Monday, May 28, 2018

ADOR1041 (fwd)

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Just as a warning for the unwary and newbie to Scientology, I am a
fair gamed declared SP by Justice International, for creating, and posting my views and other's views
anonymously to the newsgroup, namely that clearing works some what for
some, but not so well for others but no OTs of merit were produced who
weren't already OTs before they walked into the shady shop of horrors.
This is in part because the people who practice Scn are not capable of
thinking with the tech, perhaps they know alot ABOUT the tech, but they
don't KNOW the tech. They weren't ALLOWED to think with the tech. Only
non thinking application was rewarded. Lot's of mechanics can fix
engines, but how many can design and build engines to fix?

The same was true for the Org and Flag, at least while I was there,
no one could think with the tech, they could only apply it rotely. No
reads, no real F/Ns, no wins to speak of, and the only thing that went
clear was my bank account, around $100,000 all told. Hey what would you
expect, I am a master SP, let's see you do better. Yes I did give a lot
of books to a lot of libraries. I figured since this shit works so
poorly on me, maybe I can destroy the rest of the planet with it too.

Same thing goes for much of the freezone which is made of lots of
people who think they can not think better than the non thinkers they
blew from, and who think their form of non think is better than standard
scientology but which in fact is so close to standard scientology they
can speak the same language and understand each other perfectly.

Once you study all the different dialects of the Freezone and the
church you find out its all just, er, clearing technology. And it sucks
rocks. All of it. It's backwards, its upside down, it wasn't written
by ANYONE except a few secretaries apparently, so many people are diving
to disavow any responsibility for the tech, you wonder if there are any
tech finders on Earth at all. Game finders yes, tech finders not so

Yes standard tech and freezone tech works somewhat on some people,
but the rest of them they fuck the hell out of them, and throw them
away. Most of them are still out in the zombie zone licking their
wounds. They could be rehabbed with a little understandings and some
tech that actually worked like wild fire solo that could be passed hand
to hand. So you ask what might that be?


Well in the bottom of a cracker jack box I found a little piece of
paper that said :

Your preclear is stuck in an INACTUALITY/DELUSION sandwich.

Above inactuality/delusion is DISASTER, and below
inactuality/delusion is HYSTERIA, followed by shock, catatonia and

Run for 20 hours dual or solo. If you don't have a partner and
want one, grab a bum on the street, and make him do it on you for food.

Run with model session II.

Auditor gives the command, and shuts up until the preclear says OK.
The preclear may or may not say anything, but he has to say OK to keep
the session going.

"Get the idea of NO DISASTER."
"Get the idea of SOME DISASTER."
"Get the idea of NO INACTUALITY."
"Get the idea of SOME INACTUALITY."
"Get the idea of NO DELUSION."
"Get the idea of SOME DELUSION."
"Get the idea of NO HYSTERIA."
"Get the idea of SOME HYSTERIA."
"Get the idea of NO SHOCK."
"Get the idea of SOME SHOCK."
"Get the idea of NO CATATONIA."
"Get the idea of SOME CATATONIA."
"Get the idea of NO OBLIVION."
"Get the idea of SOME OBLIVION."

Want a gradient? Start at oblivion and work upward to ruin hope
and help. That's what all these failed Scners came into Scientology to
attain, the ability to HELP. They failed so bad, now they are trying to
help by destroying scientology.


They never got it to run, because they were theetie wheeties
auditing theetie wheeties, and never got below the surface 'Hi how are
you, just fine thank you!' crap that passes for deep conversation on

And when you run into one of these snot nosed know it all monsters,
you know standard techies with an e-meter can up their ass, wagging
their finger at you for getting off the taped pathway, give them the
finger back and go have some fun with some real scientology (!TM)
technology that works for a change.

Then pass it onto the heart broken zombie zoner next to you.

Oh yeah a word of warning, there is another sandwich down at the
bottom of the awareness characteristic chart. It goes

CRIMINALITY (immortal criminality)
UNEXISTENCE (as a spirit)
HUMAN (mortal meat)

When you first start auditing humans and they pop their heads up
through spiritual nonexistence for the first time, to their first "Whoa!
I AM!", they find themselves emmersed in a sea of immortal criminality as
far as their eye can see.

That includes you as their auditor.

It is an ascension experience from where they were (human), but
most people call these monster vibes.

I won't write how to audit this, its too OTee top secrit to allow
out into the wild.

It's just too complex to contemplate.

Oh ok, here it is.

Step 1.

Now are you ready for this?

"Get the idea of NO ..."
"Get the idea of SOME ..."

Sheesh. Always you gotta draw 'em a map.

But watch it, your preclear is going to puke up his entire
existence, you won't have enough barf bags to hold it all.

Auditing is the process of bringing the preclear emotionally
up to date.

He suffered a loss, but never cried, 'I will cry later'.

Well later has come, and he is WAY behind.


======================= ========================
Posted: Mon May 28 15:25:07 EDT 2018
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================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

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