Wednesday, October 13, 2010


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04/11/07 Wednesday 03:28am EST


A being consists of two operating functions, desire and view.

Desire is what he wants, and view is his conception of the Cosmic

He thinks his view is learned, that allows it to persist, but in
fact his view is created, and consists of the causal matrix of
postulates that he is living in.

The world is as he believes it to be, BECAUSE he believes it to
be. But there is a twist, the world persists, because what he
believes it to be is laced with lies.

In your average being, desire and view are in conflict, what he
wants he thinks he can't have and what he doesn't want he thinks he
has to have.

Sure there will be somethings he wants that he can have, but for
the most part, the vast majority of what he wants he is just sure will
never be.

And down deep the very nature of his beingness is something he
detests, he would never have wished it off on his worst enemy.

He is BEING something he doesn't want to be, but thinks he must
be it because it is HIM.

For example it is very easy for a being to conceive of a goal
that will take him 10 million years to complete. But if he is a
meatball he has at most 90 years if he is lucky, and so that goal
becomes impossible.

Although ultimately desire takes precedence over view, he has
desired to create a world where view takes precedence over desire, so
if he thinks he can't have something, he can't have it, and he will
blame it on something other than his belief. This allows it to
persist, just as he wanted it to.

Thus to understand a being the first question we must ask is what
does he desire?

The first thing that a being desires is Omni Sovereignty.

Omni Sovereignty means, you want it, you got it.

The next thing the being wants is to be able to sleep forever,
and live for a while in cycles of unmanifest and manifest of his own
design and the design of others (surprise).

The next thing the being wants is majesty, to not be sovereign
for a while. Majesty is the sovereign desire to not be sovereign for
a while, and creates Jokes of Eternal Self Treason, and Justice of
Eternal Self Truth, J.E.S.T.

"The only kind Justice there is and the only Justice he will ever
need forever for real is the humor that is aborned from getting the
JOKE, this is Justice Of Kindship Excaliper.

Thrill is always the effort to get lost, romance is always the
effort to get home.

High halcyon is humor on the verge (of time).

The halcyon winds of summer heal the cold cruel wounds of
winter." - Adore

The world is majestic because the world is a majestic practical
joke, suitable for a King of Kings, a Sovereign Omni Lord, an Omni
Operating Lord God Almighty.

"What is a Lord God Almighty? When you see one, you go "Lord God
Almighty!" - Adore

Now with sovereignty we have a problem, the being
fundamentally exists in a matrix of the AllThatIs that already exists
regardless of what the being thinks about it.

In other words the AllThatIs doesn't exist BECAUSE someone thinks
it exists, the AllThatIs exists because it exists. It didn't have to
exist, there could have been just nothing forever for free, but by
some quirk of luck, something exists instead of nothing.

"The existence of a multi faceted operating actuality is self
evident" - Sufi saying.

That something, which exists, is a very rich and involved
something, in that it consists of endless numbers of beings who can
desire and create views which are then either aligned or counter to
those desires.

Now this something which exists could have been anything, hell it
could have been a tar ball with beings embedded in it forever for
free, screaming to die but not able to.

So apparently we have been more than just a little lucky, in that
not only does something exist, it is also *KIND*.

"You seek the Grand Spring Phrases,
And so shall you find,
For the True Lies will free you,
To Operate as you Kind." - Adore

(As you kind means as you will, what you are kind to.)

"The Kind Ship of a King is Kin dom, Kind dom and King dom. Ship
is the stately ship of your life, Kin is anyone we Kind. Kind-dom is
the domain of operating Kindness, the rules of play, and Kingdom is
the domain of the land, the playing field." - Adore

Now here is where the problem comes in, a sovereign being can
have what it wants just by wanting it. But what about the pre
existing matrix in which the being exists that the being's desires had
nothing to do with creating?

Does it match the being's desires?

