Saturday, June 30, 2012



You see you are trying to restore a being's freedom of choice,
not only to give them more options to choose, but to make their
choices agent, so they work.

Now the weak claim is that we have no idea why a being's state of
choice is so bad, but we are going to try and improve it anyhow.

The strong claim is that the being MADE A CHOICE that his choice
should no longer work, and by duplicating the who, how, what, where,
when, why and which of that choice, he can undo that choice and then
his choice will work again naturally.

Sure, use a gradient scale if you just have to :)

Now if the stronger claim is true, do you see why it is hopeless
trying to rehab a being's ability to choose without getting him to
erase the God postulate that his choices don't work?

You got him fighting himself.

HE WANTS TO BE SICK, so you are going to make him better by
auditing something other than his desire to be sick?

I don't think so.

"What who me, take responsibility?"

That's why they had the A-J check in the Church to catch the 'not
responsible for condition cases'. But that's a strong claim position
don't you see.



Until freedom of choice is restored.

At purpose the being is aware he has a purpose and what it is.

At NO purpose, the being is aware he has no purpose.

At NO NO purpose, the being is no longer aware he has no purpose.

NO purpose is inactuality.

NO NO purpose is oblivion.

When the being starts to go 360 (perceive all around), pictures
turning on, they will be of disaster.

The point is that the weaker claim approach to clearing will only
produce results if the stronger claim ALLOWS it to. In this case the
weaker claim approach is doomed.

The weaker claim is the being is an innocent victim.

The stronger claim is the being is an imp soul playing villain.

The postulate that postulates don't work, works.

Until that postulate is cleared or approached, no amount of other
auditing will make postulates work.

Thus a top down look at why the being is suffering is necessary
to restoring his good humor.

Without sovereignty for condition, there is no good humor.


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Tue Aug 29 01:13:40 EDT 2006

Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

Friday, June 29, 2012


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((My comments in double parentheses - Homer))


ACT - 52
11 March 1994

Copyright (C) 1994 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.

>I propose this:
> Divinity
> Good <---> Evil

Yes. However in my opinion Good always loses.

Good can maintain its position in space ONLY to the degree that it
is willing and able to place and locate in space the Evil it is
opposing, at which point it is operating Divinity and not Good.

What usually happens is Good tries to UNLOCATE the Evil it is
opposing, trying to remove it and get rid of it as an unwanted game, and
then failing that, Good tries to unlocate itself, again trying to leave
the game it can't get rid of.

These two efforts to first UNLOCATE the opposition and then to
unlocate self are the anatomy of elsewhereness. The effort to NOT BE

Good is not HAPPY to have Evil to fight, and to that degree Good is
food for the Devil.

Since Good is now on a failed elsewhereness, and Evil is on the
rampage, Good ends up hiding in a hole with Evil all around it. The
only way Good can come out of its hole is to BECOME the Evil that
surrounds it, or going out of valence in to what it fears most, and
takes no responsibility for the location of. Essentially that is what
going out of valence is, it is being besieged by Evil, and going over to
the other side once one's rations run out, WITHOUT EVER HAVING PUT THE
OTHER SIDE THERE. They then become stuck in something they did not
locate, and can not locate further, so it locates them and that is what
being out of valence means, taking orders from the opposition without
any ability to resist. Successful resistance would mean being able to
locate oneself independently from the opposition, and THAT can only

If you can't put the opposition THERE, you can't put your self HERE
separated from them.

But to have the POWER to put them THERE and you HERE, you have to
be WILLING TO HAVE THEM THERE AND YOU HERE! So with out responsibility
for the other side, you become the other side.

Goodness is always irresponsibility for the other side, "It's too
bad there is Evil, I certainly wouldn't have wished there to be Evil,
but now that it is here we must fight it for the Good of all."

Said the marble rolling around the drain.

Divinity is always responsibility for BOTH sides including
responsibility for the irresponsibility of having been Good.

You can only win against Evil if you are willing to PUT IT THERE,
and then play the game as if you paid for the privilege.

THAT attitude is Omni Sovereignty, only Divinity can win its own


You see guys, the point is that Evil is HAPPY to have Good there to
eat. Evil is not trying to get rid of Good, Evil is trying to enslave,
imprison or EAT Good. Yum. Evil is quite happy to indulge in the chase
as long as it gets fed in the end.

Good on the other hand is NOT happy that Evil is there, so that is
why Good always loses. Evil has one tiny little bit of willingness and
responsibility going for it, that Good doesn't. Evil likes to eat Good,
but Good doesn't like to be eaten, and doesn't like to eat Evil either.

From Adore,

"Love Hates Hate.
Hate Hates Love.

How come Hate always wins?

It's 4 against 2, that's why."


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Fri Jun 29 03:06:01 EDT 2012
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012



> wrote:
>> Becoming is replaced by being. (As one goes OT)

CB Willis ( wrote:
>Still seems intimately related to your Proof.

Oh yes. Its been there for years, but finding the application of
it and really getting it makes a difference.

When Hubbard said the question IS the answer, what the hell did he
mean? I mean how is a question an answer?

Well to a meatball it makes no sense, but to a being that obtains
in the mere conception of having, the pre postulations that questions
commit to, are deadly.

The Proof talks endlessly about the cycle of creation, wherein a
being creates something via Looking by Knowing, and then flip flops into
making it persist via Knowing by Looking, which is learning about it and
question asking.

The efforts to ask the questions of life tie up the body in force
and pain. The questions that have sunk into failure, forgetfulness and
oblivion still wriggle once in a while causing alarming pains and
shifts in internal arrangement and mood.

In auditing you want to spot the incident, find the postulates,
spot the questions, make sure the asking of the questions ceases utterly
in present time and forever more. The common cognition to every
incident is how the question about "the condition postulated", continued
the condition postulated.

You can't just stop asking questions, but once you hit the big ones
and run them and spot how the question about the condition is and always
was and always will be the answer to itself, then the mind just sits
still. There is just no reason to move.

I mean if you never HAD to ask or answer another question ever
again, would that be heaven on Earth?

You see the being postulates something, any postulate is a decent
from surviving by being into becoming, its a change, hence becoming.

If the being loses sight of HOW he does this, then he feels
survival is ONLY by becoming. But that means he CAN not survive, so
he has to continually question how to continue to survive, think,
think, think.

Thinking is question asking is thinking is question asking.

Hubbard said it when he mentioned that thinking was the silliest
activity there was. Few got it, because it makes no sense if all there
is, is surviving by becoming.

The ONLY way to survive by becoming is to think, compute on DOING =

What do I want? What do I know? What should I do?

Once a being falls away from knowing that he can survive outside of
time by being, and can't help but do so, he gets the idea he can die.

You can only die forever IN TIME.

This scares the hell out of him, the mere contemplation of the
possibility of dying forever, to be no more etc, is enough to make him
feel so bad he becomes just SURE its quite possible, for no being who
couldn't die could ever feel that way! :)

Adore calls that the Doubt Effect.

Feelings generated by doubting immortality or Eternality are
further evidence of mortality!

This is the decent into seriousness and dramatization.

Dramatization means to bring drama to.

Drama is seriousness, importance, *PERMANENCE* and pain.

Drama enters when FOREVER enters into the realm of becoming.

To become something FOREVER is hell forever, to become nothing
FOREVER is death forever. Both are lies.

