Monday, January 14, 2013

SESSIO18 (fwd)

This is true as far as it goes, but has an element of glibness about
deep and violent the core problem is.

One's efforts to lead a good and successful life are not necessarily
the proper domain of a God side being.

Soul side beings want a good life, but that's a GPM if I ever heard of


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Palle P ( wrote:
>The problem it to restore the unseparateness as the separateness seems
>to be held there by charge of an intensity that is almost impossible to
>face, as one has to remain at least partially conscious while facing it
>or it won't erase.

One has to ask WHY is there charge between separateness and

One is tempted to say well we lost the unseparateness so of
course there is charge, but maybe there was charge on HAVING
unseparateness, a detested static or immortality etc, a detested
something GOOD not a detested something bad, and that might change the
way we approach this charge.

For example I was thinking the other night while going to sleep,
what would happen if every night I just dozed off into the static,
totally at peace no problems forever for free etc. Would I be able to
stand this? :)

Do we WANT to be without worry?

>Sure. The problem is to stay allive when not flinching. There are some
>parts of the core case that makes one think more than twice before
>entering it.

Yep. Angels rush in where God's dare not go.

>But if one just stay uptone and very unserious about this
>stuff, it erases surprisingly easy. If one can bypass the protective
>barriers and stand it. But the "ego" sure hates such high speed erasure.

Yep, it's tiring work not flinching!

>Interesting how much everybody seems to agree. We are making progress.
>Total Freedom, joy and bliss here we come.

I got a short glimpse of the light a few hours ago, its quite
everything its chalked up to be and more. Well worth it.

>Well, it may take 30 years more of daily solo? Big job. But who knows,
>maybe it will at some point go very fast.

Worry seems to be the basic pivotal point between a magical
universe and a dead universe.

I can hear the skeptic rolling his eyes and saying "Oh right, I
have tried not worrying and it didn't work!"

No doubt.

But this guy couldn't get a broom to carry water if his life
depended on it, let alone make his life go right. So you gotta take
another look at the magic of no magic, and the pivot point of worry.

Worry and faith are counterposed. Not faith in God or some
extraneous source of help. One doens't have 'Worry in', so one
shouldn't have 'faith in' either.

One has worry about, and faith about.

One also needs to let go of micro managing one's own life,
just because something *SPECIFIC* didn't go right inspite of
one's faith, the overall flow is either towards the light or not
depending on one's operation of worry and faith.

Worry and faith make a big dicom.


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