Does the being find the world it is born into as native state,

If the being is going to have perfect sovereignty, then it is
going to be necessary that the being's fundamental desires are in
perfect alignment with the nature of the already existing AllThatIs,
so that even though the being is not creating the AllThatIs with its
desire, it might as well have.

Are the being's desires in perfect ACCORD with the WHAT IS?

One can well ask here, well the being's desire did not shape the
nature of (fundamental) existence. So of all the things that could
have existed, and all the desires a being could have had, why are they
in perfect accord?

Does the being desire what exists merely because existence came
about first, and out of some kindness or happenstance, made itself
desirable to the being?

We just luck out?

Could it even be possible for an existence to exist with beings
in it whose desire was not in accord with the nature of that

Woe to such beings, for they would be forever discontent at the
nature of the AllThatIs in dischord with what they most fundamentally

Their desire would not be sovereign because they would desire one
thing, and have something else.

Notice if one does believe that it is impossible for an existence
to spawn beings whose desires are not in accord with fundamental
truth, then the mere fact that one detests mortality means it is not
true, for if it were, no one would care.

In this case, the DESIRE to be immortal implies we are.

Surely to have a universe that was not in accord with the being's
fundamental desires would be an eternal hell of magnitude.

Mortals are this way, they don't WANT to be mortal after all, but
there they are, incipient carrion on the future near track.

So their view is not in accord with their desire.

Oh yeah a lot of meatballs will tell you how great it is to die
and make room for the next guy, but that ain't sanity talking, that's
sour grapes at best, zombie zoning at worst. Any one even vaguely
alive in the head will tell you that death is a nightmare, that they
will NEVER have time enough for love, and they would certainly choose
to be immortal if they could just sleep as long as they wanted to
between cycles of manifestation, finite whiles.

The real question they have to face is if they WERE immortal
would they ever *FAIR CHOOSE* to engage in dreams of death forever for

Being immortal is easy, its this dying stuff that's hard.

And then once they have handled that question, they can start in
on would they fair choose dreams of hell forever (for a while).

And once they have handled both questions to E/P and have
regained appreciation for and facility with creating dreams of
ludicrous demise for themselves and others, why hell, send them a bill
and get on with the next meatball in line.

Send them a large bill.

People who have cleared this stuff for real won't have much need
for possessions, but will be more than able to have possessions, and
probably more than their fair share.

They will be able to pay it.

Mortals are kind of funny.

You know alcoholics and drug addicts start to hallucinate bugs
crawling under their skins? Well that's just millions of GE deaths
coming up for show. What a joke eh? The mortal meatball suffers from
endless numbers of past track death engrams which he uses to convince
himself that when he's dead, he's dead, and that's it Bud!

"You see I am dead 150,000 times, how much more dead can I be?
Do you believe me now?"

There is an old saying, only death can kill you.

So if the guy is dying from his case, I mean can't breath, can't
sleep, can't get up in the morning, highest goals are suicide, being
bug food, has dreams of bugs and babes in endless cycles, and things a
lot worse and better, then you know he is dying of *DEATH*.

He has a super charged case on the subject of DEATH and only
auditing death and its prior hell forevers will relieve him of his

You might want to run:

"Who or what do you still want to murder?"

"What apology has been refused/withheld?"

On the other hand you might want to continue reading.

By the way if the bug pickers just sat back and relaxed about the
bugs, the little buggers would all fall off him.

Then he can graduate up to the snakes and parasites and black
evil things from hell that no words can describe.

Don't worry be happy, they can only stick to flinch and cringe.

Christians are the same way as mortals, their desire and view are
totally opposed.

They don't really want people to go to hell forever, but they
won't ever admit it openly because they are afraid their God will nail
them for malservience. But down deep they know their God is an
asshole, and that provides them then with the game of trying to be
better than their God.

The law of nobility however guarantees they will fail.

"No man will ever strive to be more noble than the nobility of
the universe he conceives created him." - Adore.

Thus anyone who believes he was made by an asshole is fated to
become an asshole.

That explains a lot.

Love can not exist in an absence of respect and admiration.