The permanence of dying forever, of becoming nothing forever, is
infinite, and thus the seriousness of this becomes infinite too, so the
being starts to dramatize INFINITELY on the subject of how to survive
FOREVER. But that's a game he can't win. He isn't trying to BE
forever, he's trying to BECOME forever, and he knows damn well that it
just won't work.

There is no ethics to a mortal.

As the questions on how to survive forever begin to fail, one by
one, they fail into infinite charge in the back of the brain, sink into
oblivion where the beast is 'never disturbed', and pretty soon, like
layers of sediment, you have layers of dead questions, each containing
infinite charge on infinite failure of infinite survival.

It's this question stack of pancakes that needs to be audited.

It is mind (question asking) and becoming in time that keeps the
stack charged and stirred up, seething in the bowels of the spirit.


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty



>What are the "homer" or "adore" types called?

Homer and Adore are fundamentalist orthodox dreamball.

The view:

Matter, Energy, Space and Time, (MEST) is a hallucination in the
mind of God which is zero dimensional. We, the High US, ARE God
incarnation, God being a multi I-am being and the AllThatIs.

Hubbard said 'Space is a viewPOINT of dimension', by which he meant
the viewpoint takes up no space, but is a viewpoint that can see
illusions of space and time.

The joke is that if space and time did exist, the proof says that a
machine made of space and time and parts could never see or know that
space or time existed for sure as a machine can't be certain of anything

"A machine that learns only by being an effect of things, can never
prove there is cause."

Thus only a spaceless timeless thing could see illusions of space
and time with certainty and could see itself seeing with certainty.

Awareness of personal agency is certainty of cause which the proof
says couldn't happen if we were space time gizmos (brains).

The proof, like special relativity, is kind of counter intuitive.

Basically the only way to see something separate from you is to see
a representation of it that is not separate from you. You never see the
star, only your conscious rendition of the star. Since you CAN see your
conscious rendition, colors etc, you and that rendition must be one and
same object, for any twoness between observer and observed forces the
observer to look at a secondary representation of the observed, namely the
rendition, which doesn't give certainty of the rendered.

If one is limited to looking at rendereds via renditions, and
looking at B never gives certainty of A, one can never directly see or be
certain of rendereds. That we can be certain of conscious renditions
however, indicates that they are self rendering, other wise called,
self luminous, a phenomenon that can not exist in a multidimensional
universe of space, time and parts interacting via cause and effect
across a space time distance.

The proof says, if it is out there you couldn't see it, thus if you
can see it, it isn't out there.

Thus 'out thereness' is an illusion.

He also said '(While standing around an object), everyone thinks
they are seeing the same object from different points (in space), when
in fact they are seeing different objects (their own renditions) from
the same point (the 0D static, where we all are).

The mechanism that allows us to co share dreams, like the physical
universe, happens between us directly, and not through the dream, as no
cause at all travels through the dream.

There are two causes that travel TO the dream and back to us, the
cause that travels from self to the dream image which allows us to make
it, and the cause that travels from the dream image to ourselves which
allows us to see it and verify that it was made.

Creation and verification, outflow and inflow.

There is no CROSS cause between dream images, nor between dreams
among different people. The static controls the kinetic directly, and
all channels of communication between beings are channels in the static

The purpose of true cause is to create illusions of other cause in
the dream, but such 'casted cause' remains an illusion only.

The dreamer likes to believe that the ball bounces off the wall
because of actual cause between the ball and wall, when in fact the
static is acting as a third party causing both to move as if they caused
each other to move.

Electrons repel each other for the same reason.

The quantum guys are just catching up to this with vague notions of
a non local universe, meaning it has no space and time, where in cause
actually works, and the physical universe is a rendition of the outcome.

Most of them however still think that consciousness is a process in
the brain, meatball, rather than that consciousness is all that exists
and brains are dreams, dreamball.

The non local universe is the static, and the 'kinetic' universe
is a graphics display rendition of the static.


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Tue Dec 22 17:13:31 EST 2009

Tuesday, June 26, 2012



>> If you create something and you KNOW it has the potential to go
>>out and do wrong, then if it does go out and do wrong, YOU are
>>responsible and should be held accountable.

>Hehehe. So if I have a kid that grows up to be a murderer I am responsible?

Gee, now that's a thought isn't it. I guess thinking and
responsibility are new to Christians.

Husband: 'Well honey, I think its time we had some kids, don't you?"

Wife: "Sure, dear, but, you know, what happens if one of them turns
out to be a murder or something, or an Anti Christ? "

Husband: "Well, now that's none of our business you know, and besides
once he is 18, he is accountable for his own actions, and if he does do
wrong, God's got someplace proper to put him, Hell Forever, at the end of
his life."

Wife: "Oh well, that's a relief dear, stick it here...'

Maybe if parents were held responsible for the actions of their
children things might change around here. People wouldn't go having
children without thinking about it twice.

And the stupid hand wringing parents couldn't get away with, 'But we
did our best!'


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clear Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

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Tue Jun 26 03:06:02 EDT 2012
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Clear-L mailing list

Monday, June 25, 2012


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MCT - 10
29 December 1993

Copyright (C) 1985 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.

1.) L <--> LC or LNC
2.) D and L --> LBLE
3.) LBLE --> not LC
Q.E.D. LC --> not D

Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning with Not

Distance and Learning implies Learning by Looking at Effects.

Learning by Looking at Effects implies Not Learning with


Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but

Not Across a Distance, and

Not by Looking at Effects.


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Mon Jun 25 03:06:02 EDT 2012
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Sunday, June 24, 2012


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SCI - 20

Copyright (C) 1992 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.


Clearing technology is a growing collection of experimental
psychotheraputic procedures designed to help people locate, contact,
confront, relive (revivify) and release otherwise hidden moments of
great anguish, pain, sorrow and loss in their lives, with resultant
healing of body, heart, mind and soul from self imposed psychosomatic
conditions created to deal with the trauma.

Clearing technology OUGHT to be a new, growing and vital science,
but has been brought instead into a state of disgrace by various people
who would keep it their own.

Your demands for proof are quite justified with the one caveat that
the best proof is to experience it for yourself. You will never really
know for sure if you depend upon the experiences of others for your
evidence no matter what they say or what they 'demonstrate'.

People do not like to demonstrate themselves to others, especially
on a challenge. During play perhaps...

People do not OWE you proof of their personal gains, and they do
not OWE you to remain silent about their gains just because they are
unwilling or unable to prove those gains.

Clearing technology is freely available in the field to anyone who
is interested in it. There may be some cost to acquiring the materials
to experiment with but that is true for any science.

Any good research project needs to be funded.

There is little to no secrecy about the 'higher' levels in the
field and I am sure there are already people out there who would enjoy a
collaboration with a person as rigorously trained in the scientific
method as yourself.

Biophysics, right? The beneficial hormonal changes that take place
during Primal Scream therapy and other forms of clearing technology are
well documented, EVEN IF IMPROPERLY SO. The people who have made these
discoveries are not necessarily masters of the scientific method, as you
are, as their training is in the field of the mind and the spirit, not
of the body.

They have no excuse however for not learning the scientific method
and applying it, especially if they want their work to be accepted by
the scientific world at large.

Of course the scientific world must also be ready to retract some
of their pet theories if called upon to do so, what they may discover in
consciousness may upset them more than quantum physics.

Science is a two way street here, one can not use the scientific
method solely for the purpose of supporting one's own ignorant world
view prejudice.

In my view the world is about to go through another revolution in
scientific thought, much as it did during Gallileo's and Newton's time.
There will be many who will insist on holding on to the 'old notions' as
the subject of consciousness becomes more than a footnote in deadly dry
tomes on space and time.

