no one
loses. This is the anatomy of a GPM.

The basic underlying theme of the second postulate is,

'I don't want to be here."

Or one might say also it is,

"I want" (first postulate)
"I don't want" ("because I can't have", second postulate).

The second postulate is not an actual negation of the first
postulate, it is only an apparent negation, it is "I don't want BECAUSE
I CAN'T HAVE." That's not the same as simply "I don't want." It is in
fact a case of cosmic sour grapes. Thus the first postulate is still
desired and never given up, but the being no longer wants to want the
first postulate, even though he still wants the first postulate, so
rather than giving up the first postulate utterly, he holds onto it
fiercely and fights it with the second postulate.

"I don't want to want you, but I want you anyway."

This forms a ridge and is "what is wrong with you". Having and
owning such a ridge makes it impossible to think clearly on any of the
major problems of your life, and if you are failing in life, this is

What you are looking for then in auditing is the first moment the
person changed from "I want to be here" to "I don't want to be here."
That will be the key moment that once found will spring his emotion and
goals back to the surface. Watch out if your confront as an auditor is
low, or if your conception of the cosmic all is rather small, better
have your goggles on.

The "I don't want to be here" chain of course has many such moments
that extend all the way to present time, and it has its first serious
occurance in this life, and then again in the 'worst' past life the pc
has suffered, and then the worst past life where the pc has caused
another to "not want to be here" and then even before bodies when
thetans were playing the game of wanting to be here and not wanting to
be here, and making others want to be here and not want to be here.

This is not a small chain, this goes back to the Sovereignty of the
thetan and the first time he considered he wasn't Sovereign, AND HAD

Beings give birth to themselves with some rather strange realities
in place. "Well lookee here, I was just made by God and my job is to go
out and subjugate all the heathens. Jesus, what a horrible thought, but
hell, it's all I got, it's better than nothing, right? OK, here we go,
"Now Grovel you heathen dog or suffer the flames of Eternity!"

And away we go. The underlying postulate is right there, "This is
horrible, but its better than nothing, I guess I will make the best of
it I can." You see? That's "I want to be here". It's not TOTAL wanting
to be here, but just enough to power the game and get the guy to pick up
his sword and start lopping heads.

The problem of course is there is a hidden postulate in the major
theme which is, "I did not create this universe, I did not put myself
here, I don't REALLY want to be here, I was MADE, I wouldn't have made
things this way if I had had a choice about it, but here I am, I will
make the best of it." So that all adds up to Non Sovereignty, see? He
has started off his very first game with a postulate of total Non
Sovereignty and a very shaky "wanting to be here."

So what happens to this guy? He has a lot of fun nailing people to
crosses, burning people at the stake, doing 'heathen checks' by dunking
people in water, and extorting confessions from people with crowbars
under their spine, until one day it starts to happen to HIM!

Then he is not so pleased any more.

Suddenly he wants out of the game real bad. You see that's what he
has been doing to others, right? "I will make you regret the day you
were created!" is the underlying theme.

So of course now that's what others are doing to him, and suddenly
he gets this twinge of regret, and he wishes the whole thing hadn't
happened or that he at least hadn't partaken in it with quite so much
zeal, and bang! he is stuck in the incident and can't get out.

He is not only not making having been put in the universe in the
first place, he is not making the fact of others putting the crow bar
under his spine, because he is trying to get them to NOT DO THAT,
because he is trying to undo having done it himself! Thus he is not
making more of it, and so of course he gets stuck with it, because you
can't unmake what you are not making (more of).

Thus reality is sort of a chinese finger trap, the more you try to
get out of it being there, without PUTTING IT THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE
IN ALL ITS GORY GLORY, the more you get stuck in it.

That's because the underlying theme is "I didn't put this here in
the first place, something else or someone else did, and I didn't know
it would get this bad, and I am sorry for what I did, but I can't undo
it, because once something is done it is done, and these guys aren't
listening to me anyway, oh hell let them torture me, one day it will
happen to them and it will serve them right, just at it serves me
right", and at this point you have abject apathy talking and you are
going to get this guy to give up his engram in session without a fight?


That engram won't run out without PUTTING in the 'making more of
it' where it should have been in the first place when the incident took
place. Essentially the only way to get rid of a REAL engram is to DO IN

I mean if an OT doesn't like what's going on, he can just change
channels, right? Well the magic is that you can't change FROM a channel
unless you first changed TO that channel. If you lose sight of having
changed TO a channel, you can't change FROM IT ever again.

An engram is the persistence FOREVER of something that you wish
never happened at all. That's irony.

If "you didn't start it", you can never stop it.

If "you didn't stop it", you can never start it.

That is why Hubbard defines insanity as that moment when the being
first becomes totally devoted to stopping something. He has let go of
starting it, and this is a break in responsibility. He is now trying to
stop something he considers he didn't start, and that is insanity. The
joke of course is that the way to stop something is to start it again!

This is the "make more of it" and "The way IN is the way out." of
Adore. The reason is that coming in puts you out so that you CAN come
in. Trying to get out, assumes you are in, so you can't get out.
Trying to COME IN, assumes you are out, so you can come in. To get out
and stay out, just practice coming in, until you get bored with coming
in, and then just don't come in any more.

The way to STAY in, is to assume you didn't COME IN, and then
continue to try like hell to get out. That is the basic way any thetan
keeps anything around, he makes something and then assumes he didn't
make it, which makes him want to get rid of it something terrible, and
that sticks him with it, so he settles for it and makes the best he can
of it, and you have a universe with no Sovereignty.

Any persisting universe works by this rule. And of course any
persisting universe is detested. So it goes on because he is trying to
stop it without the consideration that he started it.

Persisting Time is a subtle nightmare.

The underlying theme of that nightmare is Non Sovereignty.

So here is the point, you start off a game where the very first
postulates are "I didn't make this or put me here, I am not Sovereign,
something else is Sovereign that I can not understand, but it's ok I am
here I suppose", and a long time later you end up with "I don't want to
be here at all, but I can't get out."

You can't leave by choice what you didn't enter by choice.

That is the anatomy of a trap, and the track of the dwindling
spiral from "I want to be here" to "I don't want to be here."

