Saturday, December 24, 2016

ADORE969 (fwd)

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> Is a memory in a conscious mind an example of perfect certainty? In other
> words, is a memory in the same class as simple self-awareness, in that the
> memory, even if flawed or deluded, exists in a way that can be categorized
> as direct perception?

Most mechanical memory is simple picture taking, so no, a mere
picture of the past is not proof of squat. SEEING THE MEMORY in present
time is a perfect certainty, but relating it to what happened where you
can no longer look is not a certainty.

Certainty is ONLY of the living now.

You can never learn with certainty about A (the past) by looking at
B (a picture of the past in the present).

However that said, the question is more difficult for trailing near
present time memories, like the ones I have of writing this posting as I
am writing it.

Imagine trying to build a machine that could tell if time is taking
place. You take a picture, you take another picture later and compare,
if different there was time.

But causal pathways can be 'messed' with, how does the machine
really know something didn't mess up the second picture during the
taking of it, to make it different when it shouldn't have been.

Since any causal pathway can be messed with by a superior third
party such as God, no causal pathway can be trusted. And no amount of
other causal pathways can verify the first causal pathway.

Using more causal pathways to inspect and verify other causal
pathways is nuts, for who will inspect and verify the second inspector
and verfier pathways.

So when trying to verify a causal pathway, "More causal pathways do
not a more certain causal pathway make."

If a machine has 3 cameras, and 2 says something happened and 1
didn't, which report do you trust, the majority report or the minority

Because of the causal path way problem, it is well known that no
matter how many cameras a machine has, nor how well they can see into
the very circuits of the machine itself, nor how accurate the machine's
internal records of its own circuits are, it is impossible for the
machine to verify the correctness of its circuits to a perfect certainty
by comparing what it sees to its internal diagrams.

What ever conclusion it draws is always a theory based on trust
that things are working and not being messed with by a higher causal
third party.

Thus a machine can ever verify that it is working properly.

So that's the third party law, any two events in the physical
universe that follow each other, might be causing each other, or might
be being caused by a third cause that causes both of the other events in
such a way that they LOOK like they cause each other.

Do electrons have anything to do with why electrons repell?

In the arcade game of PONG do the light paddle and light ball and
light wall have anything to do with the ball bouncing off the paddle and
the wall?

In the first place nothing is bouncing, only being reprojected. in
new locations. As time goes on, the paddle, the ball and the wall are
each forever new.

No, the 'bounce' is caused by a spanning third party causing the
ILLUSION of cause between the paddle, the ball and the wall.

Worse a machine can not even tell if it has changed state, because
its present state contains no data about any possible prior state. The
machine is stuck forever in IS, it can't know anything of BECOMING.

So a machine takes a picture, then another picture, and compares
them and finds out they are different. That whole set of circuitry
right there, who knows where the results come from, any third party or
interfering party could cause results to be wrong no matter how careful
the machine is to 'look' at what is going on.

Thus a machine can not tell it has changed state with perfect
certainty, let alone compare states with perfect certainty. Since all
learning IS a change in state, the machine can never tell with perfect
certainty if it has learned anything or not.

Thus a machine can not learn with perfect certainty anything about

And in particular, can not tell with perfect certainty that time is
taking place which involves a certainty that a change has taken place.

So you go out and look at a blinking red stop light for a few hours
at night at 3am in the morning. Is the light blinking? Yes, how do you


That is not seeing just states, but CHANGES in state.

A machine can never see the change directly, it can only BE in one
or the other of the two ends states. Your consciousness can see the

A non scalar machine can not do that.

So would you bet your and everyone else's eternity in hell on your
perception that the light is blinking?

Yes of course.

But how are you doing this, by taking a memory picture, then
comparing to a later picture when the light has changed state. At the
later time, how do you KNOW the memory is correct and not messed with?

Can you take a memory and then 10 seconds later LOOK INTO THE PAST
by 10 seconds DIRECTLY and compare the memory with the past directly?

How about a memory of 1 second ago?

How wide is present time? Can we see into the past and future by
even a millionth of a second, thus having trans time 'memory' which is
perfectly certain? Or is that just direct perception of a width of time
and not memory at all but none the less gives us certainty of time and

Same thing with the perception of time and space, both are
illusions, if they existed you could never know it, so the fact that you
'know it' by seeing it with certainty, means they don't actually exist.

Only a timeless entity could be certain of change and time. Only a
spaceless entity could be perceptually certain of space and distance, a
machine can't do it at all.

This isn't true because a timeless entity can see time, its because
a machine working in time CAN'T see time.

Thus if you can see time, you must not be a machine working in

That does not at all explain how a timeless entity can experience

It is conceivable that there is both the timeless state and the
timefull state, then the timeless entity can see time in the timefull
state, but the timefull machine never will.

Same thing for differences, look at two different colors. Are you
certain they look different? A machine can't do that, it can only
receive signals and voltages, compare them with some circuitry that may
or may not work and print out a yes or a no.

The machine never SEES anything, it just passes incoming effects on
through it self back to the outside again.

Two frequencies come in, and it prints yes they are different.

That's just dominoes falling according to code.

No domino can see any prior domino, it can only change state (fall)
as an alleged result of the prior domino pushing on it with a causal
messenger wave when they 'collide'.

The two domino's never actually touch, and after the second domino
starts falling, it can never know that it was 'touched' to start the

So the second domino can never know anything about the cause of its
falling, and there is not continuity of certainty from moment of touch
to later during the fall.

And WHAT it was touched by will always remain a mystery of theory,
never direct perception of the touching domino, nor even the virtual
photon that came across during the collision.

The falling domino doesn't even 'feel the force' pushing it, in any
conscious sense of the word, it merely responds to the force by falling.

Just as pleasure and pain can not be reduced to force and mass in
motion, either can color nor any other conscious experience including
the experience of time and space.

Color in particular can not be numerified, yes shades of red can be
numerified, but the difference between red and green can not, thus a
machine can never see red, as machines are nothing but numbers of force
and mass.

OK, so you have a memory of what you ate at breakfast.

Are you willing to bet your eternity in hell its right?

If yes, then that mechanism is not a mechanical one, and only a
scalar non mechanical conscious entity could do it.

But what is the mechanism?

And what the hell is a scalar 'mechanism anyhow' where cause and
effect are one and the same event.

In a mechanical system the learner computes back to the nature of
the cause from the effect it receives.

That's indirect perception.

In a scalar system, the learner and the learned about are one and
the same entity, and the learning about cause is NOT from looking at the
effect and computing back to some theoretical nature and existence of
the cause, but from looking at the cause directly.