So just understanding this one fact that one's desire is in
perfect accord with the fundamental truths of the AllThatIs, even if
one doesn't quite believe it for the moment, goes a long ways towards
understanding how to reoperate being an OT again.

The being has come a long ways down from knowing what those
fundamental truths are. In fact if you simply took everything the guy
believed, and reversed most of them, you would have a pretty good
glimpse of top scale. I say this because anything the guy believed
that was actually TRUE wouldn't persist long enough to have a half
life worth recording.

I mean he would have to kind of dredge it up out of some primal
memory "Oh yeah love, respect and admiration form a triangle, one goes
out the tubes, all go out the tubes." A second later, poof, its gone,
he is back to reality again.

Thus we find that for sovereignty to exist, the AllThatIs at the
top must be in perfect accord with itself.

Thus the being can have exactly what it wants, even though for
the pre existing matrix of fundamental truths, they don't exist
BECAUSE the being wants them. He simply lucks out because he has them
anyhow and they fit his grand plan just fine when he first wakes up.
"Woah, way cool!..."

This also means that what exists now, exists because it was
WANTED. Thus trying to get rid of it without first finding how and
why it was desirable, won't ever work.

What holds created things in existence, is the top level edge of
beauty, humor and desirability, the aesthetics of ludicrous demise.

Beauty, humor and desirability are the pins that hold the veil to
the curtain rod.

It's one great big smile.

"High appreciation for ludicrous demise" - Adore.

Thus not only does the AllThatIs exist, but it is happy it
exists. In fact the AllThatIs is so happy with itself, it is at utter
peace with itself.

This is the High Cool of Adore, and the peace that passeth all
understanding of the Christians.

The being can go to sleep forever and know that when it wakes up,
it will be nothing but fun from beginning to end until the next time
it wants to sleep.

But now we come to the next problem with sovereignty, clearly the
being does not have what he wants in present time.

However sovereignty can not be lost, changed, created or

Sovereignty is eternally immutable.

There can be a sovereign desire to not be sovereign for a while,
but the resulting non sovereignty can only happen as an apparency.

We can APPARENTLY be mortal, but not ACTUALLY be mortal.

We can APPARENTLY be in hell forever, but not ACTUALLY be in hell

Eventually the ovens run out of gas and meatball grease, hell
freezes over, the while ends, everyone wakes up, and all are free to

Just so we can APPARENTLY be non sovereign, but never actually
lose our sovereignty.

Thus sovereignty is operating at all times.

But if sovereignty is having what we want, and we don't have what
we want in present time, then we must want to not have what we want!


That means that if I want some pretty girl, but I can't have her,
then I must also NOT want to have her in opposition to my desire to
have her.

Now most people don't think this way, its way too close to an
as-isness, and preserving the game is all too important.

I mean what fun is there in getting laid?

Much more fun to mope. Beautiful sorrow.

So when the girl gives them the snoot, they just consider they
can't have her, but still want her. Thus they live with the idea that
their desire is not sovereign.

"You can't always have what you want."

Run R3SC.

This illusion can only continue as long as the being refuses to
acknowledge the WANT NOT that is preventing the girl from being
interested in him.

He desires to be desired (by her), but he is also denying his
sovereign desire to NOT be desired, and thus he continues with the
problem of the girl not desiring him.

So what happens when two sovereign desires collide with each
other? The being gets stuck in a ridge, with him *APPARENTLY* only on
one side of it, the side he is aware of.

This is the victim side.

His side can be the desire side or the not desire side, but in
either case he is unaware of the other side, 'villain' side.
Thus the ridge persists and the problem is never resolved.

Desire often manifests as pulling in, trying to get, and not
desire manifests as pushing out, trying to get rid of. But the other
side of the ridge will have a pulling out or pushing in to balance the
being's apparent known desire and its efforts.

The others side of the ridge is called the hidden counter desire.

This is the desire and its efforts that oppose the apparent known
desire of the being.

Thus there are 4 possible combinations of pull and push.