Now there is something very interesting here. There is a little
chart that can be drawn relating danger and safety to disability and

Danger and Safety are considered to lie on a gradient scale going
from total danger to total safety. Most people find that life is either
much too dangerous for them, or much too safe. They try to optimize
their danger levels without letting things get out of hand.

Disability and Ability are also considered to lie on another
gradient scale that goes from total disability to total ability. Again
people like to optimize their abilities, so that they are not so able
that there is no challenge in life, and not so unable that they they can
barely stagger onto the playing field.

It is the UNCERTAINTY of winning or losing that makes a game a game
and worth playing, AS A GAME. Too much ability and too much disability
alike ruin the uncertainty of winning and losing, and thus ruin the
enjoyability of a game.


There is an interesting twist which can be added into games, which
ties the ability to play future games to the winning of present games.

In other words if you lose the present game, you don't ever get to
play any games ever again. This twist can ruin the fun of any game,
making it super dangerous to even play the game, lest you lose it. This
tends to skew the person's natural desire to have games that he doesn't
know if he is going to win or lose, towards having only games that he is
absolutely certain he is going to win.

In fact such a person will often force others to play his games for
him if he can, to take the risks of losing and give him the rewards of

Such games, where the ability to play future games is permanently
linked to whether you win present games or not are uniformly resented by
the players who are forced to play them, and this gives the whole "life
is a game" idea a bad name.

Once you unlink the future playing of games from the winning of
present games, the whole thing straightens out and people become willing
to win, lose and play games again. This is in part what "going eternal"
does to a meatball, as he stops thinking he has only one chance to play
and win every game in existence, in the short span of 70 years if he
lives that long.

Mortality is a classic case of the kind of game where if you lose
the game now, you will never be able to play any game again, and in the
end you are going to lose the game permanently no matter what you do.

And mortals have the audacity to tell you 'life is fine'.

Mortal meatballs, because they firmly believe that the playing of
future games is dependent on the winning of present games, are cess
pools of Corruption, Temptation and Seduction. Their basic game is to
get others to play for them, to take the risks for them, and give them
the rewards of winning. There isn't an upstanding meatball in the lot
of them.

OK, but baring the darker side of life, an eternal being in
relatively sane condition can enjoy games, create games, play games, win
games, lose games, and come through it like it never happened.

It is to this kind of person that I wish to direct the discussion
of the Danger/Safety - Disability/Ability chart.

It is pretty clear that a being who is very unable in a game, is in
great danger IN THE GAME. He has no ability to defend himself or his
friends, and no ability to offend the enemy forces or their friends.
That's a sure formula for losing.

It is also pretty clear that a being who is very able in a game,
has tremendous margins of safety. He has great ability to defend
himself, and his friends, and to offend his enemies and their friends.

So we make a simple chart that shows this relationship.

Safety | /
| / <--- Normal Game
| /
| /
| /
| /
Danger |---------------
Unable Able

So it should be clear that as a being increases his ability in a
game he increases his Safety and as he decreases his ability he
decreases his Safety.

OK, so now let's make it a bit more interesting. Sometimes in
games you get under the thumb of a seriously powerful enemy who really
has no love for you or the game at all in his heart, all he wants to do
is either enslave you, kill you or imprison you, pretty much in that

They don't want to play at all, they just want to win, and they
don't want to have to play to get there.

We call such people SP's, they are terrified of their own existence
even though they have a lot of power, and they don't want to be playing
the game they are in, so they would rather not have any competition or a
good competent opponent.

They prefer to WIN ALL THE TIME to having a good play.

SP's are very often convinced that the continued existence of games
to play depends utterly on winning their present game, therefore they
are not interested in PLAYING their present game, they are interested in
WINNING it, and thus the last thing they want is a challenging opponent
who will give them a good run for their money the way a sane player

This in fact demarks the difference between an SP player and a sane
player. The SP wants to WIN BECAUSE HE DOESN'T WANT TO PLAY, the sane

The SP thinks that losing a game means not being able to play a
game ever again, the sane player thinks that playing a game means not
being able to lose (the playing of games!) ever again.

Thus the SP is happiest when everyone around them is sick, dead or
dying. The more able you are, the more of a danger the SP considers you
to be to him, because you might win and cause him to lose, which means
he would be out of a game forever, and so the more able you are the more
he tries to be dangerous back to you. The less able you are the more
the SP considers you to be unimportant to his safety, and so the more he
ignores you, which makes things safe for you again.

Kind of like your average Parent and Child relationship, eh?

Ok, so this is how we graph this.

Safety |\
| \
| \ <---- SP Game
| \
| \
| \
Danger |------------\--
Unable Able

This shows that the more able you are, the more danger you are in
from the SP and his police state civilization around you. The less able
you are, the safer you are.

For example if you are strong and healthy, intelligent and
knowledgeable, outspoken and forthright, independent and resourceful,
this SP and his civilization will consider you fair game, because that
is the last kind of being they want in their political slave camp.

So in order to survive, to just stay alive and not get tortured to
death along with all of your friends, you have to tone back some of your
abilities, to make yourself less dangerous to the SP's that surround
you. You become weak, sick, dumb, ignorant, reticent, covert, mute,
dependent, and always at a loss, and you work for the SP and do his
bidding and accept your meager pay no matter how much it hurts you
inside to do this.

But look, didn't we just say that being unable INCREASED the danger
in the game? And so it does, and you will quickly notice that if you
make yourself too weak, too sick, too dumb, too ignorant, too reticent,
too covert, too mute, too dependent and at a loss, you will soon die of
total incapacity to take care of yourself, you won't even be able to
work for the SP let alone piss him off!

I mean who ever heard of these things being survival
characteristics in the wild? Hell you would be eaten before you were
two days old.

So tuning down your powers to make yourself more acceptable to the
SP, puts you in more danger from the normal environment of life around
you, and so the SP kind of puts you between a rock and hard place.

There is a limit to how unable you can make yourself to make
yourself safe from the SP's before you make yourself so unable that you
are in catastrophic danger from the everyday forces of life around you.

And this is exactly what happens to some people. They make
themselves so unable just to be acceptable to the SP parents that bring
them up, that they can't live at all, and indeed they don't. They
ultimately die, usually after a prolonged, miserable, agonizing struggle
with life, possibly even long after their parents are dead and gone and
'no longer suppressing them any more'.

But what usually happens to the vast majority of people is that
they find some 'workable' compromise between being so able that the SP
starts to hunt them down, and being so unable that life itself takes
them out.