Well what is the mechanism behind an object being able to see
itself without merely being the effect of itself and declaring that
because it was an effect it must have been cause.

That's thinking and logical deduction, 'there was an effect so
there must have been a cause.'

Scalar perception is 'There's a cause because I can SEE it

In the physical universe, causation is not sufficient to witness

That's why causal pathways can't be used to verify either
themselves or other causal pathways. And if they can't verify
themselves, they sure as hell can't verify any other causal pathway.

Verification of a causal pathway means one can tell with perfect
certainty that any particular change happened BECAUSE of a designated
change before it, and not some 3rd party making it look like there was a
prior different cause.

In the physical universe all we can see are the two end events, the
two things that 'changed because of each other'. We can never see the
CAUSE between them.

We can never tell if two electrons repel because they have actual
cause between them, or because God is moving them directly as if they
have cause between them.

If two electrons are out in space, and you wiggle one, a while
later the second will wiggle. Are you perfectly certain that because
the second electron wiggled, that the first one even existed.

No, God or anything could have wiggled the second for no reason at
all. So its a theory that the second wiggled BECAUSE the first wiggled,
and the theory is made of model and evidence.

The model is that there is a first electron that wiggled first and
causal messenger wiggles went between them, and thus the evidence that
there is a first electron is BECAUSE the second wiggled.

The evidence is always the EFFECT, never the cause.

And the model is whatever THEORETICAL causation you wish to surmise
between the effect and its prior cause.

Since all observation of effects and their so called causes USES
this very mechanism to look with, the whole thing may be consistent and
peer reviewed, and completely wrong with God laughing at everyone.

And with what peers are you going to review your proof that peers
even exist?

So the whole dependency on peer review depends on ASSUMING with out
peer review without peer review.

The bedrock of 'objective universe' science is fairy dust.

Consciousness however can see the cause between things, hold your
finger up, notice the cause between YOU and your finger being in the
air. That's direct perception of personal agency.

Look at two different colors, and then hold your finger up BECAUSE
they are different. Notice the intra conscious causal pathway between
colors, YOU and figure in the air.

Certainty that any cause of any kind exists at all is the hall mark
of consiousness.

It may be hard to behold, but in the absence of cause there can be
no learning. No change, means no learning.

Thus there has to be cause of some kind, scalar or not, between the
two different conscious colors (not PHOTONS, photons have no color) and
your knowing they are different. You can see this incoming cause IN THE
COLORS, glowing at you TELLING you with perfect certainty that they are

Thus you are learning about the existence of cause by looking at
cause in the colors directly, not by looking at some effect in yourself
and computing back taht the two alleged colors must be different and
might be cause of whatever you are computing back from.

Think is not direct perception is not think is not direct

Thus certainty of incoming causation is unique to conscious
experiences. Certainty of outgoing cause is also unique as you observe
yourself hold your finger up and know YOU are doing it, and that it is
up BECAUSE you are PUTTING IT UP, not because some third party is
putting it up for you, or worse making you THINK it is up via some
return effect, when really its still down.

We are not talking about the physical finger, but the conscious
finger you can see.

You see the reason you can't learn about A by looking at B, is the
their party could always be between A and B. You see B, but can't see
A, so you have to trust the changes in B were 'caused by A'.

A messenger hands you a message from the King, how do you know it
came from the King?

But with two different colors, you can SEE the KING, you can see
the colors, you can SEE there is no third party between the event of the
colors and your knowledge that they are two different colors. Thus your
learning is certain, and continuously reverifiable.

Doubt free perception is the miracle of scalar learning.

So we have this spaceless timeless mechanism by which consciousness
can behold itself in the NOW, not the THEN which ALL mechanical cause
and effect systems are limited to, because they take TIME betwen the
cause and the effect!

By the time the effect happens, the cause is gone, so what
certainty is there from the effect that there was a cause?

Only direct perception of CAUSE proves cause!

But direct perception of CAUSE has to be timeless by definition,
otherwise one is learning LATER about the cause EARLIER, and now we are
back to learning about A by looking at B.

Since our minds can ONLY understand scalar mechanics, looking at
effects and computing possible causes (which is not directly perceiving
them), we are at a loss to UNDERSTAND spaceless timeless processes.

And if spaceless timeless process isn't an oxymoron squared, then I
don't know what is.

But there it is, no space time process can be certain of anything,
but certainty surely exists.

Uncertainty certainty exists. To doubt this is to prove it.

Therefore certainty exists. QED

Certainty of uncertainty is the beginning of wisdom.

So we DEFINE that which is perfectly certain to be a scalar
process, which uses an oxymoron at best to describe it.

Scalar processes violate everything we know about everything
because in our lives we are using (wasting) our scalar consciousness to
monitor and learn about the non scalar dimensional universe of space and

Its an arcade game in our consciousness, how can it be more
important in its utter uncertainty of existence, than the consciousness
which perceives it with perfect certainty?

Certainty of the TV set is more important than anything going on in
the TV screen.

We conceive we ARE our space time avatars, bodies, that
consciousness is a process in constituency (what we are made of),
arrangement (of that constituency,) and process, which is the flow of
energy through the machine from high anti entropy to high entropy.

If the arrangement or the consituency are destroy, busted apart or
jammed, the process dies, and if consciousness IS merely the process,
chemistry bubbling away at 98.6, then the consious unit dies too.

But if consciousness is scalar, then there is no time for it to
come and go in, so it must be eternal, can't be created nor destroyed,
and in truth, it can't even CHANGE, and when the dream avatars die, the
illusion that we ARE our avatar blows up and we ext from the dream

What we are exting from is not the avatar but the illusion that we
ARE the avatar.

We can do that while still living, if we dare.

Also notice about memory, the primary memory of interest is
RECOGNITION OF SELF, that means I know I am the same self as I was 30
years ago, its still me, and although a lot of my avatars that I
identify myself with are changing all the time, there is at least one
thing about me that isn't changing at all, or I wouldn't be me any more.

Every atom in my body can be replaced but the core conscious is
never touched.

So when the avatar dies, and space time blow up when the being
wakes up to his eternality, there he is again, FOREVER AND EVER the same
being, and remembers again WHAT he is, and what he has chosen and how he
got into this mess. But above that there is no memory of anything to do
with space time retained at all, that's when the being is ready to sleep
and then start a whole new cycle. No memory of past cycles remain, but
he is aware this is what he does, so he knows there have been past
cycles and will be again, none of which he will remember once they are
done, all by his own choice.