Just as the old philosopher's thought that the Earth was the center
of the universe, leaving out the obvious data of the emmense canopy of
space and time around them in their observations, so now are people
convinced that the last frontier is 'out there', the 4 dimensions of
Einstein, or the 16 dimensions of string theory, leaving out the inner
world of consiousness in their observations.

My opinion is that people will find that consciousness is not
properly relegated to some dusty corner of biochemical oddities. The
growing evidence for past lives and OOBE's (out of body experiences)
must raise some doubts about the present biochemical paradigms of
consciousness and will.

I don't think you are an SP. I think you are madder than hell at
SP's and rightly so. Especially those falsely pushing wrong knowledge
down people's throats and charging a buck for it to boot.

My mere assertion is that clearing technology is not such a scam
although it is presently in the hands of many scamsters, just as the
physical sciences were at the beginning of the 19th and 20th centuries.

So if you are willing to expend the effort to do some serious
research into the matter I think you will be rewarded.


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Sun Jun 24 03:06:02 EDT 2012
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The preclear wants to be an effect.

The preclear wants to be the effect of an auditor who will help him
be better able to be an effect in life with more enjoyment.

The auditor wants the preclear to be cause, to create his own
effects, and to keep himself adjusted properly in each game he plays.

Games are an operating balance between being cause and being an
effect of team mates and opponents.


If the preclear wins a game he LOSES THE *GAME*. He then has to
find another game to play, or start the present one over again.

Winning too often can be a real drag on a being looking for a
challenge, who can't find enough challenging games to play.

He may arbitrarily handicap himself to even the odds against
himself, but then when a more worthy game comes along he fails to
remember how to unhandicap himself, and the opportunity passes him by,
or he gets crushed out of the gate or first toss.

If the preclear loses a game, he also LOSES THE *GAME*, he is out
the game! He then has to find another game to play or start the present
one over again.

Losing too often can be a real drag for a being looking to lighten
his load of challenge.

The highest thrill comes when the preclear really doesn't know if
he is going to win or lose any particular game.

That's a perfectly balanced game.

A balanced game is equally worth ending the game by winning or

They also last the longest and have the most glory in them.

Serious comebacks are also cool, but the being can't look forward
to them as easily as a well balanced game.

He will in general resent the comeback even as they are carrying
him off the field as a hero on their shoulders. He will feel either he
cheated, or the other side messed up, that some how it may have started
off a fair fight, but didn't end up one, so he won instead of lost.

If the game is a serious game, meaning the play is for keeps, the
being will decay in the game to the degree that he commits serious
overts against other players, cheating, getting others to play for him
and give him the rewards, disabling or killing others so they can't play
at all.

Winning by disabling the opponent so he is a no show, or can't
play, is a common form of criminality engaged in by players who consider
they must win but who fear they may lose.

Seriousness is MUST WIN, MUST NOT LOSE.

Seriousness can also be MUST LOSE, MUST NOT WIN.

Ever throw a game?

Ever get sick to get sympathy?

Once serious overts are committed in a game, the being now must
withhold himself from his own team mates who wouldn't have stooped so
low and wouldn't want to play with him if they knew he had. So the
group mind goes down the tubes, and players become 'alone' on the
playing field talking outwardly to each other, rather than inwardly via
direct communication.


Eventually the player will sink down to playing the game of games.

That means if he loses the game, he will never get to play another
game again.

Games have to be fundamentally or arbitrarily scarce for a being to
engage in such a game.


Below that the being will play his last game knowing he HAS to lose
at some point, because every player eventually falls, so the winner is
the last one standing on the playing field, until he falls too.

For immortals that would be the end of that universe of games.

For mortals that would be this life.


Universes of games can be created with games in series, one after
each other, and games in parallel, running at the same time next to each

The universe starts with many many top level games all in parallel,
pretty much of the same size, huge. The new being can choose from any
one of them and start to play it. They are all top level games.

Below this layer of games, will be another set of games, also
parallel to each other of a slightly lesser size. When a being falls
out of his first game he jumps into another game at this lower level and
starts to play it.

This continues down for many layers of games until there are no
more games left to play in that universe.

Say that the layers of games in series from the top down are called
A, B, C, D ... Z.

That means there are 26 different game levels one can be playing in
that universe.

Then say each level has 1000 games that are all different but
similar in their size, scope, span and field.

Thus when a being first enters the universe he can choose which of
1000 games he will first play from A1, A2, A3 ... A1000.

When he finally gives up on that game as hopeless and 'dies' out of
the A level, he can then choose to play any of say 2000 games in the B
level, named, B1, B2, B3 ... B2000.

He continues to play, die, play, die, going through C, D, E playing
one one game at each level, until he reaches Z and dies out of that one
too. At that time there are no more games in the universe for him to
play lower than the level of decay he has attained.

Errors and mistakes he picks up during one level of play are
carried over as tendencies into the next lower level of play where they
don't help him, but he is sure they will. He learns how to be conniving
and opaque in game A3, and when they eventually fail him at that level,
he is just sure he will be a grand master in his next game B47.

So by the time he has decayed down and through level Z, his case
will be a mass of seriousness, overts, out-ethics, and not even a worm
would play with him any more.

He ends up feeling 'alone' even though he is buried in BT's, and
facsimiles of all the beings he has done in through out the ages.

When 'aloneness' starts to become alarming, it is time for him to
see the auditor.

When he is really alone, because there is no auditor, then his lack
of confession wins.


This is the way it is with games.

The playing field for any game is always down hill.

It is always easier to make plays downstream than to make plays

The downhillness of a game doesn't mean the playing field per se is
slanted, but the game itself is slanted towards pain, failure and
oblivion, via corruptions, temptations and seductions to win by cheating
or outright destroying the other players or the game itself.

Sometimes the destruction is accidental, and he is warned and he
becomes careful.

You can't play all out careful.

All out and careful are oxymorons.

Sometimes the destruction is intentional, then he has had it, he
has become more interested in winning than in playing.

Sometimes someone else does something destructive to him, which he
then does back to another, with pretty much the same result, destruction
of the game and his and others willingness to play.

At the start and top of any game, the being is in good shape, clean
slate, and in love with the game, which is a joy to play, is properly
balanced for LONG, verging on never ending, volleys, and everyone gets
to show off their passion, talents and honed skill.

However as play continues, and seriousness settles in, play becomes
subtly overt, then wildly and brazenly overt, then covert and finally
the game itself is being destroyed in order to win it.

"You make one step over this line with the ball, and we will
blow up your side of the court!"


So at the top of the game the grass is green indeed, but finally at
the bottom of the game there is nothing but mud, dirt and disgusting

But there is also a fence, and the preclear in his desperation to
keep playing anything, any game is better than no game, hops over the
fence, and he finds him self in a brand new game, with green fresh
grass, the sun shining, and the play wonderful again.

It is however a smaller game at the next level down.

B level games are smaller than A level games.

The new B level game HAS to be smaller than HE is, for him to feel
good and confident about it.

But as he enters B, he is smaller than the A game he just died out
of, as the reason he lost the prior A game, is HE got smaller than his
starting size from all his overts, withholds, and brazen justifications
and restraints.

So now he is smaller than A, and B is smaller than him when he
first starts to play B which is where he gets his bravado from.

"Oh hell, I can win this one easily!"

