Sunday, September 30, 2012



A being has a hard time staying in any particular space time game
stream. This is because he retains awareness of his intention to enter
and partake, his own invitation to himself.

One distraction, he takes his attention off his creation, and the
dream is gone.

The only way to stay in a while for long is to forget that one
chose to enter, and become quite sure that one had nothing to with
entering. This creates a violation of sovereign desire, a hysteria to
get out and to never come in again.

This suffices to keep one in, which was what was intended, to stay

The vector to come in assumes one is out.

The vector to get out assumes one is in.

One can not become cause by being an effect, and one can not get
out by postulating that one is in.

So should one be apathetic about being stuck in?

No of course not, he WANTS to be stuck in. He doesn't need to get
out, he needs to recover his desire to be in.

Then of course he will get out :)

This isn't meant to twist your brain, trying to stay in is what
twists your brain.

Being out is easy, being in is almost heart breakingly impossible.

Look what you had to do to yourself just to stay in.

Thus if you are having a hard time getting out, you are up against
how almost impossible it was to stay in.

The problem lies with intent. The guy WANTS in, so one doesn't
audit him on his screaming to get out, because if you do he may get out,
to his dismay, and then he will just want in again.

He won't in fact let this happen, to keep him in session you have
to audit him on being better able to stay in WITHOUT getting out.

The truth is the more he dives in, the more out he will be, he will
be diving further in FROM a further out starting point, and will be
operating both being out and being in at the same time with a very wide
span between them.

That is very different than being collapsed in wanting to get out.

Instead he will be staying in on a create, create, create being in,
rather than on a stuck in persisting like a rock wanting out.

Once he is in, and wants out, he is facing the wrong way (out) to
get out, and thus he becomes more stuck in while facing out.

Wanting out says you aren't out!

Bye bye freedom.

Wanting in says you are out.

Wanting in PUTS you out.

Desire and its concomitant postulates are CAUSE.

Just consider the Chinese finger trap.

Freedom results from wanting and moving in.

Crucifixion results from wanting out.

It is the flinch of wanting out that turns pleasure to pain, beauty
to ugly, and light into stone.

Why else would anyone WANT to get out?

There was a beauty to coming in.

The being WANTS to get stuck in, he wants it on automatic, he WANTS
the game and mystery of where am I, how did I get here, and how the hell
do I make sure I never return.

The only way he can stay in without waking up every time he
sneezes, is to want to get out and NEVER come back. It's the forever
that makes it work and the mystery of why he is in that kills his
responsibility, his invite, and thus turns him around so he is looking
to get out, which sticks him in.

Looking out puts you in.

Looking in puts you out.

A thetan can only stick to the bottom of the tone scale, so when he
first comes in, he dives for the bottom real hard in the hopes he will
stick and stay awhile. Top level beauties about doing this, cement the

So the minute he comes in, he has to turn it around and claim he
wants out. Then he can stay in trying to get out for the rest of time,
sinking further in all the while.

This works like a dream, no pun intended.

And that's a good thing.

The minute he tries to stay in, he will get out.

But he will have lost his game. Remember havingness is in games.

He won't be happy, as he will have lost his dream and co action
with all his friends still in the dream.

Oh man is that sad.

It's like leaving EVERYONE behind FOREVER.

Eternal peace just can't make up for it. Yet.

So let's summarize.

A being wanting to get out will be stuck in.

A being wanting to get in, will keep falling out, unless he can
quickly turn it around into wanting to get out once he is in.

This is the original 'wall of fire' at the entrance to universes.

He came in and the 'wall of fire' was his wish to get out forever
more and NEVER come back.

Trying to get out he sank below the wall of fire and is now a "What
Wall?" case.

The wall of fire remains a NO EVENT until he honestly tries to come
in again and be here. Then watch out.

He thinks he wants to get out but this desire gets its power from
the original desire to come in and stay for a long time.

All auditing is never in the direction of getting out, but in the
direction of recovering his desire to come in, TO BE HERE. Then he is
free again to stick himself in or out as he desires in present time.

Recovery of the ability to get out depends on recovery of the
sovereign intention to come in.

Coming in puts one out, as one has to be out in order to come in.
Whether one stays out depends on whether one changes one's mind about
coming in after getting out.

One can stay out and go do something else, but in general most
don't. Many have gotten out many times just to come in again locking
the door even harder every time.

It's just too sad to leave one's friends behind.

People think that getting out is worth something, maybe everything.
Truth is staying in and enjoying it here is worth more.

Much more.

"Tragedy and travesty, romance and sin, miracles and majesty,
that's where I've been.

Miracles in majesty, romance and song, tragedy and travesty, that's
where I've gone."

It's just so sad to escape back to total peace and safety while all
one's glorious friends are still in the dream called Hell and High

"Safety is hell and high water via eternal omni awesome peace."