How likely is that? Too good to be true?

An infinite number of finite whiles in which to create, play, close
up shop, sleep and do it again.

In present time we are using a conscious display screen capable of
perceiving itself and its displays with perfect certainty, to display a
universe in which there IS and CAN NOT BE perfect certainty due to the
two different objects rule.

Its like the guy in a tank looking at a TV screen and fighting a
life and death war with all the people displayed on the screen, but he
doesn't know if any of the are actual, but he does know that the TV is

Kind of inverted, to use a perfect certainty to symbolize a
hallucinated virtual reality.

And from inside the tank he can never prove one way or another that
the story line on TV screen is actually going on, because he can't get
out of the tank. So he plays his arcade game forever.

Of course he will eventually realize that even his TV screen is
part of the arcade because he is seeing that with his eyes, and brain,
and even they are part of the arcade, because all he really has is his
conscious unit, himself, which is actual and sure.

But as long as the conscious unit thinks it is a brain in a tank in
a universe, well then fight he must, and the perfect certainty facility
of his conscious unit goes to total waste.

The perfect certainty facility is subserviated to the needs of
defending himself in a certainly uncertain nightmare of magnitude.

"Who cares about perfect certainty, all I care about are the enemy
out there, who I don't have a fucking clue whether they exist or not,
AND CAN'T have a clue, because it is fundamentally unclueable."

So if you have a memory of which you are perfectly certain, then
its not a mechanical memory, its part of the scalar magic that
consciousness is doing all day long, perhaps even a direct perception of
the past.

Sometimes you can get flooded with pictures with exquisite detail
and you know this must be SOMEBODY'S picture memory, but without
RECOGNITION as to having seen it before, it can't be yours.

Since every huma body being is a composite of billions of other
smaller and bigger beings, any one walking around has trillions of
memories to take experiences from and get confused by thinking they are
his own.

Recognition however comes from the eternal awareness of one's self
as one's self, unchanging, immutable and always you and always will be

If you have a memory of a time in which you recognized yourself,
then perhaps those memories have enough of an eternal aspect that they
can be said to be perfectly certain, but that's really stretching it.

The fact of you recognizing yourself may be certain, but the space
time avatarial circumstances surrounding the event, well who knows...

Recognition of others is also important, loves from forever ago are
just as alive today as they were, and just as you can recognize yourself
though the cloud of illusory spaces and times, so can you recognize
others across eternity.

But you have to perceive via eternity, not via space and time!

> Theory two is pure and simple Vedic philosophy.

Yes, I know I wrote it.

They still don't believe me :)

> I always thought this was nicely poetic, but never understood a word of what
> it meant. Years later I was given a translation of this work, and when I got
> to the good part, I was floored. It read:
> "Time I am, the shatterer of worlds"
> Shows how different translations can change the very heart of a text.
> Anyway, this I got. Timelessness is, I think. what you meant by:
> "It casts APPARENT cause into the kinetics, but in fact the static scale
> maintains cause at all time over the kinetics to make it seem like the
> kinetics has cause over itself."

Yes, in a sleep dream, the ball bounces off the wall not
because there is cause between them, but because the alleged brain
controls both to make it seem like they control each other.

Same with the waking state.

All physics is orchestrated down to the last quark.

Some will complain 'But how could I have gotten the idea
that a ball could bounce off a wall' unless I had first experienced
a real ball bouncing of a real wall?

They define themselves as the accumulation of being an effect.

God did not have to see a tree before he could creat one.

Since we are all God in carnation, the High US, and at the top we
create in the mere conception of things, we do not need to have been the
prior effect of external impingement in order to create an experience
for ourselves or others.

Thus one can dream new things anytime one wants, either in sleep
or in the 'awake' state.

> Arjuna was being told that all of time is an illusion, that the battle, its
> antecedents and its consequences are all, have all been, predetermined, have
> all taken place, and will take place, and always will. Same with the
> universe.

Not sure about predetermined, the static is envessled in the
kinetic avatar and it CAN act like a state determined machine, dominos
falling, but it can also make a prime postulate and start something new
not related to the past or present of the existing avatarial scene or
state of things.

The creation of the dream physical universe was itself not state
determined by an earlier dream universe, and thus that same creator can
create new again again even within the avatarial context of his
immediate surroundings.

He has to be awake enough to do it.

If he thinks he is a machine and his consciousness is a process
in a space time gizmo like the brain, he won't be able to rise
above is own conception of things.

> Did you ever read Slaughterhouse Five?


> The read was terrific. Did you write that just to me?


But its now in the public archives, as is this one.

> Do you know that years ago, I wrote the line in your father's Wikipedia
> entry, about you?

I will check it out.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
Sat Apr 4 23:43:02 EDT 2015

================ ====================
Thu Dec 22 12:06:02 EST 2016
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

rather than a pure decay, would be necessary in truly
early implants that could not assume the prior existence of a
complex environment.

If there are earlier and more basic versions of the penalty
universes, then this also might not be the earliest. It does not
quite start from total nothingness. It seems to assume that there
are other beings and there is already the possibility of a game,
and it seems that one's desire for games was used as the hook that
suckered you into the implant. Therefore, I will call this the
games tone scale. Note that the penalty universes and the ordinary
tone scale use aesthetics and action as the hook which keeps you
attached to the incident. That is far lower than a desire for games,
but it hints that there might be more basic things that drive
directly off of a desire for creation (which is senior to games).

The scale is as follows:

Gone on too long (over-run/tired)
Must continue
Solidity (Mass)
Can't Stop
Failed Protect
Failed to Leave
Unknowing Fixidity

In other words, the implant universe "To Grow" had the item
"To Grow is To Anticipate" up near the top and the item "To Grow
is To Be Fixated" down near the bottom. And goals like "To
Energize", "To Eternalize", and "To Individuate" all react strongly
on these items.

This whole area is very much in need of further research.



June 1996

These work like rock/paper/scissors, each beats the next in a
circular pattern.

There are probably missing pairs.

The one you are now is the one you crushed. The one before it
is the one you played in the game.

Which item you're sitting on affects how fast you move through
specific goals in the GPM pattern of the current universe (example,
the scientist will rush through goals like "to be beautiful" and
linger on goals like "to be intelligent").

Usually the game was played with the actual valences covertly hidden
and only revealed at the moment of impact.

The game was played on the original earth.



