Wednesday, July 22, 2015

FINDER1 (fwd)

repost homer ilovemira finder1


Well, ahem yes, I was not in a good mood that day... :)


RDucharme ( wrote:

>Tech finders can't stand alone. For instance, without PCs and auditors,
>they would have no reason to be; their researches would be only an exercise
>in mental masturbation. In the same way, audiences are as valuable as the
>speaker, lowly laborers are as valuable as company presidents; linemen are
>as valuable as quarterbacks; vegetation is as valuable as human life. All
>because of interdependence.

Yes, clearly. However historically I have benefited more from my
own work solo than from other's, with few exceptions, namely you,
Enid, Filbert etc, and my reality is that a world full of pc's isn't
going to help me at all.

When I was in the Church, even though I didn't get to audit very long
on Dianetics, my one pc was a pure joy to behold, ran track like greased
butter, ruds flew swiftly and everything was exactly according to the
book. Ruds would get the needle floating, drug assessments would find the
reading item, running it R3R would drive the needle up, TA 5.0, pc looking
like death, E/S, E/S, finally needle would start cascading down, pc would
have cognitions, needle would go into a dial wide float at Ta 2.5, and pc
would be beaming, laughing, VVVGI's.

Yet when they ran this stuff on me, over 300 hours and almost
$100,000 worth, at the Org and at Flag, I got *NOTHING* but grind and
heartache and loss after loss after loss.

Last day at Flag, when I was out of money, being sent home, I was
reading the wins on the writeup boards, and I was crying tears because
everyone else was winning but me.

So I haven't forgotten that, what people already know about tech
isn't worth shit, no matter how pumped up they pretend to be.

It's *EASY* to help a noodle, but the end result is a more powerful
and more suppressive noodle.

Tech Finding is *MY* salvation and that is all I care about, because
you know, those other standard pc's, those that did well being obedient
"track obeys the auditor" types, they turned me into ethics for asking
questions, for not clapping, for bringing up the subject of total
responsibility and Tech Finding.

THEY can all go to hell forever for free, and I will gladly kick them
into the abyss and pay for the right to do so.

*THESE* people will not come onto this list and usurp it for their
own ends, and I will make *SURE* over my dead body that they don't, I
don't care what anyone else says.

And I will NOT tolerate professional auditors recruiting professional
pcs on this list either.

Either the person wants to become a Tech Finder or die trying, or he
has earned my personal enmity for the rest of time.

If there is a market for noodles, it ain't here.

I don't actually wish to know how to help a noodle and I would in
fact suppress that tech completely out of existence, as they don't deserve
help and should not be helped.

Because a well helped noodle just takes to harming tech finders with
more zest, particularly if the Tech Finder isn't THEIR tech finder.

How's that for an enemy formula.


HomerWSmith-L mailing list

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