The SP is constantly pushing them down towards more disability
where they will die from life, and life is constantly pushing them up
towards more ability where they will die from the SP.

That middle ground then, is the happy medium that people call their
'lot in life', their little package of moans and groans, and which they
choose early in life, and is their Service Facsimile Computation on how
to live safely in a dangerous environment BY BEING UNABLE.

It's an effort to be able to survive by being UNABLE.

It's the effort to WIN (stay alive) by not being able to PLAY (big
basic purpose games).

It's the effort to (be allowed to ) continue PLAYING by not being
able to WIN.

It takes great finesse to exactly tune your abilities down so that
you are no longer a danger to those who don't want you to play or exist
at all, without starving yourself to death through total inability to
play or work.

Affluent survival on this planet takes tremendous courage,
enthusiasm, foresight, honesty and outspokenness, all of which are
traits that SP's hate as they mean you are a worthy opponent to them.

But the SP doesn't want to PLAY, they want to just WIN, to get the
risk of loss over with, so they will break the rules of the game and
kill you, simple as that. Imagine a tennis player that won his match by
killing his opponent before the game? Well that's an SP for you, in the
game of life. Now if you couldn't play tennis at all, he would leave
you alone, you see?

So you learn to win (survive) in the game of life by not being able
to play, and you learn to be able (allowed) to play by not being able to

So let's take a look at how this looks on the chart, by combining
the two charts above.

Safety |\ /
| \ / <--- Normal Game
| \ /
| \ /
| x <--- Schmoo Level
| / \
| / \
| / \ <--- SP Game
Danger |/---------------\--
Unable Able

The person starts off in the lower left corner being very unable
and in great danger from normal life itself. He increases his abilities
and thus increases his safety until he hits the 'x' in the middle of the
diagram. At that point if he continues to increase his ability, rather
than increase his safety like in a normal game, he will in fact increase
his danger because the SP will start to take notice of him. Thus the
'x' spot marks the place of ability that maximizes his safety from the
two opposing forces of life itself and the SPs that surround him, and it
is well below optimum challenging play.

This is the Schmoo Level. You ever see someone who is just sort of
schmooing along in life, like a worm on a stump? Well that's a God
playing it safe because there are a few too many SP's in his environment
who don't enjoy having a good game they might lose.

So the first thing you need to do to get yourself out of this mess
is to spot your Schmoo Level, and then take a look at your computations
on the subject of being able by being unable, winning by not being able
to play, and be able to play by not being able to win.

By the way you are going to run into the Qualms running this stuff.
If you don't you aren't running the right thing.

The underlying theme to the Qualms is being terrified of not being
terrified any more.


Friday, March 16, 2012



Enlightenment is basically about finding truth. In that most of the
higher level truths are ineffable, it is more germane to locate and blow
the lies. Once the mind is free from lies, it can be open enough and
still enough to enter into a vision of truth.

Suffering comes from lies, not from involvement in the world.

Souls that have descended into lies and suffering too much get
the idea that happiness would come from getting out of the world.

This is called 'elsewhereness'.

One can get out of a body, one can get out of a universe, but
ultimately one can not get out of 'the world', because one is the world.

God is not a being who made the world, God IS the world, the world
consists of a conscious living universe that contains the One and the Many
as two parts of its fundamental aspects.

Source (God) is the One, and Sourcers (Souls) are the Many. Conscious
Units are like the eyes of God, the lens through which the universe is
projected. Source is not a conscious unit, Source is the ground of
conscious units.

Creation takes place through a knowing willing cooperation between
Source and Sourcer.

Source sources only when Will casts.

The primary lie then is that we are in the world rather than
the world itself. We look out from inside our bodies, and we feel
we want to get out of here. This is born of an unwillingness to have
be what is, in particular an unwillingness to be in a body in a universe
and to suffer as we are. If we had infinite power we would do away
with it all ASAP!

Enlightenment allows the being to ooze out from his body to become
what he sees. He becomes both the body and the tree that falls on
the body crushing it. Rather than get involved in protecting
the body, he becomes involved in protecting the SCENE of tree falling
on body, taking sides with neither side, but taking sides with both

Those who wish to end the universe, who are trying to get out,
are denying responsibility for coming in. Responsibility means
knowing willing cause with full awareness of the consequences.

Amnesia in this life or of past lives is just that, forgetfulness.


It results from an effort to make not be what is. It is an effort to
protect A from B, the body from the tree, the self from not self.

The solution to fair chosen forgetfulness is to practice making more
of it until one remembers having chosen to forget.

One primary moment of forgetfulness is the moment of entering the
body at birth and the between lives period. In particular what is
forgotten is the DECISIONS that were made to so enter a body, and the
QUESTIONS that one had as one did so.

When one can remember having chosen to forget, one is free to forget
or remember at will.

Just so with coming in. A God is a creator and as such it creates
virtual realities to come into. When the God molts into a creature,
he can have a game of fighting or playing with the virtual realities
called existence.

When the game gets too serious, the Creature can either molt back
into a God and change the game, or he can descend into victimhood and want
to get out. But trying to get out, in particular after denying that one
chose to come in, acts like a Chinese finger trap, because only a God can
undo what he created. If the creature denies he was ever creator, he can
never become creator again and thus never remove the nails in his own
cross. Your tormentors have to be invited into your dream in order to
play with you.

To a victim, happiness looks like a fast way out of here forever,
and never having to remember that one was in.

To a God happiness is an optimum game, where attachment is to
PLAYING the game and not to winning or loosing.

Winners like to play, losers like to win.

Spirits descend from building a game and wanting to play the game, to
wanting to win the game, to wanting to lose the game.

In general the desire to win a game comes from the desire to destroy
the game BY winning it, they hate the game, they don't want to play, they
don't want to loose, so they get bent on winning at all costs. They often
consider that if they don't win this game, they won't be able to play any
more games ever again. If they don't make a living, they will starve to
death, and that's it bud, no more games forever.

Ethics goes to hell in this environment, because for a game player,
ethics is basically playing by the rules. When the being no longer
wants to play, he takes up wanting to win at all costs, and of course
game rules merely get in the way.

Wanting to win more than to play is a form of elsewhereness. It's a
trying to get OUT of the game.