- -----> (full circle back to THE KING)


This is all highly speculative



17 Dec. 1992

The theory given here is so incredible that even I have to look
at it with some doubt and reservation. If true, the
implications are immense. But it reads like the wildest
science fiction, far beyond the easily accepted space opera
style material that we are used to encountering. As a PC, I
have no doubts about the incidents described here. They ran
with great reality and good meter behavior, showing large
reads on dating, blowdowns on running, and going to proper
EPs. As an auditor, I run whatever is there to run without
any Q & As about the PCs data. But as a researcher, I have to
allow for the possibility that the incidents contained a high
degree of dub-in and that the conclusions are incorrect.
Eventually I may find that these are simply twisted up and
misdated incidents which occurred long ago. But it would be
wrong to withhold potentially vital information even though
it might be wrong data. So here it is. Just take it with a grain
of salt and don't jam it down anybody's throat.

Before going into the theory, I would like to provide a bit
more clarification on how one can be mislead by session data.
Many years ago, I was running a PC on Dianetics and he
started running an incident of being grabbed by invaders and
implanted. The incident had a heavy somatic of suffocating.
The date was "last night". My first thought was that we either
had a wrong date or serious dub-in. But I did not jump down
the PC's throat and correct the date. That would have been
quite a mistake because the date was correct. The PC's data
turned out to be correct too and the incident ran well,
everything going by the book. If we hadn't taken one last pass
through, I might have been left either doubting the PC's data
or having wild ideas about saucer people sneaking into
peoples homes and implanting them late at night. As it turned
out, the PC was having a very real dream about being
implanted while his cat was sitting on his face delivering a
very real suffocating somatic along with a purring rumble that
seemed like some sort of implant vibration. The moral is to
always take the PC's data no matter how wild and illogical it
seems, but don't jump to wild conclusions based on
insufficient information.


We have been assuming all along that we are in the main
framework of the current physical universe. We see a galaxy
full of stars around us and assume that it is there and we are a
part of it. And that galaxy is definitely one of the group of
galaxies that makeup the current physical universe. It has a
pretty distinctive look, quite different from the magic
universe. Space opera incidents of running around in this
galaxy are quite easy to find on PCs.

But there are other things besides the large scale, full fledged,
agreed upon universes. Besides the independent little
universes used for implanting or story telling or whatever, it is
also possible for the big universes to have little side pockets.
These pocket universes are not quite independent. They
connect to the main universe and mostly share its laws. But
the laws can be different and the space-time is a bit sideways
of the main universe. It is possible to manipulate the space
and time in these little side universes without having to
manipulate the huge agreed upon universe.

The Home universe matrix was nothing more than a simple
agreed upon space that provided a reference point from which
endless little pocket universes could be set up. These pocket
universes were the individual home universes of the thetans

Pocket universes were still quite common even as late as the
symbols universe. It was not unusual to walk sideways into a
painting on the wall and find yourself in another three
dimensional space which could be considered to be a pocket
universe of the large agreed upon symbols universe.

Pocket universes have become very rare. But is it still
possible for a group of OTs to get together and push a space-
time framework sideways of the normal space-time and create
a pocket universe. Although pockets are often small, they can
also be so big that one could easily contain this solar system.
It would also be possible to surround one with a pre-recorded
image of the galaxy, or even to relay a real view of the current
galaxy into it. You could toss all sorts of undesirables and
convicts into such a construction.

Would it make any difference if we're in a pocket universe
instead of the main framework of the physical universe?
Unfortunately, it does. If we are in a space-time pocket, it
becomes possible for the people controlling the prison
machinery to manipulate space-time in a manner that would
be inconceivable if applied to the full sized physical universe.
The very structure of space-time in this local might be designed
expressly for the purpose of using earth as a prison. And
everybody is sitting on a single planet so that it becomes
possible to deliver implants to the entire population of the
"pocket universe" if necessary.


I didn't used to believe in the existence of heaven and hell. I
figured that these were simply pictures used to lure or chase
people into the between lives implants. Running track, these
things never showed up in space opera or anywhere else in the
physical universe before earth. These kinds of mockups did
show up in places like the magic universe, but that is quite a
different mockup from this one.

However, running the items of the PT Actual GPM opened up
some recall on just about every lifetime I spent here on earth
and also pulled up a few time periods spent in one of the
heavens or hells or in the purgatory-like between lives admin
area. So there does seem to be something to this, and it seems
to be a local phenomena that only applies to recent earth track.

The heavens and hells seem to be used according to the
Buddhist theories rather than in the absolute manner preached
by Christianity.

If one leads an exceedingly good life, such as sacrificing
oneself for others, one might be given a sort of vacation in one
of the heavens. My one experience with this was that it was
very nice but mostly a scam. I only actually experienced a
few weeks at the beginning and at the end of my stay plus an
implant in between that told me I had a good time for a couple
hundred years. The mockups just take too much work to
make it cost effective for them to deliver more than a taste of

As to hell, they count on you punishing yourself through the
overt motivator sequence. But where that fails because the
overts aren't real to you, they adjust your reality with a stay in

Unfortunately, their judgment of good and evil are based on
arbitraries. Things such as violating physical universe laws
are considered evil. If there is anything behind the current
religious superstitions, then the between lives boys probably
sentenced Christ to hell for his working of miracles. And he
probably tore the place up and lead a whole bunch of people
out of there as described in Dante.

After a stay in hell (which is generally very brief), you are usually
set to work in between lives admin to make amends. There you spends
decades of tedium pushing papers around or whatever to keep the
between lives machinery working.

If you're viciously harmful in a good cause, you generally
get sent to hell as a demon to torture others instead of as a
victim. You're supposed to get disgusted with yourself and
flatten any harmful desires while not actually being punished
because you did something good.

The god of this pocket universe is basically a prison warden.
He and his staff are also convicts, but they are evil people who
did great service to the empire and are being reward (by
getting to play god) while being kept in exile because the
empire doesn't want them around. Note that the existence of a
sour local god neither proves nor invalidates the existence of a
supreme being. The theta flow that some holy men connect
with is certainly not a manifestation of this petty local tyrant.

According to the Tibetan Book of the Dead, there are many
heavens and hells of varying appearance and qualities, some
being higher or lower than others. They consider that most of
the heavens are mere pleasure places where one cannot gain
any true spiritual advancement. Buddha considered the entire
cycle, including going to heaven and hell etc., to be a trap.

The between lives area including the heavens and hells seems
to be sideways of our physical plane. See the various other
materials where I have discussed 4 dimensional mockups. In
the local area, if you exteriorize and go sideways in a 4th
direction without moving in the normal 3 dimensions, you
will find various mockups of heaven & hell etc. The various
"invader" installations, implant machinery, etc. is all there in
this odd direction. This is why you can exteriorize and find
bases on Mars or orbital stations around Venus that are not
visible in our telescopes. You have shifted sideways slightly
in a 4th dimension.