But the being enters the B level game tainted from the lessons
learned on how to survive that led him downward from the first game.

Some of those lessons he is sold on, some of them he is both
justifying as right *AND* restraining as wrong, and some of them are
just plain compulsive and he has no idea how to operate the straight and
narrow any more.

So again he plays the new game and finally ends up in the mud, dirt
and disgusting stuff at the bottom of it. But again there is a fence
which if hops over it, he is again in a wonderland of a new game that he
can enjoy but which is smaller yet.

Each time he PROMISES TO HIMSELF that he won't do the things that
make him any smaller than he is already, but the game is trickier than
he is, and down the tubes he goes, eventually spewing overts like a bomb
going off.

And so it goes for the rest of the game levels until he hits rock
bottom at the end of game Z. Again there is a fence, but this time,
when he hops over it, he ends up in a whole new universe of games, WAY
smaller than the first one, and again he takes his garbage of lessons
wrongly learned with him.

So the beginning of each game is not as good as the beginning of
the prior game, but it is way better than the end of the prior game,
which is why he keeps seeking the sun by going down hill, and hopping
over the fence, hoping for a new start.

The grass is always greener on the other side.

After a while he fails to recognize he is getting smaller with each
fence he hops, and he will WASTE games he is in, by ruining them
intentionally, to more quickly get to the next fence and get back to
good game play.

It's an effort to hit the restart button on the game he is in, but
that's not what really happens, now is it.


So how do you audit this?

Well he is only failing in playing these games because of the
accumulating out-ethics he engages in, which is engendered by the
seriousness with which he is playing, must win, must not lose AT ANY

Games go to hell when PLAY becomes undesirable, or is "desirable"
only if you win.

These games are deadly serious, life and death for EVERYONE, the
whole nine yards.

You lose, and the whole world falls into a black hole forever.

Or worse lives through atomic armageddon for 42 centuries.

Once things are for keeps, once the desire to win is greater than
the desire to play, once he forgets who or what is cause around here and
why is it such an asshole, namely that he entered the game intentionally and may even
have designed it in part, all hope for clean play is gone.

No man will strive for a level of nobility higher than the nobility
of the universe he conceives created him.

If the very basis of the game is unfair, or if everyone else is
cheating, you can be damn sure he will cheat too.

But the unnoble man is never a happy man.

When you are trying to save your family and loved ones, it is very
tempting to cheat, sell your friends down the river, sell out entirely,
or whatever moral crisis the being finds himself in.

Who will stand up to an army of tyranny, when you know they will
come after your family once you are gone?

You may be willing to sacrifice yourself in an act of kamikazee,
but are you willing to sacrifice them too in the deal?

Sometimes moral conflicts are not resolvable, anything you do will
have collateral damage.

If you let Hitler go, he will continue killing everyone you know.

If you try to kill him, even if you kill yourself, they will seek
down all your family and torture them to death.

You won't be around to enjoy it, but they will.

Even if THEY are willing to be collateral damage, are you willing
to make it so?

These kinds of things freeze a being into inaction.

Kids fill their nightmare heads with these things, if I had to
choose between daddy or mommy, which would it be?

To do or not to do?

They are IMPOSSIBLE CHOICES to do the 'right thing', because ALL
choices lead to insufferable permanent loss.

Now ethics ceases being how to chose between right and wrong, and
becomes how to choose between the lesser of two evils.

Even if he makes the best or only decision, he will damn himself as
guilty forever for doing the wrong thing.

He is guilty for BEING IN THE GAME in which he can only do bad,
don't you see?

He would have to be, for no one in their right (finite) mind would
choose to create or be in such a game where such choices are presented
to you.

He misses the infinite mind, and its propensity to engage in
Majesty, Master of Jest.

And without question, he misses the responsibility others have for
their own condition.

He KNOWS his little daughter is innocent and doesn't deserve what's
going to happen to her if he chooses the less of two evils.

So he chooses the greater of two evils, and let's his daughter
live, who only gets it in the end anyhow.


"Give me liberty or give me death, but please oh please leave my
poor dear innocent family alone, please?"


Games are games of action, inaction destroys the game.

Eventually the being will solve the indecision on whether to
do or not to do, with the decision to BOTH DO *AND* NOT DO at
the same time.

If you take any of it to heart, then down you go, bitter and
unresolved to the end.

Taking things to heart is seriousness.

The opposite of seriousness is lightheartedness.

One enters the seriousness of game play on the carrier wave of
lightheartedness with which the whole thing was conceived and thus put
into action, including the necessary not know that blankets all serious

A being can cut off his connection to awareness of his own choices
and responsibility in the matter in which he finds himself.

He can enter a state where he is no longer aware that he entered

That unawareness violates his eternal sovereign desire to be
sovereign, TO HAVE CHOSEN AND KNOW IT, and he is running on a burn from there on out.

Doubt is self casting, doubting one chose clouds over the certainty
one did. The disharmony of the uncertainty then leads to certainty one
did not choose.

Part of the not know and disbelief is that the sovereign desire to
be sovereign INCLUDES the majestic desire to suffer the APPARENCY of not
being sovereign for a while.

Why a being would do this to himself is the impulse towards
seriousness and high anti cool, then resolved by reawareness of
lightheartedness and humor, halcyon, eventually resulting in
re-unmanifestation and utter unimpingable peace.

Humor is a blow of of seriousness.

The eternally sovereign being apparently has an addiction :)

The search for laughter is through the valley of the shadow of

"Responsibility is a big thing, certainly bigger than our parents
taught us.

Responsibility for RESPONSE ABILITY, ability to respond.

Do not doubt you chose it, and then look to see for evidence.

You chose.

What proof did you leave behind you now?

There is only one proof.

Learn it, love it, teach it, master it.

All can.

However for some people, by their own choice, it will be a long
time between now and then.

You can't move your house around town, if you have locked yourself
inside it.

In Excelsis Deo." - Adore

Entering the seriousness of play, the being bars himself from
awareness of his own and everyone else's choice to enter and the divine
(Imp Soul) beauty and aesthetic with which he and his buddies designed
these games.

Once he is in the game of seriousness, his attitude is who ever
created this game was an asshole, but here I am, I am bigger than any
evil that lives, I will conquer it all and assign blame later.

Of course he never gets there.

No sportmanship, no nobility, no code of honor survive his
desperate play for long, and pretty soon he is out-preempting the enemy
faster than he can conceive how bad they are.



The enemy has no such problem.

The being thinks the way to survive is 'to be worse than them'.

The being has learned the lesson that this game shouldn't exist,
that he should never have been placed in it, that HE would never have
created such a thing, and he has learned the lesson that there must be
no honor, dignity, mercy or quarter given to the other side.

He finally becomes a master of treason and deceit.

A monster striving for mastery of abomination.

His goal is to give even the enemy pause with surprise, make them
go 'Whoa, now *THAT'S* evil!"

But the enemy is not affected by this, the enemy can not be out
eviled, because the enemy knows what he is doing, and was paid to

The being eventually comes to feel there is a certain sympatico
between his ruined self image, once filled with the confidence of
rightness, once so noble and sure, and the disgusting stuff he finds at
the bottom of the game, and so it suits him just fine to live there.

He tried EVERYTHING, and yet all his loved ones came to death and
demise anyhow.

Or turned on him.

Or left him alone.

He considers it would have been better had he not tried at all.

How would YOU have played the game?

You who would criticize.