A good process to run to get at the core of a person's elsewhereness

"Spot a reason to be here."
"Spot a reason to not be here."

Run this repetitively over many days, months, years, until
Sovereignty is contacted again.

A lot of non sovereignty and preposterousness will blow off,
"Who me? Choose? Hah!"

This is a good sign, but the adept must be willing and able
to continue the process until the underlying god truth shows up.

We create our own realities, virtual realities in the present
computer lingo, the world is a dream amongst many who are not quite
lucid in present time, and if we run from our realities or resist them
with seriousness absent of all sense of humor and personal agency
(cause) in their creation, then the reality will turn solid and consume
us as a block of concrete consumes an ant.

We are like the writers of an arcade game who have jumped into the
game and forgotten who wrote the game and who is God.

"You are a Sourcer.

Sourcer's like to Source Sourcery.

Usually on Apprehentices.

Apprehentices are apprehensive about apprehending Sourcery.

Source sources only when Will casts."

Those who count how many lives they have left before they are
'outta here' will be here longer than they think for they have lost
sight of the reason they wanted lives in the first place.

Once they recover that with the above process, the sadness then
becomes that there are not enough lives left in all of eternity to


Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

Thursday, March 15, 2012



This is going to be a very controversial posting.

Basically there are 3 levels of attainment.

Professional PC
Professional Auditor
Professional Tech Finder

Professional here doesn't necessarily mean someone who does it
for a financial living, but the gist should be clear, someone who
isn't a dilettante, does it full time, or is very serious about it

The reason that people get stuck in being professional pc's, is
because they don't want to be auditors, they don't want the
responsibility of helping others, they have a mean streak in them that
they are terrified of, and they just want to remain pc's for the rest
of their lives.

The reason that people get stuck in being professional auditor's,
is because they don't want to be Tech Finders, they don't want the
responsibility of finding tech, they too have a mean streak in them
that they are terrified of, and they just want to remain *TAUGHT*
auditors for the rest of their lives.

As Electra said "Some people, if you don't *GIVE* them any tech,
they don't *HAVE* any tech."

Both the professional pc and the professional auditor are tied to
another individual for their survival. The professional pc is tied to
his auditor, and the professional auditor is tied to his Tech Finder.

If anything threatens that tie, they will turn on you and bite.

That might seem reasonable enough in most cases, but the
professional pc DOESN'T WANT TO BECOME AN AUDITOR, and the
professional auditor DOESN'T WANT TO BECOME A TECH FINDER.

So while there is a natural gradient of ability there to be
walked by everyone, the professional pc and the professional auditor
are alike dragging their heals and slowing it down for everyone else.

When you try to clear up the clogged flow for others who want to
walk the full way, the professional pc and professional auditor, will
strike and bite you because your efforts to get everyone up through pc
and auditor to tech finder threatens THEIR survival as they don't want
to go there themselves.

It's not ok for you to go where they don't want to go.

They will also refuse auditing on the subject.

The professional pc will not allow auditing on the subject of why
he doesn't want to be an auditor, and the professional auditor will
not allow auditing on the subject of why he doesn't want to be a tech
finder, and both will have an enormous cloud of considerations and
make rights explaining why their position is completely reasonable.

And they will snap at you when you try to help ANYONE rise out of
the attainment level they are presently in, thus you can know them by
their bite.

You ever notice how professional pcs try to chop training lines
producing good auditors?

Ever notice how professional auditors chop research lines
producing good Tech Finders?

Same thing, same mechanism, both are suppressive as hell and
should be given the boot.

Ever know a Tech Finder who *ENCOURAGED* others to NOT become
Tech Finders, "Yes yes you are quite right, no one should be tech
finder but me, certainly not YOU!"

Almost everyone who wants to come into auditing wants to be a
Tech Finder, that is *THE* most suppressed goal in the Church. Those
that do well in the Church are opposed to becoming Tech Finders and
long term are as good as suppressive. That's why they stay in the
Church, because it *FORBIDS* becoming a Tech Finder, and that's a safe
space for them, you see?

Back in the hey day of mathematics in Greece, when Pythagoras and
crowd were coming up with the basic axioms of geometry, the aspiring
adept had to learn every proof of Pythagoras's Theorem there was, and
then he had to come up with an essentially new proof of his own before
he would be allowed into the inner circle.

How many different ways can you prove Pythagoras's Theorem?
Well I once saw a book that had 400 of the best.

So it should be the same way in the Free Zone.

You start as a pc, become and auditor, then you become a Tech
Finder, and to be allowed into the highest circles you gotta come up
with a process that hasn't been said before that produces a good

Then you got something.

Suppressive son of a bitch, aren't I?


P.S. Just want to add, that one doesn't wait until one
is a perfect pc before one starts training on being an auditor,
and just so, one doesn't wait until one is fully classed as
an auditor before one starts on Tech Finding.

One does all three together, round and round.

*THAT* is a new thought.


Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

Monday, March 12, 2012



It is the nature of the buyer to want to pay the lowest price

It is the nature of the seller to want to charge the highest
price possible.

When there is only one seller, and many buyers who need the
product, the seller can raise his prices to a very high level
resulting in an excessively abundant standard of living for himself
and an excessively destitute standard of living for his buyers.

In these circumstances, another person, who used to be a buyer
and who is suffering from the destitution, might get the idea to
compete with the present seller. To him any life style would be
better than the one he is presently suffering, so he is willing to
settle for a level of abundance somewhat less than the one seller who
is living so well.

This allows the competitor to charge less for the same product,
to produce a better product, to offer better guarantees and better
after market support, all of which cost him more and thus detract from
his own profits and thus his standard of living.

But because his prices are lower and his
product and quality is better, he begins to steal market share from
the first seller, and so his own standard of living begins to go up,
from the destitution of not being a seller himself.

His standard of living never gets as high as the original seller,
because he is now splitting the market share with the original seller,
and charging less for a more expensive and higher quality product.

Then another person decides to do the same thing, and again he is
willing to suffer a standard of living slightly less than the previous
two sellers, so he makes an even better more expensive product and
sells it for even less than his two competitors, thus again stealing
market share, raising his own standard of living, and lowering that of
his competitors.

As more and more competitors come on line with better and cheaper
products, eventually all of the competitors are forced to work at the
edge of non survival. At this point if another comepetitor comes in
and tries to sell a better product for less, he finds he can't no
matter how many people he steals from the others, and he dies off.