A 4 dimensional structure is only to be expected since this is a
prison area. Perception and most mockups were narrowed
down to 3 dimensions sometime before home universe. But 4
dimensional spaces can still be handled (with great difficulty)
and are used for things such as building prisons and
implanting precisely because they are difficult to perceive and
figure out.

The pocket universe seems to extend out to a distance of 1.3
light years. At this distance, there are 12 "zodiac masses"
which are the generating stations that manipulate the 4D space
time. I call them zodiac masses because they correspond to the
12 signs of the zodiac and may be used as part of the between
lives implant to lay in a bit of an astrological pattern.
Out beyond this distance is normal space/time. Out there the
universe has a 4D thickness, but all the layers are identical.
Here, in the prison, they have pried apart the edges and used
them for the fake heavens and hells and also to provide storage
areas which are capable of holding copies of the Earth reality
so that they can store the mockup for re-use as needed.


I'd had a bunch of odd ball ideas lying around for quite
awhile, feelings that I'd died in a nuclear war in the 1960s,
feelings that I'd been in Scientology before, etc. All
seemingly absurd and were shrugged off as some sort of dubin.

One day I decided to set aside logic and see if I could find and
run a 1960s nuclear war incident. I figured that I'd get
something which would eventually turn out to be a much
older incident after I'd run through it a few times and taken
some charge off. Instead I got the following:

In 1963, Richard M. Nixon was president, having beaten
Kennedy by a narrow margin in 1960. He had badly
mishandled the Cuban missile crisis and things had grown
worse to the point where a nuclear war was eminent. I was
in school when they herded us down to the basement, this was
around 9:15 AM. They told us that we had launched a
nuclear first strike at 8:32 AM. The public had not been
warned until the Soviet counter-strike was launched for fear
of giving early warning to the enemy. The sonic and visio on
this were quite real (the assistant headmaster saying to us
"Gentlemen, we are at war" etc.). At 9:26AM, the ceiling
smashed down on us as a nuclear blast destroyed the city.

Normally when you die, you come out in an "astral body".
But the heavy radiation tore this energy body as well as
the physical one and I had the feeling of dying as a spirit
as well as dying as a body. I remember trying to rise up
through the firestorm as my fields and substance shredded
and I died the double death.

And then there was nothing. Just blackness.

And then I seemed to be waking up in some higher space.
It was dark and I had no perceptions. But I felt a pressure
trying to push me back and put me back to sleep. But I

And then there seemed to be lights circling around me in the
distance. And they seemed to be singing, but there was no
sound, only intention. This impression of singing was probably a
subjective impression of being hit with a strong energy wave
that was implanting an intention. And the intention was for me to
go back to earth.

Then I found myself above the Earth looking down, and I could
see the explosions down on the surface. And gradually I came
to be aware of millions of other beings up in orbit along with
me, all of them watching the destruction of the world. And
more and more joined us as the dying continued. And there
was a sadness, not at mere death, but at the end of everything.
We were all of us ripe for any implant or orders which would
do something about the situation.

And then the circling lights were there again, orbiting around
all of us and around the Earth as well. And this time they
were singing "Go Back to 1957".

And it was February and it had just snowed. My child's body
was standing ontop of a snow mound and I felt irresistibly
drawn to it. And I forgot everything of the future and picked
up my experience and memories as they had been in 1957, and
lived on from there.

And this time Kennedy beat Nixon by a narrow margin and
everything was different.

I've been back over this incident quite a few times and I can't
find anything wrong with it except for the sheer impossibility
of it ever having happened.

So I tried to look for other things like this, and began to
try to meter asses years ago and Earth calendar dates as separate
things that did not have to add up properly. And I found many
occurrences of 1957 at varying numbers of years ago. And I found
many occurrences of the 20th century here on Earth and even some
times when we carried a bit into the 21st century before it all
fell apart for one reason or another.

The earliest 20th century incident that I could find seemed
to be in 1961 on Easter Sunday when Tesla's power grid went live
and the atmosphere burned.

And strangely enough, one's case and incidents and aberrations and
even GPM items all seem to shift back when time is reset. You
lose aberrations that you picked up later and you regain aberrations
that you mastered through will power or education. The only
exception being that if something were really thoroughly run out,
you only get back a shadow of it that seems to have little power
but you still try to put it there and don't remember getting rid
of it. But these shadows of aberrations that had been run in
earlier cycles seem to fall away extremely easily.

We went through many cycles of the 20th century before Scientology
was ever dreamed of. They can't let us get much later because
our technology gets too far advanced, and they can't push us too
far back because they have added too many new prisoners and
earlier centuries can't support a high enough population level.
So they have repeated this time period too many times. And that
may be causing us to wake up.

When Scientology was researched the first time, it was a slow
orderly progression building up from Dianetics. Techniques that
showed up in 1952 this time around were the final processes discovered
in the 1980s and 1990s during the first pass through the subject.
These were the things that had most recently been studied when
we found ourselves suddenly back in 1952 and so they sort of
showed up immediately even though no one remembered the years
of research that had gone into them.

And in a later major pass through the subject, the advanced
org was out on Long Island and things went fairly smoothly
because nobody considered us a threat. The endless troubles
that we have seen this time around did not occur then, and many
of us worked on the research.

In the year 1987 of that earlier cycle, with Ron and many others
all alive and well who are now dead or declared suppressive, we
attempted a prison break.

I'm not sure if we used some drug or trance or simply had gone
very very far with OT drills, but I remember lying down and
having a coach whispering in my ear and a thousand of us all
left our bodies simultaneously and stormed the heavenly plane.
And we fought a strange battle of mockups against angels and
demons and won because our confront was better. And as we
held victory in our grasp, the sun went nova and time was
reset and we were back in 1952 again.

And ever since that time, they've made sure that we were
always at each others throats and busy declaring each other
suppressive and making the subject into a mess and a scam and we
never again had a clean sweep forward like we did that one time
when we were unopposed.

Now that I've dumped all this in your laps, I'd better advise
you that I'm quite willing to find out that this is all just
some strange dub-in. Perhaps I just have an overly active
imagination. I certainly would not bet that the above is correct.
But lets keep it in mind, just in case.

If true, this would explain deja vu as being a real recollection
of the future (meaning an earlier pass through the same time period).

It also would mean that you'd better date incidents on Earth in
terms of years ago and not make any fuss if the answers are a bit
strange. Also be prepared for earlier similar occurrences of the
same incident at the same date.