So he comes to you for auditing, and he hands you his last coin he
got from a girl he once loved, but whom he turned in to save his own
skin, and whom he had to behead for her crimes. And she, not knowing he
was the headsman, had a gold sovereign in her hand for him to make sure
the cut was swift, and there it is now in your hands.

Lord pray you don't recognize the coin.

So what do you do?

To be continued.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

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Posted: Sat Jun 23 23:25:43 EDT 2012
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So you sit your preclear down in session and ask him how he is

He says,

"I want to drown in the blood of others."

The innocent will laugh their heads off, the guilty will press him
to clarify exactly whose blood he has in mind.

At this point, it would do well for the auditor to have some

Truth causes vanishment of all mechanical conditions of existence.

At the beginning of any universe, when vanishment was a problem,
because they hadn't figured out serious persistence yet, suppression of
truth was necessary just to keep the playing field around and the game a

People understood this suppression was for the sake of the game
that they wanted to partake in, so they accepted this suppression of
truth as necessary.

A while later when various games were going to hell, some beings
wanted to end the games, that is vanish them by uncovering the lies that
held them in place,

However there were people that wanted the games to continue and
wanted to force others to be in the game whether they wanted to or not,
so they continued to suppress the truth and the beings trying to expose

Thus the beings who wanted out of the game became PTS to the SP's,
those who were vested in their lies.

SP means Suppressive Person.

PTS means Potential Trouble Source, meaning the preclear
rollercoasters in the presence or under the influence of the SP.

The preclear is mostly PTS to an archetypal TYPE OF WHO, not a
particular person, who may be wearing the archetype at the time.

Since the beings who first wanted out of the game were in a
minority, they didn't stand much of a chance.

The suppression of truth in a being that wants to be free leads
first to murderous rage, wishing death or damnation off on the opposer,
then to covert hostility, fear, propitiation, sorrow and finaly solid

The preclear sitting in front of you is almost certainly in apathy
or below on any original purpose or goal he might have had as a
spiritual being.

If he weren't he would be out goaling, rather than paying you to
help him 'figure out' what is wrong, why he is in pain all the time, and
why he wants to die etc.

As you audit him on his original basic purposes, he starts to come
up from apathy through tremendous sorrow for untold lifetimes that have
been wasted toeing the party line.

Then he comes up to rage, and all he can think about is killing

At first its everyone because 'they are all guilty for going along
with the suppressives and not helping me'.

Or "It doesn't matter how many innocents I kill, as long as I get
the suppressives, all will be well in the world again, and the innocents
lost will be considered matyrs for the cause of freedom."

Eventually the preclear will settle into a more laser targeted rage
at the various players and archetypes that were actually designing his
demise when he wanted out.

After that he will realize that these "who or whats" he is in fury
about are just that, identities and archetypes, and that the people he
is fighting were themselves merely living in their own identities and
archetypes as the subjugators, just as he was as the subjugated.

It was all just a game after all, a game for Gods, no matter how
seriously everyone took it or still do, and no matter how many of his
friends got skinned alive, and their still breathing bodies left out to
become ant farms.

At this point he will exteriorize from the game sphere and be done
with it entirely. Or maybe go back in and play it a little less

His body will no longer be sick from suppression of murderous rage,
or the various intents to cause death or suffering forever, or to cause
others to be or not be forever.

Remember you can't punish someone forever unless they BE forever.

Thus the intent to cause another to be or not be forever is a
serious overt act that recoils on the being who engages it.

Once confessed and repented, relief returns, along with his sense
of humor, stillness and peace.

More importantly he will have recovered what he should be doing in
life, and wanted to be doing all along before the game took him over in
a senseless life and death struggle with suppression.

He has regained intimacy with himself.

The intent of the suppresive is to destroy facility in intimacy.

There is a cognition that comes out of all this.

This whole trek of case gain is one of PTSness.

Every cognition that your preclear has on the way to getting better
will have someone or something opposing it.

Every cogition in the direction of spiritual freedom will irritate
or terrify the life out of those who have a vested interest in spiritual
enslavement, imprisonment, punishment, demise or death.

Often when cognitions are had, they are still encysted in the
emotions of anger, fear and sorrow, towards everyone who would argue
with that cognition.

PTSness is the effort to prove the SP wrong.

You CAN'T prove an SP wrong, because he already knows he is wrong,
but he sure as hell isn't going to admit it, because he has to pretend
to YOU that HE believes the crap he is trying to get YOU to believe in.

He will claim the falsehood is for your own good, but he knows damn
well it isn't, and the truth is he believes it is in his own best
interest to get you to believe it anyhow, and believe that he believes
it too.

parents and hell

And you are going to get the SP to admit this?

Once the preclear understands the game the SP is playing KNOWINGLY
or maybe forgettingly if its on automatic for the SP, then the preclear
no longer needs to make the SP wrong ON THAT COGNITION, and the session
may end never to return to that subject again.

Thus when a preclear has a cog in session, it is often necessary to
check for 'who or what would oppose that cognition' to get it really
clean and safe for him to have and keep for the rest of time.

This is NOT part of standard tech but should be in some measure.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

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Posted: Sat Jun 23 22:57:01 EDT 2012
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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

ADORE825 (fwd)

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I bypass much of the problem by saying the following.

God is the AllThatIs.

We are God in carnation.

Thus I call a being a GodSoul.

It operates as both God the Creator, and as Soul the Creature.

Everything created therefore comes from us either as God,
or as Soul.

Dicom's exist, good and bad, love and hate, life and death etc.

The purpose of creation is ART, not order.

Order is just another stupid dicom.

Art is a comingling of order and disorder, harmony and disharmony
followed by resolve.

Not just any harmony will do, not just any disharmony will do, only
those harmonies and disharmonies that fold into a final resolve of
laughter, worthwhileness and peace complete the equation.

That's simple music theory.

Harmonies are enhanced by disharmonies via the resolve at the end.

Thus we seek a good work of art, not a good being.

As Author we seek a good story, not a good character.

If everyone in a story were good, the story would not be interesting.

From the character point of view, the good side of the dicom
seems to more valuable than the bad side of the dicom.

Pleasure is intrinsically good to the character and pain
intrinsically bad.

Thus most bad comes from people who are trying to give themselves
pleasure by preemptively giving others pain. They have become only ones
against an empire of zombies in their own minds.

Its a psychosis of the good character hallucinating evil where it
doesn't exist, rather than some fundamental ontological valid evil that
does exist.

The character however does believes in the evil because he can feel
it, which is why he gets preemptive about it.

But that's from the Soul point of view.

From the God point of view of the same GodSoul, the use of any side
of all dicoms is a valid color in his palette of painting the tapestry of
life, tragedy and travesty, miracle and majesty.

Thus there is no right or wrong, there are only bad stories and
good stories.

No God creates a bad story at will, he does his best to create
a good story. Thus both sides of good and bad will be played
out by the Creature.

There is thus no 'obedience' to God, because the Soul is God in
carnation, and can not help but obey the dictates of his own Authorship
through the labyrinth of good being to bad being to free being again.

If one soul doesn't like the authorship of another soul, the first
can tell the second 'God will punish you', but its all bullshit, and
eventually comes back on the first who ends up in hell for a while for
wishing the second into hell forever.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Mon Nov 29 01:33:55 EST 2010

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Tue Jun 19 03:06:02 EDT 2012
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Monday, June 18, 2012



"Why write? To write the right why." - Adore

I am a scientist.

I engage in the normal process of learning, to wit:

Observation, Description, Hypothesis, Models, predictions, and
verification or execration.

