Tuesday, April 19, 2011


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Hubbard said that there was theta the problem creator, and theta
the problem solver.

Adore says there is the game creator and the game player,

Creator and Creature.

The primary opposition of desire then is between the desire of the
game creator to extend the game, and the desire of the player to win the

Justice is that we get what we postulate.

If any justice exists at all, then of course justice reigns at all
times for the first thing we would have postulated is that it do so.

Thus one can surmise that we want what we have, and we have what we
want, and we have it exactly and only because we want it.

The question is which one of us wants it, the game creator or the
game player?

For those lost in the valley of the shadow of death, this can be a
hard question, for life certainly does not look desirable even as a game
we would have created for ourselves.

Life boggles our sense of could, would and should.

This is overwhelm, we can't create ourselves big enough as
creatures to consider that we were or are creators over our own game.

However all of life is God in carnation, thus it can be no other

Thus recovering for the being that he is playing HIS game, and that
he can call time outs on it periodically to adjust the laws of play,
goes a long ways to making a well and happy being.

He doesn't mind playing other people's games too, but only by HIS
choice, and if he gets too impressed with someone else's game he will
want to out do it himself in return favor.

Thus games and trade in games have gotten quite involved, and the
competition as to who can make the roughest, toughest, longest lasting
game is in the semi finals.

The games we lose quickly are no fun, the games we win easily are
no fun either. The games that are the most fun are the games that put a
load on our motor and keep it there.

The fun is in the chase, the quality of the dance from conception
to attainment.

Thus although the player pretends he wants to win, down deep he
knows the glory is in the play.

In the ideal game, he will play forever and then win at the end
just before his energy runs out :)

Much art only exists where there is form in movement, and thus
time, and time only exists where there is separation between conception
and attainment.

Thus the hardest games are the games of long duration, because they
were and are the most fun, but many of them may be forgotten by now, as
they went on 'too long'.

No they didn't.

Thus your pc may be found to be in a state of trying to continue a
game by not playing it, or trying to win a game by losing it.

These inversions need to be handled so the pc can come back to
orientation about what game it is he really wants to play and what game
he is and has been playing anyhow.

Every thing else will handle itself.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com

Thu May 3 01:00:14 EDT 2007

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Tue Apr 19 03:06:02 EDT 2011
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