There is also the possibility that so called "Natural Clears" actually
did the clearing course in earlier occurrences of these years on

There is something you can do which would be quite harmless if
this is just a stupid theory but which could be extremely helpful
if it turns out that time is being reset and repeated on us.
Pick a few key points earlier in your life when you first saw something
that had some great significance for you, and postulate very
firmly that when you see it again or relive the experience again,
you will remember this earlier time around.

Interestingly enough, this idea of reliving your current lifetime
has been around for quite some time. Usually the idea is stated
as reliving it to the point of perfection rather than the prison
theory which I have presented here. A recent popularization was
the movie "Groundhog day". The earlier source on this comes from
Bennet the mathematician who was a disciple of Gurdief in the early
part of this century.



After fooling around with this business of time being reset and
living the same lifetime multiple times, I began to doubt my vague
recollection of past lives.

I had run endless incidents, and some had been very productive of
case gain, but that did not guarantee the accuracy of the data.
Also, if you include Nots in the picture, you have to allow for
picking up and running other's incidents as well as your own.

By this point I had mapped out my current actual GPM and had dated
the last few dozen lifetimes here on Earth and had a vague idea of
who I was etc. But this also had some oddball stuff and loose ends.

What I felt was that the past life recall should be like remembering
having breakfast last week, and it was far from that. And I realized
that I was using the certainty of the impacts that occurred in heavy
incidents to dig up snatches of past life data. If I did that
for my current lifetime, I would have a few recollections of things
like being in the hospital once and no real idea of who I was or
what I was doing.

So I began to work with light everyday incidents and pleasure
moments. I tried to spot things like what kind of breakfast would
I have had or what would I have done for entertainment etc. And
at the same time, I searched for things that would validate my
recall and convince me that I was not just imagining this stuff
lock stock and barrel.

And finally I did come up with some things that convinced me that
I was remembering real data. Of course this was only subjective
proof and there is no way to show that I didn't look things up in
the history books first and then make up some lifetimes that fit
in. But the following stories should at least be a bit interesting
and maybe they will help you when you reach the point where you
need to undertake a similar search and validation for your own
past life recall (and please realize that you need to build up a
great deal of recall before you should even consider trying to
validate any of it, its just too vague and only half correct in
the early stages of processing).

Back around 1994 I was sitting in a coffee shop having breakfast
and considering how I might have sat around in similar circumstances
in earlier lives. And I thought of Constantinople.

I was already pretty sure of being at the fall of Constantinople,
and I had run an incident of standing on the walls and feeling great
sadness as the enemy overwhelmed the defenses. But now I found a
lighter and clearer recall of sitting in a tavern overlooking the
harbor and having some kind of sausage for breakfast. And I
frequented that place regularly and it seemed that I would sit
there in the mornings sketching out things that had to do with
defending the city.

And I remember drawing a plan for reinforcing a sort of elevator,
which was a huge wooden platform lifted by chains and pulleys.
This was used to raise catapults up to the top of the walls. But
in my sketch I was modifying it so that it could be used for
cannons. With that I knew that I was dubbing stuff in because
Constantinople had fallen in 1453 and I was sure that gunpowder
had not yet been invented.

But I decided not to worry about it and to keep running through
that time period on the basis that the dub-in would gradually
lift as I took more charge off. And it seemed that there was
a lot of charge there to be confronted. It seemed to me that
I had been some sort of leader or strategist planning the defense
of the city, but somebody else had shown up and replaced me as
commander and they had betrayed the city and caused it to fall.
My certainty in the incident was that we could have held the
city if it hadn't been for that. It seemed to me that the city
had been impregnable and that a traitor had opened the gates.

And then I tried to get the name I had then. I'm almost hopeless
on last names, but first names are fairly easy to remember.
But then it seemed to me that my first name was Paul, and that
didn't seem at all appropriate for somebody living in Constantinople.

The whole recollection was still pretty vague, but the Italian
sounding name and the cannons seemed to be unshakable on repeated
scanning through the time period. Eventually I decided to let the
matter drop and look things up in the history books.

I was shocked when I read the Brittanica's account. Giustiniani
(or Julian or Justin) had arrived just before the battle and taken over
the city's defenses. Paul (or Paolo) Bocchiardo and his brothers
had therefore been demoted from managing the main defenses (and
the main gate) and were placed in charge of holding the next
weakest of the gates. Julian then left a gate (actually a small
sally port) open and a few Turks stormed in before the Bocciardos
could get it closed again. When this handful of Turks showed up
behind the walls, Julian announced that the city was lost and
that he was badly wounded, and lead his troops from the walls
and sailed off while the city fell. And Constantinople did
indeed have cannons but they weren't used in the battle because
Julian convinced the Emperor that they would shake down the
city walls (which were a hundred foot thick) if they were mounted
on the walls and fired.

As to the Italian names, both Julian and the Bocciardos were from
Genoa and each had raised troops and brought them to defend the
city. My impression is that the Bocciardos had a rich shipping
business between the two cities and that the family maintained a
residence in Constantinople as well as in Genoa.

And another impression I had on reading about this was that I
would have followed Julian after the battle and killed him.

Eventually I found much more detailed accounts. When the Turks
stormed the position abandoned by Julian and swept into the city,
the Bocciardos maintained their position and held their section
of the wall until nightfall. They successfully evacuated their
men and got their ships out of the harbor and then sneaked out
themselves under cover of darkness. Now the accounts get
interesting. Paul was officially reported as having died while the
Bocciardos were escaping the city, but there are accounts of
people talking with him afterwards. The historians hypothesis that
there was some confusion as to which brother was which. I would
suggest however that if you were going to hunt down and kill another
citizen of Genoa, you might want to issue a false report of
your own death.

Then there is the matter of Julian's wound which he used as an
excuse to explain why he was leaving the walls (the Emperor mustered
what few troops he could and bravely held the main gate while
Julian made good his escape, the Emperor of course perished with
his men). All but one account consider that Julian's wound was
a fake or a minor scratch that was self inflicted. But one historian
considers that it must have been a real wound because there is
a record that Julian died at Chios on the day following the battle.
Although the cause of Julian's death is not recorded, it would
obviously be related to the battle, either being due to a real
wound, or, more likely in my opinion, being due to an angry man
extracting vengeance from a horrible traitor. I seem to recall
catching up with him in a tavern.

One might well ask why the city was betrayed. Julian was rich and
certainly didn't need any kind of payoff. Another interesting point
is that the Pope sent a fleet from Venice to help the city but it
managed to dawdle around and avoided arriving until after the city
had fallen.

