Monday, May 13, 2013



My Political Philosophy.

Tyranny means rule by one.

Anarchy means rule by none.

Anarchy and Tyranny form the two extreme ends of a DICOM,
DIchotomy of Comparable and Opposite Magnitude.

When people become enslaved by a planetary tyranny, then tend to
revolt and wish for a planetary anarchy.

As an anarchy however, individual people tend to coalesce into
small groups for their own good, which however then become ruled by
the toughest and meanest.

Thus an anarchy usually results in an endless sea of micro

In order to solve this problem, people try to put into place a
government that is just strong enough to step in and wipe out any
single micro tyranny trying to become Ruler of All, and at the same
time not strong enough to become a tyranny itself.

The most overriding principle of law, the one that comes before
all other principles of law, and the one that governs all others
after it, is:

"When lawmakers outlaw criminals, criminals become lawmakers."

A criminal is someone who wishes to create a tyranny in order to
profit himself at the expense of everyone else.

Criminals and Lawmakers also form the extreme ends of a dicom
that interweaves with the dicom of Anarchy and Tyranny.

An Anarchy is rule by Criminals, and a Tyranny is rule by

Neither is rule of the people, by the people, for the people.

It has been said that "Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.", and
although perhaps true it falls short of a complete understanding.

Even if one were to put in place a Divine Oligarchy (a small
group of governing rulers) of Uncorruptible Beings, at the head of a
planet wide government, you would still have a basic and fundamental

Governments are huge entities, they need thousands if not
millions of people to work for them. The problem with Divine
Uncorruptible Beings is not that they themselves are corruptible, but
that they can't necessarily tell the good guys from the bad guys, when
it comes to *EVERYONE ELSE*.

They may be perfect within themselves, but they still don't have
infinite wisdom.

Thus when they put out an ad in the papers offering government
jobs for hire, saying 'only the good and pure in heart need apply',
you can be sure that every criminal on the planet will show up at the
door looking for a job.

If the criminal sees that the only positions of power and
opportunity to do wrong left in society are positions of trust in the
government, you can be sure that they will quickly work their way into
every position of power in the government they can.

Now the Divine Oligarchy knows this, they realize full well that
even though they themselves are incorruptible, the rest of the world is
not, and thus the government will be built upon people who are a wild
mixture of both good and bad.

The Divine Oligarchy also knows full well that although
uncorruptible themselves, they do not have infinite wisdom, and thus
will not be able to perfectly tell the good from the bad, and will thus
be unable to keep the bad from being accepted into positions of trust
and power within the government.

Would *YOU* want to be the Personnel Manager of the Government, if
every time someone you hired did wrong it came back to you?

Thus no matter the quality of beings at the head of the Government,
it is impossible to have a perfectly uncorrupt government itself.

Thus no matter how tempting it is to put all power into the
government in order to protect the good people from the bad, this will
inevitably result in an overwhelmingly high concentration of bad people
bubbling up into positions of power within the government ruling over
the good, and the good purpose will be defeated.

It is for this reason that the *PEOPLE* who are not in government
must *ALWAYS* have the power, either through political means or force,
vote or arms, to take any government that they create, out.

It is the *CITIZEN* who is Sovereign, not the government, nor the
rulers, nor even the King.

The government and those that work for the government, are doing a
fair chosen tour of duty, and are sworn on their honor to uphold the
law of the land.

The citizen is NOT above the law of the sky, but the Citizen is
always above the law of the land, and is free to dishonorably discharge
any sworn civil servant who has failed in his duty TO FOLLOW THE LAW OF

MADE*, for the Lawmaker is the most dangerous of the bunch, being the
favorite position of power for the criminal to aspire to.

The balance of power between the people and the government they
have created, might be set so that it would take no more than a majority
of the people to take the government out, through vote or arms, thus the
people must be armed one way or another so that they can remove a
planetwide government that they themselves created, one repleat with
force and arms, to protect them from micro tyrannies.

That balance of power is accomplished through the BIG TRIAD, strong
arms, strong encryption and strong anonymity, and of course education in
the principles laid out above, among other things.

The body politic's needs for a strong triad, superceeds the markets
need for a weak triad, no arms, no encryption and no anonymity.

If the government has more force and arms than the majority of the
people, then the civilization is on its way out, and will become ruled
by criminals in the name of protecting the good.


Homer Wilson Smith The paths of lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 cross in Internet Access, Ithaca NY the line of duty.

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

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