In this way the market has reached an equilibrium where everyone,
both buyer and seller alike, are enjoying the maximum *FAIR* benefit
of their work. Markets that reach equilibrium through intense and
extensive competition produce an evenness of wealth that even the
socialists would envy.

As prices come down, the sellers make less, and the buyers have
more to spend on other things, so the wealth naturally redestributes
to each according to their ability to compete.

Of course as the sellers make less, they pay less in wages, and
so the buyers may have less to buy with, so we have a very complex set
of simultaneous equations here leading towards the equilibrium of a
healthy economy.


An employer or store owner, is actually a buyer himself on three

First he is a buyer to his own vendors who provide him his raw
products and domiciles for production. As a buyer he wants to pay the
lowest price for his material like every other buyer.

Second the store owner is a buyer when he looks to employ a
employee or worker to work for him, he is buying their services.
Again as a buyer he will try to pay the least he can for such
services, and the employee will try to charge the most he can for
those services.

In the presence of many employers competing for the services of a
work force of workers, the employers are forced to compete with each
other on the wages they offer.

If one employer is paying too little and workers are grumpy, then
another employer can raise the ante and offer a little more, and take
workers away from the first employer. In this way wages and the quality
of the work place rise naturally in exactly the same way that the price
of proudcts come down and their quality goes up through competition.


Of course the employer who pays a higher wage, either has to raise
the prices of his products too, or suffer a lower standard of living
himself. If his products get too pricey, he may have lots of employees
who are very happy, but no customers, and he will go out of business.

Thirdly, the employer is a buyer when he spends the profits of his
business as a normal buyer purchasing from the stores of other vendors
and employers.

In the presence of healthy competition, both amongst sellers
competing for buyers, and amongst employers competing for employees,
market forces bring about a very complex equilibrium of prices and
wages, and a distribution of wealth that relfect the ability, talent and
intelligence of the people involved.

To each (money) according to his ability (to produce), and from
each (money) according to his need (to consume).

(Marx got it backwards.)

Putting down employers because they like to pay bottom dollar to
their employees, is like putting down buyers, because they like to pay
bottom dollar to their sellers, and shows *EXCEPTIONAL*, almost
cultivated, economic illiteracy.

Buyers have a moral mandate to bid bottom dollar to their sellers,
and sellers have a moral mandate to ask top dollar from their buyers.

*COMPETITION*, not law and guns, produces a healthy economy where
everyone is happy with the fairness of the game, in that the game inures
to the benefit of the able. It may not be fair that some are more able
than others in the grand scheme of things, but that's not the fault of
the GAME.

In a healthy economy everyone knows they are getting what they
deserve: each according to his ability to produce and not consume.

Laws that use force to prevent competition from being destroyed
by force or other deceit, are good laws.

Laws that try to make up for a lack of competition by fixing
wages and prices are bad laws.

They are often more designed to benefit hidden vested interests
(selfish evil) at the expense of the economically illiterate, by
catering to the vote of those who are trying to make up for their own
survival inadequacies by ripping off the adequacies of others.

This includes minimum wage laws.

When monopolies bloom however, competition dies, and thus prices
spiral upward out of control, and wages spirial downwards in the same
way. That's because when one seller or one employer becomes the only
game in town, the game is no longer a game of competition and thus goes
to hell.

It is in this kind of environment that laws are passed to
fix wages and prices based on the judgement of central committee.

In other words monopolies lead to communism, as a communism *IS* a
monopoly (of the state as corporation of first and only resort).


Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Hash: SHA1


muldoon ( wrote:
>The above is "Commodore Elron Elray"/"Capt." Bill Robertson-esque

>Anyone want that?

Actually the E/P is very desirable. Running OT I is almost
certainly unquestionable, but if OT II doesn't make you wonder, nothing
will. OT III is just an incident, whether it happened or not is
interesting, but what's really interesting is how the standard bridge
doesn't wait until pc's discover it for themselves. I mean if its
there, and auditing works, and its time to run it, the engram should
just take over and convulse itself out of you, like the alien lizzard
baby coughing out of your gut.

Telling people to run OT III is like telling people to run birth,
it will run when its time, I assure you.

Before that, you will get squat and false attests.

>Well, if you do, enjoy the ride.

Hubbard I believe was in a hurry and decided to violate the
auditor's code to push people along. Don't think it worked very well,
but he felt he couldn't wait until everyone else found it themselves.

Or he felt that his running of it, now made it accessible to
everyone else who wanted to run it.

He had been trying to find THE incident that everyone should run
for a long time. Why the auditor's code should break down at OT II and
III, I have no clue.

Or he made it up out of whole cloth because he was a sick mother

But if you got to OT II, it's a bit late to be worrying about
Hubbard's intentions. I would say run it, see what happens.

Hubbard's intentions may have been bad, but also may have none the
less been unable to interfere with the channeling of the gods through

Anyhow there are worse incidents on the track than OT III.

The warp core of evil still hasn't been touched, just flaunted.

When you start getting near the core, its very tempting to become
Catholic real fast.


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Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Sun Apr 1 00:40:26 EDT 2007

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Thu Mar 8 03:06:02 EST 2012
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Written for a friend...

The only thing that can kill you is birth and death, and case
involvement with such, on all 4 planes of existence, body, heart, mind
and soul.

Physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual.

In present time, whether incarnate or discarnate, run the following
repetitively to E/P.

E/P: Able to breath easier, and knows how to not make it
worse without wanting to. In control of dying again.

Presented as questions, but run as a command


Get the idea of...

Get the effort to...

Tell me about...

Questions seeking answers kill.

One needs to run out the question asking, not find the answer.

The QUESTIONS that one must run out are the only answers the
preclear needs.

Once the question asking stops, any answers that might remain, will
appear on their own. Hopefully the preclear won't remember what
question the answer was for, and will toss the answer in the same bin as
the question never to be thought of again.

Questions are of the form:

Who, how, what, where, when, why, which, is it, and does it, along
with could it, would it, and should it, all tenses past, present and

In general, three are more important than the others.

What: is often a restimulation of the past, and last to be

How: is always in present time.

Why: is usually about the future.

The guy is worried about the future and is ransacking his past to
find answers to his problems.