Since I can SEE a chunk of God, namely me, I am proceeding with the
standard scientific method on what I can see.

Conscious color forms are actual, are used as symbols for dubious
referents, have qualities, color, dimensionality, the apparency of out
thereness, implied viewpoint, self luminosity, agency, perfect certainty
etc. many of which do NOT apply to the alleged referents.

So there is a lot to know about that red ball there in my dreams.

Now when I was a child, I asked my father "Daddy, where did I come

He told me about the Willy and the Wendy, and although this seemed
a bit strange to me, I couldn't see anything contradicting it, so I
bought into it, hook line and sinker. I accepted a wrong indication
from a wrong theory and became VERY much the worse off for it.

What I see is, this world today suffers from a wrong indication of
massive magnitude. The indication is about "What are we, where did we
come from, where are we going" etc.

The indication has been wrong for a long time, and unfortunately
has been going down hill and getting worse, even as science has been
getting smarter and wiser.

It went from a living God is the cause of all things, to dead MEST
is the cause of all things. Well that helped us live better in the MEST
universe but it took the life out of living.

The world presently consists mostly of meatballs pushing death
forever, religious fanatics pushing hell forever, and a whole mess of
new age crystal gazers saying "oh relax, peace, good will, love, take
another toke!"

But that's not a theory you see. The Crystal heads, like the
religious fanatics don't seem to have a mind to think with any more, but
the scientists which do are simply not awake.

So my postings here are an effort to delineate the 'other' theory
of existence which is that APPARENCIES of matter arose out of
consciousness, rather than consciousness arose out of matter.

Everything stated in my postings are just that, delineation of
theory, nothing more nothing less.

Like all theories it is presented in the third person indicative

"You are an adorable operating pride source.

There is nothing better or higher than Pride.

Except perhaps Omni Awesome Peace." - Adore

That's because that is the way the theory is.

All auditing is based on some theory of existence, discussing what
to audit or how to audit without discussing some underlying theory and
model of what you are auditing is a silly waste of time, unless the
process has been handed down to you by the Gods without understanding.

Models are also a rich source of predictions, audit this and you
will get that, kind of thing. If the predictions prove false, then you
toss the model or improve on it.

Now both KP and Phil are saying about the same thing, all this
scientific work that I am doing and publishing is a dangerous
hallucinatory, figure-figure, think, self aggrandizing waste of time,
more trouble that it is worth.

KP has his one process and Phil has his also in the Black Magician
series, neither of which I found workable. Hell Hubbard had books and
books and books of processes, none of which I found workable for me.

But I have found workable what I am doing, so I continue to do it,
and I expect there will be others like me who also find it workable.

Observing, describing, modeling the AllThatIs, is not an evil
occupation and it certainly is not counterproductive. It is not useful
to say that all thoughts are wrong except this one, turn off the mind
and you will find peace. Try it, see if its that simple.

You can't use the mind to turn off the mind.

On the other hand a bit of study about what the mind is about,
questions and answers, a bit of clarity on the nature of self answering
questions, wrong indications, and seeking for answers you already have
in the question itself, can go a long ways towards allowing the mind to
to go quiescent, once one sees what it is that needs to be shut up and

Without that understanding, the mind is just a broncing bucko.

Same is true for dramatizion of forevers, its a major subject, lots
of charge to be spotted and run out, and the body just starts to heal on
its own. Or die on its own if you don't.

Also true for desire and view, once one sees what one has done to
one's own desire, the consequences become obvious and you get this 'no
wonder' feeling about the condition you are in, or "well I sure deserved
what I got from that!"

You see that's peace, even if you are still in the soup learning to
swim, or learning to not swim down.

So for all that Phil and KP may be 'right' about things, as far as
I can tell they are still dramatizing forevers on things, making service
facs out of basic truths and generally being destructive to postings
made here without themselves actually adding much to clearing tech
itself in a way that most people can use it.

I too may not be helping a lot of people here or in the future, but
I am laying down a record of how I helped myself or in the end failed
to. That is science you see?

My original stated goal was to open the channels of communication
and speak the truth as I see it, and I have been doing that and will
continue to do so.


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Friday, June 15, 2012


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08/25/10 Wednesday 11:52pm EST


Kalkidas <> wrote:

> As far as I know, the soul descended into matter because of his
>free will. He became attracted to material nature, desired her
>association, ignored any warnings he may have received, and that was
>sufficient to propel him down. That this was an error of judgment is
>quite obvious when one compares the misery of material life to the bliss
>of pure spiritual existence.

I disagree.

Since he came from a state of bliss, he knew what he was doing, and
desired to play the game of chase that he could never win.

There is the bliss to no bliss.

> Therefore, material existence is the consequence of an error in

No, it was fair chosen..

He may have DEVISED errors in judgement and then engaged upon them
in order to cement his stay in the material world lest he wake up too
early, the more he can blame, the longer he can stay here.

The material world and its suffering is HAVINGNESS to the being.

> Since the soul is now trapped by his wrong judgment, he must somehow learn
> to exercise correct judgment if he is to get out of his predicament.

Yes, true, wrong judgements keep him here, but this does not deny
that he designed the wrong judgements to do so.

> In that sense, then, material bodies are a chance for the soul to learn
> something, or more accurately, to remember something he forgot.

Yes to remember that what he learned that lead him downward was
wrong, and to unlearn it all.

Native state beings do not carry around with them lessons learned
to make sure they stay in native state.

Learning lessons is chasing mass to weigh one down.

For how is one going to 'remember' those lessons "lest it all happen


High appreciation for ludicrous demise.

The guy had to invent it all the way down to the bottom.

"Let's see now, how can I go lower and stay there?"

The best way he ever designed was the creation of the idea that he
had to struggle to learn lessons which he must never forget to make sure
descending into materiality never happens again.

Seek the 'must never happen again', and you will find where the
being is most nuts on learning lessons.

Wed Aug 25 23:55:10 EDT 2010

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Wed Jun 13 03:06:02 EDT 2012
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Thursday, June 14, 2012



Copyright (C) 1992 Homer Wilson Smith
All Rights Reserved

The subject of Sovereignty is a big one.

When you mention Sovereignty people always think of someone else,
someone big over there, they never consider that it applies to

That's because from the viewpoint of their lives it doesn't.

Sovereignty has become a political term used only in current events
class at school or writing a paper on some foreign land that you will
probably never get to visit.

However, Sovereign Desire is the central core of why you exist, why
you are here, and why you are in the condition you are in.

What, you mean I had something to do with this mess I am in?


In fact you had everything to do with it, you engineered the entire
thing right down to the last nut and bolt, and then engineered your own
ignorance of the fact.

This is what people find most incredible, that they would choose to
not know they chose.

Majesty is the Sovereign Desire that Desire not be Sovereign for a

That is HOW Creator became Creature, you.

One becomes the Creator again by practicing becoming the Creature.

That's what Creator's do, they become Creatures.

Creator's create themselves AS creatures, as created things.

Every thing they create, is an adornment to self.

But you protest, that's ridiculous, if I were a Creator I would
never have created this mess I am in now, and look at all these other
people, surely they had better things to do than to build a life of pain
and bury themselves in it.

Ah well, so Sovereignty is a little hidden. That's the magic of
Majesty, to become a Creature FOR A WHILE.

A Creature who does not like its God and would have made the world
a different way if it could have.