And the politics are very interesting. Until the fall,
Constantinople had the greatest library of ancient documents in
the world. It was primarily a city of scholars and traders with a
small but highly educated population (three quarters of the city
within the walls was uninhabited and the parks etc. had been turned
into farming land - the population was under a hundred thousand
when it had been over a million in early times). They had original
versions of biblical books etc. which were quite different from the
versions that had been heavily edited by Rome, and they were
considered religious heretics and dangerous to the church.
They had all sorts of wild and non-standard ideas that were
a mixture of early (pre-Roman) Christianity combined with
Greek philosophy. This included things like trying to tap cosmic
energy, etc. When the head of the church in Constantinople made
peace with the Pope, his own priests rebelled and continued the

My own feeling is that Julian was asked to betray the city to
eliminate a dangerous source of heresy. This fits in well with
the Venetian navy rushing to the rescue (to create good public
opinion) while never quite making it to the city (they had
plenty of time and zig zagged around at sea for months). This
was the time period when the Catholic church was sinking into its
darkest era, with the Popes being concerned mainly with money and
power. Within a generation, the church would hit rock bottom
under control of the Borgia Popes and it would be a century before
the church was cleaned up and reformed.

As to the Turks, the previous sultan had been friendly to
Constantinople and the city was generally useful to them as a
neutral intermediary between the Catholic and Islamic worlds.
A hothead had just come into power and was making his name
with a holy war. But the cause was not popular and the siege
was running out of steam. A final attack was called for before
abandoning the whole thing as a bad job. That's when the city
was betrayed. Without that, the city would have made it into the
modern era. Of course we have Istanbul instead, and perhaps there
is not much difference. Except for one thing. All the books were
burned. It was comparable to the loss of the library at Alexandria.

For example, the Hermetica of Hermes Trimagistus (a metaphysical
reference work which is popular among mystics) was compiled from
earlier materials during the 1100s in Constantinople. Both the
compilation and the earlier documents were destroyed when the
city fell. The currently available editions are incomplete
reconstructions from other sources that had had access to the
library at Constantinople before it was burned.


The other lifetime I found where the history books provided some
validation was during the American Civil War.

Although I abhor slavery and prejudice, I always felt a strange
sympathy for the Confederate armies. This was hard for me to
understand because I had pretty much swallowed the popular view
that the war was fought over slavery. Even though I had seen the
occasional mention of the fact that it was really fought over
state's rights, this seemed to me to be a minor side issue when
I was in school and the teacher's did not really bring the point
home or offset the heavy federal propaganda which was originally
used to justify an unnecessary and bloodthirsty war and which still
remains a part of our culture to this day.

The truth of the matter is that popular opinion in Virginia and
North Carolina and the upper half of the south had already turned
against slavery. These states actually voted to remain in the
union after the deep south succeeded. And they did so knowing
that with Georgia and the rest of the gulf states gone, the heavy
anti-slavery majority in congress under Lincoln would ensure that
slavery would be eliminated within a few years as did happen in
Maryland and Delaware.

Of course the slave holding land barons were resisting this, but
the bulk of the population in the cities had already turned against
slavery. Most ordinary people had no vested interest to blind them
to the horrors of it, and even the rich businessmen were beginning to
see that you can't run an industrial economy with slave labor and
that you need a free population as a market for your goods. And
there was dissension among the ranks of the landed gentry.
General Lee for example, had freed his slaves before the war and
was sympathetic enough to the abolitionists to be offered the
command of the US Army by President Lincoln.

As to the deep south, they went into an immediate economic collapse
as soon as they succeeded. With a heavy trade embargo, Lincoln could
have brought them to their knees, and the morally torn states of
Virginia and North Carolina would have debated and protested and
waffled back and forth. It would have taken time, but it might even
have been accomplished before 1865. With only vested interests
and a morally repugnant practice to encourage resistance, the gulf
states could not have resisted the pressure. They had no real
industrial base and could not go it alone in a modern economy. The
true industrial base of the confederacy was in Virginia and North
Carolina and they were sticking with the Union.

But Lincoln was probably worried about the 1864 election, which might
disrupt a potentially successful embargo. He couldn't count on
winning it if the union was still divided, and he probably worried
about a compromiser being elected. And he must have foolishly
thought that a quick military strike could end the whole thing and
leave him as the great president who had both ended slavery and
beaten the rebels into line. I'm sure he never imagined that we
would still be at war by the fall of 1864 or he never would have
risked it. The faintest shift of events at Gettysburg gives Lee
a successful strike at one of the big northeastern cities and that
almost guarantees Lincoln's defeat in the election which comes in the
following year. And that almost certainly gives us a
worst case result which is a permanent division bathed in blood,
hatred, and periodic wars with slavery perpetuated for an ungodly
length of time.

And so Lincoln makes the stupid and horrifying mistake of launching
an all out war and calling for troops. And when he tries to draft
the citizens of Virginia and North Carolina, they promptly rebel.
And Maryland would have revolted as well except that Lincoln had
the Governor and his staff arrested for treason. And there were
even draft riots and barricades thrown up in the streets of New
York City.

Of course at this point Virginia and North Carolina should have
practiced civil disobedience and covert non-compliance and a
Vietnam style protest rather than going into open rebellion.
It is doubtful that Lincoln could have set himself up as a
dictator (which is what the Virginian's were really fighting
against) and a hated president can be ousted at the next election.
Even here a sane course could have reduced the horror and the evil
consequences. But events had proceeded past the point where
people would listen to reason.

The true price we paid was to be shackled under a strong central
government (instead of a loose amalgamation of states) and to
see a century of unjust prejudice perpetuated by hatred and
vengeance. For it is the engramic impact and the continual
reminder in terms of dead and maimed relatives and unscrupulous
carpetbaggers that ensured that the racial prejudices would be
cast in concrete instead of fading over the course of a few
generations. We might have had true civil rights by the turn
of the century (and certainly by the time of the suffragettes)
if Mr. Lincoln had restrained himself from launching the blood bath.

Of course I didn't think all of this initially. I used to think
that Lincoln was a great man. My change in attitude came first of
all from running incidents, and then from following it up with a
great deal of reading about the time period. I believe that all
of the above is historically correct.