Inside Outside
Apparent desire Counter desire
1.) Pulling in <--------- ---------> Pulling out
2.) Pulling in <--------- <--------- Pushing in
3.) Pushing out ---------> <--------- Pushing in
3.) Pushing out ---------> ---------> Pulling out.

1 and 3 above form solid ridges where the arrows meet, 2 and 4
form cave ins and cave outs, for the being is being helped in his
efforts to have and not have by he knows not what.

Now this is extremely heavy material.

Thus there is that which exists independent of the being's
sovereign desire but which matches it exactly anyhow, and then there
is everything else that becomes created by the being which matches the
being's sovereign desire by definition, including his matrix of self

Thus is formed the sovereign desire sandwich, the being is caught
between those things that exist forever which he wants, and those
things which exist for a while (temporally) which he wants.

He doesn't have to worry about changing the eternal things
because they can't be changed, and they are fine as they are anyhow,
but he can change the temporal things any time he chooses and knows

He looses his knowledge of how to change things by choice, and he
regains it by choice because when he chose to lose it, he set himself
up again to regain it.

He can also just regain it by prime postulate, but just so he can
also just lose it by prime postulate.

This is as he wishes it to be.

It adds randomity to the mix.

One's wisdom ebbs and flows with the layout of the game.

He really begins to lose it however when he tries to make a while
last forever, in order to make up for the loss of direct eternality.

How much charge does a being create when he believes he is

A finite amount of temporal charge, but an infinite amount of
eternal charge.

The reason that temporal charge is finite is because charge is
created by loss, violation of sovereign desire. All in-time events
are finite in scope and if you were to lose all of it, it would still
be a finite loss.

However eternal charge is infinite, because loss of an eternity
is loss not only of a direct and present infinity, it is also loss of
an infinite number of finite whiles, temporalities, in the past and
future of the being which he could have manifested in that eternality!

In other words eternity engages in endless cycles of whiles.

Although each while is finite, there have been and will continue
to be a infinite number of whiles to engage in. The being is utterly
'new' at the beginning of each while, so he doesn't accumulate mass
across eternity to eventually sink him. There is mass enough in each
while to sink anyone for a long time.

Thus loss of eternality creates a double whammy, an infinite loss
of itself (unimpingable peace), and loss of an infinite number of
whiles (unpeaceable impingement). That's a lot of girl friends and
love he won't have ever again once he dies one day as a mortal.

Talk about sad.

But the joke is, this is all exactly as he wants it, and he knows

Down deep he knows it, but he wonders, because now he has lost
sight of what causes all this loss to persist, again by intent,
through fair chosen operation of majesty.

Now there is no cause in the past, because sovereignty can only
act in the now, and there is no cause in the future, because
sovereignty can only act in the now.

And there is no other cause beyond him, because if there is it
was conceived and invited in to play in his own dream by his own
sovereignty in the past, and STILL IS in the now.

"Gee wouldn't it be nice if there were some other cause..."

That's called an invite.

Wham, he gets it in the conception of it, that's omni sovereignty
operating extending an invite to others to come in to play, in his

A long time later you find him at religious insanity,

"Who or what is cause around here and why is it such an asshole!"
- - Adore

Thus if the guy has something he doesn't want NOW, there MUST be
a desire NOW that he have something he doesn't want now.

And you thought you were schizophrenic.

The two opposing desires produce a ridge which sticks him in a
continuing persisting state of not having what he wants and having
what he doesn't want.

Notice he doesn't have an UTTER void of girls in his life, just
an unsatisfactory number of them, thus these two desires are in
balance, and they are crushing him out of existence to just that
degree. It can get a lot worse if the counter desire becomes
stronger, or it can get better if the counter desire starts to as-is.

This process is called game tuning.


Now you might ask if he wanted all this ludicrous demise, why
would he change it even if he could?

Well if he really still wants it, he won't change it, but he will
have to forget how to change it in order to maintain the status quo

You got that? MERE AWARENESS.