People are here under protest, they live their lives because they
have to, not because they enjoy the dance. Even if their life is going
OK, they still realize that others are suffering and the whole world is
one macabre theater of morbid fascinations, a chamber of horrors.

Most people can think of other things they would like to be doing
than working to eat to survive, let alone EATING others in order to eat
and survive.

Even those who enjoy eating realize that they are making a virtue
out of a horrible necessity.

In fact a little thought will show you that who ever made this
universe, be it you or someone else, or all of us in unison, was
really weird, to put it mildly.

So Sovereignty is a foreign idea to most.

An insult to others, how DARE you suggest I did this!

As such it becomes lost in the sea of despair.

But this is intentional, this is what Sovereign Desire wrought,
hiding itself in the darkness, under the cover of incredibility,
impossibility and preposterousness.

That's the veil.

This is also the dark night of the soul. For once a soul gets the
slightest glimpse of the beauty and the power that were once his, he can
not rest until he again has them under command. But that journey is the
longest, hardest, saddest journey he will ever seek to under take.

To admit you lost something that good takes the making of a God.

Sovereignty is like limitless power and class that is totally
unenturbulated, totally calm and at peace. It is endless resting
potential always on the verge of creating (becoming) some new world
without the slightest inclination to do so.

It's a wonder that every once in a while it does do so.

For what would move absolute peace?

Power in this world stems from operating Majesty.

Majesty is the Sovereign Desire that we not be Sovereign for a

Well here we are. The Way In is the Way Out.

Sovereignty is the only light there is, the only peace there is,
and the only salvation there is.

It is the light at the end of the tunnel, and it is the light at
the end of the dark night of the soul.

A new and glorious morn...


Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

Monday, June 11, 2012


06/09/10 Wednesday 12:43am EST


In chuckbeatty77 <> wrote:
> Tremendous answer.
> Who or what is "High US"

All life is 'God' in carnation through its own choice.

This God is called the Great I AM by Christians, but is in fact not
one I AM, but a multi I AM being. Thus it can incarnate multiple times
at the same time, since all of life is this being in carnation, that
would about a bazillion times at a time :)

The High US is the total conglomeration of all I-AM's either
incarnated or not. It especially includes all of one's own most
detested terminals (people), in this life and lives to come, those we
wished had never existed, didn't exist, or won't exist.

It discriminates between merely US which allows for a THEM and the
implied separation and animosity which an US-THEM relationship allows,
and the true High US, where there is no THEM to the HIGH US, as everyone
is in the High US group, leaving the THEM group eternally empty.

> a) Did you basically continue your own research on all this, and
> conclude all this? And did you use ANY of Hubbard's ideas as >
springboards, like how did you come to your conclusions about the >

Most honest answer is I haven't a clue, this stuff comes to me in
visionary chunks, more like gut feeling intuition that says how could it
be any other way. Remember if its true at all, much is memory of things
we all used to know and chose to forgot. So when you get it rights, it
kind of 'rings a bell'.

Just as physics has elemental fundamental particles, so must any
other causal system, even if it is based on consciousness rather than

The problem is that beings like to believe in the causation of
mass, two electrons repel BECAUSE of forces between them, but not even
physicists will say that is any more than a convenience for working with

So in the conscious world, where all space time and mass are a
hallucination, a virtual reality in dreaming consciousness rather than
an objective out there actual actuality, we still need to understand
'why' two electrons repel, not just how they do it, or what math
describes it, but actually why it happens.

Most science throws up its hand at ultimate whys, many say they
can't be known, which from the proof's point of view is correct for
actual multi dimensional matter universes (which don't exist anyhow).
But for conscious zero dimensional universes, the conscious being knows
when it is being cause, and expects to be able to know the causes of
other things happening too some day down the road, through direct
perception rather than through forever uncertain 'theory'.

Now beyond all that, the ideas expressed by Hubbard and me all have
a long lineage, going back through theosophy in modern times to
buddhist/hindu/veda traditions. Even early Christianity said all beings
were sons of God, and meant it, God in carnation. But that hit a dead
end at the council of Nicea I believe, no money in it.

The scientist generally considers that life is a subset of the all
that is, anything less than a DNA strand is not life.

The conscious theories say that EVERYTHING is life, everything is
Brahma in carnation as a conscious unit, stones, water, objects, bodies,
thetans, all the way down the last quark. Although science doesn't NEED
consciousness to 'explain' how things work, in the absence of the actual
existence of physical things, the why remains important, and from the
proof, directly knowable,

And that WHY is conscious units interacting at whatever simple or
complex level they interact with, right down the last quark in the
shared dream of virtual space time.

Just as your body is the virtual physical avatar of the GE, (not
your avatar, you are the cowboy on the horse, not the horse), just so is
the quark and every level of complexity above the quark and other
fundamental particles, the avatar for some unit of conscious incarnation
that may or may not be self aware according to its level of function.

Thus the quark is some conscious units body, but so is the proton,
the atom, the molecule, the organ, the body, the planet, the solar
system, the galaxy etc.

Theosophy has its own idea of how conscious units evolve upwards
into self awareness, no clue, its just an idea. Buddhism/Hindu's etc
have their own ideas. Hubbard had his.

Most of these systems are just people who haven't a clue, but who
might have had a vision or two, trying to bring it to the people as best
they can.

Lots of people on the way to Newton were literally wrong, but way
more right than anything before.

So you have to just keep on trucking with how it would all have to
be, given the world is a dream amongst dreamers, of whatever
hierarchical level. That includes material space time and all the
objects in it, and also Gods, Devils, angles and demons, and endless
little buggers with some job or another on the emotional, mental and
spiritual planes of existence, not just the physical.

Every mental image picture is an elemental mocking it up for
example, so is every engram. It is fine to run out all the stuff that
happened IN the engram, but the engram remains until you run out the
elemental mocking up the picture in the first place.

There is more LIFE in the ENGRAM than there is inside the engram
with all its valences and drama. Things persist to the degree they are
not granted life, and that includes the engram bank and time track etc.
More below.

Science works with observations of the external, and religion works
with observations of the internal. Each seek to replicate the observed
experience in others to gain some sort of peer review.

There is no harm in this as long as religion stays out of the way
of science, if science says carbon dating shows the universe to be 12
billion, and the religion says nope its only 6000, well then religion is

Or as long as science stops saying that God doesn't exist and
calling upon Occam to 'prove it', when science doesn't have a clue, and
Occam was deeply religious, as were Galileo, Newton and Einstein.

I mean if the possibility of divinity existing was good enough for
those three, it's damn well going to be good enough for me.

The problem arises when science tries to mandate truth in the
internal world where it can not observe, and religion tries to mandate
truth in the external world where it can not observe.

In both areas, the highest high crime of all is to write 'The Book'
first and do the research second, and then try to force the research to
match The Book.

Hells are so FILLED to capacity with these kinds of people, they
are letting them free early, the waiting lines are so long with new

> b) How many other practitioners are at your level of understanding of
> all this? Like 10 people or less? Do you guys hang out on some
> other chat site chatting about this?

Difficult question.

I am not advanced in the actual abilities of an OT, I can make
myself sick apparently, but can't make anyone else sick :) I am not
exterior, and I haven't ever really exteriorized the way Roland Barclay
did in his write up that I posted a while back.

There are probably 50 to 100 people that I would consider that they
would claim they actually attained something of magnitude through
Hubbard/Freezone auditing. I mean magnitude, can't say anything further
on it, cause I don't know, cause they don't talk to me much.