If wanting to come in put you out, just how dangerous can coming in

The being can't get lost, can't go anywhere, can't be destroyed,
what greater safety can there be then, regardless of what nightmare he
is engaged in at the time?

These dreams however are only for a while, very long whiles, but
never forever in time.

Hell forever is a violation of sovereign desire, a violation of
eternal friendship.

God is friendship.

All wars are with your friends, your brothers and sisters.

Disownership FOREVER of a family member, no matter how badly they
have behaved, is the only crime.

The goodness and badness of God, of the High US, exceeds even our
own imagination and acceptance and surprise levels. Thus we get upset
with our fellow man, and try to separate from him forever.

This is our only hell.

Trying to make nothing of too much good or too much bad forever.

The being is friends with his nightmare, this is the goal of
auditing, to restore that friendship, but not so much that he wakes up.

If he's gone from the world he can't pay you.

So the fall of the being from the top to the bottom is well
designed, and well arted.

Adore calls it artful dodge.

"The Source of all suffering is the fair chosen adore operation of
Cool, Class, Halcyon, SinSong, Thrill and Romance, via Living Majestic
Intelligence and Proud Fancy Free Faithlessness of Grand and Excalibur

Fair chosen means you desired and chose it with full awareness of
the possible consequences, in general if not in specific.

Desire is sovereign. Sovereign means you want it, you got it.

Adoration is operation, if you adore something, operate it.

High Cool is Eternal Omni Awesome Peace.

Majesty is eternal good humor born of master of songs of sin and
hidden joy.

Majesty is the sovereign desire that desire not be sovereign for a
while, the impulse of the Imp soul towards humor, master of jest.

J.O.Y means J.O.K.E's on you.

J.O.K.E. means Justice Of Kindship Excaliper.

J.E.S.T means Jokes of Eternal Self Treason.
J.E.S.T means Justice of Eternal Self Truth.

Class is an attitude that all should live forever and be my friend
(outside of time.)

SinSong is to sing another Source done wrong song, sinsong is not
sin as long as it is just song. This is the story (song) written by the
Author, to whom it is always just song until he incarnates as character
who takes it seriously to heart (sin).

Thrill is the effort to get lost.

Romance is the effort to get home.

Miracle is the undreamed dream come true. The soul just didn't see
this one coming, and can't have it because it's too good to be true.

Halcyon is bemused relief on the verge of time.

Pride is agent, pride is vision of potential because pride is
source of potential. They never told you that one. Pride is the raw
quality of the fabric of existence.

Fancy free faithlessness is faithlessness allowed to run wild
without restraint of the fancy (imagination).

Doubt of sovereignty is self casting.

Caliber is the worth of souls.

Calipers measure caliber.

The caliper of the caliber of souls is the questions they have
asked and the answers they have rejected.

Excaliber means without worth.

Excaliper means without measure, worth beyond measure.

Justice of caliber is kindship Excaliper.

In a world where someone must hurt, all need is for justice of
excaliper kindship.

Humor is the only kind justice you will ever need, for ever for
real. This thing ain't called a religion for nothing.

Excalibur is the two edge sword of excaliber and excaliper, and all
other operating dicoms in existence.

The sword is stuck in the star rock of your mind by your own
present time operational wizardry.

A wizard is anyone who is a wiz with the sword.

A King is anyone who can free and wield the sword of Excalibur for
themselves and for others.

King Arthur was able to pull the sword from the rock because he was
willing to put it back in again so that others might try. The others
were not so willing and so couldn't pull the sword out at all."

Willingness to come in, to BE HERE, puts you out.

From Adore.

Now let's take a look at this from another easier perspective.

At the top you have the fact that admiring communication will
vanish all created conditions of existence. This is because enough
admiration puts one beyond a need to DO anything to change the
condition, it is beautiful as it is. Thus it gets as-ised and vanishes.

It's the need to DO something about something which is considered
unadmirable (criticizable) that creates a persistence. You can't get
rid of something by saying it's there, but I didn't and am not PUTTING
IT THERE, and I don't like it so I am going to change it!

On the other hand if you say 'I like it and wish it would stay", it
won't. Don't worry, be happy, you can always make it again and again
and again. Forever vanishing, forever being recreated. You can always
HAVE something, but automatic PERSISTENCE of things indicates a pretense
that you don't want them.

You can't get rid of anything that you aren't putting there, at
least for a (short) while.

Timeless admiration without intent to change will vanish anything.

Timeless admiration means you don't want it to vanish, and thus it
will. This is the love-sadness of all creation. You CAN always make it
again and keep it around that way.

(Watch out for the day you told yourself "I'll never be able to
make another one of that one!")

In other words you can't get rid of anything until you have found it
worthwhile, worthy of the while you originally put it in.

This is not a matter of adding significances of justifications as
to why something unwanted is 'really good', which in fact just make it
worse, but more a matter of releasing significances that make it bad or

Significance alloys pure adoration with abhoration and pain.