His past may indeed be filled with pain and unconsciousness but it
is the MURDEROUS RANSACKING (question asking) in present time that is
killing him.

Get the idea of ransacking in order to learn, know, find out, seek,
search for or look for and you will see quickly why he is physically on
the edge.

We do not care about the past, all trouble is in present time.

Most preclears live down around UNKNOWABLE on the know to mystery

Or maybe if they are lucky they are way up there in waiting.

A little higher and they are upset as hell about sex, death and
eating or being eaten. Those with awareness will tell you that God is
one sick mother fucker.

Higher, they come up to thinking (question asking, figure figure),
and being a symbol to an every where present, omnipotent, unknowable
orientation point.

Higher than that, they are trying to know by emoting, where doubt
is self casting, as doubt makes you FEEL bad, and thus convinces you all
the more that the doom you are worried about is right around the corner.


They finally come up to knowing by looking which is the DEFINITION
of utterly nuts, unless you want to be a machine tooling around the
physical universe seeking survival by learning things by looking at

For a spirit, looking by knowing is being in pretty good shape,
unless you are surrounded by orientation points that can out know you.

In which case a little practice at knowing them out knowing you,
will take them over and make them yours.

The fight for orientation hood is an OT war, one that everyone lost
a long time ago.

Our wars now as symbols with each other is a distraction from the
original loss.

It started as a war to see who would be the last God standing,
now its a war to see who will be the last creature standing.

Find your preclears their true orientation point, and you will have
found their Nemesis One, because it isn't THEM!

The desire to BE an orientation point is overwhelming and drives
everything on. A being is willing to be a symbol only if he knows he
chose it as an orientation point.

That said the orientation point is willing to hide his choice
from himself and become an unwilling symbol.

This makes the symbol wonder if he ever wants to be an orientation
point again, and guarantees he remains a symbol without waking up for a
long time. Which was the original intent of the manuever.

Keeping the game around was originally a problem to the creative

You will know you have attained a taste of eternity when all motion
is gone from your space, and any inclination to change anything is

It's hard being an orientation point, being happy with everything
as it is.

No reason to move.

OK, so here are the processes to bear on the case shredding itself
to pieces.

They are stated as questions, but run them as creations with no
expectation nor need of answers.

An OT can do that, he can ask a question without the slightest need
to answer it.

The EFFORT to ASK a question, is not the EFFORT to ANSWER a

The answer he 'seeks', is the question that he needs to stop trying
so hard to answer, and then stop trying so hard to ask.

A question doesn't need to be asked murderously, it can be asked
softly, gently and with kindness.

Adoration is the ability to operate (handle) questions and answers
with majesty, class and pride.

The source of all suffering is the fair chosen adore-operation of
Cool, Class, Halcyon, SinSong, Thrill and Romance via Living Majestic
Intelligence (you), and proud fancy free faithlessness of grand and
Excalibur design.

Cool is High Cool.

Class, is an attitude, that *ALL* should be my friend and live
forever (eternally), including our most detested terminals.

Halcyon is bemused relief on the verge of time.

Majesty is master of jest, eternal good humor born of mastery of
songs of sin and hidden joy.

Majesty is the sovereign desire that desire not be sovereign for a

JEST means Jokes of Eternal Self Treason.

JEST means Justice of Eternal Self Truth.

JOY means Jokes On You.

JOKE means Justice Of Kindship ExCaliper.

Justice of Caliber is Kindship ExCaliper.

Laughter is the only kind justice there is, and the only justice
you will ever need, forever for real.

SinSong is to sing another source done wrong song.

SinSong is not Sin as long as it is just Song.

Source means Sovereign Omnilord of Unanimous Regency and Caliber

Excalibur is the two edged sword of ExCaliber and ExCaliper.

The Caliper of the Caliber of Souls, is the questions they have
asked, and the answers they have rejected.

Calipers measure Caliber.

Caliber is worth, via harmonies and kind ship, sensitivity and
intelligence, star captain ability and operating know-how.

Ex Caliber means with out worth.

Ex Caliper means without measure, caliber beyond calipers to
measure, worth beyond measure.

The sword of Excalibur is stuck in the star rock of your own mind
by your own PRESENT TIME operational wizardry.

A wiz is anyone who is a wiz with the sword.

A King is anyone who can wield Excalibur for himself and for

King Arthur was able to pull the sword out of the rock because he
was willing to put it back in for others to try. The others were not so

Desire is sovereign, appreciation is for winners.

Pride, well pride is what makes everything worth while.

Peace is the ability to have questions without any answers at all.

Your preclear's bank is MADE of mis handled questions seeking
answers. He has become mad as hell about it and on a rampage that not
even he knows any more because he ducked into covert hostility and numb
towards HIMSELF, so of course he has no clue why he hurts any more.

The following processes can be run solo with attention to
efforts, flows, ridges, dispersals and implosions. Although they
ask for who or what, we want to run out MURDERING, not who or what
might be in the line of fire. They will show up as time goes on.


Who or what are you NOT murdering?
Who or what are you murdering?

Who or what is NOT murdering you?
Who or what is murdering you?

Who or what are others NOT murdering?
Who or what are others murdering?

Who or what is NOT murdering others?
Who or what is murdering others?

Murder can take place on any of the 4 planes of consciousness,
physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. You can murder someone
physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. And you can use
physical, emotional, mental or spiritual means to do so.

Shooting someone would be using physical means to cause physical

Using emotional, mental or spiritual means would be forms of
telepathic murder.

Your preclear probably no longer 'believes' in telepathy, let alone
telepathic murder, but he used to, and in any case it doesn't matter
what he believes, he IS TRYING WITH ALL HIS MIGHT to do so. And he has
LOTS of beings from here to Kingdom Come doing the same to him.

His beliefs are mostly a cover for lies and dishonesty with

If he can't fry an egg, you know he is trying not to.

And it takes more power to NOT be able to fry an egg, than to be
able to do so.

If the above process gets stuck, run the following,

Run all 4 planes, all 4 flows.


Him murdering others.
Others murdering him.
Others murdering others.
Others/Him murdering themselves.

Spot on all 4 planes, on all 4 flows, repetitively to E/P

NO intention to murder SOME intention to murder
NO desire to murder SOME desire to murder
NO attempt to murder SOME attempt to murder
NO murdering SOME murdering
NO accomplished murder SOME accomplished murder.