Probably another 500 to 1000 who came in to Scn in relatively good
shape, and made good gains, but probably aren't OT's as I would define
the term, stable exterior with full perception of physical universe,
weapon of war stuff or worse, game creators, destroyers and optimizers.

Lots of others who made some case gain, but did not attain what
they came into clearing to attain, and left rather grumpy about the
whole thing. Most of them just wanted proof they were eternal beings,
and know how to run their futures.

Most of these guys were never given a contextual framework in which
being an OT was possible, so they kept trying to go OT in a meatball
view of the universe. Exteriorization usually blows that open, but it
has to be replaced by an alternative theory of the world (dream time),
or else the exterior preclear comes back in, and STILL doesn't have a
context in which any of it is possible, so he can't get out again, and
comes to doubt the whole thing, like Roland did.

The rest are flaming mad.

No I do not hang out with anyone, I find most of them lost in their
technology, it didn't help me after all, and most of them are not strong
in The Proof.

No I do not belong to secret lists, everything I publish is
published on a.c.t. and is publicly available. There are lots of
private lists, and probably secret lists, but I find the postings there
effete and not worth my time reading.

It's mostly people nitpicking the subtler forms of which side of
the dinner table the fork and napkins should be, not one of whom can
really blow a pc out of their body for good.

When the bombs drop, what will be left of the secret lists?
Probably nothing. What will be left of the public lists? Probably
something. So if it is worth knowing, it should be posted publicly,
screw the consequences.

> c) Did you get all this understanding by mainly solo auditing
>yourself? Or meditating? What is your spiritual practice?
>Therapy/auditing asking yourself questions and answering them like in
>Solo auditing, or something else?

Certainly not 'meditating', sorry such attention focusing can have
its benefits, but I had to run out mediation of various kinds, because
it has damaging results from too much one way flow.

Power comes from being able to create and destroy mockups of space,
time and objects in them, and mockup and destroy communication lines and
relationships with other beings, not necessarily through illusory MEST.

Two beings talking through space time and objects to each other,
are like two prisoners in two different cells passing pieces of paper
back and forth through a crack.

Thus if one can not create and destroy mockups and relationships,
one needs to ask why, find out and change it.

It is assumed that any limitation the being has, is self created
for a reason, and the time and place need to found and the reason
reevaluated and blown.

It probably won't be a this life time thing, but will be echoed
over and over in this life.

Now that said, I have found through my own 30 years of trying to
find out why I am still a Black Infinity case, can't mockup anything,
including infinities, that question asking per se is one of the greatest
traps in the bank.

If I have an ability, and I take it away from myself, and I choose
to not know that I did this, then I start asking how come I can't do
such and such, I am getting further and further away from as-ising the
action of not knowing that I restrained my own ability and why.

One of the biggest causes of failure in trying to blow the not know
off of a limitation, is the preclear is secretly trying to know, asking
between each auditing command to not know, "Did I really chose to not

That's not not knowing you see, so the process doesn't run.

One is not asking the preclear to believe he chose to not know, or
have faith or something, one is asking the preclear to not know, and
shut up and run the damn process.

Thus auditing for me in present time consists almost entirely of
running the material in the posting called NO SOME on all items that
come up of interest. Problem now is that all known items are chilled
out, but the somatics and Black Infinity case conditions persist, so
there are more items, that I do not presently I know I have. Asking
what they are is a waste of time, as all question asking in this realm
is just stirring the tar up.

However these items do seem to have a genesis back in the first 2
years of life where I can't remember anything at all. Nothing, nada,
rien, zip, squat.

Thus running the intention to NOT KNOW and the effort to NOT KNOW
is the only thing left to me. The process is mentioned in passing by
LRH, but is not used extensively in the Church, they only want to run
what the preclear knows about, hoping what he doesn't know about will
surface on its own. Good luck. It won't.

You can find NO SOME at

> d) Do you use a meter in your solo auditing or whatever your practice
> is?

Yes, about 50 percent of the time. At times the meter is useless,
even looking at the needle is the wrong effort.

At other times it takes me right to the dramatization that next
needs to be run out.

We look first for a smooth rising needle and High TA, around 4.0 to
5.0. Then we look for efforts to make NO and SOME of something until we
get stops and falls, then we hunt for WHAT is being NO and SOMED, until
we get long fall blow downs and TA coming down. Cogs follow from that.

> e) Is this whole spiritual setup you talk about, is this similarly
> talked about by other spiritual researchers, if so, who are a few of
> them (meaning you just view Hubbard as fitting in with a group of
> other thinkers who said pretty much the same as Hubbard and who
> actually say MORE than Hubbard, if so, who are they)?

Start with C. W. Leadbeater 'Masters and the Path'.

Also Percival, 'Thinking and Destiny"

These are OLD books, Percival is excessively wordy, you will have
to hunt to find them, but they are in the Cornell Library.

It's basic theosophy, which like scientology has its leaders who
all misbehaved, got discredited. Its one thing to write what the Gods
whisper in your ear, quite another to live up to it all.

Annie Besant is another one.

They had no technology, but they did have a very rich world view of
how the Brahma in carnation was evolving.

Any of it true? No clue.

> I'm kinda getting the idea you take Hubbard's Bridge up to OT 8, then
> go further, correct? And I'm just curious who inhabits that world of
> the beyond Hubbard out there with you.

First I am not OT 8, I never made it past Life Repair in the Church
after hundreds of hours.

My case is still BELOW at 'knows he or she won't get worse'. I
can't run ARC straightwire to get up to that :)


At worst I can spin a good tale.

At best, I might be right about some of it.

The proof is all I know for sure at this moment, and the proof
proves what the proof proves, and they will be arguing over that one for
centuries to come.

"A machine can't be certain of anything, I can, therefore I am not
a machine." A machine is defined as any system of parts interacting via
cause and effect across a space time distance.

It is the self luminous perfect certainty of consciousness that
leads us away from the science of dead matter to the religion of living

I have seen higher states of consciousness, candylands, micro
nirvanas, etc, but they were only for microseconds, and I am still
trying to reconstruct what they are trying to tell me.

As for BT's, if a face shows up in my auditing, and its glowering
with evil and anger, is that a live being, or just a 'picture'? If I
trying everything to get rid of it, and nothing works until I says 'Yo,
you are a BT! What are you being? Who are you really? How many are
you?' and it counts up 1, 4, 13 whirr, click, 110, and then smiles,
thanks me and goes poof, why does that work?

No clue!

Hubbard gave us the idea that pictures are dead images of living
beings in the past.

Truth is the pictures are themselves living beings incarnated in
that picture, so the picture itself is alive, just like your body is
alive with the GE and you and gobzillion others.

What's IN the picture is not important, its who has that picture
tattooed to itself glowing in the self luminous void of the night, that
is important. Get the being to stop mocking up the picture, and WHATS

But when beings start throwing me around in my dreams, or holding
my head underwater, and really scaring the living daylights out of me
and my body, and the above doesn't work, they just start mocking me by
repeating it or giving the commands ahead of me, what does that mean?

If I then count up for them, how many are you?, into the 100
trillions, and they all go eyes wide and freeze, and I say 'You are real
people!", and they all go poof, what does that mean?

No clue!

But I am sure glad I know it.

Real question is would it work on a gang of thugs in the waking
world? It might but one would have to be able to count higher than 100
trillion, and no clue how high that is.

I been trying to count how many am I?, and goes up and up and up
and up...


> Chuck

Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Wed Jun 9 00:49:22 EDT 2010