The solution to the problems of Majesty is mere awareness of

Reoperation of Majesty is sufficient solution to any problem of

"Power stems from operating majesty." - Adore

Power is originally used to create limitations, but as-isness of
that power and its majestic intent will discreate those same

As long as he is going 'Majesty, what majesty?' he will continue
as he is. But the moment he goes 'Oh Majesty, right...' it will start
to come apart.

Now there is a lot to come apart, and if he bolts during the
process he might kill himself dead from a heart attack or brain
annurism, so you really got to be competent with this material.

Reality has got you mad as hell and all murderously wound up
about the AllThatIs, and you let that out in an uneven flow and it
will cripple you and toss you around the room, and leave your body
lying inside out on the floor.

So how do we run this? Well its so simple its just too stupid to

The guy has a condition. A condition results from a failed
desire of some sort. The guy doesn't realize that HE has a counter
desire to keep the condition in place. It's old, and big, the kind of
thing King of Kings like to do to themselves when they are bored, so
first thing the guy has to do is encompass the enormity of the desire
represented by the condition, and then the enormity of the countering
majestic desire keeping him at bay.

That way he goes from one small being, to two times a big being,
you see?

Now look the condition isn't usually killing him, its probably
just crippling him, so he has these two desires finely in balance.

If he gets just the slightest peek at the majesty of the
countering desire, the opposing force will ameliorate just a bit and
he will be able to stand up just that much taller without cowering at

Keep auditing this and he will probably reach a place where the
condition is comfortable again for him, he's quite happy to have it,
not quite ready to do without it, because hey he created it for a
reason, paid a lot for its design, and he will start auditing some
other condition that is cramping his style long before the first
condition is completely gone.

After a while, his constellation of 'conditions' will be released
enough all around, that he can get up and play again, the future
becomes his toy rather than the other way around, and he will lose
conditions completely like scabs fall off wounds that have healed when
you don't notice. If he's still picking at the scab, it needs more
auditing and he will come back to it in time.

So how do you run this. Now look I meant what I said above, if
you have never had a heart attack, this will give you one. If you
stop running when the pain turns on, it will crush you dead.

If you have any rabbit genes in your genetic makeup, get someone
else to run this on you, don't solo it.

figure it out eventually, the pain will get even keel as you swap back
and forth in proper tempo with the thing running out.

Getting in tempo and sync with the flows are important.

Get too far behind or too far ahead and the pain will turn on
warning you of your error. If your heart starts pounding, fast
inbreaths, and *VERY* slow outbreaths will keep you alive until it


Fear is like a pool of water,

Resist and it eats you and you forget who and what you are, never
to return.

Dive in and the fear turns to pleasure waves.

"Who do you still want to murder?"

OK, so here is the process in all its silly glory.

Spot a condition, hopefully a serious one, one that has NEVER
changed in forever no matter how much auditing you have had.

You don't care about the squeeze-me-nots on your face, but
perhaps that back ache you have had for how long will do.

Get the feeling of your desire to get rid of the condition.

Get the feeling of your desire to have the condition.

That's it.

Don't get into significances, you don't care WHY you want or
don't want something, you don't even care what it is you want or don't
want, you won't know for a long time anyhow, if you think you know you
are probably wrong, you will just be limiting the scope of the

The *CONDITION* is the symptom of mishandling the desire ridge,
of pushes and pulls, struggling like crazy against something you can
never win against. Driving desire into your self in this way will
ruin the heart of anyone.

Just spot the condition.


Let it flow, watch the collisions, notice the movement, the
crashing of forces.


It's ok if you can't, just get the IDEA there is a desire to have
the condition, lord knows what it might be, you don't care.

Let it flow, watch the collisions, notice the movement, worship
the pain that turns on, it means its working. As the pain gets worse,


Back and forth until the pain subsides and the whole scene
loosens up for you.

Then take a breather, pat yourself on the back, you just operated
your God Hood.

So much for proof.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Wed Apr 11 03:29:40 EDT 2007

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