To murder means to make nothing of all or part of something or
someone FOREVER with malice, hatred and nosympathy.

Make sure to run all ANDS that come up.

ANDS are not ORS.

ORS are indecisions, should I do A or should I not do A.

ORS lead to no action except a little figure figure, question

ANDS are insane decisions to do BOTH, to do A and NOT A AT THE SAME

ANDS lead to total action, 50 percent in one direction and 50
percent in the opposite direction.

ANDS are the source of chronic exhaustion while going nowhere.

Case is made of ridges, ridges are made of ANDS.

ANDS keep the case together, without ANDS there are no ridges.

Spot the effort "To not be me AND be me at the same time".

Every somatic is an AND. Simply telling the somatic so, will start
to release it as long as you hold both sides at the same time.

Eventually LATER it will become clear what the items in the ridge
are. You can run ANDS without knowing what the items are as long as you
are willing to not know them for a while, and know them eventually.

One might start with BE DO HAVE AND KNOW.

Of course if you succeed you won't have your ridge any more and
your life will be bigger as you will have to deal with things directly.

ANDS come in two flavors, the first are totally internal to the
being and have to do with himself.

Trying to murder AND not murder someone at the same time.

The conflict is internal.

The second is between two different beings operating against each
other at the same time.

Two people murdering each other at the same time.

It can take a long time to murder someone, but we aren't interested
in the past, we are interested only in PRESENT TIME ONGOING MURDERING.

If your preclear says "But I am not murdering anyone right now in
present time!", run NO and SOME on murderING until the needle starts to


Who or what are you NOT refusing an apology to?
Who or what are you refusing an apology to?

Who or what is NOT refusing an apology to you?
Who or what is refusing an apology to you?

Who or what are others NOT refusing an apology to?
Who or what are others refusing an apology to?

Who or what is NOT refusing an apology to others?
Who or what is refusing an apology to others?


Who or what are you trying to get sympathy from?
Who or what is refusing to give you sympathy?

Who or what are you trying to give sympathy to?
Who or what is refusing to accept your sympathy?

Who or what is trying to get sympathy from you?
Who or what are you refusing to give sympathy to?

Who or what is trying to give sympathy to you?
Who or what are you refusing to accept their sympathy?


If anything alive shows up, and is hostile, run without needing
answers, but allow for answers if they come.

"You are a BT!"
Who are you?
What are you?
How many are you?
"You are real people."
"You can be free."

BT is generic for OT III packages, clusters, etc, but also demons,
angels, gods, goddesses, entities of any kinds, all of whom can come in
packs of one or more, sometimes fair chosen, as they operate that way
much as a clock is a package of parts that are necessary to its full

Only clear to a point of non hostility, and then give them the
option of joining your spiritual team as repaired instantiations of the

All beings in dreams are other beings and respond to the above.

On how many are you, some will be very few and easy to handle,
others, ghouls, those that mock you or give you the commands back to you
and laugh at your efforts, large groups of raiding zombies, etc, will be
in the 100's of trillions *EACH* or higher, and very strong and
resistant, unless you get the right order of magnitude.

Mockup sinews of steel, and you got some idea.

They will help you get the right order when you get close.

Bug swarms can be clusters in the quintillions or above.

Spot most detested terminals, and reintegrate them into the High

Prayers to the High US that exclude most detested terminals fall
short of the glory and thus the power of the infinite.

Glory is praise from everyone for everyone.

The infinite, via its conscious unit portals, is facile at creating
messes, it can also clean up these messes just as easily through a true

M.E.S.S. means Magnificent Examples of Shames and Shambles.

The way to happiness is a true confession.

Never one yet gleaned.


Sovereignty means 'you want it, you got it.'

Sovereignty can not be lost or regained, sovereignty is operating
at all times. But awareness of sovereignty can be lost through the
action of sovereign desire itself.

Practice making the limitations, the way out is the way in.

That's because coming in prepostulates that you are out.

When you get good at coming in, at some point you can simply stay

A sovereign being can create things to have in the mere conception
of them, but prefers to chase havingness, rather than have havingness.

The formula for operating sovereignty is

A chase B.

A is the universe.

Chase creates time.

B is what he is trying to accomplish tooling around the universe in


A is the postulate that creates the entire universe and everything
in it.

A universe is a system of existences, with conditions limiting how
existing things can be added, changed or deleted.

Conditions are limitations on creation, survival and destruction.

Conditions are dependencies on how to get from here to there inside
the universe.

Conditions are conditionals, if I want D, I have to do C first.

Conditions are the fact that if you want a bridge, creating it is
conditional upon you first bringing all the materials to bear, among a
million other preconditions to being able to build and have a bridge.

Games are made of freedoms, barriers and purposes.

Purposes are what is desired.

Freedoms are your abilities to chase.

Barriers are the conditions that constrain chase.

Conditions are part of what is created, thus there were no
conditions limiting what is created before it is created (other than
logic). He he conceived it, he wanted it , he got it.

A God can create a universe the way a cow can fart.

Thus a sovereign being can create an entire universe in the mere
thought of it, but then when he gets into the universe to play its game
of conditions he has to DO specific things to get things done.

There were no conditions in the creation of the universe of
existences and conditions, but once he is in that universe, EVERYTHING
is limited, constrained and tempered by conditions.

Outside the universe, conception creates the universe.

Inside the universe, conception may give you what to DO, but then
you gotta do it, against a trillion forces trying to stop you.

That's dance or chase.

Both dance and chase are DOING down the roadway of time guided by

With dance you can't lose, with chase you can.

The doingness of games, such as building a new bridge over a river
can get as complicated as there are grains of sand in the sea, but the
creation of the original universe of existences and conditions is done
in a single postulate, named A.

So first the being creates A, which is the universe of existences
and conditions.

Then the being conceives of B, namely changes in A that he would
like to chase.

Then he engages in the chase called spirit of play, or action in
the direction of B.

A is a sovereign postulate, it is the infinite creating a finite
beach head of matter, energy, space and time to play on, no matter how
big. The being is not a part of the infinite, nor a piece of the
infinite, nor a little pool of water taken out of the ocean of the

The being is a full instantiation of the infinite which has many
beings with many beachheads each of which is a full instantiation of the
infinite. Each being faces his own beachhead or rendition of the
universe when looking outward, but comes from the same ocean behind him
from which he draws power to cast the beachhead into existence.