Adoration is simply the top of admiration.

Thus added significances cause persistence.

"As one can accept and be content with things as they are, they
will not exist, that is absolute". -LRH PXL

Resignation is acceptance with expectation of persistence.

Humor is acceptance with expectation of vanishment.

Adoration of operation is a bit of a joke, because if you adore it
enough, it won't be there to operate.

The basic operation is TO PUT IT THERE, and you put things there
with adoration. So that is adoration of operation.

But don't get distracted because the instant you aren't putting it
there any more, it will vanish.

You have to dislike something just a little bit in order to get it
to automatically stay around long enough to want to protect it to the
end of time.

Eventually of course your dislike for its persistence will build
and you will end up wanting to destroy it forever.

You may want to 'be with your cat' forever, but does it want to be
with you forever? It's sensible, hell no.

Beyond creating something, continuing to operate it after it is
created is usually an effort to get rid of it, and failing that protect
it from everything else trying to eat it, and thus you get a

It's a love hate relationship. You love it because it is beautiful
and needs you, you hate it because it is fragile and precious beyond

So we come down from this rather high place to the first problem.

The problem persisted due to a fair chosen refusal to communicate
with it's various parts with sufficient admiration to cause it come
apart and vanish.

This was not a mistake, this was a PLAN.

This was the design of persistence.

The problem resulted in overts or harmful acts to 'solve' the

Harm was used to deal with impending harm.

The overts were regretted, justified AND restrained creating a state
of overwhelm. This is why we say ORs don't run, only ANDs run.

Justification make the overt right, AND restraint makes it wrong.

Best of both worlds, he gets to be not guilty for having done it in
the first place (justification), and he gets to make sure he never does
THAT again (restraint) because he put an overwhelm in place so he can't.

OT III, freedom from overwhelm, means freedom from regret,
restraint and justification. Such a being is of little help and too
dangerous to those still stuck in tar.

Justifications lead to time reversal called deds and dedexes.

"You deserved what I did to you yesterday because of what you did
to me just now."

Justifications also create black holes, as NOTHING that can be done
to you today can ever justify what you did yesterday, yet the being
keeps trying to find, suck in and pull in bad things done to them until
the being is a ball bearing rolling around the drain the hell.

Bad things happen to everyone, but only stick to the guilty, they
don't heal.

No one is dishing out karma, but what goes around comes around, and
if you have a need for it, once it finds you, it will stick to you
forever more.

One audits the need to be harmed, to release the overwhelms.

Notice the need to be harmed is late on the chain of harm that you
caused others with good intent in order to avoid harm, and earlier than
that just to cause harm period, not evil intent, but divine intent,
as the author creating a rip roaring story.

Evil creates harm too, but no good story comes from it, except
as evil itself is part of a bigger story created by the Author.

So the author is creating good stories about characters who create
good stories and bad stories.

We may all be bozos on this bus, but there are no innocent chronic

The overwhelm acts to both justify and restrain, also to drive into
oblivion, thus creating co excused withholds.

"I won't complain about what you are doing to me now, if you won't
complain about what I did to others earlier."

That's why past lives are gone, occluded by co excused withholds
between parent and child or thetan and body or something in a past time
and something in this time.

If you can't remember what your mother did to you as a son in this
life, try auditing what you did AS a mother to your son in a past life.

If you can't remember what you did as a son to your mother in this
life, audit what your son did to you as a mother in a past life.

Oblivion is the make break point on the case.

Above oblivion the case is naturally floating upwards if allowed to
do so.

Below oblivion the case is floating downwards if not prevented from
doing so.

Such withholds of regret, justification and restraint are then
missed, causing a being to develop ARC breaks, upsets, withdrawal of and
from affinity, reality and further degradation in communication with
others and himself.

All ARC breaks stem from missed withholds.

This leads to desires to gain and give sympathy, make self and
others right and wrong, and make guilty through computations that are
neither sensible nor useful.

One will find the Golden Ally and Golden Foe in this area.

However one needs to run being the hero, villain and victim around
and around to get at it.

Failure to handle the above leads to corruption, temptation and
seduction and disintegration of ability to handle power, which results
in no power.

"List ye now the reasons why you should not have power."

This leads to dramatizations of seriousness, importance, permanence
and pain, namely FOREVERS.

And this leads to changing sides on one's own goal streams.

Eventually one is totally opposing one's own basic purposes in

And that leads to becoming a tar ball swirling around the drain to
hell in the hypocrisy whirlpool.

"If the Jews keep it up, they are gonna become Christians.

"If the Christians keep it up, they are gonna become Nazis.

If the Nazis keep it up, they are gonna become Sweet Old Ladies.

And if the Sweet Old Ladies keep it up, they are gonna become Jews

"Eventually all become marbles on the thetan plane." - Adore

Yes Goober, it really is that bad, but all it takes is


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Wed Nov 28 23:53:11 EST 2007

Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

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