Before my recall opened up on this time period, I only had a few
odd loose ends. First was an actual GPM item for that lifetime
which did not fit properly in terms of dating the birth. I was
certain that I had left the previous body in 1853 and the dates
I was getting for this late 1800s lifetime were obviously incorrect
and overlapping the previous life. Although I seemed to have some
sort of reaction on confederate generals and the civil war, I was
sure that I could not have been in it because I would have been
a child in 1860. There was also my odd fascination with American
railroads, which seemed to have no basis in any past life experience.
I knew I was European in both the preceding and following lifetimes
(the next one starts in 1893) and it seemed unlikely to me that
I would have had anything to do with America.

But, despite believing wars to be part of the trap and a grave
mistake, I have always found military strategy to be interesting
in a game playing sense. And there is a proposition, both by
Ron, and by other intelligent writers such as Gordon Dickinson,
etc. that a small group operating as individuals can take on a
large army. There is also the additional point that the American
Revolution was primarily won by frontier style fighting opposing
orderly regimentation.

So one day I wondered why the confederates hadn't simply all run
around in the woods as individuals and shot apart the invading
union troops in a guerrilla warfare like action. And then I had
the wild idea that I had tried it. And then the memory came back
to me.

What I recalled was that I was some sort of junior officer with
perhaps a company of men under me. Things were disorganized and
there were few trained officers at the lower ranks. So I had my
group to train as I saw fit, and I had heard stories about
revolutionaries bushwhacking the British. So that's how I trained
my men. I didn't believe in drilling them as if they were on
parade. Instead we went into the woods and ran around in mock
combat, hiding and sniping and trying to stay in touch with each
other while we did so.

And finally we marched off to battle. I couldn't remember which
one, but logically it seemed to me that it had to have been Bull
Run because I knew that one was a confused mess that happened at
the beginning of the war.

On the battlefield, while most of the regiments were marching around
in orderly lines, we were crawling and diving around through the
bushes. Of course what happened is that we got confused about our
position and lost contact with the rest of the Confederate troops.
About an hour later, we were crawling around in some tall grass
near a rise and I sent one of our men to go peak over the top.
He waved me over frantically. When I peered over the edge, there
was a wide creek and what seemed like thousands of Union troops lined
up along our side of it. And on the far side, upon a tree covered slope,
were the southern forces.

We tried to back away quietly, but one of the Union troupers looked
up and began shouting. I was freaked out. There were less than
a hundred of us and what seemed like ten thousand union soldiers
were about to turn around and come charging up at us. So I did
the only thing which I thought might save our lives. We had to
pretend to be a large Confederate force which had outflanked
the Union. I spread the men out and had them yelling like they
were company commanders. We had one flag, and I had them poke
it up once and then yelled at them to keep the flags down
until we're ready to attack. We fired one volley with every
gun we had (including firing pistols which were out of range)
and then yelled loudly to cease fire and wait for the main

Surprisingly enough, it worked. We created such a fuss that the
Union did think they were being outflanked and turned their
artillery on us. But the cannons were at the far end of the
union line and we were right on top of their people. So
they began blowing their own troops to hell because of their
poor aim. And then the Confederates across the creek, greatly
outnumbered, charged and the union line broke and ran from the

After running this, I tried to get more about that lifetime.
It seemed to me that I would have been disgusted with fighting
after that first battle. I was sure that I was from North
Carolina and would have gone back there as soon as possible.
But it seemed to me that I would then have been in the local
defenses and gotten sucked back in when the Union landed
invasion forces on the North Carolina coast. And then maybe
I would have ended up back in Lee's army and perhaps even
ended up as a general because I was known as a hero from
that first battle.

All I could get of my name was that I was called Bill. And I
knew that I had died in Europe in 1853, so I must have picked
up a grown body there at that time. And it seemed to me that
there might have been a 17 year old southerner studying
architecture in Europe when he took deathly ill and went into
a coma. And maybe that thetan left and I picked up the body
then. And I could remember designing a stone arch bridge
for one of the southern railroads (maybe the Richmond and
Danville?) in the late 1850s when I returned home, suffering
a bit of amnesia after my sickness (I seemed to know the
language and engineering but was uncertain as to people's names
etc.). My father was a civil engineer and we lived in a small
city along the coast. We had no slaves and I had little
understanding of the reality of it. And after I designed
that bridge, I was sent to the construction site. And I was
horrified by how they treated the slave labor that was used to
build it. I remember having a fight with the foreman and getting
beaten up by him.

In that lifetime I certainly wouldn't have fought to defend
slavery. But I would fight to keep my homeland from being invaded.
And I would fight to overthrow a dictator or a government that
tried to draft me and was ordering me to attack neighboring cities
that were in the state next door.

The attitudes I had in the incident when war first broke out
surprised me when I first discovered that I had felt that way.
Now that I have read a good bit more, they make a lot more sense.

It was at this point that I decided to dig into the history books
and see what I could find. And I found him. General William
Lewis of North Carolina. He was 17 in 1853, worked for the railroads
before the war, and became a civil engineer after the war, living
until 1893. The books don't say much, only about a paragraph, but he
was the hero of Big Bethel, the first battle in Virginia, with a few
thousand men on each side. And the Union artillery shelled
their own troops and the Confederates only lost a few men while
the Union ranks were decimated. I had gotten the name of the
battle wrong, but the details were right, and I certainly had
never even hear of the battle before, it only gets about a
paragraph in the biggest reference works. And after that he had
mustered out until the battle of Cape Fear where he is part of the
coastal defenses. And then he becomes a Corneal and joins the
regular army again, eventually begin promoted to General before the
end of the war.

As for military strategy, it seems to me that I decided that the
idea of loose individual forces was unworkable despite winning the
battle and went back to the ordered regimentation that was the usual
military style in the civil war. According to the history books,
the battle of Bull Run also had a lot of disorganized running around
which was handled by Stonewall Jackson forming his men up into a
"stone wall" which formed an organized position around which the
other troops could rally. These organized lines of men became
the keynote of military operation at that time. With hindsight,
however, it would seem to me that the ideal strategy would use
both with the solid formations providing strength and orientation
while the light individualized units drove the enemy PTS.

This concept might work well in many fields of endeavor. Having
both highly organized groups and totally independent individuals
all working towards the same long range goal should result in
the maximum horsepower possible. What ruins this are the implants
which place freedom and organization into opposition so that the
organized units try to force the individuals into line and the
individuals tend to fight the organization to retain their

The long range solution would be to run out the implants. In
the short term, the group members and the free beings should
work on mutual tolerance and those who are aware enough to
understand this should encourage the others to move in the right
direction. The right action when these two types come in contact
is to rehabilitate the shared goals rather than attempting to
control or unmock each other.


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Thu Dec 22 12:06:02 EST 2016
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

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