The being creates a beachhead by casting a rendition of space and
time, matter and energy, in the apparent out there, but which really
exists in the zero dimensional self luminous fabric of his own self.

The illusion of dimension takes up and has no dimension.

Creation is the casting of dreams in dreamtime.

Outthereness is an illusion of mechanics, true cause travels
between beings directly and instantaneously, that is how they share
created universes and keep them in sync with each other, across hundreds
of trillions of dreamtime light years, instantly.

There is no space or time to space and time.

Both are illusions in scalar consciousness.

Scalar means zero dimensional.

The concept of size doesn't apply, *AT ALL*.

After the sovereign postulate A is made, the being then makes the
sovereign postulate to chase B via the web of conditions and limitations
he created with A.

The being could just as easily adjust A directly to contain B, but
he created A IN ORDER TO CHASE B, as chasing havingness is higher
havingness than having havingness.

At the top the being knows he created A.

At the bottom, the being thinks A created him, and most of what he
is chasing is how to stop A from eating him.

And most of the things he is chasing now is how to get rid of A.

Thus we have the murder rundown applied to the AllThatIs, the
effort to make nothing out of everything forever.

One might well ask, if A chase B is true, how come I can't just
stop chasing B and get back to A and be sovereign again?

You can.

But the being is enmired in trillions of years of FAILED chases of
so many different B's he can't count that high, and neither can he stop
chasing all those B's even though he doesn't know what they are any

Every game he ever resented losing, he is still playing. Enough of
these and his mind is like clay.

He has become sour on A, and wants to end A, but he turns getting
rid of A into a chase, and you can't chase A or not A, you can only
chase B.

You can't chase getting rid of A, because chasing getting rid of A
PREPOSTULATES HAVING A, and at A, he creates in the mere conception of

Thus his postulate that he HAS A, overrides his later postulate
that he wants to get rid of A.

It is quite dangerous being a God who gets anything he might think.

The joke is the only way to unmake A is to make A and be all ready
to chase B, and then get distracted.

He will be sitting there making A, get distracted, and the second
he takes his attention off of A, A will be gone.

That is how easy it is to make and get rid of a universe, but he
doesn't really WANT to get rid of A, that's a second postulate sour on
winning chasing B.

He WANTS to chase B and WIN, at least some of the time, so he has
wrapped A around him to a point where he can't make A any more, and MUST
chase B even if he loses over and over.

Then rather than simply go back to A, he sets up a substitute B and
says well to hell with this universe A, it made me, and it won't let me
have B, so I will go after C! That will show A to try and get in my
way, the nerve!

Now he is so far inside A, he doesn't even know what A is any more,
or how big, or how old, or where it came from. His QUESTION asking is
SO INTENSE on these matters that he doesn't have a millisecond to think
that maybe he is continuing A in the present time by asking all these
questions about it.

Questions about what to DO about something, always prepostulate
that there is SOMETHING to do something about. Doing never did anything
about anything, its all still here, don't you see?

You may have shuffled some of it around to make things better or to
make things YOURS, but its all still here.

He would have to BE A again in its entirety, and be aware that he
is creating A and why he is doing so and be happy about it, to be in a
position to just let go of it and have A disappear.

There is a certain philosophical vertigo to doing this, he gets the
feeling he is falling into the infinite, never to return.

It isn't true of course, but the experience guards against him
getting rid of A too easily.

Unfortunately a GodSoul who can create in the mere conception of
things, can also uncreate in the mere unconception of things, so certain
safeguards, arbitrary though they are, have to be created and put in
place, to make sure things stay around long enough to let the chase

Once the chase begins the whole system is self sustaining because
the guy is just sure A is going to eat him if he doesn't get to B

So he is always running away from time down the time stream

This solidifies time.

Further he doesn't really want to end A, he wants to win B, or get
back to action and spirit of play.

So the only way out of this mess is to rehabilitate the preclear's
ability to have A as it is, and chase B. At which moment he will forget
about ending A, and get back to operating A and chasing B with all his

THEN perhaps he can take a moment's rest in eternity between one
win and the next chase, and contemplate the power of creating A, as it
is, and saying "This is good!" *THEN* he can lose it by looking

Nirvana is chaselessness.

The preclear who can create chase and things to chase with
facility, courage, romance and thrill, IS operating his sovereignty
within the context of A, and when he gets fully able to create and chase
B again with full forward motion, he will one day find himself operating
A knowingly with no inclination to change it.

The GodSoul as God made A and said it was good, why would he change

At that point you have a God knowingly creating what he is creating
anyhow, and very happy doing so. The chances of his changing A are
almost nil, except in the direction of further enhancing his ability to
create chase and things to chase, namely B.

Or maybe he will move on to bigger A's, in a new unit of time.

A is messy intentionally, he hopes to make A less messy by chasing

The GodSoul creates A as the God/Creator and chases B as the

One GodSoul is a single beachhead (rendition of a universe) on the
shores of the infinite.

Each GodSoul has his own personal beachhead, but it is often used
to copy everyone else's so he can have a shared game.

But all GodSouls share the one and only infinite, as each GodSoul
is an I of the multi I-AM AllThatIS.

Thus each GodSoul is a full instantiation of the infinite, and has
the full power of the infinite behind him.

Who then shall cast, and to whom shall you pray to but the High US?


Give up breathing fumes for a living, car fumes, diesel, wood
smoke, lawn mowers, charcoal etc. Nicotine is an antidote to these, use
patches rather than smoke if you can.

Cigarettes are self antidoting, as they give you a million fume
class poisons, but they also give you the nicotine to combat the
results. It's a losing game, if you need nicotine use a patch.

Remember they offer a last smoke to the man about to be shot in
order to calm his nerves.

People who smoke are always on the edge of execution.

Get a respirator mask used for 99.9 percent pollutants, and simply
refuse to breath fumes as a religious duty.

Ask your doctor for a 21 day supply of BiPhetamine, to help you
deal with the withdrawals. Once or twice a day with Lots of vitamins,
minerals, trace minerals and niacin.

After about 14 days the desire for cigs will be gone for good.

Smoking is not part of anyone's true beingness.

Smoking is an AND, a going, AND, a not going at the same time.


Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
Sat Feb 25 23:08:53 EST 2012